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Home Page Archive: 2011   

Eugène Godfried in Memoriam:

New film: 1912, Breaking the Silence by Gloria Rolando

Queloides: Raza y Racismo en el Arte Cubano Contemporáneo

Perez-Sarduy launches English translation of the Maids of Havana at Harvard, 3/31

Poesía Anónima Africana


De Guillermina Ramos Cruz

María Elena Mendiola, 9/09

Ilé Tüntun, 9/09

UNESCO grants medals to Cubans, 6/09

Over the Waves
Sobre las Olas
, 6/09

  Pedro Martinez & Roman Diaz: Routes of Rumba, 2009

Scholar & journalist
Eugène Godfried passes to the ancestors, 3/09

Voice of the Leopard, Ivor Miller, 1/09

First Abakuá Festival in Miami, 2/09

Guillermina Ramos Cruz

Death squad gunman threatens Obong of Calabar, 8/25/08

Bassey Ekpo Bassey,  crowned Obong of Calabar, 4/6/08

Inés María Martiatu 
Investigadora  y Narradora

Tata Güines


Angel Guerrero and Roman Diaz

Proyecto Tibaracón


Alexis Esquivel Gallery: Criollo Remix

Painter Gordillo Arredondo

Oshogbo, Nigeria: dancer painted by Mendive, 10/05

Cubans in Calabar
, 12/04

Mariana Grajales - Mother of Cuba and of Antonio Maceo

Under the Radar - A Survey of Afro-Cuban Music 

Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, And National Identity 

General Antonio Maceo y Grajales

Ekpe Festival: Ebongo Masquarade, Calabar, Nigeria

Invitacion de la Cofradia de la Negritud - Lanzamiento de libro y lectura de poesía: Ediciones el Puente en la Habana de los años 60; Video-taller con el audiovisual "El taxista a full" (España, 2005), 15/7/11

Famed rumberos Los Muñequitos de Matanzas to tour US 4/11 - 5/11

Goodbye Manning Marable, 4/6/2011 (en español) de Gisela Arandia. See also Manning Marables' articles on Cuba.

Gloria Rolando visits Texas Southern University, Film Festival in Houston
3/22/11 to 4/1/11

The Black Women of Cuba from the 20th Century into the 21st
, May 21 to 28, 2011. Trip from US to Cuba organized by Common Ground and Pedro Perez Sarduy.

The 12th annual Eva Gaspar Festival, 3/2011 El duodécimo festival Eva Gaspar, 3/2011 Eva Gaspar was a leader of the Haitian community in Ciego de Avila.

Premier en los cines Yara y Acapulco del documental de Gloria Rolando sobre “el Partido Independiente de Color”, la Habana
, 11 de agosto, 2010. Intervinieron muchos intelectuales, historiadores y personalidades de la cultura cubana, le hicieron elogios al documental en todos los sentidos y estan esperando ya la segunda parte.

Documental histórico sobre problema racial en Cuba, CubaNow, 8/16/10 Gloria Rolando y el documental 1912, su exito en Cuba.

"Queloides" Catalog  1/6/2011 Matress Factory Shop

Queloides/Keloids: Raza y Racismo en el Arte Cubano Contemporáneo - Race and Racism in Cuban Contemporary Art
. Havana, 4/16/10-5/31/10. Pittsburgh, 10/8/10-2/27/11. Link to YouTube videos of Queloides II in 1999 and Queloides III 2010, 9/14/10. Hip hop performance by Soandres DelRio.

Eugène Godfried in Memoriam
: a celebration of his life, Guantánamo, July 6, 2010. Billed as a First International Meeting, with plans for follow-on meetings. Sponsored by the Haitian Community and the Anglophone Community in Guantánamo, with the participation of the the British West Indian Welfare Center and the Ballet Folklórico Babul. We have a report from Professor Tony Van Der Meer: Guantanamo’s Cuban British West Indian Welfare Center Hosts the 1st International Eugene Godfried Memoriam Gathering, 7/1510.

Orlando Hernández, Cuban art critic, curates “Without Masks,” first Cuban art show in South Africa with 26 artists and 80 works on Cuba's African Heritage. 23 May - 29 August 2010. Press reports.

Dos Boletínes Express de Cultura Afrohispana, 6/10: 1) Trailer del nuevo documental “Afran, rostros en la memoria” y 2) Autores afrohispanos con la infancia

Gloria Rolando's new films, 1912: Breaking the Silence/1912, Voces para un Silencio, premiered in Havana, March 19, 2010. She toured the US in April while Voces para un Silencio aired on Mesa Redonda in Cuba. During her tour, a video was made of her talk at the Stone Cultural Center at UNC.

20 años de los primeros Tambores de Fundamento en Santiago de Cuba, 10/1/09 "Apadrinados y consagrados por el matancero Domingo de la Caridad Esteban Vega Bacallao, líder religioso." - Chachá, maestro de la percussion y miembro de los Muñequitos de Matanzas. 

Cornel West and James Early: Cuban Racism, Tavis Smiley Radio Show, 12/09 James Early recommends AfroCubaWeb for information on AfroCuban approaches to race, identity, and racism.

Laying the groundwork for another 1912, 12/8/09, Alberto Jones comments on the Carlos Moore letter, "Acting on Our Conscience." Sentando las bases para otro 1912, 8/12/09 Alberto Jones hace comentarios sobre la carta "Acting on Our Conscience."

Acting On Our Conscience - A Declaration of African American Support for the Civil Rights Struggle in Cuba
, 12/09 Letter signed by 59 African Americans, organized by Carlos Moore.  For additional coverage of this event, see our News page.

Response from Cuba: Message from Cuba to African American Intellectuals and Artists, 12/2/09  Mensaje desde Cuba a los Intelectuales y Artistas Afronorteamericanos, 12/2/2009  

First act of new UNEAC commission on the fight against racism: a commemoration of Antonio Maceo's mother, Mariana Grajales. 11/28/09

West Africa at the heart of Cuba, Nigeria Daily Sun, 11/12/09

Libro nuevo de Guillermina Ramos Cruz: Lam y Mendive, Arte Afrocubano, 2009

Articulos de María Elena Mendiola, directora de orquesta, investigadora:  Nota para el CD Fiesta de tambores: Tata Güines, manos de seda, 1/08 Leo Brouwer: un genio del siglo XX americano, 9/06, Cancionero Cubano: Chucho Valdés, 8/05 

Ifa Salvara Nuestro Mundo en Crisis, traduccion de Ifá will mend our broken world por Wande Abimbola, portavoz y embajador por la religion y cultura Yorùbá en el mundo." 59 paginas, PDF, 7 MB. Publicado por Ilé Tüntun, 9/09

Boletínes Ilé Tüntun, 1999-2009, PDF 22 MB, 288 p. con buscador y indices. División Informativa de la Religión Yoruba Afro-Latina en Latinoamérica.

Festival Calendario Yoruba XII - Ilé Tüntun, Venezuela, 1 to 7 June, 2009: photos, many participants

Andrés Alberto Aguiar Achi, painter in Abacuá themes, 8/09

UNESCO's Chairman Olabiyi Yai confers medals on Cuba and Cubans for cultural diversity and combating racism, 6/09

Cuba: Narrativa, Raza y MujerAlberto Abreu: revisando Sobre las Olas/Over the Waves de Inés María Martiatu Terry, 6/09 

Pedro Martinez & Roman Diaz: The Routes Of Rumba - Rumbos De La Rumba, 2009 CD, Descarga Editor's Pick. Photo gallery.

Scholar & journalist Eugène Godfried passes to the ancestors, Curaçao, 3/29/09.  AfroCubans have lost one of their greatest Caribbean friends. Tributes are pouring in. Services attended by over 500 people, including ministers from several governments, and broadcast by TeleCuraçao via YouTube link. Press Release. Final Rites of Passage: Eugene Godfried, by Tony Van Der Meer, African Studies, UMass, Boston, 4/13/09

Pedro Pérez-Sarduy at the Salon du Livre, Paris, 3/09, celebrating the French translation of his novel, Las Criadas - Les Bonnes de la Havane.

First Abakuá Gathering in Miami,
2/2009. Photo gallery.

Groupe Aconcha Marina debuts in France with Aconcha, 1/09. Web site includes videos.

Convergencia y Elegia para Tomás y Walterio, Pedro Pérez-Sarduy, 1/09

Guillermina Ramos Cruz
: La soga invisible del performance en Cuba en Perfornance y arte-accion en America Latina, PDF 4MB, 2005.  La soga es un tipo de cuerda con que eran separados los blancos y los negros en los bailes de Cuba. 9/08

Guillermina Ramos Cruz: Cultos religiosos y creencias populares en el arte contemporaneo de Mexico, Venezuela y Cuba en Arte latinoamericano del siglo XX, PDF, 514 kb, 2005

Osogbo festival of the river-god Osun, BBC, 8/08, pics

Death Squad attacks Obong Palace, Cross River State, Nigeria 8/25/08 The Obong, traditional ruler of the Efik, escapes unhurt, many are wounded.  Efik Ékpè lodges are ancestral to the Cuban Abakuá. Letter from Obong Bassey Ekpo Bassey to the Inspector General of the Nigerian Police, 8/27/08  Extensive photo journal of the initial attack: help identify the hoodlums, 8/25/08

An African Odyssey - new film on Cuba's African ventures, from Che in the Congo to Cuito Cuanavale in Angola. Directed by Jihan El-Tahri, 6/1/08

Documentos del Partido Independiente de Color  5/17/2008 La Jiribilla, Havana 

Narrated photo-gallery of the coronation of the new Obong of Calabar, 4/6/08 Calabar is one of the homelands of the Cuban Abakuá. Interview with Bassey Ekpo Bassey, now the new Obong of Calabar, on 2/25/08.  A progressive journalist, he favors the Cuban Abakuá's defense of their culture.  The Obong has received congratulatory messages from across Nigeria as well as support from Cuban Abakuá.  His people fought off 5 attempts at a second coronation by corrupt elements, resulting in over 20 machete wounds and 1 dead. The crooks were successful on the 6th attempt, backed by a massive Cross River Government security presence and with the support of missionaries bent on destroying Efik culture.  See The Obong in the News for continuing news on the fall out of these events.

Ibiono, ensayo sobre una musica Abakuá, por Angel Guerrero, 3/08

Cuban Abakuá fueling a resurgence of traditional Ekpe culture in the Cross River Delta, Nigeria, 2/08

Photo gallery from the Workshops of Rumba and Conga “Alfonso  Iyaé” CubAché in Bejucal, Havana, which this year is 13th – 14th December 2008

Inés María Martiatu: investigadora teatral y narradora, la Havana, tiene su blog sobre temas afrocubanos.  Bilingual edition of Inés María Martiatu's "Over the Waves and Other Stories / Sobre las olas y otros cuentos," 3/2008

 Se murio el famoso percusionista Tata Güines. Famed percussionist Tata Güines dies at 77. 2/4/08

Convocatoria: Coloquio Internacional sobre Investigaciones de las Religiones Afroamericanas
, 5/08, la Habana, Cuba.

La Cuestión tabú, el pensamiento negro cubano de 1840 a 1959, Selección y presentación por María Poumier. L'apparition de la culture cubaine. Traduction par María Poumier de "Cómo se forjó la cultura nacional", por Walterio Carbonell, la Habana, 1961. 12/17/07

Cuban Americans write letters to the Florida Times Union editor attacking African American columnist  Tonyaa Weathersbee because of her articles on Cuba. Alberto Jones comments. 11/07 This and other stories on our News page.

Johannes García y la Compañía JJ: arte de inspiración popular, 10/11/07 Fotos: Homenaje a JJ, 10/5/07 

New Abakuá  website up: Enyenison Enkama, Africa Speaks, with Angel Guerrero, Roman Diaz, and Pedro Martinez.

Seeing the people, not Cold War politics, Florida Times-Union, 2/07. By Tonyaa Weathersbee, a member of the Trotter Group, this article is about Alberto Jones, who writes a column on this site.

The Open Wound: The Scourge of Racism in Cuba from Colonialism to Communism by Iván César Martínez, former Cuban diplomat, 10/07.  Also has comments on our Eugene Godfried 1912 interview.

Artist Choco to open gallery exhibit in London, 10/11/07. Interview with Choco

Pérez-Sarduy poem "Hasta la Victoria Siempre" included in new work, Che in Verse, 10/07. Cuba, the Melting Pot., Pedro Perez-Sarduy Interview in Morning Star, 9/24/07

AfroColombian author, Stella Estrada, inspired by Abakuá, writes "Írimo", 9/07

Reflexiones sobre el Abakuá, 9/07 Angel Guerrero. With some secrets of Cuban history.

Works by José Millet, formerly of the Casa del Caribe, Santiago, and now Director of the Centro de Investigaciones Socioculturales del Instituto de Cultura del Estado Falcón in Coro, Venezuela:
La iniciación de un omo-alaña, 1/2004
La Casa del Caribe y Haití, 12/2003

Cuba: Algunos Desafios del Color, 1/07 de Esteban Morales Domínguez: interesting list of issues from an AfroCuban at Havana University who ran their Center for US Studies.

Rogelio Martinez Fure recibe un homenaje por su 70 aniversario. 8/28/07 Photogallery.

Esteban Vega Bacallao "Chachá" passes on, 7/19/07 IBBAE, CHACHÁ, announcement from Los Muñequitos on the occasion of Chachá's passing, 7/19/07 Anuncio de los Muñequitos en ocasion del fallecimiento de Chachá, 19/7/07

Afro-Cuba at the Crossroads: Arts, Culture, History, conference - demos - exhibits - films with numerous participants. University of Wisconsin at Madison. Free and open to the public. Sep 16 - Nov 30, 2007

Scupltor Alberto Lescay has his own website where he shows off his Monument to the Maroons, to Maceo, and other works. 8/07

AfroCubaWeb reaches 186,971 visits for the month of June, 2007

Abakuá: continuation of the response to the statement by Iyamba, 5/4/07, by Roman Díaz
Abakuá: la respuesta a esta frase de Iyamba continua, 4/5/07, de Roman Díaz

2003 Encounter in Michigan: Cuban Abakuá and the Obong of Calabar, 11/06 Angel Guerrero and Roman Diaz present Cuban Abakuá to the paramount ruler of the Efiks in Calabar, Nigeria.

Just out: "Cuba Represent!: Cuban Arts, State Power, and the Making of New Revolutionary Cultures" by Sujatha Fernandes, 11/06

Check out Seattle's Academy of Cuban Folklore & Dance with José Alfredo Carrión, Cutumba's former principal dancer

Gloria Rolando and Imagines del Caribe present historic first film dealing with the Independents of Color who were massacred in 1912: Raices de Mi Corazon/Roots of my Heart. Available through this web site, 9/06

Eugene Godfried: The Massacre of 1812: José Aponte y Ubarra - Longstanding Racial Problems In Cuba.      La Masacre De 1812: José Aponte Y Ubarra - El Viejo Problema Racial En Cuba

Carlos Manuel Piar And Pedro Luis Brion: Curaçaoans Struggling Together With Simon Antonio Bolivar Y Palacios For Liberation From Colonialism And Racism, 9/06  by Eugene Godfried.  Carlos Manuel Piar, Pedro Luis Brión Yunanan Di Kòrsou Huntu Ku Simón Bolĺvar Y Palacios Den Lucha Kontra Kolonismo I Rasismo, 9/06

Abolition & Liberation in Curaçao
, 7/06 by Eugene Godffried. Abolishon i Liberashon na Korsou, 7/06 ( Papiamentu)

Guillermo Davis: new dance classes in Salsa and AfroCuban, London, fall '06

Check out some great video clips at, includes Los Muñequitos, Celeste Mendoza, Afro-Cuba de Matanzas, others.

CARLOTA: Lukumí/Yoruba Woman Fighter for Liberation, Massacred in Matanzas, Cuba, in 1844, by Eugene Godfried, 7/06 CARLOTA: luchadora lukumí/yoruba para la liberación, masacrada en Matanzas, Cuba, en 1844, 7/06

Yesenia Selier gives dance classes in New York: AfroCuban, Salsa, Rueda, Samba, line dancing, 8/06

Proyecto Orunmila, based in Cuba, deploys outstanding web site on Lucumi/Yoruba issues, 6/06

New CV for Tomas Fernández Robaina arrived just before his house caught fire and left him without his PC. Help is being organized. 4/06

Singer Merida Castillo, from Havana but living in Boston for many years, passed away. Services were held Sunday morning, March 12, 2006. She will be remembered by many for her constant efforts spanning decades to keep Cuban culture alive in Boston.

Jesús Pérez and the transculturation of the Cuban batá drum
.” Dialago. n. 7. Center for Latino Research. DePaul University. Spring, 2003, by Ivor Miller (14MB pdf file download).

The Investiture of Lady Elizabeth Ayo Eremie into the Ekoretonko Lodge, Calabar, Nigeria, 9/05

Etubom Asuquo Etim: Maskmaker, musician, producer from the Ekoretonko Lodge, Calabar, 1/06

Esperando a Júbilo, script fragment, 6/05 by Tomás Gonzalez Pérez. See also an extensive gallery of his paintings.

EL VIAJE RITUAL, poem, 1998, by Tomás Gonzalez Pérez

La Visión Imponderable de Marta, la Doméstica, 9/ 2005 Tomás Gonzalez Pérez reviews Pedro Perez Sarduy's novel "Las Criadas de la Habana"

Viaje a la tierra africana en busca de los origenes - Recorrido de Manuel Mendive por Africa 2005, 9/05 Michael Popoola Oluwaseun, un bailarin de Osogbo, Nigeria, pintado por Mendive, galeria de fotos, 2005

Pedro Perez-Sarduy reviews Ned Sublette's book, Cuba and its Music: From the First Drums to the Mambo. Scroll down to reviews.

AFROCUBA: Works on Paper, 1968-2003 by Dr. Judith Bettleheim, San Francisco State. Features a number of our favorite artists.

Una criada en La Habana, de Pedro Perez - Sarduy, en La Jiribilla, 6/22/05 

"Iré Habana," in Yoruba, stands for "blessing to Havana." It is also the name of a film/CD, 5/05

Cuban Abakuá delegation visits Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria in December '04, 4/05. Many photos tell the story.

Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, And National Identity by Christine Ayorinde, released 3/05.

Robin Moore reviews Afro-Cuban Voices: On Race and Identity in Contemporary Cuba, 3/05.

Lazaro Ros
, Cuba's greatest Yoruba singer, dies on 2/8/05.

International Ekpe Festival, Calabar & Uyo, Nigeria: 12/13/04 - 12/18/04: Cuban Abakuá attended, great set of photos showing relationships between Calabar & Cuba.

"In the Vortex of the Cyclone": Selected Poems by Excilia Saldaña: A Bilingual Edition out with foreword by Nancy Morejón, 9/04

Support the artists: get  Pello's sheet music for bata, Flor Amalia's script, and Gloria Rolando's films. This is legal trade that benefits these artists.

AfroCubaWeb reaches 144,000 visits /month in February '05, according to our site statistics. 

… social, intelectuar y chic ... Choco, Diago y Mendive en La Cita de Biarritz
por Pedro Pérez Sarduy  11/2/03

ENTREVISTA CON EL PINTOR ROBERTO DIAGO en Biarritz, Francia  9/30/03  por Pedro Pérez Sarduy

Recorrido de Manuel Mendive por países de Africa, 9/9/03 Photo gallery added 9/26 and 10/5.

We feature critiques of author and journalist Marta Rojas' two novels.

Extracts from Pedro Pérez Sarduy's novel Las Criadas de La Habana and other works, 10/02. See also In Living Memory - he remembers his great grandmother Sabue born in Africa.

Nicolás Guillén y el Modernismo Hispanoamericano by Keith Ellis, 10/02

El Tratamiento del Tema Negro en el Rap, Tomás Fernández Robaina, 8/02

Recent Trotter Group coverage of Gloria Rolando and her film on 1912, 6/02

Nancy Morejón wins Cuba's 2001 National Prize for Litterature, 2/02. We have her PALABRAS POR EL PREMIO NACIONAL DE LITERATURA

Susana Arenas Pedroso, a Matancera formerly with Raices Profunda, is giving dance classes in the Bay Area.  
Expert Afrocuba de Matanzas percussionist Ramon "Sandy" Garcia has moved to the Bay Area and is also giving classes.

Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Música (CIDMUC) has a great atlas of Cuban music: Atlas de los Instrumentos Folklórico-Popular de Cuba. See also Olavo Alen's History of the Congas.

Numerous dancers and percussionists from Cuba are teaching in the US and Europe, listed under Workshops.

Conjunto Folklórico Nacional  plays every Saturday in Havana.  We have their  3 page spread in Cuba Internacional, 10/02. See also a report on their presentation at the Biennal de Dance, Lyon, France 9/02.

More Than Black: Afro-Cubans in Tampa by Susan Greenbaum: the story of Sociedad La Union Martí - Maceo.

Judith Bettelheim's CUBAN FESTIVALS: A Century of Afro-Cuban Culture now out, with translation of Ortiz's "The Afro-Cuban Festival Day of the Kings"

The Missing Cuban Musicians, a 34 page report on Bush's Cuban music ban, by Ned Sublette and immigration attorney Bill Martinez, Cuba Research & Analysis Group, 6/24/04

Cuba and Its Music: From the First Drums to the Mambo, 6/04: Ned Sublette's powerful new book on the history of Cuban music to 1952, now published.

Images of the Caribbean in Havana premiers a new film directed by Gloria Rolando, "Nosotros y el Jazz" - Havana youths in the 40's make friends around US jazz culture, 2/12/04

Bata y Bembe de Matanzas I: La presentación de un Iyawo de Chango: new CD from 6/8 Media.

Marcus Mosiah Garvey and Cuba by Eugène Godfried, 6/04

Los Muñequitos' Ricardo Cané obituary - obituario, 6/10/03

Teresa de la Caridad Doval Page and her books, "A Girl Like Che" and Las Posesas de la Havana, 9/04

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2009

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2008

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2007

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2006

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2005

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2004

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2003

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2002

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 1999-2001

Our News page has Cuba NewsCuban Cultural News, and  Cuba: Race & Identity in the News.

A Cultural History of Cross River Civilization, National Museum of African Art, Washington, DC 11/28/11: 19th century Cuban Abakuá manuscripts.

El Club Cubano Interamericano, New York, NY: Festival de La Guayabera: A truly special event! - Sat. Oct. 1st, 2011. Second oldest AfroCuban social club in the US.

Questions of Racial Identity, Racism and anti-Racist Policies in Cuba Today, 6/2/11 Center for International Policy, Washington, DC with Esteban Morales et al. Open to the public.

Reportaje Cultural 20/02/11 - II Taller Municipal de Tradición e Identidad, Santa Isabel de Las Lajas, Cienfuegos, 18 y 19 de febrero de 2011 por el Profesor Manuel Rivero Glean

Prof Manuel Rivero Glean: Reportaje Cultural: Casa de Africa, 5 - 9 de enero de 2011, 15 Taller de Antropologia Social y Cultural Afroamericana

15 Taller de Antropologia Social y Cultural Afroamericana
Opus Habana, 7-1-2011

Boletínes Imagen Afrohispana Express
Boletín Express 12- 2010: Alexis Esquivel, Afran, II Congreso Internacional de Estudios Literarios Hispanoafricanos
Boletín Express 11- 2010: Gorsy Edú es el percusionista
Boletín Express 10- 2010: I Coloquio “Asociacionismo, un camino para el fortalecimiento del colectivo negro en España”, organizado por el Alto Consejo de Comunidades Negras en España
Boletín Express 9- 2010: Grupo de teatro Bocamanja

Chief Eteng TaTa Ikpi, Iyamba Ekpe, Nigeria, reviews Ivor Miller's Voice of the Leopard on Calabar - Cuba, 11/25/2010

La poeta Georgina Herrera nos da dos ensayos: Gritar un poco: 1912, Voces para un silencio, La Habana, 11/8/2010, y Las amarras de la memoria, 20/2/2010 

New reviews of Voice of the Leopard on the relationship between Ékpè in Calabar and the Abakuá in Cuba, 9/10.  Includes review by the well known Nigerian historian, Dr. Toyin Falola.

He came, he saw, he savoured. Daily Sun, Nigeria, 7/15/10: the story of Marcos David Ostrander Moreford, omo Olokun of Nigerian, Cuban, English and Panamanian ancestry who returns to Calabar to seek his roots. His Cuban great-grandfather was initiated into Abakuá and participated in the struggle against Spain.

Cuba Calabar Radio - web radio from Calabar, Nigeria on the links between the Cuban Abakwá and the Ékpè in Calabar.

Boletínes Express de Cultura Afrohispana, numeros 4, 5, 6, 7, y 8 de 2010: I Convención Nacional Juventud Negra, Madrid, Comedia de situacion en Guinee Equatorial. Trabajos de Tony Romero y su equipo.

Reportaje Cultural: XI Conferencia Internacional Cultura Africana y Afroamericana, Santiago de Cuba, 12 al 16 de abril de 2010, del professor Manuel Rivero, Escuela de Altos Estudios de Hotelería y Turismo, Miembro del Comité Cubano de la Ruta Internacional del Esclavo de la UNESCO

Sample from Cordones-Cook’s video “Nancy Morejón: Paisajes célebres / Nancy Morejón: Famous Landscapes, 2010

Queloides: la cicatriz renovada del racismo en Cuba, Alejandro de la Fuente, 4/10

Dr. Ivor Miller is interviewed on Cross River TV, 4/14/10: Dr. Miller talks with Mrs Offiong Ani Offiong about Ekpé traditions preserved in Cuba for over 200 years and the way in which these traditions have been faithfully preserved by Abakua members from lodges in Havana and Matanzas.

Reportaje Cultural: Taller Municipal de Tradición e Identidad, Benny Moré y el Cabildo Congo San Antonio,, Santa Isabel de Las Lajas, Cienfuegos, febrero de 2010, del professor Manuel Rivero, Escuela de Altos Estudios de Hotelería y Turismo, Miembro del Comité Cubano de la Ruta Internacional del Esclavo de la UNESCO

Author and poet Pedro Pérez-Sarduy just completed a tour in the  US, Mar-Apr 2010. The focus was on race & identity in Cuba and on AfroCubans in the arts. Fresh from Princeton, he presented at Harvard on March 30 & 31st, 2010, where he launched the English version of the Maids of Havana.

Voice of the Leopard: Reviewed by Jill Salmons, Published on H-AfrArts, 1/2010  "As one Cross River chief commented recently: "Cuba has shown us that what we believed in is alive and applicable today to solve problems. We are ever so happy and grateful to the Cuban Abakua for bringing us back to our senses. Clearly the message is 'Hey, you did it, we have it, it worked for us, we don't see why it won't work for you.' So we are going to embrace this resurgence" 

Letra del Año - Proyecto Orunmila, based in Regla, Cuba, has the largest collection of these annual Ifa readings anywhere.

Abacuá Day in Miami: music, dance, and the arts, January 2-3, 2010. After the first day: reception for the work of José Orbeín.

Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, Cuba's leading rumba group founded in 1954, gearing up for a world tour, 4/2010

The popular dance music group Charanga Habanera  gave two concerts  in Miami on 25th and 26th of December, 2009. This is to be followed by a 45 day US tour in May, 2010.

The Cuban son group, Septeto Nacional, founded by music pioneer Ignacio Piñeiro, had a very successful tour of the U.S. and Caribbean from October 27 - December 1st, 2009. Numerous reviews with interesting history.

La palabra sagrada del continente africano, Inés María Martiatu Terry sobre el libro nuevo de Rogelio Martínez Furé, la cuarta edición de Poesía Anónima Africana, 12/2009  Con Galeria de fotos, 12/09

Rumba8 en Calle 8, todo los domingos, Miami, 12/09

Bongo Ita - Efi, Efó, Orú de Cuba y los del Calabar — La Voz es la misma, 12/8/09 [PDF, 6 MB]

Prof. Manuel Rivero Glean, miembro del Comité Cubano de la Ruta Internacional del Esclavo de la UNESCO, nos da sus reportajes culturales: Algunas expresiones de la religiosidad popular durantes las jornadas de 16 y 17 de diciembre a san Lázaro en la ciudad de La Habana;  Rezo Goram 2009 en Agón Gorí Yezam Manter Ní Bawajdda (Vaticinio o Letra del Año 2009);  y Rezo Goram 2009 - En Agon Gori Yezam Manter Ni Bawajdda.

“Calabar Mgbe,” Revista Internacional, 6-12-2009 [PDF 4MB]

Festival Photo Galleries / Galerias de Fotos del Festival: First Abacuá Summer Festival - Miami, August, 2009 

El 138 aniversario del fusilamiento de los ocho estudiantes de medicina y la inmolación de los cinco héroes negros, ñáñigos en 1871, Asociación Hermanos Saíz, esquina de Morro y Colón, la Habana, 27/11/09. This is a landmark commemoration for the Abakuá.

Israel Moliner Castañeda, anthropologist and ethnomusicologist in Matanzas, maintains a column on the local Cultura site. 7/09

Reflections on Cuba, Race, and Politics, by James Early, Soul Magazine, 1999, Manning Marable, editor

Carta a Granma, 21/10/09, Cofradia de la Negritud: "Estamos una vez más, compañero Barredo, frente a uno de los puntos problémicos heredado por una de las revoluciones -- la  cubana de 1959 -- que más lejos llevó en América la demolición social del capitalismo neocolonizador y dependiente y que, sin embargo, hasta hoy, no ha podido independizarse  de un canon patriótico eurocéntrico, en el que sólo los antiguos liberticidas, los señores de la propiedad y la riqueza o los entendidos en los valores librescos europeos pueden ser recordados como protagonistas de los actos libertarios y de la dignidad cívica."

XIth International Conference on African and Afro- American Cultures, Santiago de Cuba, 4/2010    XI Conferencia Internacional Cultura Africana y Afroamericana, Santiago de Cuba, 4/2010

Sobre Color Cubano, 10/3/09, Gisela Arandia. Color de Cuba, un espacio de encuentros sobre la problemática racial, ha desaparecido y se ha creado una Comisión orgánica de la UNEAC. Resumen de logros y problemas. Color de Cuba, a set of UNEAC working groups on race & identity in Cuba, has been replaced by a UNEAC commission. Summary of accomplishments and issues.

La Habana: Inauguran exposición antológica de Belkis Ayón,  11/9/09.  Lleva por título Nkame (sinónimo de elogio y salutación en la lengua de los Abakuá). Belkis Ayón Anthological Exhibition, 9/11/09. Exhibition titled Nkame (a greeting in the Abakúa language and the title of a soon to be released book).

Homenaje a Orlando Rios "Puntilla"  en el solar en Picota, Belen donde vivio, 8/29/09

Los ilustres apellidos: negros en la Habana colonial,, María del Carmen Barcia Zequeira, 8/09

Habana Harlem presents Enyenison Enkama and their debut CD release Ecobio Enyenison with Roman Diaz, Angel Guerrero, and Pedro Martinez with special guest Steve Ture, New York, 9/5/09. See also Pedrito Martínez, En entrevista: "Proyecto Enyenisón Enkama", NY1n video, 9/3/09

Segunda Conferencia de Estudios Afro-Latinoamericanos, 3/2010, Republica Dominicana

Jesús Alfonso Miró, Musical Director of Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, passes to the ancestors, 6/3/09  "Jesús fue a la rumba como Cuní o Chapottín al son."

The British West Indian Welfare Center, 6/09, by Jenny Kassman

Homenaje for Ignacio Piñeiro in Jesus Maria, an abakwa barrio in Havana. Documentary due out 6/09

Ricardo "Papin" Abreu, Rumbero, passes on, was director of Los Papines, 5/19/09

Estereotipos en la percepción de las prácticas religiosas de origen africano
(PDF, 204kb), Temas, no. 45, enero-marzo de 2006. David González López, Investigador, Centro de Estudios de África y Medio Oriente (CEAMO) y Walterio Lord Garnés, Investigador, Mundo Latino

Voice of the Leopard: African Secret Societies and Cuba, Ivor Miller, now published. African migration to Cuba and the 19th century foundation of Abakuá, 1/09

Rogelio Martínez Furé's book, Eshu (Oriki a mi mismo) y otras descargas published in 2007

Boletín de Cultura Afrohispana No 12 de 2009 (PDF, 430kb) Alexis Esquivel, la Habana: "Con la pupila abierta". Rosillo, el abogado del son.

A Secret Society Goes Public: The Relationship Between Abakuá and  Cuban Popular Culture.” Ivor Miller, African Studies Review, April, 2000 (PDF 1.4 MB)

Boletín de Cultura Afrohispana No 11 de 2009 (PDF, 519 kb) Gloria Rolando recibe el premio Sara Gomez

The Discourse on Racism in Anti-Castro Publications, 2008-2009; The Obama Factor. Includes responses by James Early and Alberto Jones.

"Raza" is a new documentary by Eric Corvalán on racism in Cuba, made with support from Cuban institutions. 1/09

Gloria Rolando's Pasajes del Corazón y la Memoria receives the Sara Gómez Prize at the 30th International Festival of New Latin American Cinema, Havana, 12/08

Well known Cuban artists such as Elio Rodriguez, Alexis Esquivel, Rene Peña, Manuel Arenas and Roberto Diago put together a site whose theme is Queloides: raza y nacion en Cuba, 12/08

XIII Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural Afroamericana y II Encuentro de Oralidad "Festival Afropalabra", 6/1/09-10/1/09, Casa de Africa

Pedro Perez Sarduy is featured in The Portable Island: Cubans at Home in the World, 12/08

Boletín de Cultura Afrohispana No 10 de 2008 (PDF, 384kb) Projecto desde La Habana - La Rute del Esclavago, con 20 paises de Africa. Documental en filmación con Eduardo Rosillo.

Huellas yoruba y mayombera, Bohemia, 21/3/1993, de Reynaldo Peñalver: el africanista Rogelio Martinez Fure habla de su reencuentro con una de las raices de la cultura cubana en Nigeria. (PDF 5.6 MB)

Orbeín: Back to His Roots  12/1/2008 Wynwood Art Magazine: "Through his work, José Orbeín attempts to vindicate the figure of the Abakuá, discredited within Cuban society because of a collection of stories, most of them false, which associate its members with criminal acts."

Matanzas dancer Lilian Oviedo arrives in Boston and seeks to renew her classes in AfroCuban dancing.  12/1/08

Boletín de Cultura Afrohispana No 9 de 2008 (PDF, 449kb) Pedro Pérez-Sarduy, "Ser afrocubano", entrevista; conferencia en la Universidad de León: Afroeurope@S: Cultura e Identidades Negras en Europa; documental nuevo: "Soy música, soy raíz"; documental nuevo "Tambores de libertad".

New film out on La Lupe, the Queen of Latin Soul. 10/08. We link to very nice YouTube clips of her singing.

Les bonnes de La Havane, French translation of Pedro Perez Sarduy's Las Criadas, wins 10e Prix du Livre Insulaire, 9/08

Boletín de Cultura Afrohispana No 8 de 2008: Eduardo Rosillo, promoviendo la musica cubana a la radio en Cuba. Placa conmemorativa para el PIC. "Soy música, soy raíz," documental de Tony Romero.

The painter Orbein, from Cayo Hueso and now Miami, presents a virtual gallery of images inspired by Abakuá themes, 8/08. Short Stories in Color at Orbein's Miami Gallery, Mgomo, 9/13/08 opening reception.

Conmemoracion de la Fundacion del Partido de los Independientes de Color, 7/8/08 de Gloria Rolando Commemoration of the Founding of the Party of the Independents of Color, 8/7/08 by Gloria Rolando

Sentencia pronunciada por la Seccion de la Comision militar establecidan en la ciudad de Matanzas para conocer la causa de conspiracion de la gente de color, 1844, PDF 5MB

Eugene Godfried video reporting on the Independents of Color, 7/08

Boletín de Cultura Afrohispana No 7 de 2008: Fallecamiento del actor Miguel Benavides en Manzanillo

Boletín de Cultura Afrohispana No 6 de 2008: Zenaida Armenteros, bailerina, cantante, y maestra del Conjunto Folklorico Nacional. Cubadisco 20008: África en Cuba. 7/08

Boletín de Cultura Afrohispana No 4 de 2008 
Gloria Rolando, subrayando la imagen afrocaribeña. Entrevista: "Soy negra, me siento muy orgullosa de eso."

Boletín de Cultura Afrohispana No 3 de 2008: Guadalupe Victoria Yolí Raymond, "La Lupe", cantante de Cuba

Aconcha paintings on display in Belgium, 6/08

Leandro Soto's Ancestros, 1979, was the first performance art in Cuba and was based on African traditions.

Kiba Kreyol '08 International Festival, 8/08, Havana.  Dance AfroCuba workshop in the Catskills, NY, 5/08

Walterio Carbonell and Tomás González both passed on to the ancestors last Sunday, 4/13/08

El grupo de video “Imágenes Del Caribe” presenta “Pasajes del Corazón y la Memoria - Historias de Cubanos y Caimaneros," un documental de Gloria Rolando. En la venta, 2/08

The Video Group "Images of the Caribbean" presents "Cherished Island Memories - a History of Cubans and Cayman Islanders,"  a documentary by Gloria Rolando. Released for purchase, 2/08. 

National Commission
announced for the Commemoration of the founding of the Independents of Color. Se oficializo una Comision Nacional por la conmemoracion de la fundacion de los Independientes de Color. 12/26/07 Photos/Fotos

Carlos "Patato" Valdés dies at 81, 12/4/07

International Commission formed to support the National Commission in commemorating the founding of the Independents of Color in 1908. Se formo una Comisión Internacional para apoyar a la Comision Nacional quien conmemora la fundacion de los Independientes de Color en 1908. 12/07 

La Prensa Guantanamera y la Masacre de 1912 en Cuba de Eugene Godfried, 1/04: investigacion original de los archivos del Voz del Pueblo, periodico de Guantánamo, con articulos de la epoca.

Quintín Bandera y su asesinato traicionero: preludio inevitable para la creacion del Partido Independiente de Color, Eugène Godfried, 9/05

Interview on YouTube: Juan Garcia interviews famed percussionist Chachá in October, 2006. A big thanks to Kabiosile, who made this extract from their new DVD, El Lenguaje del Tambor, possible.

Nice shots of covers for Rogelio Martínez Furé's Diwan: Poetas de Lenguas Africanas, a work on African poets since the 9th century. Published by Arte y Literatura, La Habana and UNESCO, 2000

Interview with Eugène Godfried: Call for dialog on the 1912 Massacre, 10/5/07.  Accompanied by commentary from the former head of the Caribbean Section of the Department of the Americas of the Central Committee, Osvaldo Cárdenas.  Entrevista con Eugène Godfried: una llamada para el dialogo sobre la masacre de 1912, 5/10/07.  Acompañado por comentarios del antiguo jefe de la Seccion del Caribe del Departamento de las Americas del Comite Central, Osvaldo Cárdenas.

Eugene Godfried Calls on Fidel Castro for Reflection and Action concerning the 1912 Massacre: YouTube Video, 9/07 Eugene Godfried Ruega a Fidel Castro Reflexion y Accion sobre 1912: Video en YouTube, 9/07

La Masacre de los Independientes De Color (La Guerra De 1912 En Cuba), by Silvio Castro Fernandez, 54 p extract, first published 2/02

Guerra de Razas (Negros contra blancos en Cuba)
, Rafael Conte, José M. Capmany, Imp. Militar,  Havana, 1912 -  racist propaganda, recounts the Massacre of 1912, written that year, 193 p., rare text., 9/02.   Free download.

Los Independientes de Color: Historia del Partido Independientes de Color Serafin Portuondo Linares, La Habana, 1950  -  287 p.  First serious book on 1912 using primary sources; now rare. 9/02  Free download.

Beautiful site celebrates the Conjunto Folklorico Nacional's 45th anniversary with extensive information and photos, en français. 9/02

Artist Elio Rodriguez opens an exhibit at the University of Pittsburgh, 9/24/07

Roman Diaz plays at NY Folklore Society and Harlem Stage events; new poem: Oriki. 9/07

Noted poet Jesús Cos Causse passes on, 8/07, Santiago de Cuba. Poems and commentaries.

Nancy Morejón sobre Las Criadas de Pedro Perez Sarduy, 8/07 Remarks by Nancy Morejón on the novel Las criadas de La Habana by Pedro Pérez Sarduy 2/02 Remarques de Nancy Morejon a propos de "Les Bonnes de La Havana.", 2/02

Sociedad Abakuá es tan fuerte en Cuba como en África,dice investigador Norteamericano, WDS,  8/13/07

Voice of the Leopard: Ivor Miller Talks to Ned Sublette, 8/9/07, Afropop Worldwide - the roots of Abakuá and its influence in Cuba

Rare images from the Conjunto Folklórico Nacional's inaugural show in 1963 via Esquina Rumbera

X International Conference African and Afroamerican Culture Santiago de Cuba, April 14 to 17, 2008 - Dedicated to Africa and its influence on the region  X Conferencia Internacional Cultura Africana y Afroamericana - Santiago de Cuba -  Dedicado África y su influencia en los países del área - 14 al 17 de abril del 2008

Abakuá member Angel Guerrero interviewed, 7/07

Religious Symbolism in Cuban Political Performance, 2000 by Ivor Miller. Photos of Fidel in white.

Painter Roberto Diago launches his web site, 6/07

‘A father and son embrace’: the significance of the encounter between Abakuá and Ekpe.  By Angel Guerrero, the Aberiñán title-holder of the Itiá Mukandá Efól lodge of Havana. 3/07    ‘Se abrazaran un padre con su hijo’: el signifcado del encuentro entre los Abakuá y Ekpe.  Por Angel Guerrero, el Aberiñán de la potencia Itiá Mukandá Efó de La Habana. 3/07

Eugène Godfried in Dialogue with Ricardo Riquenes Herrera on the Partido Independiente de Color & the 1912 Massacre of Blacks in Guantánamo, Cuba, 2/07  Eugène Godfried Dialogando con Ricardo Riquenes Herrera sobre el Partido Independiente De Color y la Masacre de 1912 en Guantánamo, Cuba, 7/07

Radio Eugene Godfried International:  Numerous shows now available, 2/07, including via streaming audio and video.

Cuban Abakuá chants: examining new evidence for the African  Diaspora
. by Ivor Miller, African Studies Review, 10/06 [PDF, 2MB]

Extensive Liner Notes for Tambor Lukumi/Notas para Tambor Lukumi featuring an interview with the late Andres Chacon, 10/06 by Ivor Miller. Living spiritual traditions with direct links to Africa

Gilberto Martinez has moved to the US. He was Gloria Rolando/Imagines del Caribe's producer, cameraman, and special effects person. He  has copies of his work including a copy of the not yet commercially released Jazz in US and is available for presentations to universities and cultural centers.

La Visión Imponderable de Marta, la Doméstica por Tomás González Pérez, 7/27/05 review of Las Criadas de La Habana de Pedro Pérez Sarduy

Gordillo page featuring Kongo Cruzado: Cuban Lukumi and Kongo Identities in the Art of Francisco "Gordillo" Arredondo  by Ivor Miller, 9/16/2006. AfroCubaWeb is holding 11 of his paintings for sale, see his Gallery.

Arsenio Rodríguez and the Transnational Flows of Latin Popular Music, new book by David F. García, 9/06

Felipe Garcia Villamil and family playing bata, video on Google, 9/06

Las Criadas de La Habana by Pedro Perez-Sarduy, reviewed by Dina De Luca, Neumann College, in Afro-Hispanic Review, 3/06

Alberto Romero Díaz, singer for Los Muñequitos, 1948-2006. They won the Grammy with him. Hear one of his songs, also  hear Los Muñequitos live on RapidShare, from their 1998 tour, 8/11/06

Percussionist Miguel Angá Diaz dies at 45 in Spain, 8/9/06

The band Cubanos en la Red at has a well developed site with great music videos, 8/06

Etubom Bassey Ekpo Bassey on Ekpe and Cuban Culture, in English y en español, Calabar, Nigeria, 8/06 Also has response from Cubans in English y en Español.

VII Workshop of Rumba and Conga “Alfonso Iyaé” CubAché, Bejucal, Havana, 8th – 10th December 2006

Two publications from Ivor Miller:The Formation of African Identities in the Americas: Spiritual ‘ethnicity’.” Contours: A Journal of the African Diaspora, dedicated to Rogelio Martinez Fure, 2004.  And “Introduction.” Special Issue. Contours: A Journal of the African Diaspora, based on a conference with Roman Diaz' group Omi Odara, 2003

New CV for ethnologist  Rogelio Martinez Furé, 3/06

Wemilere, CD by Roman Diaz, 1/06

José Martí i Rasismo - su Bishita na Kórzou, Eugene Godfried. Papiamentu version of José Martí and Racism: His Visit to Curaçao, 11/05

Artist Elio Rodriguez has a new exhibit opening at Havana's Galeria 23 y 12 on 11/22/05 lasting to Jan '06

Musicologist and historian Eugene Godfried on Africa Kabisa Radio, Boston,  live & on the Internet, 4 shows in Oct 05, Internet archive.

José Leonardo Chirino - Josef Caridad Gonzales, African Venezuelan Fighters of the 1795 Revolution, by Eugène Godfried, 10/05

José Leonardo Chirino y Josef Caridad Gonzales, Luchadores africanos venezuelanos de la gran revolucion de 1795, por Eugène Godfried, 10/05  José Leonardo Chirino Et Josef Caridad Gonzales, Chefs africains venezuelens de la revolution libertaire de 1795, de Eugène Godfried, 10/05  

Gloria Rolando entrevisada por Yesenia Fernandez Selier, 3/05

Gabriel de la Concepción Valdés – Plácido 9/05 by Eugène Godfried (in English)

El Caribeño: Volumen 1, Nº 1, 9/2005, Boletin Digital de la Casa del Caribe

IX International Conference on African and AfroAmerican Culture," Santiago De Cuba,  4/10/06 - 4/15/06

Nancy Morejon and Nicolas Guillen have pages at the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes

Under the Radar - A Survey of Afro-Cuban Music  premiered at the Chicago Latino Film Festival, 4/05, now out on DVD, 9/05

V Coloquio y Festival Internacional de Música y Poesía "Nicolás Guillén" 7/06 Havana

Hub hops to Cuban beats of Paredes, 6/3/05

Guillermón Moncada and the Defeat of ‘Rancheador’- Slavehunter - Miguel Pérez Céspedes of Guantánamo by Eugène Godfried, 5/05 Guillermón Moncada: Vencedor del Rancheador Miguel Pérez Céspedes de Guantánamo, 5/05

Percussionist and dancer, Ramon Marquez and Adrian Limonta, members of Ballet Folklorico Cutumba, to give workshops in Montreal, 7/92 to 8/3/05

La Masacre De 1812: José Aponte Y Ubarra - El Viejo Problema Racial En Cuba, 5/05,   The Massacre of 1812: José Aponte y Ubarra - Longstanding Racial Problems In Cuba by Eugène Godfried:

Miscelanea II of studies dedicated to Fernando Ortiz (1881-1969): an online transcription, includes "On The Relations Between Blacks And Whites" (1943, English).

Dialogue with Magdalena Cantillo Frometa: on Mariana Grajales Coello, “Mother of the Cuban Nation,” 4/15/05 by Eugène Godfried.

Dialogo Con Magdalena Cantillo Frometa Sobre Mariana Grajales Coello “Madre De La Patría Cubana,” 4/15/05 by Eugène Godfried.

Efiks of Cuba Write Obong of Calabar: We're coming home, Chronicle of Calabar, 2/05.

Domino Sugar workers against the Fanjuls, 2/05.

Carlos Aldama, past director of the Conjunto Folklorico Nacional and Omo Aña, gives lessons in Bay Area

Ysidro Valor teaches song, percussion in Portland, OR. 

Dialogue In Santiago De Cuba With Joel Mourlot Mercaderes On Antonio Maceo Y Grajales “Freedom Worker” by Eugène Godfried, 11/04

Dialogo En Santiago De Cuba Con Joel Mourlot Mercaderes: Antonio Maceo y Grajales, de Eugène Godfried, 11/04

La Maya y la Masacre de 1912: Eugène Godfried En Dialogo Con Maritza Elias, 11/04 

Cuban Popular Music: Renewal Efforts From Above, by Eugène Godfried, 9/04

The African Cuban Diaspora’s Cultural Shelters and Their Sudden Disappearance in 1959, by Eugène Godfried, 8/04

Dialogue with Juan Cruz, Past President, ‘Marianao Club Social’ - La Havana, by Eugène Godfried, 8/6/04

Dialogue with Founding Leaders of Guantanamo’s Social Club ‘La Nueva Era’ by Eugène Godfried, 8/6/04

La Protesta de Baragua: Culture and Popular Music Have the Last Word -- They Say What the Official Culture Can’t, 8/3/04, by Eugène Godfried

Alto Songo -  Son in popular culture and history: resistance and liberation, by Eugène Godfried, 7/04

José Martí y el Racismo: Su Visita a Curazao, by Eugène Godfried, 7/04. English version at José Martí and Racism: His Visit to Curaçao.

Radio Havana's Eugene Godfried questions Fidel advisors' role on racial issues: Reflections On Race And The Status Of People Of African Descent In Revolutionary Cuba, 2/01

Maroons and Palenques in Guantanamo Province - Eugène Godfried interviews Diego Bosch Ferrer, historian and Director of Cultural Patrimony, Guantánamo Province, 7/04

Assata Poster

Assata Shakur poster
with Askia Touré's poem "Palenque Queen by Habana's Shores" now available, as are some books by Askia.


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New Gloria Rolando film: History of Cubans and Cayman Islanders
Pasajes del Corazón y la Memoria
 DVD, $22. English subtitles.

Gloria Rolando and Imagines del Caribe:  Raices de Mi Corazon - Roots of my Heart, on the 1912 Massacre -  VHS, DVD, $25. English subtitles. Photo gallery.

El Alacrán: a comparsa in the Havana carnaval, $15 DVD or VHS. English subtitles. Photo gallery. Directed by Gloria Rolando.

Oggun: An Eternal Presence celebrates the life of Lazaro Ros, Yoruba singer, $25, DVD or VHS. English subtitles. Photo gallery. Directed by Gloria Rolando.up.gif (925 bytes)

Los Marqueses de Atarés, un video nuevo de Gloria Rolando, en Español, $25 VHS, DVD Galeria de fotos. En español. Gloria Rolando, director.

My Footsteps in Baragua
: English speaking West Indian communities in Cuba.  $25, DVD or VHS. In English. Photo gallery. Gloria Rolando, director.

Pello's sheet music for bata, Matanzas style, $10

Flor Amalia's script for a play on racism: Donde esta Dios? $15

Gordillo Arredondo paintings re-vision the presence of Africa in Cuba. AfroCubaWeb holds 11 paintings for sale, see his Gallery.

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As featured in Raices de Mi Corazon - Roots of my Heart

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