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  Mala Lengua

AfroCubaWeb Statistics

<== Click on the month date to get details.  This is by way of holding up a mirror to the community of users.  The stats are skewed a little by people who wander in, take one look, decide it's not for them, and leave. This was 20% in the early 2000s but was 80% in 2014.  The rest spend more time (therefore greater than the average sessions) and visit some of our over 1600 pages.  Also, sessions are not visitors but visits.  Many folks come several times a month.

Note: sessions (visits) are not hits.   Each time you view a page, you actually generate many hits, on the order of 10 hits per page.  A hit is counted each time an individual component on a page is accessed (graphic, banner, menu bar, etc.) when the page is loaded. A page view is one page. One session or visit is counted each time one user views a number of pages then exits.  It is an imprecise measure as identifying and tracking a single user is not a precise matter.

In the early 2000s, we found that our statistics held up well, especially when compared to the exile sites. For example,, which received over $280,000 from USAID in 2000, got 292,000 hits in May, 2002, their highest stats on record to that date. In the same month, we had over 1 million hits. Another leading exile site,, did not display its monthly stats but claimed 1 million hits as a monthly rate for the end of 2001. Our guess is that this site is also heavily subsidized.

Fast forward to 2009 and our visits declined from 186,971 in June 2007 to an average of 44,000 per month in 2009. This may be due to the rise of smartphones. Our site is not designed for these, and this may have caused some of the drop as the web moves massively towards these platforms.

12/00 - 62,000 sessions (=visits)

- 57,000 sessions

7/00 - 61,800 sessions

6/00 - 57.000 sessions

5/00 - 64,000 sessions

4/00 - 68,200 sessions

3/00 - 54,000 sessions

2/00 - 50,200 sessions

1/00 - 48,200 sessions

10/3/99 - 11/5/99
8,190 sessions/week

7/25 - 8/7/99
6,100 sessions/week

7/18 - 7/24/99:
4,992 sessions/week

7/4 - 7/10/99:
4,631 sessions/week

5/5 - 5/11/99:
4,192 sessions/week

4/28 - 5/3/99:
4,929 sessions/week

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