Afro-Cuban Dance Camp
A weekend workshop in the Catskills
May 9-11, 2008
Set in the beautiful Catskill Mountains, DanceAfroCuba will conduct a weekend dance intensive May 9-11, 2008 at Iroquois Springs. Located in Rock Hill, New York (approximately 90 miles from New York City), Iroquois Springs is a 200 acre multi-use facility and provides a magnificent setting for this unique event.
Classes will be offered in Orisha, Congo, Rumba, Arara and Popular dance (Son, Casino, Danzon) for beginners and intermediate/advanced levels. Intermediate/Advanced classes accompanied by live percussion. Additionally, two classes in Orisha song will be offered.
Traditional Haitian dance by Mona Estime-Amira.
Learn from Master instructors:
and other special guest artists.
All inclusive packages from $190-400 include lodging, meals, parties and classes.
For more information, please visit us at