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Isakaba Death Squad attacks Obong Palace, 8/25/08

Ataque de un escuadron de la muerte al palacio del Obong del Calabar, 25/8/08

El lunes 25 de agosto del 2008 10 miembros de un escuadron de la muerte del grupo ISAKABA atacaron el palacio donde recidia el Sr Bassey Ekpo Bassey, Obong del Calabar quien ha sido un baluarte en el apoyo y reconocimiento del Abacua cubano. Este grupo criminal es apoyado por el corrupto gobernador Imoke del estado del Rio la cruz.

Los matones llegaron en un vehiculo azul ligero y armados con Ak-47, machetes y piedras. El grupo trato de asesinar al Obon Bassey illamba de Ecueritongo quien logro escapar gracias al valor demostrado por su cuerpo de seguridad, quienes inclusive lograron a presar a uno de sus miembros. Eso fue en el primer ataque perpetrado, pues cuado la banda criminal regreso ayudada por al corrupta policia federal del estado del Rio la Cruz, hubo mas de 20 heridos dentro de los que se encuentro el Dr Ivor Miller, especialista de la cultura afrocubana. La policia estimo que el palacio donde radicaba el Obon era responsable de un asesinato ocurrido hace algunos meses pero no hay testigos ni evidencia del mismo. La invasion ocurrio un dia despues de las elecciones donde el Gobernador Imoke fungio como maxima figura politica.

Muchos piensan que algunos de los miembros de este escuadron de la muerte son policias. Usted puede ayudar a identificar estos hombres para que sean perseguidos y arrestados, en el caso de los policias al menos sean despedidos de sus empleos.   -- Andy Petit

Isakaba Death Squad attacks Obong Palace, 8/25/08

On Monday, August 25, 2008, a 10 member Isakaba death squad attacked the Palace of the traditional ruler of the Efik, Obong Bassey Ekpo Bassey, who is close to the Cuban Abakuá. The death squad is under the protection of Nigeria's Cross River State and its corrupt Governor Imoke. 

The hoodlums emerged from a light blue van armed with a range of weapons: AK-47, magic machetes, and rocks.  The van appeared to have a Lagos license plate: NH666-AAA.They intended to kill the Obong, but he escaped unharmed thanks to his effective security team, who managed to capture one of the invaders before being finally overwhelmed in a second attack by Federal Police in league with the corrupt PDP Cross River State government. Among the many injured in the attack was Ivor Miller, a specialist in AfroCuban culture. The police claimed that the palace guards were responsible for a 'murder' several months ago, but there's been no body, and no other evidence. It's telling that this invasion happened the day after 'elections' where the Governor Imoke is a leader.

It is thought that among the death squad members were several policemen. You can help identify these men so they can be prosecuted or, in the case of the police, at least lose their jobs by asking contacts in Calabar, Nigeria to look at the photo journal of the initial attack.

-- compiled from eyewitnesses by Andy Petit

Isakaba gunman threatens the Obong ==>
Possibly a policeman: if you have seen this man, 
please contact the Obong.         

Hoodlums storm Obong of Calabar aspirant's home, 8/26/08, The Nation

Gunmen invade home of contestant to Calabar throne, Bassey
8/26/08, Guardian

Obongship: Gunmen Invade Ekpo-Bassey’s Residence, 8/26/08, This Day

Before Calabar Burns, 8/8/2008 Press Release from the Etubom Traditional Council of the Efik Nation on the murder and mayhem committed by Cross River State government backed militias, with photos of some victims.

Gov Liyel Imoke sacked, 7/15/08, Vanguard: Cross River State Governor Imoke was hostile to the Obong.

At the Obong's palace: Isakaba terrorists disembark from van with Lagos plates, 8/25/08

Isakaba terrorist holding machete with magic red cloth on handle

Hoodlums storm Obong of Calabar aspirant's home, 8/26/08, The Nation


Gunmen invade home of contestant to Calabar throne, Bassey, 8/26/08, Guardiantop

From Anietie Akpan, Calabar

EDIDEM Bassey Ekpo Bassey II, one of the contestants to the lingering Obongship crisis narrowly escaped death yesterday as militants group suspected to be members of "Isakaba" invaded his residence cum palace.

No reason was given for the attack but it may not be unconnected with his persistent in getting justice in the Obongship crisis.

Armed with dangerous weapons, the group stormed the No 11, Ikot Esu Square, residence of Bassey in Calabar and caused serious havoc. There was still tension but heavily armed mobile policemen have been deployed to maintain security in the area

The assailants, about 25 in number, armed with guns, machetes, knives, clubs and charms, invaded Bassey's residence at about 9.00a.m. and made straight for the inner chambers of his house, where he usually receives his visitors, with a plan to kill him.

The initial move by the invaders was resisted by Bassey's guards and staff who succeeded in preventing the Isakaba members from doing any harm to Bassey but at great cost as some of the guards and staff were severely injured.

Also attacked and seriously manhandled by the invaders is a Cuban national, Professor Ivor Miller, who is in Nigeria to conduct his research on some aspect of African culture, especially the Ekpe. [Correction: Ivor Miller is a US citizen.]

One of the attackers was arrested by the guards who later made contacted with one of the kingmakers, Etubom Dr. Ambrose Akpanika, who invited the police to take the arrested person to the police station.

Bassey escaped in the ensuing crisis from his residence, which is just a stone throw from the state police headquarters.

But surprisingly, before the police team could take the arrested invader away from Bassey's residence, an eye witnesses said another group of invaders arrived in a bus accompanied by mobile policemen and dislodged the initial policemen who had been invited to take the arrested invader to the police station.

The witnesses said the second group of invaders descended on the house, vandalising whatever they could lay their hands on and attacking whoever they found in the residence.

The team of mobile policemen also arrested of Akpanika, Bassey's wife, all his guards and staff, his children and the Cuban national. The children were later released.

Bassey, who spoke from an undisclosed location, said "the attackers who are members of the Isakaba, the militants we have always complained to the authorities about, stormed my residence this morning at about 9 a.m. Their mission was to kill me. I was lucky to escape with my life due to the resistance put up by my guards and staff. One of the initial attackers was apprehended, after they had done substantial damage to my house, including wooden structures that are over 100 years old.

"We got in touch with Akpanika to get the police to take the boy to the police station, and he actually brought some policemen to affect the arrest of the boy. But suddenly, another team of mobile policeman with militants arrived and dislodged the policemen brought by Akpanika.

"This latter group went into the residence again under the cover of the mobile policemen and destroyed more structures and property in the house. Instead of the police arresting the invader, they arrested Akpanika, my wife, Miller, my guards, staff and my children. We have been complaining about this group of terrorists kept and protected by the state government in the Obong's office at the instance of my opponents.

"They intend to kill me to make the second capping that has no place in Efik history effective. I am at a loss as to why the invaders have not been arrested, yet members of my household including Akpanika, who went to invite the police, are in detention."

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of the Cross River State Police Command, Mr. Thomas Adama Okpene, confirmed the incident, but he could not get full details from the office handing the matter and declined to make further comment pending the outcome of investigations.

Bassey's house is now deserted.

Obongship: Gunmen Invade Ekpo-Bassey’s Residence, 8/26/08, This Daytop

From Ernest Chinwo in Calabar, 08.26.2008

A factional Obong of Calabar, Edidem Bassey Ekpo Bassey II narrowly escaped death yesterday morning when a gang suspected to be members of the 'Isakaba' invaded his residence in Calabar.
Sources said the invaders, numbering more than 15 and armed with dangerous weapons, stormed Ekpo-Bassey's residence at No.11 Ikot Esu Square at about 9:00 am and headed for the inner chambers of his house where he usually receives his visitors.

THISDAY learnt that Ekpo-Bassey's guards were able to resist the invaders but received severe injuries.

The invaders, according to sources, also seriously injured Professor Ivor Miller, a Cuban national and renowned cultural historian, who had been in Nigeria since last year conducting research on some aspects of African culture, especially the Ekpe society in which he had been initiated.  [Correction: Ivor Miller is a US citizen.]

Sources said one of the attackers was arrested by the guards who succeeded in overpowering them before contacts were made with one of the kingmakers, Etubom Dr. Ambrose Akpanika, who invited the police to take the arrested person to the police station.

Ekpo-Bassey was lucky as he escaped but his house, believed to be more than 100 years old was not spared as the invaders vandalized it.

Eye witnesses said before the police arrived, another group of invaders arrived in a bus accompanied by mobile policemen. They were said to have vandalized whatever they could lay their hands on and attacked whoever they found in the residence. 

The mobile policemen also effected the arrest of Akpanika, Ekpo-Bassey's wife, all his guards and staff, as well as the Cuban national and members of his household , including his children . The children were later released. 

When THISDAY visited the residence at about 3.30pm , there was nobody to talk to as the black entrance gate to the residence was locked.

The debris of the massive destruction done to the house and cars could be seen from outside through openings in the side of the gate.

There were also blood stains on the floor from the residence to at least fifty metres from there into the streets.

A bus with the inscription South South People Assembly (SSPA), which Akpanika used in conveying the policemen initially to the residence, was seen packed in front of the house.

As at press time, the bus was still parked there while Akpanika was still being detained at the State Police Headquarters at Diamond Hill , just metres away from Ekpo-Bassey's residence.

Bassey who spoke to journalists from an undisclosed location said the attackers had stormed his house with a view to kill him, adding that he only managed to escape unhurt.

The state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Emmanuel Ezeozue, could not be reached as he did not pick calls put across to his phone. 

But the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr. Thomas Adama Okpene said the police were aware of the incident.  Okpene confirmed the arrest of the persons but said while the police officer who affected the arrest had briefed him, he was yet to get full details from the officer handling the matter.



Bassey Ekpo Bassey, the Obong or traditional ruler of the Efik.

Cuban Abakuá on AfroCubaWeb

Cuban Abakuá fueling a resurgence of traditional Ekpe culture in Cross River Delta, Nigeria - Statement by ‘Iberedem’ Fred Eno Essien, ‘Ukai’ of Ibibioland, and prominent Ekpe leader from Uruan, 1/08  Chief Ekpenyong Eyo Honesty Eyo II, reflects upon the impact that knowledge of Cubban Abakua is having upon Ekpe leaders of the Cross River region, 1/08  Chief Ekong Imona reflects upon the impact of the Cubans in Calabar, 2/08

Constitution of the Calabar Mgbe, 7/08 This Cross River, Nigeria, organization has as goal reunion with all Ekpe, including those in Cuba (Abakuá).

Before Calabar Burns, 8/8/2008 Press Release from the Etubom Traditional Council of the Efik Nation on the murder and mayhem committed by Cross River State government backed militias, with photos of some victims. The Cuban Abakuá are Efik in origin.

Ekpo Ekeng, Youth leader of Cobham Town and member of Calabar Mgbe, is interviewed on the recent events in Calabar, 8/08


Ivor Miller

VOICE OF THE LEOPARD: IVOR MILLER talks to NED SUBLETTE, 8/9/07, Afropop Worldwide

Voice of the Leopard, University Press of Mississippi, 2008, by Ivor Miller


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