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Miscelánea II -- studies dedicated to Fernando Ortiz
: paper edition


Miscelanea II of studies dedicated to Fernando Ortiz (1881-1969)

About the electronic edition:
Miscelanea II of studies dedicated to Fernando Ortiz (1881-1969): an online transcription
The New York Public Library, Schomberg Center

New York, N.Y.1998

About the print source:

Miscelanea II of studies dedicated to = Miscelanea II de estudios dedicados a = Miscelanea II des etudes dediees a Fernando Ortiz (1881-1969).

New York1998

Contains reprints by permission from selected previously published materials:
c. 1996 Fundacion Fernando Ortiz, Havana, Cuba: 
Boletin Numero I Cronologica Fernando Ortiz; 
c. 1955, 1956, 1957 Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais, Havana, Cuba: 
Miscelanea de estudios dedicados a Fernando Ortiz Vols. I, II, & III
c. 1943 Pan-American Union, Washington, D.C.: 
Points of View, No. 7 

Some of the contents:

INTRODUCTION -- Jane Gregory Rubin -- Director, InterAmericas 
FOREWORD -- LA CASA-TEMPLO -- Miguel Barnet -- President, Fundación Fernando Ortiz 
PREFACIO -- LA CASA-TEMPLO -- Miguel Barnet -- Presidente, Fundación Fernando Ortiz 
PRÉFACE -- LA CASA-TEMPLO -- Miguel Barnet -- Président, Fundación Fernando Ortiz 
CHRONOLOGY -- (1881-1995) 
BIBLIOGRAPHY -- (1895-1996) 


Miscelánea II -- studies dedicated to Fernando Ortizup.gif (925 bytes)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                            Contact: Jane Gregory Rubin
May 21, 1998                                                                                                                    Tel.: 1-212-988-0182
                                                                                                                                           Fax: 1-212-535-0084


NEW YORK, May 21 - Making a significant contribution to scholarship on the renowned Cuban historian and social scientist Fernando Ortiz (1881-1969), InterAmericas®/Society of Arts and Letter of the Americas/Socieded de Artes y Letras de las Américas, in cooperation withthe Fundación Fernando Ortiz (Havana) and the Instituto de Literatura y Lingüística /Sociedad the Económica de Amigos del País (Havana), announces the publication of Miscelánea II of studies dedicated to Fernando Ortiz (1881-1969) in a limited edition that unites new and previously published material, in Spanish, English, and French, on the life and work of this pivotal figure in Cuban arts and sciences.

Central to the content of Miscelánea II is a comprehensive, updated bibliography of works by Ortiz, his unpublished manuscripts, and secondary literature-a work based on two previous publications edited by Araceli García-Carranza for the Biblioteca Nacional José Martí in Havana: the Bio-Bibliografía de Don Fernando Ortiz (1970) and Don Fernando Ortiz. Suplemento (1994).

The new publication by InterAmericas also includes a chronology of Ortiz's life, published originally in Spanish and here translated into English and French; reprints of selected tributes to Ortiz by his colleagues; a foreword by Miguel Barnet, president of the Fundación Fernando Ortiz (Havana); and the first draft inventory of the Archivo de Fernando Ortiz, the scholar's comprehensive personal archive now held at the Instituto de Literatura y Lingüística/Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País (Havana).

Ortiz, born Fernando Ortiz Fernández, is known as the Tercer Descubridor (Third Discoverer) of Cuba for his groundbreaking writings and research exploring all aspects of Cuban politics and culture, in particular the deeply-rooted traditions of the island's Afro-Cuban population, which had been ignored by previous scholars. Although Ortiz published hundreds of articles and dozens of books in his lifetime, little of his work is available in the United States or in English translation. By publishing Miscelánea II, InterAmericas offers a compendium of carefully selected and edited texts intended to inspire further research into Ortiz's impressive body of work. As Jane Gregory Rubin, director of InterAmericas, writes in her introduction: "There is an urgent need to broaden the public's knowledge of the Ortiz materials, particularly through translation into English of the major works on the culture of the African diaspora."

The title and format of Miscelánea II was inspired by a series of three volumes of essays related to Ortiz studies published in 1955, 1956, and 1957 by the Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País: Miscelánea de estudios dedicados a Fernando Ortiz por sus discipulos, colegas y amigos, con ocasión de cumplirse sesenta años de la publicación de su primer impreso en Menorca en 1895, Volumes I, II, and III.

This limited edition commemorates the fifth anniversary of the establishment of InterAmericas®/Society of Arts and Letters of the Americas/Sociedad de Artes y Letras de las Américas as a program of the New York Foundation for the Arts, and will be distributed free of charge to participants in the 1998 conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM).



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