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Como mandarnos sus noticias

How to send us your news

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Send us your AfroCuban news
Mandanos sus noticias afrocubanas

Mandanos noticias afrocubanas y se lo pondre en el sitio. Favor de averiguar abajo como mandarlos para que podemos ponerlos rapido.

Send us your AfroCuban news according to the suggestions below so we can get them up rapidly.

Como mandarnos para poner en el AfroCubaWeb

Antes de mandarnos ficheros por coreo, favor de areglarlo por coreo de antemano, por problema de virus.

Se puede mandarnos

- ficheros text (.txt)
- ficheros Word (.doc)
- ficheros HTML (.html)

En el caso de Word, hay que averiguar

- cualquier material que tiene que ser en 2 o mas columnas, favor de ponerlos en mesas Word.

- el texto tiene que andar sin senal paragrapho al fin de cada linea. Es decir, se escribe sin pulsar el boton "Enter" al fin de la linea, mejor dejar a Word esa tarea. Si no, tenemos que quitar todos esos senales para tener un texto correcto.

How to send us your news for posting on AfroCubaWeb

Before sending files by email, please discuss with us beforehand and check your files for virus. We do not open unsolicited mail.

In order to post, after prior discussion, you would send us

- text files (.txt)
- Word documents (.doc)
- HTML pages (.html)

We prefer these to email or raw text if the document is larger than a paragraph or two, as it cost us work to transform this.

- In the case of Word, make use of Word tables for any text that needs to go in 2 or more column or that has to be laid out on the page.

- Please do not use a paragraph or hard return at the end of each line, it's best just to type on and let Word take care of that. Makes it a lot easier to transform into HTML

Contacting AfroCubaWeb

Electronic mail [replace _AT_ with @]

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