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AfroCubaWeb Archives 2003


Marta Rojas, writer & journalist

Pedro Pérez Sarduy, writer & journalist

Víctor Dreke, Che's second in the Congo

Teresa Cardenas, poet & writer

Rogelio Martínez Furé wins National Dance Prize

Nancy Morejón wins Littterature Prize

Abakuá and Efiks

Eugene Godfried, Radio Havana

AfroCubaWeb at 120,000 visits/month. Check out our site statistics showing the most popular pages, the countries that come most often to visit. Cuba has over 300 visits in 11/03.

… social, intelectuar y chic ... Choco, Diago y Mendive en La Cita de Biarritz por Pedro Pérez Sarduy  11/2/03

Nosotros y El Jazz
: Gloria Rolando's most recent film - progress notes, 11/1/03

Taller de Rumba y de la Conga "Alfonso Iyaé" una tradición que llegó para quedarse, por Elio Orovio. Workshops with Tatagüines, Changuito, El Ambia,  AfroCuba de Matanzas, Clave y Guaguancó, Iroso Obbá and Grupo "Alfonso Iyaé" 12/03

Afrocuban Folkloric Dance and Drum, Tambo Cuba, Matanzas with los Muñequitos and AfroCuba de Matanzas, 12/27/03 - 1/12/04

Maraca gets US visa after protracted and costly struggle, 9/15/03

Recorrido de Manuel Mendive por países de Africa, 9/9/03 Photo gallery added 9/26 and 10/5/03.

Taller de la Rumba y la Conga Charanguera en Bejucal, 11/03

Top artists Mendive, Choco, and Diago in La Cita festival, Biarritz, France, 9/27 - 10/5/03.

Maraca gets US visa after protracted and costly struggle, 9/15/03

ENTREVISTA CON EL PINTOR ROBERTO DIAGO en Biarritz, Francia  9/30/03  por Pedro Pérez Sarduy

Jiribilla Nro 95  La Habana. 1ro de marzo de 2003: dedicado a Pablo Milanes

Havana painter and performance artist Alexis Esquivel in the US 2/03-6/03, available for presentations.

Spring Workshop Of Rumba And Conga Charanguera "Alfonso Iyaé 2003", 5/03, Havana

Jesús Pérez and the transculturation of the Cuban batá drum.” Dialago. n. 7. Center for Latino Research. DePaul University. Spring, 2003, by Ivor Miller (14MB pdf file download).

Festival Nacional de Rap Cubano 2003 -  9th Edition - August 11-17

AfroCubaWeb receives 84,000 visits from around the world in January '03. We have the breakdown by page, by country.


Judith Bettelheim's CUBAN FESTIVALS: A Century of Afro-Cuban Culture now out, with translation of Ortiz's "The Afro-Cuban Festival Day of the Kings"

We feature critiques of author and journalist Marta Rojas' two novels.

Extracts from Pedro Pérez Sarduy's novel Las Criadas de La Habana and other works, 10/02. See also In Living Memory - he remembers his great grandmother Sabue born in Africa.

VII International Workshop of Africanisms in the Caribbean Ortiz Lachatañere
, April, 2003, Santiago de Cuba

Letra del año, 2003, direct from Cuba

The War on Culture: restrictions devastate cultural events in the US that rely on travel from Cuba, 10/02

Nicolás Guillén y el Modernismo Hispanoamericano by Keith Ellis, 10/02

El Tratamiento del Tema Negro en el Rap, Tomás Fernández Robaina, 8/02

Lazaro Ros gets Fernando Ortiz prize, wide coverage in Cuban press, 7/16

Recent Trotter Group coverage of Gloria Rolando and her film on 1912, 6/02

Nancy Morejón wins Cuba's 2001 National Prize for Litterature, 2/02. We have her PALABRAS POR EL PREMIO NACIONAL DE LITERATURA

New Gloria Rolando - Images of the Caribbean documentary: "Los marqueses de Atarés" premieres in Havana, features the carnival comparsa and famed AfroCuban actor Alden Knight. 2/02

Poet and writer Teresa Cárdenas Angulo's poem, A Nice Day, 3/02

The Center for Creative Education (CCE), Stone Ridge, NY, has numerous workshops in Cuba, winter and spring '02. These cover folkloric, rumba, salsa, and son dance & music. See our Workshop page for many others.

Con Natalia Bolívar, 2002

Support the artists: get  Pello's sheet music for bata, Flor Amalia's script, and Gloria Rolando's films. This is legal trade that benefits these artists.

Jane Bunnett's film Spirit of Havana shown on Canadian TV, 11/8/01

Support the artists: get  Pello's sheet music for bata, Flor Amalia's script, and Gloria Rolando's films. This is legal trade that benefits these artists.

Susana Arenas Pedroso, a Matancera formerly with Raices Profunda, is giving dance classes in the Bay Area.  
Expert Afrocuba de Matanzas percussionist Ramon "Sandy" Garcia has moved to the Bay Area and is also giving classes.

Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Música (CIDMUC) has a great atlas of Cuban music: Atlas de los Instrumentos Folklórico-Popular de Cuba. See also Olavo Alen's History of the Congas.

Numerous dancers and percussionists from Cuba are teaching in the US and Europe, listed under Workshops.

Danny Glover under fire for Cuba support but contract is solid, Granma article on the racial dimensions of the Havana - Miami conflict, Aragon concert shut down by Chicago's finest, new columns by Alberto Jones on our News page.

Interview with Harry Belafonte on Cuba, 10/25/03 by Sandra Levinson 

Administrative Prosecutions of Cuba Travelers To Start, 10/29/03

Cuba’s Musical Heritage: The Performing Arts in Cuba, Havana, Cienfuegos, Trinidad, 11/22/03 - 11/29/03

… social, intelectuar y chic ... Choco, Diago y Mendive en La Cita de Biarritz por Pedro Pérez Sarduy  11/2/03

Havana, Elpidio Cardenas, widely regarded as the babalawo who initiated the most Ifa initiates in Cuba, died at 93 years of age, 9/15/03. 

No Cuban, No Problem: The Latin Grammys were 100% Cuba-free thanks to the man in the Oval Office, Miami New Times, 9/11/03 - Los Muñequitos and Van Van directors banned by Bush directly as he panders to the Miami Mafia.

Fiesta del Tambor - Benefit for Cuban Musicians, 10/16/03, Portland, OR

1er. Encuentro Internacional del baile de la salsa en Cuba, 2003: 11/8/03 - 11/13/03

Compay Segundo dies, 7/13/03, Jiribilla Nro 115 dedicado a Francisco Repilado

8th World Orisha Conference Licensed Package, Havana, 7/03: organized by the Elders of Ife in Nigeria for the Diaspora

Los Muñequitos' Ricardo Cané obituary - obituario, 6/10/03

Percussionist Miguel Bernal and choreographer Juan de Dios from the famed folkloric group Raices Profundas are in the US.

Jiribilla Nro 95  La Habana. 1ro de marzo de 2003: dedicado a Pablo Milanes

Víctor Dreke, Che's second in command in the Congo, is the new author of From the Escambray to the Congo: In the Whirlwind of the  Cuban Revolution. 11/02

Haitian - Cuban folclorico group Cutumba  workshops in Santiago 1/03 - 2/03.

Rogelio Martínez Furé wins National Dance Prize 2002, previously given to Alicia Alonso.

New Evidence for the African Diaspora in the Cuban Abakua Society,  Lecture - presentation by Dr. Ivor Miller and Omí Odara, Amherst, 4/19up.gif (925 bytes)/02

Judith Bettelheim's CUBAN FESTIVALS: A Century of Afro-Cuban Culture now out, with translation of Ortiz's "The Afro-Cuban Festival Day of the Kings"

Rogelio Scull, founding member of Afrocuba de Matanzas, in Texas jail. Update: due to be released 10/2001, he was looking forward to teaching and performing. He'd appreciate hearing from folks as he still has not been released and does not know why. 11/27/02

Poet and journalist Pedro Pérez-Sarduy visited US 3/03 with a multimedia presentation  on AfroCuban themes, including "For Fidel Castro, race matters and is not divisive."

[Jodido by Roberto Diago]

Painting "Jodido"  by Roberto Diago, in Pérez Sarduy's spring presentation

Assata Poster
Assata Shakur poster
with Askia Touré's poem "Palenque Queen by Habana's Shores" now available, as are some books by Askia.

Rogelio Martínez Furé wins National Dance Prize 2002, previously given to Alicia Alonso.

Letra del año, 2003, direct from Cuba

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archives 1/02-12/02

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