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El Ambia
© 2001 Pedro Pérez Sarduy

IX Rumba and Conga Workshop "Alfonso Iyaé" CubAché 2008
Bejucal, Havana, 
13th – 14th December 2008

See Gallery of photos from past Workshops


Cuba Conga: An Ever Catching Rhythm, 12/25/08 
Arnaldo Sánchez Durruthy

As it always happens, it has been a prelude to the legendary Charangas of Bejucal, one of the most ancient popular parties in Cuba.

The tenth Conga Festival in Bejucal town, west of Havana, has left the people happy and exhausted of dancing with one of the most stimulating musical genres.

As it always happens, it has been a prelude to the legendary Charangas of Bejucal, one of the most ancient popular parties in Cuba.

This year’s rhythm and excitement were in the hands of “Los Tamborcitos de Bejucal,” a band of young musicians, and “Las tamboreras,” a folkloric group of women who took part in this great party for the first time.

But in this kind of events there are always surprises. This time it involves Osvaldo Álvarez Guzmán, a blind artist from the Alfonso Ivaé Community project sponsored by the Union of Cuban Writers and Artists. He was the winner in the five-string guitar competition.

The Bejucal conga festival, which made people of all ages dance over and over, also marked the end of the ninth Cubaché 2008 rumba and conga workshop, held for two days in the almost 300-year-old locality of Bejucal. 


IX Rumba and Conga Workshop "Alfonso Iyaé" CubAché 2008 (PDF, 97kb with color photos)

Saturday December 13th of 2008 
Place: Bejucal 
10:00 PM Dance and Percussion Class 
2:00 PM Practical workshop (Regla
de Ocha , Regla Conga and Conga)
4:00 PM Rumba and the Conga 
Sunday December 14th the 2008 
Place: Bejucal. 
10:00 PM Dance and Percussion 
3:00 PM IX Congas Festival 

Price: $50, 00 CUC/Persona 
Includes: Participation in all activities
of Workshop Welcome 
Cocktail and lunch (2) 

Post Event Activities

Monday December 15th of 2008 
Place: Havana City
2:00 PM Dance and Percussion Class 
(2 hours)

Tuesday December 16th of 2008 
Place: Havana City
10:00 AM Dance and Percussion Class 
(2 hours)
3:00 PM Orisha Party 

Wednesday December 17th of 2008 
Place: Havana City
2:00 PM Class of Dance and 
Percussion (2 hour)
9:00 PM The Music’s House (optional)

For all interested in Post Event 
activities participation, should 
communicate with the General 

Additional Price/ person
Dance and Percussion Class 
(2 hours) $ 10, 00 CUC
Orisha Party $ 20, 00 CUC

General Coordinator:
M.Sc. Cristóbal Alfonso 
Address: 9 street # 604 Bejucal town, of 
Havana, Cuba
Phone: (53)(47) 68 1606 o (537) 8 73 9925
E-mail: [replace _AT_ with @]


Concluyó con éxitos el VIII Taller de la Rumba y la Conga Charanguera "Alfonso Iyaé CubAché 2007" dedicada esta edición al desaparecido y destacado rumbero "Chavalongo" auspiciado por la UNEAC de la Provincia La Habana.

En esta ocasión participaron diferente personalidades de la música como Helio Orovio, Eloy Machado "El Ambia", Ricardo Pérez y El Loquillo.

Como agrupaciones participante estuvieron presente, el grupo Kifuiti, la Congas de Bejucal, Bejucal Juvenil, Los Tamborcito de Bejucal, la conga Quivicán ( La Salud), Santiago de las Vegas, Los Componedores de Batea y como anfitriones le Grupo Alfonso Iyaé y su CubAché. Desde ya, hacemos la convocatoria al IX Taller de Rumba y Conga Charanguera "Alfonso Iyaé CubAché 2008" que se celebrará los día 13 y 14 de diciembre del año 2008 (adjunto programa de actividades) 

Reportó:M.Sc. Cristóbal Alfonso Álvarez
                        Coordinador General del Taller

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