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Los Muñequitos de MatanzasFormed in 1952, this stellar rumba group is famous throughout Cuba. They also charmed audiences everywhere in the US on their first, second, and third US tours, in 1992, 1996, and 1998. They were back in August, 1999, in the Spring of 2000, again in 2001, and for the last time in the US, in 2002, after which George Bush blocked them. Then they returned in April, 2011. The group got its start in 1952 in a bar in Barrio Marina in Matanzas, Cuba,
a neighborhood with a strong African culture, when a
group of youths began following the rhythms of a song by Arsenio Rodríguez that was then
playing, using dishes and bottles, as is the style in "kitchen rumbas."
For more, see "the Foundation." Los Muñequitos de Matanzas are part of the living legend of African music in Cuba, and they remain very close to their Abakuá (Efik/Efo) roots. Most members are also members of an Abakuá potencia, or lodge. Israel Berriel, singer, passes to the ancestors, 12/2020 Jesús Alfonso Miró, Musical Director passes to the ancestors, 6/3/90
Esteban Vega Bacallao
"Chachá" passes to the ancestors, 7/19/07
IBBAE, CHACHÁ Gregorio "Goyo" Diaz obituary, 5/8/96
Members (as of 2000), this has changed a lot:
Cuban Band Shines at Montreal Jazz Festival,
7/13/07, Granma
Los Muñequitos' Ricardo Cané passes
on, 6/5/03 Los Munequitos And Friends Jam Session At LP Studios, 4/02, nice pics
Muñequitos poster for LA 2001 Fall '00 tour of some Muñequitos members
a guarachar!: Interview with Gregorio "El Goyo" Hernández,
Esquina Rumbera, posted 12/18/06 Los Muñequitos Live on Rapidshare, 1998 Tour |
Jazz y guaguancó en festival cubano, tributo a Muñequitos de Matanzas 1/19/2019 Prensa
Latina: "De acuerdo con el programa, la dirección musical está a cargo del
reconocido pianista y compositor cubano Alejandro Falcón, quien además asumió
los arreglos protagonizados por Muñequitos de Matanzas junto al proyecto
Cubadentro. El repertorio que presentarán evidencia un recorrido por obras
típicas de la formación matancera, acompañada por una sesión de metales,
artistas invitados y el formato jazzístico del talentoso Falcón. De los
participantes destacan la voz de oro de la música campesina, María Victoria; la
rapera Telmary Díaz y el pianista Ernán López-Nussa, este último invitado a
interpretar un tema junto a Falcón. Los organizadores presagian será una noche
de lujo 'donde se hermanarán géneros y artistas diversos' en homenaje a uno de
los grupos de rumba más queridos de todos los tiempos, orgullo del folklore
La Habana de rumba 11/1/2018 Radio Cadena Habana: "La convocatoria tiene el
objetivo de estimular el intercambio entre cultivadores de este género musical
de diversas provincias y diferentes generaciones. Exponentes como Los Papines,
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, Los Güiros de San Cristóbal, Timbalaye, Rumba Morena
y Explosión Rumbera, se presentaran en los espacios concebidos en la capital.
Desde las provincias vendrán también importantes grupos, como Rumbávila, de la
central Ciego de Ávila, muy influido por las raíces haitianas; de Cienfuegos
llegará Ochareo; Rumbatá de Camagüey, y también de Matanzas Rumbatimba."
Timbalaye 2018: La rumba no ha perdido la ruta en Matanzas 8/23/2018 UNEAC: "De
hecho, el inicio de la etapa matancera del Timbalaye 2018 estuvo protagonizado
por las actuaciones de Los Muñequitos de Matanzas y Los Reyes del Tambor,
agrupaciones yumurinas que fueron homenajeadas por su emblemático quehacer. Los
Reyes del Tambor, ya con tres décadas de existencia, se presentaron en la tarde
del martes, en el Castillo de San Severino, mientras en la noche, en el barrio
de La Marina, tocó el turno a Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, ya con 65 años de
trabajo. En el cierre del Timbalaye matancero, en la Casa de Cultura de Pueblo
Nuevo se realizó un espectáculo que incluyó a los colectivos Afrocuba, Siete
Potencias, Los Matanceros y la comparsa La maravilla, así como a Los Muñequitos…
y a Los Reyes…"
Que La Ruta de la Rumba llegue a toda Cuba 8/10/2018 Granma: "Reconocimientos
a diferentes personalidades que han tenido que ver con el género: a rumberos,
bailarines; lecciones de danza, rumba y son; encuentro con íconos de la rumba;
eventos teóricos, de reflexión; homenajes como el que tendrá lugar a Los
Muñequitos de Matanzas y a la Agrupación Folclórica Los reyes del tambor, por
sus aniversarios 65 y 30, respectivamente; encuentros de técnicas de percusión,
y la presentación de agrupaciones que cultivan la rumba, el punto cubano y la
Tumba Francesa, entre otras, forman parte del programa concebido por el
Ministerio de Cultura, sus consejos nacionales de Patrimonio Cultural y de casas
de Cultura, la Uneac y el Proyecto Internacional Timbalaye, que presiden los
profesores y coreógrafos Ulises Mora e Irma Castillo."
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, 65 años de cubanía 11/8/2017 UNEAC: “Una de las
peculiaridades y fortalezas nuestras es que sabemos combinar la experiencia con
la sangre joven sin abandonar las esencias”, dice Alfredo Smith Junco, productor
de la agrupación. “Fíjense que el cantante líder tiene 77 años, el otro cantante
tiene 80 y el director 73; y a la vez muchos cantantes y bailarines jóvenes y
hasta una niña de siete años y además tenemos una comparsa que el años pasado
obtuvo el Gran Premio del Carnaval de Matanzas”.
Muñequitos de Matanzas celebrate 65th anniversary 11/6/2017 Granma: "In
terms of repertory, almost all of their numbers were created by members of the
group, which no doubt favored the development of a unique sound that
distinguished the Muñequitos' style. They now have to their credit more than 100
rumbas, and traditional call and response pieces."
A Cuba-Harvard connection, with a beat 8/29/2017 Harvard: "“To see a
Muñequitos show is priceless,” said Terry, who grew up seeing the 65-year-old
group perform. “The work that they’re doing is very important for the younger
generation because it continues the oral tradition of passing information from
the older generation to the younger. It’s the first time my students are
experiencing a real rumba, expressed with authenticity. I can teach this in
classes, but it’s different to see. It inspires my band to look back into their
own culture and use that inspiration to move things forward.”"
Con reconocimiento al maestro Milián Galí Riverí inició Fiesta de la Danza 4/28/2017 TV
Santiago: "El percursionista Mililián Galí Riverí con sus toques de tambor batá
inauguró la Fiesta de la danza. FIDANZ 2017 reúne a jóvenes y experimentados
creadores de esta manifestación e incentiva la superación de noveles artistas."
[Gali era ahijado de Esteban Vega Bacallao "Chacha" de los Muñequitos de
Declaran el año 2017 AÑO DE LAS TRADICIONES AFROCUBANAS 1/31/2017 PL: "Como
año de celebraciones de las tradiciones afrocubanas declararon al 2017
autoridades de la música de la occidental provincia de Matanzas, sede nativa de
importantes grupos cultores de esos ritmos.(PLRadio) La iniciativa surgió de la
Empresa Comercializadora musical Rafael Somavilla de esta urbe, a 100 kilómetros
de La Habana, según comunicó a Prensa Latina Luis Ortega, promotor de entidad.
Ortega destacó que cinco agrupaciones del género celebrarán festejan y
aniversarios cerrados fundacionales, entre ellas las emblemáticas Los Muñequitos
de Matanzas (65 años) y el Grupo Afrocuba, que arribará a las seis décadas de
The rumba 10/13/2016 Cubarte: "The
rumba is a Cuban musical genre that is sung and danced, and its origin is
basically urban. There are three aspects: the yambú of urban source, the
columbia, of rural source, and the guaguancó that is also urban. Perhaps the
latter is the most popular of all. Its music lacks rituals or religious
elements. Let us recall that its genesis and formation comes from urban areas,
rooming houses, slums, in locations around the ports and sugar mills, hence its
musical instruments such as drums, cajones, claves and spoons. The main groups
of this genre in Cuba are the Muñequitos de Matanzas, Los Papines and the
Camagüey group Rumba Ta, which have led the rumba to high levels in all corners
of the world."
La rumba: complejo musical cubano de raíces africanas y españolas 5/14/2014 PL: "Entre
los que ponen su empeño para perpetuar ese género, Patrimonio Cultural de la
Nación, está el cantante y percusionista habanero Rogelio Gatel, para quien la
rumba ha dejado de ser un ritmo exclusivo de La Habana y Matanzas a partir de su
extensión a otras regiones de Cuba. Al respecto, aseguró que en la actualidad
existen grupos en Pinar del Río, Santa Clara, Trinidad, Cienfuegos, Ciego de
Ávila, Camagüey y Santiago de Cuba, donde además los jóvenes tienen un peso
importante en la membresía de las agrupaciones existentes en la ínsula… Gatel
recordó que se inició en la rumba con Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, agrupación
emblemática de este género en Cuba que tanta gloria le ha dado a la isla, y
explicó que también en La Habana se vinculó con muchos rumberos que le abrieron
las puertas."
An Exceptional Duet in Los Muñequitos de Matanzas 11/6/2012 CubaNow: Interview
with founders Esteban Lantri (Saldiguera), and Hortensio Alfonso (Virulilla).
Seis décadas de Los Muñequitos de Matanzas 11/6/2012 Juventud
Rebelde: "Entre las múltiples expresiones de admiración durante el desarrollo
del homenaje se oyeron voces que clamaron para que se mantenga ese espacio de
Los Muñequitos con sus invitados, tal vez con periodicidad mensual, como si
fuese una peña folclórica, para corear una vez más junto con Minini (Francisco
Zamora Chirino), el director del Grupo folclórico Afrocuba: «Vengan rumberos,
vamos a guarachar, vengan rumberos, vamos a guarachar. ¡Goza, mira qué bueno
está el Marinón! ¡Qué bueno está el Marinón!»."
Good Cuba Rumba in
Havana’s Vedado 12/27/2011 Havana Times: "On this occasion it was dedicated
to rumba, one of the most authentic expressions of Cuban cultural identity. The
group Los Muñequitos de Matanzas — which is now marking 60 years since its
creation — had almost all those in attendance on their feet and dancing. Even
the more timid were moving their shoulders and tapping their toes from their
Muñequitos de Matanzas and Friends First Performance 5/4/2011 YouTube: Many
thanks to Onel Mulet for making this momentous occasion possible
The Arts of Cuba, Set to Wow New York 2/8/2011 NYT: "The Cuban rumba and
dance troupe Los Muñequitos de Matanzas hasn’t performed in New York in nearly a
decade. Danza Contemporánea de Cuba, which mixes Afro-Caribbean dance and
classical European ballet and was founded in 1959, has never been to the United
States. Neither have the socially conscious photographers Adonis Flores and
Cirenaica Moreira. All those and more than two dozen other artists will take
part in a wide-ranging festival of Cuban arts that will last more than two
months in locations around New York this spring. The festival, called “¡Sí
Cuba!,” is one of the most significant indications that cultural relations
between the United States and Cuba are thawing after nearly a decade in a deep
Update; "Lost" Muñequitos tracks 1/9/2011 Esquina Rumbera
Caribe: "Estuvieron aquí provenientes de la provincia de Guantánamo como parte
una gira promocionando su espectáculo "Homenaje a los ancestros" y luego de
presentarse en Casa, donde hicieron un mano a mano con la Compañía Folklórica
Kokoyé, se presentaron en el municipio Songo La Maya para actuar de nuevo el
jueves 21, esta vez en el Patio Palenque de la Casa de las Religiones Populares…
Hablando de los planes inmediatos que tiene el grupo, está venir a la próxima
edición de la Fiesta del Fuego. Según declaraciones de Diosdado: "hace muchos
años que no estamos aquí y con tremendo gusto vamos a venir al Festival del
Caribe, ya que ustedes nos han invitado."
Semana de
la Cultura en La Marina, Matanzas,Cuba. 10/30/2010 YouTube: "Defiles y
comparsas, Homenaje a Jesus Alfonso de los Munequitos de Matanzas."
Los Muñequitos
en la rumba de la Sala Atril, del Karl Marx 2/20/2010 Atenas,
Matanzas: "Las afamados Muñequitos de Matanzas, fueron invitados especiales del
nuevo espacio que dedica a la rumba La Sala Atril, del teatro Karl Marx, en la
capital cubana. El grupo que dirige el maestro Diosdado Ramos, ofreció un
concierto con temas antológicos y los más recientes incluidos en el disco De
palo p'rumba, placa de la casa discográfica cubana Bis Music, el cual estuvo
nominado a los codiciados Premios Grammy Latino. La agrupación folklórica
emprenderá en el venidero marzo una gira por varios países de Europa y
participará en Munich, Alemania, en el Festival Cubamemucho, junto a otras
agrupaciones de la Isla y después se presentarán en Francia, Italia y Suecia,
según comentó Ramos. Durante el concierto de la noche de este jueves, en la Sala
Atril, Giraldo Piloto, reconocido músico y compositor anunció que el Festival
del Tambor, tendrá lugar entre el nueve y el 14 de marzo, en el cual destacados
grupos cultivadores de las raíces afrocubanas ofrecerán su arte."
En memoria Jesús Alfonso Miró, director de Los Muñequitos de Matanzas 6/11/2009 Claridad: "Como
compositor fue imprescindible en el repertorio de esa agrupación, siendo
conocidas sus obras en el mundo entero, como autor de Congo Yambumba, la Llave,
Chino Guaguao, Lengua de Obbara, Saludo a Nueva York, y muchas otras que ya son
clásicos de la rumba cubana… Jesús Alfonso, perteneciente a la sociedad
matancera Efí Irondó Itá Ibekó, respetuoso portador de la regla de Osha, será
recordado por todo su pueblo y muy especialmente por los rumberos de todo el
mundo." [Eso es una potencia Abakwa…]
Murió el director musical del grupo cubano Los muñequitos de Matanzas 6/5/2009 PL
La rumba de luto en Cuba 6/4/2009 AIN: "Para Vivian Ramos, bailarina de la
agrupación afrocubana desde los seis años de edad, hoy consagrada en el género,
Jesús deja su impronta y de ahora en lo adelante Los Muñequitos llegarán más
lejos y sus ritmos ancestrales cobrarán más fuerzas, porque siempre los
Fallece director de Los Muñequitos de Matanzas 6/3/2009 Granma/AIN: "Desde
1967 fue Director Musical y quinto de esa agrupación a la que amó profundamente
y dedicó la mayor parte de su vida… Jesús fue a la rumba como Cuní o Chapottín
al son. Jesús le dio a la rumba su vida toda, destacó."
Título: La rumba de Matanzas a La Habana. Artista(s): Los Muñequitos de
Matanzas, 2008 5/3/2009 Egrem: [remastered Muñequitos hits from 60's and
70's] "Disco doble con la música interpretada por agrupaciones de rumba que
hicieron trascender hasta hoy, por su calidad y auténtica manera de hacer la
rumba, sus primeras grabaciones. Es el caso de Muñequitos de Matanzas, Papín y
sus rumberos (en la actualidad integrante de Los Papines), Grupo Afrocubano Lulú
yonkori, y el legendario Alberto Zayas “El melodioso”. Temas originales de
rumba, unidos a otros que fueron llevados a ese “tiempo” como Tu olvido o La
bien pagá; y autores como Evaristo Aparicio y Florencio Calle, reconocidos
maestros de la rumba, hacen de este disco una joya, donde puede encontrar los
inicios discográficos de este género. La Dra. Maria Teresa Linares explica con
toda precisión las características del disco y lo que aporta la reedición de
estas grabaciones para la cultura cubana, en la nota discográfica que aparece en
español e inglés."
Varadero Music Festival Becomes an Annual Event 6/12/2008 Cuba Now: "The
festival’s agenda includes performances by outstanding and popular Cuban bands
like AfroCuba, the Muñequitos de Matanzas as well as singers such as Spanish
Dyango, Cuban Carlos Varela, and Portuguese Luis Represas, among others."
Troupe keeps beat to Cuban rhythms 7/18/2007 Times Colonist, Victoria: los
Muñequitos - "The Grammy award-nominated band, which was formed 50 years ago, is
one of Cuba's most celebrated rumba groups and features dancers, drummers and
vocalists -- including three generations of one family. They have performed
worldwide and received rave reviews at the recent Montreal 2007 Jazz Festival in
front of audiences of thousands. Hanson said this is a rare chance to see and
hear them in an intimate setting He noted the performers are "stunning,
brilliantly melodic." At the end of a recent concert in New York, people tossed
money on stage. The San Diego Union Tribune calls them "The essence of Cuba's
musical soul;" Latin Beat Magazine says they are "Truly keepers of a sacred
flame;" and Arborweb dubs them "Living lessons in 500 years of Afro-Cuban
history." Hanson has studied drumming in Brazil, west Africa, Cuba and elsewhere
but says these performers are tops. "I studied with them for two weeks at Banff
Centre for the Arts where they were teaching people from all over about Afro
Cubanismo -- including Grammy award winners," he said."
Número 29 Año 7 7/18/2007 Boletín CUBARTE: Tata Güines y sus tambores
resuenan en España; Próximamente grupo Sierra Maestra actuará en Europa; Músicos
cubanos realizan gira conjunta por España; Rumba en grande con Los Muñequitos en
Cuban Band Shines at Montreal Jazz Festival 7/13/2007 Granma: "The
authenticity of the Cuban rumba group Los Muñequitos de Matanzas received raving
audience reviews at the recently concluded Montreal 2007 Jazz Festival. The
legendary group from the northwestern Cuban province of Matanzas performed
before thousands of people, giving the best of their traditional repertoire
while showing that rumba is alive in today’s Cuban music. The impact of the
Muñequitos performance was all the more significant when taking into account the
packed festival schedule with more than 300 concerts by artists from some 30
Alberto Romero Díaz, singer for Los Muñequitos, dies 8/10/06 at age 58 8/19/2006 AfroCubaWeb: "AfroCubaWeb
salutes that great and knowledgeable artist, Alberto Romero Díaz. Born in 1948,
he loved baseball and music and sang for los Muñequitos since 1980. His
distinctive voice helped them win the Latin Grammy in 2001."
Falleció Alberto Romero, cantante de Los Muñequitos de Matanzas 8/12/2006 AIN
Repicarán los tambores cubanos en Venezuela 7/7/2006 Radio Progreso: "El
grupo cubano ¨ Los Muñequitos de Matanzas ¨ participará en el III Festival
Internacional "Todos los Tambores del Mundo", encuentro que presentará en
Venezuela reconocidas agrupaciones percusionistas de los cinco continentes del
12 al 17 de julio. El Instituto de las Artes Escénicas y Musicales de Venezuela
informó que el festival se desarrollará en Caracas y 11 estados, y la apertura
tendrá por sede la sala Ríos Reyna del capitalino Teatro Teresa Carreño. Entre
los artistas invitados se encuentran también Les Go Koteba (Costa de Marfil),
Tambor Voz del Ancestro (República Dominicana) y Paban Das Baúl and Mother India
Drums (India). Según la fuente, por Australia se presentará el grupo Drum Drum y
de España llegará el reconocido guitarrista Hernán Romero, junto a Compaz
Flamenco. Venezuela presentará una variada propuesta de 30 grupos, que junto a
los colectivos foráneos actuarán en Carabobo, Miranda, Guárico, Zulia y Vargas
(occidente) y Barinas y Apure (llanos). Amazonas, Delta Amacuro (oriente) y
Mérida y Táchira, en la zona andina, también acogerán la cita rítmica, cuya
programación incorporó, además de los conciertos, talleres y exposiciones."
Rumba Diplomacy in the Age of Bushismo 6/2/2005 World Policy Journal: "One
Havana morning in June 2001, members of the rumba group Los Muñequitos de
Matanzas were filling out U.S. Optional Form 156 BNS, version in Spanish, to get
visas for a forthcoming tour of the United States. I saw the old familiar
question, “¿Es Ud. Miembro del Partido Comunista de Cuba? [Are you a member of
the Communist Party of Cuba?] Sí ___ No ___.” Below that, a new question had
been rubber-stamped onto the printed form: “Es Ud. Miembro o Representante de
Una Organización Terrorista? [Are you a member or representative of a terrorist
organization?] Sí ___ No ___.” I took out a notebook and copied it down, because
I didn’t believe my eyes. Was this perhaps a test of the applicant’s basic
intelligence?1 Shaking their heads in disbelief, the Muñequitos checked the “No”
box. "
Interview with Marta Moreno Vega 8/19/2004 MundoAfroLatino: published
7/26/03 - "When the spirits dance Mambo, produced by the Caribbean Cultural
Center, Marta Moreno Vega and Bobby Shephard, has been screened all across the
United States and in film festivals in Europe and Cuba. The documentary
highlights history of the African traditions of Cuba and it's influence in Cuban
popular music. There are interviews with practioners of the West African Yoruba
based tradition of Santeria along with appearances by the Muñequitos de
Matanzas, Yoruba Andabo, Cuban Hip Hop artists and many others."
Cuba's music: A dance of life 7/25/2004 Sun Sentinel, Florida: "Though it
seems a century ago, it's only been six years since music fans in the United
States first got the opportunity to see Cuban bands play their music live. For
South Florida -- so close to Havana yet at times so far from tolerance -- the
advent of Cuban touring acts offered an embarrassment of riches: salsa singer
Isaac Delgado's regular, albeit semi-clandestine, shows; band leader and flutist
Jose Luis Cortez; El Tosco and his mighty NG la Banda came twice in one year;
the venerable rumba collective Los Muñequitos de Matanza played a sold-out
Jackie Gleason Theater; Los Van Van faced the ire of screaming, bottle-throwing
protestors before setting the Miami Arena alight with its torrid brand of
Tribute Gala to the 80th Anniversary of Lira Matancera 5/20/2004 Cubarte
Newsletter: "One of Cuba´s oldest orchestras, La Lira Matancera, has been paid
tribute for its 80th anniversary on May 12, at the Sauto Theater, in the western
Cuban city of Matanzas. Los Muñequitos de Matanzas and the Fantasia String
Quintet, directed by maestro Alberto Garcia, shared the stage with the group and
played old and contemporary classics of its repertoire. Other invited
celebrities included, Eduardo Rosillo, professor of Cuban radio announcers,
linked to the work of the orchestra for years."
No Cuban,
No Problem - The Latin Grammys were 100% Cuba-free thanks to the man in the Oval
Office 9/11/2003 Miami New Times: Los Muñequitos and Van Van directors
banned by Bush directly as he panders to the Miami Mafia.
Los 50 de Los Muñequitos de Matanzas - Rumba de corazón 10/3/2002 Granma: "El
concierto que ofrecerán Los Muñequitos de Matanzas para conmemorar el
aniversario 50 de su creación (miércoles 9 de octubre, 8:30 p.m., en la Sala
Avellaneda del Teatro Nacional) traerá más de una sorpresa. El espectáculo
contará con las tradiciones que conforman las raíces de la rumba, sus variantes
(el yambú, la columbia y el guaguancó) y servirá para presentar su último DC
Rumba de corazón (Bis Music de ARTEX)."
Foreign Performers and U.S. Gigs: Getting Here Is a Tougher Ticket 7/22/2002 LA
Times: "As of two days ago, Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, the Cuban rumba group
who has appeared many times in the U.S. over the last 10 years, had to cancel
scheduled appearances at the last moment (though their INS petition was approved
weeks ago) at the National Black Arts Festival in Atlanta and in Puerto Rico and
New York. Also having to cancel was Síntesis, the distinguished Cuban group
celebrating its 25th anniversary this year with a just-announced 2002 Latin
Grammy nomination, who were to appear at various dates in August. - Ned
cubano para nuestros cinco héroes 5/7/2002 Juventud Rebelde: "El Conjunto
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas hizo llegar a nuestros cinco Héroes de la República
prisioneros del Imperio su disco La rumba soy yo, con el cual ganaron el Premio
Grammy Latino 2001, en la categoría de Mejor Álbum de Música Folclórica. El
solidario gesto surgió de una propuesta de su director, Diosdado Ramos, y de la
representante del grupo, Cary Diez, durante una exitosa gira de alrededor de un
mes por Miami, Washington y Nueva York, donde actuaron e impartieron clases.
Ramos recordó a JR que en su actuación ante casi 3 000 personas en Miami Beach
sufrieron las presiones de los elementos contrarrevolucionarios radicados allí."
Muñequitos de Matanzas bringing rumba long-due respect 4/7/2002 Miami
LA RUMBA SON ELLOS 11/26/2001 La Jiribilla, Cuba: Chachá gets good press:
"¿Lo más grande y significativo?: el viejo "Chachá", Diosdado y sus Muñequitos
de Matanzas, los míticos Papines, la maestría de Changuito, el sonido de Tata
Güines, el guaguancó de la Habana, entre otros, todos ellos arropando e
inspirando la "sangre joven", las voces que se parten, que se rajan, que
pregonan y cuentan las historias de la calle, porque eso es este disco, un
camino por el centro de las carreteras, los solares y la vida cubana de ayer y
hoy...Con mucha felicidad hemos recibido la noticia: Los "Timberos Cubanos"
ganaron un Grammy Latino, un justo y merecido homenaje a los pioneros de la
"Timba Cubana", los padres del guaguancó."
Grania Litwin, Times Colonist
Who: Los Munequitos de Matanzas
Where: Victoria Event Centre, 1415 Broad St.
When: 7:30, tonight
Tickets: $17.50/$18.50 in advance at 384-3786, or $22.50 at the door
Note: Workshop in drumming and dancing tomorrow
An acclaimed 12-member rumba band from Cuba that performs tonight at the Victoria Event Centre, has already got Jordan Hanson's pulse pounding out some excited rhythms.
"When I heard Los Munequitos de Matanzas was touring Canada and that we had an opportunity to host them in Victoria, I immediately said: 'Let's do it,'" explained the event organizer and University of Victoria drumming teacher.
The Grammy award-nominated band, which was formed 50 years ago, is one of Cuba's most celebrated rumba groups and features dancers, drummers and vocalists -- including three generations of one family.
They have performed worldwide and received rave reviews at the recent Montreal 2007 Jazz Festival in front of audiences of thousands. Hanson said this is a rare chance to see and hear them in an intimate setting
He noted the performers are "stunning, brilliantly melodic." At the end of a recent concert in New York, people tossed money on stage. The San Diego Union Tribune calls them "The essence of Cuba's musical soul;" Latin Beat Magazine says they are "Truly keepers of a sacred flame;" and Arborweb dubs them "Living lessons in 500 years of Afro-Cuban history."
Hanson has studied drumming in Brazil, west Africa, Cuba and elsewhere but says these performers are tops.
"I studied with them for two weeks at Banff Centre for the Arts where they were teaching people from all over about Afro Cubanismo -- including Grammy award winners," he said.
"Cuba is a place where one of the most sophisticated polyrhythmias in the world is played, and this group is very, very authentic."
The group plays on Congo drums and also cajon box drums, which were inspired by old shipping boxes that were used as drums. Some held candles, others soap, and some were packed with cod from Canada. "That gave them the high, low and mid pitch drums."
Los Munequitos will hold three community drumming and dance workshops tomorrow: Afro-Cuban dance at 4:30 p.m. in Fairfield United Church Hall, and drumming (Level 1 at 6:30 p.m., and Level 2 at 8 p.m.) both at Fairfield Community Place, 1330 Fairfield Rd.
Workshops are $25, with a second for $15. Register by calling 384-3786.
The authenticity of the Cuban rumba group Los Muñequitos de Matanzas received raving audience reviews at the recently concluded Montreal 2007 Jazz Festival.
The legendary group from the northwestern Cuban province of Matanzas performed before thousands of people, giving the best of their traditional repertoire while showing that rumba is alive in today’s Cuban music.
The impact of the Muñequitos performance was all the more significant when taking into account the packed festival schedule with more than 300 concerts by artists from some 30 countries.
Among the many musicians on hand for the Montreal Jazz Festival were Cesaria Evora (Cabo Verde), Angelique Kidjo (Benin), Rachid Taha (Algeria) and US trumpet player Wynton Marsalis with the Lincoln Center Orchestra.
The Muñequitos de Matanzas travel west this week to British Colombia, where they will play a concert in the city of Harrison.
Falleció Alberto Romero, cantante de
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas
MATANZAS (AIN 12/8/06). En la madrugada de este viernes falleció víctima de cáncer, en esta ciudad, a los 58 años de edad, Alberto Romero, destacado músico y cantante de la agrupación afrocubana Los Muñequitos de Matanzas.
Con muchos años de experiencia en el trabajo del rescate de raíces afrocubanas, representó a la cultura cubana en numerosas giras de Los Muñequitos por países como Bélgica, México, Alemania y Estados Unidos.
Sus cantos aparecen en el disco "La Rumba Soy Yo", uno de los más importantes de la agrupación y con el que ganaron en el 2001 el Grammy Latino.
Alberto Romero dies, singer from Los Muñequitos de Matanzas
Matanzas (AIN 8/12/06). This Thursday early morning, Alberto Romero died a victim of cancer, at 58. He was an outstanding musician and a singer in the AfroCuban group os Muñequitos de Matanzas.
With many years of experience working on the rescue of AfroCuban roots, he represented Cuban culture in numerous tours with Los Muñequitos in countries such as Belgium, Mexico, Germany, and the United States. His songs appear in the CD La Rumba Soy Yo." He was one of the most important members of the group and they won the Latin Grammy in 2001 with him.
Por Ernesto Galván
La Habana, Cuba
Fuente: EFE
El músico y cantante Alberto Romero, voz del grupo de música afrocubana Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, falleció hoy a los 58 años, informaron medios locales.
La Agencia de Información Nacional (AIN) indicó que el deceso de Romero, que pasó gran parte de su vida escarbando en las raíces de la música cubana derivada de la emigración africana, se produjo en horas de la madrugada tras padecer "una penosa enfermedad".
Romero puso voz al disco La rumba soy yo, uno de los más importantes de la agrupación y con el que ganaron en el 2001 un Grammy Latino.
Fundada en 1952 en el barrio de La Marina de Matanzas, a unos cien kilómetros de La Habana, Los Muñequitos de Matanzas son una de las agrupaciones más importantes de la música cubana.
La banda cuenta con una amplia discografía, en la que destacan títulos como El guaguancó de Matanzas, Los muñequitos de Matanzas, Rumba caliente, Óyelos de nuevo, Real rumba, Vacunao y Po Iban Eshu, además de la La rumba soy yo.
AfroCubaWeb salutes that great and knowledgeable artist, Alberto Romero Díaz. Born in 1948, he loved baseball and music and sang for los Muñequitos since 1980. His distinctive voice helped them win the Latin Grammy in 2001.
Ricardo Cané, senior member of the world-renowned rumba group Los Muñequitos
de Matanzas, died this morning at the Provincial Hospital in Matanzas. He
had undergone a sudden operation for a "severe vascular accident" which entailed the amputation of his right leg. After post-surgical
unconsciousness with assisted breathing, he briefly rallied, but ultimately
lost the battle. In Matanzas this morning there is a tremendous farewell in progress. |
See Ricardo Cané obituary - obituario, 6/10/03
Schedule (updated 2/20/03)
Los Muñequitos will be in Greece for The Cultural Olympiad 2001-2004 in July, 2003 along with the Conjunto Folklórico Nacional in a rare double bill.
Metromix By Howard Reich To Americans smitten by the "Buena Vista Social Club" movie and concerts, Cuban music is all about lilting melodies, genteel rhythms and pre-Castro romanticism. But though "Buena Vista" artists such as Compay Segundo and Omara Portuondo epitomize one glorious facet of Cuban music, the island teems with a far wider range of sounds than the film and its offshoots suggest. Among the musical genres Cuba has nurtured through the centuries, perhaps none is more pivotal than rumba, in which a corps of vocalists chant plaintive phrases, accompanied by swirling layers of percussive rhythm. Short of traveling to Cuba, the best way to experience this music was a Sunday night visit to HotHouse, where Los Munequitos de Matanzas celebrated a remarkable anniversary: its 50th. Considering the group's long-standing commitment to ancient musical traditions, this show represented about as authentic an entree into rumba as is possible in the 21st Century. Judging by the patter in the overflow audience, more than a few listeners expected something closer to the lush lyricism of the "Buena Vista" score. But as the music of Los Munequitos de Matanzas gathered momentum—its textures thickening, its layers of rhythm becoming ever more intricate—even the most skeptical listeners had to be swayed by this music. The sheer onslaught of sound, with these adept musicians articulating so many interrelated meters at once, proved gripping. For starters, three congueros fired off fast-flying staccato riffs, while more than half a dozen vocalists sang sinuous lines in unison—all the while telegraphing clave beats of their own using a variety of handheld percussion instruments. Here was a timeless, fantastically developed music that transcended traditional Western harmony, melody and song structure. If anyone doubted that the roots of folkloric Cuban music sprang from Africa, the brilliantly complex drumming and melismatic chant of Los Munequitos de Matanzas made the point palpably clear. Though the group also is famous for its choreography, which touches on elements of religious ritual, during the first set it was the instrumental virtuosos who dominated, with dancers playing a secondary role. Apart from a dance sequence in which a man and a woman engaged in an aggressive battle of the sexes, and another in which costumed characters alluded to mythic tales, this show was first and foremost about rumba virtuosity at its most abstract. Perhaps the dearth of first-set choreography allowed so many in the audience to approach the stage to dance. To their credit, they moved with remarkable fluidity and proficiency. It was 10 years ago that Los Munequitos de Matanzas made its Chicago debut, under the auspices of HotHouse. A decade later, the club remains faithful to the cause. |
The list of Grammy nominated Cubans should also include "La Rumba soy Yo," nominated best production
in folklore, featuring Los Muñequitos de Matanzas [produced by Caridad
Diez and Joaquin Betancourt, which also features Yoruba Andabo, Clave y
Guaguancó, Los Papines, Changuito,
Tata Guines, as well as Issac Delgado,
Aramis, Haila, el Indio and Mayito]. Cary Diez is the nominated producer and she is in Los Angeles with THE FULL 17 members ENSEMBLE of Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, working with Stage Of The Arts Inc. a California Educational 501 (c) (3) corporation. We may be contacted regarding Los Muñequitos Jorge Luis Rodriguez www.AFROCUBA.org (323) 855-3131 AfroCuban Research Institute. Stage Of The Arts, Inc. in collaboration with International Programs and Services, California State University. Sponsored by the EOP Department. |
Members of the popular Afro-Cuban band Los Muñequitos recently visited the LP® studios for a jam session, during which they were introduced to the LP® Galaxy Giovanni Series Congas and welcomed as new LP® artists. www.congahead.com/On_The_Scene/munequitos/0402.htm Nice set of pics. |
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas - 2011 US Tour Performance Schedule
- 4/11 to 5/11
Additional dates to be added shortly
April - April 3 University of Washington
Meany Hall for the Performing Arts (performance April 3)
April 4-5 OPEN
April 6 - 8 Savannah Music Festival
Savannah, GA
April 9 Rialto Center for the Performing at Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA
April 10-11 University of Florida Performing Arts, Curtis M. Phillips Center
Gainesville, FL (performance April 10; workshop April 11)
April 12-13, OPEN
April 14-15 Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts
Miami FL (performance April 15)
April 16-17 David A. Straz Jr. Center for the Performing Arts
Tampa, Florida (performance April 16)
April 18, Outpost Performance Space
Albuquerque, NM
April 19 The Lensic Center
Santa Fe, NM 87501
April 20 La Pena Cultural Center
Berkeley, CA
April 21-22 Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University
Washington, DC (performance April 22)
April 23 Annenberg Center
Philadelphia PA
April 24 – 26 OPEN
April 27 Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, OH 44106
April 28 August Wilson Center for African American Culture
Pittsburgh, PA
April 29 – May 1 Mass MoCA
North Adams, MA (performances April 30 & May 1)
May 2 – 7 World Music Institute at Symphony Space
New York, NY (Performances May 5 – 7)
May 8 The Performing Arts Center at Purchase College
Purchase, NY 10577
Schedule 2010
18th of march 2010 they will perform at the opening ceremony of THE WORLD CONGRESS FOR CUBAN CULTURE in Munich, Germany - CUBAMEMUCHO
Dates are available - tour information: www.munequitosdematanzas.com/service/newsletter/en141209.php
They are back on world tour. Would you like to have them in your dancing school party? your dance club? a theatre in your hometown? With only 150 to 200 customers for a show, a concert near by you, can be realized! Our agency organizes - exclusively - the tour from March to including April 2010, Mondays to Sundays. We accept invitations from all around the world! Any country any city any school any theatre can still choose your own date for the concert, just sent us your request via email to booking@munequitosdematanzas.com
Check the venues before you make plans!
July 2 – Harbourfront,
July 3 – Montreal Jazz
July 5-8 – Sunfest,
Victoria Park, London, Ont.
July 11-12 – Vancouver
July 13 – Harrison, BC
July 14-15 – Vancouver Folk
Music Festival
July 19 – Atlantic Jazz
Festival, Halifax, NS
July 25 –
Calgary Folk Festival Boot Camp, Calgary, Alberta
July 27 –
Calgary Folk Festival,
Calgary, Alberta
July 31-August 2 –
Decidedly Jazz Danceworks, Calgary, Alberta
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, Cuba's top rumba group, in 50th anniversary concert, 10/9/02, Havana
March 12 - 13, 2002 |
Milwaukee, WI |
Latino Arts |
March 15, 2002 |
Ann Arbor, MI |
University Musical Society |
March 17, 2002 |
Chicago, Il |
Hothouse |
March 20, 2002 |
Madison, WI |
University of Wisconsin |
March 22, 2002 |
Woodstock, NY |
Bearsville Theater (CCE presentation) |
March 23, 2002 |
Great Barrington, MA |
MahaiweTheater (CCE presentation) |
March 26 - 27, 2002 |
New York, NY |
Joe's Pub |
April 6, 2002 |
Washington, DC |
Lisner Auditorium |
April 9, 2002 |
Miami, FL |
Jackie Gleason Theatre for the Performing Arts |
Los Muñequitos en Miami!.
Tues. April 9, 8pm
Gleason Theater
Miami Beach
copresented with
Miami Light Project
Reserved seat tickets on sale Now: $21 - $31 - $41 (includes venue surcharge)
available at Ticketmaster outlets or the Jackie Gleason Theater box office
Tour brought to you by Multi Arts Projects and Productions
See their site for updates.
August-September 2001 Performances
August-September 2001 Workshops
Spring and Fall 2002: 50th Anniversary Tour
August 2001 Performance
- see also: Muñequitos poster for LA
Saturday AUGUST 4; midnigth-LAX Arrival/Llegada.- Lobby of the Gershwin Hotel in Hollywood and la Casa.-
Sunday 5th- Housing; planning / orientation meeting, facilitators and SOTA staff. Lunch by the pool.
Monday, 6.- 10 AM- Orientation Meeting. International Programs and Services, Cal State University, Ricardo Martins.
1 PM.- Lunch,
2.-Media kit-off
3 PM.-AfroCuban Master Class by Los Muñequitos de Matanzas- Music Hall
Tuesday, 7 .- to Thursd. 9: Classes and workshops. La Casa and AfroCuba.org Gallery
Friday 10 .- 1 PM to 7 PM, set up/ montaje at Ebell theatre.
7-8 PM .- Fiestecita at front of the Ebell
Saturday 11.- 11AM Alma del Barrio 88.9 FM. Radio entrevista/live Interview- Guido, Cary, Jesus, Diosdado, Jorge
Sunday 12- Workshops
Friday 17.- Celebrate Brooklyn Festival in NY. Sound check at 3 PM. One hour performance at 7 PM. Prospect park
Friday 24, Conga Room. Percussion, 8-9 PM
Sat. 25 and Sunday 26: African Marketplace
Friday 7. LA RUMBA SOY YO, State Playhouse -8 PM
Midnigth: Oshun
Saturday 8 & Sunday 9th, Street Scene Festival. Dan Diego
Thursday 13 or 20: Occidental College. Half day residence. Workshop and performance.
Dates are available for booking Los Muñequitos de Matanzas on August Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 in New York. We are also open for booking August 20 to September 20 in the West Coast.
Jorge Luis Rodriguez
Informacion : (213) 855-3131
Producing Director is Jorge Luis Rodriguez. The Producer for the 2001
Muñequitos US tour is Ed Santiago. Stage Of The Arts, is a non-profit
California Educational corporation founded 1982.
A presentation of the AfroCuban Research Institute. Stage Of The Arts, Inc. in
collaboration with the International Programs and Services department of
California State University in Los Angeles. Sponsored in part by KLON 88.1 radio
and Timba Percussion.
WHAT: The best Rumba from
Cuba: the legendary Muñequitos de Matanzas presenting a unique review
of music and dance "La Rumba Soy Yo" (I
am the Rumba).
WHEN: August Friday10 and Saturday 11, 2001. 8 pm WHERE: Wilshire Ebell Theatre 4401 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles (323) 939-1128 (1 block south of Whilshire on Lucerne Boulevard) Parking available. TICKETS: $26.00 and $16.00. Available by calling Ticketmaster at (213) 365-3500 and (714) 740-7878; on line at www.ticketmaster.com, or at Tower Records, Robinsons-May, Wherehouse Music, Tu Musica and Ritmo Latino. Ticks available at the theatre box office, (323) 939 -1128 INFORMATION: (213) 855-3131; www.AFROCUBA.org; AfroCuba@aol.com |
August-September 2001 Workshops
Ray Veitia, Public Affairs (323) 855-3131 (213) 448-0328 Ivonne Cachu, Public Relations Dance and Music workshops with Los Muñequitos de Matanzas WHAT: Afrocuban percussion and dance classes. Congas, Bata, hand percussion, singing with 2001 Grammy nominee Los Muñequitos de Matanzas. Information: (323) 855-3131 WHERE : Tuesday 21.-6:30 to 8 PM and 8 PM to 9:30- Percussion and dance workshops. Hosted by Pascuale Angelucci at 1230 S. Flower Street. Los Angeles, CA 90015 Wednesday 22.- Mi Gente.- 6:30 to 8 PM Percussion and 8 to 9:30 PM Dance- 7174 Melrose Avenue, LA, CA 90046 (2 blocks west of La Brea) Thursday 23.- Mi Gente.- 6:30 to 8 PM Percussion and 8 to 9:30 PM Dance- 7174 Melrose Avenue, LA, CA 90046 (2 blocks west of La Brea) CONTINUES Mondays and Tuesdays at 1230 S. Flower Street. Wednesday & Thursdays at Mi Gente Wednesday 29.- 6:30 to 8 PM, Percussion workshop and 8
to 9:30 PM Dance class. A presentation of the AfroCuban Research Institute (www.AFROCUBA.org), Stage Of The Arts, Inc. in collaboration with the International Programs and Services department of California State University in Los Angeles. |
MultiArts Projects & Productions announces the 50th Anniversary Season of Los Muñequitos de Matanzas Dates in U.S. and Canada available for march/april 2002 and also Fall 2002 Hailed as the "reigning regents of rumba" by the San Francisco Chronicle, "the essence of Cuba’s musical soul" by the San Diego Union Tribune and "truly keepers of a sacred flame" by Latin Beat, Los Muñequitos de Matanzas are amongst the highest regarded practitioners of rumba and the unequivocal masters of Afro-Cuban ritual music in the world. Founded in 1952, the group spans three generations of fathers and sons, brothers and sisters, uncles and cousins, and an extended family of musicians. Celebrating their 50th Anniversary in 2002, Los Muñequitos remains a seminal force in the development of Afro-Cuban dance and percussion.Mesmerizing audiences with their fiery rumbas, explosive dance and captivating vocals, the legendary Los Muñequitos return to the U.S. for their sixth tour since 1992. These special tours will feature programs primarily focused on rumba – including a lot of new stuff and some of the early melodic songs. The performances promise the same electric dancing, swirling melodies and rhythmically complex drumming which have won the hearts of audiences the world over. On stage, Los Muñequitos bring to life the vibrant culture of the African Diaspora intrinsic to Cuba’s living legacy. Off stage, the group brings the energy and exuberance contained in their performances to a host of residency activities ranging from dance and percussion workshops to lecture-demonstrations and performances for families. These activities provide an even greater opportunity to experience the richness of Cuban culture and are designed for people of all ages and levels of experience. Tours produced by MultiArts Projects & Productions. Full and half-week residencies available. For booking information: MultiArts Projects & Productions
email: mapp@artswire.org |
U.S. Engagement Itinerary for Rumba Matancera
A Sub-Group formed by Los Muñequitos de Matanza
October 17 through November 5, 2000
Los Muñequitos members appearing as Accompanying the Rumba Matancera are:
Rumba Matancera are:
Louis Carreras
Agustín Diaz Cano & Ramon "Sandy" Garcia Pèrez
Rafael Navarro Pujada of Grupo AfroCuba de Matanza
Israel Berriel Gonzalez
Bárbaro Ramos
Diosdado Enier Ramos
Vivian Ramos
Esther Yamile Ramos
Israel Berriel Jimenez
and in California with guest percussionist Jesus Diaz
Date |
Type Appearance and Location |
Tickets/Booking Info |
Tuesday, October 17 |
Percussion Workshop 404-577-0707 |
Earth Shaking Music, Atlanta, GA |
Wednesday, October 18 |
Dance Workshop Call Ellen Bleir 706-742-5605 |
Center for Healing Arts, Athens, GA |
Thursday, October 19 |
Master Percussion Class Free to Public |
Georgia State University (GSU) School of Music, Atlanta, GA |
Friday, October 20 |
Performance 404-577-0707 |
GSU School of Music, Atlanta, GA |
Saturday, October 21 |
Performance 510-273-2450 |
Cowell Theatre, San Francisco, CA |
Sunday, October 22 |
Dance workshop 510-273-2450 |
Alice Arts Centre, Oakland, CA |
Sunday, October 22 |
Performance 510-273-2450 |
Cowell Theatre, San Francisco, CA |
Monday, October 23 |
Vocal and Percussion Workshops 510-273-2450 |
Alice Arts Centre, Oakland, CA |
Tuesday, October 24 |
Performance 510-273-2450 |
Rio Theater, Santa Cruz, CA |
Wednesday, October 25 |
Performance 510-273-2450 |
Stanford University, CA |
Thursday, October 26 |
Dance workshop 510-273-2450 |
Alice Arts Center, Oakland, CA |
Friday, October 27 |
Travelling Back to Atlanta, GA |
Saturday, October 28 – November 4 |
No Engagements 404-892-8553 |
Saturday, November 5 |
Travelling to Cuba |
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas were featured in an 8-minute segment on the
May 16 broadcast of CBS Sunday Morning, as a cultural segment of an entire program about
Cuba. The Director, Diosdado Ramos Cruz, was interviewed and also shown performing
his role as babalawo or priest in the Yoruba religion. The Musical Director, Jesus
Alfonso, was also interviewed, as was Ned Sublette, a producer and founder of Qbadisc, which has brought so much of the Muñequitos' music to the
US. One of los Muñequitos' founders, "Chachá"
Esteban Vega, a formidable legend, described the origins. Matanzas
was highlighted as the great center of African culture that it is. Check out the full story at: http://www.cbs.com/prd1/now/template.display?p_story=150320 Thanks to Alison Stewart at CBS for linking to AfroCubaWeb. |
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas visitan a España hasta el dia 16 de Maio. Si alguien sabe de eso, favor de informarnos. |
We will have a rare opportunity to see the world's greatest rumba group
-- Los Muñequitos de Matanzas -- in New York this weekend. They will appear: August 6: SOB's (9 and 11 p.m.) August 7: Central Park Summerstage (gates open 1:30, show at 3) August 8: Queens Theater in the Park, in the NY State Pavilion of the 1964 World's Fair, Flushing Meadows, Corona Park (7 p.m.) The following week they will be in residence at Jacob's Pillow in Lee, Massachusetts. These are their only U.S. appearances this year. Don't miss them! |
Los Munequitos de Matanzas, the legendary
troupe of three generations of dancers, drummers and singers will return to the United
States in Summer 1999 where they will be at Jacob's Pillow/Lee, Massachusetts for one week
August 9-15. The group will be available for continguous residency and performances
during this time. In addition, the Munequitos will be returning to the United States during the Spring 2001 season. In past tours (this is the fifth time they have toured the U.S.), they have sold out countless concerts mesmerizing audiences with their fiery rumbas, explosive dance and captivating vocals. On stage, Los Munequitos bring to life the vibrant culture of the African Diaspora intrinsic to Cuba's living legacy. Offstage, the group brings the energy and exuberance contined in their performances to a host of residency. The 2001 season tour will be produced by MultiArts Projects & Productions, which has organized the group's past three U.S. tours, with Pentacle handling tour development. Full-week and half-week residencies are available. For more information on Los Munequitos de Matanza's upcoming touring, residency and fees please contact: Ann Rosenthal or MultiArts Projects & Productions email: mapp@artswire.org |
Hugo García, Juventud Rebelde
MATANZAS.— El Conjunto Los Muñequitos de Matanzas hizo llegar a nuestros cinco Héroes de la República prisioneros del Imperio su disco La rumba soy yo, con el cual ganaron el Premio Grammy Latino 2001, en la categoría de Mejor Álbum de Música Folclórica. El solidario gesto surgió de una propuesta de su director, Diosdado Ramos, y de la representante del grupo, Cary Diez, durante una exitosa gira de alrededor de un mes por Miami, Washington y Nueva York, donde actuaron e impartieron clases. Ramos recordó a JR que en su actuación ante casi 3 000 personas en Miami Beach sufrieron las presiones de los elementos contrarrevolucionarios radicados allí. "Nos mantuvimos firmes, nada de miedo y nos concentramos en nuestro trabajo para mantener la calidad del espectáculo", rememora, mientras explica que "es un regalo sencillo de los matanceros y de todo el pueblo de Cuba, lleno de simbolismo y cubanía, como expresión del cariño y admiración que sentimos por la actitud valerosa de ellos contra el terrorismo y el ejemplo que representan ahora para las nuevas generaciones", concluyó Ramos. La entrega oficial de los cinco CD para Gerardo, Ramón, René, Antonio y Fernando, fue en la sede de la Sección de Intereses de Cuba en la capital norteamericana, donde "ofrecieron su contagiosa y muy cubana música a más de 300 personas entre las que se incluían amigos de Cuba y el personal cubano que trabaja en Washington", escribió en una misiva de agradecimiento Dagoberto Rodríguez Barrera, jefe de la representación de nuestro país en Estados Unidos. Este año Los Muñequitos de Matanzas arriban a su aniversario 50 de fundados y en ese tiempo su arte ha contribuido a mostrar al mundo los valores culturales de Cuba. |
The director, Diosdados Ramos Cruz, can be reached in Matanzas at 53.52.2481
Armando Valladares has retired from his position as Artistic Director