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  Mala Lengua

Class Schedule

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Susana Arenas Pedroso

Susana Arenas Pedroso began her artistry in dance at age 12 when she took the opportunity to study at the Casa de la Cultura in Matanzas, Cuba, where she learned cha cha cha, mambo, son, and the national dance of Cuba, danzon. Upon completion of studies in Matanzas, Susana moved to Havana and  began dancing professionally with Terra Virgen in 1991 and in 1992 she joined the theater and dance troupe Alafia Ire. She danced with Oched Olorum in 1993, and in 1994 . In 1994, she joined world renowned Compania Folklorica Raices Profundas as a soloist, and has performed and taught in the US and Europe.

"I am available for classes, shows and workshops (travel)" 

Check out her web site at

Susana taught at the 5th Annual Exploration in AfroCuban Dance & Drum, Humboldt State University, Arcada, CA, 7/23-7/30/00

Class Schedule

Bay Area Classes

The Beat
Tuesday 6:30-8pm
Salsa (Beginning - Intermediate)

Friday 6:30-8pm
Folkloric (Free)

East Bay Performing Arts Center
Wednesday 6 - 7pm
Salsa (Beginning)

Wednesday 7 - 8pm
Salsa (Intermediate)

Past Tours

First Day Project

The 1st First Day Project, was a U.S. tour for a group of All-Star Afro-Cuban Drummers, Singers and Dancers in 2001.

This incredible group was headed by Jesus Alfonso of Los Munequitos de Matanzas
featuring Miguel Bernal, Jose Barroso, and Susana Arenas of Raices Profundas, and Teresita Perez and Sandy Perez of Afro-Cuba de Matanzas.

For more info, see

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