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Askia's new web site:

Cuba: A Love Song! 11/02

Askia's poem on Assata, 4/98

Assata Poster with Askia's poem

Askia's books

Contacting Askia Touré


Askia Touré

Askia Touré is one of the Architects of the Black Arts Movement along with Larry Neal, Sonia Sanchez, and Amiri Baraka (Leroi Jones). Askia is a poet, political activist, and one of the writers of the SNCC (Students' Non-violent Coordinating Committee) Black Power "Position Paper." Askia Touré participated at San Francisco State College with Sonia Sanchez and Amiri Baraka in building one the first Black Studies Programs in the country.

From the National Academic Speaker's Bureau:

"Mr. Askia Touré, is one of the founders of the Black Arts Movement and one of the most prominent black poets in the country. Author of five books and scores of poems, articles and anthologies, Mr. Touré has long merged his compassion for justice and artistic expression. During the Civil Rights Movement, Mr. Touré served with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and participated in the Atlanta Project of SNCC which helped forge the Black Power Movement. He has lectured internationally and has published works in reviews in France and the US."


In Motion: Amiri Baraka:

Askia Web Site:

Askia Interview:
Reviving the Memory of a People

Askia's Books

Dawnsong! the Epic Memory of Askia Toure


"Touré must be seen as the one poet and activist... who has developed his craft to the deepest reflection of the ground-breaking research with which Afrocentric scholars are focusing on ancient Africa." -- Patricia Hill, Gen. Editor, Call and Response

"Askia M. Touré  ... has continued to combine his passion for poetry and his zeal for a politics of Black sociocultural empowerment in the tradition of Langston Hughes and Gwendolyn Brooks and in a way that few 'community poets' (griots) have been able to realize as successfully." -- James W. Richardson, Jr., The Oxford Companion to African American Litterature

"Poets like Larry Neal and Askia Touré were, in my mind, new masters of the new black poetry... Askia had the song-like cast to his words, as if the poetry was actually meant to be sung." -- Amiri Baraka, poet, dramatist

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From the Pyramids to the Projects : Poems of Genocide and Resistance!

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Contacting Askia Touré

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