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AfroCubaWeb Archives 2006 |
Worldwide music tour schedules: Hear samples, buy CDs. See also Music in Cuba. Exposici�n de pintura, escultura y cer�mica cubana
"Ancestros: Presencia Viva", Havana, 10/26/06 - 11/20/06 -- part of Tibarac�n Project - Proyecto Tibarac�n
presenting works
of arts from the aboriginal cultures of Cuba. On-line
Gallery from the expo, 10/06
Folkloric groups Yoruba Andabo and Chang�� Santiago as well as
rap group Papo
Record celebrate
the Best of Cubadisco's Music Awards across Europe with DJ Alain,
Plessy vs Ferguson And The Caribbean
by Eugene Godfried, 10/14/06
Black Cuban Picasso: FIRST US SHOW, 8/06; Picasso afrocubano - primera exposici�n en la EEUU, 6 de agosto, 2006 - Casa Frela Gallery, NY. Show features painter Juan Antonio Picasso and noted photographer Ren� Pe�a Proyecto Orunmila, based in Cuba, deploys outstanding web site on Lucumi issues, 6/06 New CV for Tomas Fern�ndez Robaina arrived just before his house caught fire and left him without his PC. Help is being organized. 4/06 V Coloquio y Festival Internacional de M�sica y Poes�a
"Nicol�s Guill�n" 7/06 Etubom Asuquo Etim: Maskmaker, musician, producer from the Ekoretonko Lodge, Calabar, 1/06 Yesenia Selier starts up AfroCuban dance classes in New York, 2/06 The Investiture of Lady Elizabeth Ayo Eremie into the Ekoretonko Lodge, Calabar, Nigeria, 9/05
Etubom Asuquo Etim: Maskmaker, musician, producer from the
Ekoretonko Lodge, Calabar, 1/06
Just out: "Cuba Represent!: Cuban Arts, State Power,
and the Making of New Revolutionary Cultures" by Sujatha
Fernandes, 11/06
2003 Encounter in Michigan: Cuban
Abaku� and the Obong of
Calabar, 11/06 Angel Guerrero and Roman Diaz present Cuban Abaku� to
the paramount ruler of the Efiks in Calabar, Nigeria.
Check out Seattle's Academy
of Cuban Folklore & Dance with Jos� Alfredo Carri�n, Cutumba's
former principal dancer
Gloria Rolando and Imagines del Caribe
present historic first film dealing with the Independents of Color who
were massacred in 1912: Raices
de Mi Corazon/Roots of my Heart. Available through this web site, 9/06 Carlos Manuel Piar And Pedro Luis
Brion: Cura�aoans Struggling Together With Simon Antonio Bolivar Y Palacios For Liberation From Colonialism And
Racism, 9/06 by Eugene Godfried. Carlos
Manuel Piar, Pedro Luis Bri�n Yunanan Di K�rsou Huntu Ku Sim�n Bolĺvar
Y Palacios Den Lucha Kontra Kolonismo I Rasismo, 9/06 Guillermo
Davis: new dance classes in Salsa and AfroCuban, London, fall '06
Selier gives dance classes in New York:
AfroCuban, Salsa, Rueda, Samba, line dancing, 8/06
Orunmila, based in Cuba, deploys outstanding web site on Lucumi/Yoruba
issues, 6/06
reaches 197,166 visits for the month of May, 2006
New CV for Tomas Fern�ndez Robaina
arrived just before his house caught fire and left him without his PC.
Help is being organized. 4/06
Singer Merida
Castillo, from Havana but living in Boston for many years, passed
away. Services were held Sunday morning, March 12, 2006. She will be
remembered by many for her constant efforts spanning decades to keep Cuban
culture alive in Boston.
All Saints Episcopal Church,
Guantanamo, celebrating 100th anniversary, 10/31/05 Cuban American
Children's Foundation, Alberto Jones
Esperando a
script fragment, 6/05 by Tom�s Gonzalez P�rez. See also an extensive
gallery of his paintings. VI Workshop
of Rumba and Conga “Alfonso Iya�” CubAch�, Havana, 10-11
December, 2005
a la tierra africana en busca de los origenes - Recorrido
de Manuel Mendive por Africa 2005, 9/05 Michael Popoola Oluwaseun,
un bailarin de Osogbo, Nigeria, pintado por Mendive, galeria de fotos,
Pedro Perez-Sarduy reviews Ned Sublette's
book, Cuba
and its Music: From the First Drums to the Mambo. Scroll down to
AFROCUBA: Works on Paper, 1968-2003
by Dr. Judith Bettleheim, San Francisco State. Features a number of our
favorite artists.
Oviedo, percussionist based in Italy, to tour US in Fall '05 with his
group; booking info
criada en La Habana, de Pedro Perez
- Sarduy, en La Jiribilla, 6/22/05
"Ir� Habana," in
Yoruba, stands for "blessing to Havana." It is also the name of
a film/CD, 5/05
delegation visits Calabar, Cross
River State, Nigeria in December '04, 4/05. Many photos tell the
III International Meeting
Of Popular And Formal Dances, 9/26/05-10/2/05,
Religiosity, Revolution, And National Identity by Christine Ayorinde, released 3/05.
Robin Moore reviews Afro-Cuban Voices:
On Race and Identity in Contemporary Cuba, 3/05. Support the artists: get Pello's sheet music
for bata, Flor Amalia's script, and Gloria
Rolando's films. This is legal trade that benefits these artists.
… social, intelectuar y chic ... Choco, Diago y Mendive en La Cita de
por Pedro P�rez Sarduy 11/2/03
Recent Trotter Group
coverage of Gloria Rolando and her film on 1912, 6/02
Nancy Morej�n wins Cuba's 2001 National Prize for Litterature, 2/02. We
have her PALABRAS
POR EL PREMIO NACIONAL DE LITERATURA Centro de Investigaci�n y Desarrollo de la M�sica (CIDMUC) has a great atlas of Cuban
music: Atlas de los Instrumentos Folkl�rico-Popular de Cuba.
See also Olavo Alen's History of the Congas.
Numerous dancers and percussionists from Cuba are teaching in the US and
Europe, listed under Workshops.
Folkl�rico Nacional plays every Saturday in Havana. We
have their 3 page spread in Cuba Internacional,
10/02. See also a report on their presentation at the Biennal de Dance, Lyon,
France 9/02.
Judith Bettelheim's CUBAN FESTIVALS: A
Century of Afro-Cuban Culture now out, with translation of Ortiz's "The
Afro-Cuban Festival Day of the Kings"
Arsenio Rodr�guez
and the Transnational Flows of Latin Popular Music, new book by David F.
Felipe Garcia Villamil and family
playing bata, video on Google, 9/06
Las Criadas de La
Habana by Pedro Perez-Sarduy, reviewed by Dina De Luca, Neumann College,
in Afro-Hispanic Review, 3/06
Romero D�az, singer for Los Mu�equitos, 1948-2006. They won the
Grammy with him. Hear one of his songs, also hear Los Mu�equitos live on
RapidShare, from their 1998 tour, 8/11/06
Percussionist Miguel
Ang� Diaz dies at 45 in Spain, 8/9/06
The band Cubanos
en la Red at cubanosenlared.org
has a well developed site with great music videos, 8/06
Etubom Bassey Ekpo Bassey on Ekpe
and Cuban Culture, in English y en espa�ol, Calabar, Nigeria, 8/06 Also
has response from Cubans in English y en Espa�ol.
Two publications from Ivor
Miller: “The Formation of African Identities in the Americas:
Spiritual ‘ethnicity’.” Contours: A Journal of the African Diaspora,
dedicated to Rogelio Martinez Fure, 2004. And “Introduction.”
Special Issue. Contours: A Journal of the African Diaspora, based on a
conference with Roman Diaz' group Omi Odara, 2003
New CV for ethnologist Rogelio Martinez Fur�,
Wemilere, CD by Roman Diaz, 1/06
El Caribe�o: Volumen 1, N� 1,
9/2005, Boletin Digital de la Casa del Caribe
IX International Conference on African
and AfroAmerican Culture," Santiago De Cuba, 4/10/06 - 4/15/06
Nancy Morejon and Nicolas
Guillen have pages at the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
V Coloquio y Festival Internacional de M�sica y
Poes�a "Nicol�s Guill�n" 7/06 Havana
Cuban Abaku� chants: examining new evidence for the African �Diaspora.
by Ivor Miller, African Studies Review, 10/06
[PDF, 2MB]
Extensive Liner Notes for
Tambor Lukumi/Notas para Tambor Lukumi featuring an interview with the
late Andres Chacon, 10/06 by Ivor Miller. Living spiritual traditions with direct links to
Martinez has moved to the US. He was Gloria Rolando/Imagines
del Caribe's producer,
cameraman, and special effects person. He has copies of his work
including a copy of the not yet commercially
released Jazz in US and is available for presentations to
universities and cultural centers.
Our News page has Cuba News, Cuban Cultural News, Cuba Travel News, and Cuba: Race & Identity in the News -- updated with articles from Cuban and foreign media. We also track news from Venezuela, Colombia, and Haiti. Oriki Omi Odara with Roman Diaz plays a series of gigs in NY, Oct - Dec '06 CubaCaribe Presents Cuba Camp, 12/15 - 12/19/06, in Oahu Hawaii: Ram�n Ramos Alayo Gathers Top Cuban Talent to Teach the Rhythms, Music and Movement of the Island to Cuban Enthusiasts. Convocatoria: XVII Encuentro Internacional de Poes�a, “El Caribe y el mundo,” 11/18/06 Painter and lukumi initiate Aconcha has a web site en Fran�ais featuring her writings and art work - upcoming exhibits at the 5�me Festival Litt�raire Latino-Am�ricain Belles Latinas, Lyons, France, 9-18 Oct, 06 Interview on YouTube: Juan Garcia interviews famed percussionist Chach� in October, 2006. A big thanks to Kabiosile, who made this extract from their new DVD, El Lenguaje del Tambor, possible. When Theodoro Dies, a play by Tom�s Gonzalez, in Miami, 9/23/06 - 10/15/06. La realidad m�gica de un teatrista, review in El Nuevo Herald, 8/31/06. Second review in El Nuevo Herald - 'Cuando Teodoro se muera' mucho m�s que un mon�logo, 10/26/06 Painter Alexis Esquivel favors themes of race & identity, holds exhibit, Criollo Remix, in Havana Vieja, 9/21/06 until 10/28/06. Visit his Gallery with a review from Spain's Omar-Pascual Castillo.
Ekpe - Abakua Presentation
with Roman Diaz and Ivor Miller, Caribbean Cultural Center, NY 9/28/06 New CV for ethnologist Rogelio Martinez Fur�, 3/06 Artist Elio Rodriguez is exhibiting his work at the 2006 Havana Bienal, 3/06-4/06 Gilberto Martinez has moved from Havana to Virginia. He was Gloria Rolando's producer, cameraman, and special effects person -- he has copies of her films and fragments of others he has worked on from an impressive list that includes Strawberries and Chocolate. He is available for presentations to universities and cultural centers. 3/06 Legendary Septeto Nacional planning 2 European Tours, April and June '06, looking for bookings, 2/06 Pedro Perez Sarduy - US Tour: Spring '06 with a multimedia presentation - AfroCuba, Afro-Cubans and Afro-Cuban�a: How Black is Cuba Becoming? 2/06 Wemilere, CD by Roman Diaz, 1/06 Jos� Mart� i Rasismo - su Bishita na K�rzou, Eugene Godfried. Papiamentu version of Jos� Mart� and Racism: His Visit to Cura�ao, 11/05 Artist Elio Rodriguez has a new exhibit opening at Havana's Galeria 23 y 12 on 11/22/05 lasting to Jan '06 Musicologist and historian Eugene
Godfried on Africa Kabisa Radio, Boston, live & on the
Internet, 4 shows in Oct 05, Internet archive. Jos�
Leonardo Chirino y Josef Caridad Gonzales, Luchadores africanos
venezuelanos de la gran revolucion de 1795, por Eug�ne Godfried,
10/05 Jos�
Leonardo Chirino Et Josef Caridad Gonzales, Chefs africains venezuelens de
la revolution libertaire de 1795, de Eug�ne Godfried, 10/05 Gloria Rolando entrevisada por Yesenia Fernandez Selier, 3/05 Gabriel de la Concepci�n Vald�s – Pl�cido 9/05 by Eug�ne Godfried (in English) Pedro P�rez-Sarduy, poet, writer, journalist and broadcaster, will be touring the US twice, fall '05 and spring '06, giving his multimedia presentation on the current 'racialidad' a la Cubana. Bookings available. La Visi�n Imponderable de Marta, la Dom�stica por Tom�s Gonz�lez P�rez, 7/27/05 review of Las Criadas de La Habana de Pedro P�rez Sarduy El Caribe�o: Volumen 1, N� 1, 9/2005, Boletin Digital de la Casa del Caribe IX International Conference on African and AfroAmerican Culture," Santiago De Cuba, 4/10/06 - 4/15/06 Nancy Morejon and Nicolas Guillen have pages at the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Under the Radar - A Survey of Afro-Cuban Music premiered at the Chicago Latino Film Festival, 4/05, now out on DVD, 9/05 V Coloquio y Festival Internacional de M�sica y Poes�a "Nicol�s Guill�n" 7/06 Havana
Hub hops to
Cuban beats of Paredes, 6/3/05 Percussionist and dancer, Ramon Marquez and Adrian Limonta, members of Ballet Folklorico Cutumba, to give workshops in Montreal, 7/92 to 8/3/05 La Masacre De 1812: Jos� Aponte Y Ubarra - El Viejo Problema Racial En Cuba, 5/05, The Massacre of 1812: Jos� Aponte y Ubarra - Longstanding Racial Problems In Cuba by Eug�ne Godfried: Miscelanea II of studies dedicated to Fernando Ortiz (1881-1969): an online transcription, includes "On The Relations Between Blacks And Whites" (1943, English). Dialogue with Magdalena Cantillo Frometa: on Mariana Grajales Coello, “Mother of the Cuban Nation,” 4/15/05 by Eug�ne Godfried. Dialogo Con Magdalena Cantillo Frometa Sobre Mariana Grajales Coello “Madre De La Patr�a Cubana,” 4/15/05 by Eug�ne Godfried. Efiks of Cuba Write Obong of Calabar: We're coming home, Chronicle of Calabar, 2/05. Domino Sugar workers against the Fanjuls, 2/05. Carlos Aldama, past director of the Conjunto Folklorico Nacional and Omo A�a, gives lessons in Bay Area Ysidro Valor teaches song, percussion in Portland, OR.
Dialogue In Santiago De Cuba With Joel Mourlot Mercaderes On Antonio Maceo Y Grajales “Freedom Worker”
by Eug�ne Godfried, 11/04 La Maya y la Masacre de 1912: Eug�ne Godfried En Dialogo Con Maritza Elias, 11/04
Teresa de la Caridad Doval Page and her books,
"A Girl Like Che" and Las Posesas de la Havana, 9/04 The African Cuban Diaspora’s Cultural Shelters and Their Sudden Disappearance in 1959, by Eug�ne Godfried, 8/04 Dialogue with Juan Cruz, Past President, ‘Marianao Club Social’ - La Havana, by Eug�ne Godfried, 8/6/04
Dialogue with Founding Leaders of
Guantanamo’s Social Club ‘La Nueva Era’ by Eug�ne Godfried, 8/6/04 Alto Songo - Son in popular culture and history: resistance and liberation, by Eug�ne Godfried, 7/04
Jos� Mart�
y el Racismo: Su Visita a Curazao, by Eug�ne Godfried, 7/04. English
version at Jos� Mart� and Racism:
His Visit to Cura�ao.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey and Cuba by Eug�ne Godfried, 6/04 Cuba and Its Music: From the First Drums to the Mambo, 6/04: Ned Sublette's powerful new book on the history of Cuban music to 1952, now published.
Images of the Caribbean
in Havana premiers a new film directed by Gloria Rolando, "Nosotros y el
Jazz" - Havana youths in the 40's make friends around US jazz
culture, 2/12/04
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