Iván César MartínezIván César Martínez had a career as a Cuban diplomat, then joined the faculty at the University of West Indies, Mona, in Kingston, Jamaica, where he is a sociologist in the Government Department. Prior to that, he was Ambassador to Guyana, Barbados, and Zimbabwe. He is the author of The Open Wound: The Scourge of Racism in Cuba from Colonialism to Communism, Arawak publications, 2007, and has more books on the way.
The Open Wound: The Scourge of Racism in
Cuba from Colonialism to Communism (Perfect Paperback), Arawak
publications; 1st edition (April 18, 2007), 248p This book examines the root causes of racism, its historical development and persistence in Cuba through to the present period. Martinez adds his voice to the theoretical discussion of the most decisive and challenging issue to have faced Cuban society from the time of the Iberian conquest to the present day. The Open Wound is intended to fill certain gaps, both in the general historiography of Cuba and in the philosophical approach to racism. CONTENTS
Preface |
Pronto estará a la venta el libro escrito por el Dr. Ivan Cesar Martinez y el Dr. Juan Benemelis dedicado a analizar a profundidad las causas del racismo en Cuba, su desarrollo histórico y su incidencia negativa en nuestros dias. Este libro analiza como Cuba es hoy dia un pais de millones de personas de descendencias hispanoafricanas e hispanoibericas quienes no han podido aún consolidar una nación, debido a la permanencia y los obstáculos que presenta de la Ideología de Supremacía Blanca en la isla, así como el poder hegemónico racista que se deriva de esa ideología. El libro, escrito en idioma Español, se titula "LOS FUEGOS FATUOS DE LA NACION CUBANA" y ha sido publicado por The Ceiba Institute of Afro-Cuban Studies , Kingston Jamaica, 2009.
El libro contiene 230 páginas. También Ivan Cesar Martinez publicó un ensayo en el syllabus afrocubano recién salido "La Memoria y el Olvido". Este ensayo de 33 páginas titulado "Fundamentos Políticos e Ideológicos del Racismo en Cuba" es publicado por The Ceiba Institute of Afro-Cuban Studies, Kingston, Jamaica, 2009, y se une a otros 22 trabajos de intelectuales cubanos que tratan el problema racial en Cuba en este libro que fuera editado por Juan Benemelis. |
Soon out: a book written by Dr. Ivan Cesar Martinez and Dr. Juan Benemelis
dedicated to the analysis in depth of the causes of racism in Cuba, their
historical development and their negative result during our times. This
book analyzes how Cuba is today a country with millions of Spanish
speaking people of African and Spanish descent who have yet to come
together in one nation, due to the enduring ideology of white supremacy
and the obstacles it presents on the island, along with the hegemonic,
racist power derived from it. The book, written in Spanish, is entitled Los Fuegos Fatuos
de la Nacion Cubana and has been published by The Ceiba Institute of Afro-Cuban Studies , Kingston Jamaica, 2009.
It has 230 pages.
Ivan Cesar Martinez also published an essay in the recently issued AfroCuban syllabus "La Memoria y el Olvido". This essay of 33 pages entitled "Fundamentos Políticos e Ideológicos del Racismo en Cuba" is published by The Ceiba Institute of Afro-Cuban Studies, Kingston, Jamaica, 2009, and appears alongside 22 other essays by Cuban intellectuals dealing with the racial problem in Cuba in a book edited by Juan Benemelis. |
Dear Eugenio: I am so very happy with your gracious surprise. I have known a lot of you through your outstanding and laudable work on AfroCubaWeb. Presently, I am fine, with a lot of work to do and writing a great deal. I have two books in the publishing pipeline and it would please me very much if you could read the one I published on racism in Cuba FROM COLONIALISM TO COMMUNISM. How much I would love to have your opinion on that. Just go on with your work as a researcher on racism and discriminations matters in Cuba. That is the most important theme in the history of Cuba as a whole, although it is being treated by many like an adjective rather than something more substantial, which it really is. There can neither be a nation nor real democracy with the most fundamental rights of human beings if racial discrimination exists, even if this is covered, open, unconscious, or conscious, a legal code written or a non written norm, but practiced and felt daily by those who have socially been constructed as “whites” or “superior persons”. Racial discrimination is an act of supreme and systematic violence that conduces those who suffer exclusion and marginality in the social, political and economic field to the inexorable decapitation and alienation of their consciousness as human beings, individual or collectively discriminated. Firm embrace. Ciao Lots of success in your life and I will continue to read all of your writings. Ciao Ivan Cesar [Dr. Ivan Cesar Martinez is an African Cuban sociologist who has served as ambassador for revolutionary Cuba in Caribbean countries such as Barbados and Guyana as well as Zimbabwe in Africa. Dr Cheddi Jagan was the prime minister of Guyana who came to power after general elections to form the first socialist, Marxist Leninist government on the American continent; he later also became the President of that Caribbean nation. Dr. Jagan introduced me to Dr Ivan Cesar Martinez who was then the Cuban Ambassador in Georgetown, Guyana. After a warm and brilliant reception Ivan Cesar Martinez further introduced me to Osvaldo Cardenas, who was then the head of the Caribbean Section of the Department of the Americas of the Cuban Communist Party. A whole new chapter of international history was initiated this way. Ever Grateful, Eugene Godfried] |
Dear Eugenio: Cuanto me alegro que me hayas sorprendido tan gratamente. De ti he sabido mucho por tus encomiables trabajos en AfroCuba Web. Solo te dire que estoy bien, con mucho trabajo y escribiendo mucho - tengo dos libros mas en el "pipe line" para publicar y me gustaria que leyeras el que publique sobre el racismo en Cuba desde el Colonialismo al Comunismo. Cuanto me gustaria tener tu opinion sobre el mismo. Sigue ahi en tu labor de "researcher" de los temas raciales cubanos. Ese es el tema mas importante de toda la historia de Cuba, aunque es tratado como uno mas o a veces como algo adjetivo y no tan extremadamente sustantivo como es. No puede haber nacion, ni verdadera democracia, ni verdadero respeto a la dignidad humana y los mas elementales derechos de los hombres si existe discriminacion racial, sea esta velada, abierta, inconsciente o consciente, un codigo legal escrito o una norma no escrita ,pero practicada y sentida a diario por los que socialmente han sido construido como "blancos" o "personas superiores" . La discriminacion racial es un acto de violencia suprema y sistematica que conduce a los que la sufren a la exclusion y la marginalidad en lo social, lo politio y lo economico y a la inexorable decapitacion y alienacion de su conciencia como humanos, individuos o colectivo discrimado. Un abrazo Exitos en todo lo referente a tu vida Leere todos los materials… Ciao Ivan Cesar [Dr Ivan Cesar Martinez es socialogo Cubano de descendencia Africana que ha cumplido varias funciones diplomaticas para el gobierno de Cuba Revolucionario: Barbados, Guyana y en Africa, Zimbabwe. Gracias a la labor del Dr Cheddi Jagan quien fuera primer ministro de Guyana, que ascendio en 1953 al poder tras elecciones generales para formar el primer gobierno de orientacion socialista y marxista-leninista del continente americano y quien posteriormente paso a ser presidente de esta nacion del caribe, fui introducido al Dr Ivan Cesar Martinez entonces embajador de Cuba en Guyana. Despues de una buena e ilustre recepcion siguieron los demas contactos con el Lic. Osvaldo Cardenas quien era el jefe de la Seccion del Caribe del Departamento de las Americas del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Todo un nuevo libro de historia politica internacional quedo abierto a partir de estos momentos. Eternamente Agradecido, Eugenio Godfried] |
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