Guerra de RazasGuerra de Razas (Negros contra blancos en Cuba),
Rafael Conte, José M. Capmany Written during and right after the 1912 Massacre by reporters "embedded" with the Cuban Army, this piece of propaganda informs the public about the noble campaign against the "racist revolution." The Epilog contains a list of those who partook of the Banquet
celebrating the victory in Parque Central, la Habana, under the statue of Jose Marti,
whose son, "Coronel Jose Martí y Zayas-Bazán," was one of the
presiding Jefes. Tip: Adobe 7 and earlier: after downloading the pdfs below,
for those pdfs that need it, use the Rotate tool to the right of the Zoom tool
on the Adobe Reader toolbar in order to rotate 90° clockwise. Note: depending on your version of Adobe, you may need to download the PDFs and then open them directly on your hard drive as the Adobe in your browser may not have all features available. See also www.gutenberg.org/files/37747/37747-8.txt for searchable text version, no photographs. |
PDF Downloads
1. guerraderazas-frontpage.pdf 34KB
2. guerraderazas.pdf 2.9MB requires rotation 90°
3. guerraderazas-fotos.pdf 1MB
4. guerraderazas-epilogo.pdf 611KB requires rotation 90°