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Nada me une a Obama ni a ningun partido politico en USA, Alberto Jones, 10/1/2023

White supremacy in France, which leads to periodic rebellions from Africans and Muslims, have their roots in French republican thinking, the father of Latin American republicanismo. See our Racism in France. 7/4/2023

The War on Critical Race Theory: Forbidding Talk of White Supremacy in the US, 2/2023 

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva and Colorblind Racism, 2/2023

Colapso posible del sistema energetico nacional, 9/7/2022 Alberto Jones

Every Black Colombian group has received funds from US organizations such as USAID and NED. Not a single one appears to have backed the Trump like US candidate, something for Cubans to think about.

Daymé Arocena: conversación desde lejos de “un país de locos”  8/12/2022 Cuba Noticias 360: "Luego de mi pregunta en el Congreso, Abel Prieto me dijo que discrepaba con mi planteamiento porque mis ideas eran capitalistas. Yo ni sabía a lo que él se refería al decirme eso frente a toda la gente que estaba ahí. De hecho, yo ni sé por qué me llamaron para ir, pero fui y pregunté lo que creía porque era una inquietud, no era nada del otro mundo. Sin embargo, él metió el cuento político, él fue el que despertó el bombillo, no fue Otaola, no fueron las redes sociales, fueron las propias respuestas de ese sistema las que me hicieron darme cuenta que estaba viviendo en un país de locos."

El régimen de los cooperativistas cultos es el socialismo II. Comentation de Alexander Hall  6/26/2022 

La generacion de electricidad en Cuba, 8/6/2022. Los errores que asfixian al pais, 4/6/2022. Alberto Jones.

Anti-Abortion, Segregation, and the Great Replacement in the US, 5/2022 

Las izquierdas progresistas ante la Revolución cubana. Reflexiones sobre las alternativas emancipatorias en América Latina 5/29/2022 sinpermiso Alexander Hall

A professor at the University of Pennsylvania with expertise in post colonial studies calls for the continuing prohibition on remittances to Cuba because AfroCubans do not receive them, 8/5/2021.  Amalia Dashe is featured as the voice of AfroCubans in Politico, Foreign Policy, NPR, MSNBC, and Slate and advises several democratic politicians.

From Barrio Cuba, beyond hatred and for respect 7/19/2021 OnCuba by Mikail Pons Giralt: "I do not accept the essentialism and the dichotomous trivialization that the compatriots who took to the streets on J-11 are simple criminals, marginal beings, vandals, agents of foreign change. Or from the other binary shore, that they are the anti-communist heroes, the revolutionary stone-throwers of the occasion that will hit certain Cubans who do not commit to the glamorous future in a post-communist Cuba."

President Moïse’s Killing Fuels Political Crisis as Rivals Vie for Power  7/11/2021 NYT: "The others jockeying for control, behind the scenes, include Michel Martelly, the former Haitian president, and Reginald Boulos, a prominent businessman. Both have been testing the waters in Washington recently as they explore potential bids for the presidency. In May, Mr. Boulos, one of Haiti’s richest men and a former ally of Mr. Moïse, hired two U.S. lobbying firms to represent him. And this month, according to a federal filing, Mr. Boulos retained another firm run by Arthur Estopinan, a lobbyist who served as the chief of staff for U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen."

Joint Statement on Human Rights in Cuba 6/1/2021 English/ español/ portugues.  "Statement from the David Rockefeller Center for Latin Americans Studies, the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, and the Afro-Latin American Research Institute, Harvard University, on human rights in Cuba."  For the context, see San Isidro and Racism. Para el contexto, ver San Isidro y el racismo. For a response from Cuba, see A Painful Document by Victor Fowler, 6/5/2021. Por una respuesta desde Cuba, ver Un documento penoso  6/5/2021 de Victor Fowler.

Dos propuestas de diferentes partes del movimiento antiracista en Cuba, enfocadas en el barrio San Isidro: Contra la rabia política: una vacuna y una propuesta  4/25/2021 Sin permiso, de Roberto Zurbano.  El llamado caso San Isidro  4/19/2021 Moncada, Lectores, de Esteban Morales

Programa nacional contra el racismo y la discriminación racial. Diagnóstico. República de Cuba, Consejo de ministros., 25/3/21.  Hay indicaciones que fue escrito en gran parte por Rolando Julio Rensoli Medina, un defensor del republicanismo y vice presidente de la Comision Aponte.

The Batistafication of Florida, Wayne Madsen Report, March 1-2, 2021: " Instead, the Democrats should concentrate their voter registration and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts on the Afro-Cubans, many who arrived in Florida in the El Mariel boatlifts in 1980, as well as working class Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Haitians, Bahamians, Jamaicans (America has a Vice President of Jamaican descent), Trinidadians, Afro-Colombians and Afro-Venezuelans, and Amerindians from Latin America." The author is former NSA.

Músicos de ‘Patria y Vida’ piden cambios en Cuba en evento con Guaidó y parlamentarios europeos  2/27/2021 Nuevo Herald. La alianza con la derecha del conflicto racializado en en Venezuela.  Ver nuestro "Patria y Vida".

Patria y Vida - Yotuel , @Gente De Zona, @Descemer Bueno, Maykel Osorbo, El Funky 2/16/2021 Yotuel - YouTube - con letras. Rechaza la historia, omite la mas minima critica de la plantocracia en Miami, un capital de la supremacia blanca. Pero la respuesta de Guerrero Cubano, republicado un momento en Cuba Debate, llamandolos jinetero, delincuente, gentuzza y drogadicto, parece muy fea y algo racista. No se va a ganar nada asi. Como lo hemos exprimido muchas veces, Cuba tiene que hablar francamente de sus problemas raciales, en Miami como en la isla.

Marginalización y disidencia en Cuba  1/20/2021 IPS: por Gisela Arandia - "No hay que olvidar que la cultura de la marginalización con una incidencia en la racialidad ha estado incluida en la matriz de injerencia de Estados Unidos y ha sido un objetivo de larga data, donde el tema de la creación de una disidencia de carácter racial ha estado presente. 

Movimiento San Isidro - N27: cronologia, 5/1/21

NED and San Isidro Anti-Racism, 1/3/2021  NED y el anti-racismo del Movimiento San Isidro, 3/1/2021

Gusano Lobby pressures nations to reject Cuban medical aid missions, Wayne Madsen Report, 4/10/2020  COVID-19: Cuba 

Cultura caribeña en Cuba  2/5/2020 IPS: Luis Álvarez Álvarez, poeta, crítico literario e investigador cubano: "Uno de ellos implica que no toda Cuba tiene que ver con la cultura caribeña, sino solamente aquellos elementos que son comprobadamente afrocubanos. Es, desde luego, una postura racista del más lamentable calibre. De acuerdo con esto, Santiago de Cuba y Guantánamo serían muy caribeños, pero no Pinar del Río. Vamos, que se trata de un razonamiento no solo insostenible, sino también dotado de una carga política de lo más negativo que puede hallarse."

El ejemplo de “Forever Young” y lo que Orishas ha hecho con “Ojalá”  1/27/2020 On Cuba
The example of “Forever Young” and what Orishas has done with “Ojalá”  1/27/2020 On Cuba

Did Marco Rubio Hire a Big-Sugar Tycoon's Grandson as an Intern?  1/21/2020 Miami New Times: "Environmentalists and government watchdogs have been critical of the family and the sugar industry at large. Excessive runoff of fertilizers and pesticides from sugar farming have been blamed for likely irreversible pollution in the Everglades, and two of the Fanjuls' major sugar giants — U.S. Sugar and the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida — have fought attempts to force them to pay to clean up the Glades. Environmentalists also partly blame fertilizer runoff from sugar farming for foul-smelling toxic algae blooms that have flooded Florida beaches in recent years and endangered the state's largest industry, tourism. As the New York Times' "1619 Project" noted last year, sugarcane farming has historically been one of the most exploitative and grueling types of farm work in the nation's history; much of the work used to be done by slaves. Since the Fanjuls rose to prominence in the '60s and '70s, the vast majority of cane farming has been carried out by easily exploited populations of immigrants. Lawsuits and critics have repeatedly accused the Fanjul Corporation of operating unsafe farms and deporting [largely Jamaican] workers who complain — charges the company denies."  See our page on Narco Rubio.

Facebook Jail for anti-racism activists - Carcel Facebook para activistas anti-racismo, 11/2019

Pensando en clave de “raza” 11/25/2019 Jiribilla: por Victor Fowler - "Si la Revolución cubana, repetimos, “ha sido posiblemente el proceso social y político que más ha aportado a eliminar la discriminación racial”, la puesta en marcha del nuevo Programa incrementa todavía más la responsabilidad de las autoridades y decisores, de todo nivel, en lo tocante a la cuestión del racismo en todas sus manifestaciones evidentes, variedades, mutaciones o fórmulas ocultas."

La Florida y Cuba. Elementos comparativos y oportunidades economicas al alcance de la mano, 21/11/2019

Miguel Cabrera en "Con 2 que se quieran": racismo con carcajadas

Tricontinental Routes of Solidarity: Stokely Carmichael in Cuba  12/1/2012 The Journal of Transnational American Studies: "Stokely Carmichael’s visit to Cuba for three weeks in the summer of 1967 illustrates a convergence in the transnational routes of the African American freedom struggle and the Cuban Revolution. African American activists saw Cuba as a model for resisting US power, eradicating racism, and enacting societal change, while the Cuban government considered African Americans allies against US imperialism and advocates of Cuba’s antiracist stance... Examining Carmichael’s visit to Cuba illustrates the possibilities and pitfalls of transnational solidarity and furthers our understanding of postwar struggles for change."

Another New YorkTimes Psyops? "‘It Is Unspeakable’: How Maduro Used Cuban Doctors to Coerce Venezuela Voters", 3/17/2019  ¿Otra operacion psicológica del The New York Times?  Chantaje con medicinas: Cómo Maduro usó a médicos cubanos para presionar a los votantes.  Pathological Deceit: The NYT Inverts Reality on Venezuela’s Cuban Doctors 3/27/2019 Orinoco Tribune. Best exposé to date.

El Capitulo III de la Ley Helms-Burton y el preludio de la guerra en America Latina. 13/3/2019 de Alberto Jones

La comedia de Donald Trump en Miami, 2/13/2019 de Alberto Jones

CANVAS, Gene Sharp, Venezuela and Cuba: Serbian CANVAS leads US efforts to overthrow governments they disapprove of.

Why Venezuela’s Chavistas are fiercely loyal to Maduro, despite economic crisis  2/22/2019 PBS: "We will arm men and women, so that no Yankee boot steps here, and he who does, dead he will be."

Movimiento Panafricanista realiza conversatorio en defensa de la Revolución Bolivariana 2/22/2019 Gobierno Bolivariano: "Este viernes, desde el Centro de Saberes Africanos, Americanos y Caribeños en Caracas, se realizó el conversatorio “Primer Encuentro Panafricano en defensa de la Revolución Bolivariana”, a cargo de su fundador y presidente, Reinaldo Bolívar y del coordinador nacional del Movimiento Federal Panafricanista de Guinea Bissau, Djalo Mamadu Djabi."

White Supremacy and Patriarchy in India: a neglected field of study that could give a much greater time depth to our work, 12/2018 Why white supremacists and Hindu nationalists are so alike  12/13/2018 Al Jazeera. Savitri Devi: The mystical fascist being resurrected by the alt-right  10/29/2017 BBC: "Savitri Devi's work forms part of the history of both India's Hindu nationalists and the European and American extreme right."

¿Y DESPUES DE LAS NUEVAS MEDIDAS SOBRE EL CUENTAPROPISMO QUE VIENE?  12/11/2018 Esteban Morales: "Pero si seguimos como vamos, podemos caer exhaustos en los brazos del capitalismo y no en el de Suecia, sino en el que nos corresponde como país pobre y subdesarrollado, lo que ocurrirá si el país no se mueve rápidamente hacia adelante. Pues no es posible continuar con un crecimiento tan magro del PIB, como el que se ha alcanzado en los últimos años y el que nos espera en el 2019."

Rogelio Martínez Furé: “Debemos recuperar no solo la memoria, sino también el olvido”  5/16/2015 Jiribilla: "Hay mucha gente que nació en Cuba pero sigue padeciendo el síndrome de creerse europeo en el exilio, por tanto no me extraña que haya quienes no acepten la música de origen africano  y contenido ritual porque tampoco aceptan el punto guajiro. Espiritualmente, psicológicamente… son simples epígonos del eurocentrismo. A mí no me sorprende que suceda. Por supuesto, hay muchas otras que darían cualquier cosa por haber nacido aquí." Ver Rogelio Martínez Furé.

Alberto Jones: El programa incompleto de Cuba con Haiti (Operacion Antonio Maceo), 7/12/2018. Regalos por la aduana, 7/12/2018

Venezuela to Offer African American Course at US University  11/21/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "The agreement between the Venezuelan consulate in New Orleans and the Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) to offer the “Africa and its Diaspora in Hispanic America” course as part of the topics offered by the university was proposed in 2017 by General Consul Jesus Garcia and the head of African American studies at the SUNO Dr. Clyde Robertson. The agreement to offer the university course was signed in August this year, and it is unclear when the course is due to begin."

Cuba’s Open Secret—A complex color bias rooted in colonialism continues to disadvantage those there with dark skin 11/9/2018 Pittsburgh Courrier: "Economic and virtually all other advantages historically and contemporarily accrue to White Cubans and, to a lesser extent, light-skinned people of mixed race. White Cubans overwhelmingly were the ones with the financial means to flee to the United States when the Cuban revolution began. In the decades since, many have sponsored their kin to immigrate to the U.S. and have used the remittance system to financially benefit relatives who remain in Cuba—indirectly perpetuating the economic disparities based on color."

Many Afro-Brazilians Are Bracing for the Worst After the Election of a Far-Right, Racist Candidate for President 10/30/2018 The Root: "Although Bolsonaro received votes from every segment of Brazilian society—there was a clear divide between rich and poor and black and white... Accordingly, Bolsonaro won most of his votes in the richer, whiter south, while Haddad triumphed in the blacker, poorer north. Bahia, Brazil’s blackest state, voted 73 percent in favor of Haddad."

'Brazilian Black Women Have Been the Safeguard of Democracy': Feminist Gabriela Monteiro on Fighting the Rise of Bolsonaro  10/26/2018 Jezebel: "The Workers’ Party has made many mistakes, but it isn’t because of these mistakes that the Party and their leaders have suffered this witch hunt. On the contrary, it is precisely because they touched the neuralgic spots of Brazilian society, like guaranteeing the presence of blacks in universities, rights for domestic workers, and a minimum of dignity for the working class, the rural population. Can you imagine what it is to this white elite of slave tradition to see the daughter of the maid at the university, or the doorman traveling by plane? This is unforgivable."

What’s the deal with black Brazilians who support the “Brazilian Trump”, Jair Bolsonaro, the frontrunner of the October 28th Presidential elections 10/12/2018 Black Women of Brazil: "He doesn’t want to discuss racism, because he wants you to believe that somos todos iguais (we are all equal). That the elder black lady who takes the bus to work to the house of her patroa branca (white boss) who was already born rich, is not rich because she hasn’t worked hard. If your life goes wrong in the next 4 years, with factors such as loss of labor benefits, increased taxes (for poor, of course), the military candidate will say that it’s all your fault. And you know what? It really will be."

EL TEMA RACIAL EN CUBA Y EL INFORME A NACIONES UNIDAS DEL 2018: UN BALANCE CRÍTICO.  8/14/2018 Esteban Morales: "Entre las personas y organismos que se encargan de la elaboración del Informe mencionado, existe una persistente y casi bochornosa actitud de negar, que en Cuba persisten el racismo y la discriminación racial. Considerándolos solo como “vestigios” de discriminación racial."

A PROPÓSITO DEL INFORME CUBANO SOBRE RACIALIDAD EN N.U.  8/14/2018 Esteban Morales: por Gisela Arandia - "Para acompañar al profesor Esteban Morales (1) en su comentario sobre la racialidad en Cuba, en el informe a Naciones Unidas, incluyo una reflexión que forma parte del trabajo de tesis doctoral en ciencias filosóficas que he denominado como parte de la investigación: la negación del racismo. Se trata de un síndrome político que forma parte de un fenómeno de magnitud geopolítica que se inscribe en el paradigma de naciones Latinoaméricas y el Caribe Hispano según la cual el racismo es un conflicto exclusivo de la sociedad anglosajona."

Leading presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro says there is no racism in Brazil; even denounced by Attorney General, is it possible that he is not racist 7/12/2018 Black Women of Brazil: "Even while you abuse, exclude, humiliate and insult black people, you insist that these things happen, not because of their phenotype, but in fact, because of their class status. If you get an education, a good job, live in a good neighborhood, send your kids to a good school, you won’t have these problems and keep proclaiming that something exists when it in fact, doesn’t is the belief system behind the myth."

This Miami parody features an actress in blackface and the audience 'loves it'  5/19/2018 Miami Herald: "A popular Spanish-language theater near Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood has been entertaining its audiences for months with a parody that would spur outrage in many other cities. One of the leading actors in the play performs in blackface. The response from most of this audience: applause and laughter. “It has been a hit and no one has complained ... on the contrary, she is one of the favorites," said Marisol Correa, who oversees the venue where the play is showing. “The character is typical of the Cuban theater, the negrito cubano, but the person is never discriminated.”"


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New section on Black Catholic Sisters in the News as part of our coverage of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the subject of Gloria Rolando's new film, Sisters of the Heart. 4/2024

Prólogo de Cuba 11J: Perspectivas contrahegemónicas de las protestas sociales 7/8/2023 Marx21, descarga grastis: "Este nuevo libro esencial sobre la Cuba de hoy —producido desde la isla, desde abajo— se publica este martes 11 de julio de 2023. El libro ofrece múltiples perspectivas, profundas y problematizadoras, que permitirán a las y los lectores comprender las motivaciones de tantas cubanas y cubanos que gritaron pidiendo libertad un día caluroso de julio. Ver tambien 11J

Anti-Black’ Claim Raised About Cuba As Solidarity Activists Stopped at U.S. Border & Black Socialists Arraigned in United States for Collaborating with Russia  5/5/2023 Towards Freedom: "A 2-year-old argument about “anti-Blackness” in Cuba, which Black solidarity activists in the United States say has no basis in reality, has reared its head."  This says some things that need saying but shows an alarming lack of familiarity with the current situation that will not help the Cuban government or its people out of their difficulties. See The protests on July 11th and thereafter (11J). 11J is not San Isidro. which was US led.

DeSantis and Cuban American lawmakers ban Critical Race Theory and intersectionality in Florida: HB7 ('Anti-W.O.K.E') and Cuban American Republicanismo, 2/2023

Intersectionality - Interseccionalidad, Cuba/US. Banned by DeSantis/Diaz, growing popular in Cuba, 2/2023

Pacto Ecosocial del Sur – Ecuador, Versión revisada. Los 10 puntos planteados por las organizaciones indigenas son viables, abramos una discusion mas profunda sobre ellos, 27/6/2022  Pacto Ecosocial del Sur.

Former US Ambassador to Colombia Philip Goldberg offered a parting shot, warning against Rusian, Cuban, and Venezuelan interference in the elections, thereby favoring the Hitler fan, Rodolfo Hernandez. Goldberg was previouly expelled from Bolivia where he supported Croatian Nazis in their bid for secession. 5/2022

Russia, Tsarism, and Eurasianism, 5/2022.

Sundiata Acoli, who was in the car with Assata Shakur when they were stopped on the New Jersey Turnpike in 1973, has finally been released after 49 years in jail and numerous violations of the law committed by his various parole boards, 5/2022

The protests on July 11th and thereafter (11J): a great failure, the government has blinders on.  Most of the protestors came from poor, largely AfroCuban neighborhoods and many received exhorbitant sentences for protesting. Folks need to push back on this, solidarity includes constructive criticism. 5/2022

How to keep on being an activist in Cuba when old paradigms are ending?  1/4/2022 Freedom Socialist Party, Alexander Hall

Cuba’s cultural counter-revolution: US gov’t-backed rappers, artists gain fame as ‘catalyst for current unrest’  7/25/2021 Grey Zone: "Days after protests broke out in Cuba, San Isidro’s leadership accepted an award from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a right-wing Republican think tank in Washington that includes Nazi German soldiers in its count of historic deaths at the hands of communism."

Es irresponsable y absurdo culpar y reprimir a un pueblo que se ha sacrificado 7/24/2021 Pablo Milanés Oficial. Ver Pablo Milanés.

Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution  7/22/2021 Between the Lines: "The right of the Cuban state to determine its fate must be defended against external aggression. But critique is also an integral part of this process, and the generic left must also be willing to recognize and acknowledge the shortcomings and failures of the Revolution and acknowledge some obvious truths: Cuba is not a utopia nor a society of equals; it is a revolution in motion, a state that aspires to do more than most, but although Cuba has proven to be exceptional in so many ways, it is not an exception to the rule that critique (internal and external) is a crucial and necessary part of building and sustaining a healthy, living and breathing polity."

Respuesta a un activista sobre BLM - Response to an activist on BLM, 7/21/2021

Nikole Hannah Jones, founder of the NYT 1619 Project, attacked by white supremacists for supporting Cuba, 7/2021

Even with its imperfections, the Black Lives Matter statement on Cuba 7/15 gets the central point, the racialization of the US/Miami/Cuba conflict, ignored by all sides. Others can fill in missing data: Black Lives Matter Misses the Point About Cuba  7/17/2021 The Atlantic: "Not surprisingly, Havana’s primarily Black neighborhoods, the most neglected in the city, are the epicenters of the largest recent demonstrations, as footage shows. In some of them, such as La Güinera, Centro Habana, Diez de Octubre, Cerro, and La Habana Vieja, we’ve seen clashes between demonstrators and the police and members of the government posing as civilians." The author teaches at the University of Texas and is a specialist on slavery in Cuba.

Biden’s Failure to End Trump’s War on Cuba Is Threatening Lives  6/29/2021 The Nation: "As the pandemic continues to ravage the Global South, the world needs the United States’ cooperation with Cuba, not confrontation."

La cancion Patria y Vida con sus raperos afro del 16 de febrero parece ser un detonante de una actividad accelerada en los medios sobre el tema racial. Dentro de los mejores hay: Cruzando el césped: ¿Hacia una política racial en Cuba? 3/22/2021 OnCuba: por Roberto Zurbano - "Sería buena noticia si tal política racial no se contaminara de exclusiones y eludiera la trampa de ser una tarea que se legitima sólo desde el deseo gubernamental."  El Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial es siempre 3/21/2021 Granma: por Victor Fowler - "No temas discutir errores o debilidades en lo tocante a las prácticas discriminatorias; lo verdaderamente terrible es el silencio." Por mas, ver Cuba: identidad y antiracismo

US White Supremacists in the Police and the Military, 2/6/2021.  Council for National Policy (CNP): Command and Control for the US Right, 3/2021

La identidad étnica y los ideales republicanos de Francia en Cuba y América Latina, 2/1/2021

Ethnic identity and French Republican Ideals in Cuba and Latin America, 2/1/2021 Related: Will American Ideas Tear France Apart? Some of Its Leaders Think So  2/9/2021 NYT (No paywall). The fragile mother of republicanismo is feeling the heat.

Cuba: activismo y emprendimiento contra el racismo  1/26/2021 Deutche Well: "¿Hay un auge de iniciativas de activismo antirracista y afroemprendimientos en Cuba hoy? ¿Cómo enfrentan las inequidades raciales que persisten en el país?"

Gratuita la nueva edición de "Ron Bacardi, la guerra oculta" 1/21/2021 Cuba Informacion TV: "Hernando Calvo Ospina - Rebelión.- En el año 2000 se publicó por primera vez este trabajo. El año pasado, febrero 2020, en la Feria Internacional del libro de La Habana se presentó una edición actualizada." Ver tambien nuestra pagina sobre los Bacardi.

Los prejuicios raciales en Cuba torpedearon al plan Obama, 1/7/2021 Alberto Jones

Comments on a recent article ( El racismo: una barbarie a erradicar 1/5/2021 Granma), by Alberto Jones

Hansel Ernesto Hernández Galiano, joven afro matado por un policia afro en Guanabacoa, la Habana, 24/6/2020.  El hecho que la famosa cantante Daymé Arocena pide justicia sobre Hansel Hernández en su cuenta Facebook abre la puerta a mas criticas. Ella conoce bien Guanabacoa y se hizo santo allí.

White Supremacy and Miami Cubans,   Cuba and George Floyd: Reactions


The largest narco state on the planet, the US, accuses Venezuela, 3/26/2020 Charges of narco-terrorism were presented by Attorney General William Barr, former general counsel for Southern Air Transport, the CIA airline heavily involved in the arms/cocaine traffic with Central America in the 80's. Ex UN anti-narcotics chief & mob expert says US Treasury running ‘mafia racket’ against Venezuela  4/3/2020 Grey Zone

Noticias del golpe de estado en Bolivia,  La supremacia blanca es un motor principal del golpe, actualizado hasta 7/2020

US probing claims that CIA operative, DEA official betrayal led to murder of agent: report 2/28/2020 Fox News. The CIA operative is Felix Rodriguez, who murdered Che Guevara.

Prohibido todo: la Seguridad del Estado amenaza a activistas contra la discriminación racial  2/15/2020 Diario de Cuba: "La Seguridad del Estado advirtió al Comité Ciudadanos por la Integración Racial (CIR, independiente) que no permitirá ninguna de las actividades que tiene previstas durante este año como parte del Foro Racialidad, Genero, Cultura y Comunidad, cuyo inicio está previsto para marzo, informó la organización… El activista contra la discriminación racial aseguró que en días anteriores fue retirada del stand de Ediciones Acuario en la Feria del Libro la obra Apuntes para un debate racial, compilación de Patricia Grog, corresponsal de IPS en La Habana."

¿Cuba estaría preparada para depender del libro digital?  2/7/2020 Vistar: "Y creo que el impulso que se le quiere dar al libro digital en Cuba es necesario, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de títulos que se agotan en librerías (y nunca se reimprimen) y a los que luego uno no tiene forma de acceder. Sin embargo, me causa una dolorosa sospecha que ese impulso coincida con la crisis del papel y con la actual reestructuración de la industria del libro en Cuba."

Activistas quieren participar en programa contra el racismo  2/2/2020 IPS: "El encuentro fue convocado por el capítulo cubano de la Red de Mujeres Afrodescendientes, y la sección Seres de la Sociedad Cubana de Psicología, para validar la petición de que el grupo de trabajo incluyera a personas reconocidas por su lucha contra el racismo. La carta, leída por la activista y periodista Gisela Arandia, está dirigida al presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel, quien también preside la comisión, e incluirá algunas preocupaciones y sugerencias expresadas por los asistentes al encuentro, donde se ajustaron detalles y se llegó al acuerdo de enviar la misiva." Ver Programa de Gobierno de Cuba contra el racismo y la discriminación. Comisión Gubernamental, encabezada por el Presidente Díaz-Canel, 11/2019.

Cocaine Christians: the Latin American far-right, Wayne Madsen Report, 11/19/19

La rectora de la Universidad de La Habana provoca estupor en el claustro 10/8/2019 Cibercuba: "La rectora de la Universidad de La Habana (UH), Dra. Miriam Nicado, causó recientemente estupor en el claustro de profesores que dirige, a los que llamó a reflexionar sobre la baja matrícula de negros y mestizos en la institución.  Racismo en el sistema de educación en Cuba/Racism in the Cuban Educational System, 10/2019 

Gobernar con conciencia étnica es la tarea de hoy 9/14/2019 Aporrea: de Freddy Blanco - "Es con la conciencia étnica y la identidad que vamos a combatir la alienación y lograremos transformar nuestra sociedad históricamente hiperalienada."

Yvette Carnell, cofounder of ADOS, American Descendants of Slavery, is on the board of PFIR, Progressives for Immigration Reform, a front group for the white nationalist FAIR, Federation for American Immigration Reform, 3/24/2019

Two days before one year anniversary of the murder of Marielle Franco, two suspects arrested; one is the President’s neighbor and his daughter dated one of the President’s sons  3/14/2019 Black Women of Brazil

El asesinato de Marielle, los vínculos políticos y las preguntas sin respuesta  3/13/2019 El Observador, Uruguay

Cuba: Reinaldo Bolívar presentó su libro África, la Historia no contada 2/12/2019 Centro de Saberes Africanos, Venezuela: "Bolívar explicó que su estudio daba continuidad a un libro anterior África Revolucionaria (traducido al wolof y al amarico, entre otros idiomas). En este nuevo esfuerzo investigativo se incluyen discursos de los fundadores africanos que antes eran casi inacesibles. “Los líderes africanos de los años 1950-70 optaron por el socialismo, lo que los convirtió en peligrosos para el imperialismo. Luego aniquilaron a los que eligieron la opción socialista”, comentó."

In Venezuela, White Supremacy Is a Key Driver of the Coup 2/7/2019 Orinoco Tribune: by Greg Palast. up.gif (925 bytes)

Venezuelan Intelligence Play Garcia Palomo to Dismantle Coup Last Weekend  2/7/2019 Orinoco Tribune: "Jorge Rodriguez, vice president of Communication of the Venezuelan government, unveiled a series of videos this Thursday of the confessions of Oswaldo García Palomo, colonel captured a few days ago and who was in charge of the planning of several coups d’etat against President Nicolás Maduro, which were finally frustrated by actions of the Venezuelan Intelligence."

Trump's threat to allow lawsuits against Cuba and companies investing there over properties confiscated right after the Revolution could seriously impact the Cuban economy but would likely backfire in the medium terms:` US Cuba Relations

Colonized Progressives: Why do so many progressive authors render afrodescendants invisible?  An Exploration into Characteristics and Colonialist Roots of White Anarchism 10/7/2018 Medium

The Invisibility of Protester Deaths in Poor Areas 1/26/2019 Venezuela Analysis. An area of vulnerability tied to progressives' rendering Africans invisible - "What are being promoted are small concentrations of violence in popular sectors in order to symbolically and materially undermine the main base of support of the government."  John Bolton Says Ultimate Goal In Venezuela Is To Take Their Oil 1/26/2019 Crooks and Liars

Is the US Orchestrating a coup in Venezuela? 1/23/2019 Real News Network: best description so far of the realities underlying the coup attempt.

La primera experiencia cubana en Africa: Argelia (1961-1965) 10/1/1998 Temas:  por Piero Gleijeses, autor de "Conflicting Missions: Havana, Washington, and Africa, 1959-1976"

Brazil's New Minister: Boys Wear Blue and Girls Wear Pink 1/4/2019 teleSUR: "Brazil's new Minister for Women, Family, and HumanRights threatens the LGBTQ community." [The Israeli flag is the backdrop, showing the alliance between the Israeli right and the evangelicals, which is driving a lot of conflict throughout Latin America as they seek to firm up colonial settler culture.]

The Christian Right and the dangers they pose across the Americas and Africa.  Avant le déluge: El Salvador election will drive more asylum-seekers north  12/17/2018 Wayne Madsen Report: " In every country where leftist governments are plagued by right-wing insurgencies—Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Cuba—the right-wing forces are backed by the Israelis and U.S. fundamentalist groups."

Five Signs the Florida Democratic Party Still Doesn't Get It 12/16/2018 Miami New Times: "Andrew Gillum was a strong candidate for governor. Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott were grotesque, cretinous candidates and seemingly awful human beings. Everything looked so easy. So of course the Florida Democrats blew it. They're the Florida Democrats! They're a group of party apparatchiks and generally privileged white people who treat political representation like a club and a hobby instead of seeing politics as the dire, important, often-life-altering issue it is. The party is staffed by people who reward those who stress loyalty and tradition over good ideas."

Cuba's new constitution. El proyecto de constitución en Cuba. 12/9/2018

¿El Decreto 349, censura o no?  ¿Repite Cuba los errores que cometió con el rap? 7/12/18 Decree 349, censorship or not? Is Cuba repeating the errors it made in dealing  with rap? 12/7/18.

The darling of the Republican Party in Florida, Enrique Tarrio, the AfroCuban president of the Miami chapter of the alt-right and white nationalist organization Proud Boy, worked with and was photographed with Gov Scott, Roger Stone, Miami GOP Chair Diaz, and Congressman Diaz-Balart.

Censored Documentary Exposes Israel’s Attack on Black Lives Matter  9/12/2018 Black Agenda Report: "When the Movement for Black Lives released a platform in August 2016 that supported the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement and identified Israel as an apartheid state engaged in a project ofer genocide against Palestinians, the Israeli government snapped into action. Previously unreleased footage from Al Jazeera’s censored investigative documentary, “The Lobby -- USA,” shows Israeli diplomats complaining about the Black Lives Matter “problem” and boasting about their cultivation of established black civil rights activists as pro-Israel proxies. The footage also reveals how the Israel lobby orchestrated the sudden cancellation of a Black Lives Matter fundraiser at a New York City nightclub."

¿Dólares “inocentes” a las ong´s para reventar Cuba desde adentro? 12/27/2017 tercera informacion: Se aplica al CIR, el Comite de Integracion Racial - "Uno de muchos ejemplos del aporte económico del NED (National Endowment for Democracy, La Fundación Nacional para la Democracia) para las organizaciones contrarevolucionarias cubanas, en este caso canalizado y facilitado por el funcionario de la OEA, el costarricense Carlos Quesada."

For 9 Hours, Cubans Got Internet in an Unusual Place: Everywhere  8/15/2018 NYT: "On Tuesday, the Cuban government tested wireless internet directly on mobile phones nationwide for nine hours. The internet was free for the duration of the test, but Etecsa plans to sell mobile phone plans that include internet service."

Trump Reportedly Loosens Rules of Engagement on American Cyberattacks, Reversing Obama-Era Restrictions  8/15/2018 Slate. This risky plan will endanger people all over through infrastructures made vulnerable that criminal gangs will exploit.

Leading presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro says there is no racism in Brazil; even denounced by Attorney General, is it possible that he is not racist?  7/12/2018 Black Women of Brazil: "Even while you abuse, exclude, humiliate and insult black people, you insist that these things happen, not because of their phenotype, but in fact, because of their class status. If you get an education, a good job, live in a good neighborhood, send your kids to a good school, you won’t have these problems and keep proclaiming that something exists when it in fact, doesn’t is the belief system behind the myth."  [The white right and left both agree that class is more important than race. Bolsonaro is the Trump of Brazil, far right and backed by evangelicals.]

Colombia: Black Communities Ask for a Way Forward in the National Peace Agreement, 6/8/18. AfroColombians and indigenous groups are left out of the political process, while white supremacy is a major driver of the conflicts there. Both the left and the right render Africans invisible, despite their being 25% of the voters. Indigenas represent another 3.5%.

Mexico's Color Line and the Cultural Imperialism of Light-Skin Preference  5/26/2018 Truth Out: "I thought the Mexican reality would have been opposite of the United States'. Bewildered, when I inquired, even the Mexican revolutionaries explained that racism was a US problem: a product of its history, not Mexico's. Rather, Mexico was afflicted with a deep-seated classism, not racism, they said."

Status threat, not economic hardship, explains the 2016 presidential vote  4/23/2018 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: "Support for Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election was widely attributed to citizens who were “left behind” economically. These claims were based on the strong cross-sectional relationship between Trump support and lacking a college education. Using a representative panel from 2012 to 2016, I find that change in financial wellbeing had little impact on candidate preference. Instead, changing preferences were related to changes in the party’s positions on issues related to American global dominance and the rise of a majority–minority America: issues that threaten white Americans’ sense of dominant group status."  See our What motivates Trump voters?  White supremacy turns out to be the main motivation. What is derogatorily called "Identity politics" matters.

Lula y el «crimen» de la izquierda 4/5/2018 Granma: Seria importante incluir la dimension racial del conflicto en Brazil, donde la supremacia blanca escondita es un motor importante de la derecha, igual que en Venezuela y los EEUU. Reconociendo esto, se mobiliza a mas gente.

¿Qué fue del Movimiento Afrocubano en el 2017 luego de su transitar del II Coloquio a Harvard? 4/3/2018 Afromodernidad.  Una nueva edición del blog de Alberto Abreu.

The defense of slavery was the main motivation for the South's rebellion against abolitionist England in the American Revolution. The North acquiesced and John Adams did the deal. The much vaunted American "liberty" and "freedom" were code words in the South. Defense of slavery was also the main motivator at the Alamo in the Texas rebellion against Mexico

Antonio Maceo
Antonio Maceo/a>
laninitax.jpg (5584 bytes)
La Niñita
Juan Gualberto Gomez
Juan Gualberto Gomez
Quintin Bandera
Quintín Bandera
All photos (c) and courtesy Pedro Perez Sarduy

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