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Home Page Archive: 2012     

Zuleica Romay

Queloides III
at Harvard, until May, 2012

Revista Movimiento


La Cultura Rastafari en Cuba

Maobong Oku

nasako divining horn

Nasako divining horn in Cameroon

Evaristo Estenoz
Hablando con Estenoz, Presidente del PIC, 1910

New film: 1912, Breaking the Silence by Gloria Rolando

Sarduy launches Maids at Harvard
Perez-Sarduy launches English translation of the Maids of Havana at Harvard, 3/31

Fure Poesia
Poesía Anónima Africana

Ramos Cruz
De Guillermina Ramos Cruz


María Elena Mendiola, 9/09

Ile Tuntun
Ilé Tüntun, 9/09

Painter Gordillo Arredondo

A talk on Cuban Hip Hop by Roberto Zurbano, University of Miami, 11/16/12

Provenance Center, New London, CT: Roberto Zurbano presents his "map" of the twentieth century treatment of black subjects, most notably as portrayed in themes of Cuban literature, revealing the singular racialization within Cuban society. Wednesday, December 5, 2012.

Cubans scholars, filmmaker commemorate 1912 in a 2012 visit to the US: Gloria Rolando, Tomás Fernández Robaina, Roberto Zurbano. Public events in NY, Boston, Kalamazoo, Richmond, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, DC. Featuring just released 1912, Breaking the Silence, Chapters 1 & 2.

Presentation on Ékpè and Abakuá by Dr. Ivor Miller - 27 August 2:00pm, National Museum of African Art’s Lecture Hall, Washington DC. With the support of traditional intellectuals as well as musicians and dancers from Cameroon and Cuba.

Cinema ABCD: II Encounter of Filmmakers from Africa, Brazil, The Caribbean and Their Diasporas, Santo Domingo, July 14th to 17th, 2012 WIth Cuba's Rigoberto López.

Profesor Guillermo Rodríguez Rivera da una conferencia sobre "El Partido Independiente Color: el centenario de una masacre y sus consecuencias", en la Habana, 26/6/12

De la Habana a New York: Timba Music Festival, May 26, 2012, New York City: 8 hours of NG la Banda, Bamboleo, Pupy y Los Que Son, Manolito Simonet y Su Trabuco, many more! Greatly expanded info on their site.

Zuleica Romay, president of the Cuban Book Institute, receives prize for Elogio de la altea o las paradojas de la racialidad", makes remarks on racism in Cuba, 1/27/12

Afro-Cuban Women in Literature, Media and the Arts, May 19-27, 2012 trip to Cuba with Pedro Perez-Sarduy

American artist Ben F. Jones to lead group to the 11th Havana Biennial, 5/12

José Antonio Aponte y Ubarra and the 1812 Massacre: The Bicentennial, 1/2012

Queloides: Race and Racism in Cuban Contemporary Art, at Harvard University. From Jan to May, 2012.

Tremenda discusion alrededor del libro "La conspiración de los iguales," del historiador cubano Rolando Rodríguez sobre 1912. 1/15/2012. Researchers argue over book on 1912 by Rolando Rodríguez, 1/5/2012

Descargue los primeros 4 numeros de la Revista Movimiento, Agencia Cubana de Rap, 12/2011

American artist Ben F. Jones to lead group to the 11th Havana Biennial, 5/12

Afrocubanas - historia, pensamiento y prácticas culturales, Compiladoras: Daisy Rubiera Castillo e Inés María Martiatu Terry, 2011

Doce Muertes Famosas - Quintin Banderas, Manuel Cuellar Vizcaino, 1957, PDF

Reportaje Cultural, 140 años de la hombrada abakuá del 27 de noviembre, 27/11/2011, Prof Manuel Rivero Glean

Pedro Ivonnet ¿héroe o villano? Consideraciones en torno a un centenario cercano, de Lic. Raúl Ramos Cárdenas, 11/11

Book presentation: La Cultura Rastafari en Cuba by Samuel Furé Davis to take place Sat. Aug 27, 2011 at 1pm at the Central Park in Havana, at the Book Festival

Calabar Efik singer, dancer, and percussionist Maobong Oku plays with Cuban Proyecto Nunkue Ayaya -- Roman Diaz, Clemente Medina, Onel Mulet, on YouTube, 8/18/11

Desde Camerún a Cuba: una invitación a la reunión de 2012 de la gran familia Nasako
, 6/2011  From Cameroon to Cuba: An invitation to the 2012 reunion of the 'Great Nasako Family', 6/2011 Los Abakuá - Ékpè. Festival program now posted.

En el Centenario de Brindis de Salas por Lic. Raúl Ramos Cárdenas, sobre la vida del genial violinista quien fue una de las más excelsas personalidades negras de Cuba. 7/11

Alexis Esquivel: Exposicion 'El Fin de la Historia', Salamanca, España, 30/6/11. El retorno de la pintura de historia.

Boletín Imagen Afrohispana 3, 2011, 5/2011 La voz mas popular de la radio cubana en primer plano: Eduardo Rosillo. El trailer y otros extras del nuevo documental “Rosillo, gracias a la radio” de Tony Romero.

Eugene Godfried places Eduardo Rosillo in Cuba's cultural struggles over the importance of its African heritage: Cuban Popular Music: Renewal From Above, 9/04

Cuba y los pueblos afrodescendientes en América
: Seminario  -  13 - 17/6/2011 Instituto Cubano de Investigación Cultural Juan Marinello (ICIC), la Habana. Veinte articulos en la prensa  mas una lista de participantes en ese evento histórico dan una idea de los grandes cambios que pasan en Cuba.

'Queloides': Artists Explore Racism in Cuba  6/14/2011 The Root: by Alejandro de la Fuente, with video of the exhibit.

Enkiko Erufie Erufie: Drawings by Jose Orbein. Opening Night: June 3, 2011, Arte Puro at Deauville Beach Resort, Miami. These drawings have their inspiration in Abakwa themes.

"Calabar Mgbe", Revista Internacional, No 3, 4, 5 & 6: sobre las relaciones entre los Ékpè de Calabar, Nigeria, y los Abakuá de Cuba, 2011

Goodbye Manning Marable
, 4/6/2011 (en español) de Gisela Arandia. See also Manning Marables' articles on Cuba.

The 12th annual Eva Gaspar Festival
, 3/2011 El duodécimo festival Eva Gaspar, 3/2011 Eva Gaspar was a leader of the Haitian community in Ciego de Avila.

Premier en los cines Yara y Acapulco del documental de Gloria Rolando sobre "el Partido Independiente de Color", la Habana
, 11 de agosto, 2010. Intervinieron muchos intelectuales, historiadores y personalidades de la cultura cubana, le hicieron elogios al documental en todos los sentidos y estan esperando ya la segunda parte.

Documental histórico sobre problema racial en Cuba, CubaNow, 8/16/10 Gloria Rolando y el documental 1912, su exito en Cuba.

"Queloides" Catalog  1/6/2011 Matress Factory Shop

Queloides/Keloids: Raza y Racismo en el Arte Cubano Contemporáneo - Race and Racism in Cuban Contemporary Art
. Havana, 4/16/10-5/31/10. Pittsburgh, 10/8/10-2/27/11. Link to YouTube videos of Queloides II in 1999 and Queloides III 2010, 9/14/10. Hip hop performance by Soandres DelRio.

Eugène Godfried in Memoriam
: a celebration of his life, Guantánamo, July 6, 2010. Billed as a First International Meeting, with plans for follow-on meetings. Sponsored by the Haitian Community and the Anglophone Community in Guantánamo, with the participation of the the British West Indian Welfare Center and the Ballet Folklórico Babul. We have a report from Professor Tony Van Der Meer: Guantanamo's Cuban British West Indian Welfare Center Hosts the 1st International Eugene Godfried Memoriam Gathering, 7/1510.

Orlando Hernández, Cuban art critic, curates "Without Masks," first Cuban art show in South Africa with 26 artists and 80 works on Cuba's African Heritage. 23 May - 29 August 2010. Press reports.

Dos Boletínes Express de Cultura Afrohispana, 6/10: 1) Trailer del nuevo documental "Afran, rostros en la memoria" y 2) Autores afrohispanos con la infancia

Gloria Rolando's new films, 1912: Breaking the Silence/1912, Voces para un Silencio, premiered in Havana, March 19, 2010. She toured the US in April while Voces para un Silencio aired on Mesa Redonda in Cuba. During her tour, a video was made of her talk at the Stone Cultural Center at UNC.

XIth International Conference on African and Afro- American Cultures, Santiago de Cuba, 4/2010    XI Conferencia Internacional Cultura Africana y Afroamericana, Santiago de Cuba, 4/2010

Segunda Conferencia de Estudios Afro-Latinoamericanos, 3/2010, Republica Dominicana

Voice of the Leopard: Reviewed by Jill Salmons, Published on H-AfrArts, 1/2010  "As one Cross River chief commented recently: "Cuba has shown us that what we believed in is alive and applicable today to solve problems. We are ever so happy and grateful to the Cuban Abakua for bringing us back to our senses. Clearly the message is 'Hey, you did it, we have it, it worked for us, we don't see why it won't work for you.' So we are going to embrace this resurgence" 

Letra del Año - Proyecto Orunmila, based in Regla, Cuba, has the largest collection of these annual Ifa readings anywhere.

Check out some great video clips at, includes Los Muñequitos, Celeste Mendoza, Afro-Cuba de Matanzas, others.

Support the artists: get  Pello's sheet music for bata, Flor Amalia's script, and Gloria Rolando's films. This is legal trade that benefits these artists.

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2010

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2009

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2008

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2007

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2006

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2005

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2004

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2003

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 2002

AfroCubaWeb Home Page Archive: 1999-2001

Invitación de la Cofradía de la Negritud, 8 de diciembre: en la Casa de la Cultura de La Habana Vieja (antigua sociedad "Unión Fraternal"), La Cofradía de la Negritud, la Cátedra de Pensamiento Haydee Santamaría y el Grupo Chekendeque, llevaremos a cabo el panel y debate "La ayuda Mutua Popular y la Fraternidad en la Historia de Cuba".

The Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center and the Office of International Studies, Norfolk University, Virginia presents Diasporic Consciousness, Black Identity, and the Present Memory of Cuban Racism with Gloria Rolando, Tomás Fernández Robaina, Roberto Zurbano, and Geoffroy de Laforcade. They will be showing the film 1912: Breaking the Silence, in a commemoration of the centenary of the 1912 Massacre, New York, 11/3/2012.  Hurricane Sandy is having no  effect on the date.

Fifth Annual Assata Freedom Dance, Sat Nov 3, 2012, The National Black Theatre, Harlem, NY.

XXXII Caribbean Festival, Feast of Fire, Dedicated to Martinique, 7/2012, Santiago de Cuba

Convocatoria al XIX Encuentro de Comunicadores Sociales "Caribe 2000", del 3 al 7 de julio del 2012 en Santiago de Cuba. Hace parte del Fiesta del Fuego.

Caribbean American Children's Foundation in urgent appeal to help get their donations of medicine, etc to Pastors for Peace.

Noche Cubana, 6/29/12, San Diego - Omo Aché, Juan Carlos Blanco 

Breese Little - Cannibal/Carnival - Elio Rodriguez and Douglas Perez Castro - Exhibit in London, UK, May 25 to July 21, 2012

Kwanzaa Associates International: 3rd Humanitarian Power Tool Drive for Cuba through June, 2012. Calling on construction workers and plumbers as part of Pastors for Peace.

Homenaje a Rogelio Martínez Furé 6/6/2012 UNEAC: "El próximo martes 13 de junio, la productora de documentales de la UNEAC, Octavio Cortázar estrenará el documental El aché de la palabra, del realizador Félix de la Nuez, dedicado al poeta y etnólogo, Rogelio Martínez Furé.

Sábado 25 de febrero de 2012 - Pablo Menendez & Mezcla: apoyando a  Obsesión con su canción "Nueva Calle G" sobre el reclamo popular - rededicar el monumento de Jose Miguel Gomez al General Quintín Banderas

21 de marzo de 2012 - acto social y cultural, Cofradía de la Negritud. Día Internacional para la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial: entrega del Premio Anual "Walterio Carbonell" a la realizadora Gloria Rolando. Exhibición de la segunda parte del su filme documental "Voces para un silencio", presentado y comentado por el escritor Roberto Zurbano. La Ceiba, Playa.

Negritud - San Juan, Puerto Rico: Tercera Conferencia de Estudios Afro - Latinoamericanos, 22-24/3/2012, Third Conference of Afro-Latin American Studies, 3/22-24/2012

Soñando en Color is an examination of the response that Afro-Diasporan artists have to the socio-cultural climate and history of Cuba. They will be exhibiting in Havana at the time of the Biennial, 5/12

Los Hermanos Arango: Boston, US, 2/21/12 Berklee Perforance Center. Clinic open to the public, 2/22. See new poster. Other gigs sought.

Club Cubano Inter-Americano, the Originators of La Fiesta del Mamoncillo, present a Valentine’s Dinner Dance Gala with SonSublime, Los Soneros De Oriente, and DJ Broadway El Cubano del Sabor, Yonkers, NY,  2/11/12

Eduardo Roca Salazar (Choco) exhibit in Cambridge, MA - Opening Reception 5/3/2012 - Exhibit May to August 31, 2012

Update on the March 2012 Nasako Festival, Cameroon, 1/20/12. Cuban Abakwa and Ekpe re-unite.

Bongo Ita : leopard society music and language in West Africa, Western Cuba, and New York City 1/15/2012 African and Black Diaspora, by Ivor Miller

XXXII Caribbean Festival, Feast of Fire, Dedicated to Martinique, 7/2012, Santiago de Cuba

XIIth International Conference on African and Afro- American Cultures, Santiago de Cuba, 4/2012    XII Conferencia Internacional Cultura Africana y Afroamericana, Santiago de Cuba, 4/2012

Negritud - San Juan, Puerto Rico: Tercera Conferencia de Estudios Afro - Latinoamericanos, 22-24/3/2012, Third Conference of Afro-Latin American Studies, 3/22-24/2012

Primero foro interactivo cubano dedicado a los asuntos de raza, en el sitio Cubarte: El engaño de las razas, 7/11 - con colaboradores bien conocidos.

History of African responses to Abakuá

Book Launch, Nigerian Edition of Voice of the Leopard: African Secret Societies and Cuba, 7/9/11: raising consciousness around the Abakuá and Ékpè

Algunas notas sobre raza y narrativas femeninas. El que más mira menos ve  8/7/2011 Negra Cubana

Fight to keep Cuban American travel. The Plantocracy seeks to maintain its stranglehold with a new bill to throttle travel, 7/6/11

Hablando con Evaristo Estenoz, 6/2011, Raúl Ramos Cárdenas hace el resacate de una entrevista con Evaristo Estenoz, el presidente y fundador del Partido Independiente de Color, en 1910.

IV Coloquio sobre religiones afroamericanas - Dedicado a la influencia cultural de las sociedades EKPE de Nigeria, en la conformación de las sociedades religiosas de socorro y ayuda mutuas Abakuá en Cuba, 25 -27 Mayo 2011 - La Habana (Cuba) 

15 Taller de Antropologia Social y Cultural Afroamericana Opus Habana, 1-7-2011

The Club Cubano Interamericano warns against imitation Mamoncillo Festival, announces re-organization for new festival in 2012, 6/6/11 2nd oldest AfroCuban social club in the US.

Al rescate de figuras afrodescendientes 5/21/2011 IPS: "Activistas vinculados al estudio y promoción de los temas raciales en Cuba rindieron homenaje a varias figuras históricas afrodescendientes."

Español, English, Francais: XII Conferencia Internacional Cultura Africana y Afroamericana, Santiago De Cuba. Dedicado África, su influencia en los países del área y a los Afrodescendientes, 12 al 16 de abril del 2012

Dos libros nuevos de Frank Cabrera, 2011: 1) Ilé Tüntun, la Nueva Tierra Sagrada, 256 Oddunes de Ifá 2) Ilé Tüntun, Tierra Nueva, de Frank Cabrera, 2011

Reportaje Cultural 20/02/11 - II Taller Municipal de Tradición e Identidad, Santa Isabel de Las Lajas, Cienfuegos, 18 y 19 de febrero de 2011 por el Profesor Manuel Rivero Glean

Prof Manuel Rivero Glean: Reportaje Cultural: Casa de Africa, 5 - 9 de enero de 2011, 15 Taller de Antropologia Social y Cultural Afroamericana

Boletínes Imagen Afrohispana Express
Boletín Express 12- 2010: Alexis Esquivel, Afran, II Congreso Internacional de Estudios Literarios Hispanoafricanos
Boletín Express 11- 2010: Gorsy Edú es el percusionista
Boletín Express 10- 2010: I Coloquio "Asociacionismo, un camino para el fortalecimiento del colectivo negro en España", organizado por el Alto Consejo de Comunidades Negras en España
Boletín Express 9- 2010: Grupo de teatro Bocamanja

Chief Eteng TaTa Ikpi, Iyamba Ekpe, Nigeria, reviews Ivor Miller's Voice of the Leopard on Calabar - Cuba, 11/25/2010

La poeta Georgina Herrera nos da dos ensayos: Gritar un poco: 1912, Voces para un silencio, La Habana, 11/8/2010, y Las amarras de la memoria, 20/2/2010 

New reviews of Voice of the Leopard on the relationship between Ékpè in Calabar and the Abakuá in Cuba, 9/10.  Includes review by the well known Nigerian historian, Dr. Toyin Falola.

He came, he saw, he savoured. Daily Sun, Nigeria, 7/15/10: the story of Marcos David Ostrander Moreford, omo Olokun of Nigerian, Cuban, English and Panamanian ancestry who returns to Calabar to seek his roots. His Cuban great-grandfather was initiated into Abakuá and participated in the struggle against Spain.

Reseñas de libros: Esteban Morales Domínguez. 2007. Desafíos de la problemática racial en Cuba. Por Pedro Pérez Sarduy, 7/1/2010

Cuba Calabar Radio - web radio from Calabar, Nigeria on the links between the Cuban Abakwá and the Ékpè in Calabar.

Boletínes Express de Cultura Afrohispana, numeros 4, 5, 6, 7, y 8 de 2010: I Convención Nacional Juventud Negra, Madrid, Comedia de situacion en Guinee Equatorial. Trabajos de Tony Romero y su equipo.

Reportaje Cultural: XI Conferencia Internacional Cultura Africana y Afroamericana, Santiago de Cuba, 12 al 16 de abril de 2010, del professor Manuel Rivero, Escuela de Altos Estudios de Hotelería y Turismo, Miembro del Comité Cubano de la Ruta Internacional del Esclavo de la UNESCO

Sample from Cordones-Cook's video Nancy Morejón: Paisajes célebres / Nancy Morejón: Famous Landscapes, 2010

Queloides: la cicatriz renovada del racismo en Cuba, Alejandro de la Fuente, 4/10

Dr. Ivor Miller is interviewed on Cross River TV, 4/14/10: Dr. Miller talks with Mrs Offiong Ani Offiong about Ekpé traditions preserved in Cuba for over 200 years and the way in which these traditions have been faithfully preserved by Abakua members from lodges in Havana and Matanzas.

Reportaje Cultural: Taller Municipal de Tradición e Identidad, Benny Moré y el Cabildo Congo San Antonio,, Santa Isabel de Las Lajas, Cienfuegos, febrero de 2010, del professor Manuel Rivero, Escuela de Altos Estudios de Hotelería y Turismo, Miembro del Comité Cubano de la Ruta Internacional del Esclavo de la UNESCO

Author and poet Pedro Pérez-Sarduy just completed a tour in the  US, Mar-Apr 2010. The focus was on race & identity in Cuba and on AfroCubans in the arts. Fresh from Princeton, he presented at Harvard on March 30 & 31st, 2010, where he launched the English version of the Maids of Havana.

Gordillo page featuring Kongo Cruzado: Cuban Lukumi and Kongo Identities in the Art of Francisco "Gordillo" Arredondo  by Ivor Miller, 9/16/2006. AfroCubaWeb is holding 11 of his paintings for sale, see his Gallery.

Assata Poster

Assata Shakur poster
with Askia Touré's poem "Palenque Queen by Habana's Shores" now available, as are some books by Askia.

Boletin Cultura AfroHispana


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Pasajes del Corazón y la Memoria
New Gloria Rolando film: History of Cubans and Cayman Islanders
Pasajes del Corazón y la Memoria
 DVD, $22. English subtitles.

Roots of my heart
Gloria Rolando and Imagines del Caribe:  Raices de Mi Corazon - Roots of my Heart, on the 1912 Massacre -  VHS, DVD, $25. English subtitles. Photo gallery.

El Alacran

El Alacrán: a comparsa in the Havana carnaval, $15 DVD or VHS. English subtitles. Photo gallery. Directed by Gloria Rolando.

Lazaro Ros

Oggun: An Eternal Presence celebrates the life of Lazaro Ros, Yoruba singer, $25, DVD or VHS. English subtitles. Photo gallery. Directed by Gloria Rolando.

Marqueses de Atares
Los Marqueses de Atarés, un video nuevo de Gloria Rolando, en Español, $25 VHS, DVD Galeria de fotos. En español. Gloria Rolando, director.|

My Footsteps in Baragua
: English speaking West Indian communities in Cuba.  $25, DVD or VHS. In English. Photo gallery. Gloria Rolando, director.

Pello's sheet music
for bata, Matanzas style, $10

Flor Amalia's
script for a play on racism: Donde esta Dios? $15

Gordillo Arredondo
paintings re-vision the presence of Africa in Cuba. AfroCubaWeb holds 11 paintings for sale, see his Gallery.Gordillo

These products from Cuba are legal in the US under the Berman Amendment. The artists get their share of the

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Independents of Color
Members of the Party: 
the Independents of Color

Founder Evaristo Estenoz in the center

As featured in Raices de Mi Corazon - Roots of my Heart

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