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Samuel Furé Davis
University of Havana

Queridas amig@s,

Les invito a la presentación de mi libro La Cultura Rastafari en Cuba que se hará en el Parque Central de la Habana el sábado 27 de agosto como parte del Festival del Libro y la clausura del verano el 27 de agosto a la 1pm en el Parque Central de la Habana.
Reciban esta invitación como una modesta muestra de agradecimiento por el apoyo que de distintas maneras me han brindado.
Algunos no podrán venir porque están lejos, en Santiago de Cuba, o en Jamaica, o en otro país, pero deben saber que estaré pensando en ustedes.
Dear friends,

Please, accept this invitation to attend the presentation of my book La Cultura Rastafari en Cuba to take place Sat. Aug 27 at 1pm at the Central Park in Havana as part of the greater Book Festival program organized by the Cuban Book Institute to close the summer holidays.

This is a modest sample of my gratitude for the support you have given me in different ways. 

Some of you may not be able to attend because you are far from Havana in Santiago de Cuba or in Jamaica, but you should know that I will be thinking of you and of the support you have given me in different ways.


Rastas in Cuba

Interpretations of Garveyism Over Time in Jamaica and Cuba  11/25/2011 76 King Street - Journal of Liberty Hall: The Legacy of Marcus Garvey: by Samuel Furé Davis, published in 2009

I am a Cuban Rastafarian, What of It...!  11/25/2011 Cuba Now: "Interview with Cuban researcher Samuel Furé Davis about his book La Cultura Rastafari en Cuba."

The Globalization of Rastafari  11/25/2011 Ideaz: by Samuel Furé Davis, published in 2008

Imported Topics, Foreign Vocabularies: Dread Talk, the Cuban Connection  3/2006 MUSE: "Velma Pollard and Samuel Fure Davis - The speech associated with Rastafari, labeled variously "I-ance," "I-yaric," "Rasta Talk," and "Dread Talk" (DT), is one of a small number of codes created to serve the specific ends of a particular group. Other such codes, however, have not spread beyond the narrow confines of their constituencies. Today the language of Rastafari has spread not only beyond that group to the wider Jamaican society but also beyond Jamaica to the international community. Music has been crucial in the spread of the philosophy of Rastafari even within Jamaica, moving it from the depressed areas where it began, to the living rooms of the privileged. The uptown following of Rasta of the sixties and seventies was partly the response of the young men in those homes to the lyrics of songs they were able to listen to over and over in their own space. Ironically this led them ultimately to a rejection of that space. Pollard describes the transformations performed on the words of Rastafari as they interacted with the popular languages of St. Lucia and Barbados following the spread of "the word" to those islands."

Lyrical Subversion in Cuban Reggae  5/2005 Image & Narrative:  "When several specialists express conservative opinions in using the term “Cuban reggae” as a solid genre, this essay is conceived as an approach to the social processes that catalyze the consolidation of a musical style --reggae-- in a given space – Cuba. My main argument is to emphasize that reggae was born in Cuba under the same conditions of marginalization and subordination that still today make it a lyrically subversive cultural tendency. It is necessary to note, however, that there is more than one type of reggae. I mainly focus on what is more universally identified as “roots” reggae without disregarding the interesting fusions of the Spanish Caribbean influences with Cuba's musical mainstream, which gave way to the so called reggaetón style. In characterizing “subversion” in a thematic analysis, the paper is based on a more cultural meaning in the mere political connotation of this word."

Contacting Samuel Furé Davis

Prof Samuel Furé Davis
English Department
Faculty of Foreign Languages
University of Havana
19 de Mayo nr. 14 e/Ayestarán y Pozos Dulces
Plaza 10600. La Habana. CUBA
Tel. (537) 8796132 Fax (537) 8735930;


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