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Book Launch, Nigerian Edition of
Voice of the Leopard: African Secret Societies and Cuba

A Nigerian edition of The Voice of the Leopard: African Secret Societies and Cuba was published in May 2011 by The Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization in Lagos, an institution funded by the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria that is dedicated to study of the African Diaspora. (

In July 2011, The Voice of the Leopard was launched at the National Museum,Calabar, in order to make copies available to Nigerians. The invitation information is below:

Dr. Ivor Miller (Fulbright Scholar to Nigeria 2010-2011), in collaboration with The Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC) and The National Museum, Calabar, cordially invite you to a Book Launch for The Voice of the Leopard: African Secret Societies and Cuba. Under the distinguished Chairmanship of Ambassador Prof. Okon E. Uya, Genius Laureate of Nigeria.

Date: Saturday, 9 July, 2011
Venue: Gallery, National Museum, Calabar
Time: 12 noon

Chief Launcher: Senator Bassey Ewa-Henshaw. Founder, Senator Bassey Ewa-Henshaw Centre for Indigenous Languages, History and Culture, University of Calabar.
Special Guest of Honour: Prof. James Epoke, Vice-Chancellor, University of Calabar.
Book reviewer: Ntufam Iyamba Dr. Mathew Ojong, Institute of IPPA, UNICAL.
Book presenter: Prof. Tunde Babawale, CBAAC

book launch, Voice of the Leopard


Voice of the Leopard: African Secret Societies and Cuba




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