Sen. Manny Diaz Jr.,
Commissioner of Education, Florida |
HB7 ('Anti-W.O.K.E' Act) and Cuban Americans
DeSantis and his Cuban American Commissioner of Education, former State
Senator Manny Diaz Jr of Hialeah, have made their Anti-WOKE efforts very
visible on the national scene by censoring the College Board's AP
course on Black History and having the Board back down on content.
Manny Diaz and another Cuban American Rep, Bryan Avila, sponsored HB7
later known as the Anti-Woke Act, which was used to censor the AP course.
DeSantis rewarded Diaz with the post of Commissioner of Education in Florida.
Cuban American Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez, who was
originally galvanized into running with DeSantis by the threat of having a
Black Democratic governor, has been actively promoting
the DeSantis anti-woke line using language evoking the colorblind racism
of Cuban republicanismo, which is firmly against identities other than that
of citizen:
"And I believe that one of the biggest threats that’s infiltrating our
universities is a permeating culture — in which one might call it ‘woke
culture’ one might call it ‘woke ideology’ one might call it ‘identity
politics,'” Nuñez told the Board of Governors." --
FL Lt. Gov. Nuñez says New College ‘lost its way’ and needs to be ‘reined’
back 1/24/2023 Florida
Nuñez' good friend
Marco Rubio has gotten into the act, proposing a series of bills to ban
Critical Race Theory at the Federal level:
Americans Demand Freedom from Woke Ideology 2/2/2023.
national press, academics, and activists have uniformly failed to notice the impact
of Cuban white supremacist culture on Florida's racial discourse, there has
been no analysis of this to date.
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva has written extensively on the Latinization of
US racial politics since 2003 and Manny Diaz explicitly banned him from
Florida's educational system. With good reason, Bonilla-Silva views this
Latinization as a congruence due to post Jim Crow factors in the US rather
than outright influence, but there may be more of mix of congruence
and influence in Florida where White
Cubans have an outsized impact.
Woke is widely understood to be a synonym for Black Americans and
progressive Whites. In the US Black community, surveys reveal that it has
actually been applied across the range of Black political expression,
Why “Woke” Is A Convenient Republican Dog Whistle 1/26/2023 Time:
"Nearly 40% of Black Americans identify somewhat with the label, more than
double the percentage of white Americans (19%). It’s also considerably
more than the percentage of Hispanics (24%) or Asian Americans (19%). In
fact, only 28% of Black Americans completely distanced themselves from the
term, saying “woke” described them “not at all,” compared to clear
majorities of white Americans (57%) and Asian Americans (54%). But “woke”
is also a term for Black Americans that transcends ideology and
partisanship in a way it doesn’t for any other group. Over 40% of Black
Americans in the YouGov survey identify with the term whether they are
liberals or moderates."
DeSantis and Diaz have been extensively gaslighting about how their anti
woke measures affect Floridians, claiming that they will have no impact as
they are only targeting extremist, communist ideologues.
Florida school district cancels real history as anti-CRT censorship
spreads 1/24/2023 Salon: "This
past Saturday, Dr. J. Michael Butler, the Kenan Distinguished Professor of
History at Flagler College in St. Augustine, was supposed to lead a
day-long seminar for Osceola County elementary school teachers on "The
Long Civil Rights Movement." The event was hosted by the nonprofit
National Council for History Education, a leading provider of professional
development for history teachers, and was part of a three-year partnership
between the council and the district to enrich history education at
underserved public schools. (Osceola County, just southeast of Orlando,
has a population of close to 400,000, which is nearly two-thirds Black or
Latino, and a median household income of $52,000, well below the national
DeSantis’ attempt to roll back diversity, equity, and inclusion is doomed
to fail 2/12/2023 Tallahassee
Afro Latino scholars and activists slam Gov. DeSantis' dissection of AP
African American studies 2/4/2023 NBC
Another part of this gaslighting is
to say that Florida
has a strong Black history program, which in reality was never
Florida’s struggle to teach Black history has become a battle over who
controls the past 2/11/2023 Detroit
News: "But now, as Gov. Ron DeSantis mounts a political attack on what he
calls the “woke mob,” he claims that certain instruction of Black history
is the equivalent of political indoctrination. And educators and advocates
who pushed for the Black history standards say the governor’s policies are
threatening to reverse the modest progress they have made. As DeSantis
defends against charges that he is “erasing the state’s Black history,” he
cites the 1994 law as evidence that it is required to be taught, but he is
confronted with contradictions: — Budget records show that the
implementation of the law that has been on the books for nearly 28 years
has been not only understaffed and barely enforced, but DeSantis and
legislative leaders have rejected requests to beef up resources to expand
the teaching of Black history in Florida. — The word “reparation,” which
is central to the Rosewood saga that spawned the Black history law, is now
considered off-limits in Florida classrooms because state officials have
determined that discussion of the reparation movement, which involves
offering financial restitution to the descendants of enslaved people for
the harms of slavery and racial discrimination, is an attempt at
They are also gaslighting about the impact their laws are having on school
libraries, claiming there are no empty shelves when Diaz's Department of
Education has threatened teachers and administrators with felonies if they
make the wrong move around the books.
Call the "woke busters": Ron DeSantis sends volunteer army to snatch books
from students' hands 2/3/2023 Salon
Florida Commissioner of Education attacks Popular Information 2/1/2023 Popular
January 23, Popular Information reported that
teachers in Manatee County, Florida are being told to make their classroom
libraries inaccessible to students, or risk felony prosecution. A memo
created by the Manatee County School District, and distributed to
principals, instructed teachers to "remove or cover all classroom
libraries until all materials can be reviewed."
It remains a mystery how Republicans expect to indulge in anti-science and destroy the public school
system while competing using 200 million white people against 1,400 million
Chinese people who have had a great reverence for education for several
thousand years.
This is not DeSantis' first rodeo, he has developed his talents for
stealth, gaslighting, and dirty tricks in other white supremacist
challenges, such when he was navy attorney in Guantanamo:
Ron DeSantis accused of illegal acts of torture against Guantanamo
detainees when he was a Navy JAG officer 1/26/2023 Florida
Bulldog: "Mansoor Adayfi, formerly detainee #441 and also known as Abdul
Rahman Ahmed, says JAG Officer Ron DeSantis observed, allowed and
participated in illegal acts of torture to help put down a hunger strike
in 2006 by dozens of detainees protesting their detention. DeSantis also
covered up the torture, Adayfi says."
One of the fundamental structures of racism in Latin America and Cuba is
Latin republicanismo, which Bolivar and his people brought over from
France. Initially it was a liberating factor in both places, as it still
is in
republicanismo popular. However, starting towards the end of the
19th century, it was misused to justify ethnic suppression and promote
color blind racism. The idea is
that we are all equal and our identity is as citizens. Therefore, there is
no ethnic identity, this is suppressed except of course for the default
Spanish criollo identity.
This complex is the historic driver for
color blind racism and racism without racists,
as Eduardo Bonilla Silva
describes so well. These notions are increasingly used by US white
supremacists, but they are already part of the culture in Miami. We have a
page devoted to
resources on republican
The Cuban government has been severely criticized in recent years for
their systemic racism, most
especially by Miami. At a basic level, their
census is wildly inaccurate, dramatically undercounting Black and
mixed populations, who are the majority. Critics note the presence of a
disproportionate number of Blacks in jails and their
current absence from the university system. Parts of the Cuban government
a colorblind approach to racial issues that is itself a form of racism. However, none of the Miami press nor the dissident groups criticize racism
in Florida, where the jails are also full of Black Americans and the
universities appear poised to delete Black scholarship, thanks in part to
their efforts which are now focused on establishing a colorblind Jim Crow II. To continue this spin will require a lot of
gaslighting. They will need to continue ignoring
the real efforts the Cuban
government is making to change Cuba in a direction opposite to what
the Cubans in Miami want to achieve in Florida. These Cubans are caught in
a demographic trap as Cuban Miami tries to stay white while Florida from St Lucie
county down has almost
1.5 million Blacks whose numbers may be growing faster than theirs if
national trends hold. The island over the years has become Blacker. There
is an
Antiracism in Miami
movement, but its impact is minor.
For those who think this site rigidly and uncritically supports the Cuban government, we can only
point out that we have a lot of critiques based in documented
realities throughout this site and that includes issues related to racism
and the use of colorblind republicanismo, which is typically what most Cubans on the
island use to justify racist policies, much more so than communism or
class war reductionism. We think that
appropriate criticism means better solidarity.
We try to avoid the rigid binary outlook, good vs evil, so common to
indo-european thinking. And we do not ally ourselves with the white
supremacists in Miami, who have a continent wide reputation for genocide:
they privately say the island is predominantly African, something to be
punished, while they publicly repeat the same endless propaganda points,
secure in the knowledge that the people they fund will not critize them.
As a measure of continuity with the white supremacist Cuban and American
past, Ron DeSantis in 2021 honored the batistiano Felix Rodriguez, the
man who represented the CIA in the killing of Che Guevara and who also
founded the first major drug cartels in Colombia, Central America, and
Mexico. The damage these cartels did to communities of color across the
US is unfathomable.
Florida’s Republican Governor Awards Medal of Freedom to Che Guevara’s
Assassin 10/6/2021 Covert
Action Magazine: "On September 16, 2021, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
awarded the Governor’s Medal of Freedom to Félix Rodríguez, the Cuban
anti-communist counter-revolutionary who lives in Florida. As a contract
agent for the CIA Rodríguez helped locate and assassinate Che Guevara in
Bolivia in 1967. Assassination is a political murder. The Governor’s medal
allowed DeSantis to recognize Rodríguez as a “person who has made an
especially meritorious contribution to the interests and citizens of the
state, (and) its culture.”"
The DeSantis - Diaz anti-woke crusade has had its echoes in France, as if to confirm that
the source of Latin republicanismo is just as interested in suppressing
ethnic identities. See
The French Are in a Panic Over le Wokisme 2/4/2023 The Atlantic .
We have some pages dedicated to
republicanism and racism in France as the mechanisms underpining white
supremacy are remarkably
similar to those found in Latin America.
DeSantis and Diaz have banned a number of authors and topics, including
Intersectionality, whose use has
increased on the island in recent years. They make reference to the
person who coined that phrase, Kimberlé Crenshaw, a widely respected
professor at Colombia University Law School, and have also explicitly
banned her writings. She is very popular among anti racism activists in
Cuba, including those the Miami press likes to play up.
Intersectionality is likely key to understanding the drivers for white
supremacy. The evidence from India
suggests that white supremacy has been associated with patriarchal
manifestations, including the control of women and an intolerance of
LGBTQ, for more than 3500 years. In Florida, we can see this playing out
as the DeSantis regime bans talk of menstruation, bans abortion, and bans
talk of LGBTQ in schools all the way through the 12th grade in association
with the extravagant white supremacist legislation they have been
In parallel to the DeSantis/Diaz efforts, we can also find other instances
of prominent Cuban Americans making racist statements designed to
influence their American audience. Dr. Julio Gonzalez is a former Florida
state representative. He is president of the United States Medical
Association and wrote
American Medical Association’s Racism Course Is Unscientific Propaganda in
the 2/20/2023 Federalist, where he actually defends the biological concept
of race:
"Yet claiming the absence of any genetic or biological basis for race is
patently absurd. One can scarcely imagine how a physician could deny
associations between certain genetically caused diseases and racial or
ethnic groups such as Tay-Sachs disease and Ashkenazi Jews, sickle cell
disease and people of African descent, and cystic fibrosis and people of
European descent, to name a few."
Just to take sicke cell disease, it also exists in populations outside of
Africa where malaria is prevalent, such as Italy, South America and Asia.
That's how evolution works. Tay-Sachs exists in Amish, Quebecois, and
Cajun communities, there is no need to invoke a mysterious race of people
of African descent or of Ashkenazi Jews, both of whom are genetically
We are barely scratching the surface here of an extraordinary effort to
redefine Jim Crow in new, more sustainable terms, an effort the largely
white Cuban American community in South Florida is fully backing as it is
congruent with their culture. Most of
the articles we find on the anti-woke law are, tellingly, in English --
there is apparently little consciousness of the phenomena in the US based
Spanish media.
We view this as a great opportunity to bring folks together,
organizing around Florida issues. There are
those who say that the DeSantis/Diaz approach is a diversion from the many
serious economic issues facing Floridians, as on the national level.
However, this "diversion" appears to be central to the economic claims
made by Republicans. It's just that their followers are not clear on how
profoundly they are being led astray:
Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry 1/29/2022 Yes
Magazine: "In a growing nationwide trend, the median household incomes of
people of color, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, now exceed those of
White people in nearly 200 of the 1,500 Republican-trifecta counties—those
in which the party controls the governor’s office and both legislative
chambers of state government (see Figure 1). This is a visible factor that
has fueled Trump voters’ complaints alleging White people’s diminished
Andy Petit, 2/18/2023