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French flagRacism in France

French white supremacy has a similar structural basis to that found in Cuba, Miami and all of Latin America: they are based on French republican ideals, where ethnic identity is severely deprecated, even taboo, and citizenship primes everything. This is also glorified as "universalism." Of course, the primary identity of Criollo or French is understood to be the default (and tolerated) identity. Here we track the discourse on racism in France in the hopes of stimulating contacts on all sides.

These republican ideals have been unknown in the US, whose republic has its roots in the defense of slavery against an abolitionist England. However, as Eduardo Bonilla-Silva points out, color blind racism, closely tied to republicanismo, is the future for the US, based largely on internal factors.

Les Mots Sont Importants -

Republican Ideals in Cuba and Latin America
Los ideales republicanos en Cuba y América Latina

Broken Mirrors: Race, Historical Memory, and Citizenship in 20th/21st-Century France, Chapter 6, Geoffroy de Laforcade, Norfolk State University 

The Living Eye and the Living Lie  4/17/2015 Panoramas: by Alan West-Durán - "Below is my analysis of what I consider are some of the philosophical and ideological underpinnings of Cuban color-blind racism, motivated by the Zurbano case." With many references to the history of ideas in France.

El colectivo Afrofeminista Mwasi y el festival Nyansapo frente a los valores republicanos de París, 5/2017

Observatoire du décolonialisme et des idéologies identitaires - a republican attempt to counter identity politics and decolonialism

Republicanismo Popular y Racialización en los Andes y el Caribe Incluye la conferencia en la Habana de 2020

France is weaponising its 'republican values' as a means of exclusion  11/26/2020 Middle East Eye: "As an advocate for fundamental freedoms, I observe the way France is weaponising its ideals and values as means of exclusion, while still deluding itself (and sometimes others) into thinking it is the everlasting torchbearer of human rights, when so many people are still affected by racism, discrimination and human rights violations as reiterated every year by the National Commission for Human Rights (CNCDH)."

Race: A Never-Ending Taboo in France  4/1/2021 Georgetown Journal of International Affairs: by Jean Beaman - "The ethos put forth celebrates the values of “liberté, égalité, et fraternité,” and the idea that all individuals are seen and treated equally as French so long as they ascribe to French Republican values. This is an assimilationist framework in which individuals relate to the state as individuals and not as members of identity groups.[3] The ideology of French Republicanism negates race and ethnicity as viable categories, such that France does not measure them. Demographic characteristics are framed based on immigration and citizenship status, rather than racial and ethnic group membership. Part of French racial discourse is actually not even using the word “race” in government documents. And as French scholar Mame-Fatou Niang remarks, there is no French word for “blackness.” Despite French Republican ideology which denies race as salient, it nonetheless structures boundaries of inclusion and exclusion."

News of Racism and French Republican Idealstop    See also News of Racism in France

Violent protests challenge French view on race  7/1/2023 CNN: "The state, however, rebuts claims that racism in the police force is a problem. And a longstanding ideal that the state is colorblind and all citizens are French first has made it particularly difficult to convince government officials to broach the possibility that implicit biases may play a part in the treatment of France’s ethnic minorities."

Opinion: The myth of a colorblind France  6/30/2023 CNN: by Keith Magee, UK based theologian, political adviser and social justice scholar. "In reality, the myth of the colorblind French Republic amounts to the state-level gaslighting of ethnic minorities, and the nation’s victims of systemic racism know it. Many people of immigrant, often Black or North African, heritage live in the “cités”, or suburbs, on the edges of France’s major towns where high levels of economic and social deprivation have created not just a widespread sense of despair, but anger at the injustice of hidden racial inequality."

Racisme anti-noir et suprématie blanche au Québec : déceler le mythe de la démocratie raciale dans l’écriture de l’histoire nationale  2/6/2023 Erudit: "Les conclusions de cette littérature invitent à recadrer l’histoire du Québec dans une perspective hémisphérique. En révélant les lieux communs que partage l’histoire des Amériques, en effet, l’approche hémisphérique permet de remettre en question l’exceptionnalisme des mythes qui ponctuent les récits nationaux des sociétés américaines6 . S’inspirant de cette approche, le présent article entend poursuivre le travail entamé sur le démantèlement de la mythologie canadienne de l’innocence raciale, et plus exactement du mythe de la bienveillance québécoise, par l’emploi d’une approche comparative avec l’évolution récente de l’historiographie latino-américaine. Il vise une littérature scientifique qui a su révéler plusieurs angles morts de l’étude du passé de la région, spécifiquement ceux en lien avec la nature et le fonctionnement de la suprématie blanche au sein des sociétés latino-américaines."

The French Are in a Panic Over le Wokisme  2/4/2023 The Atlantic 

'Woke culture' has made its way into the French presidential election  4/12/2022 NPR: "NPR's Leila Fadel talks to Rokhaya Diallo, a French journalist, commentator and filmmaker, about the fight against American-style "woke-ism" in France."

Marine Le Pen lisse son discours sur l’identité pour amadouer la « gauche républicaine »  1/19/2022 Le Monde: " Le 16 mars, Rachel Khan reçoit un SMS. Son expéditeur lui confie son « sempiternel sentiment d’injustice qui [l]’étreint devant tant de méchanceté et de sectarisme ». « Je volerais bien à ton secours, mais pas sûr que ça n’aggrave pas la situation. Nous t’assurons de notre soutien, même discrètement. » Signé : « Marine Le Pen »."

Just How Frightening Is France’s New Right?  12/9/2021 Atlantic: "The first, a brown-skinned “son of immigrants,” generated an ovation with the line “Assimilation is anti-racism.”"

Europe’s War on Woke  11/29/2021 The Nation: "As the apparent emissaries of this pernicious “Anglo-Saxon” identitarian agenda, US journalists covering this moment in France have come under the spotlight, especially when we ask, for instance, what islamo-gauchisme actually means—if indeed it means anything at all. Macron himself has lashed out at foreign journalists, even sending a letter to the editor of the Financial Times rebutting what he saw as an error-ridden op-ed that took a stance he could not bear. “I will not allow anybody to claim that France, or its government, is fostering racism against Muslims,” he wrote."

French education minister’s anti-woke mission  10/19/2021 Politico: "Le Laboratoire de la République is headed by French Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer and is tasked with combating what the minister calls U.S.-imported wokeism — woke being a term from the United States that originally meant being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination but which is now used by the right as a catch-all insult for the political left and progressive causes. “The [French] Republic is completely contrary to wokeism,” Blanquer said in an interview with Le Monde. “In the United States, this ideology provoked a reaction and led to the rise of Donald Trump.” He added: “France and its youth have to escape that.”"

Après « l’islamo-gauchisme », le « wokisme » : la nouvelle offensive réactionnaire de Blanquer  10/14/2021 Revolution Permanente: "Pour servir ce projet autoritaire et réactionnaire, Blanquer a rassemblé un douteux patchwork de personnalités réactionnaires avec notamment en guest star la féministe bourgeoise et raciste Elisabeth Badinter et l’islamologue Gilles Kepel, caution universitaire de l’islamophobie, mais également Rachel Khan, connue pour ses interventions sur Cnews et son opposition à la notion de racisme d’Etat . Le très islamophobe Printemps républicain est également de la partie , avec la LICRA (Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme) qui malgré son nom n’est pas en reste niveau islamophobie et est totalement acquise au combat contre une supposée « frange anti-républicaine de la gauche, indigéniste, décoloniale ». L’association « Jamais sans elle », fondée par l’ancienne présidente du MEDEF Laurence Parisot complète ce casting de rêve. A condition d’adhérer au combat contre la chimère du « wokisme », tout le monde est le bienvenu dans le projet. Ainsi, d’après un des organisateurs du projet, « Le but du jeu est de réunir des gens qui vont de Chevènement à Raffarin ». Voilà qui devrait parler à la jeunesse."

Avec son Laboratoire de la République, Jean-Michel Blanquer veut s’adresser aux nouvelles générations  10/14/2021 La Croix: "Dans le grand salon de La maison de l’Amérique latine, mercredi soir, se trouvaient des personnalités qui ont mené l’offensive laïque face à la menace islamiste, comme la philosophe Élisabeth Badinter, le journaliste Philippe Val, et l’islamologue Gilles Keppel. Plusieurs dizaines d’élus étaient là dont François Patriat, sénateur ex-socialiste et chef de file de la minorité macroniste au Sénat. C’est la député européenne LREM Ilana Cicurel qui sera secrétaire générale de l’association."

Blanquer et son "laboratoire de la République" en croisade contre le wokisme  10/14/2021 L'Express: "Comme lui, ils étaient plusieurs intellectuels à être venus, mercredi soir, épauler le ministre de l'Education nationale pour le lancement de son think-tank (club de réflexion et d'action) visant à promouvoir "l'héritage universaliste des Lumières" : Elisabeth Badinter, chaleureusement applaudie, le préfet et cofondateur du Printemps républicain Gilles Clavreul, le journaliste et ancien directeur de Charlie Hebdo Philippe Val, ou bien encore l'écrivaine et actrice Rachel Khan. Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Manuel Valls et Jean-Pierre Raffarin, eux, ont dû se faire excuser... LIRE AUSSI >> "Le traître et le néant" : Macron, dernier survivant du macronisme Et ce n'est pas tout, cinq membres du gouvernement ont honoré Jean-Michel Blanquer de leur présence : la ministre déléguée chargée du Logement Emmanuelle Wargon, les secrétaires d'Etat Sarah El Haïry (Jeunesse et Engagement) et Nathalie Elimas (Education prioritaire), toutes deux sous la tutelle de la vedette de la soirée, ainsi que Bérangère Abba (Biodiversité). Côté parlementaires, les farouches soutiens Ilana Cicurel - eurodéputée, nommée secrétaire générale du club de réflexion -, Aurore Bergé, Jean-Baptiste Moreau, Francis Chouat et Eric Poulliat ont bien sûr répondu présent au lancement de l'entreprise, qu'ils espèrent depuis plus de deux ans."

Black Lives Matter goes to war with Napoleon and the French Revolution  5/14/2021 World Socialist Web Site: "The New York Times championed the 1619 Project, a now-discredited attempt to rewrite all of US history as centered on racial conflict and the first arrival of slaves in America in 1619. The racialist climate it helped stoke has seen petty-bourgeois supporters of Black Lives Matter topple statues of leaders of the 1776 American Revolution and of the anti-slavery forces in the US Civil War. Now, the Times is taking aim at the French Revolution. In March, it published a column by Professor Marlene Daut titled “Napoleon Isn’t a Hero to Celebrate.” A supporter of Black Lives Matter, she is outraged by the marking of the bicentennial of Napoleon’s death on May 5, 1821. She denounces Napoleon, claiming he was driven by genocidal anti-black racism."

Is the French Military a Threat to Democracy?  5/3/2021 Jacobin Magazine: "Here, the article sheds any veneer of even the “color-blind” variant of racism so typical in French public discourse, and parrots disgusting white nationalist talking points. It argues that Muslims, rather than being legitimate citizens or residents of France, are a “horde” of foreigners whose ideologies and practices threaten France’s natural identity. The signatories claim that the areas around several major French cities have been transformed by their nonwhite residents into zones of “lawlessness” that shake the foundations of the French Republic. They chide the politicians for their supposed inaction and timidity — decades of police and law enforcement abuse notwithstanding — and argue that the army cannot stand by and allow this to continue. Here, minorities’ very presence is a threat to France’s nationhood."

«Pour un retour de l’honneur de nos gouvernants» : 20 généraux appellent Macron à défendre le patriotisme  4/21/2021 Valeurs Actuelles: "Sur ces drapeaux, nous trouvons en lettres d’or les mots « Honneur et Patrie ». Or, notre honneur aujourd’hui tient dans la dénonciation du délitement qui frappe notre patrie. – Desintegration qui, à travers un certain antiracisme, s’affiche dans un seul but : créer sur notre sol un mal-être, voire une haine entre les communautés. Aujourd’hui, certains parlent de racialisme, d’indigénisme et de théories décoloniales, mais à travers ces termes c’est la guerre raciale que veulent ces partisans haineux et fanatiques. Ils méprisent notre pays, ses traditions, sa culture, et veulent le voir se dissoudre en lui arrachant son passé et son histoire. Ainsi s’en prennent-ils, par le biais de statues, à d’anciennes gloires militaires et civiles en analysant des propos vieux de plusieurs siècles. – Délitement qui, avec l’islamisme et les hordes de banlieue, entraîne le détachement de multiples parcelles de la nation pour les transformer en territoires soumis à des dogmes contraires à notre constitution. Or, chaque Français, quelle que soit sa croyance ou sa non-croyance, est partout chez lui dans l’Hexagone ; il ne peut et ne doit exister aucune ville, aucun quartier où les lois de la République ne s’appliquent pas."

Race: A Never-Ending Taboo in France  4/1/2021 Georgetown Journal of International Affairs: by Jean Beaman - "The ethos put forth celebrates the values of “liberté, égalité, et fraternité,” and the idea that all individuals are seen and treated equally as French so long as they ascribe to French Republican values. This is an assimilationist framework in which individuals relate to the state as individuals and not as members of identity groups.[3] The ideology of French Republicanism negates race and ethnicity as viable categories, such that France does not measure them. Demographic characteristics are framed based on immigration and citizenship status, rather than racial and ethnic group membership. Part of French racial discourse is actually not even using the word “race” in government documents. And as French scholar Mame-Fatou Niang remarks, there is no French word for “blackness.” Despite French Republican ideology which denies race as salient, it nonetheless structures boundaries of inclusion and exclusion."

Comment les sciences sociales ont fait le lit des nouvelles idéologies totalitaires  3/26/2021 Observatoire du décolonialisme et des idéologies identitaires: "Cela a commencé avec les disciplines relevant de l’anthropo-sociologie et des sciences politiques, cela s’est poursuivi avec l’histoire et les sciences du langage, ce sont désormais toutes les disciplines enseignées dans les ex-facultés de Lettres qui se trouvent contaminées. La pensée « décoloniale », le point de vue du « genre », le « racialisme » et autres néologismes importés des campus américains dans les années 1990-2000 fournissent aujourd’hui les cadres obligés de l’enseignement dans nos universités. Ce ne sont pas là seulement des notions que l’on glisse, à titre de pensée alternative, dans un enseignement « classique », ce sont de véritables cadres de pensée dans lesquels il devient impératif d’exercer son esprit pour comprendre le monde contemporain."

Jean Beaman, "Suspect Citizenship: Race and Racism in Postcolonial France"  3/1/2021 The New School for Social Research: "Based on past and current ethnographic research in the Parisian metropolitan region, Jean Beaman discusses how racial and ethnic minorities in France understand and respond to their racialization in a French republican context in which race and ethnicity are not legitimate or acknowledged, and how a suspect citizenship is created. "

Heating Up Culture Wars, France to Scour Universities for Ideas That ‘Corrupt Society’  2/18/2021 NYT: "Stepping up its attacks on social science theories that it says threaten France, the French government announced this week that it would launch an investigation into academic research that it says feeds “Islamo-leftist’’ tendencies that “corrupt society.’’ News of the investigation immediately caused a fierce backlash among university presidents and scholars, deepening fears of a crackdown on academic freedom — especially on studies of race, gender, post-colonial studies and other fields that the French government says have been imported from American universities and contribute to undermining French society."

“Islamo-leftism” is not a scientific reality  2/17/2021 Centre national de la recherche scientifique: “Islamo-leftism”, a political catchphrase used in public discourse, has no basis in any scientific reality. Without being clearly defined, the term has been the subject of a number of often impassioned position statements, editorials and petitions. The CNRS firmly condemns those who try to take advantage of the concept to question academic freedom, which is vital to the scientific process and the advancement of knowledge, or to stigmatise certain scientific communities. In particular, the CNRS denounces the attempts to delegitimise various fields of research, such as postcolonial studies, intersectional studies or research on the term “race”, or any other area of knowledge."

L’« islamogauchisme » n’est pas une réalité scientifique  2/17/2021 Centre national de la recherche scientifique: "Le CNRS condamne, en particulier, les tentatives de délégitimation de différents champs de la recherche, comme les études postcoloniales, les études intersectionnelles ou les travaux sur le terme de « race », ou tout autre champ de la connaissance."

Will American Ideas Tear France Apart? Some of Its Leaders Think So  2/9/2021 NYT: "The threat is said to be existential. It fuels secessionism. Gnaws at national unity. Abets Islamism. Attacks France’s intellectual and cultural heritage. The threat? “Certain social science theories entirely imported from the United States,’’ said President Emmanuel Macron. French politicians, high-profile intellectuals and journalists are warning that progressive American ideas — specifically on race, gender, post-colonialism — are undermining their society. “There’s a battle to wage against an intellectual matrix from American universities,’’ warned Mr. Macron’s education minister. Emboldened by these comments, prominent intellectuals have banded together against what they regard as contamination by the out-of-control woke leftism of American campuses and its attendant cancel culture. Pitted against them is a younger, more diverse guard that considers these theories as tools to understanding the willful blind spots of an increasingly diverse nation that still recoils at the mention of race, has yet to come to terms with its colonial past and often waves away the concerns of minorities as identity politics."

Ep 35: Je suis noir  2/7/2021 The Stoop: "In this episode we meet Deborah from Brooklyn, who’s about to pack her bags and embrace a new life abroad in Paris. France has been a place she’s always adored, along with the likes of other famous African Americans; Richard Wright, James Baldwin, and Josephine Baker to name of few. Countless black Americans have moved there for a particular reason, many were exhausted by the racial dynamics and conversations in the U.S. , just like Deborah who feels these are conversations that go in circles. France has prided itself on its citizens being “French” before identifying with an ethnicity and this is something that appeals to Deborah who’s chosen not to “lead with her blackness”. In this episode we go to France to talk about how black people are identifying, and discuss some of the tensions behind a word like “noir” that can be seen as an insult for some and pure pride for others."

Rachel Khan : « Il ne suffit pas d’énoncer la République pour qu’elle advienne »  2/4/2021 Le Point: "Et puis à la fin de la première session, je leur ai dit que, malgré ma coupe afro, je suis juive. Cette annonce détruit tous les clichés et c'est après cela que l'on peut commencer à travailler sur la distance et la construction des fantasmes. Bien plus que la loi, c'est la proximité qui compte maintenant, les liens sociaux et interpersonnels qu'il faut retisser."

De quel mal français le rejet d'Assa Traoré est-il le nom?  12/15/2020 Slate: "Ce que la France ne pardonne pas à Assa Traoré, ce n'est pas de pleurer son frère, mais d'affirmer que sa mort est le résultat inéluctable d'une mécanique, les violences policières contre les minorités, que nous avons appris à identifier comme américaine; c'est d'appliquer hors-sol la critique d'un système, l'ordre blanc, dont nous nous estimons préservés par les lois et les valeurs de la République."

France's Treatment of Its Muslim Citizens Is the True Measure of Its Republican Values  12/8/2020 Time: "The proposed new law will include much tighter controls over civil society, including and specifically, Muslim religious organizations and leadership which will be required to conform to a “Republican charter” – a veritable modern day patriotism test imposed on a suspect community. The state’s red lines for Muslim are “political Islam” and foreign funding, which has historically – and with full support from the state – provided French Muslim citizens with their religious institutions. Imams will have to be trained through a state sanctioned body which will ensure their conformity with the state’s version of laicity, itself increasingly contested by the quango created to monitor it."

French Academics Fear Becoming Scapegoats in War on Terrorism  12/4/2020 Inside Higher Ed: "In the aftermath of the murder of the teacher, Samuel Paty, Jean-Michel Blanquer, the education minister, claimed that “left-wing Islamism” was “wreaking havoc” in French universities. Doubling down on these comments, he later said it was necessary to “fight” intellectual currents coming from U.S. universities that viewed society through the lens of ethnic origin, religion or gender -- rather than the French republican ideal of equality -- because they risked the “fragmentation” of society and created a “vision of the world which converges with the interests of the Islamists.”"

France is weaponising its 'republican values' as a means of exclusion  11/26/2020 Middle East Eye: "As an advocate for fundamental freedoms, I observe the way France is weaponising its ideals and values as means of exclusion, while still deluding itself (and sometimes others) into thinking it is the everlasting torchbearer of human rights, when so many people are still affected by racism, discrimination and human rights violations as reiterated every year by the National Commission for Human Rights (CNCDH)."

La racialisation de la question sociale est une impasse  7/23/2020 Marianne: "Rappelons que notre pays n’a jamais connu la ségrégation, qu’il a été le premier, au nom de l’égalité, à abolir l’esclavage dès l’apparition de la République (1794), puis définitivement dès son retour en 1848, et qu’avec la fin du colonialisme – que ses propres idéaux condamnaient – il a parié sur l’égalité, rejetant les séparations selon les différences pour favoriser le mélange."

Pour un universalisme antiraciste  6/24/2020 Slate: par Mame-Fatou Niang et Julien Suaudeau - "L'antiracisme est un engagement quotidien pour un universel réellement républicain et une France capable de s'inventer un avenir en regardant son histoire coloniale en face."

Francia y el racismo: Las protestas por George Floyd inspiran un debate en el país europeo  6/20/2020 NYT: "En cambio, su motivación para unirse a una manifestación antirracismo fue la muerte de George Floyd en Mineápolis y, según él, eso le permitió ver las cosas con más claridad en Francia, su propio país. “Fue el impacto que necesitaba para despertar”, dijo Pechangou, de 20 años. “El privilegio de los blancos es real. Los blancos tienen acceso a empleos. No los detiene la policía. No tienen que preocuparse por lo que traen puesto o si llevan sus identificaciones”."

Francia rechaza mirarse en el espejo americano  6/15/2020 Vanguardia: "Los disturbios tras acciones policiales de trasfondo racista son frecuentes, pero domina el discurso republicano oficial y no se admite que haya un problema tan grave como en EE.UU."

Francia será intolerante con el racismo pero "sin reescribir el pasado", defiende Macron  6/14/2020 Euronews: "Macron trata de apagar las protestas antirracistas en Francia defendiendo el orden republicano y no "reescribir el pasado". En su discurso, Macron ha anunciado el avance en la desescalada desde este lunes."

French whiteness is in crisis  10/10/2019 Al Jazeera: "They insist "they do not see colour", they say "they are against all forms of discrimination", they accuse people of colour of "playing the race card". They cannot see white supremacy is at the core of their country's social structure because they have been raised to believe "white" is the norm, not an identity. The accusations of anti-white racism directed at the likes of Thuram, therefore, are little more than a coping mechanism. People who refuse to acknowledge their privilege and the role they play in the perseverance of a system built on white supremacy instead play the victim. There is, of course, no such thing as anti-white racism."

Are French people white?: Towards an understanding of whiteness in Republican France  9/3/2019 IDENTITIES: GLOBAL STUDIES IN CULTURE AND POWER: Dr Jean Beaman - "Based on ethnographic research of France’s North African second-generation, I bring together literatures on racial formation, whiteness, and race and racism in Europe to discuss how whiteness operates in French society. I discuss how respondents must navigate a supposedly colorblind society in which whiteness is default. Because these individuals are racialized as non-white, they are not seen as French by others. I discuss how they wrestle with definitions of French identity as white and full belonging in French society as centered on whiteness. I argue that salience of whiteness is part of France’s racial project in which differences among individuals are marked without explicit statesanctioned racial and ethnic categories. This has implications for considering how whiteness is crucial to understanding European identity more broadly, including through the rise of the Far-Right, the recent Brexit and Leave campaigns, and anti-immigration sentiment throughout Western Europe."

“To Live in France Means to Become French”: Fascism, Parasitism, and the Yellow Vests  12/9/2018 LOOP: "Against the wishful thinking of the “left” of the oppressor nations, the correct political orientation toward France’s “Yellows Vests” is decidedly not to see in them the seeds of an impending socialist revolution. In this, we will be proven correct: contradictions between the labor aristocracy and the haute bourgeoisie are not expressions of developing proletarian consciousness or a the development of a revolutionary situation. The fury of the French labor aristocracy over increased commodity prices, income taxes, and retirements are coupled to their rage over immigrants not speaking French, over the police not receiving high enough wages, and over what they perceive as insufficient economic nationalism."

La gauche racialiste  12/4/2018 Liberation: "Pour Manuel Boucher, la pensée décoloniale a pour but d’importer en France le modèle multiculturaliste anglo-saxon. Un danger pour l’universalisme des droits de l’homme."

Le « décolonialisme », une stratégie hégémonique : l'appel de 80 intellectuels  12/4/2018 Le Point: "Or, tout en se présentant comme progressistes (antiracistes, décolonisateurs, féministes…), ces mouvances se livrent depuis plusieurs années à un détournement des combats pour l'émancipation individuelle et la liberté, au profit d'objectifs qui leur sont opposés et qui attaquent frontalement l'universalisme républicain : racialisme, différentialisme, ségrégationnisme (selon la couleur de la peau, le sexe, la pratique religieuse)."

Trevor Responds to Criticism from the French Ambassador  7/27/2018 The Daily Show: "Trevor responds to a letter from French ambassador Gérard Araud criticizing him for congratulating Africa on France’s World Cup victory."

Liberation Utopias: Houria Bouteldja on Feminism, Anti-Semitism, and the Politics of Decolonization  4/4/2018 LA Review of Books: "Secular readers may squirm at Bouteldja’s frank discussion of God and the radical potential of submission before the One. Such a response would only reveal their own submission to the hegemony of the secular, with its dismissive racializing of the religious. Theologies of liberation — liberation utopias, as Bouteldja calls them — elaborate subaltern knowledge that not only critiques the disenchanted white man and his attendant violence, but also offers all those in the Global North — whites, Jews, and indigenous — tools for imagining alternative futures."

Entender al militante: sobre Francia, el festival Nyansapo y el colectivo Mwasi  6/2/2017 Afroféminas: [Se encuentra el republicanismo en toda America Latina.] - "Francia es un país republicano y su lema es “libertad, igualdad y fraternidad”. El concepto de igualdad es muy importante en la ideología republicana francesa. Un ejemplo del alcance que dicho concepto tiene es por ejemplo la inexistencia de un “mes de la historia negra”. Dicho mes no se ha creado en Francia ya que va en contra de la tradición republicana. A diferencia de países como Inglaterra o E.E.U.U, Francia no identifica o distingue los grupos étnicos y religiosos que forman su población. Además, muchos republicanos temen que si se permite a las minorías resaltar sus diferencias, corremos el riesgo de dividir a la población. Esto es algo de lo que los republicanos están muy orgullosos."

Françoise Vergès : « La non-mixité fait réagir ceux qui détiennent le pouvoir car ils ont le désir de tout contrôler »  5/31/2017 Jeune Afrique: "La non-mixité a toujours fait réagir ceux qui détiennent le pouvoir car ils ont le désir de tout surveiller, tout contrôler. Mais c’est la première fois qu’une organisation qui se dit antiraciste et une élue de gauche font confiance à la fachosphère."

Why there’s nothing racist about black-only spaces  5/30/2017 Guardian: "We have black awards shows because black people – even Beyoncé – get overlooked for awards time and time again. We have BAME book awards such as the Jhalak prize because out of thousands of titles published in 2016, fewer than 100 were by British people of colour. We have magazines written by women of colour because journalism is still 94% white and 55% male. We have Black History Month because our history is often not a part of the curriculum. And we have black feminist festivals because racism against black people and sexism against women are still ingrained in ex-colonial countries such as France and the UK. Until that changes, there can be no comparison with the concept of a “whites only” space."

Black Feminist Festival in France Deemed Racist by Anti-Racist Orgs  5/30/2017 Vice: "Cooper also critiqued the responses from French anti-racist organizations. "This stance suggests that liberal anti-racism organizations have a very facile and elementary analysis of how racism works. Black feminists are not coming together because the struggles of others don't matter, but rather because black women's issues and concerns do matter. They matter in unique ways that are again often not addressed by big tent organizations."

Barrage républicain: la maire PS de Paris Anne Hidalgo, la LICRA et l'extrême droite  5/29/2017 Mediapart: "La mairie de Paris et la LICRA ont répondu aux vœux de la fachosphère et des élus du Front National en appelant à l’interdiction d’un festival féministe. Notons que la mairie de Paris et la région Ile-de-France financent différents projets et festivals avec des espaces non-mixtes femmes, ce qui dérange ici c’est le fait que MWASI soit une organisation composée de Noires. Ce n’est pas anodin que des espaces réservés aux femmes noires soient vus comme “interdits aux blanc.he.s”, alors qu’il ne sont accessibles ni aux hommes noirs, ni aux membres d’autres communautés."

Paris mayor condemns black festival, says it bars whites  5/29/2017 WaPo: "France defines itself on its revolutionary values of uniting under one common national identity, regardless of race and religious differences, with laws to stop discrimination based on race."

Paris mayor demands black feminist festival that 'prohibits' white people be banned  5/28/2017 Guardian: "The prefect of police, Michel Delpuech, said in a statement that police had not been advised about the event by Sunday evening. But, Delpuech added, the police “would ensure the rigorous compliance of the laws, values, and principles of the republic”. French anti-racist and antisemitism organisations strongly condemned the festival. SOS Racisme described the event as “a mistake, even an abomination, because it wallows in ethnic separation, whereas anti-racism is a movement which seeks to go beyond race”."

Race et citoyenneté dans les Amériques (1770-1910)  12/1/2015 CAIRN: "La tension entre la race et la « citoyenneté moderne », inscrite dans l’horizon de l’égalité civile et politique, constitue un enjeu majeur de la construction des sociétés démocratiques et son importance est à la hauteur de son relatif oubli historiographique. C’est ce contraste structurant qui est l’objet des huit articles de ce dossier. Ce sont les Amériques du XIXe siècle, dans leur ensemble, qui servent ici de laboratoire à l’avènement de la citoyenneté dans des contextes divers et adverses. Le continent rassemble en effet les sociétés coloniales les plus anciennes qui aient été construites par des empires européens, après la conquête espagnole et la « découverte » du Brésil par Pedro Cabral."

Color-blind Racism in France: Bias Against Ethnic Minority Immigrants  12/1/2015 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy: "Immigration from former colonies in North and sub-Saharan Africa has had a significant effect on France’s demographic composition. That nation now has the largest Muslim population in Europe and conflicts involving ethnic minority populations have increased dramatically. In 2004, the French parliament adopted a law prohibiting female students from wearing headscarves in public schools. In 2010, a law was passed that prohibits women from wearing face-covering veils in public places. Both measures have been highly controversial. Many Muslim women interpret their religion to require scarves and veils in public. France’s anti-veil laws have, at minimum, a discriminatory effect on Muslim women based on their ethnicity, religion, color, and national origin."

La pureté de sang en révolution. Race et républicanisme en Amérique bolivarienne (1790-1830)  7/1/2015 Le Mouvement Social: "While the origins of the concept of purity of blood have been considerably studied in the Iberian world, the disappearance of this concept as a legal principle of the social order has not yet been specifically researched. The pureza de sangre originated in 16th century Spain to exclude all New Christians from public office. With the conquest of America, this principle took on crucial importance in the new societies born after the destruction of Native American polities. It became one of the frameworks for organising social hierarchies, distinguishing between individuals and groups. Purity of blood thus defined race, understood as the genealogical transmission of dignity or indignity through blood. In the late 18th century, following a European movement, all public institutions gave renewed attention to the purity of blood of their members. However, after 1810, as wars of independence began in Latin America, this restrictive period was followed by a general consensus among patriotic fighters that the purity clause should be abolished. How can we explain such a sharp reversal? This paper endeavours to show that the repeal of purity of blood, the importance of which has remained unnoticed in historiographic terms, was in fact a fundamental issue for early republicanism in Hispanic America. The decision was a reaction to a set of interconnected causes, including the actions of certain coloured freedmen and Indians, a constitutional rationale, and the memory of the revolutions of Santo Domingo."

How Should the French Left Respond to the "Post-Charlie" National Unity? The Furor Over “Fuck France”  4/26/2015 Counterpunch: "The launching of such a debate created a real hysteria: we see a multiplication of openly racist speeches, stating that one cannot be French and Arabic, French and Muslim, French and Black, and that we had to choose. Therefore, in such a context, many young people from working-class neighborhoods reacted. They didn’t especially do so using the usual forms of political expression, writing texts, etc. But they responded by writing songs, they reacted in doing “slam”, in writing graffiti on walls, in which, in order to react to this racist conception of France under Sarkozy, they said: “Fuck France”. It’s in this context, that a rapper and myself decided not to leave these young people alone, because of the impending repression against them, because they were introduced as savages, described as dangerous people, and so we decided to write a book that would explain how they came to say “Fuck France” in the first place, and which France they were questioning: the France of the ruling class, the France of the Rich, the racist France… "

‘A Distinctly French Universalism’: Translating Laïcité after Charlie  1/26/2015 Jadaliyya: "It was impossible to avoid the discussion, despite my repeated protests. In Lyon, as in the rest of France, there was nothing else to talk about—especially when I found myself seated across from a colleague who teaches at an international lycée, the crucible of Republican education. He was visibly emotional as he said: “I told my students now one had to choose: either you’re Muslim or you’re French, it is simply no longer possible, one has to declare which identity is more important.”"

Paris Announces Plan to Promote Secular Values  1/22/2015 NYT: "French schools already have a secular code of conduct, but about 1,000 teachers and staff members would be trained on questions of “laïcité,” France’s secular identity, codified under a century-old law on the separation of church and state. She promised that a day devoted to secular laws would be celebrated once a year in every school."

The Move to Muzzle Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala - The Bête Noire of the French Establishment  1/2/2014 CounterPunch: "In the absence of any serious socio-economic left, France has sunk into a sort of “Identity Politics”, which both praises multiculturalism and reacts vehemently against “communitarianism”, that is, the assertion of any unwelcome ethnic particularisms. But some ethnic particularisms are less welcome than others. The Muslim veil was first banned in schools, and demands to ban it in adult society grow. The naqib and burka, while rare, have been legally banned. Disputes erupt over Halal foods in cafeterias, prayers in the street, while cartoons regularly lampoon Islam. Whatever one may think of this, the fight against communitarianism can be seen by some as directed against one particular community. Meanwhile, French leaders have been leading the cry for wars in Muslim countries from Libya to Syria, while insisting on devotion to Israel."

“Moi égal à toi...": Images of Black Women in Revolutionary France  5/8/2013 The World is Robert 

Communiqué: Non à une France des ethnies  12/8/2012 Comité Laïcité République: "La République ne doit reconnaître que des citoyens libres et égaux en droits, quelles que soient les distinctions qui leur ont été imposées à la naissance. La Déclaration des droits de l’Homme et du citoyen de 1789 puis la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’Homme de 1948 ont consacré cette conception fondée sur un universalisme émancipateur et non sur un ethno-racialisme diviseur. Alors, oui, comme le président de la République, le Comité Laïcité République estime utile et nécessaire de supprimer le mot "race" de la Constitution."

Racisme légal  10/31/2012 Le Courrier, Suisse: "Au rang des avancées démocratiques majeures de la fin du XIXe siècle, le concept de laïcité a aussi été l’outil des aspirations colonialistes. Aujourd’hui, il sert souvent de cache-sexe à un racisme nauséabond."

Les nouveaux souchiens de garde  10/12/2012 LMSI: "Houria Bouteldja s’apprêtait à comparaître devant un tribunal pour avoir simplement attribué le sobriquet de « souchiens » aux Français que, depuis des décennies, tout le monde appelle « de souche ». Acquittée en décembre 2011, Houria Bouteldja est reconvoquée, en appel, le 15 octobre prochain : dans le tribunal comme en-dehors, le combat idéologique continue."

Une révolution conservatrice dans la laïcité  9/24/2012 Les Mots Sont Importants: "À rebours d’un siècle de laïcité française, à rebours des lois Ferry-Goblet et de la fameuse loi de 1905, c’est une véritable révolution conservatrice qui s’achève. Le texte qui suit le souligne, en proposant une opportune leçon d’histoire non seulement à Marine Le Pen, mais aussi à tou-te-s les amnésiques qui, à gauche comme à droite, s’offusquent aujourd’hui de ses propos alors qu’ils ont eux-mêmes été les principaux acteurs de ladite révolution conservatrice en 2004, en soutenant la loi contre le voile à l’école – la première dans l’histoire de France qui imposa la neutralité aux usagers d’un service public et non plus seulement à ses agents – et en menant, pour promouvoir cette loi, une campagne de stigmatisation, de diabolisation et d’excommunictation d’un brutalité et d’un racisme inouïs."

Racisme au pays des droits de l’homme  9/10/2012 Les Mots Sont Importants: "Toute critique contre « la France », toute allégation d’un racisme systémique structurant la société française est ainsi disqualifiée en tant que racisme antifrançais ou antiblanc – un procès a récemment cristallisé cet enjeu : le procès intenté contre Houria Bouteldja, porte parole des Indigènes de la republique, pour avoir simplement nommé les Français dits de souche, en leur donnant le sobriquet de « souchiens »."

'Miss Black France' pageant raises eyebrows  4/28/2012 France 24: "Historian Pascal Blanchard, a specialist in immigration at France’s National Centre for Scientific Research, agrees with Lozès, saying he was “shocked” by an initiative he views as “stupid” and “dangerous”. “I know that in the US, there are ethnic beauty contests. The fact that they’re tolerated doesn’t change my mind,” he said. “Anytime that anyone, no matter where in the world, talks to me about a contest reserved for a specific racial category, I hit the roof!”

France's Muslims hit back at Nicolas Sarkozy's policy on halal meat  3/10/2012 Guardian: "The phoney war over halal meat erupted in February when Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right Front National, claimed consumers were eating halal unknowingly. Sarkozy, trailing the Socialist frontrunner François Hollande, accused her of whipping up an artificial controversy. Shortly afterwards, with Le Pen snapping at his heels in the opinion polls, Sarkozy performed a volte-face. In spite of surveys showing that voters were less concerned about halal meat than they were about the weather and football, he announced it was "the issue that most preoccupies the French"."

Paris ban on Muslim street prayers comes into effect  9/16/2011 BBC: "A ban on saying prayers in the street, a practice by French Muslims unable to find space in mosques, has come into effect in the capital, Paris. Interior Minister Claude Gueant has offered believers the use of a disused fire brigade barracks instead. The phenomenon of street prayers, which see Muslims spreading mats on footpaths, became a political issue after far right protests."

Hierarchies of Race and Gender in the French Colonial Empire, 1914–19461  6/1/2011 Cal Poly 

Full-face veils outlawed as France spells out controversial niqab ban  3/3/2011 Guardian: "Face veils will be outlawed virtually anywhere outside women's own homes, except when they are worshipping in a religious place or travelling as a passenger in a private car, although traffic police may stop them if they think they do not have a clear "field of vision" while driving. Women wearing niqab will be fined €150 (about £130) and be given a citizenship class to remind them of the republican values of secular France and gender equality. Any third party found to have coerced a woman into wearing the face covering, for example a husband or family member, risks a €30,000 fine and a year in prison."

French Minorities Push For Equality Post-Obama  1/14/2009 NPR: "With a constitution enshrining the notion of egalitarianism, France has always been considered more enlightened than America on matters of race. But Barack Obama's victory in the U.S. presidential election has underscored France's failure to achieve a colorblind society. Now, French minorities are pressing politicians to promote more diversity."

La République du mépris  10/28/2007 Les Mots Sont Importants: "Le texte qui suit est un extrait de la longue introduction du livre, qui précise ce qu’il faut entendre par « république du mépris » et par « racisme républicain », et qui présente les quatre « métaphores du racisme » analysées dans les quatre chapitres du livre : la « métaphore féministe », la « métaphore laïque », la « métaphore mémorielle » et la « métaphore libertaire »."

Racism Unfiltered in France  5/6/2007 Time: "France rejects affirmative action as incompatible with its republican ideals of color-blind equality for all citizens. Nice in theory, but that's not working in practice: discrimination continues, inequality is rife, and notions of color-blindness don't square with the rising chorus of racially loaded commentary. Color-blindness may also function to keep France blind to racial discrimination and inequality, but the rising tide of anger in the projects and racist chatter in the mainstream suggests that the French may soon have no choice but to openly confront what color-blindness prefers not to see."

Chronique du racisme républicain (2002-2007)  4/30/2007 Les Mots Sont Importants: Tout le racisme de la France.

In officially colorblind France, blacks have a dream – and now a lobby  1/12/2007 CSM: "CRAN, in defining itself as a black organization, has run into deep-rooted hostility. Its premise, that black citizens have shared aims and problems by virtue of the color of their skin, may seem obvious to outsiders. But many conservatives and academics here have complained that the group undermines the French model of assimilation by emphasizing racial differences."

Marine Le Pen veut donner une identité républicaine au FN  7/4/2006 Le Monde: "A l'entendre, le FN serait le "seul parti à défendre aujourd'hui les principes républicains". "Nous sommes pour l'unité et la souveraineté nationale, alors que celle-ci est menacée par l'Europe. Nous tenons à l'égalité entre les citoyens, qui est mise à mal par la discrimination positive, et nous tenons à la laïcité compromise dans les écoles et par le financement des mosquées", soutient-elle."

Identity: France shows its true colors  6/5/2006 NYT: "With the exception of a few courageous souls, what still marks so many members of the French intellectual class is their overall commitment to the ideology of Républicanisme and its ideal of assimilation. While Paul Gilroy's "There Ain't no Black in the Union Jack" had a palpable effect on debates about what Englishness means, France has yet to produce an intellectual of comparable influence. Only by coming to terms with their own cultural imperialism will French intellectuals contribute to the challenges of better incorporating the members of minority groups into the French polity. Only then will they live up to the powerful tradition of the engaged intellectual."

France’s history wars  2/1/2006 Le Monde Diplomatique: "Nora blamed this on a recently published attack on Napoleon, another nail in the coffin of French republicanism. In December 2005 the historian Claude Ribbe published Napoleon’s Crime, which challenges the accepted view of Napoleon as military genius and founder of modern France. In this book Napoleon is presented as an anti-semite and racist, responsible for the reintroduction of slavery after its abolition by the Revolutionary Convention in 1794. Ribbe describes him as “the first racist dictator of all time” and accuses him of building a Napoleonic Reich that could only prosper through the slave trade."

French blacks skeptical of race neutrality  9/21/2005 NYT: "But French insistence on the equality of man leaves them in a bind, their black critics say, perpetuating the fiction of a society without minorities. The census in France does not list people by race. Hence, while blacks are thought to number about 1.5 million, of a total population of 59 million, no one really knows the exact number, which is estimated to be far higher."

Culture républicaine et République coloniale (1879-1940)  4/6/2005 IUFM de Bourgogne: "Paradoxalement dans ce stage consacré à la colonisation, mon propos vise moins à l’analyse du monde colonial qu’à une saisie du poids du fait colonial dans la culture et le modèle républicain français. Il s’agirait de « réfléchir à l’intime intrication du colonial avec l’histoire nationale, (…) analyser ce qui, dans notre culture, dans nos représentations, dans nos rapports à l’Autre et au monde, dans nos modes d’être, de créer, de produire, est travaillé par le colonial."

The Republican Identity Policy  4/1/2005 Mouvements: 176 pages, translated from the French, includes 'The Foundation of Colonial Republicanism: Back on a Political Genealogy'


Chirac backs hijab ban  12/17/2003 Al Jazeera: "The French president has backed a proposed new law which would ban the Islamic headscarf and other religious insignia from the classroom. Jacques Chirac said on Wednesday that a law is necesary to safeguard the nation's secular identity. He said: "The Islamic veil... the kippa and a cross that is of manifestly excessive dimensions - these have no place in the precincts of state schools. State schools will remain secular. For that a law is necessary."

Citizens All? Citizens Some! The Making of the Citizen  4/18/2002 University of Binghamton: by Immanuel Wallerstein - "The way to define citizenship narrowly in practice, while retaining the principle in theory, is to create two categories of citizens. The effort started with Abbé Siéyès, just six days after the fall of the Bastille. In a report he read to the Constitutional Committee of the National Assembly on July 20-21, 1789, Siéyès proposed a distinction between passive and active rights, between passive and active citizens. Natural and civil rights, he said, are rights "for whose maintenance and development society is formed." These are passive rights. There also exist political rights, "those by which society is formed." These are active rights. And from this distinction, Siéyès drew the following conclusion: All inhabitants of a country should enjoy in it the rights of passive citizens; all have the right to the protection of their person, of their property, of their liberty, etc. But all do not have the right to play an active role in the formation of public authorities; all are not active citizens. Women (at least at the present time), children, foreigners, and those others who contribute nothing to sustaining the public establishment should not be allowed to influence public life actively. Everyone is entitled to enjoy the advantages of society, but only those who contribute to the public establishment are true stockholders (actionnaires) of the great social enterprise. They alone are truly active citizens, true members of the association."

Antiracism and antiracist discourse in France from 1900 to the present day  4/15/1997 University of Leeds: "To highlight the broad definition of antiracism used, I look at the lessons to be learned for antiracism from anticolonial forms of opposition to racism in the period 1919-1939, suggesting that these mobilizations provided a radical critique of colonial racism which republican antiracism had failed to develop. I examine how republican antiracism in the post-1945 period then integrated this concept of colonial racism as a category of racism."

News of Racism in Francetop

France Riots  7/2/2023 CGTN: "As riots continue across France, Jean Beaman, associate professor of sociology at the University of California tells CGTN the French government needs to listen to the protesters."

France confronts allegations of racism among police  7/2/2023 CNN: "CNN's Anna Coren speaks to Crystal Fleming, a professor of sociology and Africana studies at Stony Brook University, about racial tensions and the unrest in France."

Dr. Crystal Fleming on events in France  7/2/2023 Twitter: "I spoke with CNN International last night about the systemic racism in French policing and France’s long colonial history of dehumanizing and dominating African peoples."

Opinion: The myth of a colorblind France  6/30/2023 CNN: by Keith Magee, UK based theologian, political adviser and social justice scholar. "In reality, the myth of the colorblind French Republic amounts to the state-level gaslighting of ethnic minorities, and the nation’s victims of systemic racism know it. Many people of immigrant, often Black or North African, heritage live in the “cités”, or suburbs, on the edges of France’s major towns where high levels of economic and social deprivation have created not just a widespread sense of despair, but anger at the injustice of hidden racial inequality."

France has ignored racist police violence for decades. This uprising is the price of that denial Rokhaya Diallo  6/30/2023 Guardian: "For 40 years this movement has not stopped calling out the violence we see targeted at working-class neighbourhoods and more broadly black people and people of north African origin. The crimes of the police are at the root of many of the uprisings in France’s most impoverished urban areas, and it is these crimes that must be condemned first. After years of marches, petitions, open letters and public requests, a disaffected youth finds no other way to be heard than by rioting. It is difficult to avoid asking if, without so many uprisings in cities across France, Nahel’s death would have garnered the attention it has. And as Martin Luther King rightly said: “A riot is the language of the unheard.”"

‘French Are the Worst Enemies of the African Continent’: ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ Fans React After French Politician Slams Movie for Storyline That Depicts Its Troops Looting In Africa  2/13/2023 Atlanta Black Star: "Sébastien Lecornu, France’s minister of the Armed Forces, slammed the fictional plot. In a Feb. 12 tweet, he wrote, “I strongly condemn this misleading representation of our Armed Forces. I think and pay tribute to the 58 French soldiers who died defending Mali at its request against Islamist terrorist groups.” Lecornu’s message came as a response to journalist Jean Bexon, pointing out that the troops in the Marvel flick were dressed as Operation Barkhane soldiers."

'Woke culture' has made its way into the French presidential election  4/12/2022 NPR: "NPR's Leila Fadel talks to Rokhaya Diallo, a French journalist, commentator and filmmaker, about the fight against American-style "woke-ism" in France."

Just How Frightening Is France’s New Right?  12/9/2021 Atlantic: "The first, a brown-skinned “son of immigrants,” generated an ovation with the line “Assimilation is anti-racism.”"

Europe’s War on Woke  11/29/2021 The Nation: "As the apparent emissaries of this pernicious “Anglo-Saxon” identitarian agenda, US journalists covering this moment in France have come under the spotlight, especially when we ask, for instance, what islamo-gauchisme actually means—if indeed it means anything at all. Macron himself has lashed out at foreign journalists, even sending a letter to the editor of the Financial Times rebutting what he saw as an error-ridden op-ed that took a stance he could not bear. “I will not allow anybody to claim that France, or its government, is fostering racism against Muslims,” he wrote."

French education minister’s anti-woke mission  10/19/2021 Politico: "Le Laboratoire de la République is headed by French Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer and is tasked with combating what the minister calls U.S.-imported wokeism — woke being a term from the United States that originally meant being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination but which is now used by the right as a catch-all insult for the political left and progressive causes. “The [French] Republic is completely contrary to wokeism,” Blanquer said in an interview with Le Monde. “In the United States, this ideology provoked a reaction and led to the rise of Donald Trump.” He added: “France and its youth have to escape that.”"

Blanquer et son "laboratoire de la République" en croisade contre le wokisme  10/14/2021 L'Express: "Comme lui, ils étaient plusieurs intellectuels à être venus, mercredi soir, épauler le ministre de l'Education nationale pour le lancement de son think-tank (club de réflexion et d'action) visant à promouvoir "l'héritage universaliste des Lumières" : Elisabeth Badinter, chaleureusement applaudie, le préfet et cofondateur du Printemps républicain Gilles Clavreul, le journaliste et ancien directeur de Charlie Hebdo Philippe Val, ou bien encore l'écrivaine et actrice Rachel Khan. Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Manuel Valls et Jean-Pierre Raffarin, eux, ont dû se faire excuser... LIRE AUSSI >> "Le traître et le néant" : Macron, dernier survivant du macronisme Et ce n'est pas tout, cinq membres du gouvernement ont honoré Jean-Michel Blanquer de leur présence : la ministre déléguée chargée du Logement Emmanuelle Wargon, les secrétaires d'Etat Sarah El Haïry (Jeunesse et Engagement) et Nathalie Elimas (Education prioritaire), toutes deux sous la tutelle de la vedette de la soirée, ainsi que Bérangère Abba (Biodiversité). Côté parlementaires, les farouches soutiens Ilana Cicurel - eurodéputée, nommée secrétaire générale du club de réflexion -, Aurore Bergé, Jean-Baptiste Moreau, Francis Chouat et Eric Poulliat ont bien sûr répondu présent au lancement de l'entreprise, qu'ils espèrent depuis plus de deux ans."

Après « l’islamo-gauchisme », le « wokisme » : la nouvelle offensive réactionnaire de Blanquer  10/14/2021 Revolution Permanente: "Pour servir ce projet autoritaire et réactionnaire, Blanquer a rassemblé un douteux patchwork de personnalités réactionnaires avec notamment en guest star la féministe bourgeoise et raciste Elisabeth Badinter et l’islamologue Gilles Kepel, caution universitaire de l’islamophobie, mais également Rachel Khan, connue pour ses interventions sur Cnews et son opposition à la notion de racisme d’Etat . Le très islamophobe Printemps républicain est également de la partie , avec la LICRA (Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme) qui malgré son nom n’est pas en reste niveau islamophobie et est totalement acquise au combat contre une supposée « frange anti-républicaine de la gauche, indigéniste, décoloniale ». L’association « Jamais sans elle », fondée par l’ancienne présidente du MEDEF Laurence Parisot complète ce casting de rêve. A condition d’adhérer au combat contre la chimère du « wokisme », tout le monde est le bienvenu dans le projet. Ainsi, d’après un des organisateurs du projet, « Le but du jeu est de réunir des gens qui vont de Chevènement à Raffarin ». Voilà qui devrait parler à la jeunesse."

Avec son Laboratoire de la République, Jean-Michel Blanquer veut s’adresser aux nouvelles générations  10/14/2021 La Croix: "Dans le grand salon de La maison de l’Amérique latine, mercredi soir, se trouvaient des personnalités qui ont mené l’offensive laïque face à la menace islamiste, comme la philosophe Élisabeth Badinter, le journaliste Philippe Val, et l’islamologue Gilles Keppel. Plusieurs dizaines d’élus étaient là dont François Patriat, sénateur ex-socialiste et chef de file de la minorité macroniste au Sénat. C’est la député européenne LREM Ilana Cicurel qui sera secrétaire générale de l’association."

Blanquer lance son "Laboratoire de la République", ciblant notamment "le wokisme  10/13/2021 Challenges: ""La République n'est pas une incantation", "pas une formule creuse", mais "une boussole et aussi une ancre", a plaidé M. Blanquer devant environ 200 personnes réunies à la Maison de l'Amérique latine à Paris (VIIe arrondissement)."

Socialist Paris mayor enters race for French presidency  9/12/2021 Reuters: "Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said on Sunday she would run for president in 2022 on a Socialist ticket, though polls indicate she has little chance of mounting a serious challenge unless she can unite the fragmented left."

Is the French Military a Threat to Democracy?  5/3/2021 Jacobin Magazine: "Here, the article sheds any veneer of even the “color-blind” variant of racism so typical in French public discourse, and parrots disgusting white nationalist talking points. It argues that Muslims, rather than being legitimate citizens or residents of France, are a “horde” of foreigners whose ideologies and practices threaten France’s natural identity. The signatories claim that the areas around several major French cities have been transformed by their nonwhite residents into zones of “lawlessness” that shake the foundations of the French Republic. They chide the politicians for their supposed inaction and timidity — decades of police and law enforcement abuse notwithstanding — and argue that the army cannot stand by and allow this to continue. Here, minorities’ very presence is a threat to France’s nationhood."

Rokhaya Diallo joins Georgetown University Gender+ Justice Initiative as Researcher in Residence.  5/3/2021 Gender Justice, Georgetown: "The Georgetown University Gender+ Justice Initiative is delighted to welcome French journalist, writer, and award-winning filmmaker Rokhaya Diallo as an inaugural Researcher in Residence for 2021-2023. Rokhaya Diallo is widely recognized for her work as an antiracist and intersectional feminist advocate and will join our community of faculty and students to collaborate on projects and programs related to gender+ justice. Diallo will engage in research and share her remarkable work with the Georgetown community. In light of the establishment of the Georgetown University Racial Justice Institute, Diallo will also have the opportunity to contribute to the broader Georgetown community and build international solidarities to advance racial justice."

«Pour un retour de l’honneur de nos gouvernants» : 20 généraux appellent Macron à défendre le patriotisme  4/21/2021 Valeurs Actuelles: "Sur ces drapeaux, nous trouvons en lettres d’or les mots « Honneur et Patrie ». Or, notre honneur aujourd’hui tient dans la dénonciation du délitement qui frappe notre patrie. – Desintegration qui, à travers un certain antiracisme, s’affiche dans un seul but : créer sur notre sol un mal-être, voire une haine entre les communautés. Aujourd’hui, certains parlent de racialisme, d’indigénisme et de théories décoloniales, mais à travers ces termes c’est la guerre raciale que veulent ces partisans haineux et fanatiques. Ils méprisent notre pays, ses traditions, sa culture, et veulent le voir se dissoudre en lui arrachant son passé et son histoire. Ainsi s’en prennent-ils, par le biais de statues, à d’anciennes gloires militaires et civiles en analysant des propos vieux de plusieurs siècles. – Délitement qui, avec l’islamisme et les hordes de banlieue, entraîne le détachement de multiples parcelles de la nation pour les transformer en territoires soumis à des dogmes contraires à notre constitution. Or, chaque Français, quelle que soit sa croyance ou sa non-croyance, est partout chez lui dans l’Hexagone ; il ne peut et ne doit exister aucune ville, aucun quartier où les lois de la République ne s’appliquent pas."

Race: A Never-Ending Taboo in France  4/1/2021 Georgetown Journal of International Affairs: by Jean Beaman - "The ethos put forth celebrates the values of “liberté, égalité, et fraternité,” and the idea that all individuals are seen and treated equally as French so long as they ascribe to French Republican values. This is an assimilationist framework in which individuals relate to the state as individuals and not as members of identity groups.[3] The ideology of French Republicanism negates race and ethnicity as viable categories, such that France does not measure them. Demographic characteristics are framed based on immigration and citizenship status, rather than racial and ethnic group membership. Part of French racial discourse is actually not even using the word “race” in government documents. And as French scholar Mame-Fatou Niang remarks, there is no French word for “blackness.” Despite French Republican ideology which denies race as salient, it nonetheless structures boundaries of inclusion and exclusion."

Comment les sciences sociales ont fait le lit des nouvelles idéologies totalitaires  3/26/2021 Observatoire du décolonialisme et des idéologies identitaires: "Cela a commencé avec les disciplines relevant de l’anthropo-sociologie et des sciences politiques, cela s’est poursuivi avec l’histoire et les sciences du langage, ce sont désormais toutes les disciplines enseignées dans les ex-facultés de Lettres qui se trouvent contaminées. La pensée « décoloniale », le point de vue du « genre », le « racialisme » et autres néologismes importés des campus américains dans les années 1990-2000 fournissent aujourd’hui les cadres obligés de l’enseignement dans nos universités. Ce ne sont pas là seulement des notions que l’on glisse, à titre de pensée alternative, dans un enseignement « classique », ce sont de véritables cadres de pensée dans lesquels il devient impératif d’exercer son esprit pour comprendre le monde contemporain."

Jean Beaman, "Suspect Citizenship: Race and Racism in Postcolonial France"  3/1/2021 The New School for Social Research: "Based on past and current ethnographic research in the Parisian metropolitan region, Jean Beaman discusses how racial and ethnic minorities in France understand and respond to their racialization in a French republican context in which race and ethnicity are not legitimate or acknowledged, and how a suspect citizenship is created. "

Heating Up Culture Wars, France to Scour Universities for Ideas That ‘Corrupt Society’  2/18/2021 NYT: "Stepping up its attacks on social science theories that it says threaten France, the French government announced this week that it would launch an investigation into academic research that it says feeds “Islamo-leftist’’ tendencies that “corrupt society.’’ News of the investigation immediately caused a fierce backlash among university presidents and scholars, deepening fears of a crackdown on academic freedom — especially on studies of race, gender, post-colonial studies and other fields that the French government says have been imported from American universities and contribute to undermining French society."

L’« islamogauchisme » n’est pas une réalité scientifique  2/17/2021 Centre national de la recherche scientifique: "Le CNRS condamne, en particulier, les tentatives de délégitimation de différents champs de la recherche, comme les études postcoloniales, les études intersectionnelles ou les travaux sur le terme de « race », ou tout autre champ de la connaissance."

“Islamo-leftism” is not a scientific reality  2/17/2021 Centre national de la recherche scientifique: “Islamo-leftism”, a political catchphrase used in public discourse, has no basis in any scientific reality. Without being clearly defined, the term has been the subject of a number of often impassioned position statements, editorials and petitions. The CNRS firmly condemns those who try to take advantage of the concept to question academic freedom, which is vital to the scientific process and the advancement of knowledge, or to stigmatise certain scientific communities. In particular, the CNRS denounces the attempts to delegitimise various fields of research, such as postcolonial studies, intersectional studies or research on the term “race”, or any other area of knowledge."

France launches anti-discrimination platform  2/13/2021 Anadolu Agency: "The website and 3928 telephone line, was launched by Elisabeth Moreno, minister delegate to the prime minister in charge of equality, diversity and equal opportunities. She is also the only member of color in the government. The initiative stems from President Emmanuel Macron’s announcement last December for an online survey where accusers can register complaints of discrimination against police and record why and in what ways they were prejudiced."

Will American Ideas Tear France Apart? Some of Its Leaders Think So  2/9/2021 NYT: "The threat is said to be existential. It fuels secessionism. Gnaws at national unity. Abets Islamism. Attacks France’s intellectual and cultural heritage. The threat? “Certain social science theories entirely imported from the United States,’’ said President Emmanuel Macron. French politicians, high-profile intellectuals and journalists are warning that progressive American ideas — specifically on race, gender, post-colonialism — are undermining their society. “There’s a battle to wage against an intellectual matrix from American universities,’’ warned Mr. Macron’s education minister. Emboldened by these comments, prominent intellectuals have banded together against what they regard as contamination by the out-of-control woke leftism of American campuses and its attendant cancel culture. Pitted against them is a younger, more diverse guard that considers these theories as tools to understanding the willful blind spots of an increasingly diverse nation that still recoils at the mention of race, has yet to come to terms with its colonial past and often waves away the concerns of minorities as identity politics."

Stéphane Beaud, sociologue et Gérard Noiriel, historien, auteurs de "Race et sciences sociales : Essai sur les usages publics d’une catégorie" (Ed. Agone), sont les invités du Grand entretien de France Inter.  2/4/2021 France Inter: "Gérard Noiriel et Stéphane Beaud : "Il y a un caractère prédominant des rapports de classes""

De quel mal français le rejet d'Assa Traoré est-il le nom?  12/15/2020 Slate: "Ce que la France ne pardonne pas à Assa Traoré, ce n'est pas de pleurer son frère, mais d'affirmer que sa mort est le résultat inéluctable d'une mécanique, les violences policières contre les minorités, que nous avons appris à identifier comme américaine; c'est d'appliquer hors-sol la critique d'un système, l'ordre blanc, dont nous nous estimons préservés par les lois et les valeurs de la République."

French Academics Fear Becoming Scapegoats in War on Terrorism  12/4/2020 Inside Higher Ed: "In the aftermath of the murder of the teacher, Samuel Paty, Jean-Michel Blanquer, the education minister, claimed that “left-wing Islamism” was “wreaking havoc” in French universities. Doubling down on these comments, he later said it was necessary to “fight” intellectual currents coming from U.S. universities that viewed society through the lens of ethnic origin, religion or gender -- rather than the French republican ideal of equality -- because they risked the “fragmentation” of society and created a “vision of the world which converges with the interests of the Islamists.”"

Racism in France: ‘There is no French word for Blackness’  12/1/2020 France 24 English: "Violence and racism in France’s police force has brought tens of thousands out into the streets to protest in recent weeks. While accusations have been made in the past, last week’s viral video of a black man being beaten in his own studio by officers, coupled with a new law that aims to limit the publication of images depicting police officers has brought a new level of attention to the problem. Mame-Fatou Niang, a professor of French and Francophone studies, gives us her perspective on racism in France."

France is weaponising its 'republican values' as a means of exclusion  11/26/2020 Middle East Eye: "As an advocate for fundamental freedoms, I observe the way France is weaponising its ideals and values as means of exclusion, while still deluding itself (and sometimes others) into thinking it is the everlasting torchbearer of human rights, when so many people are still affected by racism, discrimination and human rights violations as reiterated every year by the National Commission for Human Rights (CNCDH)."

Undercover reporter reveals culture of racism and impunity in French police force  9/4/2020 TRT World, Turkey: "This French reporter infiltrated the country’s police force, where he witnessed a culture of racism, violence and impunity. Valentin Gendrot spent two years as a junior officer and documented his undercover experience. He recently released a book titled ‘Flic,’ or Cop, about it. "

La racialisation de la question sociale est une impasse  7/23/2020 Marianne: "Rappelons que notre pays n’a jamais connu la ségrégation, qu’il a été le premier, au nom de l’égalité, à abolir l’esclavage dès l’apparition de la République (1794), puis définitivement dès son retour en 1848, et qu’avec la fin du colonialisme – que ses propres idéaux condamnaient – il a parié sur l’égalité, rejetant les séparations selon les différences pour favoriser le mélange."

Pour un universalisme antiraciste  6/24/2020 Slate: par Mame-Fatou Niang et Julien Suaudeau - "L'antiracisme est un engagement quotidien pour un universel réellement républicain et une France capable de s'inventer un avenir en regardant son histoire coloniale en face."

Francia y el racismo: Las protestas por George Floyd inspiran un debate en el país europeo  6/20/2020 NYT: "En cambio, su motivación para unirse a una manifestación antirracismo fue la muerte de George Floyd en Mineápolis y, según él, eso le permitió ver las cosas con más claridad en Francia, su propio país. “Fue el impacto que necesitaba para despertar”, dijo Pechangou, de 20 años. “El privilegio de los blancos es real. Los blancos tienen acceso a empleos. No los detiene la policía. No tienen que preocuparse por lo que traen puesto o si llevan sus identificaciones”."

Colonial abuses haunt France's racism debate  6/18/2020 BBC: "France's concept of national identity is based around the unity and equality of its citizens. State policies that single out one particular group - based on ethnicity, for example - are seen as damaging. But many from France's ethnic minorities say this ideal of equality is being maintained in theory at the expense of reality, and that racism - in policing, schools or the job market - is impossible to tackle if it cannot be quantified."

RACISM TODAY I How Racism Differs in France vs the USA  6/17/2020 Unintentionally Frenchified: "Today's video is actually going to discuss how racism differs in France and in the USA as I (as a white American female) have witnessed. Racism abroad or at home does of course have some similarities, which I do touch upon at the end of the video. But my main focus is the differences that you see between the two countries based on certain laws and each country's specific history with the black population."

Francia rechaza mirarse en el espejo americano  6/15/2020 Vanguardia: "Los disturbios tras acciones policiales de trasfondo racista son frecuentes, pero domina el discurso republicano oficial y no se admite que haya un problema tan grave como en EE.UU."

Francia será intolerante con el racismo pero "sin reescribir el pasado", defiende Macron  6/14/2020 Euronews: "Macron trata de apagar las protestas antirracistas en Francia defendiendo el orden republicano y no "reescribir el pasado". En su discurso, Macron ha anunciado el avance en la desescalada desde este lunes."

Après le déconfinement, l’Elysée craint un vent de révolte : « Il ne faut pas perdre la jeunesse »  6/10/2020 Le Monde: "Au sein de l’exécutif, on ne cache plus la crainte de voir se lever un vent de révolte au sein de la jeunesse. Si les Etats-Unis ne sont pas la France, l’affaire George Floyd sert de vecteur au mal-être de la partie la plus jeune de la population, estime-t-on à l’Elysée."

Ce tableau d'Hervé di Rosa est-il la meilleure œuvre pour commémorer la première abolition de l'esclavage?  5/21/2020 Slate: "Imagine-t-on un mémorial du 13-Novembre sur lequel les victimes, revues et corrigées en personnages de BD, souriraient d'un air béat entre les balles des terroristes? Peut-on envisager, au mémorial de la Shoah, une œuvre de commémoration qui mettrait en scène des figures évoquant les stéréotypes de l'exposition «Le Juif et la France»?"

Notre communauté est très impactée par le COVID-19  5/10/2020 Mwasi Collectif: "Nous ne pouvons compter ni sur l'Etat ni sur nos employeurs ni sur l'Education nationale pour assurer notre sécurité. Infos sur les masques, à partager."

French whiteness is in crisis  10/10/2019 Al Jazeera: "They insist "they do not see colour", they say "they are against all forms of discrimination", they accuse people of colour of "playing the race card". They cannot see white supremacy is at the core of their country's social structure because they have been raised to believe "white" is the norm, not an identity. The accusations of anti-white racism directed at the likes of Thuram, therefore, are little more than a coping mechanism. People who refuse to acknowledge their privilege and the role they play in the perseverance of a system built on white supremacy instead play the victim. There is, of course, no such thing as anti-white racism."

La polémique Thuram ou l'impossibilité de penser le racisme en tant que système  9/6/2019 Liberation: "Interrogé sur les insultes racistes qui pleuvent dans les stades sur les joueurs noirs, Thuram explique : «Il faut prendre conscience que le monde du foot n’est pas raciste, mais qu’il y a du racisme dans la culture italienne, française, européenne et plus généralement dans la culture blanche. Il est nécessaire d’avoir le courage de dire que les Blancs pensent être supérieurs et qu’ils croient l’être.»"

Are French people white?: Towards an understanding of whiteness in Republican France  9/3/2019 IDENTITIES: GLOBAL STUDIES IN CULTURE AND POWER: "Based on ethnographic research of France’s North African second-generation, I bring together literatures on racial formation, whiteness, and race and racism in Europe to discuss how whiteness operates in French society. I discuss how respondents must navigate a supposedly colorblind society in which whiteness is default. Because these individuals are racialized as non-white, they are not seen as French by others. I discuss how they wrestle with definitions of French identity as white and full belonging in French society as centered on whiteness. I argue that salience of whiteness is part of France’s racial project in which differences among individuals are marked without explicit statesanctioned racial and ethnic categories. This has implications for considering how whiteness is crucial to understanding European identity more broadly, including through the rise of the Far-Right, the recent Brexit and Leave campaigns, and anti-immigration sentiment throughout Western Europe."

We Don't Say That  5/1/2019 NPR: "France is the place where for decades you weren't supposed to talk about someone's blackness, unless you said it in English. Today, we're going to meet the people who took a very French approach to change that."

Le « décolonialisme », une stratégie hégémonique : l'appel de 80 intellectuels  12/4/2018 Le Point: "Or, tout en se présentant comme progressistes (antiracistes, décolonisateurs, féministes…), ces mouvances se livrent depuis plusieurs années à un détournement des combats pour l'émancipation individuelle et la liberté, au profit d'objectifs qui leur sont opposés et qui attaquent frontalement l'universalisme républicain : racialisme, différentialisme, ségrégationnisme (selon la couleur de la peau, le sexe, la pratique religieuse)."

La gauche racialiste  12/4/2018 Liberation: "Pour Manuel Boucher, la pensée décoloniale a pour but d’importer en France le modèle multiculturaliste anglo-saxon. Un danger pour l’universalisme des droits de l’homme."

"Sexe, race et colonies": Pascal Blanchard ne veut pas débattre  9/27/2018 Arret Sur Image: "On imagine que des historiens scrupuleux se sont posé la question. Publier ces photos insoutenables ? Ne pas les publier ? Comment les publier ? Blanchard évoque d'ailleurs ces dilemmes dans son interview à "Libé". Nous nous disons qu'il y a là matière à un formidable débat. Nous invitons donc Blanchard, qui accepte. Mais pas question de le recevoir seul. Ces photos de femmes, de fillettes noires, ce livre, posent des questions. Nous estimons juste de donner aussi la parole à des contradicteurs, de préférence, à des femmes noires. Nous invitons la chercheuse franco-ivoirienne et afro-féministe Maboula Soumahoro. Là-dessus, hier mercredi, déboule, sur le site Cases rebelles, un texte collectif qui est un cri de rage (et dont Maboula Soumahoro est une des co-signataires)."

Les corps épuisés du spectacle colonial  9/15/2018 Cases Rebelles: "Les images parues le 21 et 22 septembre 2018 dans Libération1 , pour annoncer en fanfare la sortie du livre Sexe, race et colonies sont immondes. C’est une douleur viscérale que nous avons éprouvée en les découvrant.2 Ça n’a apparemment pas été le cas pour tout le monde."

Les corps épuisés du spectacle colonial  9/1/2018 Cases Rebelles: "Encore une fois, sous prétexte de dénoncer ou d’analyser, les bonnes âmes reconduisent la violence en diffusant massivement des images de femmes non-blanches humiliées, agressées, dont certaines sont encore des enfants sur les clichés en question.5 Comme si la reproduction de ces images avait cessé d’être profondément attentatoire à leur dignité, comme si elles n’affectaient plus leurs descendant.e.s et tout.e.s les héritier.e.s – côté victimes – de cette violence coloniale."

Trevor Responds to Criticism from the French Ambassador  7/27/2018 The Daily Show: "Trevor responds to a letter from French ambassador Gérard Araud criticizing him for congratulating Africa on France’s World Cup victory."

Sexo, raza y colonias: “Una violación que duró seis siglos”  3/10/2018 Libre Red: "A través de una recopilación de imágenes inauditas de cuerpos exotizados, erotizados y elegidos, “Sexo, raza y colonias” mostró este 27 de septiembre impactantes pruebas que arrojan luz sobre una parte oculta de la historia de los imperios coloniales. Verdaderos “imperios del vicio” donde la dominación de los cuerpos iban de la mano de la conquista de la tierra. Mostrar los “objetos del crimen”, era la finalidad que se propuso un grupo compuesto por 97 investigadores, historiadores, antropólogos y sociólogos, para denunciar lo que debe llamarse un sistema de depredación sexual a escala global en los territorios colonizados o esclavizados."

News of Racism in France, Archive: 2002-2017



Les Mots Sont Importants -

Broken Mirrors: Race, Historical Memory, and Citizenship in 20th/21st-Century France, Chapter 6, Geoffroy de Laforcade, Norfolk State University

Conseil Représentatif des Associations Noires de France

Crystal Marie Fleming, US Sociologist who has written on France and its color blind racism


Decolonial Translation Group

Keith L Magee  -

Parti des Indigènes de la République

Idéologie coloniale française

Dieudonné M'bala M'bala - YouTube Channel

Réseau National de Lutte Contre les Discriminations à l'École

Rokhaya Diallo  Jean Beaman, sociologist, UC Santa Barbara   Jean Beaman - GROUPE DE RECHERCHE ACHAC, Colonisation, immigration, post-colonialisme   Culture républicaine et République coloniale (1879-1940)

Researching French Racism  the film

Write in English on French racism:

Jean Beaman

Rokhaya Diallo

Crystal Marie Fleming

Silyane Larcher

Mame-Fatou Niang

Fania Noël

Defending French Republicanism and White Supremacy

Observatoire du décolonialisme


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