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US White Supremacists in the Police and the Military

The US police and military have long harbored white supremacists. In recent years, white nationalist have mounted a more organized effort to infiltrate the many police, intel and military units, burrowing in as "ghost skins":

The report, based on FBI investigations and open sources, warned, for example, that skinhead groups were actively encouraging their members to become “ghost skins” within law enforcement agencies, a term the report said white supremacists use to describe members who “avoid overt displays of their beliefs to blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.” -- White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement, FBI Counterterrorism Division, 10/17/2006

 On a separate but parallel path, the police gangs in Los Angeles make little effort to conceal their existence and carry tatoos to show they have been initiated. The ghost skins in the police reveal themselves by their tendency to accumulate the most complaints. The gang members carry out brutal initiation-related murders and assaults; they appear to have been limited to LA, but in 2017 a group of officers in Washington DC were wearing shirts with the logo at left, similar to tattoos worn by LA police gang members.

Police officers are increasingly wearing the "Punisher" death head, which has no lower jaw, even on the job and while policing demonstrations. While the real Punisher kills racists and corrupt police, we suspect that interpretation is lost, especially as this symbol is sometimes accompanied by orange hair on the death head, to denote Trump as in this photo from a protest in NY on 2/5/21.

One of the more comprehensive private reports on this topic: Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement  8/27/2020 Brennen Center


How a far-right MAGA think tank Is encouraging militia extremism in law enforcement  10/20/2021 Alternet: "According to The Bulwark, The Claremont Institute is at the center of a new initiative called the "Sheriff's Fellowship." The disturbing new movement is described as an incentive to "weaponize 'patriotic law enforcement officers' to counter 'the perversion of the justice system by which the revolutionary left seeks to advance its totalitarian agenda.'" In short, these types of sheriff groups classify more as "militias with badges, guns, and formal law enforcement powers. Or, if you like, secession-by-sheriff.""

Militias with Badges  10/19/2021 Morning Shots: "The Claremont Institute — the home of John Eastman, author of the blueprint for overthrowing the presidential election — has a new initiative for undermining the rule of law. And if you are not alarmed, you ought to be. The Trumpian institute is launching a program to weaponize "patriotic law enforcement officers" to counter "the perversion of the justice system by which the revolutionary left seeks to advance its totalitarian agenda." In announcing its new "Sheriff’s Fellowship" the institute tied together last year’s urban disorders, Covid-19 lockdowns, and “the electoral disaster of 2020,” and declared that “our nation's conservative movement needs a countervailing network of uncorrupted law enforcement officials.”"

‘Executioners,’ ‘Reapers,’ and ‘Banditos’: Gangs of Sheriff’s Deputies Are Wreaking Havoc in L.A.  9/14/2021 Rolling Stone: "At least four “secret cliques or gangs” of sheriff’s deputies — with names like the Banditos and the Executioners — continue to operate and recruit within the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department, despite recent reforms intended to ban them. The persistence of illicit factions is described in a new report commissioned by L.A. County that rebukes a department that “either can’t or won’t” manage a problem that is undermining the legitimacy of the law enforcement agency, and has cost local taxpayers tens of millions of dollars to settle claims of recklessness, violence, and harassment."

Revealed: neo-Confederate group includes military officers and politicians  6/20/2021 Guardian: "Leaked membership data from the neo-Confederate Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) organization has revealed that the organization’s members include serving military officers, elected officials, public employees, and a national security expert whose CV boasts of “Department of Defense Secret Security Clearance”. But alongside these members are others who participated in and committed acts of violence at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and others who hold overlapping membership in violent neo-Confederate groups such as the League of the South (LoS)."

'A nightmare scenario': Extremists in police ranks spark growing concern after Capitol riot  3/21/2021 USA Today: "Out of 324 arrests in the Capitol riot so far, 43 are current or former first responders or military veterans, according to USA TODAY analysis."

White supremacists are trying to join the ranks of law enforcement and US military so they can 'terrorize minorities' and 'initiate a collapse of society', FBI warns  3/8/2021 Daily Mail: "White supremacists are trying to join the ranks of law enforcement and the military so they can 'terrorize minorities' and 'initiate a collapse of society', the FBI has warned. The agency's San Antonio branch said right-wing extremists sought to join the two in an effort to 'further' their ideologies. Their findings were based on investigations from 2016 to 2020 and were first reported by ABC who had access to a leaked copy of the report."

The True Story Behind January 6th  3/1/2021 Dave Troy 

Law enforcement confronts an old threat: far-right extremism in the ranks. 'Swift action must be taken'  2/17/2021 LA Times: "In a response to congressional questions last month about police officers allegedly being involved in the Capitol attack, Major Cities Chiefs Assn. President Art Acevedo said law enforcement leaders nationwide would be reviewing the attack and looking for ways to root out extremism."

Police Forces Have Long Tried to Weed Out Extremists in the Ranks. Then Came the Capitol Riot.  2/16/2021 NYT: "Officers know who holds far-right views, he and others noted, but tend to protect each other."

A police chief tried to stop the drug war—then they came for him  2/4/2021 The Real News Network: "In this episode of the Police Accountability Report, we tell the story of Kelvin Sewell, the first Black police chief of Pocomoke City, a small town on Maryland's Lower Eastern Shore. When Sewell tried to fight back against a notorious drug unit that was raiding his town and wreaking havoc in the Black community, both he and the people he served faced devastating consequences."

How to Root Out Extremism in the U.S. Military  2/1/2021 Defense One: "Earlier research suggests that far-right extremists disproportionately possess military experience. We need to know why. Some speculate that veterans are targeted for recruitment by white supremacist and far-right groups. But there could be other reasons. Was trauma left untreated? Are some veterans predisposed to these beliefs because they are more tolerant of violence than the general population? Were some individuals separated from the military precisely because they held extremist views? "

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Police No Evil  1/31/2021 Lawfare: "One of the many upsetting aspects of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was the passive police performance, which stands in stark contrast to the aggressive security response to Black Lives Matter protests, among others. The University of Arizona’s Jennifer Earl and David Cunningham of Washington University in St. Louis explain this common pattern of underestimating the threat from right-wing extremists, and they offer valuable suggestions on how to improve policing."

A Road Map for Getting Rid of Racist Cops  1/28/2021 Mother Jones: "“They should be searching their emails and text messages for key words associated with far-right extremism and racial animus,” says former DC public defender Vida Johnson, an associate law professor at Georgetown University who has studied white supremacist infiltration of police."

A TECH INVESTOR IS RAISING FUNDS TO INVESTIGATE SAN FRANCISCO PROSECUTOR’S DECARCERAL APPROACH  1/26/2021 The Intercept: "Other radical reformers have also faced blame from law enforcement and members of the public for long-standing issues in the criminal legal system. That includes Krasner, who has been targeted by the cop union as well as Pennsylvania’s Democratic attorney general and the state legislature, and newly elected Los Angeles DA George Gascón, who is facing similar recall efforts. (Gascón preceded Boudin as San Francisco’s district attorney.) Law enforcement groups have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars against the campaigns of reform-minded prosecutors like Boudin, Krasner, and Gascón."

Root out police departments’ extremists  1/16/2021 NY Daily News: "Ultimately, improved public safety depends on the creation of new public services, whether within existing or expanded municipal budgets. New services require systematic investments in communities to achieve equitable growth, affordable housing, and new programs of public safety — especially for communities of color, and for New York’s working-class and immigrant neighborhoods. We should start with new investments in CUNY, which are some of the nation’s leading engines of mobility and a successful example of how public investment distributes prosperity."

Capitol siege raises questions over extent of white supremacist infiltration of US police  1/14/2021 The Conversation: "Because of the secretive nature of such groups, it is hard to say how many officers are involved. But since 2009 police officers in Florida, Alabama and Louisiana have been identified as members of white supremacist groups. Meanwhile, more than 100 police departments in 49 different states have had to deal with scandals involving racist emails, texts or online comments sent or made by department staff. Just this week a high-ranking officer in the New York Police Department was found to be behind a string of racist posts online."

'This isn't the final chapter': Analyst warns, again, about rise of right-wing extremists  1/13/2021 NBC: "In April 2009, a senior Homeland Security intelligence analyst named Daryl Johnson wrote an internal report warning that right-wing extremism was on the rise in the United States and that it could lead to violence. The report leaked, and the backlash was swift. Republican lawmakers were furious. Veterans advocates criticized a section raising concerns about service members returning with post-traumatic stress. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized for parts of it, and the unit ultimately was dissolved."

A Pro-Trump Militant Group Has Recruited Thousands of Police, Soldiers, and Veterans  11/1/2020 Atlantic 

Secret society 'gang' of L.A. cops dubbed the Banditos who are marked by skull tattoos and deliver dead rats to enemies are 'protected by a code of silence in sheriff's department', inspector general finds  10/6/2020 Daily Mail: "L.A. County's Inspector General's Office has produced a damning report into a 'gang-like' secret society of cops, known as the Banditos, who it claims are protected by a code of silence among officers including L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva."

House Hearing on White Supremacy Infiltrating Police Departments  9/29/2020 C-Span: "The House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties hosted a remote hearing on white supremacists infiltrating police departments. Witnesses included law enforcement officers, legal experts, and a former Neo-Nazi. They discussed their experiences with racist police officers and expressed the dangers of white supremacy in law enforcement. Frank Meeink, a former Neo-Nazi, discussed how he and others were encouraged to join the police force “as a means to cause harm to people of color.” Members described ways to root out problematic police officers and change legal protections shielding police officers from being fired."

In L.A. County, Gangs Wear Badges  9/4/2020 Intelligencer: "According to the whistleblower complaint, Deputy Vega, who shot Guardado six times in the back, was “chasing ink” — a term used to describe efforts to impress the Executioners in order to be drafted into their ranks and obtain their signature tattoo: a skeleton backed by flames, brandishing a rifle and wearing a Nazi-style helmet."

Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement  8/27/2020 Brennen Center: "Yet despite the FBI’s acknowledgement of the links between law enforcement and these suspected terrorist groups, the Justice Department has no national strategy designed to identify white supremacist police officers or to protect the safety and civil rights of the communities they patrol. Obviously, only a tiny percentage of law enforcement officials are likely to be active members of white supremacist groups. But one doesn’t need access to secretive intelligence gathered in FBI terrorism investigations to find evidence of overt and explicit racism within law enforcement. Since 2000, law enforcement officials with alleged connections to white supremacist groups or far-right militant activities have been exposed in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and elsewhere."

White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says  8/27/2020 Guardian: "In a timely new analysis, Michael German, a former FBI special agent who has written extensively on the ways that US law enforcement have failed to respond to far-right domestic terror threats, concludes that US law enforcement officials have been tied to racist militant activities in more than a dozen states since 2000, and hundreds of police officers have been caught posting racist and bigoted social media content."

Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement  8/27/2020 Brennan Center: "Yet despite the FBI’s acknowledgement of the links between law enforcement and these suspected terrorist groups, the Justice Department has no national strategy designed to identify white supremacist police officers or to protect the safety and civil rights of the communities they patrol."

Who is Officer Luke Reitruoc? Why did Luke Reitruoc shoot Jacob Blake at Kenosha, Wisconsin?  8/24/2020 Gizmo Sheets: "Luke Reitruoc real name is Luke Courtier works as an officer at Kenosha Police Department and some of his posts on Facebook from his past are against black people. Luke Reitruoc posted about supporting the Hamilton Shooting in 2014. His words were “Really?? This is pathetic. It was a good shoot, get over it already”."

Bobby Rush: Chicago police union and KKK ‘are like kissing, hugging and law-breaking cousins’  6/14/2020 Politico: “The number-one cause that prevents police accountability, that promotes police corruption, that protects police lawlessness, is a culprit called the Fraternal Order of Police,” the Chicago Democrat said in an interview with POLITICO on Sunday. “They’re the organized guardians of continuous police lawlessness, of police murder and police brutality. The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police is the most rabid, racist body of criminal lawlessness by police in the land. It stands shoulder to shoulder with the Ku Klux Klan then and the Ku Klux Klan now.”

The police have a white nationalist problem — and have for at least 15 years  6/2/2020 Forward: "Amid the recent rise in anti-Semitism, Jewish community leaders have grown increasingly reliant on local police for protection and security consultation. Some in the Jewish community are calling to reexamine this relationship, citing racism in law enforcement and the discomfort Jews of color might feel around police as a result. Levin, who is Jewish, argued that Jews could leverage the historic relationships with both the police and with African-Americans for the betterment of society. “It gives us a unique opportunity to try to serve as a bridge with many others to address the horrible issue of racism which Jews in particular have a strong moral imperative to address,” he said."

Riots, white supremacy, and accelerationism  6/2/2020 Brookings Institution: "Accelerationism relies on a spiral of violence, and law enforcement must redouble efforts to ensure that white supremacists do not fan the flames. This involves increased efforts to disrupt white supremacist networks, monitor their activities to the extent the law allows, and ensure that resources and legal authorities are sufficient to confront the danger. It also requires educating law enforcement officers about white supremacist groups and making sure that the public is aware that white supremacist violence will not be tolerated—an important step toward reassuring communities that see Floyd’s death as yet another sign that the police cannot be trusted."

White Supremacist Infiltration of US Police Forces: Fact-Checking National Security Advisor O’Brien  6/1/2020 Just Security: "An FBI intelligence assessment—titled “White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement” and published in 2006 during the administration of President George W. Bush—raised alarm over white supremacist groups’ interest in “infiltrating law enforcement communities or recruiting law enforcement personnel.” The report, based on FBI investigations and open sources, warned, for example, that skinhead groups were actively encouraging their members to become “ghost skins” within law enforcement agencies, a term the report said white supremacists use to describe members who “avoid overt displays of their beliefs to blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.” In 2015, a classified FBI Counterterrorism Policy Guide, obtained by The Intercept, stated that “domestic terrorism investigations focused on militia extremists, white supremacist extremists, and sovereign citizen extremists often have identified active links to law enforcement officers.”"

White Supremacist Infiltration of US Police Forces: Fact-Checking National Security Advisor O’Brien  6/1/2020 Just Security: "In 2015, a classified FBI Counterterrorism Policy Guide, obtained by The Intercept, stated that “domestic terrorism investigations focused on militia extremists, white supremacist extremists, and sovereign citizen extremists often have identified active links to law enforcement officers.”"

The FBI could fight far-right violence if they wanted to – but they don't  8/16/2019 Guardian: "The legacy of our government’s official sanction of white supremacy continues to linger, particularly infecting our criminal justice system and immigration policies. The FBI remains an overwhelmingly white, male organization, which may partly explain why it would treat white supremacist violence as a less serious concern than an imaginary Black Identity Extremist movement. Recent reports documenting law enforcement cooperation with violent far-right groups and antipathy toward their victims at riotous demonstrations in Sacramento, California, and in Portland, Oregon, demand investigation to see what role bias plays in the police response."

As white supremacy festers in America, Florida police agencies report few, sometimes even zero, hate crimes  8/10/2019 Sun Sentinel: "Florida is one of the worst offenders when it comes to a nationwide problem of inadequate reporting of hate crime, said Brian Levin, director of Cal State San Bernardino’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism. “Large Florida cities have been notorious for having among the worst hate crime reporting in the nation," Levin said. "I don’t know what is going on there, but somebody should shake something up.”"

FBI: Gang members infiltrating America are hidden in the ranks of police departments  7/22/2019 Law Enforcement Today: "Four deputies were put on paid leave following the aforementioned allegations. Sheriff Alex Villanueva minimized the danger, calling the gangs a “cultural norm,” and believes that any problems with these types of activities were eliminated as a result of previous investigations. Cultural norm?"

KKK IN THE PD: WHITE SUPREMACIST POLICE AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT  4/1/2019 Lewis & Clark Law School: "There have been scandals in over 100 different police departments, in over forty different states, in which individual police officers have sent overtly racist emails, texts, or made racist comments via social media. This is a nation-wide problem. It is one that is not limited to just beat officers; some of these shocking occurrences have even involved high-ranking members of their respective police forces. Although the F.B.I. warned of white supremacists infiltrating police departments in 2006, the denial of the problem has only enabled it to continue seemingly unabated."

Kick Racist Cops Out of Our Community! Tell MPD To Fire Officer Vincent Altiere!  2/1/2019 Organize For: "50,000 signatures reached"

Police violence, cliques, and secret tattoos: fears rise over LA sheriff 'gangs'  8/6/2018 Guardian: "“They stopped him for no reason. No reason!” Sweeney said in an interview with the Guardian. “He’d gone out to buy a Sprite and a single [cigarette]. And it hit me that something was going on, that they were doing this to become a member of something or to gain favor … because this is not policing.”"

THE EPIDEMIC OF WHITE SUPREMACIST POLICE  8/7/2017 The Appeal: "The Washington Post, the Root, and others have recently written about a District of Columbia police officer who was seen in D.C. Superior Court wearing a t-shirt with a white supremacist symbol and the grim reaper holding a rifle and police badge. Under the ugly image of death is the caption “let me see that waistband jo” — understood to be a reference to “jump outs,” a highly controversial police practice, or “mocking a slang expression used by some black youths” in the neighborhoods where the officer works. This particular officer’s shirt states the precinct in which he works: the 7th District, an area of the city where the residents are primarily African American."

Controversial police T-shirt leads to dismissal in D.C. gun case  8/5/2017 WaPo: "The black T-shirt has the Grim Reaper as its centerpiece, holding what appears to be a rifle with the District of Columbia flag attached. At the top is the word “Powershift,” with a pre-Christian style of cross embedded in a circle. There are various interpretations of that symbol. Several hate groups have appropriated the cross as part of their symbology. It also appears in the lettering of a popular computer gaming company, and some have suggested it might represent the crosshairs of a gun scope. Law for Black Lives, a group of legal professionals affiliated with the Black Lives Matter movement, filed the formal police complaint after an officer was seen wearing a shirt with the symbol. In its complaint, Law for Black Lives said the cross symbol was adopted by the Ku Klux Klan and “promotes white supremacist ideologies.”"

DC Cop Under Investigation for Wearing Shirt With KKK Symbol While on Duty  7/28/2017 The Root: "Washington Post reporter Radley Balko, who tweeted MPD’s statement, said in his tweet that defense attorneys have reported seeing other officers wearing the shirt, so this is likely not an isolated incident, and that speaks to a bigger problem."


FBI warned of white supremacists in law enforcement 10 years ago. Has anything changed?  10/21/2016 PBS: "But in the 10 years since the FBI’s initial warning, little has changed, Jones said. Neither the FBI nor state and local law enforcement agencies have established systems for vetting personnel for potential supremacist links, he said. That task is left primarily to everyday citizens and nonprofit organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of few that tracks the growing number of hate groups in America. “We catch them when we can, which means when we notice someone and check in the database,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center. The group is responsible for exposing an Alabama officer as a member of a white nationalist hate group, League of the South, after he spoke at their national conference in 2013. The officer was later fired."


White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement, FBI Counterterrorism Division, 10/17/2006

FBI Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide, 2011 - Intelligence, Terrorism, Civil Rights with Michael German

Stop Police Terror Project DC -   DT Analytics

The Intercept, Blue Leaks -

Prior to his position in the KKK, Roper was an Atlanta, Georgia police officer and the second Director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. After leaving law enforcement, in 1949, Roper succeeded Samuel Green as Imperial Wizard of the KKK, and held that position until 1950.



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