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News Archive: 2008-2009


World News

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Cuba: Race & Identity   AfroColombia AfroVenezuela
The Alberto Jones Column Raizales Haiti

World News Sources

Central America

A Worldwide Battle of Life and Death. Part I, 12/25/09 Alberto Jones:  "The crisis of the Balseros in 1994 brought 35,000 Cuban immigrants to south Florida, with a notable increase in the presence of Blacks, which lead numerous Think Tank groups in the US to carry out a number of demographic studies in Cuba through which they determined a substantial shift in favor of Afro-Cubans and mixed race, which some placed as high as 62% of the population. These findings introduced a radical change in most counterrevolutionary groups' thinking in the United States. Where they had shunned Blacks historically, they now found themselves actively recruiting every Afro-Cuban they could get their hands on, hoping to promote them to front desk activities and leadership positions.

Emergent leadership academies were created under the guidance of many Human Rights and Afro-American Civil Rights organizations and some historical Black Universities, which pumped out a number of graduates, who in turn, were charged with fomenting groups of Afro-Cubans inside Cuba under the cover of Independent Librarians, Independent Journalists, Independent Medical Care, Independent everything else."

Una Batalla Mundial de Vida o Muerte. Primera Parte, 25/12/09 Alberto Jones: "Mi mayor temor entonces y ahora, es que el objetivo central de este instrumento sectario, no es lo que de manera prominente despliega el Dr. Carlos Moore a traves de sus articulos, conferencias, entrevistas y otros mecanismos en sus ataques en contra de Fidel Castro y la Revolucion Cubana, sino mas bien, se trata de crear el ambiente propicio para introducir una cuna que obligue a los negros a alinearse con un partido u otro en esta lucha intestina."

Cuban Color  12/23/2009 Cuba Now: interview with Esteban Morales   Color cubano 12/14/2009 Trajabadores: entrevista con Esteban Morales

Reverse images: The acrimonious debate on race in Cuba  12/15/2010 SF Bay View: "Is there really a civil rights movement in Cuba or is the petition merely a grandiloquent expression of Afrogringoism?"

Raúl Castro on racism and sexism in Cuba: "Personalmente considero que es una vergüenza el insuficiente avance en esta materia en 50 años de Revolución" - "Personally, I consider the insufficient advance on this matter in 50 years of Revolution to be a disgrace" 12/21/09 Granma

Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramirez: another manipulated dissident? By Claude Betancourt, 12/20/09

Racist or Revolutionary: Cuba’s Identity is at Stake  12/18/2009 Defenders Online: Ron Walters, an eminent signer of the Acting on Our Conscience petition and a past campaign manager for Jesse Jackson, defends his choice and claims that the Cuban government is not interested in tackling the problem of racism.

Cornel West and James Early: Cuban Racism, Tavis Smiley Radio Show, 12/09 James Early recommends AfroCubaWeb for information on AfroCuban approaches to race, identity, and racism.

Reflections on Cuba, Race, and Politics, by James Early, Soul Magazine, 1999, Manning Marable, editor

El Racismo en Cuba. Una Contribucion al Debate, Por Ivan Cesar Martinez, 12/9/2009

Laying the groundwork for another 1912, 12/8/09, Alberto Jones comments on the Carlos Moore letter, "Acting on Our Conscience." - "Approximately fifteen years ago, a well funded campaign organized by the US-AID, NED, and right-wing Cuban-American groups in south Florida and elsewhere was poised to create an Afro-Cuban/anti-Castro leadership corps, charged with fomenting oppositions groups inside Cuba disguised as Independent Journalists, Farmers, Librarians, Healthcare workers and others and to dilute the historical Afro-American support of Cuba. Evidently December 1, 2009 was their chosen D-Day.

After an intensive lobbying campaign of phone calls, e-mails, letters to the editor and Human Rights Organizations’ fraudulent assessments, an explosive letter entitled “Acting on Our Conscience” scathingly described the brutal government-imposed racism in Cuba and captured the signature of over 60 prominent Afro-American and Caribbean scholars, politicians, film makers and other professionals. 

Sentando las bases para otro 1912, 8/12/09 Alberto Jones nos hace sus comentarios sobre la carta de Carlos Moore, "Acting on Our Conscience." Hace unos quince anos, una campana bien organizada y financiada por US-AID, NED, grupos ultra-derechistas Cubano-Americanos radicados en el sur de la Florida y en otros lugares, acordaron iniciar la formacion de cuadros Afro-Cubanos/anti-Castristas con el proposito de fomentar grupos opositores en Cuba disfrazados de Periodistas Independientes, Agricultores Independientes, Bibliotecas Independientes, Servicios Medicos Independientes y otros, ademas de debilitar el apoyo historico que las organizaciones Afro-Americans le han prestado historicamente a Cuba.

Aparentemente, el dia 1 de Diciembre del ano 2009 fue escojido por ellos como su dia D o sea, como se utiliza en terminologia militar, el momento para iniciar de las acciones belicas.

Despues de una intensa actividad de cabildeo caracterizado por llamadas telefonicas, intercambios de correos electronico, cartas al editor y reportes fraudulentos de la Organizacion de Derechos Humanos, salio a la luz publica una carta explosiva titulada Ejerciendo nuestra Conciencia , relatando en forma virulenta el brutal racismo impuesto por el gobierno Cubano, lo que fue capaz inducir a mas de 60 academicos e investigadores Afro-Americanos y Caribenos a firmarlo.

Reflections on Cuba: History, Memory, Race, and Solidarity, by Lisa Brock, Souls  Magazine, Spring 1999 Manning Marable, Editor: useful in the current context.

We stand with Cuba! Declaration of African American activists, intellectuals and artists in continued solidarity with the Cuban revolution. 12/09 Petition Online

A critical view of "Acting on Our Conscience," Melina Pappademos, 12/8/09

Makani Themba-Nixon, Praxis Project, withdraws support for the Acting on Our Conscience letter, 12/7/09

Response from Cuba: Message from Cuba to African American Intellectuals and Artists, 12/2/09  Mensaje desde Cuba a los Intelectuales y Artistas Afronorteamericanos, 12/2/2009  

Letter from Jamaica: Rex Nettleford, Barry Chevannes, Rupert Lewis, and Maureen Warner-Lewis, 11/26/09 Jamaica's intellectual elite comes out in support of the Carlos Moore campaign.

Acting On Our Conscience - A Declaration of African American Support for the Civil Rights Struggle in Cuba, 12/09 Letter signed by a long list of African Americans, organized by Carlos Moore.  Subject: Prominent black Americans condemn Cuba on racism  12/1/2009 James Early  responds to articles about Carlos Moore's letter campaign among African Americans. 

The Discourse on Racism in Anti-Castro Publications, 2008-2009

Challenges of the racial question in Cuba, 10/2008, Dr. C. Esteban Morales Domínguez, Member of the Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, recently translated, 12/09

First act of new UNEAC commission on the fight against racism: a commemoration of Antonio Maceo's mother, Mariana Grajales. 11/28/09

The Paradox of Two Cuban Women: Irania Martinez and Yoani Sanchez, 11/26/09  La paradoja de dos mujeres cubanas, 11/26/09 Alberto Jones

The Entrenched Cuban Embargo, 10/19/09 Alberto Jones

The Handling of the Cuban Housing Crisis, 10/16/09  Alberto Jones

Cuba Financial Woes Risking its Future, while Sitting on Untapped Riches
, 8/22/09  Alberto Jones

Cuba: a Recession-Resistant Nation with a Failing Economy
, 7/25/09, Alberto Jones.  With recommendations for repair, including encouraging small business.

A Sincere and Painful Apology to the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus  5/20/2009 Black Agenda Report, Alberto Jones: "These are the real battles for justice, equality and the future of our nation, that all Cubans and Afro-Cubans especially should be waging, not siding with those who castrated our independence in 1898 or those who enabled this [1912] massacre and kept us segregated, impoverished, ignorant until 1959 and today, are shamefully relying on the dark skin of some, willing to sell their intellect and soul to the highest bidder, by attempting to intimidate, blackmail or create a negative political scene against members of the CBC [Congressional Black Caucus], who have courageously stood by their brothers in Cuba for the past 25 years. " -- Alberto Jones, also posted on Norman Girvan and on AfroCubaWeb's Alberto Jones Column

Invoking MLK and Rosa Parks in Cuban Exile Politics, Claude Betancourt, 5/30/09: Brothers to the Rescue, Florida's MLK Institute for Nonviolence, and manipulating Cuban dissidents.

By Alberto Jones, 2009:

Cuba: a Recession-Resistant Nation with a Failing Economy, 7/25/09
Eternal Gratitude to Floridians and to Pastors For Peace, 7/18/09
Cuba’s Extraordinary Generosity Risking its own Survival, 6/24/09
Mimetism, New Weapon within the Cuba Hate Industry, 6/18/09
The OAS, an unburied political cadaver and Hillary’s retrograde thinking, 6/2/09
If they were only here? 6/1/09
Doing the Right Thing, Precludes Fear Mongering, 5/26/09
Opportunists fishing in murky waters, 5/18/09
Quakers Meeting in North Florida, 5/17/09
A Sincere and Painful Apology to the US Congressional Black Caucus, 5/10/09
Watching our Future slip away, 4/28/09
Ignoring History has cost us Fifty precious years of our lives, 4/18/09
Another Stray Brother: Rep Kendrick Meek, 4/10/09
Fifty years of infamy about to end, 4/8/09
Are we shooting ourselves in the foot? 3/30/09
The Race Card: their last bastion in a lost war, 1/31/09
Time to regain lost grounds or perish, 1/13/09

AN URGENT APPEAL FOR HELP, 5/2/09, The Caribbean American Children Foundation

The Caribbean American Children Foundation Newsletter #12, 4/09

Legacy of broadcasting icon Eugene Godfried hailed in Caribbean and US,
4/9/09 Caribbean Net News

By Alberto Jones, 2008

Unmasking Fifty Years of Lies and a Fictitious Country That Never Was, 12/11/08 
Debunking an Imaginary Country That Never Was, 12/11/08 
A Brilliant Future Within Reach, 12/8/08 
The Dawning of the Americas, 12/3/08 
A Great Beginning for a Successful Presidency, 12/1/08 
Caribbean Unification. A Non-deferrable Reality, 11/24/08 
Preventing a second Special Period: an urgent imperative, 11/15/08 
President Obama Can Enable All Non-tourist Travel, 11/13/08
Courageous Action needed to Jump Start Presidency, 11/10/08
Victimizers Disguised in Victim's Clothing, 9/23/08 
Putting an end to fifty years of a Right-Wing Cuban-American victim syndrome, 9/27/08 
A Moment of Truth: an appalling exchange with high ranking US Commerce, 9/22/08  Department Employee, 9/22/08 
Big Problems Demand Big Solutions, 9/16/08
A 15 year old missed opportunity may repeat itself, 8/13/2008 
Lies, hypocrisy and the end of an era, 8/12/2008 
Stolen Arts proudly displayed in Daytona Beach, 7/21/08 
Fifty Years of an Infamous Behavior, 6/7/08 
If they were only here?  Reflections on a Jamaican Cuban ancestry. 6/1/08 

Declaracion del II Encuentro Nacional Afrovenezolano, del 17 al 20 de julio de 2008, 19/8/08: "...Rechazar categóricamente la legislación racista de la Directiva del Retorno aprobada recientemente por el parlamento europeo. Exigir al Gobierno Venezolano a traves de sus instituciones activar el Plan de Acción de la III Conferencia Internacional Contra el Racismo. Profundizar el trabajo organizativo y formativo de los y las militantes a lo interno de la Red de Organizaciones Afrovenezolanas...."

Celebran en Cuba Foro "Nuevo País Racial"
, CubaNuestra Digital, 8/7/08  El Partido Independiente de Color, Granma, Silvio Castro, 8/6/08

Conclusión: el II Encuentro Nacional Afrovenezolano, 19/7/08: "no tenemos un Estado expresamente racista, pero sí una sociedad donde aún existen focos racistas y discriminatorios que se expresan, por ejemplo, en muchos medios de comunicación, en algunas instituciones del Estado y empresas privadas donde han discriminado personas por su color de piel desechando su capacidad intelectual y técnica. De eso hay denuncias en el Ministerio del Trabajo."

Afrovenezolanos Exigen Profundizar la Revolucion, 11/7/08, Prensa Afrovenezolana

Fifty Years of an Infamous Behavior
, 6/7/08 Alberto Jones

Cuba News Headlines - Africa,  ongoing

Obong of Calabar disputed crown: My story, by Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi
, 5/17/08, Vanguard, Nigeria: Andy Petit exposes the tissue of lies put forth by the illegitimate 2nd Obong., 5/17/08, Vanguard, Nigeria: Andy Petit exposes the tissue of lies put forth by the illegitimate 2nd Obong., 5/17/08, Vanguard, Nigeria: Andy Petit exposes the tissue of lies put forth by the illegitimate 2nd Obong.

Raza y Racismo  5/17/2008 La Jiribilla, a well known Havana cultural magazine: edition devoted to "Race and Racism"

Documentos del Partido Independiente de Color
  5/17/2008 La Jiribilla 

Rich culture on display swindled from weak, poor: a Batista legacy, 5/19/08, column in the Daytona Beach News Journal, Alberto Jones

Setting the Record Straight
, 5/7/08 - letter to the Jamaica Observer, Alberto Jones

Mercaderes del Odio y la Decepcion, 26/4/08 Alberto Jones

Acorralados por racismo. Peligroso ser negro
, 4/08 Afro Ecuador

A Region at Risk of Famine and the Need of a Survival Strategy, 4/17/08 Alberto Jones

An un-erasable historical disaster, 4/14/2008  Alberto Jones

No Time for Barbaric Actions
, 4/10/08 Alberto Jones

Celebrating the Exemplary Life of Dr. D’Adesky, 4/7/08 Alberto Jones

Letter from Congresswomen Yvette Clarke (D, Brooklyn) on Cuba, 3/31/08

A 154 años de la abolición de la esclavitud deuda continua
23/5/08  Colectivo Red Afrovenezolana

A Critical Look at the Future of Cuba, Part III
, 3/13/08 Alberto Jones

Extended coverage of the police riot at Edison High School, Miami, against Haitian and African American students. Cuban American Assistant Principal Perez assaults a student, police are called in to stop a peaceful demonstration and cause over 30 casualties on 2/29/08.

Venezuelan activist lectures on social issues  2/29/2008 Daily Collegian. Jesus "Chucho" Garcia persuades Cuban instructors in Venezuela to include a discussion of racism in their course work.

A Tragic Past and a Glimmer of Hope over the Horizon, 2/08, Alberto Jones

History Continues To Repeat Itself, 2/08  Another Sad Birthday, 2//08 by Alberto Jones

A Critical Look at the Future of Cuba, Parts I and II,
2/08 Alberto Jones

Coverage of  Sibel Edmonds' exposé of the Turkish Russian Israeli mafia and its tentacles into the US establishment, 1/08

Centenario de la fundación del Partido Independiente de Color, 2/1/08, Cubarte, por Fernando Martínez Herredia

USAID's DIA Contractor arrested for distributing telecom, computer gear in Cuba, 12/09

Lima apologizes to AfroPeruvians for abuses
, 11/28/09, AP

Honduras' General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez and the Narcotraffickers, 11/1/09

Sin el negro, Cuba no sería Cuba, 10/20/09, Heriberto Feraudy Espino, UNEAC

Carta a Granma, 21/10/09, Cofradia de la Negritud: "Estamos una vez más, compañero Barredo, frente a uno de los puntos problémicos heredado por una de las revoluciones -- la  cubana de 1959 -- que más lejos llevó en América la demolición social del capitalismo neocolonizador y dependiente y que, sin embargo, hasta hoy, no ha podido independizarse  de un canon patriótico eurocéntrico, en el que sólo los antiguos liberticidas, los señores de la propiedad y la riqueza o los entendidos en los valores librescos europeos pueden ser recordados como protagonistas de los actos libertarios y de la dignidad cívica."

Asaltado el hospital Garífuna por elementos de la Fuerza Armada, Honduras 10/7/09

Sobre Color Cubano, 10/3/09, Gisela Arandia. Color de Cuba, un espacio de encuentros sobre la problemática racial, ha desaparecido y se ha creado una Comisión orgánica de la UNEAC. Resumen de logros y problemas. Color de Cuba, a set of UNEAC working groups on race & identity in Cuba, has been replaced by a UNEAC commission. Summary of accomplishments and issues.

Cartas desde Tegucigalpa, 9/29/09 "Mataron a un número indeterminado de compañeros de la primera barricada al final del Puente Guancaste."

Venezuela: La Cumbre Africa-Suramerica, 9/23/09-9/27/09

Juan Almeida Bosque joins the ancestor, 9/11/09:  Yo quiero que triunfe la Revolución para que sea el pueblo el que dé las órdenes, Marta Rojas, 14/9/09

Honduras Hospital Garifuna de Ciriboya, una colaboracion de Cuba y la EE-UU, amenazado por los golpistas. Coup regime threatens Garifuna Hospital in Ciriboya, a collaboration between Cuba and America, 9/09

Honduran Garifuna Culture Threatened by Coup  9/4/2009 New American Media: by Willie Thompson - "The Honduran de facto coup government under Roberto Micheletti plans to eliminate the Honduran Garifuna people and culture. Micheletti has rescinded the Manuel Zelaya authorization to teach in the Garifuna language in school and to teach the language itself. All scholarships to Garifuna students have been eliminated. Now, Micheletti, with no opposition from the U.S. State Department, has set Sept. 1, 2009, to take over the Garifuna built and operated hospital and fire its Latin American Medical School (ELAM) trained Garifuna physicians, including Dr. Luther Castillo Harry, its founder. Dr. Castillo Harry has been targeted for assassination in order to decapitate the Garifuna leadership. 

Preocupa discriminación racial en Cuba - Activan Cofradía de la Negritud (CONEG) para crear conciencia, IPS, 9/2/09 Racism in Cuba & the Black Fellowship, 9/2/09 Havana Times interviews Tato Quinoñes on the revival of the Black Fellowship, CONEG. See also the text of the 1998 Carta de Presentación introducing CONEG.

HOSPITAL GARIFUNA: Cuba y Estados Unidos trabajan juntos en Honduras  8/29/2009 Dick Emanuelsson: "Entrevista a John Garamendi, Vicegobernador del Estado de California en Estados Unidos durante la inauguración de una clínica en Ciraboya."

General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez and the Gobierno del Reino: Theocracy in Honduras?
, 8/12/09

See our new Central America News section to follow the coup in Honduras and the resistance to it, 7/09.  Honduras has 8.3 million people, 99% are of Indian or African descent, including the Garifuna and folks from the West Indies. The army, at 9000, and the police, at 14,000 and notoriously corrupt, are dwarfed by the number of people in the streets. The golpistas, many of them ibero-spanish, have taken to wearing white as a demonstration of their backing for the coup.

Operation Pedro Pan: A horribly black mark on (U.S.) history
  5/21/2009  Progresso Weekly: "Years before his death, in Miami Beach in the presence of my mother, my sister Maria, her husband and me, he told us that he was one of the persons responsible for redacting the fake law that caused the “removal of parental rights” hysteria. It is why I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Operation Pedro Pan was a sinister immorality play designed and dreamt up by the CIA before the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion."

The genesis of African and Indian cooperation in colonial North America: An Interview with Helen Hornbeck Tanner. Ethnohistory Quarterly, (Spring, 2009) American Society for Ethnohistory by Ivor Miller  (PDF, 1.14 MB)

  5/1/2009 El Blog de Manolin, el Medico de la Salsa: "Todas estas cosas las escribo por responsabilidad, para que los de Cuba tengan conocimiento de la verdad y para que los de Miami rectifiquen, pues no tiene jutificacion ninguna. En mi corazon no hay rencor ni nada feo, soy una de las personas mas felices de este mundo, la vida ha sido muy generosa conmigo, pero no todo es color de rosas en esta vida y las cosas feas que me han pasado, curiosamente, me sucedieron en Miami." Nice job exposing the Estebans.

Tracking the success of the Movimiento Nacional Afrocolombiano, 4/09

Some Quick Comments on Carlos Moore's PICHÓN by Walterio Lord Garnés and David González López  2/15/2009 Walter Lipmann: "Walterio Lord Garnés and David González López are collaborators attached to the Centro de Estudios de África y Medio Oriente in Havana and to the University of Havana’s Cátedra “Amílcar Cabral” de Estudios Africanos. They have written dissertations at home and abroad and published works about African and Afro-Cuban cultures in Cuban and foreign publications. 

The Discourse on Racism in Anti-Castro Publications
, 2008-2009; The Obama Factor

Carlos Moore letter to Raúl Castro, 12/17/08  James Early: Carlos Moore's Outcast Vision and Dangerous Deceit  12/28/2009 AfroCubaWeb

Asociación Cultural Yoruba de Cuba En Francia: Llamamiento contra el Bloqueo, 12/08

Entrevista a Jesus Chucho Garcia. Desde Angola, 11/24/08

Afro-Latinos in Latin America and Considerations for U.S. Policy  11/21/08 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON DC CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE

Fifty Years of African Impact on Cuba: By David González López, Amílcar Cabral Chair. University of Havana. From Temas no. 56: 29-37, octubre-diciembre de 2008. 

Coverage of US elections and the ever present vote fraud at Black Voter Net, includes Vote Fraud News. Voter suppression and vote fraud were overwhelmed by the outpouring of voter support for Obama but were very much in evidence this time around.

Spritual Warfare: Palin linked electoral success to prayer of Kenyan witchhunter  9/16/2008 London Times: "The pastor whose prayer Sarah Palin says helped her to become governor of Alaska founded his ministry with a witchhunt against a Kenyan woman who he accused of causing car accidents through demonic spells."[Mama Jane is a diviner who had to leave town as a result, though some accused witches in Kenya are burned.]

Our Russia News page tracks news about Cuba's former patron,  who the neocons have embroiled in numerous disputes.

Classifieds in Cuba: Cuba's Craig's List, 9/08

Death Squad attacks Obong Palace, Cross River State, Nigeria 8/25/08 The Obong, traditional ruler of the Efik, escapes unhurt, many are wounded.  Efik Ékpè lodges are ancestral to the Cuban Abakuá. Extensive photo journal of the initial attack: help identify the hoodlums, 8/25/08

Before Calabar Burns, 8/8/2008 Press Release from the Etubom Traditional Council of the Efik Nation on the murder and mayhem committed by Cross River State government backed militias, with photos of some victims. The Cuban Abakuá are Efik in origin.

Ekpo Ekeng, youth leader of Cobham Town and member of Calabar Mgbe (Ékpè), is interviewed on the recent events in Calabar, 8/08

Constitution of the Calabar Mgbe, 7/08 This Cross River, Nigeria, organization has as goal reunion with all Ekpe, including those in Cuba (Abakuá).

Gov Liyel Imoke sacked, 7/15/08, Vanguard: Cross River State Governor Imoke was hostile to the Obong of Calabar, who has a history of working with his fellow Ekpe members from Cuba.

Ekpo Ekeng, youth leader of Cobham Town, Calabar, and a member of Calabar Mgbè, on the Paris Cuba-Ekpe Encounter, 5/08

Traces of the Trade: story of the Rhode Island based DeWolf family, the largest slave traders in the history of the US, produced by their descendants, 6/08

Caminos magazine devotes its last issue to the ever controversial race question in Cuba, Cuba Now, 5/26/06  Features discussion of the Commission on the Centenary of the Founding of the Independents of Color.

Otra vez raza y racismo, Caminos, 5/08

Asesor de política exterior de John McCain - Otto Reich: "Obama no tiene ni un día de experiencia internacional"  5/25/2008 El Mercurio:  - "Aunque dice que nunca ha abandonado la vida política, lo cierto es que Otto Reich, ex jefe de la diplomacia estadounidense para América Latina, anunció su retorno con "bombos y platillos", nada menos que como asesor del candidato republicano a la Casa Blanca, John McCain."  See also our Otto Reich page for highlights of his career.

Evidence surfaces suggesting Roland Carnaby, gunned down by Houston PD on 4/30/08, was in fact CIA. Is this part of an internal war pitting neocons against other Americans? Who is spinning Carnaby as a fraud? Hans Wolff reports.

The vicious racism that is a hallmark of US history rears its head, braying about the Rev Wright. Here is one response:  Obama's Minister Committed "Treason" But When My Father Said the Same Thing He Was a Republican Hero  3/16/2008 Huffington Post: by Frank Schaeffer.  

The Clinton Campaign Embraces the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to Launch Attacks on Obama
2/27/2008, Buzzflash: Rush Linmbaugh, the Drudge Report, Rupert Murdoch, and Richard Mellon Scaife are new Clinton allies.

The Afrovenezuelan Network and the Paramilitary Menace, 3/7/08  La Red Afrovenezolana ante la Amenaza Paramilitar, 7/3/08 Jesus "Chucho" Garcia.

Site run by the Raizales, an English speaking people of African descent on  islands claimed by Colombia off the coast of Nicaragua: The Colombian government favors its Ibero-Spanish elite in their take over of the islands. We track Raizales News.

The Black right wing’s agenda in Colombia, 2/08, Jesus “Chucho” Garcia   Y Tantos Negros Que Apoyan a Uribe, 2/19/08, Macobe Luchador   Why Afro-Colombians Oppose the Colombia Free Trade Agreement, 2/2008 by Marino Cordoba, founder of the Association of Internally Displaced Afro-Colombians (AFRODES)

New book focuses on racial issues in Cuba - its author, Esteban Morales, scrutinizes the topic of race relations in the island from colonial times to present day.  2/4/2008 Cuba Now.  See also our page on Esteban Morales.

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Antonio Maceo
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Quintín Bandera
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