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Gov Scott and Tarrio at lunchEnrique Tarrio
Fomer President, Proud Boys. Snitch, Police & FBI

The darling of the Republican Party in Florida, Enrique Tarrio, was the AfroCuban president of the Miami chapter of the alt-right and white nationalist organization Proud Boys and is now its national president. He worked with and was photographed with Gov Scott, Roger Stone, Miami GOP Chair Diaz, and Congressman Diaz-Balart. He ran for Congress.

El querido del Partido Republicano en Florida, Enrique Tarrio, antiguamente el presidente afro-cubano del capítulo de Miami de la organización de extrema derecha y nacionalista blanca Proud Boy y ahora su presidente nacional, trabajó con el gobernador Scott, Roger Stone, el presidente del Partido Republicano de Miami Díaz, y el congresista Diaz-Balart. Se presento para las elecciones por el Congresso.

To understand Trump’s support, we must think in terms of multiracial Whiteness 1/15/2021 WaPo

Proud Boys Help Defend Paramilitary Neo-Nazi Groups Online as Their Leader, Enrique Tarrio, Prepares Congressional Run 1/22/2019 It's Going Down: "In several instances, Proud Boys leader, Enrique Tarrio, who also serves as the Florida director of Latinos for Trump, has posted as the admin on the official Proud Boys Telegram channel. This same channel also often boosts posts from the Proud Boys’ “Mass Report” thread. This means that in all actuality, Enrique Tarrio is currently running, or at least helping to run, the Proud Boys main account and also boosting posts from the Mass Report thread. This means that Enrique Tarrio is at least aware of, if not flat out directing his organization to help support paramilitary neo-Nazi groups such as the Base and the Atomwaffen Division. As it turns out, Enrique Tarrio is also currently running for congressional office in Florida."

A Cuban-American Is Behind The Hate Group “The Proud Boys” And POC Have Questions  8/17/2019 We Are Mitu: "The Proud Boys is nationally led by Afro-Cubano Enrique Tarrio of Miami, and Latinos have something to say to him."

Miami GOP Chairman just caught leading Proud Boys in attack on Democratic campaign office  10/19/2018 The Stern Fact: "Chairman Diaz even told me that he never heard of the Proud Boys, even though the Miami New Times caught local GOP Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart posting a photo of himself with one candidate of the group’s members just two months ago. But the video doesn’t lie, and it depicts Diaz only a few feet away from Miami Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio when he yelled: “Open up! It’s some Proud Boys in here.”" 

Miami Congressman Diaz-Balart Posts Photo With Alt-Right "Proud Boy"  8/10/2018 Miami New Times: "The Proud Boy who met with Diaz-Balart describes himself online as a military veteran and National Rifle Association "certified pistol instructor." He's repeatedly taken photographs with Miami-Dade County Republican Party members and appears to be involved with Carla Spalding's campaign for Florida's 23rd Congressional District, a seat currently occupied by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Spalding has been endorsed by Roger Stone and has appeared on InfoWars, so it's perhaps not surprising that her campaign seems to include a Proud Boy, as well."


Tarrio with Roger Stone
Tarrio and Proud Boys with Roger Stone, making WP sign
for White Power, the so called OK hoax.
White is a state of mind: NYU professor is slammed for claiming black and Latino voters who supported Trump have 'multiracial whiteness' and that it was 'unsettling' so many voted for him  1/19/2021 Daily Mail: "'Fascinating attempt to reconcile the fact that so many non-whites voted for Trump (more than 2016), and that some of the key participants in the Capitol riot and related groups are non-white: "Multiracial whiteness": they're white even when they're not. 'What is "whiteness," even when it somehow ends up describing Blacks & Latinos? 'The evil it references it this -- it "reflects an understanding of whiteness as a political color and not simply a racial identity"' Glenn Greenwald tweeted."

To understand Trump’s support, we must think in terms of multiracial Whiteness  1/15/2021 WaPo: "What are we to make of Tarrio — and, more broadly, of Latino voters inspired by Trump? And what are we to make of unmistakably White mob violence that also includes non-White participants? I call this phenomenon multiracial whiteness — the promise that they, too, can lay claim to the politics of aggression, exclusion and domination."

Proud Boys Help Defend Paramilitary Neo-Nazi Groups Online as Their Leader, Enrique Tarrio, Prepares Congressional Run  11/22/2019 It's Going Down: "In several instances, Proud Boys leader, Enrique Tarrio, who also serves as the Florida director of Latinos for Trump, has posted as the admin on the official Proud Boys Telegram channel. This same channel also often boosts posts from the Proud Boys’ “Mass Report” thread. This means that in all actuality, Enrique Tarrio is currently running, or at least helping to run, the Proud Boys main account and also boosting posts from the Mass Report thread. This means that Enrique Tarrio is at least aware of, if not flat out directing his organization to help support paramilitary neo-Nazi groups such as the Base and the Atomwaffen Division. As it turns out, Enrique Tarrio is also currently running for congressional office in Florida."

Local Douchebag Announces 2020 Congressional Run  11/1/2019 Miami New Times: "Here's pretty much all you need to know about Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio: He has questionable ties to Roger Stone, he thinks it's funny to use racist and homophobic slurs, and he was banned from Twitter after threatening to report undocumented immigrants to the feds as a method of retaliation against his critics. Now he's apparently running for Congress. Earlier today, Florida Politics reported that Tarrio has filed election paperwork to challenge Rep. Donna Shalala in Florida's 27th Congressional District in 2020. Shalala, a Democrat who flipped the district blue after Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen retired in 2018, is already facing off against Republican Maria Elvira Salazar, whom Shalala defeated in 2018."

White Nationalists, Alt-Right Personalities Plan Rally on Miami Yacht  9/16/2019 Miami New Times: "But tickets are being sold on the website, which is run by Enrique Tarrio, a Miami native who leads the neofascist Proud Boys group." [Tarrio self identifies as AfroCuban.]

A Cuban-American Is Behind The Hate Group “The Proud Boys” And POC Have Questions  8/17/2019 We Are Mitu: "The Proud Boys is nationally led by Afro-Cubano Enrique Tarrio of Miami, and Latinos have something to say to him."

Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio Removed From Twitter for "Evading Suspension"  3/13/2019 Miami New Times: "When Twitter suspended multiple members of the Proud Boys for violating the site's policy on "violent extremist groups" last fall, Enrique Tarrio, the Miami-based chairman of the right-wing group, was among them. But since Twitter has no good way to stop suspended users from making new accounts, Tarrio was back on the platform in no time under a new name."

Roger Stone Admits Extensive Ties to Extremist Group Florida Proud Boys in Court  2/21/2019 Miami New Times: "In court today, Stone apologized profusely for his actions. Then he admitted something that most observers had expected for quite a while: He's working closely with various members of the Florida chapter of the Proud Boys, the hard-right, pro-Trump, semifascist group with numerous ties to harder-core white-supremacist organizations. According to multiple reporters in the courtroom today, Stone has admitted he's coordinating extensively with the group. Stone even said that Jacob Engels — a notorious alt-right InfoWars reporter and all but admitted member of the Proud Boys — has access to Stone's cell phone and social media accounts."

Who are the New Proud Boy Elders?  12/13/2018 It's Going Down: "Henry Tarrio, aka Enrique Tarrio [self described AfroCuban], claims to be the president of the Miami, FL chapter of the Proud Boys. He runs the online Proud Boys store at, selling shirts that say “Right Wing Death Squad.” Tarrio posts on Instagram about killing communists, was present at Unite The Right in Charlottesville 2017, and both June 30th and August 4th of Summer 2018 Patriot Prayer demonstrations in Portland. Tarrio is clearly deeply embedded within the Proud Boys in an organizational capacity as well as an attendee at some of their most violent outings as an organization."

Hate Goes Mainstream With the Miami Proud Boys  12/10/2018 Miami New Times: "This past November 24, Tarrio, a Miami-born first-generation Cuban immigrant and business owner who has spent almost a year in federal prison, replaced McInnes as the group's chairman. In his "stepping-down gesture," as McInnes called it, he downplayed the group's involvement in far-right politics, saying, "We're not an extremist group, and we don't have ties with white nationalists." But screenshots of posts shared by Proud Boys in private groups show there's a good reason that white-nationalist label has been so hard to shake. And Tarrio has big plans for refocusing their message and using humor to mainstream the Proud Boys — even running some for office."

FBI now classifies far-right Proud Boys as 'extremist group', documents say  11/19/2018 The Guardian: "The FBI now classifies the far-right Proud Boys as an “extremist group with ties to white nationalism”, according to a document produced by Washington state law enforcement."

Miami-Dade GOP chair apologizes for ‘unbecoming’ behavior during Shalala protest  10/20/2018 Miami Herald: "Speaking to the Miami Herald on Saturday, Diaz said he did not organize the protest. But an email sent out by the Republican Party of Miami-Dade, of which he is the leader, implores the public to “please join me” in protesting the “very presence” of the invited guests and lists the address of the event, along with a planned time to arrive. Diaz is listed as the primary contact for the protest."

Miami GOP Chairman Nelson Diaz leading Proud Boys hate group in attack on Democratic campaign office  10/19/2018 YouTube: "The Republican Party Miami-Dade's County Chairman led an angry mob of partisans with the local leader of national hate group the Proud Boys in an attack on a Democratic campaign office the week."

Miami GOP Chairman just caught leading Proud Boys in attack on Democratic campaign office  10/19/2018 The Stern Fact: "Chairman Diaz even told me that he never heard of the Proud Boys, even though the Miami New Times caught local GOP Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart posting a photo of himself with one candidate of the group’s members just two months ago. But the video doesn’t lie, and it depicts Diaz only a few feet away from Miami Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio when he yelled: “Open up! It’s some Proud Boys in here.”"

“The Rise of Multiracial White Supremacy”  10/15/2018 The Daily Stormer: "No wonder all the blaggs are becoming neo-Nazis. We’re the only ones with a message simple and clear enough for them to understand."

Why Young Men of Color Are Joining White-Supremacist Groups  9/4/2018 Daily Beast: "Tarrio, who identifies as Afro-Cuban, is president of the Miami chapter of the Proud Boys, who call themselves “Western chauvinists,” and “regularly spout white-nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center."

Miami Congressman Diaz-Balart Posts Photo With Alt-Right "Proud Boy"  8/10/2018 Miami New Times: "The Proud Boy who met with Diaz-Balart describes himself online as a military veteran and National Rifle Association "certified pistol instructor." He's repeatedly taken photographs with Miami-Dade County Republican Party members and appears to be involved with Carla Spalding's campaign for Florida's 23rd Congressional District, a seat currently occupied by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Spalding has been endorsed by Roger Stone and has appeared on InfoWars, so it's perhaps not surprising that her campaign seems to include a Proud Boy, as well."

An Afternoon With Portland’s ‘Multiracial’ Far Right  8/6/2018 The Nation: 'Gibson, for starters, identifies as Japanese American; his deputy, Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, is American Samoan. Both vehemently deny that either the Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys are white-supremacist organizations—though local anti-fascist and anti-racist organizers have identified neo-Nazis and other organized white supremacists in their midst."



Tarrio's Instagram account
Proud Boy Magazine

The Proud Boys, the bizarre far-right street fighters behind violence in New York, explained
Has a lot of good links

FBI now classifies far-right Proud Boys as 'extremist group', documents say  11/19/2018 The Guardian: "The FBI now classifies the far-right Proud Boys as an “extremist group with ties to white nationalism”, according to a document produced by Washington state law enforcement."

Ku Klux Klan, Nazis, and other American White Supremacists


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