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Phiilip GoldbergPhilip Seth Goldberg
Defender of the Empire

On May 6, 2019, Trump nominated Goldberg to be the United States Ambassador to Colombia. He remained until May, 2022, when Biden named him US Ambassador to the Republic of Korea. Golberg had previously been in Bogota in 2000, when he was coordinator of Plan Colombia, part of the US War on Drugs which served to support the cartels Felix Rodriguez and George Bush established in the early 80's. As a parting shot when leaving Colombis, Goldberg accused the left in Colombia of benefiting from Rusian election manipulations:

A New Colombia? Petro Wins First-Round Victory in Presidential Vote  6/1/2022 Counterpunch: "An interventionist U.S. government is uneasy about a change-oriented government in Colombia. U.S. General Laura Richardson, head of the U.S. Southern Command, met with Colombian General Luis Navarro in March. She sought assurance that a Petro victory would not lead to the dismantling of seven U.S. Air Force bases in Colombia. Navarro indicated military leaders and most congresspersons would oppose such a step. The Southern Command issued a press release confirming that “Colombia is a staunch security partner.” U.S. Ambassador Phillip Goldberg’s comment on electoral fraud, delivered to an interviewer in mid-May, had destabilizing potential. He mentioned the “real risk posed by the eventual interference in the elections by the Russians, Venezuelans, or Cubans.” Goldberg’s excessive zeal for U.S. interests had been on display in Bolivia. As ambassador there in 2008, he immersed himself in an unsuccessful coup attempt against President Evo Morales – and was expelled."

New Havana Embassy chief Goldberg expelled from Bolivia for supporting a white separatist movement, 2/9/18

Trump has named Philip Goldberg as Chargé d'Affairs at the US Havana Embassy, a position that doesn't require Senate confirmation. He has just been issued a visa by the Cuban government, which means they have accepted him. What can we expect from this new career State Department officer? Goldberg was expelled as US ambassador to Bolivia by Evo Morales in 2008 for meeting with politicians and officials allied with a paramilitary group, Unión Juvenil Cruceñista (UCJ), which was in open rebellion against the government and killing indigenous people:

Errores por desesperación  8/31/2008 Rebelión: "Simultaneously, the UCJ thugs attacked police and beat people with dark complexions, while prefect Rubén Costa, the self-described "governor," wanted to take control of the departmental police, in order to recruit those thugs."

BOLIVIA: Deaths in the Amazon  9/13/2008 IPS: "The Bolivian government declared martial law in the northern province of Pando after as many as 15 indigenous supporters of President Evo Morales were killed by rightwing protesters near the town of Cobija."

Pando province is part of the eastern "crescent" of 4 provinces that make up the eastern gas rich region: Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Beni, Pando and Tarija provinces.

The UCJ is a white movement from the largely white eastern part of the country where the gas wealth lies. The rest of the country is heavily indigenous:

Bolivia expels US ambassador Philip Goldberg  9/12/2008 Telegraph, UK: "Mr Goldberg last week infuriated President Morales when he met with Ruben Costas, the governor of Bolivia's richest province, that of Santa Cruz, which wants autonomy and has threatened secession. Santa Cruz is predominantly white, whilst the capital La Paz, set in the highlands, is more indigenous."

The backbone of the white supremacists comes from a group of Croatian immigrants, many of whose families came after WW II and are likely to have been Croatian Nazis, or Ustashe.

Autonomy Vote Threatens to Pull Bolivia Apart  5/5/2008 Democracy Now: "JIM SHULTZ: Well, Santa Cruz is a region of the country that’s — you know, it’s much whiter, it’s much less indigenous, it’s more affluent, and there is this network of wealthy landowners that really drive the politics of the region. A number of them come from the families of Croatian immigrants that came here during the period and afterwards of World War II, and there is a real power base. And so, you have a very small number of families. You know, it looks like Central America. It looks like Salvador, where you have a very small number of families controlling a vast tract of land. And they really were the driving force."

Croatia: Morales murder plot suspect 'wanted to form separatist army'  4/22/2009 ADN Kronos: "Morales said they were members of a gang planning to kill him and several other officials. The Bolivian press linked the plotters to an opposition leader in Santa Cruz, Branko Marinkovic, who is also of Croatian descent."

Bolivia terror plot: The Rózsa-Marinkovic “Ustasha Connection”  9/5/2009 News of the Restless: "The investigation opened with testimonies by two of the Rózsa cell’s mercenaries who had been captured alive, the Hungarian Elöd Tóásó, and the Bolivian-Hungarian Mario Tadic, as well as a local contact, Ignacio Villa Vargas, “The Old Man”. Local analysts deduced that this group of veterans of the Yugoslav, Croatian and African wars, were contacted in Bolivia by “fascist Croats, connected with the fascist right-wing in Santa Cruz.”

These are the people behind Ruben Costas, who Goldberg met with:

Bolivia: implican a líderes de Santa Cruz  5/5/2009 BBC Mundo: "El fiscal que investiga el caso, Marcelo Sosa, ofreció una conferencia de prensa en La Paz, en la que dijo que, según las declaraciones de los testigos, los líderes de Santa Cruz financiaron las actividades de la supuesta banda separatista. El fiscal aseguró que, además de Costas, estarían involucrados el ex presidente del Comité Pro Santa Cruz, Branko Marinkovic; el presidente de la Federación de Ganaderos de Santa Cruz, Guido Nayar; el presidente de los empresarios, Pedro Llovió y el ex presidente de la Cámara Agropecuaria del Oriente, Mauricio Roca, además de otros líderes."

Santa Cruz was also the seat of "la mafia Cruceña", a cocaine trafficking organization that was behind the 1980 Cocaine Coup in Bolivia which featured CIA backed WWII Nazi Klaus Barbie.

Goldberg never addressed his support of the white separatists in several milk toast explanations of how he came to be expelled from Bolivia:

U.S. envoy: I didn't incite Bolivian violence  9/18/2008 CNN: "Goldberg maintained that he held similar meetings with European diplomats that generated no controversy and that Morales' attack on the United States is part of his political strategy." [Presumably, these European diplomats were not in open rebellion against their government.]

Prior to Bolivia, Goldberg already had a career as a specialist in ethnic conflicts and was posted to the Balkans where he did his best to exploit them on behalf of the US:

From Pristina to La Paz: Expelled US Ambassador to Bolivia had been in charge of Kosovo Secession  1/17/2007 Global Research: "On July 13, 2006, the journalist for El Deber of Santa Cruz, Leopoldo Vegas, published a report indicating that “in the view of three political scientists interviewed after learning about the White House’s decision, the experience acquired by Goldberg in eastern Europe which produced ethnic conflict after the separation of the former Yugoslavia can be used in Bolivia, using as an opportunity the changes that the government itself is trying to introduce.”

In the white supremacist Trump era, will he try and pursue similar aims if confirmed by the Senate?

The US government is shameless about trying to play the race card, even today under Trump and the sway of the white supremacist Bannon, whose publication Breitbart offers the only private sector US coverage of racialized US paid dissidents in Cuba, such as the CIR, Comité por la Integración Racial:

‘We Cannot Dissent’: Black Cubans Denounce Racism Under Communist Rule  3/23/2017 Breitbart

Report: White-Controlled Castro Regime Systematically Oppressing Black Cubans  10/31/2017 Breitbart: "The Spain-based Diario de Cuba details the accusations in “Denial, Exclusion, and Repression,” a report by the Citizens’ Committee for Racial Integration (CIR), a dissident group dedicated to exposing the oppression of racial minorities under communism in Cuba." [What this white supremacist site fails to mention is that the CIR and Diario de Cuba are funded by NED and the Miami Plantocracy. Communism has very little to do with racism in Cuba, which existed long before 1959 and is much more influenced by French Republican ideals.]

So yes, we can be on the watch for Goldberg to play the ethnic separatism card, a mainstay of his career.

We should not be too surprised, as Trump was basically elected with white supremacy as the major motivating factor and his minions are insuring that this theme is carried out throughout the federal government.

-- Mike Perez, Miami

Addendum: Spain’s ex-president José María Aznar as Goldberg ally, 12/9/17

We note that Evo Morales has implicated former president José María Aznar of Spain's right wing Popular Party in the eastern provinces' rebellion

The Ambassador of Ethnic Cleansing  5/3/2008 Machetera: "Last year, President Morales denounced the conspiracy by the United States and the oligarchy in his country against his government, during the Seventeenth Ibero-American Summit in Santiago de Chile. He also said that the “most plausible theory about the identity of the promoters of this initiative, leads to industrialists and landowners, acting with the support of various politicians from the departments of Santa Cruz, Beni and Pando.” The correlation through the meetings of Bolivian putschists and Spain’s Popular Party, in support of a “dirty war” was laid bare. He also denounced the support of fascist Spaniards and other Europeans for the conspiracy, under the obvious leadership of Spain’s ex-president José María Aznar."

Aznar is known throughout Latin America for his investments in oppressive projects that continue the Spanish conquistador traditions. In Honduras, he is financing the Canadian mafia's illegal seizure of Garifuna lands.

El nueve jefe de la embajada habanera Goldberg expulsado de Bolivia por apoyar a un movimiento separatista de supremacistas blancos, 9/2/2018top

Bolivia, Phillip Goldberg "Limpieza Etnica" Santa Cruz. INF
Trump nombró a Philip Goldberg como Encargado de Asuntos en la Embajada de La Habana en Estados Unidos, cargo que no requiere la confirmación del Senado. Acaba de recibir una visa del gobierno cubano, lo que significa que lo han aceptado. ¿Qué podemos esperar de este nuevo oficinista de carrera del Departamento de Estado? Goldberg fue expulsado como embajador de Estados Unidos en Bolivia por Evo Morales en 2008 por reunirse con políticos y funcionarios aliados con un grupo paramilitar, Unión Juvenil Cruceñista (UCJ), que se encontraba en rebelión abierta contra el gobierno y asesinando a indígenas:

Errores por desesperación  8/31/2008 Rebelión: "De manera simultánea, los matones de la UCJ agredían a policías y golpeaban a gente de tez morena, en tanto el prefecto Rubén Costa, autocalificado de “gobernador”, quiso tomar el control de la policía departamental, a fin de reclutar a esos violentos."

BOLIVIA: Deaths in the Amazon  9/13/2008 IPS: "The Bolivian government declared martial law in the northern province of Pando after as many as 15 indigenous supporters of President Evo Morales were killed by rightwing protesters near the town of Cobija."

La provincia de Pando es parte de la "media luna" de 4 provincias que conforman la región oriental rica en gas: las provincias de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Beni, Pando y Tarija.

El UCJ es un movimiento blanco de la parte oriental, en su mayoría blanca, donde reside la riqueza del gas. El resto del país es muy indígena:

Bolivia expels US ambassador Philip Goldberg  9/12/2008 Telegraph, UK: "Mr Goldberg last week infuriated President Morales when he met with Ruben Costas, the governor of Bolivia's richest province, that of Santa Cruz, which wants autonomy and has threatened secession. Santa Cruz is predominantly white, whilst the capital La Paz, set in the highlands, is more indigenous."

El apoyo principal de los supremacistas blancos proviene de un grupo de inmigrantes croatas, muchas de cuyas familias vinieron después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial -- es probable que hayan sido nazis croatas, o Ustashe:

Autonomy Vote Threatens to Pull Bolivia Apart  5/5/2008 Democracy Now: "JIM SHULTZ: Well, Santa Cruz is a region of the country that’s — you know, it’s much whiter, it’s much less indigenous, it’s more affluent, and there is this network of wealthy landowners that really drive the politics of the region. A number of them come from the families of Croatian immigrants that came here during the period and afterwards of World War II, and there is a real power base. And so, you have a very small number of families. You know, it looks like Central America. It looks like Salvador, where you have a very small number of families controlling a vast tract of land. And they really were the driving force."

Croatia: Morales murder plot suspect 'wanted to form separatist army'  4/22/2009 ADN Kronos: "Morales said they were members of a gang planning to kill him and several other officials. The Bolivian press linked the plotters to an opposition leader in Santa Cruz, Branko Marinkovic, who is also of Croatian descent."

Bolivia terror plot: The Rózsa-Marinkovic “Ustasha Connection”  9/5/2009 News of the Restless: "The investigation opened with testimonies by two of the Rózsa cell’s mercenaries who had been captured alive, the Hungarian Elöd Tóásó, and the Bolivian-Hungarian Mario Tadic, as well as a local contact, Ignacio Villa Vargas, “The Old Man”. Local analysts deduced that this group of veterans of the Yugoslav, Croatian and African wars, were contacted in Bolivia by “fascist Croats, connected with the fascist right-wing in Santa Cruz.”

Estas son las personas detrás de Ruben Costas, con quien Goldberg se reunió:

Bolivia: implican a líderes de Santa Cruz  5/5/2009 BBC Mundo: "El fiscal que investiga el caso, Marcelo Sosa, ofreció una conferencia de prensa en La Paz, en la que dijo que, según las declaraciones de los testigos, los líderes de Santa Cruz financiaron las actividades de la supuesta banda separatista. El fiscal aseguró que, además de Costas, estarían involucrados el ex presidente del Comité Pro Santa Cruz, Branko Marinkovic; el presidente de la Federación de Ganaderos de Santa Cruz, Guido Nayar; el presidente de los empresarios, Pedro Llovió y el ex presidente de la Cámara Agropecuaria del Oriente, Mauricio Roca, además de otros líderes."

Santa Cruz también era la sede de "la mafia cruceña", una organización de tráfico de cocaína que estaba detrás del golpe de cocaína de 1980 en Bolivia, con el nazi aleman Klaus Barbie de la CIA.

Goldberg nunca abordó su apoyo a los separatistas blancos en varias explicaciones sobre cómo fue expulsado de Bolivia:

U.S. envoy: I didn't incite Bolivian violence  9/18/2008 CNN: "Goldberg maintained that he held similar meetings with European diplomats that generated no controversy and that Morales' attack on the United States is part of his political strategy." [Presumably, these European diplomats were not in open rebellion against their government.]

Antes de Bolivia, Goldberg ya tenía una carrera como especialista en conflictos étnicos y se envió a los Balcanes, donde hizo todo lo posible para explotarlos en nombre de los EE. UU .:

Philip Goldberg apoya el separatismo de Reyes  1/19/2007 Rebelión: "El 13 de julio del 2006, el periodista de El Deber de Santa Cruz Leopoldo Vegas publicó un reportaje indicando que “en criterio de tres politólogos consultados después de conocer la decisión de la Casa Blanca, la experiencia que adquirió Goldberg en la región del este europeo donde se produjeron luchas étnicas después de la separación de la ex Yugoslavia puede ser utilizada en Bolivia, en ocasión de los cambios que pretende introducir el actual Gobierno”."

En la era de la supremacía blanca de Trump, ¿tratará de perseguir objetivos similares si es confirmado por el Senado?

El gobierno de los EE. UU. es desvergonzado como intenta jugar la carta de la raza incluso hoy bajo Trump y la influencia de Bannon, cuya publicación Breitbart ofrece la única cobertura mediatica de los EE.UU. del sector privado sobre los disidentes racializados en Cuba, como el CIR, Comité por la Integración Racial

‘We Cannot Dissent’: Black Cubans Denounce Racism Under Communist Rule  3/23/2017 Breitbart

Report: White-Controlled Castro Regime Systematically Oppressing Black Cubans  10/31/2017 Breitbart: "The Spain-based Diario de Cuba details the accusations in “Denial, Exclusion, and Repression,” a report by the Citizens’ Committee for Racial Integration (CIR), a dissident group dedicated to exposing the oppression of racial minorities under communism in Cuba." [What this white supremacist site fails to mention is that the CIR and Diario de Cuba are funded by NED and the Miami Plantocracy. Communism has very little to do with racism in Cuba, which existed long before 1959 and is much more influenced by French Republican ideals.]

Así que sí, podemos estar atentos a que Goldberg juegue la carta del separatismo étnico, uno de los pilares de su carrera.

No deberíamos sorprendernos demasiado, ya que Trump fue elegido básicamente con la supremacía blanca como el mayor factor de motivación y sus subordinados están asegurando que este tema se lleve a cabo en todo el gobierno federal.

- Miguel Perez, Miami

Addendum: el ex presidente español José María Aznar como aliado de Goldberg, 9/12/17

Observamos que Evo Morales ha implicado al ex presidente José María Aznar de España del Partido Popular derechista  en la rebelión de las provincias orientales. 

Bolivia: Mal momento para errores inocentes  5/3/2008 Rebelión: "El año pasado el presidente Morales denunció las conspiraciones de Estados Unidos y la oligarquía de su país contra su gobierno, durante la XVII Cumbre Iberoamericana de Santiago de Chile. Se dijo también que "las hipótesis más atendibles sobre la identidad de los promotores de esa iniciativa conduce a Industriales y terratenientes que actuarían con el apoyo de algunos políticos de los departamentos de Santa Cruz, Beni y Pando". Quedaron al desnudo los entretelones de encuentros de los líderes golpistas de Bolivia con el Partido Popular de España para apoyar la "guerra sucia". También se denunció el apoyo a esta conspiración de fascistas españoles y otros europeos, bajo el impulso muy evidente del ex presidente José María Aznar."

Aznar es conocido en toda Latinoamérica por sus inversiones en proyectos opresivos que continúan las tradiciones de los conquistadores españoles. En Honduras, está financiando la incautación ilegítima por parte de la mafia canadiense de tierras que pertenecen al pueblo garífuna.

February 13-14, 2018 -- Trump names George Soros acolyte as chargé in Havana, WMRtop

Donald Trump has named Phillip Goldberg, an arch-interventionist U.S. diplomat and acolyte of the "regime change" dogma of hedge fund mogul George Soros, as the interim chargé d'affaires of the U.S. embassy in Cuba. Goldberg's task will be to initiate Soros-inspired themed street demonstrations in Cuba when Cuban President Raul Castro steps down on April 19 of this year.

Goldberg will replace Lawrence Gumbier, who has served as chargé since last October.

Goldberg is not liked in Latin America. As ambassador to Bolivia, Goldberg's involvement in Bolivia's domestic politics earned him an expulsion in 2008 by the government of President Evo Morales. Goldberg also served as the chief of the U.S. mission in Kosovo, a Mafia-run state that would not have been created and thrived had it not been for the efforts and influence of Soros over European Union and U.S. State Department policies during the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Goldberg, a former and assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research, is an integral member of the U.S. intelligence bureaucracy and a "deep state" functionary of the highest order. Goldberg's placement in Cuba by Trump is yet another indication that Trump's rhetoric about his combating the "deep state" is pure political rhetoric having no basis in fact.

Cuban-American Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) have blocked the appointment of a full U.S. ambassador to Havana. President Obama nominated Cuba expert and diplomat Jeffrey DeLaurentis as ambassador but his nomination died in the Senate.

While in La Paz, Goldberg ran a major Central Intelligence Agency espionage operation out of the embassy. Before Goldberg, himself, was expelled from Bolivia in 2008, Assistant Regional Security officer at the U.S. embassy, Vince Cooper, was declared persona non grata by the Bolivian government and charged with espionage. Cooper had attempted to enlist U.S. Peace Corps volunteers and at least one Fulbright scholar in Bolivia to spy on Cuban and Venezuelan nationals in the country. One Fulbright scholar approached by Cooper, John Alexander van Shaick, blew the whistle on the espionage operation.

Goldberg supported secessionist movements in the energy resource-rich states of Santa Cruz, Beni, Pando, Cochabamba, and Tarija. Goldberg's activities, supported by the CIA station in La Paz and U.S. Special Forces in the country, sought to break away 35 percent of Bolivia's population to weaken Morales's government. Goldberg also supported the "Santa Cruz Autonomy Statute," which tried to withhold two-thirds of Santa Cruz's tax revenues from Morales's government and establish an autonomous state-wide police force.

Goldberg was also reportedly a part of a CIA terrorist operation in Bolivia that blew up a gas pipeline from Bolivia to Sao Paulo, Brazil. The severing of the pipeline cut Bolivia's natural gas output to Brazil by 10 percent. Other Goldberg activities included coordinating anti-Morales actions by the right-wing governors of Santa Cruz, Pando, Beni, and Tarija. Opposition groups funded by the United States took over government buildings in the four states. The opposition also cut the gas flow to Brazil and Argentina by taking over gas installations.

Goldberg's actions left Morales no choice but to expel him from Bolivia in 2008. In solidarity with Morales, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez also expelled the U.S. ambassador in Caracas and Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega sent the U.S. ambassador in Managua packing. In expelling ambassador Patrick Duddy, Chavez said, "Yankees, go to hell," adding that the United States was "full of shit."

As U.S. ambassador to the Philippines, Goldberg immediately involved himself in that nation's 2016 presidential election. Goldberg endorsed and assisted the campaign opponents of the eventual victor, Rodrigo Duterte. In August 2016, irritated by Goldberg's election meddling, Duterte called Goldberg a "'bakla' son-of-a-bitch." Bakla is Tagalog for gay.

In dispatching Goldberg as his "man in Havana," Trump has left no doubt that he expects the U.S. diplomat to stir up political violence and disruption in Cuba after Castro's resignation in April. Trump's Cuba policy, which foresees Trump and Scion hotel properties edging out Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton, Sofitel, and other chains in a country governed in a post-Castro era by returning right-wing Cubans from south Florida, is as obvious as Goldberg's jaded diplomatic resumé. Goldberg also represents Trump's growing neo-conservative contingent, which includes ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and ambassador to Israel David Friedman, within key ranks in the State Department.

Trump nombra a un acólito de George Soros como chargé en La Habana, 13/2/2018 WMRtop

Donald Trump nombró a Phillip Goldberg, un archiintervencionista estadounidense y acólito del dogma "cambio de régimen" del magnate de los hedge funds George Soros, como el encargado interino de negocios de la embajada de los Estados Unidos en Cuba. La tarea de Goldberg será iniciar las manifestaciones callejeras inspiradas en Soros en Cuba cuando el presidente cubano Raúl Castro renuncie el 19 de abril de este año.

Goldberg reemplazará a Lawrence Gumbier, que se desempeñó como cargador desde octubre pasado.

Goldberg no es querido en América Latina. Como embajador en Bolivia, la participación de Goldberg en la política interna de Bolivia le valió la expulsión en 2008 por el gobierno del presidente Evo Morales. Goldberg también se desempeñó como jefe de la misión estadounidense en Kosovo, un estado administrado por la mafia que no habría sido creado y prosperado si no hubiera sido por los esfuerzos y la influencia de Soros sobre la Unión Europea y las políticas del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos durante las administraciones de George W. Bush y Barack Obama.

Goldberg, ex secretario de Estado adjunto de Inteligencia e Investigación, es un miembro integral de la burocracia de inteligencia de EE. UU. Y un funcionario de "estado profundo" del más alto nivel. La colocación de Goldberg en Cuba por parte de Trump es otra indicación más de que la retórica de Trump sobre su lucha contra el "estado profundo" es pura retórica política que no tiene ningún fundamento de hecho.

Los senadores cubanoamericanos Marco Rubio (R-FL) y Robert Menendez (D-NJ) han bloqueado el nombramiento de un embajador completo de los Estados Unidos en La Habana. El presidente Obama nominó al embajador y experto en Cuba Jeffrey DeLaurentis como embajador, pero su nominación murió en el Senado.

Mientras estaba en La Paz, Goldberg dirigió una importante operación de espionaje de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia fuera de la embajada. Antes de que Goldberg, él mismo, fuera expulsado de Bolivia en 2008, el oficial de seguridad regional adjunto en la embajada de los Estados Unidos, Vince Cooper, fue declarado persona non grata por el gobierno boliviano y acusado de espionaje. Cooper había intentado alistar voluntarios del Cuerpo de Paz de los Estados Unidos y al menos un becario Fulbright en Bolivia para espiar a nacionales cubanos y venezolanos en el país. Un investigador Fulbright abordado por Cooper, John Alexander van Shaick, hizo sonar el silbato sobre la operación de espionaje.

Goldberg apoyó los movimientos secesionistas en los estados ricos en recursos energéticos de Santa Cruz, Beni, Pando, Cochabamba y Tarija. Las actividades de Goldberg, respaldadas por la estación de la CIA en La Paz y las Fuerzas Especiales de Estados Unidos en el país, buscaron separar al 35 por ciento de la población boliviana para debilitar al gobierno de Morales. Goldberg también apoyó el "Estatuto de Autonomía de Santa Cruz", que trató de retener dos tercios de los ingresos fiscales de Santa Cruz del gobierno de Morales y establecer una fuerza policial autónoma a nivel estatal.

Según los informes, Goldberg también formó parte de una operación terrorista de la CIA en Bolivia que hizo explotar un gasoducto desde Bolivia a Sao Paulo, Brasil. La ruptura del oleoducto redujo la producción de gas natural de Bolivia a Brasil en un 10 por ciento. Otras actividades de Goldberg incluyeron la coordinación de acciones contra Morales por parte de los gobernadores de derecha de Santa Cruz, Pando, Beni y Tarija. Los grupos de oposición financiados por los Estados Unidos tomaron los edificios del gobierno en los cuatro estados. La oposición también cortó el flujo de gas a Brasil y Argentina al tomar las instalaciones de gas.

Las acciones de Goldberg no le dejaron a Morales más opción que expulsarlo de Bolivia en 2008. En solidaridad con Morales, el presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez también expulsó al embajador de Estados Unidos en Caracas y el presidente de Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, envió al embajador de Estados Unidos en Managua. Al expulsar al embajador Patrick Duddy, Chávez dijo: "Los yanquis, pal infierno" y agregó que los Estados Unidos estaba "lleno de mierda".

Como embajador de EE. UU. en Filipinas, Goldberg se involucró de inmediato en las elecciones presidenciales de ese país en 2016. Goldberg respaldó y ayudó a los opositores de la campaña del eventual vencedor, Rodrigo Duterte. En agosto de 2016, irritado por la intromisión electoral de Goldberg, Duterte llamó a Goldberg un "hijo de puta" 'bakla'. Bakla es tagalo para homosexuales.

Al enviar a Goldberg como su "hombre en La Habana", Trump no ha dejado dudas de que espera que el diplomático estadounidense provoque violencia política y trastornos en Cuba después de la renuncia de Castro en abril. La política de Trump en Cuba, que prevé que las propiedades hoteleras Trump y Scion superen a Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton, Sofitel y otras cadenas en un país gobernado en una era post Castro por parte de cubanos de derecha del sur de Florida, es tan obvio como Goldberg. currículum diplomático. Goldberg también representa el creciente contingente neoconservador de Trump, que incluye al embajador ante las Naciones Unidas, Nikki Haley, y al embajador en Israel, David Friedman, dentro de las filas clave del Departamento de Estado.


A New Colombia? Petro Wins First-Round Victory in Presidential Vote  6/1/2022 Counterpunch: "An interventionist U.S. government is uneasy about a change-oriented government in Colombia. U.S. General Laura Richardson, head of the U.S. Southern Command, met with Colombian General Luis Navarro in March. She sought assurance that a Petro victory would not lead to the dismantling of seven U.S. Air Force bases in Colombia. Navarro indicated military leaders and most congresspersons would oppose such a step. The Southern Command issued a press release confirming that “Colombia is a staunch security partner.” U.S. Ambassador Phillip Goldberg’s comment on electoral fraud, delivered to an interviewer in mid-May, had destabilizing potential. He mentioned the “real risk posed by the eventual interference in the elections by the Russians, Venezuelans, or Cubans.” Goldberg’s excessive zeal for U.S. interests had been on display in Bolivia. As ambassador there in 2008, he immersed himself in an unsuccessful coup attempt against President Evo Morales – and was expelled."

Colombia’s opposition dismisses US claim of ‘Russian threat’  5/16/2022 Colombia Reports: "Independent electoral observers said after the congressional elections in March that they have seen “no evidence” of any foreign intervention in the electoral process."

Russian Disinformation Threatens Presidential Elections in Colombia  5/16/2022 Dialogo Americas: "According to RNC, Colonel Dmitry Vladimirovich Tarantsov, a cyberespionage expert in the service of the Kremlin who has been in Colombia as military attaché of the Russian Embassy since 2019, was among the Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections, while on a diplomatic mission. In addition, Colombian intelligence detected a Venezuelan spy posing as a soccer coach to photograph Colombian Army and Police facilities. Jeiker Valencia Sánchez, alias El Gato, was arrested and deported on April 7, the PanAm Post news site reported. This Venezuelan spy entered the country in 2018."

Francia Márquez acusa a Estados Unidos de intervenir en las elecciones en Colombia  5/13/2022 Infobae: "La candidata a la Vicepresidencia de Colombia por el movimiento de izquierda Pacto Histórico, Francia Márquez Mina, acusó al embajador de Estados Unidos en Colombia, Philip Goldberg, de interferir en las elecciones presidenciales del país con acusaciones presuntamente infundadas contra su campaña, liderada por Gustavo Petro. “Vimos una declaración del embajador del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos del presidente Biden, decir que tenían una información sobre una posible financiación e intervención del Gobierno de Rusia y Venezuela en las elecciones de Colombia. Aunque no mencionó al Pacto Histórico, aunque no mencionó a Gustavo Petro, es obvio que se estaban refiriendo a nuestra candidatura y a nuestra apuesta política”, aseguró la lideresa social."

Plan Colombia fue exitoso pero falta mucho: Goldberg  4/14/2021 El Tiempo: ""El Plan Colombia fue exitoso. Pero queda mucho por hacer. Hay que expandir la presencia del Estado y la aplicación de la ley en todo el territorio, hay que dar alternativas a los cocaleros. Todavía hay grupos criminales como el Eln, las disidencias de las Farc y otros que causan capos, y ahora está el covid, que ha dañado la economía, el ingresó de millones de refugiados venezolanos y los y nexos entre los grupos criminales con el régimen de Nicolás Maduro"." [Ni una palabra sobre los narco aliados de Uribe/Duque/Rubio.]

US embassy warns Colombian politicians not to get involved in US elections  10/27/2020 Guardian: "The American embassy in Bogotá has warned Colombian politicians to “avoid getting involved” in the US election, amid a growing row over allegations that far-right lawmakers from the South American country are campaigning in support of Donald Trump."

Philip Goldberg: La "navaja multiuso" de EEUU para la guerra llega a Colombia  9/21/2019 Cubadebate/Mision Verdad: "En 2018, ya con Donald Trump como presidente, Goldberg llegó a La Habana en febrero, luego de que el magnate presidente anunciara que revisaría y congelaría el acercamiento entre los dos países que había llevado a cabo Obama. Estuvo poco menos de seis meses en la isla y fue uno de los denunciantes de los llamados "ataques sónicos" que personal de la oficina de intereses de Estados Unidos habría sufrido en Cuba en 2016, y que sirvieron de excusa para que la administración Trump tomara medidas unilaterales que afectan los nexos entre los dos países, en especial el cierre casi total de su Embajada y de los servicios consulares."

Philip Goldberg, el controvertido embajador que Donald Trump quiere enviar a Colombia  5/6/2019 BBC: "De hecho, ya tiene experiencia en Bogotá porque a principios de siglo fue coordinador del polémico Plan Colombia que Estados Unidos promovió en este país."

Trump nombra a un acólito de George Soros como acusado en La Habana  2/13/2018 Wayne Madsen Report: "Donald Trump nombró a Phillip Goldberg, un archiintervencionista estadounidense y acólito del dogma "cambio de régimen" del magnate de los hedge funds George Soros, como el encargado interino de negocios de la embajada de los Estados Unidos en Cuba. La tarea de Goldberg será iniciar las manifestaciones callejeras inspiradas en Soros en Cuba cuando el presidente cubano Raúl Castro renuncie el 19 de abril de este año."

February 13-14, 2018 -- Trump names George Soros acolyte as charge in Havana, WMR  2/13/2018 Wayne Madsen Report: "Donald Trump has named Phillip Goldberg, an arch-interventionist U.S. diplomat and acolyte of the "regime change" dogma of hedge fund mogul George Soros, as the interim chargé d'affaires of the U.S. embassy in Cuba. Goldberg's task will be to initiate Soros-inspired themed street demonstrations in Cuba when Cuban President Raul Castro steps down on April 19 of this year."

Cuba grants visa to senior U.S. diplomat to lead Havana embassy  2/4/2018 Reuters: "He is likely to spend about six months in the position though the length of his stint is not certain, said the U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Goldberg would be the highest ranking U.S. foreign service officer to serve as charge d‘affaires in Havana, said the U.S. official. The fact that Washington selected a diplomat of his rank - one of the senior-most serving career U.S. diplomats - and that Havana accepted him when it could have stalled or rejected him suggests a desire on both sides to maintain links."

New U.S. representative in Havana  12/16/2017 On Cuba: "“Appointing Goldberg to head the U.S. Embassy in Cuba is rather provocative,” said William LeoGrande, a professor of government in the American University and an expert on Cuba. “But Goldberg is a foreign service professional and skillfully represents the policies of the Trump government. Time will tell if he has been ordered to continue his predecessor’s steps…or to carry out a more hostile policy,” he added."

New Head of U.S. Embassy in Cuba is No Diplomat  12/12/2017 Al Dia: "While Goldberg’s appointment in confirmed, the U.S. is not wasting time in trying to foment disturbances and create problems in Cuba. Last week, the current highest-ranking U.S. diplomat in Havana, Lawrence J. Gumbiner, met with Berta Soler, the controversial leader of the Damas de Blanco, a dissident group. Soler, a fervent backer of Trump’s revival of the irrational Cold War policies Obama had tried of leave behind, has had her integrity questioned by former members of the group, including several of its founders."

Nuevos pasos de Estados Unidos para posible rompimiento de relaciones con Cuba.  12/6/2017 El Heraldo Cubano: "Este diplomático [Goldberg] tiene una larga hoja de servicio especializado en los métodos defendidos por Gene Sharp, director del Instituto Albert Einstein y que pusiera en práctica en los países de Europa del Este el pasado siglo XX y más recientemente en el Medio Oriente y en Venezuela."

Philip Goldberg encabezará la embajada estadounidense en Cuba  12/5/2017 La Razon, Bolivia: "En 2008, Morales acusó entonces a Goldberg de reunirse con grupos de opositores que planteaban la autonomía departamental al margen de los parámetros constitucionales. Desde entonces se han producido acercamientos entre La Paz y Washington y se logró un acuerdo marco de entendimiento."

Exclusive: Trump names career diplomat to head Cuban embassy - sources  12/4/2017 Reuters: "He was expelled from Cuba’s socialist ally Bolivia in 2008 for what President Evo Morales claimed was fomenting social unrest… Goldberg’s other previous posts include the chief of mission in Kosovo. Most recently he has been the U.S. ambassador to the Philippines."

Philip Goldberg and the arrogance of power  12/29/2016 Manila Times: "Goldberg has a background in intelligence work. In the US state department, he served as assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research from February 16, 2010 to November 21, 2013. Rumor has it that he worked at one time for the CIA."

Links/Enlaces top

Philip S. Goldberg was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as Ambassador to Colombia on August 1, 2019. Most recently, he was a Senior Diplomatic Fellow at Georgetown University’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy. In 2018, he served as Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba.

From 2013-2016, Ambassador Goldberg served as U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines. Prior to that assignment, he served as Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (2010-2013); U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia (2006-2008); Chief of Mission in Pristina, Kosovo (2004-2006); and Charge d’Affaires and Deputy Chief of Mission in Santiago, Chile (2001-2004). From 2009-2010, Ambassador Goldberg was coordinator for the implementation of UN sanctions on North Korea. His other overseas tours included Bogota, Colombia, where he served as the Plan Colombia coordinator, and Pretoria, South Africa.

The US, the Exiled Plantocracy and Race

Albert Einstein Institute, Gene Sharp

Venezuelan right-wing actions follow Gene Sharp's soft coup theory  2/19/2024 Venezuela Analysis: "The actions that were perpetrated by some Venezuelan right-wing opposition sectors over the past days are following the parameters of philosopher and political scientist Gene Sharp's "soft-coup" theory, which consists of overthrowing governments through non-violent methods."


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