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Nick Casey, author of NYT article
Nick Casey, author of NYT article

Another New York Times Psyops?
‘It Is Unspeakable’: How Maduro Used Cuban Doctors to Coerce Venezuela Voters, 3/17/2019

Background materials for NYT article on Cuban doctors in Venezuela: is this a "lazy acceptance of orchestrated lies by anti Cuba partisan sycophants," in the words of Arturo Lopez Levy?

‘It Is Unspeakable’: How Maduro Used Cuban Doctors to Coerce Venezuela Voters  3/17/2019 NYT: "“The Cuban government wants to make sure the Venezuelan regime survives and is willing to do anything in their power to support Maduro,” said José Miguel Vivanco, director of the Americas program at Human Rights Watch. “It is unspeakable.”" 

Chantaje con medicinas: Cómo Maduro usó a médicos cubanos para presionar a los votantes 3/17/2019 Nuevo Herald: por NICHOLAS CASEY The New York Times

This would not be the first time the NYT participates in US psyops - Niger yellow cake, Iraq WMD, Kuwait incubators, all the way back to the Gulf of Tonkin. We have personal knowledge of two psyops, both against Cuba, one on Robert Williams (see last paragraph in first article) and the other on Roberto Zurbano, well described in Zurbano and “The New York Times”: Lost and Found in Translation by Alan West. All of these involved major lies.

We are assembling information below to help us evaluate the NYT article, We wonder how much the tactics described make sense in the 2018 election, when the government was winning overwhelmingly and their base of support was in the very barrios where the scandalous withholding of medical care for votes supposedly took place.

If true, a big if, maybe the author, Nick Casey, would care to quantify the impact on voting and then compare it to US voter supression, gerrymandering, at large elections, caging and the countless other tricks to maintain white supremacists in power?

Certainly a major flaw in the story is the reliance on José Miguel Vivanco from Human Rights Watch, an agency deeply embedded in the US foreign policy establishment's relentless assaults on independent countries with natural resources supposedly for the taking.

The Orinoco Tribune has produced the best article to date on this fraudulent story written by an NYT bureau chief who should be ashamed of what he attempted to do to his brothers and sisters in Venezuela: Pathological Deceit: The NYT Inverts Reality on Venezuela’s Cuban Doctors 3/27/2019 Orinoco Tribune. It tears the story apart on many different levels.

-- Andy Petit, 3/20/2019

¿Otra operacion psicológica del The New York Times?
Chantaje con medicinas: Cómo Maduro usó a médicos cubanos para presionar a los votantes

Material de referencia para el artículo del NYT sobre médicos cubanos en Venezuela: ¿es esto una "aceptación perezosa de mentiras orquestadas por los adeptos partisanos contra Cuba" en las palabras de Arturo López Levy?

Chantaje con medicinas: Cómo Maduro usó a médicos cubanos para presionar a los votantes 3/17/2019 Nuevo Herald: por NICHOLAS CASEY The New York Times

Esta no sería la primera vez que el NYT participa en psicópatas de Estados Unidos: pastel amarillo de Níger, armas de destrucción masiva en Irak, incubadoras de Kuwait, hasta al Golfo de Tonkin y mas. Tenemos conocimiento personal de dos operaciones psicológicas, ambos contra Cuba, uno sobre Robert Williams  (ver el último párrafo del primer artículo) y el otro sobre Roberto Zurbano, bien descrito en Zurbano y el “New York Times”: Lo Perdido y lo Ganado en Traducción por Alan West. Todos estos implicaron grandes mentiras.

Estamos reuniendo información a continuación para ayudarnos a evaluar el artículo del NYT. Nos preguntamos cuánto tienen sentido las tácticas descritas en las elecciones de 2018, cuando el gobierno estaba ganando de manera abrumadora y su base de apoyo estaba en los barrios donde la escalandosa retención de la atención médica para los votos supuestamente se llevó a cabo.

Si es verdad, un gran si, tal vez al autor, Nick Casey, le gustaría cuantificar el impacto en la votación y luego compararlo con la supresión de los votantes de los Estados Unidos, la gerrymandering, las grandes elecciones, las jaulas y los innumerables trucos para mantener a los supremacistas blancos en el poder?

Sin duda, un defecto importante en la historia es la confianza en José Miguel Vivanco de Human Rights Watch, una agencia profundamente arraigada en los incansables ataques del establecimiento de política exterior de los EE. UU. a países independientes con recursos naturales supuestamente para tomar.

El Orinoco Tribune ha producido el mejor artículo hasta la fecha sobre esta historia fraudulenta escrita por un Bureau Chief del NYT que debería sentirse avergonzado por lo que intentó hacer a sus hermanos y hermanas en Pathological Deceit: The NYT Inverts Reality on Venezuela’s Cuban Doctors 3/27/2019 Orinoco Tribune. Se desgarra la historia en muchos niveles diferentes.

-- Andy Petit, 3/20/2019


Principal witness: Yansnier Arias
Pathological Deceit: The NYT Inverts Reality on Venezuela’s Cuban Doctors  3/27/2019 Orinoco Tribune: "One unnamed source accused the Chavista government of “blackmail[ing]” voters that the opposition would eliminate the Barrio Adentro medical mission if Capriles won. Casey did not inform readers that the Venezuelan opposition has long vowed to suspend bilateral cooperation agreements with Havana should it come to power."

Truth or a visa: The New York Times spreads lies about Cuba and Venezuela  3/19/2019 Granma: "It would not be uncommon for the sources cited by the New York Times to be part of the "reactivation" of a program designed to encourage the abandonment of missions by Cuban doctors working in other countries. But the editors of the "prestigious" newspaper, apparently, ignore that their testimonies have no validity, if one takes into account that their probable admission to the United States is conditioned by their good services to the campaign of lies against Cuba."

I am skeptical about it  3/19/2019 Tweet from Arturo Lopez Levy: "I read the article of @nytimes accusing Cuban doctors of withholding services 4 partisan purposes in Venezuela to favor Maduro. I am skeptical about it. As a Cuban, I have never seen something like that. In #Cuba and other places I have seen or heard about exactly the opposite."

Un artículo atroz e indignante  3/18/2019 Radio Habana Cuba: "El libelo en cuestión lleva la firma de Nicholas Casey, auto presentado como corresponsal en Caracas de NYT, aunque tiene prohibido el ejercicio del periodismo en Venezuela, debido a una serie de artículos donde tergiversaba groseramente la realidad económica y social del país."

NYT sources: two ex-Cuban doctors (in Chile and Ecuador) an opposition politician and anti-Cuban HRW campaigner Jose Miguel Vivanco.  3/18/2019 Tweet from Tim Anderson: "NYT sources: two ex-Cuban doctors (in Chile and Ecuador) an opposition politician and anti-Cuban HRW campaigner Jose Miguel Vivanco. They did not interview even one person on 'the other side': actual Cuban doctors, the Cuban or Venezuelan government, patients in Venezuela."

I never saw or heard of Cuban drs withholding meds for Vzln votes.  3/18/2019 Tweet from Dr. Amy Cooper: "As a researcher who spent 15 months observing Barrio Adento clinics, dr-pt interactions, and house calls between 2006-2009, I never saw or heard of Cuban drs withholding meds for Vzln votes." [followed by numerous comments, including from the author of the NYT article.]

Cazando mentiras: The New York Times frente a la ética de la salud cubana  3/18/2019 Cubadebate: "Ningún verdadero médico cubano niega el servicio y mucho menos arriesga la vida de un paciente para lograr fines políticos. No lo hacen en Cuba con los mercenarios financiados por Estados Unidos para intentar destruir a la Revolución, ni lo hicieron con los mercenarios que nos invadieron por la Ciénaga de Zapata en 1961; menos lo harán en el extranjero, a donde han acudido decenas de miles a brindar su solidaridad y su conocimiento."

Chantaje con medicinas: Cómo Maduro usó a médicos cubanos para presionar a los votantes  3/17/2019 Nuevo Herald: por NICHOLAS CASEY The New York Times

‘It Is Unspeakable’: How Maduro Used Cuban Doctors to Coerce Venezuela Voters  3/17/2019 NYT: "“The Cuban government wants to make sure the Venezuelan regime survives and is willing to do anything in their power to support Maduro,” said José Miguel Vivanco, director of the Americas program at Human Rights Watch. “It is unspeakable.”"

Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) against Venezuela  3/15/2009 Venezuela Analysis: "A secret document of the US Army National Ground Intelligence Center, recently declassified in part, confirms that the Pentagon's most powerful team for psychological operations is employing its forces against Venezuela."

Articles/Enlaces: José Miguel Vivanco, Human Rights Watchtop

Dicen Vivanco fue agente Pinochet  7/2/2015 EL Nacional, Republica Dominicana: "La Fundación Konrad Adenauer, una declarada organización anticomunista, asociada en el pasado a numerosas actividades anticubanas, fue la que ofició como anfitriona. En la oportunidad, José Miguel Vivanco compartió escaño al lado del veterano agente de la CIA, Frank Calzón, director vitalicio del Cuban Freedom Center, de Washington. “Está vinculado a la dictadura chilena, ese es el que estaba aquí, el mismo que tuvo vínculos con veteranos de la CIA que fueron acusados de estafa”."

Is Human Rights Watch Too Close to the U.S. Government?  7/31/2014 Foreign Policy in Focus: "And if you look at the advisory committee for the Americas, you’ll find former U.S. Ambassador to Colombia Myles Frechette. He directed U.S. diplomacy towards Colombia under Clinton during Plan Colombia, which led to human rights catastrophes and helped militarize the entire country. It facilitated the displacement of millions of people and gave the Colombian government free reign to commit the worst human rights atrocities in the hemisphere over a decade and more. The pretense of the program was ostensibly to eradicate drugs, but what it really did was continuously provide arms, training, and cover to Colombia’s security forces. Frechette went on to serve as a lobbyist for corporations engaged in major human rights violations in the hemisphere, like Newmont Mining, Barrick Gold, Exxon-Mobil, and Texaco. Along with Frechette is Michael Shifter, who is now at the corporate-backed think tank, the Inter-American Dialogue, in Washington, D.C. He once directed the National Endowment for Democracy’s Latin America and Caribbean program. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is financed by the U.S. government and is widely recognized to have funded destabilization efforts against various governments. There is very clear documented evidence, in the cases of Venezuela and Haiti, that the NED was financing opposition groups and helping to overthrow the democratically elected governments of both countries. It continues to fund political groups in Venezuela against Venezuelan law."

The Hypocrisy of Human Rights Watch  2/4/2014 NACLA: "Over more than a decade, the rise of the left in Latin American governance has led to remarkable advances in poverty alleviation, regional integration, and a reassertion of sovereignty and independence. The United States has been antagonistic toward the new left governments, and has concurrently pursued a bellicose foreign policy, in many cases blithely dismissive of international law. So why has Human Rights Watch (HRW)—despite proclaiming itself “one of the world’s leading independent organizations” on human rights—so consistently paralleled U.S. positions and policies?"

George Soros gives $100 million to Human Rights Watch  9/7/2010 Guardian: "Human Rights Watch (HRW) will increase its staff of 300 by about a third on the back of the five-year Soros grant, using the new firepower to increase its advocacy in key emerging regions in the developing world. The donation, the largest in HRW's history and bigger than any previous single grant from Soros to a US organisation, aims to help the group fulfil its ambition to boast a truly global reach."

Hugo Chávez Versus Human Rights  11/6/2008 NY Review of Books: by Vivanco - "The announcers told their captive audience—which also included every other Venezuelan listening to the radio, since all stations are required to broadcast such messages—that our organization was funded by the US government and that we were part of a campaign of aggression against Venezuela."

Human Rights Watch in Venezuela: Lies, Crimes and Cover-ups  9/29/2008 Venezuela Analysis: "A close reading of the recent Human Rights Watch "Report" on Venezuela reveals an astonishing number of blatant falsifications and outright fabrications, glaring deletions of essential facts, deliberate omissions of key contextual and comparative considerations and especially a cover-up of systematic long-term, large-scale security threats to Venezuelan democracy posed by Washington."

El agente Vivanco  9/22/2008 Granma: Por: Jean Guy Allard - "Vivanco no tuvo el menor escrúpulo de sentarse al lado del veterano agente de la CIA Frank Calzón, director vitalicio del Cuban Freedom Center, de Washington, ahora implicado en un millonario desfalco que amenaza la existencia de la USAID. A Vivanco, tampoco le dio pena asociar su nombre al del desprestigiado comentarista de origen cubano Carlos Alberto Montaner, arrestado en La Habana en diciembre de 1960 con material explosivo, y reciclado por la CIA como intelectual madrileño. El propio Vivanco presentó sus elucubraciones ante mafiosos connotados de Miami tales como Pedro V. Roig (director general de Radio y TV Martí, actualmente bajo investigación), Ramón Colás (estafador y playboy subsidiado), el traidor Huber Matos, vinculado al narcotráfico, Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronat, ex terrorista cuyo Directorio Democrático Cubano recibió tres millones de dólares de la USAID, Ángel Francisco De Fana Serrano, arrestado en California en 1995, con un arsenal de armas con las que preparaba un ataque terrorista contra Cuba, y Sixto Reynaldo "El Chino" Aquit, uno de los fundadores del Comité de apoyo al terrorista internacional Luis Posada Carriles y famoso en Miami por una larga serie de acciones criminales de las cuales se jacta."

La historia oculta de José Miguel Vivanco  5/12/2008 La Haine: "No son nuevas las calumnias en contra Venezuela y Cuba. Desde hace años existe una campaña de ataques; cabe recordar cómo en el 2002, Vivanco y HRW, después de apoyar los propósitos de los grupos opositores más identificados a la embajada norteamericana, mantuvieron un cómplice silencio frente al fugaz gobierno golpista del empresario Pedro Carmona."

Vivanco Attacks Telesur: "The Airwaves Are Falling!"  7/17/2005 Narcosphere: "In his panicked announcement that the airwaves are falling, Vivanco was joined by an old ally: Venezuelan coup plotter and media baron Alberto Federico Ravell... More after the jump... The Chicago Tribune reports that opponents of Venezuela's democratically elected President Hugo Chávez, including Vivanco and Ravell, are absolutely livid about the possibility that with a new TV broadcaster in the region, Telesur could bring about the Commercial Media's loss of its monopoly over Latin American airwaves:"

Vivanco Wants Foreign Money in Venezuela Campaign  7/15/2004 Narcosphere: "He told Oligarch's Daily, er, Miami Herald columnist and anti-Chavez cheerleader Andres Oppenheimer yesterday (subscription required) that it's just fine with him that the U.S.-taxpayer funded National Endowment for Democracy pumps money into the Venezuelan opposition group SUMATE (the sponsor of the drive to recall Venezuela President Hugo Chávez, on the ballot on August 15th)."

Crackdown in Cuba  4/24/2003 PBS: "For more on the latest crackdown and the response by the U.S. and international community we get two views. Jose Miguel Vivanco is the executive director of the Americas division of Human Rights Watch. And Frank Calzon is the executive director of the Center for a Free Cuba, a nonprofit group promoting a transition to democracy in Cuba."


José Miguel Vivanco
José Miguel Vivanco,
Human Rights Watch
José Miguel Vivanco

Jose Miguel Vivanco in Source Watché-miguel-vivanco a sick little white supremacist




   Nick Casey portraitNick Casey

Q&A: NYT’s Nick Casey on getting barred from Venezuela amid chaos  8/10/2017 Columbia Journalism Review: "One way you can’t run your country is making it entirely dependent on oil. That has nothing to do with politics, but everything to do with why Venezuela is in the situation that it is now. When the price of oil is high, it’s boom times. When oil prices start to slump, as it has now and will probably remain for some period of time, it becomes a starving time. That’s an economic answer, not necessarily a political one. The mistake, which I think is often missed, is the fact that Venezuela has done nothing to try to produce something that’s not oil. This is largely the reason there’s no money in Venezuela right now."




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