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    World News
7/1/09 - 12/31/2009

Wednesday  12/30/2009

Are Presidents Afraid of the CIA?  12/30/2009 Counterpunch: "Did Allen Dulles and other “cloak-and-dagger” CIA operatives have a hand in killing President Kennedy and then covering it up? The most up-to-date—and, in my view, the best—dissection of the assassination appeared last year in James Douglass’ book, JFK and the Unspeakable. After updating and arraying the abundant evidence, and conducting still more interviews, Douglass concludes the answer is Yes."

Thursday  12/24/2009

Ethiopian Soldiers Enlighten their Parents about Military Life  12/24/2009 IDF, Israel: "90% of Ethiopians enlist in the IDF, a very high percentage compared to the general society, and a lot of them chose a significant combat service."

Tuesday  12/22/2009

topBreak the CIA in Two  12/22/2009 Consortium News: "Investigator Raymond Marcus is among those struck by the curious lack of response — one might say embargo — regarding Truman’s Washington Post article. Marcus has written: “According to my information, it was not carried in later editions that day, nor commented on editorially, nor picked up by any other major newspaper, or mentioned in any national radio or TV broadcast.” What are we to make of this? Was/is it the case, as former CIA Director William Colby is quoted as saying in a different connection, that the CIA “owns everyone of any significance in the major media?” Or at least that it did in the Sixties?"

Sunday  12/20/2009

US Military Agression Against Venezuela Escalating  12/20/2009 Trinicenter 

Thursday  12/17/2009

topAmbassador's November 25 Meetings with President, Vice  12/17/2009 "The Ambassador expressed concerns about the proposals made by Israeli security company GLOBAL CST, citing negative experiences in Colombia and the difficulty of working with Israeli presence in GOP ministries (ref C and D). Varela said the GOP could solve its own problems without relying on contractors. Papadimitriu expressed surprise at the reports from Colombia, as he believed CST had been hired with Plan Colombia funds with the USG's blessing. He said he did not want to do anything to harm Panama's relationship with the U.S. and would ask CST president Ziv to stand down, though he later admitted it would be difficult since CST had spent its own money sending a large team to Panama to complete a survey. In particular, Papadimitriu was receptive to the argument that Panama did not need to buy expensive coastal radars or other hardware recommended by CST. However, he liked CST's ideas about creating a ministry of security and reorganizing the GOP security structure, as well as their suggestion to recruit management talent from the private sector. To sum up, Papadimitriu said he was shocked by the conversation, and would not let Israeli influence damage the U.S.-Panama relationship. Martinelli was similarly taken aback, and emphasized that he did not want to endanger relations with the USG, saying "We don't want to change friends." He said he would call Colombian President Uribe to get the straight scoop on CST."

Mumbai terror suspect David Headley was ‘rogue US secret agent’  12/17/2009 London Times: "He came to the attention of the US security services in 1997 when he was arrested in New York for heroin smuggling. He earned a reduced sentence by working for the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) infiltrating Pakistan-linked narcotics gangs. Indian investigators, who have been denied access to Mr Headley, suspect that he remained on the payroll of the US security services — possibly working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) — but switched his allegiance to LeT."

Tuesday  12/15/2009

topGOP [Gov of Panama] Suspends Discussions with Security Firm GLOBAL CST  12/15/2009 "Post appreciates Embassy Bogota's frank assessment of GLOBAL CST's performance and its relationships with key GOC officials (refs C, D). The information that Bogota provided helped us formulate a demarche that delivered our desired result."

Friday  12/11/2009

topUna triste historia  12/11/2009 Las Leyes de Laritza: "La mujer, insensible, buscó en una lista de fallecidos, para ver cuáles familiares no habían encargado coronas. Porque “tocaban” dos coronas nada más por cada muerto, y la nena, había recibido ya las dos a la que tenía derecho."

Tuesday  12/8/2009

topRESPONSE TO BLUE LANTERN PRE-LICENSE END-USE  12/8/2009 "On December 3, poloff spoke by phone to Global Law Enforcement and Security CEO David Tsur, who was overseas on a business trip. Poloff attempted to arrange a site visit to Global Law Enforcement and Security on multiple occasions, but was told by company representatives that a visit was not possible due to the fact that Tsur was abroad. Tsur said that Global Law Enforcement and Security was established in 2008, and is a subsidiary of GLOBAL CST and the Mikal Group, with offices located in Petah Tikvah."

Monday  12/7/2009

topRobar para vivir  12/7/2009 Las Leyes de Laritza: "El salario que recibía no le alcanzaba para solventar sus necesidades económicas. No obstante, entre sus planes no estaba la opción de abandonar el empleo. Tiene una esposa y tres hijas menores que mantener. Unas veces más, otras menos, compensaba las carencias con lo que allí resolvía, la comida de casa."

Wednesday  12/2/2009

topPeru officer suspended over human fat killers 'lie'  12/2/2009 BBC 

Tuesday  12/1/2009

topCOLOMBIAN DEFENSE MINISTRY SOURS ON ISRAELI DEFENSE FIRM  12/1/2009 "GOC officials have expressed security concerns about Global CST in the past, and found it difficult to work with a private firm on national security matters as they were prevented from sharing USG intelligence with them. In February 2008, CNP sources reported that a GLOBAL CST interpreter, Argentine-born Israeli national Shai Killman, had made copies of classified Colombian Defense Ministry documents in an unsuccessful attempt to sell them to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) through contacts in Ecuador and Argentina. The documents allegedly contained high value target (HVT) database information. Ziv denied this attempt and sent Killman back to Israel."

Israeli Defense Forces Embrace Web 2.0  12/1/2009 Internet & Democracy Blog, Harvard Law 

Monday  11/30/2009

topHouthi Resistance Humilliates Saudi Armed Forces  11/30/2009 

Saturday  11/28/2009

topLima apologizes to Afro-Peruvians for abuses  11/28/2009 AP: "The government of Peru is apologizing to its Afro-Peruvian population for the first time for centuries of abuse, exclusion and discrimination. An executive resolution says discrimination against black Peruvians still exists and is "a barrier for social, economic, labor and educational development." Women's and Social Development Minister Nidia Vilchez says the government hopes its apology will help promote the "true integration of all Peru's multicultural population." "

Lima apologizes to Afro-Peruvians for abuses  11/28/2009 AP 

Lost JFK Tapes: The Assassination Sun. Nov 29  11/28/2009 Monsters & Critics: "National Geographic Channel will air The Lost JFK Tapes: The Assassination on Sunday, Nov. 29. For over 45 years, news footage and radio reports of Kennedy's assassination and the days following have quietly languished in Dallas - first kept under wraps by the news stations who owned them, then in the vault of a museum dedicated to preserving the memory of the day Kennedy was cut down."

Friday  11/27/2009

topEL SALVADOR: Declassified Docs Shed Light on Jesuits' Murders  11/27/2009 IPS: "The declassified documents from the late 1980s and early 1990s indicate the CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency) and U.S. State Department had foreknowledge of the Salvadoran military leadership's plan to kill the then-rector of the José Simeón Cañas Central American University (UCA) in San Salvador, along with four other Spanish priests and a Salvadoran priest on Nov. 16, 1989."

Thursday  11/26/2009

topWorld Health Organization ‘Manufactured’ The Global Swine Flu Scare – Suspected Of Corruption  11/26/2009 Infowars Ireland: "The Swine Flu Pandemic which Novye Izvestija has written about many times, may be the most ambitious scam and corruption of our time. In any case, the enormous commercial aspect of the “swine flu scare” is already evident. The same conclusion was reached by Danish journalists who expertly examined the links between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, who gained wealth by selling drugs to counter the disease. It turns out, for example, that many scientists who sit on various committees of WHO, carefully concealed the fact that they receive money from the giant pharmaceutical companies of the world. According to the international investment bank JP Morgan, the pharmaceutical industry will make more than 7 Billion Euros this year on the sale of A/H1N1 vaccines. Leading western countries have ordered enough doses to vaccinate either their entire population (such as Australia) or one third (Germany and several other EU member States). Factories making the vaccines and pills are working around the clock, in four shift rotations, with a backlog of orders …they are not experiencing the global economic crisis as others might. For the first time in many years flu pandemic ‘panic’ has affected the EU. The vaccine has been produced without a sufficient number of clinical and laboratory tests."

Why Afghans Dig Empire Graveyards  11/26/2009 Middle East Online: "A Dutch friend of mine tried to have a rational conversation with an American co-worker about 9/11 and the so-called “war on terror,” and was told, "You can't possibly understand. Your country has never been attacked like this." The puzzled Dutch woman had to ask, "Did you never hear anything about the Second World War?" Of course, it is precisely the far greater dangers that people in other countries have faced in the past that enable them to put the threat of terrorism in perspective. Paradoxically, it is the relative safety of the United States that makes Americans so vulnerable to panic and propaganda when faced with such a limited threat. In fact, the response of the US government to the terrorist attacks has been exactly as Osama bin Laden and his colleagues intended. They did not expect to defeat the United States by knocking down a few buildings. Nor were they motivated by some irrational hatred of freedom. Rather the attacks were designed to provoke a reaction that would expose the hypocrisy of the United States, laying bare the hard iron fist of militarism and violence within the soft velvet glove of Hollywood and soda-pop. The explicit goal was to goad the American empire into using its vast arsenal of destructive weapons in ways that would gradually undermine its own economic and military power. Bin Laden and his second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri understood so much better than America’s deluded leaders that this would be a war the United States could not win."

Wednesday  11/25/2009

topJFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters  11/25/2009 Global Research: "We are then faced with the contemporary relevance, and since we know that every president since JFK has refused to confront the growth of the national security state and its call for violence, one can logically assume a message was sent and heeded. In this regard, it is not incidental that former twenty-seven year CIA analyst Raymond McGovern, in a recent interview, warned of the “two CIAs,” one the analytic arm providing straight scoop to presidents, the other the covert action arm which operates according to its own rules. “Let me leave you with this thought,” he told his interviewer, “and that is that I think Panetta (current CIA Director), and to a degree Obama, are afraid – I never thought I’d hear myself saying this – I think they are afraid of the CIA.” He then recommended Douglass’ book, “It’s very well-researched and his conclusion is very alarming.” "

Más venganzas  11/25/2009 Las Leyes de Laritza 

Tuesday  11/24/2009

topPhilippines massacre: The story behind the accused Ampatuan clan  11/24/2009 CSM: "The US got its first extended taste of counterinsurgency on Mindanao, where Moro fighters centered in the powerful local clans tied up US forces for 14 years as America sought to colonize the country (the Moro rebellion ended in 1913). The island’s Muslim population has had an uneasy relationship with the central government ever since, and two major separatist groups – the Moro National Liberation Front and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) – were born there. In 1990, the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) was created for the Muslim provinces of the island, ostensibly to give the local population more power over their own affairs and suck the life out of Mindanao’s various insurgencies. But in the 1990s, the Armed Forces of the Philippines continued to aggressively hunt down local militants using the paramilitary loyalists, much as similar civilian forces were created by Colombia’s military in the 1960s. One paramilitary leader who worked with the Army’s 6th Infantry Division was Andal Ampatuan."

Saturday  11/21/2009

topSuspected Colombian paramilitary leader Magaly Moreno captured in Venezuela  11/21/2009 LA Times: "A woman described by Venezuelan authorities as an important leader of a Colombian paramilitary group has been captured, the justice minister said today. Interpol had called for the arrest of Magaly Janeth Moreno Vega, who was wanted by Colombian officials on homicide charges, said Venezuelan Justice Minister Tareck El Aissami. He referred to the 39-year-old suspect as a paramilitary chief for the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, or AUC... Moreno previously worked as an investigator for Colombian prosecutors and was detained with her boss several years ago on accusations of aiding militias, according to news reports. Moreno was convicted on conspiracy charges tied to various crimes after she acknowledged working for paramilitary boss Jorge Ivan Laverde, who has said he participated in the killings of more than 2,000 people, the Associated Press reported."

Bautizado el libro "USAID, NED y CIA. La agresión permanente"  11/21/2009 Venezuelan Government 

Friday  11/20/2009

topFat of up to 60 bodies used in Italian cosmetics  11/20/2009 AFP 

Competency hearing for accused Maui spy to begin  11/20/2009 AP: "The charges against Gowadia also assert that he offered to sell classified stealth technology to foreign business people in Israel, Germany and Switzerland."

Rumors Of Coups And War: U.S., NATO Target Latin America  11/20/2009 VoltaireNet 

Thursday  11/19/2009

topThe agony of the Ecstasy  11/19/2009 Haaretz, Israel: "The most commonly heard estimate is that Israeli criminals control no less than 75 percent of the Ecstasy market in the U.S. How did Israel become a central player in this dubious game?"

Russia slams U.S. on Afghan drugs  11/19/2009 The Hindu: "The U.S. does not want to address the problem of drug production in Afghanistan, said Russia’s anti-narcotics chief after talks with U.S. Special Envoy for Af-Pak Richard Holbrooke. “My meeting with Holbrooke unfortunately confirmed our fears that they are not prepared to destroy the production of drugs in Afghanistan,” Viktor Ivanov, head of the Federal Narcotics Control Service, told Russian journalists on Tuesday, hours after Mr. Holbrooke left Moscow for Kabul after one-day consultations."

Film uses N. Texas media coverage to tell story of Kennedy assassination  11/19/2009 WFAA: "The National Geographic Channel film pulled footage from hundreds of hours of material from the archives of the Sixth Floor Museum. "And a lot of that material really has not been seen," said Gary Mack, the Sixth Floor Museum's curator. "Some of it hasn't been seen since it actually happened." [Mack is seen by other researchers as having gotten himself coopted by the coverup.]

Monday  11/16/2009

topEmbajador Gustavo Márquez no descarta una invasión gringa  11/16/2009 Aporrea: "El embajador de Venezuela en Colombia, Gustavo Márquez, aseguró que Venezuela debe prepararse para la guerra porque hay "una situación de preguerra" que amenaza a la nación, y no descartó una invasión de Estados Unidos."

Sunday  11/15/2009

topCIA says it gets its money's worth from Pakistani spy agency  11/15/2009 LA Times 

Saturday  11/14/2009

topPeru Cancels Talk With Chile Over Espionage Dispute  11/14/2009 VOA 

Friday  11/13/2009

topStealing Money, Selling Heroin and Raping Boys -- The Very Dark Side of the Afghan Occupation  11/13/2009 Alternet: "Corruption and mismanagement do not just mean that the police are on the take or that no contract is awarded without a bribe. It is much worse than that. For instance, one reason Afghan villagers prefer to deal with the Taliban rather than the government security forces is that the latter have a habit of seizing their sons at checkpoints and sodomizing them. None of our business, Mr Fox, who may be British Defense Secretary by this time next year, would presumably say. We are not in Afghanistan for the good government of Afghans: 'Our troops are not fighting and dying in Afghanistan for Karzai's government nor should they ever be.' But the fact that male rape is common practice in the Afghan armed forces has, unfortunately, a great deal to do with the fate of British soldiers. There was a horrified reaction across Britain last week when a 25-year old policeman called Gulbuddin working in a police station in the Nad Ali district of Helmand killed five British soldiers when he opened fire with a machine gun on them. But the reason he did so, according to Christina Lamb in The Sunday Times, citing two Afghans who knew Gulbuddin, was that he had been brutally beaten, sodomised and sexually molested by a senior Afghan officer whom he regarded as being protected by the British."

Details about NSA cyberattack during Bush administration revealed  11/13/2009 Federal News Radio: "The National Journal's Shane Harris reports today that at the request of his national intelligence director, President Bush ordered an NSA cyberattack on the cellular phones and computers that insurgents in Iraq were using to plan roadside bombings. And former officials with knowledge of the computer network attack tell National Journal that the cyber-attack helped turn the tide of the war. Even more than the thousands of additional ground troops that Bush ordered to Iraq as part of the 2007 "surge," they credit the cyberattacks with allowing military planners to track and kill some of the most influential insurgents."

How the US army protects its trucks – by paying the Taliban  11/13/2009 Guardian: "It's a big part of their income," one of the top Afghan government security officials admits. In fact, US military officials in Kabul estimate that a minimum of 10% of the Pentagon's logistics contracts – hundreds of millions of dollars – consists of payments to insurgents."

Huge rise in birth defects in Falluja  11/13/2009 Guardian: "Doctors in Iraq's war-ravaged enclave of Falluja are dealing with up to 15 times as many chronic deformities in infants and a spike in early life cancers that may be linked to toxic materials left over from the fighting. The extraordinary rise in birth defects has crystallised over recent months as specialists working in Falluja's over-stretched health system have started compiling detailed clinical records of all babies born. Neurologists and obstetricians in the city interviewed by the Guardian say the rise in birth defects – which include a baby born with two heads, babies with multiple tumours, and others with nervous system problems - are unprecedented and at present unexplainable."

Thursday  11/12/2009

topThe Real Thanksgiving Day  11/12/2009 Consortium News: "Matters came to a head one night in 1637 when Governor Bradford, without provocation, dispatched his militia against his Pequot neighbors. With the Pilgrims seeing themselves as devout Christians locked in mortal combat with infidels, the officers and soldiers made a systematic assault on a sleeping Pequot Indian village. Bradford described the night of fire, pain and death: “It was a fearful sight to see them frying in the fire and the streams of blood quenching the same and horrible was the stink and stench thereof. But the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice and they [the militiamen] gave praise thereof to God.” The colony's famous minister, Reverend Increase Mather, rejoiced and called on his congregation to give thanks to God "that on this day we have sent six hundred heathen souls to hell." Mather and Bradford are still celebrated in school texts as colonial heroes."

Wednesday  11/11/2009

topIsraeli rabbi says Judaism allows murdering gentile babies  11/11/2009 ME Online: "According to his book "The King's Torah", even babies and children can be killed if they pose a threat to Israel. Shapiro based the majority of his teachings on passages quoted from the Bible, to which he adds his opinions and beliefs, Haaretz reported. "It is permissible to kill the Righteous among Nations even if they are not responsible for the threatening situation," he wrote, adding: "If we kill a Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments - because we care about the commandments - there is nothing wrong with the murder." According to Haaretz, several prominent rabbis, including Rabbi Yithak Ginzburg and Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, have recommended the book to their students and followers."

Monday  11/9/2009

topPLANS TO ESTABLISH FOUR MARITIME OPERATIONS CENTERS  11/9/2009 "Minister of Government and Justice Jose Raul Mulino announced in late October that the GOP intended to establish four maritime operating centers to interdict narcotics and other illegal items transiting Panamanian waters. The operation centers would be jointly manned by security forces from the Panamanian National Police (PNP), National Aero-Naval Service (SENAN), and National Frontier Service (SENAFRONT). The idea for a joint maritime task force incorporating various Panamanian security services originated in the U.S. Embassy's Law Enforcement and Security Working Group as a possible solution to a FARC drug trafficking organization operating on the Pacific Coast. When the Ambassador suggested the idea to Mulino and Vice President/Foreign Minister Juan Carlos Varela, both were enthusiastic. However, Mulino later muddled the issue in a premature and incorrect announcement of joint "bases" which implied they would be U.S.-Panamanian bases, sparking an outcry."

America Owned by Its Army  11/9/2009 Common Dream: "Professional armies have often been considered a threat to their own societies. It was one of Frederick the Great's own officers who described Prussia "as an army with a state, in which it was temporarily quartered, so to speak". The French revolutionary statesman Mirabeau said that "war is Prussia's national industry". Considering the portion of the US national budget that is now consumed by the Pentagon, much the same could be said of the United States."

Sunday  11/8/2009

topChavez to troops: Prepare for war with Colombia  11/8/2009 AP 

Valor y pantalones (II y final)  11/8/2009 Las Leyes de Laritza: "Soy abogada, periodista independiente, bloguera y ama de casa. Tareas que responsable y pacíficamente asumo. No hago ni haré nada para satisfacer frustraciones y ansías ajenas. Si la supuesta ayuda que brindan a la disidencia dentro de Cuba, que es la que en realidad corre los riesgos, es a condición de que nos “tiremos pa’ la calle”, ahora mismo dejen de enviarla."

Friday  11/6/2009

topThe Crazy October Surprise Debunking  11/6/2009 Consortium News: "Larry Casey insisted to me that he vividly remembered his parents having dinner with Bill Casey at the Jockey Club in Washington on Oct. 19, 1980. ”It was very clear in my mind even though it was 11 years ago,” Larry Casey said. But then I showed Larry Casey the sign-in sheets for the Reagan-Bush campaign headquarters. The entries recorded Larry Casey’s parents picking up Bill Casey for the dinner on Oct. 15, four days earlier. Larry Casey acknowledged his error, and indeed an American Express receipt later confirmed Oct. 15 as the date of the Jockey Club dinner. In 1992, however, Larry Casey had replaced the Jockey Club dinner with “the phone call alibi,” which he had not mentioned in the Frontline interview. Though Larry Casey’s alibi was anything but “credible,” the House task force accepted it as solid proof."

Thursday  11/5/2009

topAfghan insurgents learn to destroy key U.S. armored vehicle  11/5/2009 McClatchy: "The insurgents' success in attacking the hulking machines, which can cost as much as $1 million each, underscores their ability to counter the advanced hardware that the U.S. military and its allies are deploying in their struggle to gain the upper hand in the war, which entered its ninth year last month. The attacks also raise questions about how vulnerable a new, lighter MRAP, the M-ATV, which is now being shipped to Afghanistan, are to the massive explosive charges that Taliban-led insurgents have been using against its bigger cousin. The insurgents are also hitting MRAPs with rocket-propelled grenades that can penetrate their steel armor, according to U.S troops in Afghanistan, several of whom showed McClatchy a photograph of a hole that one of the projectiles had punched in the hull of an MRAP. The Pentagon has spent more than $26.8 billion to develop and build three versions of the largest MRAPs, totaling some 16,000 vehicles, mostly for the Army and Marine Corps, according to an August report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service."

Congressmen Denouncing U.N. Inquiry Receive Handsome Donations from Pro-Israel Lobby  11/5/2009 Open Secrets: "What is happening to the Palestinians today is the same thing that happened to my people, the Nowampanoag tribe . My father and six of his braves brought venison meat to the colonist's first thanksgiving. The next generation of colonists did not remember my father's kindness to their people but instead became greedy for more land and demanded that we give it to them. When I resisted and tried to drive them off of our land the colonists killed me, quarted my body and put my head on a pole in the public square for all to see. Colonists haven't changed much in 350 years. King Philip"

Israeli settlements could cause one-state solution  11/5/2009 Salon: by Juan Cole

Monday  11/2/2009

topIsraël accroît sa présence militaire en Amérique latine  11/2/2009 Voltaire Net: "Global CST, qui dément tout lien de subordination au gouvernement de Tel-Aviv, est une pièce essentielle du complexe militaro-industriel israélien. Il s’agit d’une structure légère, n’employant qu’une poignée d’individus, mais rattachée au groupe Mikal (marques : Soltam, ITL, Saymar), la seconde compagnie privée israélienne d’armement. Présidé par Avraham (Miko) Gilat, Mikal vend toute une gamme de produits allant des pièces d’artillerie aux blindés légers en passant par l’optronique. Global CST est dirigé par le généra Israël Ziv (ancien chef des opérations de l’armée israélienne), qui échoua face au Hezbollah en 2006. En 2008, Global CST a réalisé le sauvetage d’Ingrid Betancourt en Colombie (Operation Jaques) et, simultanément, la planification de l’attaque géorgienne contre l’Ossétie du Sud (une opération qui fit plus d’un millier de morts)."

Sunday  11/1/2009

topWho’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?  11/1/2009 American Conservative: EDMONDS: Okay. So these conversations, between 1997 and 2001, had to do with a Central Asia operation that involved bin Laden. Not once did anybody use the word “al-Qaeda.” It was always “mujahideen,” always “bin Laden” and, in fact, not “bin Laden” but “bin Ladens” plural. There were several bin Ladens who were going on private jets to Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. The Turkish ambassador in Azerbaijan worked with them. There were bin Ladens, with the help of Pakistanis or Saudis, under our management. Marc Grossman was leading it, 100 percent, bringing people from East Turkestan into Kyrgyzstan, from Kyrgyzstan to Azerbaijan, from Azerbaijan some of them were being channeled to Chechnya, some of them were being channeled to Bosnia. From Turkey, they were putting all these bin Ladens on NATO planes. People and weapons went one way, drugs came back... As soon as Obama became president, he showed us that the State Secrets Privilege was going to continue to be a tool of choice. It’s an arcane executive privilege to cover up wrongdoing—in many cases, criminal activities. And the Obama administration has not only defended using the State Secrets Privilege, it has been trying to take it even further than the previous terrible administration by maintaining that the U.S. government has sovereign immunity. This is Obama’s change: his administration seems to think it doesn’t even have to invoke state secrets as our leaders are emperors who possess this sovereign immunity. This is not the kind of language that anybody in a democracy would use. The other thing I noticed is how Chicago, with its culture of political corruption, is central to the new administration. When I saw that Obama’s choice of chief of staff was Rahm Emanuel, knowing his relationship with Mayor Richard Daley and with the Hastert crowd, I knew we were not going to see positive changes. Changes possibly, but changes for the worse. It was no coincidence that the Turkish criminal entity’s operation centered on Chicago."

Obama and the Intelligence Cabal  11/1/2009 "Last April the international group of investigative journalists published an expose of an anti-Obama group of intelligence officers from the former Soviet Union whose private intelligence company Far West LLC has been the object of considerable controversy in Russian and international press. This is an updated and expanded version of the original article in Russian, published in 4 (2009) under the title “Kto gotovit pokushenie na Prezidenta SshA?” (Who Prepares the Assassination of the US President?)."

Israeli Organ Trafficking and Theft: From Moldova to Palestine  11/1/2009 WRMEA: "While Scheper-Hughes emphasizes that traffickers and procurers come from numerous nations and ethnicities, including Americans and Arabs, she is unflinchingly honest in speaking about the Israeli connection: “Israel is at the top,” she states. “It has tentacles reaching out worldwide.”6 In a lecture last year sponsored by New York’s PBS 13 Forum, Scheper-Hughes explained that Israeli organ traffickers, “had and still have a pyramid system at work that’s awesome…they have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they’ve got recruiters, they’ve got translators, they’ve got travel agents who set up the visas.” "

Friday  10/30/2009

topNicaragua protesters chase off US ambassador  10/30/2009 AP 

Support for Chavez is eroding in Venezuela due to shortages  10/30/2009 Miami Herald 

Venezuela arrests eight Colombian "paramilitaries"  10/30/2009 Reuters: "The arrests in Venezuela's western Tachira state were the latest incident in a region where Colombian guerrilla groups, paramilitary militia, drug-traffickers and other criminal gangs all operate and violence is rampant. Venezuela's Interior Minister Tarek El Aissami said the eight Colombians included a known paramilitary leader. Two guns of a type used by hitmen were captured with them, he said."

9yr-old boy tortured, says former Guantanamo detainee  10/30/2009 The Star, Malaysia: "A British Muslim detained for three years at the controversial Guantanamo Bay prison manned by the United States, revealed that the youngest detainee he knew of was a nine-year-old boy who was also tortured like the rest. Ruhal Ahmed’s story was among more accounts of atrocities committed against the detainees at Guantanamo, told before an open commission hearing which began Friday on the sidelines of an international conference to criminalise war."

Thursday  10/29/2009

topAfrica and "Witchcraft"  10/29/2009 Angry Indian: "The rapid growth of Evangelical Christianity throughout African has exploited the problem. With these churches in competition for parishioners, some clerics establish their unique godly credentials by claiming to have special powers in recognizing and exorcising these “child witches” for, of course, exorbitant fees. The role religion has played in witch hunts is not new and has always targeted children, the most defenseless, before targeting marginalized adults."

The Peru Shoot Down  10/29/2009 Zmag: "Among the five cases of intelligence operation cover up currently being investigated by the US House Intelligence Committee is the 2001 shoot down of a small plane in Peru, resulting in the death of a Baptist missionary from Michigan and her 7-month-old daughter. The CIA inspector general has already concluded that the CIA improperly concealed information about the incident. Intelligence Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairwoman Jan Schakowsky, who is leading the investigation, says she hasn't ruled out referrals to the Justice Department for criminal prosecutions if evidence surfaces that intelligence officials broke the law. On the other hand, she hasn't guaranteed that the true story will ever be released, since the Committee's report of its investigation will be classified." [Jan has reportedly been blackmailed for a lesbian affair by the Turkish-Israeli mafia who are partially funded by narcotics trafficking.]

Wednesday  10/28/2009

topUn abogado israeli de Nueva York es dueño del voto de Palau en la ONU  10/28/2009 Aporrea 

Israeli Exceptionalism  10/28/2009 Countepunch: "Writing about Zionism has not been easy. The history of Zionism is history gone wrong, and not only for the Palestinians. The tragedy for the Palestinians is obvious, although, blinded by racism and the Zionist bias of their media, Westerners only recently have begun to see this tragedy for what it is. It has been a tragedy for the Jewish people too, who were co-opted by the Zionists to place their energy, their talent and their hopes on a project they should never have undertaken, and whose only chance of success lay in obliterating the hopes of another people. The more trapped this project becomes in its own logic, the greater the destruction it becomes willing to wreak. It chooses destruction in order to delay coming to terms with, and making amends for, the tragedy it has spawned."

Brought to You by the CIA - America's Drug Crisis  10/28/2009 Counterpunch 

The Dealmakers Behind the Chicago Mob  10/28/2009 The Chicago Syndicate: "As the schemes got more complicated, the mobsters needed the help of lawyers, politicians and frontmen with relatively clean criminal records. It was a Faustian bargain, but it helped launch some of the most prominent names in Chicago's Jewish community. For example, according to Russo, Outfit funds and connections formed the foundation on which lawyer Abe Pritzker's family built the Hyatt hotel chain."

Le secret de Guantánamo  10/28/2009 VoltaireNet: "Si l’on additionne la totalité des personnes qui ont été faites prisonnières en zone de conflit ou enlevées n’importe où dans le monde et transférées dans cet ensemble de prisons au cours des huit dernières années, ce sont au total 80 000 personnes qui auraient transité dans le système, dont moins d’un millier auraient été poussées vers les stades ultimes du processus de Biderman. Dès lors le problème de l’administration Obama se résume ainsi : il ne sera pas possible de fermer Guantánamo sans révéler ce qui y a été fait. Et il ne sera pas possible de reconnaître ce qui y a été fait, sans admettre que tous les aveux recueillis sont faux et ont été délibérément inculqués sous la torture, avec les conséquences politiques que cela implique."

Tuesday  10/27/2009

topFlagship health project stirs Venezuelan politics  10/27/2009 Reuters: "For supporters, President Hugo Chavez's flagship social project, with around 15,000 mainly Cuban doctors in more than 6,000 clinics, illustrates the best of his decade-long rule: a commitment to the poor and tangible results. Critics, however, say 'Barrio Adentro' is a political project illustrating the dangerous "Cubanization" of Venezuela. Half of the two-storey, red-brick clinics are collapsing, local doctors have been pushed out of jobs by Cubans, and traditional hospitals are underfunded, they argue."

Sunday  10/25/2009

topThe Education of Bob Baer - Unlearning the CIA  10/25/2009 Counterpunch: "So here was Baer among Jordanian princes, rogue oil traders in Iraq. Here he was in 1993 stealing a kilo of cocaine from the airplane of Morocco’s King Hasan, simply to prove that one of our allies in the Middle East was a drug runner (“I wanted to rub Washington’s nose in it.”). In Sarajevo he posed as an arms dealer, in Iraq he was an assassin, in Paris a pimp."

Thursday  10/22/2009

topEl espía Larry Franklin, condenado a 10 meses, explica su plan para derrocar al Gobierno iraní  10/22/2009 CubaDebate: "Larry Frankin, el espía condenado a 10 meses de prisión domiciliaria por haber entregado a Israel miles de documentos secretos del Pentágono, explica en la última edición de la conocida revista Foreign Policy su plan para derrocar el gobierno de Iran. Lawrence “Larry” Franklin es uno de los espías más devastadores de la historia de Estados Unidos. Regaló al gobierno sionista de Israel miles de documentos ultra-secretos sacados directamente del sistema informático del Pentágono."

Wednesday  10/21/2009

topJefferson Morley’s struggle to find the truth about George Joannides and the CIA’s fight to hide it  10/21/2009 Machetera: "The day that his brother was assassinated, the Attorney General of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy, spoke by telephone with one of the leaders of the terrorist campaign against Cuba, Enrique “Harry” Ruiz-Williams. Kennedy said to him directly: “One of your men did it.” Bobby Kennedy didn’t ask him. He told him. It came from his gut, because he knew those people. That’s how the journalist/researcher Jefferson Morley tells it in an interview he granted Cubadebate. “The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 and the dirty war against Cuba organized by the Miami Cubans are intimately linked: they’re battles in the same war, “ said Morley."

Tuesday  10/20/2009

topUS scientist charged with attempted spying for Israel  10/20/2009 Channel News Asia: "The US authorities on Monday arrested a leading American scientist who had worked for the Pentagon and NASA and charged him with attempted spying for Israel. Stewart Nozette, 52, was apprehended after a sting operation involving an undercover FBI agent, the Department of Justice said, adding that there was no wrongdoing by Israel. He is charged with "attempted espionage for knowingly and wilfully attempting to communicate, deliver, and transmit classified information relating to the national defence of the United States to an individual that Nozette believed to be an Israeli intelligence officer."

DEA Agents Accused in Court Pleadings of Dealing Heroin As Part of 1990s Pakistan Connection  10/20/2009 NarcoNews 

Sunday  10/18/2009

topBritish mining company faces damages claim after allegations of torture in Peru  10/18/2009 Guardian 

Saturday  10/17/2009

topIndigenous Rights Leader shot, 2 family members killed in Yukpa territory, Venezuela  10/17/2009 Republic of Lakotah 

Friday  10/16/2009

topDANCING TO OUR ISRAELI MASTERS  10/16/2009 Opinion Maker: "Bundlers raise funds from the Diaspora and bundle those contributions to present them to the candidate. No quid pro quo need be mentioned. After McCain-Feingold became law in 2003, AIPAC-identified bundlers could raise $1 million-plus for AIPAC-approved candidates simply by contacting 10 like-minded supporters. Here’s the math: The bundler and spouse “max out” for $9,200 and call 10 others, say in Manhattan, Miami, and Beverly Hills. Each of them max out ($10 x $9,200) and call 10 others for a total of 11. (111 x $9,200 = $1,021,200.) Imagine the incentive to do well in the AIPAC interview. One call from the lobby and a candidate can collect enough cash to mount a credible campaign in most congressional districts. From Tel Aviv’s perspective, that political leverage is leveraged yet again because fewer than 10 percent of the 435 House races are competitive in any election cycle (typically 35 to 50)."

Wednesday  10/14/2009

topParaguay unveils archives from Alfredo Stroessner dictatorship  10/14/2009 AP: ""In skimming through them, we uncovered some interesting information regarding Operation Condor," said Almada, who directs a museum about past government repression and torture. Several South American military governments are accused of working together to crack down on leftist dissidents beginning in the mid-1970s. Many alleged "Operation Condor" abuses are being investigated for the first time after Argentina overturned legal amnesties and Uruguay elected its first leftist president."

Friday  10/9/2009

topIsrael's export of occupation police tactics  10/9/2009 The Rebel: "Israel's specialized policing and fighting capacity, which it is currently exporting to other countries, including the US, began to take shape after the June 1967 Arab-Israeli war. In the territories it occupied during the conflict, especially the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip, the Israeli government wanted to lay claim, permanently, to specific parts of the occupied area. This desire ran into Zionism's longest-running problem, the presence of Palestinians. As Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky wrote in 1923 about indigenous resistance to colonial projects, "The native populations ... have always stubbornly resisted the colonists.""

Wednesday  10/7/2009

topMan killed by HPD no agent, CIA insists  10/7/2009 Houston Chronicle: "The CIA said it had conducted the searches under a provision of federal law, however, that “exempts CIA operational files from the search, review, publication and disclosure requirements” of the Freedom of Information Act."

Sunday  10/4/2009

topLife, health care, prisons and cutting costs by Sundiata Acoli  10/4/2009 SF Bay View 

Friday  10/2/2009

topGigantic Scandal!: The Sibel Edmonds Story  10/2/2009 AntiWar: "Philip Giraldi is a former CIA and DIA operative, and is a contributing editor at the American Conservative magazine. He also regularly writes a column called "Smoke and Mirrors" for us at Joe Lauria is a New York-based independent investigative journalist who has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail, the Guardian, the Montreal Gazette, the Johannesburg Star, the Washington Times, New York magazine, the London Times and many other publications, and has broken a great many stories."

Thursday  10/1/2009

topGeorgia Supreme Court Rules Unauditable, Unverifiable Elections Are Just Fine  10/1/2009 Brad Blog 

The Judeo-Russian Mafia: the “Cosa Nostra” - From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion  10/1/2009 M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D: "On April 28, 2002, a military helicopter went down in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia. On board was a major Russian dignitary, Gen. Alexander Lebed, governor of the region. Lebed was pronounced dead at the scene. Almost immediately, the international press blamed “heavy fog” for the incident. However, at the time, every member of the Russian military was convinced the death of Lebed was no accident, but rather another hit by the international Jewish mafia, an organization that had long since taken control over much of Russia’s economy. Lebed, likely the most popular man in Russia at the time, was going to build a national socialist empire—possibly with Chinese assistance—based on the massive oil and mineral wealth of the region. Had he succeeded, world history could have changed, and the 21st century would look very different. Prior to that, dozens of anti-Zionists in Russia had been murdered by car bombs or other devices, while none of the cases was ever solved. Only a handful was even investigated."

AFFIDAVIT OF EDWARD P. CUTOLO  10/1/2009 We The People: "73. Edwin Wilson explained that the profit from the sale of narcotics was laundered through a series of banks. Wilson stated that over 70% of the profits were laundered through the banks in Panama. The remaining percentage was funneled through Swiss banks with a small remainder being handled by banks within the U.S. Wilson indicated that a large portion of the profits are brought into the banks of Panama without being checked. I understood that some of the profits in Panamanian banks arrived through Israeli couriers. I became aware of that fact from normal conversations with some of the Embassy personnel assigned to the Embassy in Panama. Wilson also stated that an associate whom I don't know also aided in over seeing the laundering of funds, which was then used to purchase weapons to arm the various factions that the CIA saw as friendly towards the U. S. The associates name is Tom Clines. Wilson indicated that most of Operation Watch Tower was implemented on the authority of Clines."

Noam Chomsky: Coups, UNASUR, and the U.S. From a talk given in Caracas, Venezuela on August 29  10/1/2009 Zmag: "Abroad, the "supply-side approach" has been the basis for U.S.-backed counterinsurgency strategy in Colombia and elsewhere, with a fearful toll among victims of chemical warfare and militarization of conflicts, but enormous profits for domestic and foreign elites. Colombia has a shocking record of human rights violations, by far the worst in the hemisphere since the end of Reagan's Central American terror wars in the 1980s, and also the second-largest internal displacement of populations in the world, after Sudan. Meanwhile, domestic elites and multinationals profit from the forced displacement of peasants and indigenous people, which clears land for mining, agribusiness production and ranching, infrastructure development for industry, and much else. There is a great deal more to say about this, but I will put it aside. At home, the drug war coincided with the initiation of neoliberal programs, the financialization of the economy, and the attack on government social welfare systems, real, even though limited by international standards. One immediate consequence of the war on drugs has been the extraordinary growth in scale and severity of incarceration in the past 30 years, placing the U.S. far in the lead worldwide. The victims are overwhelmingly African-American males and other minorities, a great many of them sentenced on victimless drug charges. Drug use is about the same as in privileged white sectors, which are mostly immune."

Wednesday  9/30/2009

topEU report: Georgian attack started war with Russia  9/30/2009 AP 

W.E.B. DuBois' Classic Souls of Black Folk CENSORED!  9/30/2009 Islam Online: Published 4/01 - "But there is a patent defense at hand - the defense of deception and flattery, of cajoling and lying. It is the same defense which the Jews of the Middle Age used and which left its stamp on their character for centuries." In the 1953 rendition, the phrase "the Jews of the Middle Age," was changed to read, "the peasants of the Middle Age" (Aptheker, pp. 15-17). Aptheker said that the pressure for Du Bois to make the alterations came initially from a close confidant, Jacob Schiff, but later from Rabbi Stephen Wise and Morris Schappes, an editor and historian tied closely to the publishing industry. Some sources indicate that Du Bois was politely threatened with the prospects of being charged with anti-Semitism and boycotted by the publishing industry should he not make the changes in his book."

Monday  9/28/2009

topAnd It’s Not Only Sibel Edmonds Who Says So  9/28/2009 American Conservative: “John M. Cole, an FBI spy catcher who retired in 2004, says that from 1993 to 1995 alone, he had “125 open cases” of Israeli espionage, representing nearly half of all the investigations carried on in his Global Unit, part of the now-defunct National Security division.” Inside the FBI itself, Cole said, tracking suspected Israeli spies was hush-hush.In a sharp break with FBI procedures, he was prohibited from notifying field offices when an investigation crept into their jurisdictions. “No one was supposed to know we were investigating the Israelis,” Cole said.”

Attorney: Oklahoma bombing tapes appear edited  9/28/2009 AP: "Four cameras in four different locations going blank at basically the same time on the morning of April 19, 1995. There ain't no such thing as a coincidence," Trentadue said. He said government officials claim the security cameras did not record the minutes before the bombing because "they had run out of tape" or "the tape was being replaced." "The interesting thing is they spring back on after 9:02," he said. "The absence of footage from these crucial time intervals is evidence that there is something there that the FBI doesn't want anybody to see."

Former FBI Agent Confirms: Bush State Official Was Target of 'Decade-Long' Espionage Probe  9/28/2009 Brad Blog: "George W. Bush's third-highest ranking State Department official, Marc Grossman, who became the Under Secretary of State after previously serving as Ambassador to Turkey, was targeted as part of a "decade-long investigation" by the FBI, according to an 18-year veteran manager of the agency's Counterintelligence and Counterespionage departments. For still-unknown reasons, the investigation which also involved a multitude of cases involving Israeli espionage, was ultimately "buried and covered up", according to the official. The comment from the former FBI official John M. Cole, in response to recent, stunning disclosures made by former FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, helps to shore up a key aspect of her allegations. Cole is now calling for an investigation to help "bring about accountability" in the matter."

Maddow on ACORN Again: Details Actual Fraud, Child Prostitution, Murder by Federally-Funded Organizations NOT Defunded by Congress  9/28/2009 Brad Blog: "Maddow continued her long-overdue exposé, by examining the "Defund ACORN Act of 2009", which recently passed both houses of Congress by large margins, after sting videos showing low-level ACORN employees behaving stupidly (but breaking no laws) were created and posted by rightwing operatives. As she notes, the Congressional bill appears to be both unconstitutional, and incredibly hypocritical given that other, still-federally funded organizations --- such as Halliburton, Blackwater and many many more --- often receive far more federal funding in a single day than ACORN has received during the organization's entire lifetime. Furthermore, those other organizations which still receive billions from the U.S. government, were actually found to have committed actual crimes, such as millions of dollars worth of fraud, have been charged with murder and the deaths of U.S. troops, and even involve child prostitution and sex slavery! "

Sunday  9/27/2009

topThe Rise and Fall of Antonette Haughton  9/27/2009 Jamaica Observer: "After her first degree at 21 years old, she received a scholarship from the Government of Jamaica to do law. At the Cave Hill campus in Barbados, she wasted no time in joining a radical student movement. But Barbados would be special for many things, not the least of which was the fact that it was there that she would meet the Cuban envoy and university professor, Osvaldo Cardenas Junquera. She would marry him, in 1993, as if to say "there!" to anti-Cuban Jamaicans."

“Israel” in Africa  9/27/2009 Voltaire Net: "Israel has long been keen to capitalise on Africa’s mineral wealth. It plans to appropriate African diamonds and process them in Israel which is already the world’s second largest processor of diamonds. And if the composition of Lieberman’s entourage is anything to go by, Israel is also interested in African uranium, thorium and other radioactive elements used to manufacture nuclear fuel. In addition it is looking for new markets for its range of lightweight weapons. It also appears that not a few Israeli military pensioners are on the lookout for job opportunities as trainers of African militias, while other members of Lieberman’s delegation are facilitating contracts for Israelis to train various militias. The huge oil reserves in a number of African countries are also high on Israel’s agenda, with Tel Aviv seeking a share in exploration, extraction and export operations."

Thursday  9/24/2009

topEdmonds Issues Formal Response to Schakowsky's Denial of Lesbian Affair with Turkish Operative  9/24/2009 Brad Blog 

Inter American Press Association  9/24/2009 Source Watch: "IAPA stands ready, with all its hundreds of cooperating member newspapers, to scream "Marxist Threat to Free Press" if any attempt is made by the target government to restrict the flow of hostile propaganda. In 1969 the CIA had five agents working as media executives at El Mercurio, all of whom in subsequent years were elevated to the Board of Directors of IAPA. The owner of El Mercurio was made head of the Freedom of the Press committee, and later President. IAPA bylaws permitted only working owners to be members, so the bylaws were changed to accommodate him. Then many of the CIA operatives at Copley News Service were made members of the Board of Directors of IAPA. Immediately before the campaign to oust socialist Prime Minister Michael Manley, Jamaica Daily Gleaner publisher Oliver Clarke was added to the Executive Committee; he has now been promoted to Treasurer. At the last annual convention in San Diego, IAPA elevated Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, Jr., to its Board of Directors. At that time he was not an editor or publisher of La Prensa, but the CIA needed him because he had the same name as his martyred father. After his elevation he was belatedly made Assistant Director of La Prensa, and when he was recently added to the IAPA Executive Committee, La Prensa began carrying the IAPA membership credential in its masthead. At the last IAPA meeting in Rio de Janeiro in October, speeches, including those by Vice-President Bush, were dominated by alarmist references to the situation of the press in Nicaragua. Obviously the owner of a conservative newspaper in Latin America does not need CIA money to be against a socialist government. The assistance provided by the CIA is primarily technical, not financial. Without CIA help, the local newspaper's opposition would be openly stated on the editorial page in language reflecting the ideology of the local conservative elite. That would be ideological warfare, not psychological warfare. But the CIA is not concerned, in these operations, with local ideology; it is concentrating on the use of its bag of technological dirty tricks. One of these tricks is disinformation.[2] "

Brazilian Parliament Recommends Freezing Out Israelis from Third Largest Export Market  9/24/2009 Uruknet: "The Brazilian Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Relations and National Defense has recommended that the parliament should not ratify the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Mercosur and the State of Israel until "Israel accepts the creation of the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders". This decision is an explicit act of pressure on the Israeli government to comply with international law, and a rejection of years of incessant Israeli lobbying, pressuring for a vote to ratify the agreement… The Mercosur is one of the world's most quickly expanding markets and the fifth largest economy in the world. Israeli exports to the Mercosur amounted nearly 600 million dollars in 2006."

Tuesday  9/22/2009

topAdhesión de la IGLESIA REFORMADA EVANGELICA MISIONERA a UnoAmérica  9/22/2009 UnoAmérica: UnoAmerica seria un apéndice de la Fundación Libertad, financiada por la NED y al Faes de José María Aznar, según la prensa oficialista hondureña

Monday  9/21/2009

topCover Story on Edmonds 'Outs' Video-taped, 'Blackmailed' Dem Congresswoman; Alleges State Dept. Mole at NYTimes; MUCH MORE…  9/21/2009 Brad Blog 

Sunday  9/20/2009

top“Amerika Über Alles” — Our Nazi Nation  9/20/2009 Dissident Voice: published 10/07

It is right to expose Wiesenthal  9/20/2009 Jewish Community Online: "Walters’s documentary evidence on Wiesenthal’s inconsistencies and lies is impeccable. He shows how the Nazi hunter’s accounts of his wartime experiences are contradictory and implausible. He demonstrates that he had no role, contrary to his own assertion, in the capture of Adolf Eichmann. He pitilessly dissects Wiesenthal’s overblown claims about the numbers he brought to justice, suggesting it was not much more than a handful. When you read Hunting Evil, you know its author is telling the truth. And, above all — above everything — the truth matters. The truth however painful, the truth however embarrassing, the truth wherever it takes you. Jews can never be hurt by the truth about the Holocaust and must never fear it, never run away from it. Ben Barkow, the director of the Wiener Library, the institution that my grandfather established to document the truth, has lent his voice to that of Walters, agreeing that a revaluation of Wiesenthal’s contribution was in order."

Saturday  9/19/2009

topIsraelis Now Taps ALL US Telephones And Faxes  9/19/2009 Palakert: All your base are belong to us.

Friday  9/18/2009

topRachel Maddow: Why Do 1/3 of New Jersey Conservatives Think Obama Might Be the Anti-Christ?  9/18/2009 Alternet: "You don‘t work to move them off this position. You move past them. Look, a village cannot reorganize village life to suit the village idiot. It‘s as simple as that. And we have to understand, we have a village idiot in this country, it‘s called “Fundamentalist Christianity.” And until we move past these people—and let me add as a former lifelong Republican—until the Republican leadership has the guts to stand up and say it would better—it would be better not to have a Republican Party than have a party that caters to the village idiot, there‘s going to be no end in sight. The next thing they‘ll do is accuse Obama of being the anti-Christ and then who knows what comes next on and on it goes."

Racism in America Doesn't Stop with Glenn Beck and His Fans -- It's in Our Health Care Debate Too  9/18/2009 Alternet: "The myth goes like this: unless a hooded clansman is burning a cross on an African American family's lawn, the United States is not dealing with traditional racism. Our country has transcended race, since the election of President Obama, this myth says. Furthermore, race is only a relevant factor when something overtly hostile happens to our leader, who happens to be black (not that any of us notice, since we have transcended the problem of racism). The myth leaves no room for discussions of institutionalized racism, or the acceptance that race and racism are always in the room with us, and not just when President Obama delivers nuanced, thoughtful speeches about them."

More questions on 9/11 by Pepe Escobar  9/18/2009 Asia Times 

“I am Obama’s prisoner now” - Leonard Peltier Speaks out After Parole Denial  9/18/2009 Republic of Lakotah 

Thursday  9/17/2009

topLimbaugh's Racist Shocker: "We Need Segregated Buses"  9/17/2009 Alternet: "In a remark extraordinary even by the standards of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing radio heavyweight declared on his program Wednesday that the United States needed to return to racially segregated buses. Referring to an incident in which a white student was beaten by black students on a bus, Limbaugh said: “I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”

Venezuela cataloga como cínico e hipócrita informe de EE UU sobre narcotráfico mundial  9/17/2009 Aporrea: "El ministro venezolano del Interior, Tarek El Aissami, rechazó y catalogó de cínico e hipócrita, este jueves, el informe estadounidense que "descertifica" a Venezuela, junto a Bolivia y Birmania en la lucha contra el tráfico de drogas. "Rechazamos ese informe que raya lo inmoral, es cínico e hipócrita, y lo condenamos", sentenció El Aissami en una rueda de prensa donde también expresó su opinión respecto al incremento que Estados Unidos ha tenido en la producción, tráfico y consumo de estupefacientes, por lo que consideró que deberían revisar las políticas que les "han impulsado a ese fracaso".

Wednesday  9/16/2009

topProblems with the recent exhibit, ‘African Presence in Mexico’  9/16/2009 SF Bay View 

Tuesday  9/15/2009

topCIA DRUG TRAFFICKING By David Guyatt  9/15/2009 Deep Black Lies 

Monday  9/14/2009

topJoe Wilson's Strange Friends  9/14/2009 Max Blumenthal: "The controversial congressman has been a member of Sons of Confederate Veterans. Max Blumenthal, author of the just-published Republican Gomorrah, asks: Did he remain so even after it became a hate group?"

Sunday  9/13/2009

topTIAA-CREF confirms Africa Israel divestment  9/13/2009 Haaretz: "The U.S. pension fund giant, TIAA-CREF, confirmed in statements to the media on Friday that it divested from Africa Israel Investments, owned by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, earlier this year. The statements came in response to a letter initiated by a pro-Palestinian group, Adalah-NY, and signed by TIAA-CREF clients. The fund's investment in Africa Israel amounted to only $257,000, so the financial effect of the divestment is minimal. The news of the divestment came as the Israeli firm was suffering a deep financial crisis, having recently announced that is unable to meet its liabilities to its bondholders. Advertisement Adalah NY noted in its press release that "Despite the recent divestment from Africa-Israel, the new June 30th TIAA-CREF report indicates that the fund continues to invest clients' money in a number of companies supporting Israeli settlement activity including Israel Discount Bank, Cellcom Israel, Bezeq Israeli Telecommunications Corp, Bank Leumi, and Motorola, among others."

Thursday  9/10/2009

topMiami's ex-DEA chief charged with shredding documents for disgraced banker Allen Stanford  9/10/2009 Miami Herald 

Links between Colombian Intelligence Organisation and Venezuelan Opposition Uncovered  9/10/2009 Trinicenter: "The AUC were a phenomenon that was changed by they looked for cultivation and smuggling zones, so this is what permeated the [border] zone, including today [the phenomenon] is still present in [Venezulean border state] Tachira with [paramilitary group] the Black Eagles."

Wednesday  9/9/2009

topLa aculturación a que fueron sometidos los negros en el país, no les permitió crear una diversidad socio-cultural  9/9/2009 Aporrea 

New Jewish organ theft gang busted  9/9/2009 Press TV 

International Declaration against monoculture tree plantations  9/9/2009 Pulp Inc 

Video: International Declaration: Stop the expansion of monoculture tree plantations!  9/9/2009 Pulp Inc 

Tuesday  9/8/2009

topNew York police arrest Jewish gang trafficking organs of Algerian children  9/8/2009 Watan: "An Algerian official revealed Sunday the New York city police were able to catch a Jewish gang involved in the abduction of children from Algeria and trafficking of their organs headed by Levy Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum was directly involved in the recent case of trading human organs which raised a storm of reactions in the US and Israel. Dr. Mustafa Khayatti, the head of the Algerian national committee for the development of health and research, said that the arrest of the gang came after Interpol investigations showed that Algerian children were abducted from cities in western Algeria and taken to Morocco in order to harvest their kidneys and traffic them in Israel and the US for $20,000 and $100,000 dollars each."

Monday  9/7/2009

topVenezuela's Chavez says hopes can work with Obama  9/7/2009 Reuters: "The leftist 55-year-old leader added in an interview in Italy that despite the global economic crisis and signs of a slowdown in growth in Venezuela, he did not expect his country to fall into recession. Chavez was in Venice for the world premiere of "South of the Border," director Oliver Stone's sympathetic portrait of a leader he says has championed the poor and who has been unfairly demonized by the U.S. media. "I have no reason to call him (Obama) the devil, and I hope that I am right," Chavez told reporters in Venice. "With Obama we can talk, we are almost from the same generation, one can't deny that Obama is different (from Bush). He's intelligent, he has good intentions and we have to help him."

Sunday  9/6/2009

topAfrodescendientes y racismo en América Latina  9/6/2009 Choike 

Encuentro y desencuentros de los "saberes" en torno a la africanía "latinoamericana"  9/6/2009 RED DE BIBLIOTECAS VIRTUALES DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES DE AMERICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE: publicado en 2005

Saturday  9/5/2009

topFBI Whistleblower: Hastert, Burton, Blunt, Other Members of Congress 'Bribed, Blackmailed'  9/5/2009 Huffington Post: "The under-oath, detailed allegations include bribery, blackmail, espionage and infiltration of the U.S. government of, and by current and former members of the U.S. Congress, high-ranking State and Defense Department officials and agents of the government of Turkey. The broad criminal conspiracy is said to have resulted in, among other things, the sale of nuclear weapons technology to black market interests including Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Libya and others. Even as many of these allegations had been previously corroborated to varying extents, by a number of official government reports, documents and independent media outlets (largely overseas), not a single major mainstream media outlet in the U.S. has picked up on Edmonds' startling claims since her deposition has been made fully available."

Friday  9/4/2009

topAltos mandatarios de 66 países asistirán a II Cumbre ASA de América del Sur-África en Venezuela  9/4/2009 Aporrea: "Esta actividad de corte académico y cultural, se efectuará concretamente del 20 al 25 en la sede de la Universidad de las Artes (UNEARTE), y comprende la realización del Consejo de Rectores Universitarios América del Sur-África, los días 23 y 24 y concluirá con la firma de la “Carta de Hermanamiento del Consejo de Rectores ASA”. De igual modo, forma parte de la “Ronda de Saberes, Pensamientos y Palabras”, donde los rectores universitarios de Suramérica y África intercambiarán información y experiencia en las áreas de la salud, agricultura, educación, ciencia y saberes en general, en aras de contribuir en la búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas de las comunidades de estos países. Se estima que participen rectores de las universidades de Senegal, Etiopía, Gambia, Namibia, Mozambique, Angola, Libia, Argelia Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Ecuador, Paraguay y Venezuela, país anfitrión que estará representado por los miembros de la Asociación de Rectores Bolivarianos (ARBOL) y autoridades de otras instituciones venezolanas donde existe la Cátedra África."

Scaremongering About Bolivia and Islam  9/4/2009 Counterpunch: "The head of the Islamic Center, Mahmud Amer Abusharar, an elderly grey haired Palestinian refugee sitting in his front office appeared humorously bewildered when presented with recent US intelligence and media reports detailing him among others in a study of “extremist threats” in Bolivia. “The Islamic center is a Bolivian institution, which has no discrimination, whatsoever, against anyone… white like the Europeans, or brown like the Bolivians… Thank God we call on the people to be good to be universal and honest, not to be aggressive,” Abusharar told me. “I never thought that the Islamic Center forms danger to the United States, but who is introducing this idea to the United States public; he must be the one looking to harm the North American people.”

The Missing Link in Israeli Organ Theft? The Autopsy Surgeon Aftonbladet Forgot  9/4/2009 Counterpunch: "Of even greater concern for the Palestinian families is the fact that at around the time the bodies of their loved ones were whisked off by the army for autopsy, the only institute in Israel that conducts such autopsies, Abu Kabir, near Tel Aviv, was almost certainly at the centre of a trade in organs that later became a scandal inside Israel. Equally disturbing, the doctor behind the plunder of body parts, Prof Yehuda Hiss, appointed director of the Abu Kabir institute in the late 1980s, has never been jailed despite admitting to the organ theft and he continues to be the state’s chief pathologist at the institute. Hiss was in charge of the autopsies of Palestinians when Bostrom was listening to the families’ claims in 1992. Hiss was subsequently investigated twice, in 2002 and 2005, over the theft of body parts on a large scale. Allegations of Hiss’ illegal trade in organs was first revealed in 2000 by investigative reporters at the Yediot Aharonot newspaper, which reported that he had “price listings” for body parts and that he sold mainly to Israeli universities and medical schools. [6]"

Chalabi aide: I went from White House to secret prison  9/4/2009 McClatchy 

Nuclear proliferation cannot be controlled now - Former CIA agent says  9/4/2009 Nachrichten Heute: published 2/08 - "A former American CIA agent and nuclear expert David Dastych has claimed that main nuclear arsenals of Pakistan, India, Britain, France, the USA, Russia and China are safe but nuclear proliferation could not be controlled now because it has completely slipped out of control. He said some corrupt officials of the US defence and state departments were involved in the theft of US nuclear secrets which were sold to many countries including Israel and Pakistan."

Thursday  9/3/2009

topPlaying the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Card Against Venezuela  9/3/2009 NACLA: " Authorities quickly realized that the synagogue’s security fence had been cut from the inside, prompting detectives to investigate the break-in as an inside job. Within the week it became clear that the attack had in fact been a robbery disguised as anti-Semitic vandalism, carried out by the synagogue’s privately contracted security team. Eleven men were arrested for their role in the plot, and their statements to the police indicated that the graffiti and desecration were intended to throw off investigators.3 Although the arrests helped ease the anxieties of Venezuela’s Jewish community, the international media pressed on with the storyline of a politically motivated attack. The very week that the Venezuelan Israelite Association issued a statement praising the swift and successful investigation, The Washington Post ran an editorial titled “Mr. Chavez vs. the Jews,” which again blamed the robbery on the government, or, more specifically, on an ugly comment left on a “pro-government Web site,” demanding “that citizens ‘publicly challenge every Jew that you find in the street, shopping center or park’ and called for a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses, seizures of Jewish-owned property and a demonstration at Caracas’s largest synagogue.”4 The editorial concluded that the synagogue was then “duly attacked.”5 The idea that the sacking of the Caracas synagogue was based purely on anti-Semitism has persisted, even showing up in a recent piece authored by two academics in the high-brow Boston Review. The authors claim the attack is a sign of “state-directed anti-Semitism.”6"

Neoliberalism Needs Death Squads in Colombia  9/3/2009 Upside Down World: "In recent years, a variety of human rights organizations, as well as mainstream academics and journalists have found it impossible to ignore the astronomical human rights violations. However, even though these groups have accurately reported on the actual atrocities, Jasmin Hristov argues that in their reports, the atrocities are largely de-contextualized from the powerful forces in Colombia and the US that directly benefit from this repression. According to Hristov, this mainstream presentation serves to mask the fact that US and Colombian elites directly support (via funding, training, supervising, and providing legal immunity for) state repression carried out by the police and military, as well as illegal paramilitary groups that are unofficially sanctioned by the government. Whether it is murdering labor organizers or displacing an indigenous community because a US corporation wants to drill for oil on their land, Hristov passionately asserts that death squad violence is purposefully directed towards sectors of society that stand in the way of the ruling class’s efforts to maintain economic dominance and acquire more resources to make even more profit. In her book, Hristov makes a a convincing argument that Colombia’s notorious death squads are inherently linked to maintenance of the country’s extreme economic inequality. Particularly since the neoliberal reforms of the 1990s that have increased poverty, Colombia’s poor continue to resist their oppression in many different ways. In response, state repression on a variety of levels is needed to terrorize unarmed social movements and other community groups and activists."

Wednesday  9/2/2009




África y la reconversión ideológica  9/2/2009 Red Afrovenezolana: "Del 23 al 27 septiembre se estará realizando en Venezuela la II Cumbre África-Suramérica en la ciudad de Caracas, organizado por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, bajo la coordinación del Viceministerio del Despacho África. Esta Cumbre se encuadra en el planteamiento del proyecto estratégico Simón Bolívar que impulsa la construcción de un mundo multipolar con la profundización el diálogo sur-sur que tanto soñaron lideres como Kwame Kruma, Amilcar Cabral y Julius Nyerere por solo mencionar un rosario de líderes africanos, que han dado al mundo de las ideas bases sustanciales ideológicas para su liberación y contra el imperialismo. Esas ideas desde las antiguas civilizaciones africanas hasta nuestros días han ido cambiando, pasando por un proceso de conversión y luego reconversión."

Tuesday  9/1/2009

topChávez destaca unión África-Sudamérica  9/1/2009 Giron, Matanzas, Cuba: "El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, resaltó la importancia de la unión de África y Sudamérica dentro de la conformación de un mundo multipolar, al intervenir en el Congreso de la Unión Africana (UA) en Libia, reportó DPA. El mandatario bolivariano llamó a incrementar la unidad como única forma de ser libres, y anunció el encuentro denominado II Cumbre América del Sur–África (ASA), que se realizará el 26 y 27 de septiembre en Isla Margarita, Venezuela, con el fin de avanzar en el fortalecimiento de las relaciones bilaterales en materia económica, científica, política y energética. De acuerdo con Telesur, entre los temas de esa reunión estarán la crisis económica mundial, la conformación de un banco que articule a América Latina y África, la creación de una moneda alternativa para el comercio entre los pueblos y un sistema educativo que comprenda a las universidades para "lograr una mejor capacitación de nuestros jóvenes"."

Venezuela ratifica invitación a cumbre Africa-Sudamérica  9/1/2009 Pueblo en Linea: "El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, ratificó el día 31 la invitación a los integrantes de la Unión Africana (UA) para la cumbre que reunirá a ese bloque regional con la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur), a celebrarse en Caracas el 26 y el 27 de septiembre. Chávez ratificó su invitación al intervenir durante la Cumbre Especial de la UA, en Trípoli, capital de la Gran Yamahiriya Arabe Libia Popular y Socialista, reportó su equipo de prensa presidencial."

Monday  8/31/2009

topPresidente Chávez ratificó invitación a cumbre África-Suramérica  8/31/2009 Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela: "El presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, ratificó este martes la invitación a los integrantes de la Unión Africana, para la cumbre que reunirá ese bloque regional con los países de la región suramericana, este mes de septiembre en Caracas. “Hemos acordado celebrar en Caracas el próximo día 26 (y el 27) de septiembre, dentro de pocas semanas, la cumbre de la Unión Africana (UA) con la Unasur, la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas”, dijo el mandatario."

Sunday  8/30/2009

topIsrael war on Gaza: Gilad Atzmon - Organ Donation and Theft in Contemporary Jewish Folklore  8/30/2009 Palestine Think Tank 

Saturday  8/29/2009

topObama Vows to Speed Hurricane Katrina Recovery Effort  8/29/2009 NYT 

Friday  8/28/2009

topIsraeli Organ Harvesting  8/28/2009 Counterpunch: Places the article from Sweden's Aftonbladet, their largest daily, in the context of numerous widely documented related events.

The Hidden History of Katrina  8/28/2009 Unsilent Generation: "Malik Rahim, a Vietnam veteran and longtime community activist, was one of the organizers of the Common Ground Collective, which quickly began dispensing basic aid and medical care in the first days after the hurricane. But far from aiding the relief workers, Rahim told me this week, the police and troops who began patrolling the streets treated them as criminals or “insurgents.” African American men caught outside also ran the risk of crossing paths with roving vigilante patrols who shot at will, he says. In this dangerous environment, Common Ground began to rely on white volunteers to move through a city that had simply become too perilous for blacks."

Tuesday  8/25/2009


Israel: A Stalemated Action of History By Gabriel Kolko  8/25/2009 Counterpunch: "The Israeli military is the most powerful in the region because it has been deluged with American equipment, which it has learned to service. But US forces need repairmen to service the very same equipment, more than ever because recruitment into the American military is now lower than it has been in a quarter-century (not to mention its astronomical suicide rate), and skilled Israelis can take jobs with America’s armed forces that they are eminently qualified to fill. Moreover, Iran and the other Arab states will eventually develop or acquire nuclear weapons, making Israel incredibly insecure for its highly mobile Jewish population – one exhausted by regular service in compulsory reserves. And as already suggested, destroying Dimona with conventional missiles or mortars would be a cheap way to radioactivate a good part of Israel. Even worse, Osama bin Laden, or someone like him, may acquire a nuclear device, and one nuclear bomb detonated in or near Israel will effectively destroy what is a tiny area. Whoever destroys Israel will be proclaimed a hero in the Arab world. To those with skills, the answer is clear: get out. And getting out they are."

Sunday  8/23/2009

topMurdering Palestinians for their organs: "All facts on the ground prove Swedish report correct"  8/23/2009 Global Research: "Farwana added that one of the illegal acts carried out by Israel is having secret detention facilities in which dozens of detainees were imprisoned and never heard of anymore. This is in addition to the “Numbers Graveyard” in which “unknown” Palestinian and Arab fighters are buried. He said that Israel still denies it is holding hundreds of Palestinian and Arab fighter, and refuses to cooperate with the Red Cross on the issue. The researcher added that Israel is the only state that had a policy of detaining the bodies of slain Arab and Palestinian fighters, and that some 300 fighters are buried in the numbers graveyard. Hundreds of bodies were returned during prisoner-swap deals, including the latest swap-deal between Hezbollah and Israel in which some 200 bodies were moved to Lebanon. Farwana further said that dozens of detainees died in Israeli prisons, some due to torture, and their bodies were not immediately sent to their families, but instead were moved to forensic center, and some of their body parts were removed before bodies were sent back to the Palestinians."

Friday  8/21/2009

topThe Anti-Bush, Or Bush Lite?  8/21/2009 Fire Dog Lake: scroll down to comment #86

Thursday  8/20/2009

topMarch in East Haven, Conn., protests police harassment of Latino community  8/20/2009 PSL 

Tuesday  8/18/2009

topColombia: The Embera Struggle to Save a Sacred Mountain  8/18/2009 Upside Down World 

Swedish daily: IDF killed Palestinians for organs  8/18/2009 Ynet: "According to Bostrom, a Palestinian from Nablus who for a number of years headed stone-throwing attacks against IDF soldiers was shot to death in May because he interfered with the activity of the "Israeli conquering forces." The reporter quoted Palestinian witnesses as saying that Bilal Ahmad Ranian was shot in the chest, leg and stomach and then evacuated in serious condition by helicopter to an unknown location. Five days later, Bostrom said, Ranian's body was returned to his village, wrapped in hospital bandages. Aftonbladet published a photo of the body, which had a scar running from the face down to the stomach."

Saturday  8/15/2009

topForgotten Soldiers of the Integration Fight  8/15/2009 506th Infantry: [scroll down to the bottom for this story] "On October 1, 1962, in the early morning, a force of nearly 30,000 American combat troops raced toward Oxford, MS in a colossal armada of helicopters, transport planes, Jeeps and Army trucks. Their mission was to save Oxford, the University of Mississippi and a small force of federal marshals from being destroyed by over 2,000 white civilians who were rioting after James Meredith, a black Air Force veteran, arrived to integrate the school. The troops were National Guardsmen from little towns all over Mississippi, regular Army men from across the United States and paratroopers from the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions. They had to capture the city quickly; the FBI had intelligence that thousands of Klansmen and segregationists from California to Georgia may have set off for Oxford, many of them armed. The first troops to reach Oxford found over 100 wounded federal marshals at the center of campus, 27 of them hit by civilian gunfire. Packs of hundreds of rioters swarmed the city, some holding war dances around burning vehicles."

Diccionario del lèxico mágico-religioso cubano  8/15/2009 Aporrea: publicado 8/08, por Jose Millet - "Este glosario, a veces razonado, debió formar parte de Sacred Spaces Religious Traditions of Oriente Cuba, libro largamente elaborado mediante investigaciones de campo y discuiones, realizadas durante casi una década en la antigua provincia cubana de Oriente,con los estudiantes del African Atlantic Research Team, que presidía y dirige la profesora Jualynne Dodson, de la Michigan State University, pero finalmente no sé si fue incluido en la versión en inglés que ella punblicó en Estados Unidos, sólo con su nombre como autora. Me alegró que sucediera así, porque tanto la obra como esta parte fueron dedicados a dos personas que me marcaron profunda e indeleblemente la existencia: mi madre, Olga, chamán y espiritista cordonera, quien me crió en íntima relación con ese mundo de fuerzas ocultas y omnipresentes que ella llamaba "los espíritus" y Vicente Portuondo Martín, palero, santero y muertero, quien me acompañó en inumerables viajes que hicimos a Venezuela y a Galicia, en nuestra labor de dar a conocer la espiritualidad cubana en otras tierras, como parte de la labor de extensión académica que hicimos durante muchos años desde la Casa del Caribe, institución científica que fundamos en 1982 y de la cual él era "asesor religioso" y yo, durante un cuarto de siglo, jefe de su Equipo de Estudios de las religiones afrocubanas y el espiritismo."

Eventos Recientes  8/15/2009 Red Afrovenezolana: Dos videos de festivales afro en Venezuela.

Wednesday  8/12/2009

topVenezuela assembly rubber-stamps socialist changes  8/12/2009 AP: "When legislators are not approving Chavez-sponsored bills, they hold forums on the life of revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara or celebrate Afro-Venezuelan culture by dancing to drums in the chamber. In this year's opening sessions, lawmakers wore keffiyehs and raised a Palestinian flag outside the building to protest the Gaza war."

Tuesday  8/11/2009

topInside Story on Town Hall Riots: Right-Wing Shock Troops Do Corporate America's Dirty Work  8/11/2009 Alternet: "Well, if your lobbying firm counts former Rep. Dick Armey, R-Texas, as its senior policy adviser, you don't have do much. Dick will take care of the rest through FreedomWorks, the ostensibly grassroots, nonprofit organization of anti-taxers, cold warriors and affirmative-action opponents, which he chairs. Need to make it look like regular Americans oppose the health-insurance reform bills now being considered by Congress? Make sure a handful of those angry white people turn up at the town hall meetings now being conducted by members of Congress throughout the country. Make sure they disrupt the meeting and rattle the congressperson. Capture it all on amateur video and put it up on a faux, amateur-looking Web site, and try to kid the media into thinking there's a widespread rebellion happening. After all, the media are gonna want that dramatic footage."

A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush  8/11/2009 Council for Secular Humanism: "Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.” This bizarre episode occurred while the White House was assembling its “coalition of the willing” to unleash the Iraq invasion. Chirac says he was boggled by Bush’s call and “wondered how someone could be so superficial and fanatical in their beliefs.” After the 2003 call, the puzzled French leader didn’t comply with Bush’s request. Instead, his staff asked Thomas Romer, a theologian at the University of Lausanne, to analyze the weird appeal. Dr. Romer explained that the Old Testament book of Ezekiel contains two chapters (38 and 39) in which God rages against Gog and Magog, sinister and mysterious forces menacing Israel. Jehovah vows to smite them savagely, to “turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws,” and slaughter them ruthlessly. In the New Testament, the mystical book of Revelation envisions Gog and Magog gathering nations for battle, “and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.”"

The Bowels of Kahrizak - Inside Iran's Most Infamous Prison  8/11/2009 Counterpunch: "He grabbed someone from the front who seemed to be a 16-17 year old boy by the neck and said, “tell them what Muharebe means!” the boy said he did not know. The man then responded “the hell you don’t!” and began to beat him ruthlessly while saying “ tell them, tell them!” He beat him to the point that the boy was unconscious. He continued to say Muharebe means Satan, means wrong doer. He beat the boy so hard that some begin to voice their anger, but were also beaten ruthlessly. In that room of ours at least four people were killed before morning. Sadegh said in a loud voice, “there is no such thing as a toilet and tooth brush here, you do your business right here, are we clear?” There was not a single uninjured person among us, they all either had blood clotted on their faces or their eyes had been bruised like mine. And many others had broken arms and legs." [The Indo-Aryans were among the first Indo-Europeans to buy into dualism.]

Hugo Chávez tells army to prepare for conflict with Colombia  8/11/2009 London Times 

Mensajes Ancestrales  8/11/2009 Red Afrovenezolana 

US military base plan fuels Latin American tensions  8/11/2009 VoltaireNet: "Washington and Bogota have cast the agreement as a response to the shutdown of the US air base in Manta, Ecuador by the government of President Rafael Correa. That facility was ostensibly dedicated to anti-drug trafficking operations. The scope of the US-Colombian pact and both the number and location of the bases involved, however, indicate that Washington is pursuing far wider regional objectives. The Bogota daily El Tiempo, pointed out, “The absence of an airfield close to the Pacific, through which the principal drug-trafficking routes pass is noteworthy.” The Manta base was on the Pacific coast of Ecuador."

Friday  8/7/2009

topIs the U.S. on the Brink of Fascism?  8/7/2009 Alternet: "Now, the guessing game is over. We know beyond doubt that the Teabag movement was created out of whole cloth by astroturf groups like Dick Armey's FreedomWorks and Tim Phillips' Americans for Prosperity, with massive media help from FOX News. We see the Birther fracas -- the kind of urban myth-making that should have never made it out of the pages of the National Enquirer -- being openly ratified by Congressional Republicans. We've seen Armey's own professionally-produced field manual that carefully instructs conservative goon squads in the fine art of disrupting the democratic governing process -- and the film of public officials being terrorized and threatened to the point where some of them required armed escorts to leave the building. We've seen Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner applauding and promoting a video of the disruptions and looking forward to "a long, hot August for Democrats in Congress." This is the sign we were waiting for -- the one that tells us that yes, kids: we are there now. America's conservative elites have openly thrown in with the country's legions of discontented far right thugs. They have explicitly deputized them and empowered them to act as their enforcement arm on America's streets, sanctioning the physical harassment and intimidation of workers, liberals, and public officials who won't do their political or economic bidding."

Right-Wing Turncoat Gives the Inside Scoop on Why Conservatives Are Rampaging Town Halls  8/7/2009 Alternet 

FBI Attempts to Block Edmonds Testimony in OH Election Case; Attorneys Say Effort Insufficient to Stop Her  8/7/2009 Brad Blog: "The FBI stated their objection to Edmonds' plans to testify in a two-page letter [PDF] on Thursday, sent to Edmonds' attorney Stephen Kohn, at the National Whistleblowers Legal Defense & Education Fund. Edmonds and her attorneys, however, in their own two-page letter [PDF] say the objections raised so far by the agency are not sufficient to block Edmonds' from "truthfully answer[ing] questions while under oath pursuant to a lawful subpoena" on Saturday morning in D.C. as scheduled."

Honduras is Only Part of the Story - The Conservative Counter-Attack in Latin America  8/7/2009 Counterpunch 

Will Venezuelan Destabilization Follow the Honduran Coup?  8/7/2009 Global Research 

Durante los atentados de La Habana, Posada recibió protección de Embajada USA  8/7/2009 Granma: "Mientras dirigía desde El Salvador los atentados de La Habana, el terrorista internacional Luis Posada Carriles realizó un viaje a Europa y Africa, en una operación de tráfico de armas. Estuvo entonces asilado en la Embajada de Estados Unidos en la República de Sierra Leona, con pasaporte salvadoreño falso, durante el golpe de estado que lo sorprendió en ese país, el 25 de mayo de 1997."

Thursday  8/6/2009

topEn Colombia se movilizaron contra bases yanquis  8/6/2009 Aporrea: "En Barranquilla más de dos mil personas se concentraron este miércoles 5 de agosto frente a la gobernación del Departamento del Atlántico para repudiar la instalación de bases militares estadounidenses en Colombia. La jornada fue organizada por la Gran Coalición Democrática, destacándose las delegaciones de las centrales obreras CUT y UTRAL-CGT, el Polo Democrático Alternativo, las asociaciones de pensionados, organizaciones estudiantiles de la Universidad del Atlántico y de colegios de secundaria, comerciantes estacionarios, Comité de Base de la Salud, Casa Anfictiónica, entre otras."

Gobierno nacional comprará varios batallones de tanques rusos para incrementar su defensa  8/6/2009 Aporrea 

Venezuela Presents Evidence Against Colombia’s Claims that Venezuela Gave Weapons to FARC  8/6/2009 Venezuela Analysis 

Venezuelan National Guard to Assist in Crime Prevention  8/6/2009 Venezuela Analysis 

Tuesday  8/4/2009

topExplosive Allegations: Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder  8/4/2009 Alternet 

Israel's Campaign to Silence Human Rights Groups  8/4/2009 Counterpunch: "HRW is now facing concerted pressure from Jewish lobby groups and from leading Jewish journalists in the US to sever its ties with Saudi donors. According to the Israeli media, some Jewish donors in the US have also specified that their money be used for human rights investigations that do not include Israel."

Monday  8/3/2009

topPutting an End to Glenn Beck's Racist Antics and Apocalyptic Rhetoric  8/3/2009 Alternet: ""The President has exposed himself as a guy … over and over and over again … who has a deep-seated hatred for white people … or the white culture…. I don't know what it is" Beck said on Fox and Friends. Beck's wildly offensive charge, spurred by the recent controversy over the arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was the latest low in a longstanding conservative narrative that ludicrously paints white men as the victims of "reverse racism" and oppression by minorities. Beck's egregious attack has prompted Color of Change to launch a campaign urging Beck's advertisers -- which include GEICO and Proctor & Gamble -- to stop sponsoring the shock jock's divisive hate-mongering."

Media Disinformation; Britain's The Economist backs down over misleading its readers on Venezuela  8/3/2009 Global Research 

Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service  8/3/2009 Telegraph, UK 

10 indicted in $35 million tax fraud scheme  8/3/2009 WGN: "A federal tax fraud ring stretching from Chicago to Israel sought to bring in more than $35 million in tax refunds using the identities of thousands of federal prisoners, authorities here announced today… Yair Berkowitz, 26, of Chicago, the son of the alleged leader, was to appear in court today, along with Eric Berkowitz, 33, of Chicago, Marvin Berkowitz's son-in-law. Berkowitz is a former Chicago rabbi who had lived in Israel since 2003 after alleged involvement in another tax fraud."

Sunday  8/2/2009

topPENTAGON Counterinsurgency Targets FARC, Venezuela and ALBA – Via Honduras?  8/2/2009 HCV Analysis: "CBS news on July 28 ran a feature on General Stavridis’ two wars coming together, revealing that the US was sending Green Beret-trained Colombia commandos to Afghanistan and quoted an unnamed Pentagon official as saying “The more Afghanistan can look like Colombia , the better.” The story also stated that “For Colombia , it’s a way to give something back to the U.S. , and the American Green Berets who’ve spent the last decade training them. “The relationship took years to build with the Green Berets working to turn Colombia ’s best soldiers into an organized special operations force. They helped train a police Special Operations unit known as the ‘Jungle Commandos.’ The Commandos hit targets deep in the jungle…. “With the help of America ’s best warriors, the Colombian Special Forces have become some of the finest soldiers in the world.” [23] The above account could definitively lay to rest US government and media attempts to present the war in Colombia as either a campaign against drugs or an anti-terrorist operation."

Venezuela: The best defence is to deepen the Revolution  8/2/2009 Life on the Left: translated from Marea Socialista

Saturday  8/1/2009

topBombshell: Bin Laden Worked for US Until 9/11 Sibel Edmonds on the Mike Malloy radio show  8/1/2009 Global Research: "Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds dropped a bombshell on the Mike Malloy radio show, guest-hosted by Brad Friedman (audio, partial transcript). In the interview, Sibel says that the US maintained 'intimate relations' with Bin Laden, and the Taliban, "all the way until that day of September 11." These 'intimate relations' included using Bin Laden for 'operations' in Central Asia, including Xinjiang, China. These 'operations' involved using al Qaeda and the Taliban in the same manner "as we did during the Afghan and Soviet conflict," that is, fighting 'enemies' via proxies."

Man's rap song called a threat to cops, so he's in jail for 2 years  8/1/2009 Orlando Sentinel 

Friday  7/31/2009

topA Sibel Edmonds 'Bombshell' - Bin Laden Worked for U.S. Until 9/11  7/31/2009 Brad Blog: "For example, to say that since the fall of the Soviet Union we ceased all of our intimate relationship with Bin Laden and the Taliban - those things can be proven as lies, very easily, based on the information they classified in my case, because we did carry very intimate relationship with these people, and it involves Central Asia, all the way up to September 11."

Rationalizing Racial Oppression  7/31/2009 Counterpunch: "But however much honest people can disagree, some seem intent on using the incident--and President Obama's claim that the police acted "stupidly" in arresting Gates (a true statement, given the actual wording of the law, which Gates clearly did not violate)--to make the ultimate racist argument. And by that, I mean the kind of argument that can serve to justify widespread mistreatment of African American peoples, and is used by overt racists to justify their own hatreds, fears and contempt for black folks: namely, that since blacks have higher crime rates than whites, unequal treatment at the hands of cops is simply something to which black individuals--no matter their own criminality--will simply have to get used to. This past week, the National Review online--the web version of a magazine started by pro-segregationist conservatives like William F. Buckley--ran two such columns: one by syndicated columnist, Mona Charen, and the other by Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute."

The Biden and Clinton Mutinies  7/31/2009 Counterpunch: "The great danger to Obama posed by Biden's and Clinton's "time bombs" (a precisely correct description if we call them political, not diplomatic time bombs) is not international confusion and ridicule over what precisely are the US government’s policies, but a direct onslaught on his presidency by a domestic Israeli lobby that is so out of control that it renders ridiculous Obama’s puny attempt to stop settlements--or to curb Israeli aggression in any other way."

Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11  7/31/2009 Daily Kos: "Of course, Sibel isn't the first or only person to recognize any of this. Eric Margolis, one of the best reporters in the West on matters of Central Asia, stated that the Uighurs in the training camps in Afghanistan up to 2001: "were being trained by Bin Laden to go and fight the communist Chinese in Xinjiang, and this was not only with the knowledge, but with the support of the CIA, because they thought they might use them if war ever broke out with China."

Britain: CCTV Surveillance into Thousands of British Homes  7/31/2009 Global Research 

Race and Class in Civil War Mississippi  7/31/2009 John Spritzler: "On March 8, 1864 Captain A.F. Ramsey of the Confederacy's 3rd Mississippi Regiment wrote to Major J.C. Denis, the regional provost marshal about an attack on a Confederate installation in New Augusta, Mississippi. Of the attackers, Ramsey wrote, "They stated they were in regular communication with the Yankees, were fighting for the Union, and would have peace or hell by August. They told the negros they were free." The attackers were natives of Mississippi, not Yankees. They were whites--the sort of whites that were called "poor white trash" by the "better" folk of the Confederacy. They came from Jones County and nearby counties of rural Mississippi, where they were small "yeoman" farmers who owned no slaves and were proud of that fact. They farmed small plots of land, and as fugitives who had been conscripted into and then deserted from the Confederate Army, they hid in the swamps around their farms."

Sibel Edmonds on Mike Malloy  7/31/2009 Let Sibel Edmonds Speak: "Caller: ... What are Sibel's thoughts about 9/11 possibly being an inside job?"

Israel pulls anti-Semitism card on Venezuela  7/31/2009 Press TV, Iran: "On Saturday, Lieberman attacked Chavez for his comments warning Washington against changing Colombia into the "Israel of Latin America" by building a military platform there from which to "attack" its neighbors. "It is regrettable that it exists in the 21st century after the Holocaust: terrorism against the people of Israel, and the use of such anti-Semitic language," he said."

Thursday  7/30/2009

topGobierno de Bachelet cómplice de incitación al racismo y genocidio  7/30/2009 Aporrea: "El periódico de la ultraderecha de Malleco "Las Noticias" con plena complacencia y permisividad del Gobierno de Chile se permite publicar declaraciones que incitan al odio y exterminio de comunidades mapuche. La pasividad del Gobierno de Chile frente a tales hechos, viola las convenciones contra el Racismo, contra el Genocidio, y el Estatuto de Roma."

LA ROA-FALCÓN HACE ACOMPAÑAMIENTO A LA COMUNIDAD  7/30/2009 Red Afrovenezolana: "el día jueves 30 de este mes, nuevamente los(as) militantes de la red de organizaciones afrovenezolanas capítulo falcón, nos reafirmamos en nuestra convicción acerca de una de las razones de existir de la roa: contribuir a la reivindicación de nuestras comunidades afro."

Wednesday  7/29/2009

topChavez freezes ties with Colombia  7/29/2009 BBC: "Venezuela, he said, would also substitute imports from Colombia - which currently account for about a third of the country's trade - with goods from other countries, notably Brazil and Ecuador. Bilateral trade between the two countries was set to run to some $5bn (£3bn) this year, according to the Venezuelan-Colombian Chamber of Economic Integration (Cavecol)."

Wikileaks: THE SPY WHO BILLED ME TWICE – From Guantanamo to your doorstep: the intelligence industry’s revolving cash door  7/29/2009 Creative-I: "In the file, one intelligence officer, Kia Grapham, hawked by her contractor to state police criminal intelligence, boasts of assisting in over 100 interrogations of “high value human intelligence targets” at Guantanamo Bay. She goes on, saying how she is trained and certified to employ Restricted Interrogation Technique: Separation as specified by FM 2-22.3 Appendix M. Separation? That’s a euphemism for isolation. FM 2-22.3? That’s Human Intelligence Collector Operations, a “fit for public consumption” manual introduced in September, 2006 and current US military policy. Appendix M, “separation”, contains instructions on how to isolate and interrogate detainees for upto 20 hours each day. Four hours a day sleep is permitted. “Suggested Approach Combinations” it says, are, “Futility. Incentive. Fear Up."

Jack Shaw: The Accused Consultant Found Dead  7/29/2009 Thaindian: "The circumstances surrounding the death of Mr.Shaw are “suspicious”, said Edward DeFazio, the Hudson county prosecutor. He also said that the death did not apparently seemed to be a homicide. “It could be natural, it could be accidental, it could be suicide,” said Mr.DeFazio, resenting to comment more on the issue revolving around the mysterious death of Shaw. According to the inside sources, an autopsy is supposed to be carried out on Wednesday. Shaw’s death which was reported by a companion to the authorities at 5.17 p.m., came hours after Dennis Elwell, the mayor of Secaucus stepped down from his post after being charged in the sprawling political corruption case."

Tuesday  7/28/2009

topSTOOLIE IS 'DEAD' TO HIS DADDY - GETTING GRIEF FOR BUSTING 'CORRUPT' JEWS  7/28/2009 NY Post: "Israel Dwek -- the father of Solomon "Shlomo" Dwek, who helped the feds nail three New Jersey mayors and several rabbis in Brooklyn last week -- plans to sit shiva for his son because he is so disgusted with his turning on other Jews, reported the Web site Shiva is the traditional Jewish mourning period held after a family member dies. The father -- citing "the Talmudic Law of Moser that prohibits a Jew from informing on another Jew to a non-Jew" -- renounced his son from the pulpit at his synagogue in Deal, NJ, on Saturday, the site said. Israel Dwek is a revered leader of the Sephardic Jewish community in the wealthy enclave."

Monday  7/27/2009

top911 caller in Gates arrest never referred to 'black suspects'  7/27/2009 CNN 

Post-Race Scholar Yells Racism: How Henry Louis Gates Got Ordained as the Nation's "Leading Black Intellectual"  7/27/2009 Counterpunch 

Sunday  7/26/2009

topColorado-based soldiers accused of violence at home describe horrors from time in Iraq  7/26/2009 AntiWar 

Dr. Darsi Ferrer Remains Imprisoned  7/26/2009 Capitol Hill Cubans 

Saturday  7/25/2009

topThe incredible vanishing Gates police report  7/25/2009 Boston Phoenix 

Friday  7/24/2009

topAhora Israel acusa a Venezuela de entregar documentos falsos a iraníes  7/24/2009 Aporrea: "La directora general de la cancillería israelí para América Latina, Dorit Shavit, esta vez acusó a Venezuela de ofrecer documentos falsos a iraníes para que puedan circular por la región. Esta información la aportó la agencia de prensa de la colectividad judía en Argentina."

Thursday  7/23/2009

topUS Escalates War Plans In Latin America - US Military: After Iraq, Latin America  7/23/2009 Global Research 

Malcolm X: ‘Do you know what they call a Negro Ph.D.?’  7/23/2009 Harlem World 

N.J. officials, N.Y. rabbis caught in federal money laundering, corruption sweep  7/23/2009 NJ Star Ledger: "The Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office and the IRS took out at least three boxes from the Deal Yeshiva, as students were arriving at school. The Deal Yeshiva, on the corner of Brighton and Norwood avenues, is a prestigious religious school in town. Authorities also searched the Ohel Yaacob synagogue on Ocean Avenue in Deal and removed several boxes."

Wednesday  7/22/2009

topKafkaesque Arrest of Dr. Darsi Ferrer  7/22/2009 Capitol Hill Cubans 

Tuesday  7/21/2009

topMexico: Agresión perpetrada por parte del grupo religioso evangelista contra adherentes de La Otra Campaña en ejido Mitziton: 1 muerto y 4 heridos  7/21/2009 CMI Chiapas: "Un muerto y cuatro heridos de lo cuales uno muy grave, son el saldo de la agresión perpetrada contra poblador@s del ejido Mitziton (en el municipio de San Cristóbal de las Casas), adherente a La Otra Campaña. El ataque ha sido llevado a cabo por el grupo religioso evangelista “Alas de Aguila”, conocido como “Ejército de Dios”, que opera con estructura militar incluyendo comandantes, tenientes y soldados."

Venezuela denies U.S. drug report, Hezbollah charges  7/21/2009 Reuters: "A report from the Government Accountability Office, the U.S. Congress' investigative agency, said drug corruption had reached the ministerial level in Venezuela and decried a "permissive" attitude to trafficking groups from Colombia. Venezuela, whose allies include Cuba and Iran, rejected the report that it said lacked objectivity and was intended to promote Washington's "interventionist pretension."

Monday  7/20/2009

topLa Red de Organizaciones Afrovenezolanas del Estado Nueva Esparta participa en el Foro "América Latina y África, una utopía posible desde el Sur".  7/20/2009 Red Afrovenezolana: "En las instalaciones del hotel Puerta del Sol de la isla de Margarita en el estado Nueva Esparta, el viernes 10 de julio 2009, se realizó el Foro "América Latina y África, una utopía posible desde el Sur", como una estrategia para el acercamiento e intercambio político y cultural entre la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y la nación africana de Libia. Con presencia de un panel conformado por la Lic. Rosa Cedeño (Jefa de la Zona Educativa del Estado Nueva Esparta) la Dra. Ameba Elbosevy (Secretaria General de la Fundación Afro-Latina de partidario Al Gadafi), Ramdan Bugren (Coordinador General del Consejo de jóvenes de Libia) y Nuri Mohamed (Secretario del Consejo Nacional de Jóvenes de Libia), el Coordinador General de la Red de Organizaciones Afrovenezolanas capitulo Nueva Esparta (ROA-NE) César Silva Regalado y la Coordinadora de Educación Intercultural de la Zona Educativa de dicho estado, la profesora Eudora Quintana, presentaron una ponencia titulada "Dinámica y Caracterización del Movimiento Social Afrodescendiente Venezolano y su relación con el hecho educativo"."

Friday  7/17/2009

topThe JFK Assassination: Defending the Gangster State  7/17/2009 Michael Parenti 

Wednesday  7/15/2009

topRigoberta Menchú advierte sobre posible golpe de Estado en Guatemala  7/15/2009 Aporrea: "Por su parte, el presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, también señaló el pasado viernes que "la oligarquía" habría impulsado planes para derrocar a su homólogo guatemalteco tras el escándalo del crimen del abogado."

Tuesday  7/14/2009

topHow the Israel Lobby Took Control of U.S. Foreign Policy  7/14/2009 Criminal State 

Towards a Solution to the Debt Crisis in California - The State could walk away & create its own credit machine  7/14/2009 Global Research: "One State already does this. North Dakota boasts the only state-owned bank in the nation. It is also one of only two states (along with Montana) that are currently able to meet their budgets. The Bank of North Dakota was established by the legislature in 1919 to free farmers and small businessmen from the clutches of out-of-state bankers and railroad men. By law, the State must deposit all its funds in the bank, and the State guarantees its deposits. The bank’s surplus profits are returned to the State’s coffers. The bank operates as a bankers’ bank, partnering with private banks to lend money to farmers, real estate developers, schools and small businesses. It makes 1% loans to startup farms, has a thriving student loan business, and purchases municipal bonds from public institutions. North Dakota is not suffering from unemployment or feeling the pinch of the economic downturn. Rather, it sports the largest surplus it has ever had. If this isolated farming State can escape Wall Street’s credit crisis, the world’s eighth largest economy can do it too! "

Obama's first meeting with Jewish leaders includes more left-wing groups  7/14/2009 Jerusalem Post: "The new J Street lobby and Americans for Peace Now made the final cut of a pared-down list that kept off traditional participants Zionist Organization of America, the Lubavitch movement and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, all of which are on the more conservative part of the spectrum."

Dear Anonymous: The CIA Truth About Markos Moulitsas (DailyKos) Will Come Out  7/14/2009 Truth About Kos 

Sunday  7/12/2009

topReparaciones para negros, afrocolombianos y raizales  7/12/2009 Actualidad Etnica: "El artículo 'Reparaciones para negros, afrocolombianos y raizales como rescatados de la Trata Negrera Transatlántica y desterrados de la guerra en Colombia,' escrito por Claudia Mosquera Rosero-Labbé, hace un análisis del multiculturalismo esquemático que se está implementando en el país desde hace quince años con la Constitución de 1991."

Dick Cheney ordered the CIA to conceal counter-terrorism plan from Congress  7/12/2009 Independent, UK: "In March, the respected investigative reporter Seymour Hersh revealed that he had uncovered evidence during research for an as-yet unpublished book that Cheney oversaw an "executive assassination ring" for years. "It is a special wing of our special operations community that is set up independently. They do not report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days, they reported directly to the Cheney office. ... Congress has no oversight of it," he said at the time. "It's an executive assassination ring essentially, and it's been going on and on and on. Under President Bush's authority, they've been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That's been going on, in the name of all of us."

Cele Castillo ordered to report to federal prison  7/12/2009 NarcoNews: "Castillo, as well as other law enforcers who spoke with Narco News, contend the federal prosecutor in the case turned Castillo’s paperwork violation (selling legally purchased weapons without a firearms-dealer permit) into a federal arms-trafficking case as payback for his whistleblowing activity — for exposing the CIA and White House’s complicity in arms- and narco-trafficking as part of the Iran/Contra scandal that played out during the administration of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush."

Marxists Must Stand Firm Against Ahmadinejad  7/12/2009 Venezuela Analysis: "Open letter to the workers of Venezuela on Hugo Chávez's support for Ahmadinejad."

Saturday  7/11/2009

topRelease Dr. Darsi Ferrer  7/11/2009 Capitol Hill Cubans 

Friday  7/10/2009

topHonduran Oligarchy: “The War is Against Chavez”  7/10/2009 Venezuela Analysis 

Thursday  7/9/2009

topCamp: Private Pa. pool turned away minority kids  7/9/2009 AP 

Jewish Defense League attacks Arab-owned store in France  7/9/2009 IMEMC: "Olivia and Nicholas Zamour, who own the bookstore that was vandalized, told the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahranoth, "We saw here today for the first time solidarity of hundreds of people for the Palestinian nation, against the pro-Israeli French government." They also said, about the JDL, "This is a fascist organization that does not hesitate to attack people and places. They have no fear because, until today, no steps have been taken against them. However, all of this is going to change. Three years ago, they attacked our bookstore in the middle of the night and broke windows. This time they did it in the middle of the day, fearlessly.""

Venezuela Says Clinton’s Remarks Reflect “Profound Lack of Knowledge of Our Reality”  7/9/2009 Venezuela Analysis 

Wednesday  7/8/2009

topMNN: WE HOLD THE ROCK [ALCATRAZ], SAID RICHARD OAKES OF AKWESASNE IN 1969  7/8/2009 Akwesasne Counterspin: "According to the principle, the abandoned US border checkpoint at Akwesasne irrevocably reverts to the Mohawk Nation. The Canadian Twilight Zone check point in the middle of Kawenoke on Cornwall Island was abandoned and irrevocably reverts to the Mohawk Nation. The two bridges and highways onto the island are closed/abandoned by the US and Canada. They irrevocably revert to the Mohawk Nation. The RCMP and other foreign police who patrol the foot of the bridge in the city of Cornwall are trespassers. This is disputed Mohawk land. They must leave."

Why Is a Leading Feminist Organization Lending Its Name to Support Escalation in Afghanistan?  7/8/2009 Alternet 

Violence and Transformation in Venezuela’s Public Universities  7/8/2009 Venezuela Analysis: "The Chavez government is attempting to modify the nation's educational system in line with socialist values. To this effect the Chavez government has taken steps to broaden access to higher education, and the pro-Chavez student movement has called for greater student control over the management of university budgets. In addition, the government is currently drafting a new law which would facilitate the participation of councils composed of students, their families and the local communities in academic life. This has clashed with the interests of the entrenched, opposition-aligned university administrations and their student allies who are largely identified with the middle and upper class minority of Venezuelans. This elite constituency fervently defends the autonomy of the university from the state."

Tuesday  7/7/2009

topHonduras and a Naked Woman in Venezuela  7/7/2009 NarcoNews: "The white words that penetrated the blackness were: “The Social Property Law will take everything from you. NO to the Cuban law.” The ad was sponsored by “CEDICE.” ...A good question is: who is paying for all of this propaganda? Jeremy Bigwood and Eva Golinger have documented some of the funds that CEDICE and CIPE (an organization that calls CEDICE its “partner in Venezuela) have received from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). I also did a bit of checking back in 2003 and discovered that $490,441.00 was approved for the two organizations during the seven years from 1994 to 2000. Then, for some reason, $273,352 was approved for one year: 2002, the year of the coup d’état against Chávez."

Monday  7/6/2009

topJudging the Iranian Election  7/6/2009 Consortium News: " appears to matter not at all that Mousavi, Ahmadinejad's main opponent in the election and very much supported by the protesters, while prime minister 1981-89, bore large responsibility for the attacks on the U.S. embassy and military barracks in Beirut in 1983, which took the lives of more than 200 Americans, and the 1988 truck bombing of a U.S. Navy installation in Naples, Italy, that killed five persons. Remarkably, a search of U.S. newspaper and broadcast sources shows no mention of this during the current protests.6 However, the Washington Post saw fit to run a story on June 27 that declared: "the authoritarian governments of China, Cuba and Burma have been selectively censoring the news this month of Iranian crowds braving government militias on the streets of Tehran to demand democratic reforms."

Zionism and books  7/6/2009 Jews Sans Frontiere: "French Zionist thugs assaulted a radical bookstore in Paris, smashing computers and destroying books."

Sunday  7/5/2009

topLa guerra contra Venezuela  7/5/2009 Aporrea: publicado en 2007

Pray the Devil Back to Hell  7/5/2009 "Pray the Devil Back to Hell is the extraordinary story of a small band of Liberian women who came together in the midst of a bloody civil war, took on the violent warlords and corrupt Charles Taylor regime, and won a long-awaited peace for their shattered country in 2003. As the rebel noose tightened upon Monrovia, and peace talks faced collapse, the women of Liberia – Christian and Muslims united - formed a thin but unshakable white line between the opposing forces, and successfully demanded an end to the fighting– armed only with white T-shirts and the courage of their convictions."

Saturday  7/4/2009

topFew Guatemalans Blame Colom for Murder  7/4/2009 Angus Reid: "Very few people in Guatemala think Álvaro Colom is guilty of the assassination of lawyer Rodrigo Rosenberg, according to a poll by CID-Gallup. Only eight per cent of respondents believe the president is responsible for Rosenberg’s murder."

Friday  7/3/2009

topPatterns of Boston Jewish Power  7/3/2009 Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel: "...the top-down Ashbrook conspiracy hypothesis requires a degree of interest and involvement on the parts of Ashbrook, Cheney, and Bush in local Boston politics that seems implausible outside of the small circle that considers Boston to be the hub of the universe. A more likely theory of the reasoning behind the investigation of Wilkerson and Turner can be developed in a more bottom-up approach that looks at the record of prosecution or persecution of those offending the organized Boston Jewish community and its members in some way. The nastiness of this group is legendary and probably developed in response to Fathers Coughlin and Feeney. As Boston Jewish wealth, power, and influence has increased so has its ability to punish those running afoul of it."


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