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Cuba and the current crisis

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Afghan Genocide


Saudi Arabia



Al Qaeda:  Nuclear Peril, 9/16 El Mundo, Boston Globe

World News

Usama ben Laden and Al Qaeda Links 
Arabic News Online

Afghan News

Afghan News Sources

Africa Daily

Agence France-Presse

AFP International

AFP News Wrap



Alternet site on 9-11

AP Wire
The Forum, ND

AP World

AP National

AP Washington

AP Business

AP On The Hour

AP Headlines

AP Breaking

Arab net

Arabia News

Arabic News Online

the Jihad -censored in USA but not here! 

Boston Globe


Chechnya news

Common Dreams

Consortium News


Daily Pioneer
New Delhi

Dawn, Pakistan
Israeli Intelligence

Defense and the National Interest: US 4th generation warfare site

Drudge Report

Electronic Intifada

El Mundo

El Pais

Financial Times, UK

Granma, Havana

the Guardian, UK

Gulf Daily News

Gulf Time Newspaper Qatar

Haaretz Daily,

Iana RadioNet

Independent, UK


Institute for Public Accuray

International Herald Tribune 

IRNA - Iran 


Jay's Leftist and 'Progressive' Internet Resources Directory

Jerusalem Post



LA Times

LA Weekly

Le Figaro

Le Monde

Middle East Times

Middle East Research and Information Project


The Nation

AP Wire

-- begin Palestine

Pacific News

Palestine FM

Palestine Net

Arabia Net - Palestine

Palestinian Expatriate Retreat

Islamic Association for Palestine

Palestine Trade Center

Friends Of Palestine

Middle East Peace Process

Government Institutions

Web Sites Guide

Palestine Information Center

Palestine Online

-- end Palestine

Pak News

Peter Dale Scott

Radio Havana

Radio Progreso, Miami: Eng & Span


Reuters Roundup

Reuters Spotlight

Reuters World

Reuters Politics

Reuters Business


Snopes - rumours


Times of India

The Times, London

The WIRE - News from Associated Press 

Tribuneof India

Unknown News

UPI Wire

UPI National

UPI World

UPI Entertainment

US Africa Online

Village Voice

Wisdom Fund
Islamic viewpoint


World Tribune

Falls Church, VA

Yahoo News

Yahoo: Afghanistan


Local times around the world


Death from America: Irak

Civil Liberties in the EU



    World News
9/24/01 - 9/30/01

Sun 9/30

Sites focusing on the crisis:
Operation Afghan Airlift
From the Wildernerss: - off beat analysis of the drug connection, which is topical.
Peter Dale Scott: new site on Al Qaeda, the drug connection, and an intelligent anti-war movement from the co-author of Cocaine Politics

British Officials Report That Afghan Traders Unloading Stocks of Opium 9/30 AP

Troops will target drugs stockpile 9/30 Observer, UK

What's Africa Got to Do With It?
9/30 CounterPunch

U.S.: No Negotiations With Taliban 9/30 Washington Post

Bin Laden's Location Sketchy 9/30 Washington Post

U.S. Believes More Attacks Are Planned 9/30 LA Times

Bin Laden prepares new attacks 9/30 World Tribune


Blair cites proof of bin Laden links to terror attacks 9/30 AFP

Saudi Will Not Allow Use of U.S. Bases - Minister 9/30 Reuters

Key commanders abandoning Taliban 9/30 Times of India

Taliban: We're Preparing for Attack 9/30 AP

UN Aid Convoys Heads for Afghan Capital and North 9/30 Reuters

Common military operation of mujahideen pursues specific goals
9/30 Kavkaz, Chechnya

US and Britain to strike terror camps within days 9/30 Observer, UK

Saddam has germ warfare arsenal, says defecting physicist 9/30 Telegraph, UK

Three American soldiers 'captured by bin Laden' 9/30 Telegraph, UK

Crack force set to pry bin Laden from his lair 9/30 Telegraph, UK

Islamic peoples have been victims of US fundamentalism 2001 Khilafa

The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation 10/89 Defense and National Interest

Sat 9/29/01top

Bush War of Words Goes on as Protesters Gather 9/29 Reuters

Democracy held hostage 9/29 Salon

Afghan opposition says 'no' to US military strike 9/30 AFP 

Saudi military source denies US to use air base against bin Laden: report 9/29 AFP

San Francisco protesters call for peace in wake of attacks 9/29 AFP

Thousands of anti-war protesters march in Washington, San Francisco 9/29 AFP

Bin Laden Readies 5 Warfronts 9/29 Debka, Israel

Iraq trains Bin Laden’s Men in Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction 9/29 Debka, Israel

Peace protestors march in Washington 9/29 Ananova

Stockpiles of opium being moved out of Afghanistan 9/29 Ananova

Bin Laden's Life in Sudan Recalled 9/30 AP

Castro: Peaceful Response Possible 9/30 AP

I was one of the Taliban's torturers: I crucified people 9/30 Telegraph, UK

Top American diplomat courts Tashkent for troop facilities 9/30 Telegraph, UK

A peaceful solution is still possible, says Fidel 9/29 Granma

Fri 9/28/01


Sea Change in U.S.-Israeli Relations 9/28 Stratfor

Follow-On Theaters of Operation 9/28 Stratfor

Unlikely Doves: Counter-terrorism Experts 9/28 Alternet

Chechens Confirm Steps Toward Peace 9/28 AP

U.S. in 'Hot Pursuit' of Terrorists 9/28 AP

Bin Laden's Past Words Revisited 9/28 AP

Iran ready join UN anti-terror campaign - Ex-president 9/28 IRNA, Iran

Malaysia's firms make contingency plans as Afghan tensions rage 9/28 IRNA, Iran

Blair refuses to condemn Berlusconi's `superior' remarks 9/28 IRNA, Iran

Crackdown on SIMI continues 9/28 Times of India

Taliban prepare for war, test weapons 9/28 Times of India

Plane lands after mid-air drama 9/28 Times of India

Jordan King Presses Peace Process 9/28 AP

U.S. to Take Some of Staff Out of Jakarta 9/28 LA Times

Assaults Against Muslims, Arabs Escalating 9/28 LA Times

Jihad Training Details Heighten Attack Fears 9/28 LA Times

In Hijacker's Bags, a Call to Planning, Prayer and Death 9/28 Washington Post

Buchanan - Whose war is this? 9/28 USA Today

Europe disowns Berlusconi for attack on Islam 9/28 The Independent, UK

Iranians try to get safe 'corridor' for Afghan exodus 9/27 The Independent

Allies plan warning shot to sway Taleban 9/28 The Times of London

La menace bioterroriste 9/28 Le Monde, Paris

Rituals reflect a battle to the death 9/28 The Times

Questions follow factory blast 9/28 The Guardian, UK

The price of compliance 9/28 The Guardian, UK: Countries demand a high price from Dubyah in a hurry...

Indonesian jihad 9/28 The Guardian, UK

Chemical and Germ War: Terrorist Threat Assessed 9/28 International Herald Tribune

Thu 9/27/01top

Where does US intelligence go from here - and were they really to blame? 9/27 Jane's

Indonesia is a Risky Ally in Terrorism Fight 9/28 Pacific News Services

At least two new attacks said thwarted
9/27 Washington Post

Moscow has declared «Chechen invasion» into Abkhazia 9/27 Kavkaz, Chechnya

Berlusconi: The West must conquer Islam 9/27/01 AP

Dove Powell prevails over hawks 9/27/01 Times of India

White House whitewashers 9/27 Salon

Iran Refuses To Help 'Disgusting' Americans 9/27 New York Post

L'islam radical rejeté par les rappeurs musulmans 9/27 Le Monde, Paris

Uranium seized: Police wash hands off case 9/27/01 Times of India

Pakistanis Leave to Side with Taliban -Party Chief 9/27 Reuters

Negroponte enters the UN on a unanimous Senate vote 9/27/01 Granma, Cuba: "Who could have imagined that John Dimitri Negroponte, former U.S. ambassador to Honduras, charged with having sponsored the bloodiest terrorist campaign unleashed in that country, would secure the post of U.S. ambassador to the UN thanks to the anti-terrorist wave unleashed by the most spectacular terrorist attack in history?"

UN aid moves again as millions face threat of war - and famine
9/ 27/01 The Guardian, UK

Taliban Not Sole Cause of Afghanistan Aid Crisis 9/27/01 Reuters

Joint intelligence team to hunt Osama 9/27/01 The News

Beijing's troops train for war on Afghan border 9/27/01 The Times

Uzbek General Dostum killed in Taleban air strike: Russian TV 9/27/

Kabul regime cannot exist without bin Laden, says Taleban defector
9/27/01 The Times

1998 Meeting Between Bin Laden and Iraqi Intelligence Getting New Look in Attack Investigation
9/27 AP

Military Strikes Not Imminent, U.S. Officials Say 9/27 Washington Post

Florida government agency puts terrorist-preparation plans on Internet 9/27/01 AFP

Refugee crisis will dwarf Kosovo  9/27/01 This is London

Aid agencies brace for Afghan exodus 9/27/01 CNN

Powell settles a score 9/27/01 Haaretz, Israel

Denuncian que en Miami el terrorismo contra Cuba está vigente 9/27/01 Granma, Cuba

Reinicia EE.UU. los bombardeos contra Vieques 9/27/01 Granma

Le mystère de Toulouse 9/27 Le Monde: The horrific explosion in Toulouse may have been sabotage

Wed 9/26/01

Politically Incorrect is Downright American 9/26 Business Week

White House reprimands Maher 9/26 AP

Internet gives peace a chance 9/26 The Guardian, UK

Lawyers' Committee Concerned Attacks On Americans May Undermine Sacred Freedoms; Distressed About Increase of Violent Hate Crimes  9/26 Common Dreams, US

An Enraged Bull in Asia's Nuclear China Shop 9/26 Toronto Sun

Bin Laden terror group tries to acquire chemical arms 9/26 Washington Times, Sun Young Moon: chemical, bio, nuclear weapons from Russian Mafia, Afghani opium is medium of exchange

Missiles Urged to Protect U.S. Nuke Power Plants 9/26 Reuters


Revolts loom over Afghanistan 9/26 The News

Russia exploits the war dividend 9/26 The Guardian, UK

Analysis: Pitfalls for Moscow 9.26 The Guardian

Bin Laden Calls His Balkan Brigades to Arms 9/26, Israeli Intelligence Portal: "There is every indication of preparations by Bin Laden and his network of militant Islamic fundamentalists to launch two fronts - in the Balkans and in Central Asia – to attack US and allied forces as they open their offensive in Afghanistan."

Bush pulls out troops as Balkans crisis deepens 9/26 The Guardian

The Greek approach to tragedy 9/26 The Guardian, UK: Helena Smith in Athens explores why the Greeks seem to have little sympathy for post-attack America

Face to face with Osama
9/26 The Guardian, UK

VOA airs interview with Mullah Omar 9/26 Times of India: defying the US government which had sought to suppress the broadcast

Probe links WTC, Kandahar hijacks 9/26 Times of India: interesting details on hijacking, bin Laden, and family ties to Bush

Hawks gang up against Powell 9/26 News Telegraph, UK

Taliban abandon customs post at Torkham 9/26 The News

Taliban Leader Says Terrorist Attacks "Were to Avenge U.S. Cruelty" 9/26 

Cracks in Pak-US coalition against terrorism 9/26 The News

About the bin Laden family  Front Line, US: informative

Ben Laden : sa filière française, ses liens financiers 9/26 Le Monde, France

Tue 9/25/01

Radio Havana  - News Update - 9/25, Cuba:

  • Cubana Airlines Bombing - 25th Anniversary To Be Observed Oct 6
  • Bush Backpedals On Powell's Promise To Provide Evidence
  • Indonesia's Islamic Leadership Warns Us Against Bombing Afghanistan
  • What About The Terrorists Harbored By The USA, Asks Saul Landau
  • Attack On Us Prompts Urgent Calls To Solve Israeli-Palestine Conflict
  • Saudi Arabia Breaks Relations With Afghanistan's Taliban
  • US Plan To Restrict Civil Liberties Meets Unexpected Resistance 
  • Viewpoint: Drowning Out The War Drums With Calls For Peace

News organizations back off recount 9/25 --

Pakistan warns against foreign military support for Afghan opposition 9/25 AFP

Patriotic Partisanship 9/25 Washington Post

Islamists Say Asset Freeze Is 'Absolute Injustice' 9/26 Reuters

WTC probers pay attention to race  9/25  Newark Star-Ledger 

Chemical Weapons Training Revealed 9/25 AP

US narrows goals, plays down expectations of major military campaign
9/25 AFP

Experts see huge task attacking terrorist funds 9/25 AFP

Saudi Arabia: Arab ally 'dithering'  9/25 News Telegraph, UK
For a pure piece of USA style PR campaign to hide a serious blow to US plans, see
Bush says Saudis 'nothing but cooperative' 9/25 AFP. See also Israeli intelligence portal for another opposing view, scrolling down to their news section. And also the spookland portal in Falls Church VA, World Tribune:  Saudis deny base for U.S. military attack

US aims to take vital Afghan airbase
9/25 News Telegraph, UK

Hijack squads 'planned to seize eight aircraft' 9/25 Independent, UK

Bin Laden steps up defiance of US by urging Muslims to resist the 'crusader' 9/25 Independent, UK


Laden may lead Taliban forces 9/25 Times of India

Life inside Al Qaida 9/25 Times of India

Indefensión ante el bioterrorismo 9/25 El Mundo, Spain

Taliban leader demands withdrawal of US troops from Gulf 9/25 Independent, UK

Terrorists may have made huge profits dealing in gold and oil  9/25 Independent, UKtop

Iran's media denounce British 'meddling' 9/25 News Telegraph, UK

9/25 Drudge Report

Al Qaeda se suma al llamamiento a la guerra santa de Bin Laden 9/25 El Mundo

Straw's trip to Teheran infuriates Israelis 9/25 News Telegraph, UK
JACK STRAW, the Foreign Secretary, was denounced from both ends of the Middle East political spectrum yesterday as he prepared for a landmark visit to Iran.

Straw urges Arafat to 'go extra mile'
  9/25 News Telegraph, UK

Bio-attack 'grave threat'  9/25 News Telegraph, UK

German Right applauds attacks 9/25 News Telegraph, UK

Flood of cheap Afghan heroin 9/25 The Times
"Afghanistan produced 75 per cent of the world’s opium last year"

Iran Seeks U.N.-Led Coalition
9/25 AP

Russia Embraces U.S.-Led Effort 9/25 AP

UK, Israel considered next bin Laden targets 9.25 Haaretz, Israel

Afghan challenge awaits US military 9/25 BBC

Hekmatyar coming to Afghanistan to side with Taliban 9/25 NNI
Note: Bin Ladin inherited CIA backed Hekmatyar's narcotics networks, see our Bin Ladin page

US must woo Pashtuns deftly 9.25 Christian Science Monitor

Mon 9/24/01top

How the War Against Terrorism Could Escalate 9/24 Alternet

Nations water works put on high alert 9/24 UPI

Analysis: Russia offers to work with US 9/24 UPI

Map of World Trade Centre strikes confiscated in Chechnya, 9/24 Tass: Russian disinformation?

Inside Al Qaida 9/24  Los Angeles Times

Bin Laden Urges Pakistanis to Fight 9.24 AP

Indonesian Muslim group tells US citizens to leave 9/24 Pioneer, New Delhi

Poll: Third of New Yorkers support internment camps 9/24 Newsday, NY

Saved by the Militia National Review

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 24 September 2001

*Cuban Experts Agree That World Peace Is Hanging On A String 
*Arab Community In Cuba Calls For Peace  
*Rigoberta Menchu Says There Can Be No Peace Without Justice 
*Kofi Annan Says Only Un Can Legitimately Wage Campaign Against Terror 
*US Promises To Share Its Evidence, But With Whom, And How Much Unknown 
*Jewish Victims Of Terrorism In Argentina Speak Out Against Vengeance 
*Media Focus On Military Challenge Of Attacking Taliban On Its Territory 

SAS, US Army Delta Force set up command centre near Afghanistan 9/24 Pak News

Voice of America Told Not to Air Interview with Taliban Leader 9/24 Washington Post

Central Asian states back US campaign, but motives mixed 9/24 AFP: discusses the US base at Tuzel in Uzbekistan and the threat facing these states caught up in the Russia - Islam conflict.

Taliban mobilize 300,000 people for war 9/24 AFP

Afghan Taliban warns Uzbekistan against interference 9/24 AFP

German general fears a bloodbath 9/24 News Telegraph, UK

The Roots of Resentment 9/24 Business Week

Arab reluctance grows about joining US war on terrorism 9/24AFP

RAF To Join Awesome U.S. Air Armada 9/24 Sun, UK: three times the size deployed in the Gulf War

FBI GROUNDS NATION'S CROP DUSTERS 9/24 Washington Post For a second time, in fear of bioterrorism

Battles rage in northern Afghanistan 9/24 Times of India

New college anti-war site: shows good promise. See our Anti-War page for  many new stories.

Echoes of Vietnam stir US campuses Anti-War movement starts to take shape on US campuses 9/24 The Guardian

Out of Step, But Maybe Not Out of Line 9/24 Washington Post columnist William Rasberry on Barbara Lee

Fighting in mountains 'will bring higher casualties' 9/24 The Guardian
Afghanistan: Washington and London are bracing themselves for a high death toll among soldiers sent into Afghanistan to engage the forces of Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.

Washington steps up pressure on Sharon 9/24 Gulf Times, Gulf States

El Gobierno británico podría ultimar el envío de sus tropas a Asia Central esta misma semana 9/24 El Mundo
Los primeros movimientos de fuerzas británicas hacia una base de Asia Central, probablemente Uzbekistán, podrían producirse esta misma semana...Reino Unido va a ofrecer 25 millones de libras (unos 6.600 millones de pesetas, unos 40 millones de euros) a los países fronterizos con Afganistán para ayudarlos a sobrellevar la llegada de refugiados del país controlado por los talibán.

Rusia decide participar en 'la nueva guerra' en Afganistán
El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, ha decidido luchar del lado estadounidense contra el terrorismo. Moscú considera "conveniente la entrada" del país en "la nueva guerra" en Afganistán, según ha filtrado el diario electrónico 'Gazeta', cercano al Kremlin. 9/24 El Mundo, Madrid: the Russians will join the war

World News
Ummah, the site that was used as cover by the Mashoud assassins

Qawafil-ush-Shuhadaa [ARABIC]

Islam Question & Answer - Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Islaam Homepage

Islamic Assembly of North America [IANA on LINE]

Jam'iat Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah Homepage

Nida'ul Islam/ The Call of Islam Magazine Online

Words Written in Blood. Arabic book collection of Shaheed Sheikh

Abdullah Azzam [ARABIC]

Countries the US has bombed since WWII

China 1945-46
Korea 1950-53
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Congo 1964
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Grenada 1983
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1980s
Nicaragua 1980s
Panama 1989
Iraq 1991-99
Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998
Yugoslavia 1999

Protective gear - biohazard suits, etc

Industrial Health Services Network

Maps & Weathertop

A number of maps here

Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 0.7 to 1.2 billion worldwide and 3 to 6 million in the U.S. About 20% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is in a period of rapid growth.

Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people -- a percentage that has remaind stable for decades. It is expected that, if current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular religion sometime in the mid-21st century.


Death from Americatop

Iraq news: Soaring death rates among Iraqi children, 1999 BBC, UNICEF 500,000 child deaths

Ramsey Clark: Report to UN Security Council re: Iraq, 1/26/2000
1.5 million deaths

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