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    World News
10/15/01 - 10/21/01

Sunday  10/21/01

Taleban leader's son killed  10/21/01 BBC: This is far from the only child death. Americans always say they are for the children, have hysterical fits over child abuse, then go and kill children in many parts of the globe…

A wall of denial foils investigators  10/21/01 Chicago Tribune: "High-level denials like the ones we're hearing are just extraordinary, even if it is for domestic consumption," said Patrick Clawson, director of research at Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "Are the Saudis just being unhelpful? Or do they actually believe what they're saying? In either case, it's an alarming development."

The Clash of Ignorance  10/21/01 Edward Said 

TAKING THE BAIT  10/21/01 In These Times 

Anthrax attacks now being linked to US right-wing cranks  10/21/01 Independent, UK: And they want to bomb Iraq, just as they sent planes to bomb Cuba after Oswald was arrested - these were halted at the last minute.

Bin Laden linked to Albanian drug gangs  10/21/01 Independent, UK 

'Children die' in Kabul strikes  10/21/01 Independent, UK: If the AP reporter was there, it happened…

U.S. special force's operation in Afghanistan not successful - Tajik military sources  10/21/01 Interfax 

Ebola-type disease kills 12 Iranians  10/21/01 IRNA, Iran 

Jewish terror claims more Christian lives in Bethlehem  10/21/01 IRNA, Iran 

Wife says Jewish terrorists killed her husband in full view of children  10/21/01 IRNA, Iran 

A WARTIME ECONOMY...But without the Usual Wartime Stimulus?  10/21/01 James Gallbraith 

If the CIA Had Butted Out …  10/21/01 LA Times: "Imagine a new era of foreign policy--an era in which international law is taken seriously, respected, in which sovereign democracies are encouraged, nurtured, applauded, rather than fought against, stifled and killed. Imagine if we abandoned, once and for all the poisonous doctrines of "Iron Chancellor" Bismarck and Henry Kissinger and instead subscribed to those of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Imagine if we took the United Nations and The Hague seriously, rather than treating them as kangaroo courts in which only those causes championed by the mighty and powerful were pursued with vigor, while other grievances were neglected and scorned."

KING'S RANSOM  10/21/01 New Yorker: Eagerly awaited article by Seymour Hersh since some explosive NSA-tells-all revelations leaked last week - "Since 1994 or earlier, the National Security Agency has been collecting electronic intercepts of conversations between members of the Saudi Arabian royal family, which is headed by King Fahd. The intercepts depict a regime increasingly corrupt, alienated from the country's religious rank and file, and so weakened and frightened that it has brokered its future by channelling hundreds of millions of dollars in what amounts to protection money to fundamentalist groups that wish to overthrow it."

War might not be over 'in our lifetime': Cheney  10/21/01 Online.IE, Ireland 


Two Top Senators Lash Out at Saudis, Egypt  10/21/01 Reuters: fine, the US will overthrow the Saudis and replace them with… bin Ladin? He and his peers want the price of oil to go up to $100/barrel.

Privacy is just so suspicious  10/21/01 St Petersburg Times: "There is one phrase that has crept into the American vernacular that I wish I could banish from the hearts and minds of my countrymen: "If you're not guilty, then what have you got to hide?"

Two white suspects in bin Laden probe  10/21/01 Telegraph, UK: Race traitors or not? Many Arabs are caucasians..but not in Britain, where they are given to wondering about the French…."It is the first time since September 11 that white non-Muslims have been accused of involvement in Islamic extremism."

UN set to appeal for halt in the bombing  10/21/01 The Guardian 

UN's smallpox terror alert  10/21/01 The Guardian 

US special forces kill 20 in fierce Afghan firefight  10/21/01 The Guardian 

CIA Told to Do 'Whatever Necessary' to Kill Bin Laden  10/21/01 Washington Post: Cheney's Endless War: "The vice president bluntly said: "It is different than the Gulf War was, in the sense that it may never end. At least, not in our lifetime."

Silence of 4 Terror Probe Suspects Poses Dilemma  10/21/01 Washington Post: "the use of force to extract information could happen" in cases where investigators believe suspects have information on an upcoming attack.

A new front opens against Russia  10/21/01 Washington Times: "A joint force of Chechen and Georgian militants is carrying out attacks on Abkhazia, a breakaway province of Georgia. The militants are attempting to open new fronts against Russia, weakening Moscow's military strength and control over both Abkhazia and Chechnya. "

Saturday  10/20/01

top20,000 in Yemen Protest Afghan War  10/20/01 AP 

Saudi Arabia Detains Supporters  10/20/01 AP: "He [Saudi Prince Nayef] also warned that the kingdom will side with any Arab country that may become a target in the U.S.-led anti-terror campaign."

Kingdom denies dispute with US  10/20/01 Arab News 

US commandos test Taleban defences  10/20/01 BBC 

Sample of Larry Ellison's new National ID Card  10/20/01 Brad Templeton 

Chinese Fighters Killed in US Strikes against Kahandar  10/20/01 Debka, Israel: This Israeli Intelligence portal persues its China case: "Al Masri appears to have been caught by an American bombardment, just as he was leaving Kahandar for Jalalabad after meeting Taliban leaders. They warned him as he left that US Special Force units were operating in the southern and western outskirts of the town. Because they thought the size of his bodyguard insufficient, they offered to a detail of their own men to see him safely past the danger zone. Among that armed escort were five Chinese fighters. A Special Forces unit waylaid the group and detonated explosive charges, one of which hit Abu Basir’s vehicle and a second the escort vehicles. Most of the escort was killed, including three of the Chinese guards. The next day, their bodies were carried into Kandahar. Another 10 Chinese fighters died in US bombardments."

Uzbekistan: Torture Victim Dies in Custody  10/20/01 Human Rights Watch: ]

Hit-and-run commandos close in on Taliban base  10/20/01 Independent, UK: "Speaking from his field headquarters, 60 miles [north] from Mazar-i-Sharif, Abdul Rashid Dostum, a senior commander, said he was in discussion with US military personnel at Dara-i-Suf, 60 miles south [corresponds to earlier reports the US forces had been dropped 100 km south] of Mazar. "They are talking to me about what assistance they can provide us."

US and Russia on verge of deal over oil and missiles  10/20/01 Independent, UK 

Jewish leader slams German author for criticizing Israel  10/20/01 IRNA, Iran 

Drogue, ressources en gaz et pétrole, les autres enjeux de la guerre  10/20/01 Le Monde, France 

L'exportation des hydrocarbures, sujet stratégique majeur pour l'Asie centrale  10/20/01 Le Monde, France: Oil in Central Asia

U.S. Bombs Chinese Network in Afghanistan  10/20/01 NewsMax 

Saudis Seek U.S. Muslims for Their Sect  10/20/01 NYT 

A CIA propaganda apparatus aimed at the American people  10/20/01 On Line Journal 

AFGHANISTAN, COLOMBIA, VIETNAM: THE DEEP POLITICS OF DRUGS AND OIL  10/20/01 Peter Dale Scott: this page will be updated and bears watching

Refugees Say U.S. Planes Destroyed Kandahar Bazaars  10/20/01 Reuters: how much of this before Rumsfeld stops lying about killing Afghans?

Thousands join anti-nuclear protests in France  10/20/01 Reuters 

It's the devil's own war - ask the Vietcong  10/20/01 SMH, Australia 

Elite U.S. team works to keep nuclear bombs from terrorists  10/20/01 STL 

‘It's bloodthirsty vengeance'  10/20/01 Sunera Thobani 

US Rangers 'attack Taliban'  10/20/01 Telegraph, UK 

New brothers in arms - and cash and intelligence  10/20/01 The Guardian: "How the US and Britain reward countries offering support in war against Taliban"

Claims that China paid Bin Laden to see cruise missiles  10/20/01 The Guardian, UK: "Perhaps the Americans are convinced by the bombardment of the sheikh's [Bin Laden's] training centres," Ben Heni is quoted as saying. "For them, it was a victory. But, in fact, it was a defeat because the majority of the missiles didn't even explode...."With these weapons, he [Bin Laden] has boosted his financial resources. From every part of the world businessmen who hate Americans have come to study American missile strategy. In particular, businessmen have come from China. He works a great deal with China. He's got good relations with them. You see them and you ask 'But what are they doing here?' In the end, you understand that they work for the sheikh and that they came to study these missiles. Thanks to the money that comes from these studies from outside, he created the army of mohajedin headed by Omar Zayan (or Zaghan) in Chechnya".

We will not be silenced  10/20/01 The Guardian, UK: "MPs must be free to speak out against this absurd and potentially disastrous war ...So what are the "allies" bombing? The four UN mine-clearing staff, the shepherds and their families in the village of Khorum, the Red Cross compound in Kabul, the residents of Kandahar, the trucks full of terrified refugees. More of these human and public relations disasters will conspire to "bury" the government's message. An already restless audience here, never mind among the 1.3bn Muslims nursing their wrath, will not sit through this unequal fight with equanimity. And without a change of policy, the winter snows will soon begin to tilt this disaster into an international catastrophe."

Over 600 LeT ultras aiding Taliban: weekly  10/20/01 Tribune of India: “Babajan and other senior commanders have confirmed that over 600 Kashmiri militants, most notably units of LeT, have been placed along the main Taliban strategic stronghold of Mount Sufi which lies 3 km south of the airbase,” the report said. Janes further said it was believed that these militia were “personally placed there by Bin Laden two weeks before the September 11 attacks.”

Kenyan, Tanzanian Muslims Rally Against US  10/20/01 Voice of America 

Attacks Imperil Postal Service's Fiscal Future  10/20/01 Washington Post 

U.S., China Agree on Little Beyond Fighting Terrorism  10/20/01 Washington Post 

Nuclear Backpack Device Captured by Israelis  10/20/01 Web Today, Christian Fundamentalists 

Friday  10/19/01

topFree Congress, ACLU: Congress Should Realize 'Sneak and Peek' Is Not Child's Play  10/19/01 ACLU 

Ridge's Record on Crime and Punishment  10/19/01 Alternet: "While some of Ridge's initiatives were declared unconstitutional or had debatable results, his impact on juvenile justice is significant. Ridge wanted juveniles treated like adult offenders, and as a result Pennsylvania has opened its first adult prison comprised largely of juveniles.Tom Ridge's treatment of political protesters is also noteworthy. State police treated death penalty opponents very harshly during the governor's conference in State College in 2000. Similarly, state police used questionable surveillance tactics, including pre-emptive strikes against protest headquarters during the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia in the summer of 2000. City prosecutors failed to sustain most of the almost 500 criminal charges in subsequent court proceedings that resulted from the convention demonstrations. Ridge's use of a Malden Institute report to justify the raid on the R2K [Republican Convention 2000] protesters was particularly troubling. This ultra-right wing think tank used innuendo, lies and rumor in its propaganda-filled manifesto, suggesting that the global protest movement was funded by rubles smuggled out of the former Soviet Union. The raid, prior to the actual protest, raised many troubling legal questions, most notably prior restraint of First Amendment rights."

Afghan-Americans Oppose Interventionism, Seek Unity  10/19/01 

Time ticks on US-led campaign  10/19/01 Christian Science Monitor: "The US is losing people's compassion for it every hour," says Hamzeh Mansour of the Islamic Action Front, an Islamist political party in Jordan. "In many mosques here, the devout are praying for an end to the war and to make the Afghanis victorious over the invading soldiers of the United States."

Rodgers: Troops hit the ground  10/19/01 CNN 

U.S. official: U.S. troops in Afghanistan  10/19/01 CNN: "Local Afghan employees of an international aid agency met with reporters in Islamabad, Pakistan, on Friday and said 10 civilians in Kabul, Afghanistan, had been killed in the U.S. bombing campaign, morale among Taliban troops remained high and the U.S. had bombed a lot of "junk" because Taliban weaponry had been moved to rural areas. "

'Anti-Americanism' Has Roots in U.S. Foreign Policy  10/19/01 Common Dreams: ''Children are dying, but no one makes a move. Houses are demolished, but no one makes a move. Holy Places are desecrated, but no one makes a move. I am fed up with life in the world of mortals.'' The author of these lines is not some raving radical in a Palestinian refugee camp, but Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Britain, and the sentiments he has expressed represent what is by now almost a universally- held belief among Arabs, the poor and the elite alike.

Liberal Talk Show Kicked Off the Air  10/19/01 Democratic Underground 

Might of the right displayed at state funeral  10/19/01 Haaretz, Israel:  for slain right wing general and minister, Ze'evi

Black Voices for Peace Speak Out  10/19/01 IndyMedia: “There weren’t any Arabs riding around in white robes and hoods in the Deep South,” said Damu Smith, organizer of the Black Community Dialogue on War, Terrorism and Peace, an evening of powerful speakers highlighting the unique perspective of the Black community on the current affairs of the US.

Professors ponder Sept. 11 dilemma  10/19/01 Ka Leo, Hawaii 

Lenta.Ru Investigates Bush's Family Relations With Osama Bin Laden  10/19/01 Lenta.Ru: for grins - "Lenta.Ru has announced today that it has at its disposal evidences of relations between the family of US President George Bush and The BinLaden International corporation, which finances Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network."

Cipro Takers Developing Toxic Shock  10/19/01 "Sources close the American Media in Florida reporting a problem no one wants to talk about. Several people taking Cipro have developed toxic shock reactions. A half-dozen ambulance calls to new building in last couple days. . . people having convulsions." Urban legend or truth?

Former plumber is master of betrayal  10/19/01 National Post 

Uzbekistan Sells Itself to Washington For $8 Billion  10/19/01 Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Russia 

Bill Gates Pledges Full Support for China's Software Industry  10/19/01 People's Daily 

Afghan Opposition Aims to Surround Mazar-I-Sharif  10/19/01 Reuters 

We won't clean up the mess, says UN  10/19/01 SMH, Australia 

Don't Blame Saddam for This One  10/19/01 The Guardian: by the former UN Weapons Inspector who did Iraq from 91-98

US intensifies raids with new array of weapons  10/19/01 The Guardian, UK: "Seven passers-by were killed yesterday when a bomb hit an ammunition dump in Kabul, raising the death toll to about 70 in just 24 hours of US strikes on the Afghan capital and Kandahar, witnesses and Taliban officials said."

Israel says Arafat era is over  10/19/01 The Times, UK: "The Palestinians suspect that Israel has decided on its response to the killing of Mr Zeevi. Nabil Abu Rdainah, an Arafat aide, said that the Palestinian Authority had evidence that Israel was planning to assassinate Mr Arafat." - The Israelis are planning massive retaliation for the assassination of a racist overlord who, by all accounts, considered Palestinians as subhuman.

Suspect is free in Britain for lack of US evidence  10/19/01 The Times, UK 

6 civilians dead as US bombs hit Afghan homes  10/19/01 Times of India 

The Loyal Opposition - REAPING WHAT WE SOWED IN AFGHANISTAN  10/19/01 Tom Paine 

Dick Cheney's Pipe Dream  10/19/01 Village Voice: "American Special Forces troops may have begun moving on Afghanistan late this week, but American special interests started jockeying for position in the region years before. Control of the landlocked nation is key to exploiting the nearby oil reserves of the Caspian Sea—a fact not lost on Vice President Dick Cheney, in his previous incarnation as CEO of energy giant Halliburton."

Profiles Encouraged  10/19/01 Wall Street Journal 

French Teen Leads Bin Laden Cheer  10/19/01 Washington Post 

U.S. Commandos Complete Raid  10/19/01 Washington Post 

Rep. Buyer Suggests Limited Nuclear Retaliation  10/19/01 Yahoo News: Has anyone told this sap that Al Qaeda, dispersed in over 50 countries, has nukes of their own?

Thursday  10/18/01

topArafat asks diplomats to save him from Israeli "murder plot": official  10/18/01 AFP 

Havana disappointed at Russian decision to shut radar base  10/18/01 AFP 

Up to 100 bin Laden men arrested in Saudi: opposition  10/18/01 AFP 

From the United States of America to the National Security States of America  10/18/01 Al Martin 

Hearts and Minds: Avoiding a New Cold War  10/18/01 Alternet 

Fahd leads donations to Afghan fund  10/18/01 Arab News 

Three Fatah men among 6 assassinated by Israelis  10/18/01 Arab News 

We are not obliged to tolerate ostracism  10/18/01 Arab News 

US forces land near Kandahar  10/18/01 Arab News, Arabia 

Rep. Cynthia McKinney On Dissent And Her Letter To Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal  10/18/01 Black Electorate: "In the FBI's own words, its counterintelligence program (COINTELPRO) had as a goal, "to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of black organizations and to prevent black "leaders from gaining respectability." And instead of real leaders, COINTELPRO offers us hand-picked "court priests" who are more loyal to the plan than to he people. Court priests who preach peace, peace when there is no peace."As you can see, the statistics are very grim for Black America. Although your offer was not accepted by Mayor Giuliani, I would like to ask you to consider assisting Americans who are in dire need right now. I believe we can guide your generosity to help improve the state of Black America and build better lives.

Bush vows to wage war even if public tires  10/18/01 CNN: Bush at top of his form, switches and comes out for One China policy, at least for today. Up to his best level in smart commentary: "Speaking to a South Korean journalist, Bush said: "He won't meet with you; he won't meet with us -- which kind of leads me to believe that perhaps he doesn't want to meet."

Oil Omissions - Bush Sr., Cheney Have Big Stakes in Saudi Status Quo  10/18/01 Common Dreams 

Operation Infinite Disaster  10/18/01 Counterpunch 

Ask Auntie Pinko  10/18/01 Democratic Underground: "In light of the American-initiated world anti-terrorism treaties, is it not necessary for America to rid itself of its own involvement with terrorist groups in order to effectively co-operate with the rest of the world?"

La televisión pública alemana asegura que los soldados de EEUU ya han aterrizado en Afganistán  10/18/01 El Mundo: This report from German public television has US troops 100 km from Mazar-I-Sharif, in the north near the Northern Alliance lines. Deadly AC130 used over Kabul, unexloded bomb falls on a school, another explodes in densely populated area, according to local resident.

Tanques israelíes rodean la sede del Ministerio de Información palestino en Ramala  10/18/01 El Mundo: Israeli tanks surround the Ministry of Information in Palestine

Official Note: Lourdes Electronic Radar Station agreement has not been cancelled, since Cuba has not given its approval  10/18/01 Granma 

Chechnya doctor accuses West of ignoring brutality  10/18/01 Independent, UK 

German armoured vehicles to join campaign  10/18/01 Independent, UK: "Germany's contribution to the military campaign is expected to be armoured vehicles designed to detect the use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons."

Russia to close its spy centre in Cuba  10/18/01 Independent, UK: This means Cuba will forego a $200 million/year income

Russian military suspected as source of anthrax  10/18/01 Independent, UK 

'Saudi connection' puts new strain on alliance  10/18/01 Independent, UK: "Investigators are concentrating on a "Saudi connection" to the 11 September terrorist attacks on America, suggesting that part of the conspiracy was hatched there – to the intense disquiet of Saudi Arabia's ruling monarchy."

Watching the war from Kabul's rooftops  10/18/01 Independent, UK: "The first we heard was the roar of an aircraft and anti- aircraft fire from the Taliban side about two miles from the airport," he says. "Everyone was frightened, but they were also happy because they thought this would change the Taliban government. "But I think the Americans have made their biggest mistake: if they want to get the Taliban or Osama, that's fine. But they don't have to kill innocent people. The Pashtuns were very angry, although many had left Kabul before the attacks."

American strikes kill 400 civilians: Taliban envoy  10/18/01 IRNA, Iran 

U.S.-led attacks "big blunder", precursor to America's collapse  10/18/01 IRNA, Iran 

Dissent arises at forum  10/18/01 Ka Leo, Hawaii 

Kyrgyzstan steps up security measures, clamps down on religious parties  10/18/01 Khilafah 

Ashcroft Denies Wide Detainee Abuse  10/18/01 LA Times 

Russia to Shut Down Base in Cuba  10/18/01 Moscow Times 


Teenager charged in anthrax hoax  10/18/01 Orlando Sentinel: Faces 15 years in jail for a practical joke at school…

Novel Security Measures: A local man was kept off a recent flight because of a book he was carrying.  10/18/01 Philadelphia City Paper: Man stopped from flying because he had a copy of Hayduke Lives!, a novel about a radical environmentalist. He returns with a Harry Potter novel and is again refused entry to the plane by a hysterically deranged National Guardsman. Now they are profiling Dee Whiteman!

Concentrated anthrax would be "big problem"  10/18/01 Reuters 

Al Qaeda's Egyptian Leaders  10/18/01 Stratfor, US 

Mail Delivery Shows Limitations of Anthrax Attack  10/18/01 Stratfor, US: "Large-scale anthrax attacks on the United States would only serve to further weaken bin Laden's position among Muslim nations. Even Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has condemned anthrax attacks, calling anthrax a "weapon of mass destruction," according to Reuters. Political leaders and their mouthpieces in the media, however, could be considered more legitimate military targets. This would allow a continuation of the terror war in America without driving Islamic nations closer to the United States. Given these political restraints and the technical difficulties of deploying anthrax, a widespread anthrax attack on a major metropolitan area remains unlikely. For the average American, the chances of getting anthrax remain extremely low. "

Who Terrorizes Whom?  10/18/01 The Black World Today 

Will the War Kill the Bill of Rights?  10/18/01 The Cato Institute: Is it time to worry when right wing think tanks are concerned about the Bill of Rights?

Anthrax attacks reach Kenya  10/18/01 The Guardian: Positive test on letter mailed from Atlanta…

The coming Arab crash  10/18/01 The Guardian, UK: If the Saudi and other pro-western regimes are lined up against Bin Laden, they will fall

W.'S UNRELIABLE ADVISER ON ISLAM. Blind Faith  10/18/01 The New Republic: "Until last month [Bush advisor] Forte's primary claim to fame was his writing on Catholic legal theory…. Forte quickly found himself part of a growing movement, as former Reagan aides Michael Horowitz and Gary Bauer helped turn Christian persecution into one of the religious right's signature issues… When I approached Frank Vogel, Harvard's Islamic law specialist, he said, "Forte produces some useful synthetic essays." Then, after reading Forte's analysis of bin Laden, he was less generous: "His argument is a gross simplification." None of the other top Islam scholars I polled were willing to take their swipes on the record. But off the record they weren't any more charitable. A sampling of the derisive comments: "He's not very well informed" and "I'm afraid it's rubbish."

Taleban arrest claim sparks fears for SAS  10/18/01 The Times, UK 

US troops land near Kandahar: Iranian radio  10/18/01 Time of India 


Plagued Out  10/18/01 Village Voice: "He's Dr. StrangeBug, talking to a military group about how the U.S. supposedly had a plan to attack Cuba with two microorganisms to pacify it ("killing less than two percent of the population"), deriving statistics on how many people might be slain or made seriously ill with his viruses and bacteria, giving a now unintentionally idiotic play-by-play description of how someone with his expertise could hose down half the people in the World Trade Center with tularemia armed only with a trusty garden sprayer."

Rep. Barbara Lee Faces Challenge  10/18/01 Washington Post 

The New War Against Terror by Chomsky  10/18/01 Znet 

Wednesday  10/17/01

topPentagon Lied: Terrorists Trained at US Bases  10/17/01 "Three days after the WTC disaster, Newsweek, the Washington Post and the Knight Ridder newspapers reported claims that five of the terrorist hijackers in the September 11 attacks received training at secure US military installations during the 1990s. The reports also claimed three of the terrorists had listed their address as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, and had participated in military exchange programs for foreign officers at the Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida."

Boondocks  10/17/01 Boondock: this AfroNorteAmericano strip restores some sanity to the befuddled, beflagged masses

Ask clinics about fear  10/17/01 Boston Globe: "Until the last few weeks, the rest of the nation naively presumed itself safe from biological attack. Abortion providers operate under no such illusion. Most of the 110 letters claiming to be laced with deadly bacteria that arrived at abortion clinics in 13 states this week were immediately deposited, unopened, inside plastic bags by receptionists who were trained in terror long before anyone ever heard of Osama bin Laden."

Lack of Anthrax Database Cited - Clinton's 1999 proposal that labs be required to list all their dangerous agents failed to win Congress' OK.  10/17/01 CNN 

Unleashing Hell  10/17/01 Common Dreams: "We are going to unleash Hell on them.” - Senator Bob Torrecelli, in a press interview at Ground Zero on 9-12

USA: Business Wants Military Ties with Indonesia  10/17/01 CorpWatch 

3 Arguments Against This War  10/17/01 Counterpunch 

Pentagon Lied: Terrorists Trained at US Bases  10/17/01 Daniel Hopsicker: This is the original copy, with interesting links. Teaser: NEXT: "SPOOKS, SAUDIS, AND THE MOB"

Why Did Sharon Go to the Temple Mount?  10/17/01 Defense and the National Interest: good discussion of the role of the settlements in Israeli - Palestinian relations, from a US military site!

The Saudi Question  10/17/01 Democratic Underground: Scroll down for the good stuff, including: "Saudi Arabia fired its prince in charge of, ahem, spooks and dirty tricks, shortly after Sept. 11, presumably because he was too much in bed with Pakistan, and by extension, or perhaps (it is rumored) much more directly than that, with Osama Bin Laden. In other words, Bin Laden, who wants nothing more than to destroy the House of Saud, not only had extensive contacts on the inside, but basically could call up the head of Saudi intelligence anytime he wanted! How about that! I say 'basically' because hard details simply cannot be found in this matter. If they could be, the sources would be searched for using torture and beheaded as soon as possible as enemies of the state, which is treason, which is punishable by death under the Wahabi interperetation of Islamic law. You know... the one the Taliban uses."

Civilians: the main victims  10/17/01 Granma, Cuba 

ZE'EVI SHOT DEAD IN ASSASSINATION IN JERUSALEM  10/17/01 Haaretz: "Gunmen mortally wounded Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi at around 7 A.M. Wednesday near his room in Jerusalem's Hyatt Hotel, and Ze'evi died of his wounds three hours later in Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital. The radical Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack, citing Israel's targeted killing of the organization's leader, Abu Ali Mustafa, in his Ramallah office on August 27."

Robert Fisk: Promises, promises  10/17/01 Independent, UK 

Epidemic fear as Afghan migrants come  10/17/01 Kathimerini, Greece 

Italian daily views "rift" between Britain, Europe over antiterror response  10/17/01 Khilafah 

Saudis May Ask US Military to Leave  10/17/01 Middle East Newsline: "Crown Prince Abdullah, the sources said, appears to favor such a call. The move is said to be opposed by Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan, a rival to the throne."

U.S. CONTINUES TO SNUB IRAQI OPPOSITION  10/17/01 Middle East Newsline 

Anti-Globalization, Pro-Peace?  10/17/01 Mother Jones 

The ‘New Wahhabi’ movement  10/17/01 MSNBC: The demonization of an entire religion: "Increasingly, Saudi-funded sect viewed as central to U.S. war on terrorism"

Expert: Russia Knew in Advance, Encouraged Citizens to Cash Out Dollars  10/17/01 Newsmax, US: Russian press accounts and other activities by the Russian government this summer indicate that the Russian knew in advance that something would happen to America, including a "financial attack" against the U.S. During the past three months, Russian media and officials have encouraged citizens to cash out of U.S. dollars pending an economic collapse there after an "attack."

Russian Officials Ordered Not to Travel to U.S. -- What Do They Know?  10/17/01 Newsmax, US: "Russian President Vladimir Putin apparently is prohibiting nearly all government officials from flying to the United States during the next three weeks," the Omaha World-Herald said Oct. 10.

Bush leaves for China trip at "difficult time"  10/17/01 Reuters 

Saudis alarmed by spate of U.S. media attacks  10/17/01 Reuters 

Daschle letter held potent anthrax  10/17/01 Salon 

Oracle CEO says proposals for national ID card is gaining momentum  10/17/01 SF Gate 

Berkeley council call to halt Afghan bombs - First city in country to pass war censure  10/17/01 SF Gate News 

India fumes at Powell's pitch over Kashmir  10/17/01 SMH 

Shootout and 1,000 turncoats the price for not paying a bill  10/17/01 SMH 

REAPING THE WHIRLWIND  10/17/01 Southern Poverty Law Center: Around the country, the far right reacts to September’s terror with anti-Semitic hatred, threats and conspiracy theories

Uzbekistan Seeking Regional Dominance  10/17/01 Stratfor 

India 'might strike in Pakistan'  10/17/01 Telegraph, UK 

Farrakhan Assails Bush Administration  10/17/01 The Black World Today 

Terror War's Unintended Consequences  10/17/01 The Black World Today 

What If...?  10/17/01 The Black World Today: "What if the September 11th attacks are merely being used as ruses for AmeriKKKa to bum rush Afghanistan to secure access to the oil reserves estimated at 200 billion barrels that will keep AmeriKKKa in oil for the next thirty years and lessen dependency on Arab- OPEC oil? Remember the US government lied about the attacks in the Tonkin Gulf to escalate the Vietnam War, and used an explosion on the USS Maine as a pretext to go to war with Spain at the end of the 19th century."

Anthrax hoaxers face life imprisonment  10/17/01 The Guardian 

Bush and Jiang search for common territory  10/17/01 The Guardian 

Bin Laden offer to take CNN questions  10/17/01 The Guardian, UK 

Of course it's a war on Islam  10/17/01 The Guardian, UK: "From Gaza to Jakarta the Muslim world is in uproar, nearing upheaval as it reacts to Pope Bush and Archbishop Blair's crusade: in Iran (no friend of the Shia-hating Taliban), Malaysia, Indonesia, Palestine and Pakistan. If they could vote with their feet in other countries - Egypt and Jordan have banned marches since the al-Aqsa intifada erupted a year ago - they would be marching to the nearest jihad recruitment office, just as they are in South Africa, where one organisation is raising 1,000 volunteers to fight the Americans."

Osama: the Sudan years  10/17/01 The Guardian, UK 

US buys up all satellite war images  10/17/01 The Guardian, UK 

Religion as a fit subject for comedy  10/17/01 The Times: "Having spent a substantial part of my career parodying religious figures from my own Christian background, I am aghast at the notion that it could, in effect, be made illegal to imply ridicule of a religion or to lampoon religious figures."

Bush Doctrine Targets Nicaragua  10/17/01 Washington Post: The Coca Contra boys are back in town, with macho threats: "State Department officials say they are concerned about the Sandinistas' ties to states that sponsor terrorism, such as Libya and Iraq, and international terrorist organizations such as the Colombian leftist guerrilla FARC and the Basque separatist group ETA. They say these ties have been maintained and, if elected, the FSLN will need to change or risk being added to a terrorist list that now includes only one country in the Americas, Cuba. Countries on the list are considered states that sponsor terrorism and face sanctions and isolation."

Questions Swirl Around Men Held in Terror Probe  10/17/01 Washington Post 

US Finds It Tough to Explain Actions  10/17/01 Washington Post: "President Bush's national security adviser went on Arabic television hoping to explain U.S. actions in Afghanistan, but the influential Al-Jazeera station repeatedly aired only comments likely to inflame Arab passions…. In her interview with Al-Jazeera on Monday, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice demanded that the Palestinians halt violence against Israel and expressed Washington's concerns about Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. She also discussed Washington's reasons for its attacks on Afghanistan and assured Muslims they were not the target of the war on terrorism. Viewers, however, will not see the remarks on Afghanistan and the war on terror until the full interview is aired, a broadcast that by late Tuesday had not been firmly scheduled. But the comments on the Palestinians and Iraq – all likely to anger Arabs – were aired more than a dozen times to promote the interview. "

Waiving China sanctions considered  10/17/01 Washington Post 

Tuesday  10/16/01

topFBI quizzes Saudi pilot for buying two planes  10/16/01 Arab News: So much for one of Ashcroft's would be detainees. Apparently a legitimate businessman, who knows how long this man would have "disappeared" had he been in the US

Steven Emerson out to wreck Arab-US ties  10/16/01 Arab News: "He is the type of a man who coolly tells people who know nothing about Islam that "Muslims wear a red headcover because they have a bloody mentality."

Congresswoman apologizes to Prince Alwaleed  10/16/01 Arab News, Saudi Arabia: "Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, D-Georgia, wrote a letter to Prince Alwaleed to explain her dismay over the mayor’s decision. She said she regretted Mayor Giuliani rejection of the $10 million gift over what Mayor Giuliani interpreted as the prince’s suggestion that US policy in the Middle East was partly to blame for the attacks."

US jets rain bombs on civilian areas  10/16/01 Arab News, Saudi Arabia 

Diagnostic tests offer few certainties  10/16/01 Boston Globe 

The CIA and Poison Letters - Black Valentines?  10/16/01 Counterpunch: "According to CIAnik Seymour Hersh in his JFK-bashing book, The Dark Side of Camelot (page 194): "the (CIA's Technical Services Division) created a poisoned handkerchief that was mailed with the approval of the agency's top management to the home of General Abdul Karim Kassem, the military strongman of Iraq."

A Grunt's View of the Saudi Volcano  10/16/01 Defense and the National Interest: Posted 10/4 - "A recent demonstration illustrates how popular bin Laden's actions are in Saudi Arabia: On the night of the attacks on New York and the Pentagon, 50,000 people gathered in Riyadh and celebrated [a far larger number than the small demonstrations on the West Bank shown by CNN—CS]. In Saudi Arabia, such demonstrations are unheard of. And it scared the royal family to death."

A Series of Saudi Missteps Nurtured the Taliban  10/16/01 IHT 

Campbell fails to stop broadcasts by bin Laden  10/16/01 Independent, UK 

Israeli ministers quit over Bush plan for peace  10/16/01 Independent, UK 

US should tackle global poverty, says Clinton  10/16/01 Independent, UK 

Iran fears US may not 'finish the job' - FT  10/16/01 IRNA, Iran 

Jewish terrorist murder Palestinian laborer in al-Qods  10/16/01 IRNA, Iran 

Time to face Mecca  10/16/01 Israeli Insider: classic recipe for a Hundred Year's War

Arafat aide reports US-Russian-British plan for Palestinian state  10/16/01 Khilafah 

Israeli-American Writer Calls for Destruction Of Ka`ba  10/16/01 Khilafah 

La polémique enfle sur la commémoration du 17 octobre 1961  10/16/01 Le Monde, France: controversy over a planned commemoration of a 1961 massacre of over 200 Algerians in Paris

Algerian-American complains about mistreatment  10/16/01 Middle East Times 

Islamophobic bigotry sweeps U.S.  10/16/01 Middle East Times 

Dangerous theories on Arabs and Muslims  10/16/01 Middle East Times, Egypt 

Hostilites at the High Court - In rare act, 4 justices publicly oppose decision  10/16/01 Newsday: "In an unusual display of disharmony, four Supreme Court justices joined yesterday in a public statement heatedly disagreeing with their colleagues' rejection of an appeal challenging police tactics in an Ohio drug case."

Relying on Past Ideologies  10/16/01 Newsday, NY 

The "traitor" fires back: Susan Sontag  10/16/01 Salon 

Expert picks apart government's handling of anthrax investigations  10/16/01 Stars and Stripes: "One anthrax expert says government officials searching anthrax-exposed facilities “don’t know what the hell they’re doing.” “Every day that goes by, I’m getting more and more aggravated with the investigations,” said Dr. Meryl Nass, an anthrax expert who has spent more than 20 years researching the deadly bacteria. When the first anthrax case came to light in Florida two weeks ago, authorities should have closed down the entire building, said Nass. Instead, she noted, authorities let employees return to work for more than a week before closing the building."

France tangled in al-Qaeda's web of terror operatives  10/16/01 Taipei Times, Taiwan 

Frenzy at airbase 'before invasion'  10/16/01 Telegraph, UK 

Duplicity On Domestic (White) Terrorism  10/16/01 The Black World Today: "Early last year the media watchdog group FAIR issued an analysis of coverage of law enforcement actions involving four suspected terrorists- three white Americans and one Arab - during December 1999. According to FAIR's analysis, authorities arrested white Americans Kevin Ray Patterson and Charles Dennis Kiles on December 3, 1999 for allegedly planning a series of terrorist acts in California to spark a Y2K-related militia uprising. The arrests of Patterson and Kiles prompted articles in 96 newspapers. Only 45 newspaper articles mentioned the December 28, 1999 police charging a Texas white supremacist named Jere Wayne Haney (an airline mechanic) with possessing 50-pounds of explosives and bomb-making instructions. In stark contrast to the white bombers' coverage in the media, the December 14, 1999 arrest of an Algerian named Ahmed Ressam for reportedly carrying bomb-making ingredients from Canada into the U.S. unleashed 906 newspaper articles, the FAIR analysis stated."

NAPALC Concerned With Anti-Terrorism Legislation  10/16/01 The Black World Today 

The Plight Of The Palestinian People - A Root Cause Of Hatred Towards The U.S.  10/16/01 The Black World Today 

Halt war, says ayatollah  10/16/01 The Guardian 

Muslim allies break ranks with US  10/16/01 The Guardian: "Relations between the US and two of its core allies in the war against terrorism, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, approached crisis point yesterday after the Saudi interior minister, Prince Naif, attacked the assault on Afghanistan while Pakistan pressed Washington to ensure that its bombing campaign would be short-lived….And in the most extreme language to emerge from Tehran since September 11, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, said that the US air strikes on the Taliban were "dragging the world into a war"..."You can't really separate Bin Laden from the Saudi establishment," Mr Wurmser said. "There are conflicting forces there, and part of the establishment has been working with the Bin Laden faction to embarrass the other half."

UN peacekeepers primed for role  10/16/01 The Times 

Al-Qaida’s remarks a challenge: PM  10/16/01 Tribune of India 

U.S. gunship attacks Taliban troops  10/16/01 World Tribune, Falls Church, VA: "A senior U.S. official said military plans called for also using Army Delta Force commandos on the ground to attack the elite forces around Kandahar, supported by the AC-130 gunships."

Monday  10/15/01

topNot My War -- A Black Muslim View  10/15/01 Alternet 

Antiwar activists urge US to atone  10/15/01 Boston Globe: "The antiwar effort that has been quietly percolating on college campuses and sparsely attended rallies grew to a rolling boil for a few hours yesterday as about 2,000 activists marched 20 blocks from Copley Square into the South End, blocking streets and making enough noise to set off car alarms."

Two new cases of anthrax reported  10/15/01 CNN: Is the US right wing getting involved? "Ninety offices of Planned Parenthood and at least 80 clinics of the National Abortion Federation across the United States have received envelopes containing unidentified powdery substances and letters with threatening language, according to spokesmen for the groups. Both groups support abortion rights and provide abortions in at least some of their offices. "

Al-Qaeda network tried to obtain weapons grade nuclear material: report  10/15/01 Dawn, Pakistan: "The al-Qaeda terrorist network tried to obtain weapons-grade nuclear material with the help of the Russian mafia, the German ARD television network says in a report to be broadcast Monday evening."

S. Arabia lodges protest with US  10/15/01 Dawn, Pakistan 

Fearing Fallout of Afghan Chaos, Pakistanis Harden to U.S. Strikes  10/15/01 IHT: "As Secretary of State Colin Powell arrives here Monday to reinforce Pakistan's new anti-terrorist alliance with the United States, anti-American sentiment is growing rapidly across Pakistan, with a wide cross-section of the public expressing concern about the short-term human damage and long-term political consequences of the U.S. military campaign against next-door Afghanistan. Last week, President Pervez Musharraf confidently claimed that only an extremist Islamic minority of 10 to 15 percent opposed his decision to side with the United States in its anti-terrorism crusade and unleash air strikes against Afghanistan. So far most public protests, including a mob attack Sunday near a Pakistani airfield containing U.S. military planes, have been confined to those groups. But the mood across Muslim Pakistan is changing rapidly. Now, opinion-makers who initially supported President Musharraf's decision are beginning to voice grave doubts. Moderate Pakistanis, who would ordinarily have little sympathy for either the suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden or for the radical Islamic Taliban regime in Afghanistan that shelters him, are angrily criticizing the government's policy."

Al-Qa'ida broadcasts 'unlikely' to contain secret code  10/15/01 Independent, UK 

Anti-war rallies in Italy and India attract thousands of supporters  10/15/01 Independent, UK: "More than 200,000 demonstrators braved an unseasonably hot autumn day for the annual peace march from the central Italian town of Perugia to Assisi… There were similar scenes in India where about 70,000 people in Calcutta staged the biggest anti-war protest the country has seen. The demonstration in the West Bengal capital, organised by the state's ruling Left Front coalition government, drew intellectuals and students and members of leftist groups and unions."

Indonesian president raps U.S.-led attack in veiled criticism  10/15/01 IRNA, Iran 

Veteran Kashmiri leader warns strikes may destabilize U.S.  10/15/01 IRNA, Iran 

A City Lies Poised Between U.S. Troops and the Taliban  10/15/01 LA Times 

The Male God of the Desert  10/15/01 Pacific News Service 

POWELL'S PROVOCATIVE VISIT TO PAKISTAN IGNORES HISTORY  10/15/01 Radio Havana: "If Colin Powell weren't such an astute statesman, one would think that the visit was simply motivated by the arrogance and vengeance the United States has demonstrated in its current actions. However, perhaps the United States wants to stir up the coals in Central Asia for other reasons: perhaps to create a situation that would "require" a large scale military intervention.Whatever the true reason, the visit of the high-ranking US official has sparked strong reactions throughout Pakistan."

Abortion Rights Group Gets Suspicious Letters  10/15/01 Reuters 

US military aims to widen conflict  10/15/01 Scotland on Sunday 

Alarm grows over scale of civilian casualties  10/15/01 SMH 

More Collateral Damage In The Terrorism War  10/15/01 TBWT 

Concern grows over media 'censorship'  10/15/01 The Guardian, UK 

Pentagon split over war plan  10/15/01 The Guardian, UK 

War looms in Black Sea enclave  10/15/01 The Guardian, UK 

Beaten by Taleban, bombed out of home, what next?  10/15/01 The Scotsman 

Spy agency halts flow of information  10/15/01 The Times, UK: "The United States is becoming increasingly frustrated with the paucity of intelligence provided by Pakistan on Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts and his al-Qaeda terrorist camps. Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s premier spy agency, which was involved in training and arming the Taleban militia, has reportedly told Washington that it has little information about bin Laden and the Arab fighters under his command in Afghanistan. "

Bahrain may send troops to support US: Report  10/15/01 Times of India 

US Senate approves Internet snooping  10/15/01 ZD Net 

topWorld News

Qawafil-ush-Shuhadaa [ARABIC]

Islam Question & Answer - Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Islaam Homepage

Islamic Assembly of North America [IANA on LINE]

Jam'iat Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah Homepage

Nida'ul Islam/ The Call of Islam Magazine Online

Words Written in Blood. Arabic book collection of Shaheed Sheikh

Abdullah Azzam [ARABIC]

Maps & Weather

A number of maps here

Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 0.7 to 1.2 billion worldwide and 3 to 6 million in the U.S. About 20% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is in a period of rapid growth.

Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people -- a percentage that has remaind stable for decades. It is expected that, if current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular religion sometime in the mid-21st century.


Death from America

Iraq news: Soaring death rates among Iraqi children, 1999 BBC, UNICEF 500,000 child deaths

Ramsey Clark: Report to UN Security Council re: Iraq, 1/26/2000
1.5 million deaths

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