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    World News
11/12/01 - 11/18/01

Sunday  11/18/01

Lawmakers Demand Hearings on Bush's Order to Allow Trials of Terrorist Suspects Before Military Tribunals  11/18/01 AP: "Black lawmakers and some of the House's more liberal white Democrats and conservative Republicans are urging hearings into President Bush's decision to try by military tribunals foreigners charged with acts of terror. "They're literally dismantling justice and the justice system as we know it," Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said Friday. She suggested the effects could "spill over into domestic affairs."

Missing aid worker ‘in Kabul custody’  11/18/01 Arab News: Saudi aid worker in Northern Alliance custody, let's hope he survives.

Thousands join anti-war march  11/18/01 BBC: "Organisers estimated that 100,000 had marched from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square for the event"

Homeland Czar Said To Favor White Contractors Back Home  11/18/01 BlackPressUSA 

Graham stands by comments on Islam  11/18/01 Charlotte Observer 

Bush thanks evil doers  11/18/01 Doonsbury 

Taliban suicides in besieged city: Report  11/18/01 IRNA, Iran: "Taliban fighters in the besieged Afghan city of Konduz are killing themselves rather than give themselves up to Northern Alliance troops, CNN has reported. Sources inside the city say that around 60 Chechen fighters drowned themselves in the Amu River, while a Northern Alliance commander said 25 trapped Taliban fighters fatally shot one another when they saw opposition troops advancing towards them."

Central Asia Special  11/18/01 Khilafah 

How the West was Lost?  11/18/01 Khilafah 


Anti-war protesters rally at Bush estate  11/18/01 Portland Press Herald 

On U.S. -Saudi Relations With us . . . or against?  11/18/01 San Francisco Chronicle 

Al-Qa'eda massacre Taliban  11/18/01 Telegraph, UK 

Saddam also can be forced out  11/18/01 Telegraph, UK 

'Osama will remain in Afghanistan till he dies'  11/18/01 Times of India: Mir unravels Osama's new strategy to use guerrilla tactics. "The Taliban has 55,000 trained soldiers spread over 90 per cent of Afghanistan. They have retreated to the hills. The Northern Alliance on the other hand, has only 15,000 soldiers, most of whom are untrained boys between 15-20 years. The Taliban wants these forces to chase them into the hills, where they'll get killed. The US will then send their ground forces into the hills and they'll be killed too. That is what Osama has planned."

Powell’s Mid-East peace deal at risk  11/18/01 Times, UK: Senate seals the fate of the US: eternal war - "In a sign of hardening attitudes in Washington to Arafat’s ambiguous links to Middle East terrorist groups, a cross-party group of 89 senators urged Bush not to restrain Israel from retaliating against Palestinian violence."

Secret CIA Units Playing a Central Combat Role  11/18/01 Washinton Post 

Saturday  11/17/01

topCastro welcomes one-off US trade  11/17/01 BBC 

Entire Taliban-al Qaeda Force Heads for Mountain Refuges  11/17/01 Debka, Israel: Disinformation mixes genuine material, hard to get, with lies:"In under a week, under intense US aerial bombardment, the joint command collected their 50,000 strong armies from around Afghanistan and moved them over hundreds of miles to pre-specified points in the southeast and northeast of Afghanistan. They are now on their way to meet up in the Hindu Kush and Pamir Mountains, which the onset of winter has already made impassable. From their mountainous fastnesses, the Taliban and al Qaeda troops will make forays into the neighboring mountain areas of Tajikistan, the Pakistani and Indian sectors of Kashmir and the northwest Chinese province of Xinjiang."

Germans fear neo-Nazi link with Islamists  11/17/01 Guardian, UK: October article, but still topical: "Neo-Nazi groups applauded the 11 September suicide attacks on the United States, and thanked the terrorists for 'knocking out' the 'common enemy': Americans and global capitalism. A message on the website of Horst Mahler, the former extreme-left Red Army Faction guerrilla who recently emerged as the leading ideologue of extreme-right academics, congratulated the terrorists and expressed solidarity with Islamic militants."

House reveals terrorist plans  11/17/01 Guardian, UK: "A potentially valuable collection of documents found in the abandoned debris of a Kabul house which seems to provide evidence about the activities of Afghanistan-based terrorist groups has been ignored by western intelligence agencies."

Other countries could face US military action  11/17/01 Guardian, UK: Cheney and the boys don't get it: the Soviet took Kabul in two days and then went through hell for 10 years until they pulled out.

The United States of Concealment  11/17/01 LA Times 

Thousands to Converge on School of the Americas at Ft. Benning Nov. 17-18 to Protest U.S. Army Training of Latin American Terrorists  11/17/01 NewsWire 

Bin Laden Uses 10 Lookalikes to Foil Hunt-Paper  11/17/01 Reuters 

Kunduz heads for bloodbath as attitudes harden  11/17/01 Sidney Morning Herald 

Is bin Laden's fate to be a mystery?  11/17/01 St Petersburg Times: "We are putting the right kind of ordnance at the right spot at the right time so that horses can beat tanks, that is an amazing accomplishment, given the time where we started," Goss said.

Stunned by FBI raid, Pakistani talks to the news media  11/17/01 The News, Pakistan: The Federal Bureau of Incompetency strikes again. Try looking through your US Nazi files, boys, you might have better luck. You know, the ones that deal with all the Nazi cells in various police outfits, in certain military units, in certain companies…

You're in the Hole - A CRACKDOWN ON DISSIDENT PRISONERS  11/17/01 The Progressive: USA is a police state: "Since 1973, Sundiata Acoli has been serving a life sentence for the murders of a police officer and a fellow Black Liberation Army member in a shootout in which Acoli drove the getaway car. Shortly after the September 11 attack, he found himself in the hole. Soffiyah Elijah, a clinical instructor at Harvard Law School's Criminal Justice Institute, is one of several lawyers who represent Acoli. "None of us have had access to him," she says. I talked to Elijah on October 25. The day before, she said, was her first opportunity to speak with Acoli in nearly six weeks. She said she made so many calls that she lost count. "I was constantly on the phone to the lawyers of the B.O.P. [Bureau of Prisons]," she said. Elijah gave me a copy of a letter on U.S. Department of Justice/Bureau of Prisons stationery. It is dated September 26 and is signed Jake Mendez, Warden of the U.S. Penitentiary in Allenwood, Pennsylvania, where Sundiata Acoli (whose former name, used on all Bureau of Prison records, is Clark Squire) is incarcerated. "Dear Ms. Elijah," says the letter, "I am in receipt of your letter wherein you request Inmate Clark Squire be permitted a legal telephone call. . . . Inmate Squire is currently not authorized telephone privileges, including legal telephone calls. This has been enacted for security reasons. Moreover, my review indicates Inmate Squire does not have legal action pending at this time. Accordingly, I am denying your request to allow Inmate Squire a legal telephone call." Elijah says that the order for Acoli's segregation did not come from the individual prison, but from Washington."

Alliance warns British troops to stay away  11/17/01 Times, UK 

Schröder survives rebellion on war  11/17/01 Times, UK: The Greens reasoned that their troops would only be used for peacekeeping. They seem to forget the Soviet experience: easy entry, then hell.

Following the money  11/17/01 US News & World Report: "Huber said in an interview that by targeting Al Taqwa and Al Barakaat, Washington is doing the bidding of "Jew Zionists" who now "rule America." A 74-year-old Holocaust denier and convert to Islam, Huber says Swiss authorities searched his house near Bern and questioned him last week. He told U.S. News that he was introduced to bin Laden activists during Islamic conferences in London, Beirut, and Brussels, the last time in either 1997 or 1998."

U.S. , SAS's unreported casualties  11/17/01 Virtual NY 

Friday  11/16/01

topMuslims urged to shun individualism  11/16/01 Arab News: Manda platano!

Afghanistan is not simply like Vietnam  11/16/01 Badger Herald, Madison, WI: Written 9/30, still topical!

Bush going too far curtailing our rights  11/16/01 Houston Chronicle 

Terrorists Don't Deserve Constitutional Safeguards, Cheney Asserts  11/16/01 IHT: Cheney emerges from his hiding place behind a duck blind. Others respond: "The military order Mr. Bush signed this week as commander in chief "sends a message to the world that it is acceptable to hold secret trials and summary executions without the possibility of judicial review, at least when the defendant is a foreign national," said Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee."

IT AIN'T OVER 'TILL IT'S OVER: What to watch for in Afghanistan  11/16/01 IndyMedia, Madison, WI 

Peace march draws about 300 to downtown Minneapolis  11/16/01 Minneapolis Star Tribune 

Bolivia Burning: A Nation on the Verge of U.S.-Provoked Uprising  11/16/01 NarcoNews: The US fabricates more "terrorists."

Al Qaeda Reaching Out To Non-Islamic Militant Groups  11/16/01 Pacific News Service: "Interpol investigators suspect that the point of contact between Al Qaeda and the European neo-Nazis is Ahmed Huber, a flamboyant former Swiss journalist, now a businessman, who converted to Islam in the 1960s. Huber, according to Rome's La Repubblica, is a member of the board of directors of Nada Management, Al Qaeda's financial arm in continental Europe. According to the Financial Times, Huber has also worked to forge ties between Islamic fundamentalists and neo-Nazi movements in Switzerland and Germany. In Germany, representatives from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, a sort of Homeland Security Office, believe that Huber is part of a revisionist movement that maintains the Holocaust never happened. Huber considers himself a mediator between Islam and right-wing groups. A spokesperson for National Democratic Party, Germany's leading far-right political party, said recently that Huber has often been a major attraction at NPD rallies. Huber himself confirmed that he had already had some contact with associates of Osama bin Laden at an Islamic conference in Beirut, according to European media."

Council of Churches opposes bombing  11/16/01 San Francisco Chronicle 

Cuba: Nowhere to Turn?  11/16/01 Stratfor 

Coalition Village Raises A War  11/16/01 Tampa Tribune: "TAMPA - It isn't just Americans toiling night and day at U.S. Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base. A group of nations has set up shop to coordinate the war in Afghanistan, similar to the effort undertaken a decade ago by CentCom in the war against Iraq. Having representatives from up to 20 military forces in Tampa quickens decision-making, said Marine Corps Maj. Brad Lowell, a command spokesman."

Alliance rejects UN peace force  11/16/01 Telegraph, UK 

New regime is evil, warns refugee  11/16/01 The Scotsman 

America dumps Pakistan over Kabul  11/16/01 Times of India 

Alliance tanks crush 520 defiant Taleban fighters to death  11/16/01 Times, UK 

Alliance threatens to massacre Taleban's foreign fighters  11/16/01 Times, UK: And the US & UK continue their genocide: "With both sides suffering heavy casualties, the Alliance decided to suspend hostilities, ostensibly to give Afghan Taleban troops time to surrender. But US warplanes intensified bombing raids on Taleban positions, with three waves of B52 strikes and repeated attacks by FA18 bombers."

Bin Laden's poison manual  11/16/01 Times, UK 

LETHAL LESSON  11/16/01 Trentonian, Philadelphia: Danny Glover talks sense: "Glover spent the first 30 minutes of his presentation at McCosh 50 auditorium deriding the death penalty, which he called "homicide as the official tool of the state." He went on to chide the U.S. government for incarceration of nearly 1,000 illegal immigrants in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, and derided John Ashcroft for asking permission to listen to conversations between terrorist suspects and their lawyers. "It gets even worse," he added. "This week President Bush implemented a military tribunal ... which will make it easier for us to execute (people)." "This clearly is a slippery slope. We must stand vigilant against Bush in these times and work with the abolitionists. "One of the main purveyors of violence in this world has been this country, whether it's been against Nicaragua, Vietnam or wherever," Glover added."

Nuke Manual Looks Like Internet Hoax - Al Qaeda Duped?  11/16/01 Village Voice: Tom Ridge duped too…

End-Running the Bill of Rights  11/16/01 Washington Post: Editorial: "When Americans accused of terrorism are tried in secret courts by hooded judges in Peru or other nations, the U.S. government rightly objects. To authorize comparable trials in this country will erase any legitimacy of such objections. Worse, it will erode throughout the world the image of America as a place where certain freedoms cannot be compromised -- freedoms that ultimately provide the most basic justification for this country to stake its claim to lead the world and wage the war on terrorism. And worse in turn than the blow to the U.S. image abroad will be the potentially irreversible injury at home if Mr. Bush proceeds, as his order would allow, to undermine the rule of law."

On Left and Right, Concern Over Anti-Terrorism Moves  11/16/01 Washington Post 

Global Justice Activist Detained At Canadian Border!  11/16/01 Zmag: Now the jackasses in Canada adopt the new American model. Suddenly, everyone is a terrorist. The US and Canadian government included.

Thursday  11/15/01

topAl-Jazeera says correspondent in US detained  11/15/01 Al-Jazeera: "Qatar's Al-Jazeera satellite channel said one of its correspondents in the United States was detained by police while covering the US-Russian summit in Texas."

Pan Africanist Congress Berates Mandela for Backing US  11/15/01 All Africa 

U.S.-Backed Rebels Accused of Wholesale Slaughter  11/15/01 Alternet 

Feds Questioning 5,000 Male Foreigners  11/15/01 AP: The feds are questioning people between 18 and 33, looking to jail young people in an attempt to salvage their antiterrorist campaign. But if al Qaeda has made a deal with the Nazis, this foolishness won't find them - "Civil rights groups say investigators are threatening the basic privacy rights of people from particular ethnic groups. ``We have serious concerns about what appears to be a dragnet approach rather than a targeted investigation,'' said Lucas Guttentag, head of the American Civil Liberties Union's immigration rights project."

Pashtuns set to flee at 1st sign of revenge  11/15/01 Chicago Tribune 

Our current howler (part II): Why Andrew lies  11/15/01 Daily Howler: The Washington Times lies, lies, lies about Clinton's speech. The Moonies at it again.

THE WAR CONSPIRACY - Peter Dale Scott  11/15/01 Guerrila News Network: First aired in September, remains topical: "The Taliban should not be identified with bin Laden. But the press is tending to do that. It's a colossal misunderstanding. And there are elements in the Taliban, just as there are elements in Pakistan who want to get rid of bin Laden. One of the Taliban leaders said that Afghanistan should give over bin Laden to be tried in an Islamic court in another country. They don't want to give him up to U.S. justice which, I think, in the Middle East context, is understandable. But they would give him up to an Islamic court. And we should be leaping at that opportunity. It's being suppressed because it runs against the agenda of having a bigger CIA and bigger U.S. military operation in the Middle East."

Lawyers protest at EU plan  11/15/01 Irish Times 

America’s Disgraceful History Of Military "Trials"  11/15/01 Lew Rockwell 

YOU Might Be a Terrorist  11/15/01 Lew Rockwell 

US, Cuba reach deal on storm relief  11/15/01 Miami Herald 

Not That It Was Reported, but Gore Won  11/15/01 Newsday: "But as the consortium found when it actually looked at the overvotes, one often could tell what the voter's intent was. Many of the overvotes involved, for example, a voter punching the hole next to a candidate's name, and then writing in the same candidate's name. Since the intent of the voter is clear, these are clearly valid votes under Florida law. And Gore picked up enough of such votes that it almost didn't matter what standard you used when looking at undervotes - whether you counted every dimple or insisted on a fully punched chad, the consortium found that Gore ended up the winner of virtually any full reexamination of rejected ballots."

Seizing Dictatorial Power by William Safire  11/15/01 NYT 

Afghan War Not Over Until U.S., Russia Say So  11/15/01 Pacific News Service 

Loss of rights feared in Bush security moves Lawmakers say courts, Congress bypassed  11/15/01 San Francisco Chronicle: Leahy, who has received Anthrax letter, is among those against it.

Fears Taleban retreat is tactical  11/15/01 The Scotsman 

No more Taleban - but no women either  11/15/01 The Scotsman 

Possible Link Between Al Qaeda and Far-Right Racists  11/15/01 Village Voice: "A spokesman for Germany's office for the protection of the constitution, the internal intelligence agency, told FT yesterday that Huber "sees himself as a mediator between Islam and right-wing groups." The police claim he has ties to the revisionist movement, which claims the holocaust doesn’t exist. A spokesman for NPD, a big far-right party in Germany, said Huber often addressed NPD events."

Obstruction in terror investigations?  11/15/01 World Net Daily 

Wednesday  11/14/01

topJoy and relief as Kabul falls  11/14/01 Arab News 

Fox defeated CNN in homes for week  11/14/01 CBS: "Fox News averaged 1 million households in primetime, edging CNN's 931,000, Reuters noted."

The Role of Pakistan's Military Intelligence (ISI) in the September 11 Attacks  11/14/01 Center for Research on Globalization: "Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration?"

'With or against us' war irks many UN nations  11/14/01 Christian Science Monitor 

US bombings to have lasting effect: experts  11/14/01 Dawn, Pakistan: "While Osama bin Laden claims to have nuclear and chemical weapons and threatens their use if the United States did so, defence experts say that the Americans are already dropping highly dangerous ordnance on Afghanistan that could have devastating effect on people's health in that beleaguered country and also in Pakistan."

Rebels' March of Victory Becomes a Hasty Retreat  11/14/01 IHT 

Kaizer Nyatsumba: This may turn out to be a pyrrhic victory  11/14/01 Independent 

India in anti-Taliban military plan  11/14/01 India Reacts: More wag the dog evidence:"26 June 2001: India and Iran will "facilitate" US and Russian plans for "limited military action" against the Taliban if the contemplated tough new economic sanctions don't bend Afghanistan's fundamentalist regime… Indian foreign secretary Chokila Iyer attended a crucial session of the second Indo-Russian joint working group on Afghanistan in Moscow amidst increase of Taliban's military activity near the Tajikistan border. And, Russia's Federal Security Bureau (the former KGB) chief Nicolai Patroshev is visiting Teheran this week in connection with Taliban's military build-up. Indian officials say that India and Iran will only play the role of "facilitator" while the US and Russia will combat the Taliban from the front with the help of two Central Asian countries, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, to push Taliban lines back to the 1998 position 50 km away from Mazar-e-Sharief city in northern Afghanistan."

"Public Servants" Going After "Constitutional Terrorists"?  11/14/01 Keep and Bear Arms 

The Neo-Colonialists  11/14/01 New York Press 

39 UKRAINIANS COULD BE INVOLVED IN FUNDING SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS  11/14/01 Pravda: "The United States of America suspects 39 Ukrainians of funding the acts of terror. This was said by the chief of the Ukrainian parliamentary committee for struggle with the organized crime and corruption, Yury Karmazin."

Ground War Strategies Part 4: What's Next for the Taliban?  11/14/01 Stratfor Strategic Forecasting, US: "The Taliban have withdrawn from major Afghan cities and dispersed into the countryside. However, they are far from defeated; they have simply abandoned positional, frontal warfare for the guerrilla tactics more suited to their numbers and resources. In doing so, they have also reset the clock on the conflict in Afghanistan. The Taliban war plan will play out over the coming years rather than days."

Neuroscientist forced off plane  11/14/01 the Oregonian: "The neuroscientist and assistant professor at Oregon Health & Science University checked in, used the restroom, called his wife twice and then sat in Portland International Airport reading scientific papers for more than an hour until Flight 572 to San Diego was called. He was in Seat 19C, the meeting agenda on his lap, awaiting the 2:41 p.m. takeoff when a ground-based Alaska Airlines employee boarded and asked him to step outside. You cannot fly, he was told, because a passenger had complained that his behavior was strange."

Libya linked with reported release of Taleban’s western ‘hostages’  11/14/01 The Scotsman 

Routed Taliban gear up for guerrilla war  11/14/01 Times of India 

Alliance 'has broken' Geneva code of war  11/14/01 Times, UK 

Bin Laden's nuclear secrets found  11/14/01 Times, UK 

Pentagon Fires on Critical Scientist Going Ballistic  11/14/01 Village Voice 

Congress bristles at military trials  11/14/01 Virtual NY 

Tuesday  11/13/01

topBush Order: Terror Trials by Military  11/13/01 AP 

‘Looting, kidnapping, summary executions’ in Mazar-e-Sharif  11/13/01 Arab News 

Grief turns to outrage over student murders  11/13/01 Arab News: 2 Saudis stabbed to death in the Toronto area

Conservatives denounce dissent  11/13/01 Boston Globe: "A conservative academic group founded by Lynne Cheney, the wife of Vice President Dick Cheney, fired a new salvo in the culture wars by blasting 40 college professors as well as the president of Wesleyan University and others for not showing enough patriotism in the aftermath of Sept. 11. ''College and university faculty have been the weak link in America's response to the attack,'' say leaders of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni in a report being issued today. The report names names and criticizes professors for making statements ''short on patriotism and long on self-flagellation.'' Several of the scholars singled out in the report said yesterday they felt blacklisted, complaining that their words had been taken out of context to make them look like enemies of the state. ''It's a little too reminiscent of McCarthyism,'' said Hugh Gusterson, an associate professor of anthropology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was named in the report for his comments at a campus peace rally where he made a connection between American suffering after Sept. 11 and the suffering in war-torn Afghanistan. ''This kind of document reminds me of the Soviet Union, where officials weren't satisfied until 98 or 99 percent of people voted with them,'' Gusterson said."

U.S. and Iran Shake Hands  11/13/01 IHT 

Al Qaeda said to claim ability to buy nuclear arms  11/13/01 Reuters: "They gave me some indication that you can if you have $10 million, $20 million, you can get these kinds of weapons from the underworld mafia of the central Asian states and some disgruntled Russian scientists."

Kandahar Airport Falls to Opposition-Tribal Chief  11/13/01 Reuters 

'Up to 500 executed' after the fall of Mazar  11/13/01 Times, UK 

Bombed and Gagged  11/13/01 Unknown News - die Tageszeitung, Germany: US readers can only get this from Germany, censored in the USA: "Tuesday, November 12, 2001 die tageszeitung (Berlin, Germany) ----Translated from German by Jan R. for Unknown News at The veteran Pakistan journalist, Kamal Haider, who reports for CNN from the Taliban stronghold Kandahar, informed the TAZ yesterday that American bombers had destroyed a holy village site 30 miles west of the city. He himself counted 128 corpses. Most of the houses, a shrine, and a moschee had been destroyed. The attacks occurred on Thursday and lasted from 9 in the evening until Friday morning. ----The village, "Schah Aga" was a holy site for Sufis due to an ancient tomb there, that especially drew worshippers on Fridays. Haider documented the destruction on film, and saw no evidence of weapons or munitions which would indicate the site had any military significance. In addition, the survivors swore that the last Taleban had left the village long ago. In the same province, Haider discovered the remains of another totally destroyed village of Usmanzai. The inhabitants there had lived amidst great poverty in caves, which the US pilots possibly mistook for an Al-Qaida hide-out. Maybe that is why the employed the so-called "Bunker-Buster" bombs. Haider relayed the footage he shot on Saturday, but CNN did not broadcast the footage. His report was merely noted on the CNN homepage. CNN had told him that they wanted first to verify his claims, according to Haider."

U.S. Allies in Afghanistan Left Trail of Atrocities: Blood on the Tracks  11/13/01 Village Voice 

Florida Black Ballots Affected Most in 2000  11/13/01 Washington Post 

Passenger Prompts Landing At Dulles  11/13/01 Washington Post: Getting a little testy there, boys? "Two sky marshals -- one with a gun drawn -- and a third man ordered Ortiz to get on the ground. He complied without a struggle, Cannon said. He "kept saying: 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just wanted to go to the bathroom.' " Flight attendants had announced the ban on getting up during the last half-hour of the flight, passengers said. After the sky marshals had Ortiz handcuffed on the ground, the marshals ordered the other 106 passengers to put their hands behind their heads and later on the seats in front of them for the rest of the trip, several passengers said. Some said they briefly thought that the plane was being hijacked and panicked."

Russian Official Reveals Attempt Made to Steal Nuclear Materials  11/13/01 Washington Post 

Northern Alliance forces enter Kabul  11/13/01 Yahoo 

Monday  11/12/01

topVietnam Generals: "This War Fails, Too"  11/12/01 AFP, NarcoNews: The U.S. "advisors" to the army of South Vietnam and the special forces "did not succeed in impeding the military operations of the North along the Ho Chi Minh Trail," he said. "I fought U.S. soldiers in the south of Vietnam and although it was very difficult to chase them from the zone, their bombings were not very effective," he affirmed.

Personal testimony on Hurricane Michelle in Cuba by Susan Hurlich  11/12/01 AfroCubaWeb 

Pushing the Media Right  11/12/01 Alternet: "Times readers are told that since Sept. 11, ratings have gone up 50 percent for ITN's "World News For Public Television," a British production that provides what the Times calls a "blunter" alternative to the US made-for-TV news. "World News without the sugar coating," James calls the British version, and provides strong, clear examples of how the Brits are telling truths U.S. reporters would rather sweeten up. James concludes that the British reporter's version, "May not be pleasant to hear, but it does something American television usually does not: it assumes that the public is smart and grown-up enough to handle what the rest of the world thinks."

Keeping things in perspective: Cuba and the question of international terrorism*  11/12/01 CIP 

Gore's Victory  11/12/01 Consortium News: In other words, the elite media’s judgment is in: "Bush won, get over it." Only "Gore partisans" – as both the Washington Post and the New York Times called critics of the official Florida election tallies – would insist on looking at the fine print. While that was the tone of coverage in these leading news outlets, it’s still a bit jarring to go outside the articles and read the actual results of the statewide review of 175,010 disputed ballots. “Full Review Favors Gore,” the Washington Post said in a box on page 10, showing that under all standards applied to the ballots, Gore came out on top. The New York Times' graphic revealed the same outcome.

Anti-war students strategize  11/12/01 Contra Costa Times: "Bracing for the possibility of a protracted war in Afghanistan, students from dozens of colleges along the West Coast met at UC Berkeley over the weekend to plot a long-term anti-war strategy. In two days of workshops, panel discussions and plenary sessions, some 180 delegates to the West Coast Conference for Campus-based Antiwar Coalitions resolved to try to make their anti-war movement more broadbased by reaching outside the university environment. They voted to form a committee of representatives from each campus anti-war coalition to coordinate future actions. They also debated whether their movement should target globalization, consumerism, capitalism and racism in its anti-war message or focus on the point of broader consensus: stopping the war. In all, about 600 students attended the conference, said Snehal Shingavi, a UC Berkeley student who was a master of ceremonies at Sunday's plenary session. More than 60 campuses, including one in Mexico, sent a maximum of five delegates to the conference. Delegates were picked by anti-war activists on their respective campuses."

Anti-war students strategize  11/12/01 Contra Costa Times, CA: To the oil companies et al who put Bush and Cheney in power through massive denial of the right to vote, take note: ""This is really a question of global capitalism and imperialism," said Seth of Cal State Los Angeles. The movement against the Vietnam War was energized, Seth said, once Students for a Democratic Society "took an anti-imperialist stance."

Florida Recount Media Critique (1): Gore Wins, Media Lies (Yet Again)  11/12/01 

U.N. Says Executions, Abductions Reported in Mazer-e-Sharif Since Capture  11/12/01 Fox News 

Inside Osama's mountain lair  11/12/01 Guardian, UK 

German teachers critical of US get 'Stasi treatment'  11/12/01 Irish Times 

Quand Washington négociait avec les talibans  11/12/01 Le Monde: Seems destined to be a mjor contribution to the Wag the Dog scenario, as it details the carrot and stick Bush applied to the Taliban, making 9-11 a pre-emptive strike in advance of US military action.

The occupation / It's time for Israel to end it  11/12/01 Minneapolis Star Tribune 

GAO Gives Low Marks to Military's Bio-Warfare Skills  11/12/01 NewsMax 

Newsweek: Saudi Businessman is Financial Connection for Sept. 11 Hijackers and Bin Laden's 'Chief Financial Officer' Says Official; Linked to Charities Funneling Money to Al Qaeda Operations  11/12/01 Newsweek 

Oil Diplomacy Muddled U.S. Pursuit of bin Laden, New Book Contends  11/12/01 NYT: "The book by Mr. Brisard, written with Guillaume Dasquié, a journalist, also makes public for the first time the first international warrant for the arrest of Mr. bin Laden. It is a 1998 Interpol document from Libya. The so-called red notice, file number 1998/20032, accuses Mr. bin Laden and three Libyans of killing two Germans in Libya in 1994. The book identifies the victims as Silvan Becker and his wife and says they were German antiterror agents. It says Libya's leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, sought their killers because they were members of a group linked to Mr. bin Laden that also wanted to kill Colonel Qaddafi. That group, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, was listed by President Bush after the Sept. 11 attacks as one whose assets should be frozen worldwide. According to the new French book, Mr. bin Laden was in Libya when the two Germans were killed in 1994. The book also asserts that Colonel Qaddafi's fears had some foundation. It says the British secret service, MI5, tried to assassinate Colonel Qaddafi in 1996 using members of that same Libyan Islamic Fighting Group."

Saudi Dissident Says Al Qaeda Planning More Attacks  11/12/01 Reuters 

Unprepared for Afghanistan  11/12/01 Sun Times, US: "The recently named chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Richard Myers, is an old fighter pilot who has seen war from high in the heavens. His predecessor, Gen. Hugh Shelton, was hostile to the quiet nature of special operations. So was retired Gen. Wayne Downing, who headed special operations in the 1989 invasion of Panama and now is the National Security Council anti-terrorism chief. When asked privately whether his special ops troopers had language capability, Downing replied: ''They know the language of the 5.65 [caliber weapon].'' On Sept. 11, Gen. Charles Holland, an Air Force officer, had been commander-in-chief of Special Operations for less than a year. Though not ideal, he seemed the logical commander for Afghanistan if fighting the Taliban was viewed as an exercise in unconventional warfare. It was not. The Pentagon's regional thinking prevailed. Franks, as commander-in-chief of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), was put in charge. CENTCOM covers Afghanistan, though Franks' headquarters are at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., near Tampa."

Al Qaeda Leader Spoke of 'Next Strikes' - 'No Way but Jihad'  11/12/01 Village Voice: "America will remain an exporter of her transgression and the illusion of her power and arrogance," he added. "But we confirm for [America] that the issue of our jihad, by God's will, [remains] until we liberate our holy sites from the American Jewish enemy, until the last American Jewish soldier departs from Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula."

topWorld News

Qawafil-ush-Shuhadaa [ARABIC]

Islam Question & Answer - Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Islaam Homepage

Islamic Assembly of North America [IANA on LINE]

Jam'iat Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah Homepage

Nida'ul Islam/ The Call of Islam Magazine Online

Words Written in Blood. Arabic book collection of Shaheed Sheikh

Abdullah Azzam [ARABIC]

Maps & Weather

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Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 0.7 to 1.2 billion worldwide and 3 to 6 million in the U.S. About 20% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is in a period of rapid growth.

Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people -- a percentage that has remaind stable for decades. It is expected that, if current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular religion sometime in the mid-21st century.


Death from Americatop

Iraq news: Soaring death rates among Iraqi children, 1999 BBC, UNICEF 500,000 child deaths

Ramsey Clark: Report to UN Security Council re: Iraq, 1/26/2000
1.5 million deaths

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