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Venezuela in the NewsThe often unstated subtext in Venezuela is the role of race & identity. For the white upper class, which controls sections of the press, Chavez was a "mico mono," a long tailed monkey, a reference to his African heritage. In reality, Chavez had African, Indian, and European heritage, was elected 8 times by Venezuela's poor, and was a practicante de la religion Yoruba. His death by no means signals the end of bolivarianismo, which has its recent roots in the Caracazo, the 1989 pitched battles in Caracas' streets when the euro elite lost their grip on society. The opposition's white terrorist campaign is designed to continue fighting the Caracazo by intimidating the heavily afrodescendant poor. See Racism Sin Vergüenza in the Venezuelan Counter-Revolution 5/27/2014 Venezuelanalysis.com. The January 2019 coup attempt backed by Trump is a complex affair, the best discussion we have found so far is Is the US Orchestrating a coup in Venezuela? 1/23/2019 Real News Network. The self proclaimed alleged president, Juan Guaidó, comes with instructions for gringos to pronounce his name, One White Dog, and cut his teeth in the far right party responsible for initiating the use of violent demonstrations as a terrorist campaign. Venezuela denuncia planes de Duque para asesinar a policías y militares 4/23/2022 VTV: "El presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro Moros, denunció los nuevos planes de violencia provenientes de Colombia en contra de los cuerpos policiales y militares de la nación Bolivariana. Durante la Plenaria del Congreso del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV) y la JPSUV que se efectuó en el Teatro Teresa Carreño, en Caracas, el Jefe de Estado manifestó: “Sus objetivos es atacar y matar a policías como hizo, Pablo Escobar Gaviria y la mafia del narcotraficante”."U.S. weighs engagement with Venezuela, a Russian foothold in America’s backyard 3/25/2022 MSN/WaPo: "Despite White House efforts to downplay the meeting after a backlash by Maduro critics — particularly the powerful Democratic senator from New Jersey, Robert Menendez — lines of communications between Caracas and Washington remain “open,” these people say." WALTER RODNEY: VIGENCIA DE SU PENSAMIENTO EN EL SIGLO XXI. 6/12/2021 Jesús Chucho García: 'Su tesis doctoral titulada Una historia de la costa de la alta Guinea (1545-1800) y Como Europa subdesarrollo a Africa (1972) marcaron una metódica de como hacer historia e investigacion desde los oprimidos, desde el territorio de los desesperanzados, siendo portador de traumas intergeneracionales. Rodney para el volumen VII de la Historia General de Africa de la Unesco escribio un articulo basico para entender la problemática actual de Africa, titulado “La economia colonial” (Unesco,1985)." PARROQUIA LA VEGA ENTRE LA PAZ Y LA GUERRA 6/5/2021 Jesús Chucho García: "Unas de las parroquias de Caracas, que se caracteriza por una gran presencia afrodescendientes, desde la epoca colonial hasta la actualidad, es la parroquia La Vega. Durante el siglo XVIII (1796), despues, que las autoridades coloniales condenaron, ahorcaron y descuartizan al cimarron Jose Leonardo Chirino, precisamente en la entrada de esa antigua parroquia colocan unas de las manos del cimarron Chirino como castigo ejemplar para las y los esclavizados." Why Cuba and Canada Should Sit at the Venezuelan Negotiation Table 5/26/2021 Caracas Chronicles: Like much of Western analysis, this avoids any mention of the highly racialized nature of the Venezuelan conflict: "Now that we’re talking about negotiations in Venezuela again, after so many failed attempts, we face the key question of who must have a spot at the table to ensure the most effective result possible. More than ever, we’re clear that both, the U.S. and Cuba, have enough influence over the opposition and chavismo to sway them into a meaningful negotiation. This opens a window for more questions, of course: Can the U.S. and Cuba find common ground and motivation to participate? What can both governments do to impact the Venezuelan table positively?" DE LA GUAIRA A LA VEGA - LA JUVENTUD AFROVENEZOLANA QUIERE IR MAS ALLA DE LA CHAMBA JUVENIL 5/16/2021 Jesus Chucho Garcia: "En ese sentido, Adalberto Cardona, del Estado Vargas y Moises Adan Hernandez, de la Parroquia La Vega (Caracas), ambos del Movimiento Afrorevolucionario Juan Ramon Lugo, coinciden en que se necesita un movimiento afrojuvenil revolucionario con una agenda propia y con perspectivas que trascienda en el tiempo para profudizar el proceso Bolivariano. El pasado 10 de mayo, se conmemoro el levantamiento en 1795 del cimarron Jose Leonardo Chirino, la Asamblea Nacional invisibilizo ese dia, y ese fue un decreto del actual presidente Maduro. Las politicas juveniles se han reducido a una “chamba” que poco apuesta un desarrollo autonomo desde el punto de vista economico y tecnologico”. Adalberto se pregunta de que sirvio la creacion del Frente Antimperialista Jose Leonardo Chirino en mayo del 2018,? Lamentablemente ese frente en su trayectoria de casi cuatro años fue opacado pese al esfuerzo del Ministro Aristobulo." MAYO, otro mes de la AFROVENEZOLANIDAD, sin la nueva constitución y sin Aristóbulo. 5/11/2021 Desde el cumbe: "Si consideramos que en el año 2015 el presidente de la asamblea nacional era el hoy presidente constitucional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros, el cual firmo para ese momento el decreto nacional que fijaba el 10 de mayo como el día nacional de la Afrovenezolanidad, puedo decir sin temor a equivocarme que 15 años después poco o nada se ha avanzado en políticas publicas reales y eficientes hacia la población afrovenezolana." 10 DE MAYO ORIGEN DEL DIA DE LA AFROVENEZOLANIDAD 5/10/2021 Jesus Chucho Garcia: "En 2006 la Red de Organizaciones Afro conjuntamente con el Ministro Aristobulo decide hacer un homenaje a Jose Leonardo Chirino en Macanilla, habilitando un helicoptero para trasladar a delegados nacionales e internacionales. Aristobulo Isturiz….expreso en ese acto...” fue en nuestra Constitucion que aprecieron los ciudadanos indigenas. Los Afrodescendientes todavia no aparecen. Hay una invisibilidad, es como si no existieramos, como si los pueblos no supieran nada de la gente que vive en los cerros, como si las mujeres pobres no existiesen. La sociedad esta hecha para una elite…...y por eso es una revolucion que necesitamos” . Por su parte Nirva Camacho, en dicho acto expreso “ Ha sido histórica la exclusion de africanos y africanas y sus descendientes…….es necesario avanzar hacia una enmienda constitucional…… que debe pasar por el reconocimiento de nuestros ancestros africanos…...El Estado que no asume las medidas necesarias para la eliminacion de la discriminación en todas sus formas, tambien esta discriminando”. " Venezuela gives US oilmen house arrest in gesture to Biden 5/1/2021 AP: "Six American oil executives jailed in Venezuela more than three years ago on corruption charges were granted house arrest on Friday in a gesture of goodwill toward the Biden administration as it reviews its policy toward the politically turbulent South American country." AFRODESCENDIENTES EN DEFENSA DE LA SOBERANIA VENEZOLANA (PRENSA AFROTV) 4/7/2021 Jesus Chucho Garcia: "Los Afrodescendientes de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, encabezado por el Movimiento Afrorevolucionario Juan Ramon Lugo, su coordinador Alexis Machado, y el alcalde del Municipio Acevedo, Estado Miranda, Juan Aponte, mejor conocido como "bolita de chocolate", fueron parte de la presencia de la gran cantidad de afrodescedneintes en la gran concentración convocada por el presidente constitucional Nicolas Maduro, para rechazar las amenazas de Estados Unidos y su fracasada OPERACION LIBERTAD, la cual estaba apoyada por los sectores de la supremacia blanca opositora venezolana que tiene mucho parecido con el Klux Klux Klan estadounidense." PANDEMIA, SOLEDAD Y AFRORESILIENCIA 3/22/2021 Jesus "Chucho" Garcia: "AFRORESILIENCIA…...KULUKU...KULUKU El termino resiliencia, según la ciencia de la psicologia, esta asociado a la capacidad del ser humano para superar los traumas generados por el medio social, en la mayoria de los casos, pero tambien a las enfermedades de todo tipo….superar las dificultades tantos las heredades, genéticamente, el medio ambiente y el contexto social." Venezuela Suffers New Terrorist Attack Against Gas Pipeline 3/21/2021 teleSUR: "The minister announced that terrorist action damaged a gas pipeline section located in Tejero, northern Monagas state. The plant is used to compress gas and inject it at high pressure into oil wells in El Tejero, La Leona, and La Urica areas." Media Completely Ignore American Secret Agent’s Trial for Terrorism in Venezuela 2/26/2021 Orinoco Tribune: "Unless you read the local Venezuelan press, you are unlikely to know that an American secret agent is currently standing trial in Venezuela on charges of terrorism and weapons trafficking. Matthew John Heath was arrested in September outside Amuay and Cardon oil refineries in possession of a submachine gun, a grenade launcher, C4 explosives, a satellite phone and bricks of $20 bills. The Venezuelan government also alleges that he was found carrying a small coin or badge that CIA employees use to prove their identity to one another without raising suspicions. On Wednesday, Heath plead not guilty to all charges." Oralidad, afroepistemología y orden interno 2/20/2021 Todas Adentro: "La tradición oral es unas de las fuentes esenciales de la afroepistemología, pues es un conocimiento tan válido como aquel que produce la academia ortodoxa o los cientistas sociales, biólogos, farmaceutas, ideólogos, politólogos, filósofos, entre otros. Estos interpretadores, a nombre de las ciencias o el poder instituido -democrática o arbitrariamente-expropian, desplazan o explotan las inteligencias de los tradicionalistas quienes, a través del tiempo, han acumulado un conocimiento sistémico y concreto desde sus territorios." Racismo, endorracismo y resistencia 2/19/2021 Afrocubanas: por Esther Pineda G - "Un texto para el fomento del autorreconocimiento, dignificación y participación negro y afrodescendiente —en esos espacios históricamente negados— para comprender y deconstruir esa ideología de desprecio, latrocinio y expoliación a partir de la cual se nos explotó para beneficio y construcción de imperios que aún nos oprimen." Iran Ramps Up Assistance to Venezuelan Refineries 2/17/2021 Venezuela Analysis: "Venezuela is receiving renewed shipments from Iran to boost its fuel production. A series of airlifts will deliver catalysts and other materials to the Paraguana Refining Complex (CRP) in Falcon State, western Venezuela. According to flight tracking data, a Venezuelan state airline Airbus took off from Tehran and landed in Paraguana on February 11, with industry sources stating that a dozen more are to be expected in the coming weeks." En La Vega estamos reconstruyendo nuestro historia local 1/30/2021 Todas Adentro: por Chucho Garcia - "En esta parroquia, la Fundación Afroamerica, Movimiento Afrorevolucionario Juan Ramón Lugo, conjuntamente con el Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas y las organizaciones afro de La vega, iniciaron el curso denominado “Afroepistemologia, diáspora africana y neodiaspora”. Williams Ochoa, el coordinador local del curso, en el teatro Alí Gómez García, expresó que “durante seis meses y con diez activistas de la parroquia, logramos reconstruir nuestra historia desde nosotr@s”. Continuó diciendo Ochoa -con sus bigotes blanqueado por el tiempo- que “cuando hablamos de afroepistemología, estamos hablando de nuestra historia desde los tiempos de la esclavitud, el cimarronaje urbano, las luchas contra la dictadura gomecista, perejimenista y la llamada democracia representativa, donde las y los afro jugamos un papel fundamental para la transformacion social”." Carlos Vecchio and the Tangled Plot of Venezuelan Money in Switzerland 1/20/2021 Orinoco Tribune: "Seen from the information shared with this platform, declaring the money deposited in Swiss bank accounts as “a product of Maduro’s corruption” would have the purpose of putting pressure on the Guaidó project emissaries to have access to those funds, under the premise that the they would be protecting them from Maduro." Venezuela’s Maduro Plans Shift to Fully Digitalized Economy 1/2/2021 Bloomberg: "In 2017, with the bolivar in freefall, Maduro vowed that the nation would create a cryptocurrency called the Petro, backed by reserves of oil, gas, gold and diamonds. The Petro launched in 2018; the U.S. called it a scam." Barloventeños salen a votar en estas elecciones parlamentarias 2020 reafirmando su espíritu cimarrón en este proceso democrático venezolano por la paz y su bienestar. 12/6/2020 AfroTV: "El equipo de reporteros de AfroTVb, hizo un abordaje por los 8 Centros Electorales, conformados por las escuelas, Lander, Carlos H. Báez, Fray José Zapico, San Jose, Oswaldo Mijarez, El Simoncito, Casa para la Cultura y La Trinidad, pertenecietes a la población de San José del municipio Andrés Bello, estado Miranda, donde se está desarrollando esta convocatoria electoral satisfactoriamente. Asimismo realizaron un recorrido por los centros electorales de Río chico del municipio Páez que están integrados por los colegios,13 de Junio, San Pablo de la Cruz, Rafael Arévalo González, la Virginia y José Antonio Páez del Banco Obrero." Inside Operation Gideon, a Coup Gone Very Wrong 12/6/2020 Rolling Stone: "When Goudreau, Denman, and Berry boarded the plane to Colombia, they were escorted by Yacsy Alexandra Mirabal. The way Goudreau tells it, she was a patriot — willing to give up everything to see the liberation of her country — and, he claims, a financial backer who invested about $100,000 of her own money into the cause. Goudreau didn’t know at the time, however, that the plane was owned by Franklin Duran, a wealthy businessman with family ties to a Venezuelan-owned oil company, who was convicted in 2008 of operating as an illegal agent of the Venezuelan government. In fact, Mirabal had worked under Duran. In September, Colombian authorities, in partnership with the FBI, arrested her for being a Venezuelan agent trying to destabilize Colombia." (VIDEO) Toma de Caracas por los Yukpa para entrevistarse con Presidente Maduro son desalojados a la fuerza por la policía 11/18/2020 Aporrea: "No hay forma de entender a la cultura ancestral caribe, ellos no se rinden desde hace 508 años, ellos siguen luchando y resistiendo. Es un deber historico atenderlos y solucionarle los problemas a los primeros humanos, originarios de estas tierras, que han sido desplazados por el hombre criollo hasta casi el exterminio, no obstante, ellos se mantienen allí contra todas las adversidades." Nuestra AfroHeroína: JUANA RAMÍREZ 10/23/2020 Conadecafrove 57 Countries or 9 Countries? Guaidó’s International Recognition – WOLA’s Interactive Map Without the US Imperial Narrative 10/17/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "According to Wikipedia -who no one can accuse of being particularly progressive, WOLA is funded by a combination of foreign governments, foundations, and private individuals. Its largest donors include the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, along with the Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, Open Society Foundations, the Atlantic Philanthropies, the Libra Foundation, and the Seattle International Foundation. This is evidence of the interests they represent." Barloventeñidad….historia e identidad 10/3/2020 Todas Adentro: por Jesus Chucho Garcia - "Pocos o casi ningún libro de autores y autoras barloventeños están en las bibliotecas públicas, poniendo de lado la Ley Orgánica de Educación aprobada en el año 2009. Comenzó el año escolar 2020-2021 en medio de esta terrible pandemia y con algunas carencias. Pese a eso y creo es importante y necesario insistir, como lo hemos hecho en estas dos últimas décadas, replantear la presencia de nuestra diversidad cultural, tomando como punto de partida nuestra historia en el sistema educativo." Venezuelan Foreign Minister Calls In-Depth U.N. Report a Plot. It is Not. 9/21/2020 Polygraph: several hundred victims of torture vs uncounted 10s of thousands dead in Colombia… LAS REPARACIONES Y EL SISTEMA DE CRIMINALIZACION RACIAL EN LAS AMERICAS. 9/4/2020 Jesus Chucho Garcia Movimiento afrovenezolano y el cumbe ideológico 8/31/2020 Todos Adentro: por Jesus Chucho Garcia -"Que no quede duda que nunca antes en nuestra historia, por primera vez, la aspiración de las y los afrodescendientes han sido escuchadas parcialmente, pero las deudas continúan, tales como: Constitucionalmente no somos reconocidos como parte de la construcción de este país, no aparecemos ni en el preámbulo constitucional, y no hay un artículo, en la Constitución que haga referencia a nuestros aportes éticos, políticos, económicos a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, a pesar de que Bolívar ya lo había reconocido en el Congreso de Angostura (1819) expresando que somos más una prolongación de África que de la Europa misma. Aún falta implementar políticas serias en el sector educativo, en los derechos de la mujer y la juventud afro, políticas culturales pertinentes a la afrovenezolanidad, hace falta levantar los indicadores sociales, salud para conocer como están actualmente los pueblos afrovenezolanos, hay que crear los circuitos electorales afro con miras a las próximas elecciones. Las luchas afrovenezolanas dentro del proceso siguen teniendo una vigencia impostergables." Internalización de las luchas afrodescendientes 8/17/2020 Todos Adentro: "Dentro de ello era necesario articular nuestras luchas con otros hermanos y hermanas afrodescendientes de norte a sur en Nuestra América para establecer una lucha común contra los traumas dejados por la trata esclavista, el sistema denigrante de la esclavitud, el racismo, la pobreza, a la que estaban y siguen sometidos cerca de 200 millones de afrodescendientes en el continente." El testamento africano y afrodescendiente de Hugo Chávez 7/28/2020 Jesus Chucho Garcia: por Jesus Chucho Garcia - "Luego lo va a reafirmar el 8 de mayo del 2005, en Alo presidente en el oriente del país, donde plantea el tema afrodescendientes con una visión integral en las Américas y el Caribe: “Algunas ideas ya están sobre mi escritorio, habría que calcular con más precisión los detalles, tengo la idea general y la he dado para que sea trabajada. Pero más allá de Venezuela estoy pensando en la integración de América Latina, de esta Afroamérica que está dispersa por todas estas tierras, por todas estas aguas y con Cuba hemos estado avanzando en ese trabajo, con Jamaica, con el Caribe oriental que aunque más del 90% de esos hermanos hable inglés son afrodescendientes.”." Meet the Venezuelan coup regime’s ‘UK ambassador,’ a pampered US heiress who threatens journalists 7/9/2020 Grey Zone: "This July, the representative that the Venezuelan coup regime appointed to the United Kingdom, Vanessa Neumann, threatened several American and British journalists who criticized her on social media. Neumann’s corporate consulting firm claimed to have reported these journalists to the FBI, and even baselessly accused them without a scintilla of evidence of being “part of an indicted transnational criminal network with a price on your head.” These threats came just after Neumann’s official Twitter account declared, “Death to Nicolás Maduro.” Neumann subsequently claimed her profile was hacked, while intimidating the journalists who reported on her incendiary tweet." Biden’s vision for Venezuela is virtually indistinguishable from Trump’s 7/9/2020 GreyZone: "A recent Biden campaign event demonstrated that when it comes to Venezuela, policies of regime change, sanctions and a refusal to engage in dialogue, VenezolanosConBiden and MAGAzuela are two sides of the same coin." La reina Isabel, la nueva piratería y el oro para Juan Guaidó 7/8/2020 Aporrea Ante la pandemia, la dolarización y el feminicidio Cimarronas exigen mayor responsabilidad al estado venezolano 7/2/2020 Aporrea-Movimiento Afrorevolucionario Juan Ramón Lugo: " A nuestra redacción llegó este comunicado de las voceras cimarronas del Movimiento Afrorevolucionario Juan Ramón Lugo, Carmen Sanz y Elizabeth Urbaneja quienes se reunieron recientemente, pese a las restricciones de movilización por la pandemia para pronunciarse ante la situación que atraviesa el país: No podemos seguir calladas ante la crisis que estamos viviendo sobre todas las mujeres en general y específicamente las afrovenezolanas que somos sostén de la familia y que cada días nos cuesta sobrevivir en esta crisis. Vemos con mucha preocupación la situación de los hogares de nuestros barrios, tanto en La Vega, Catia o 23 de enero, y otras partes del país donde tenemos núcleos organizados." ¡El vil asesinato de Orlando Figuera es un crimen de odio racial! 6/27/2020 Lilia Ferrer: "Pido a la comunidad afrovenezolana y a la diáspora africana en el continente, emprendamos la denuncia y solicitemos a la Fiscalía General de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, como demás órganos competentes, se aborden éste y otros casos que así están documentados, como crímenes de odio racial. Que sean tipificados, nombrados, explicitados y que se advierta de su ocurrencia para que nunca más vuelvan a cometerse actos de tanta crueldad como el asesinato de Figuera. " Sala Penal española extraditará a Enzo Franchini presunto responsable del asesinato de Orlando Figuera 6/25/2020 Venezuela: "El fiscal general de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Tarek William Saab informó que la Sala Penal Sección 1* de la Audiencia Nacional española accedió a extraditar a Enzo Franchini al país por ser el presunto responsable del asesinato de Orlando Figuera. A través de un mensaje publicado en sus redes sociales, Saab destacó que Franchini quien se encuentra detenido en España es indiciado en el homicidio del joven quien fue quemado vivo por turbas de simpatizantes de la derecha venezolana durante las guarimbas del año 2017." Exclusive: Oil tankers carrying two months of Venezuelan output stuck at sea 6/24/2020 Reuters Biden Bashes Trump’s Willingness to Meet with Venezuela’s Maduro 6/22/2020 Venezuela Analysis: "The former vice president has consistently backed the Trump administration’s campaign to oust President Maduro, echoing Trump in recognizing opposition leader Juan Guaido as “interim president” of Venezuela. Biden has also supported the unilateral US embargo against Venezuela, which experts have criticized as “collective punishment” causing tens of thousands of deaths. Last year, he told the Council on Foreign Relations that he would “push for stronger multilateral sanctions” against the Caribbean country." INCERTIDUMBRE Y DOLARIZACION COTIDIANA 6/19/2020 Jesús Chucho García: "Mas alla de que el bloqueo estadounidense contra Venezuela es una realidad, que no deja de ser una obsesión, un capricho, donde sus experimentos como Juan Guaido no les ha dado resultado como lo acaba de reconocer Jhon Bolton (exagente de la CIA), pero debemos tener muchísimo cuidado que el imperio no esta “alla¨, esta ya “aqui” y en la practica ha sido una estrategia “sutil” que comienza por la disociación identitaria del venezolano despreciando al Bolivar, pues no vale nada….y esto no es viejo pues en un momento determinado del proceso le comprabamos al “imperio” mas de quince mil millones de dólares anuales en baratijas que luegoeran exhibidas no solo por la burguesía proyanqui sino por muchos altos representantes gubernamentales que aun anda en ese proceso de Bolivarianismo-chavismo pa’ fuera e imperialismo pa” dentro. Un dicho africano (yoruba) dice “muchas palabras no llenan un cesto”, ya que por mucho que digas soy antiimperialista pero si en la practica habla como imperialista, consume como imperialista, usas las marcas de ropa, zapato, teléfono que el imperialismo te persuade a usar que eres entonces?…de ahí que muchas palabras no llenan un cesto." Muerte de George Floyd: cuáles son los países de América Latina en los que la policía más mata 6/15/2020 BBC: ""Es un problema estructural, que se ha venido agravando en los últimos años, y que afecta a gobiernos de todo signo ideológico", destaca. Efectivamente, en números absolutos la policía que más mata en la región -y en el mundo- es la de Brasil: 6.220 víctimas fatales en 2018, por las 998 de EE.UU… Pero, en términos proporcionales, el título es para la de Venezuela, la que con 4.998 víctimas en 2017 tuvo una tasa de mortalidad de 15,9, por cada 100.000 habitantes." Liza Guerra García: "El racismo es la podredumbre en todas las estructuras policiales de EEUU" 6/7/2020 Aporrea: "Trump dirige su discurso a los supremacistas blancos, dice la abogada y activista" Venezuela mestiza, pero profundamente racista 6/3/2020 El Estimulo: "En 2013, de acuerdo con un estudio publicado por The Washington Post, Venezuela resultó ser el país más racista del continente americano. Los datos compilados por Max Fisher y recogidos por el World Values Survey señalan que los países nórdicos, anglosajones y latinoamericanos son los más tolerantes a aceptar ciudadanos de distintos orígenes. Venezuela fue una excepción, Fisher presume que se debe a que la distribución desigual de la riqueza ha influenciado en una alterada percepción pública de las distintas etnias y tipos." Palabras y llanto de la familiona que grabó el video del asesinato de George Floyd 6/2/2020 Afrotvb Razón de la muerte del George Floyd 6/2/2020 Afrotvb Venezuela's Racist Opposition Wants to Import Trump's Model 5/28/2020 teleSUR: By: Juan Ramon Lugo Afro-Revolutionary Movement. "For the Juan Ramon Lugo Afro-Revolutionary Movement, the following organizations: Afroaragueños, Afroamerica Foundation, AfroTV, Jose Leonardo Chirino Association, Ibarra Cumbe (Puerto Cabello), La Vega Autochthonous, Panecillos Association, Cimarrones de Vargas, IETPA JUAN DE DIOS DIAZ (Sucre State), Grupo Elegua, Cimarrones de Yaracuy, Network of Afro-Venezuelan Organizations, Network of Afro-descendants of Venezuela." Guaidó and the Failed Military Operation Against Venezuela: a Story of Betrayal and Financial Corruption 5/15/2020 Counterpunch: "All of these revelations have two implications. First, they confirm the continuous charges made by the Maduro administration in recent years of the existence of a real paramilitary threat coming from Colombian soil.[14] Second, it drives a wedge of criticism among many in the opposition, particularly in the U.S., who have been coming down hard on Guaidó for abandoning the former Venezuelan military officers.[15] Even the journalist who interviewed Goudreau on video, Patricia Poleo, who is against the ChavistaMaduro government, is being harshly criticized by the most extremist elements of the opposition.[16]" Civic-Military Union: The Chavista Paradigm that Defined the Latest Events of the War Against Venezuela 5/11/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "What happened last Monday, May 4, on the shores of the settlement of Chuao, Santiago Mariño municipality, Aragua state, has left a mark on the history of the Bolivarian process due to the combined action of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the citizenry, particularly a group of fishermen, police and members of the Bolivarian National Militia." [The fishermen were members of the Juan Ramón Lugo Afrorevolutionary Movement.] The “ridiculous” failed coup attempt in Venezuela, explained 5/11/2020 Vox: "“The whole thing was so ridiculous that it would never work,” former US Navy SEAL Ephraim Mattos, who was not involved in the plan but heard the details directly from the Venezuelans involved, told me. “It was totally insane.”" Guaidó’s mercenary hit contract on Venezuela’s Maduro mirrors official US bounty, authorizes death squad killings 5/10/2020 Greyzone: "The contract signed by Guaidó and Silvercorp also enables the killing of anyone they deem to be “armed and violent colectivos.” For a sector of Venezuela’s upper-class opposition, the term “colectivo” is a dehumanizing, oft-used catch-all term applied to any working-class person. Trade unionists, pro-government protestors, even anyone riding a motorcycle is presumed to be part of an armed and dangerous gang in the lurid fantasies of the light-skinned elitists of Eastern Caracas. Therefore, the contract essentially permits Silvercorp to kill any member of the government’s popular support base with impunity." Venezuela troops seize abandoned Colombian combat boats, weapons 5/9/2020 Al Jazeera: "Venezuela's military said it seized three abandoned Colombian light combat vessels that soldiers found on Saturday while patrolling the Orinoco river, several days after the government accused its neighbour of aiding a failed invasion. The boats were equipped with machine guns and ammunition but had no crew, the defence ministry said in a statement, adding they were discovered as part of a nationwide operation to guarantee Venezuela's "freedom and sovereignty"." Civic-Military Union: The Chavista Paradigm that defined the latest events in the War Against Venezuela 5/9/2020 Monthly Review: [This aricle makes invisible the highly racialized nature of the Venezuela US conflict but gives some important background to the capture of US mercs by the fishermen in the JUAN RAMON LUGO AFROREVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT.] "Chávez’s vision is summarized in his words during the “Aló Presidente” Program number 353, on March 14, 2010, from Cumaná, Sucre state: "The Bolivarian militias, the Bolivarian National Militia. The people must prepare for defense, the fishermen must be soldiers, but not only in word, no, trained in the use of weapons, at the time of an aggression that God does not want, but well one never knows, right? The Empire has its eyes on us, on the Bolivarian Revolution, and the Empire worries when it sees these things, you see? Because the Empire is afraid of the success of the Bolivarian project, it is afraid of it because we are showing that the development of the people is possible through socialism and not through capitalism. This is vital for the future of the world, what is happening here, we cannot fail, they will try to sabotage us as they have done, as they have done to Cuba, the blockade, that is a sabotage to the Cuban economy, they will not allow Cuba to develop the economy, they have had Cuba, they have wanted to drown Cuba, only Cuba resisted, is resisting and now with more reason, in the Dawn, the Bolivarian Alliance." La relación entre "Pépero, la DEA, Richard Camarano y Wilexys de Petare con la operación Gedeón 5/7/2020 Aporrea: " José Socorro, alias "Pépero" un presunto narcotraficante, capo que maneja el tráfico de droga colombiana en el centro del país y uno de los capturados durante el operativo "Negro Primero" confiesa que el agente de la DEA, Orlando Laufer, le instruyó ejecutar acciones violentas en barrios de Caracas. A través de un video declara que los enfrentamientos registrados en Petare a principios de mayo, eran una táctica para mantener distraídos a los cuerpos de seguridad y así poder cumplir con los planes de incursión dirigidos por Jordan Goudreau y Antonio José Sequea." Silvercorp co-founder speaks with The Grayzone: What did State Department know about failed Venezuela invasion? 5/7/2020 GreyZone: "The Grayzone speaks to Drew White – a close friend and business partner of Silvercorp mercenary firm founder and failed Venezuela coup leader Jordan Goudreau – about the botched invasion and potential involvement of the Trump administration." Venezuela leader calls for extradition of US security contractor after failed raid 5/7/2020 Guardian: "President Nicolás Maduro has called for the extradition of a US security contractor after an alleged incursion into the country to abduct him failed." CHUAO CIMARRONES OF THE XXIst CENTURY DEFEAT NORTH AMERICAN MERCENARIES 5/7/2020 Jesús Chucho García: "DECLARATION OF THE JUAN RAMON LUGO AFROREVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT - Recently, Chuao, a town on the coast of Aragua State, Venezuela, was put on the geopolitical world map, given the incursion of some mercenaries from the Venezuelan radical opposition and some green berets from the Donald Trump government, who were captured by maroon-militiamen, members of the Juan Ramón Lugo Afrorevolutionary Movement." The Hybrid War on Venezuela Moves to a New Stage of Aggression 5/7/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "Not only was Guaidó absent from any consideration for involvement in the raid or in the future Venezuela envisioned by the coup plotters, but Guaidó was directly targeted by a disgruntled foreign mercenary claiming that he was not paid for his “work”. This widely distributed information was timely released by a Venezuelan journalist who is not a supporter of Maduro but a supporter of a more radical right-wing opposition. This can only be construed as intentionally meant to harm Juan Guaidó in the eyes of all Venezuelans, and any claim he might have to leading Venezuela." ¡Chuao Yeto Lukango! 5/6/2020 AfroIdeologia: "Hoy nuevamente el pueblo Afrovenezolano de Chuao se hace famoso, no por la producción su prestigioso cacao, el cual la narrativa colonial y neocolonial nos acostumbro a darnos a conocer, con el cliché de “Chuao el pueblo del cacao más famoso del mundo”, deshumanizando e ignorando el gran trabajo de hombres y mujeres dentro de la hacienda, cuando lo más correcto en decir es “el pueblo de Chuao es quien produce el cacao más famoso del mundo” sino por la captura de un grupo de mercenarios terroristas fuertemente armados, quienes venían a crear caos, terror, muertes y zozobra al pueblo venezolano." President Maduro: 4 New Mercenaries Captured – US Led Military Incursion 5/6/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "In a press conference with international media conducted via videoconference, the head of state thanked the fighting spirit of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and the Bolivarian people, who demonstrated that the Bolivarian shield has worked. In particular, he thanked the inhabitants of Cepe, Puerto Maya and Chuao (Aragua state) and Carayaca (La Guaira state) for their recent work in coordination with security agencies." The Unexpected: There was a Coup Within the US Led Mercenaries (Bay of Piglets) 5/6/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "On May 1, Jorge Rodriguez stressed, two boats left from the Doble Rueda farm in Colombia. One led by Pantera with 12 people destined for the state of La Guaira to attack institutions and government figures. In another boat, were Antonio Sequea, Adolfo Baduel and US mercenaries, but it changed its route to Chuao upon learning of the arrest of the first boat. On the coasts of Aragua they were apprehended in a civic-military operation led by militia fishermen." [The fishermen were members of the Juan Ramón Lugo Afrorevolutionary Movement.] Defeat of a Dirty Military Incursion into Venezuela on a Sunday Morning 5/5/2020 Counterpunch: "The plot for a small invasion in 2019 that unraveled is now well-documented by Joshua Goodman of the Associated Press. That plot was led by Jordan Goudreau, who served in the U.S. Army as a medic in Iraq and Afghanistan and then became a private security contractor; he worked with Cliver Alcalá, a former Venezuelan military officer, who brought together a few hundred Venezuelan military deserters to conduct the raid. Alcalá is now in prison in the United States for his involvement in the drug trade. Goudreau and Alcalá were backed by Trump’s bodyguard Keith Schiller and Roen Kraft of Kraft Foods. The entire operation sniffs of a madcap CIA adventure, akin to the 1961 CIA failed invasion of Cuba at Playa Girón. It is likely that the more recent invasion in May 2020 emerged out of the military deserter camp set up by Alcalá in Colombia. One of the men involved in the raid was Captain Robert Levid Colina, also known as Pantera. Colina had been involved in the attempted coup on behalf of Juan Guaidó on April 30, 2019, and is a close associate of Alcalá’s." Second Mercenary Incursion Against Venezuela in 48 Hours Fails in Chuao 5/5/2020 Internationalist 360: "For his part, former Major General Juvenal Sequea Torres stated in an interview for VPI, broadcast shortly before the capture in Chuao, that the operation was generally supported by Colombia and the United States, although he avoided offering details. Antonio Sequea was part of a first advance party of sorts and assured that more decisive action would follow." CHUAO CIMARRONES DEL SIGLO XXI - DERROTAN MERCENARIOS NORTEAMERICANOS - DECLARACION DEL MOVIMIENTO AFROREVOLUCIONARIO JUAN RAMON LUGO 5/5/2020 Jesús Chucho Garcia: "Así comenzamos el mes de la Afrovenezolanidad decretado el 10 de mayo por la Asamblea Nacional presidida en mayo del 2005, por el actual presidente legitimo de la Republica Bolivariana, Nicolas Maduro Moros con motivo del levantamiento el día 10 de mayo de 1795, del cimarrón Jose Leonardo Chrino en la sierra de Falcon. Inciamos dignamente el mes de la afrovenezolanidad con la gesta antiimperialista de los cimarrones de Chuao." Ex-Green Beret claims he led foiled raid into Venezuela 5/4/2020 AP: "A former Green Beret has claimed responsibility for a failed attack Sunday aimed at overthrowing Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro that the socialist government said ended with eight people dead. Jordan Goudreau’s comments in an interview with an exiled Venezuelan journalist capped a bizarre day that started with reports of a pre-dawn amphibious raid near the South American country’s heavily guarded capital. An AP investigation published Friday found that Goudreau had been working with a retired army general now facing U.S. narcotics charges to train dozens of deserting Venezuelan soldiers at secret camps inside neighboring Colombia." Pescadores fueron los que detuvieron a ocho mercenarios de la operación "Gedeón" en Chuao, Aragua 5/4/2020 Aporrea: "Un helicóptero de la policía que vigilaba y sobrevolaba el área hacia las montañas de la cordillera de la Costa y pescadores de Chuao alertaron a las Fuerzas Armadas de la incursión. La detención fue hecha por pescadores y PoliAragua." [Los pescadores eran miembros del Movimiento Afrorevolucionario Juan Ramón Lugo.] Macuto: A New Frustrated Chapter in the War Against Venezuela 5/3/2020 Internationalist 360: "In addition, a recently published Associated Press (AP) story claims that a military contractor, Silvercorp, which has received at least a couple of contracts from the US government, was in charge of training mercenaries and FANB deserters from the Alcalá group in three camps in Colombia. Shortly before noon today, May 3, the president of the National Constituent Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, confirmed in a press conference that the maritime vehicles used in the operation came from Colombia because of the GPS information from the satellite phones seized in the operation." How an ex-Green Beret organized a 'private coup' funded by US billionaires to remove Venezuela's Maduro and trained 300 soldiers in Colombia before it spectacularly fell apart 5/1/2020 Daily Mail: "What could go wrong? As it turns out, pretty much everything. The ringleader of the plot is now jailed in the US on narcotics charges. Authorities in the US and Colombia are asking questions about the role of his muscular American adviser, former Green Beret Jordan Goudreau. And dozens of desperate combatants who flocked to secret training camps in Colombia said they have been left to fend for themselves amid the coronavirus pandemic." Realiza EEUU acto de piratería contra pesquero venezolano en el Pacífico 4/30/2020 RHC: "Guardacostas estadounidenses abordan un pesquero venezolano en aguas internacionales del océano Pacífico patrulladas por la Armada de EEUU. La Guardia Costera de EEUU señaló que la operación se realizó como parte de las medidas de apoyo a las gestiones del Comando Sur, que adelanta acciones en el mar Caribe y el Pacífico para “detener el flujo de estupefacientes desde América del Sur y Central al territorio estadounidense”." US to Mobilize Military Reservists in ‘Anti-Drug’ Operation Against Venezuela 4/30/2020 Venezuela Analysis: "US President Donald Trump issued an executive order on Thursday activating armed forces reservists for an “anti-narcotics” mission in the Caribbean. “The Secretary of Defense is directed to order to active duty for not more than 365 consecutive days, any units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit, of the Selected Reserve under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense, not to exceed 200 Selected Reservists at any one time, as he considers necessary,” the decree reads. A Pentagon spokesperson told the Daily Caller that the defense secretary will use the order to mobilize a unit of the Air National Guard to aid in Washington’s “Enhanced Department of Defense Counternarcotic Operation in the Western Hemisphere.”" Second US Navy destroyer hit by COVID outbreak returns to port 4/29/2020 France24: "The first cases surfaced last week while the Kidd had been patrolling for drug smugglers in the Caribbean. Medical personnel were quickly flown to the ship to conduct tests and it was ordered back to port in the southern California city, where the crew will be evacuated and quarantined and the ship undergoes a "strategic deep-cleaning regimen."" “Ataques contra comunidades indígenas tienen como objetivo militarizar nuestro territorio” 4/22/2020 RUNRUN: "Ha sido acusada de secesionista y traidora a la patria por el alto mando militar venezolano lo que activó una acción urgente de Amnistía Internacional. En un contexto de liderazgo predominantemente masculino, la dirigente destaca por la singularidad de ser mujer indígena en una región amenazada por la minería y el contrabando y por su tenacidad en la defensa de la tierra y la autodeterminación de su pueblo." BARLOVENTO RESISTIRA Y VENCERA AL CORONA VIRUS 4/20/2020 Movimiento Afrorevolucionario Juan Ramon Lugo: "Desde nuestras comunidades afro, seguro estamos que nuestros hermanos y hermanas de Barlovento con el apoyo del gobierno podrán combatir que este virus se propague, para lo cual deben tener la disciplina ancestral de nuestras practicas cimarronas….no salir del cumbre (sus casas) y exponerse al enemigo (COVID-19), respetar las instrucciones o protocolos emitidas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, evitar reuniones, lavarse las manos, usar cloro (productos que el gobierno tiene que evitar especulacion, así como el aumento de la comidad). Por otro lado exigimos al gobierno nacional en medio de esta crisis resolver los problemas de electricidad, agua, internet, bolsas de Clap a su debido tiempo, reforzar los hospitales y garantizar el funcionamiento del transporte para casos urgentes de los cuales están adoleciendo nuestras comunidades afrodescendientes en casi todo el país." Class and Quarantine in Venezuela: A Conversation with Anacaona Marin of El Panal Commune 4/17/2020 Venezuela Analysis El Comité de Derechos Humanos de la Guajira denunció este domingo que la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana (GNB) reprimió brutalmente a civiles del pueblo indígena wayuu, en el poblado Guarero, municipio Guajira. 4/12/2020 InfoBae: "El Comité informó que los heridos, cifra que se desconoce hasta el momento, fueron trasladados a centros asistenciales en Maicao. Una de ellas fue identificada como Lisbeth Palmar, una mujer wayuu, docente y lideresa comunitaria. En un video que se divulgó en las redes sociales se la puede ver con un perdigonazo en la cara y llena de sangre desde el rostro hasta el pecho." Ferrer Morillo: «El nuestro es un país bloqueado y ello nos ha hecho muy resistentes ante crisis de grandes complejidades» 4/12/2020 Trinchera: "Cuba y Venezuela han estrechado lazos históricos que se han profundizado en estos últimos veinte años de gobierno bolivariano. Estos vínculos ponen el foco en la atención prioritaria de la salud venezolana. Contamos con una infraestructura barrial y socio-comunitaria que, en efecto, ha sido afectada grandemente por el bloqueo a ambas naciones. Nos ha costado vidas y hemos visto mermada nuestra atención primaria de salud. El mundo todo ha sido testigo de cómo nos han bloqueado el arribo de millones de dosis de insulina o de tratamientos oncológicos y de equipos médicos esenciales. También se han visto afectados pacientes que recibían sus tratamientos de alta complejidad en países como Italia y Argentina: estos eran cubiertos por programas de CITGO y luego de que esta filial internacional de PDVSA fuera arbitrariamente robada, nuestros pacientes empezaron a padecer las consecuencias." Cuban Doctors Arrive in Angola to Train 1500 Health Technicians 4/11/2020 teleSUR: "With that training, "Angolan doctors will visit the families assigned to them, at a rate of 1,000 inhabitants per professional, cohabiting with the Cubans who arrived in Angola for the purpose," the Inter-ministerial Commission for Pandemic Response spokesperson explained. On Friday morning, 256 Cuban health workers arrived in Angola to support the fight against COVID-19, which has already infected 19 people in this African country." InSight Crime y la diplomacia de las cañoneras rediviva 4/10/2020 ALAI Net: "El director ejecutivo y cofundador de InSight Crime, Jeremy McDermott, es un ex oficial del ejército británico veterano de los conflictos en Bosnia e Irlanda del Norte, quien ofició luego como corresponsal de guerra en los Balcanes y Medio Oriente, antes de instalarse en Colombia como corresponsal de la BBC de Londres y el Daily Telegraph, especializándose en narcotráfico, crimen organizado y el conflicto armado interno colombiano. Lo insólito del caso, dada la experiencia de McDermott y de su codirector, Steven Dudley, ex jefe de la oficina del Miami Herald en la región andina, es que la “investigación” no cita ninguna fuente concreta. A lo largo del texto, las “evidencias” que confirmarían sus afirmaciones fueron obtenidas de “ganaderos entrevistados en la zona, cuya identidad será resguardada por seguridad”" [Bosnia era un punto central en el trafico narco de Al Quaeda, una crecion Americano-Saudi.] Venezuela, la DEA desmiente a Trump 4/9/2020 ALAI Net: "La DEA afirma en todos sus informes hasta 2019 que Colombia es la “fuente primaria para la cocaína capturada en Estados Unidos”. Según el Cocaine Signature Program elaborado por la DEA en 2018 “aproximadamente 90 por ciento de las muestras de cocaína analizadas fueron de origen colombiano, seis por ciento de origen peruano y cuatro por ciento de origen desconocido”. En otras palabras, de acuerdo con los registros de la agencia federal para las drogas de Estados Unidos no se encuentra en ese país cocaína ni ningún otro narcótico procedente de Venezuela." Colombia constitutes the main risk factor of Covid-19 infection for Venezuelans 4/9/2020 Gobierno Bolivariano: "Due to the significant rates of Covid-19 infections from Colombia, Venezuela will strengthen control measures in the so-called trails to prevent the spread of the infectious disease. “We are going to be much more diligent, much more rigid and careful at work in the so-called trails”, said the Vice-president of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Jorge Rodríguez. He indicated that, as a result of the entry of people from Colombia, the New Granada nation appears as “the main risk factor of transmission and infection for Venezuelans”. From the Miraflores Palace, located in Caracas, he pointed out that the increase in the transmission in travelers from Colombia responds to the fact that “this epidemic is not being controlled in any way there, not even making an adequate registry of cases; which means a risk for the strict control that we are doing in Venezuela”." La OTAN despliega aviones y barcos ?de guerra “contra el coronavirus” 4/9/2020 Voltaire Net: "En efecto, el navío francés de asalto anfibio Dixmude (L9015) de la clase Mistral zarpó el 3 de ?abril de Tolón –en el sur de Francia– hacia la Guayana Francesa en lo que el presidente francés ?Emmanuel Macron definió como «una operación militar sin precedente» bautizada ??“Resilience”, supuestamente vinculada a la «guerra contra el coronavirus» [2]. El Dixmude puede ?desempeñar un papel secundario como punto de atención médica con 69 camas, 7 de ellas ?equipadas para cuidados intensivos. Pero el papel esencial de ese gran navío de guerra francés de ?la clase Mistral es el de portahelicópteros –con casi 200 metros de eslora (o sea, de largo) dispone de una ?pista de despegue y aterrizaje de 5 000 metros cuadrados [puede transportar 16 helicópteros pesados o ??35 helicópteros ligeros]– y unidad naval de asalto anfibio." Billionaire-backed Human Rights Watch lobbies for lethal US sanctions on leftist governments as Covid crisis rages 4/8/2020 Grey Zone: "Human Rights Watch, the leading so-called rights organization in the United States, has actively lobbied for Washington to impose suffocating sanctions on leftist governments in Latin America. The group has even praised the Donald Trump administration for ramping up its aggressively destabilizing regime-change measures. NGOs like Human Rights Watch (HRW) depict targeted sanctions as a more palatable alternative to military action, although these measures are widely recognized by international legal experts to be a form of economic warfare that have led to the deaths of many thousands of civilians, destroyed the livelihoods of countless people, and devastated entire nations’ economies." ‘Que oposición no crea que EE. UU. va a solucionar sus problemas' - Wiliam Brownfield, exjefe antinarcóticos de EE. UU., analiza la nueva estrategia para Venezuela 4/7/2020 El Tiempo, Venezuela: "Para hablar de drogas y Venezuela quién mejor que Wiliam Brownfield, por casi una década encargado de la política antinarcóticos de EE. UU. en el Departamento de Estado y embajador de su país ante Caracas. En entrevista con este diario, Brownfield analiza la nueva estrategia de Washington para forzar la caída del régimen de Nicolás Maduro y dice que, en cierto sentido, lo anunciado la semana pasada es la aplicación de la llamada ‘opción militar’ en este Siglo XXl." Efectos y consecuencias legales de las imputaciones de EEUU al alto gobierno venezolano 4/5/2020 ALAI Net: "Esto quiere decir que estas investigaciones han estado selladas durante las administraciones de Clinton, Bush y Obama por razones de conveniencia política y no porque se han tomado ese tiempo para investigar. Lo que ha estado latente por más de una década han sido los expedientes develados por Trump por razones que algunos consideran de interés personal o políticos y que tienen relación con la imperiosa necesidad de ganar las elecciones en Florida, un Estado básico sin el cual su oportunidad de ganar las elecciones de noviembre sería casi nula." Newsweek Magazine: Trump Uses “Venezuela Anti-Drug Operation” to Distract Americans From Coronavirus Crisis 4/5/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "For his part, a senior Pentagon official said Trump’s plans date back to December 2019 and talks between military personnel began in January 2020. Documents leaked to the magazine show that in February the design of the operation began under orders from the chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley; likewise, the course of action began to be evaluated by the commander of the Southern Command, Craig S. Faller. “This was not supposed to go public until May,” the senior Pentagon official told Newsweek , adding that Trump “is using the operation to try to divert public opinion.”" Venezuela Has Done 14x More Coronavirus Tests Than Brazil – 2 New Confirmed Cases Reported, Total 155 4/4/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "Two new positive cases of Covid-19 were registered in Venezuela in the last 24 hours to raise the number of infections to 155, and 52 patients have recovered satisfactorily. Speaking on the quality of the Venezuelan approach, the low number of cases detected and the social media negative influencers discrediting Venezuelan figures on the pandemic, Jorge Rodriguez highlighted that Venezuela has practiced 1,227 tests per million people and compared that number with other Latin American countries like Chile with 884, Ecuador with 595, Colombia with 375, Peru with 120 and Brazil with only 86 tests per million." Venezuela navy vessel sinks after 'ramming cruise ship' 4/3/2020 BBC: "Venezuela accused the Resolute of an act of "aggression and piracy". It also said it "did not rule out" that the cruise ship "was transporting mercenaries to attack military bases in Venezuela"." Ex UN anti-narcotics chief & mob expert says US Treasury running ‘mafia racket’ against Venezuela 4/3/2020 Grey Zone: "Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Pino Arlacchi, the former Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Prevention, about the US decision to charge Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with drug trafficking. Arlacchi explains that in his 40 years of anti-narcotic work, he never came across evidence of Venezuela’s involvement in the drug trade – instead saying that the US and Colombia drive drug production and consumption. As an expert on the Italian mafia, Arlacchi says the US government is actually the party behaving like an organized crime unit in its treatment of Venezuela. Arlacchi also discusses his work at the UN, which included a push to end the heroin trade in Afghanistan. He says his efforts were undermined by US officials after the 2001 invasion of the country." Mexican Cartels – Venezuela’s Uninvited Guests Here to Stay 4/3/2020 InSight Crime: The only sourced statement is from a discredited opposition leader: "National Assembly Vice President Juan Pablo Guanipa has voiced his concerns about the presence of drug trafficking groups in this region, according to El Pitazo. Local farmers and manufacturers are subjected to constant threats, preventing them from speaking out about the issue, according to Guanipa." Así es el despliegue militar de EE.UU. frente a Venezuela 4/3/2020 Notiar: "Bajo la supervisión del Comando Sur, y el almirante responsable, Craig Faller, se encuentran ya soldados de infantería, marinos, y miembros del Marine Corps, la Fuerza Aérea y la Guarda Costera en un complejo dispositivo para interrumpir tres rutas de la droga: de Venezuela a las islas del Caribe y a Centroamérica, y de Colombia a Centroamérica. El objetivo es reducir la llegada de cocaína, las metanfetaminas, el fentanilo y otros estupefacientes a Estados Unidos. Para ello hay ya buques de guerra desplegados ante las costas de Venezuela y en el Pacífico, según un mapa exhibido por Trump al efectuar su anuncio." Trump: US to deploy anti-drug Navy ships near Venezuela 4/1/2020 AP: "The enhanced mission has been months in the making but has taken on greater urgency following last week's indictment of Maduro, Venezuela's embattled socialist leader, and members of his inner circle and military. They are accused of leading a narcoterrorist conspiracy responsible for smuggling up to 250 metric tons of cocaine a year into the U.S., about half of it by sea. “If I was just indicted for drug trafficking by the United States, with a $15 million reward for my capture, having the U.S. Navy conducting anti-drug operations off my coast would be something I would worry about," said Sen. Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican who has been among those calling for a tougher stance against Maduro." U.S. Calls on Maduro, Guaido to Step Aside in Venezuela Shift 3/31/2020 Bloomberg: "The U.S. called on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and opposition leader Juan Guaido to step aside and allow a transitional government to take power and set up new elections, a shift in strategy aimed at breaking a political stalemate in the country." Going After Maduro 3/30/2020 Counterpunch: "Even if the prosecutors in this case could prove conspiracy—a charge that is speculative and subjective as any charge can possibly be—cocaine would still be coming into the United States like it has for decades. This is because drug trafficking prosecutions are not about ending drug trafficking, but about controlling who does the trafficking and who makes the money. Honest drug cops know this and fight it every day. The rest of them either ignore it or take a cut of that money for themselves." MANOS ENSANGRENTADAS NO SE LAVAN CON JABON 3/27/2020 Jesus Chucho Garcia: "Mosca con la discriminacion religiosa en Venezuela, aquí en nuestro país no solo se practica el cristianismo en sus diversas modalidades, tampoco el judaísmo, ni tampoco el islam. Aquí en nuestro país hay mas seguidores del espiritismo de Marialionza, así como las Regla de Palo Kongo, Ocha, IFA, Vudu y las treinta y dos religiones indigenas existente en nuestro país….ojo con la discriminacion religiosa en esas cadenas nocturnas por TV….todos apostamos con nuestra fe a combatir esta pandemia….asi es que también deben abrir un espacio en ese horario estelar para todas las religiones existente en nuestro país……dejen la guebonada." Alleged Maduro accomplice surrenders to U.S. agents, will help prosecution - sources 3/27/2020 Reuters: "U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency agents on Friday remanded in custody retired Venezuelan general Cliver Alcala, three people familiar with the matter said, after he agreed to work with prosecutors who charged him, President Nicolas Maduro and other top officials with drug trafficking. Alcala surrendered to DEA agents in Colombia and waived his right to challenge extradition, the three people told Reuters. He was flown to White Plains, New York from the port city of Barranquilla, where he had been living." Trump’s Narcoterrorism Indictment of Maduro Already Backfires 3/27/2020 The Orinoco Tribune: "The myth that Venezuela is a narco-state has already been debunked by the Washington Office in Latin America, a think tank in Washington that supports regime change, as well as by FAIR, 15 y Último, Misión Verdad, Venezuelanalysis and others. It cannot be denied that Venezuela is a transit country for cocaine, but as the maps above and below show, less than 7% of total drug movement from South America transits from Venezuela (the Eastern Caribbean region includes Colombia’s Guajira Peninsula). These maps, produced by the Drug Enforcement Agency and U.S. Southern Command, respectively, immediately raise questions as to why Venezuela is the country being targeted." Nicolás Maduro Moros and 14 Current and Former Venezuelan Officials Charged with Narco-Terrorism, Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Criminal Charges 3/26/2020 DOJ: "“The Venezuelan regime, once led by Nicolás Maduro Moros, remains plagued by criminality and corruption,” said Attorney General Barr. “For more than 20 years, Maduro and a number of high-ranking colleagues allegedly conspired with the FARC, causing tons of cocaine to enter and devastate American communities. Today’s announcement is focused on rooting out the extensive corruption within the Venezuelan government – a system constructed and controlled to enrich those at the highest levels of the government. The United States will not allow these corrupt Venezuelan officials to use the U.S. banking system to move their illicit proceeds from South America nor further their criminal schemes.” " Feds charge Venezuelan President Maduro, other top officials with narco-terrorism 3/26/2020 Miami Herald: "An indictment, to be unveiled at a “virtual” news conference in Washington, D.C., accuses Maduro and other top officials in his socialist regime of conspiring with the U.S.-designated terrorist group known as the FARC so that Venezuela could be used for narcotics shipments to finance a long-running civil war against the Colombian government. Charged along with Maduro are Diosdado Cabello, a former speaker of the National Assembly who is considered the second most powerful political figure in Venezuela, and Vladimir Padrino Lopez, the country’s minister of defense. All three Venezuelan officials face allegations of narco-terrorism, drug trafficking and weapons violations in a scheme initiated in the mid-2000s that was meant to help the Colombian rebel group while enriching themselves with cocaine-tainted bribes, according to federal authorities." U.S. Unseals Drug Trafficking Charges Against Venezuela's President Maduro 3/26/2020 NPR: "Barr said interdiction by America and its allies of contraband at sea has increased in recent months — in cases, for example, in which the U.S. Coast Guard stops speedboats or semi-submersible vessels that ferry drugs north in the Eastern Pacific Ocean or in the Caribbean Sea. That increases the importance of the "air bridge," Barr said, which compels action by American authorities to try to constrain it by exposing the Venezuelan regime's involvement. "As we increase our interdiction in both oceans, we are concerned this is being developed as a way of avoiding our maritime interdiction — which makes going after this particular route important for us right now," Barr said." [Planes carrying the bulk of the traffick go from Colombia to Honduras, both under US control.] U.S. announces reward up to $15 million for Venezuela's Maduro 3/26/2020 Reuters: "“The Department is offering a reward of up to $15 million for information related to Nicolas Maduro Moros,” the State Department said in a statement. The move came as the U.S. Justice Department announced charges against Maduro and others on narco-terrorism." Venezuela’s Coronavirus Response Might Surprise You 3/26/2020 Venezuela Analysis: "First, international solidarity has played a priceless role in enabling the government to rise to the challenge. China sent coronavirus diagnostic kits that will allow 320,000 Venezuelans to be tested, in addition to a team of experts and tons of supplies. Cuba sent 130 doctors and 10,000 doses of interferon alfa-2b, a drug with an established record of helping COVID-19 patients recover. Russia has sent the first of several shipments of medical equipment and kits. These three countries, routinely characterized by the U.S. foreign policy establishment as evil, offer solidarity and material support. The United States offers more sanctions and the IMF, widely known to be under U.S. control, denied a Venezuelan request for $5 billion in emergency funding that even the European Union supports." Conozca las consecuencias positivas del coronavirus 3/13/2020 teleSUR: "Debido a los protocolos de contención se han reducido las actividades industriales, y a su vez se han disminuído los desplazamientos en vehículos y aviones, lo que ha causado una baja en las emisiones como las de CO2 y dióxido de nitrógeno (NO2) y particulas finas en China, durante los últimos meses, de acuerdo con organismos como la Administración Nacional de la Aeronáutica y del Espacio (Nasa) y la ONG World Air Quality Index." Beyond the Narcostate Narrative: What U.S. Drug Trade Monitoring Data Says About Venezuela 3/11/2020 WOLA: "Recent data from the U.S. interagency Consolidated Counterdrug Database (CCDB) indicates that 210 metric tons of cocaine passed through Venezuela in 2018. By comparison, the State Department reports that over six times as much cocaine (1,400 metric tons) passed through Guatemala the same year." Las mujeres barloventeñas se manifiestan: Entre el patriarcado y el cimarrronaje 3/10/2020 Aporrea: "Con esta situación cotidiana, donde la deserción escolar tanto de alumnos como docentes, donde algunos niños se desmayan al intentar cantar el himno nacional, resulta ridículo llamar a marchas y hacer propuestas como plan de mejores afro mal conuco, a las mujeres afrodescendientes, pues eso es populismo desagradable ya que eso no es nada nuevo, en las encuestas que estamos realizando en nuestro municipio (Andres Bello, Estado Miranda) nos estamos sosteniendo gracias a lo que estamos sembrando desde platinos a plantas medicinales, así como cacao, que aun no se está pagando a precio justo y las y los productores seguimos en pobreza mientras que los compradores, intermediarios son los grandes beneficiados. Los problemas de salud de nosotras han aumentado en nuestras comunidades, en la mayoría de los hospitales de Barlovento no se está atendiendo a nadie mas allá de que no hay medicina, se le suma la mala gestión en dichos centros de salud son ineficaces y mal trato a los enfermos que llegan en difícil situacion. " Barloventeñidad - Los Cumbes educativos 3/2/2020 Aporrea: "El tercer tipo de pueblo y fue el mas irreverente y digno fueron los espacios liberados llamado Cumbes sino entre ellos el de mayor trascendía, el Cumbe de Ocoyta (hoy Mango de Ocoyta) liderizado por dos esclavizados fugados de la hacienda del regidor Marcos Ribas, de la hacienda de cacao en Capaya. El cumbe de Ocoyta como modelo de sociedad sostenida tiene sus diferencias con las comuna que impuso el Estado Bolivariano y hasta creando un ministerio y eso es parte del desconocimiento de nuestra historia que aun continúa sospechosamente oculta y marginada en el sistema educativo bolivariano. Pero no solo solo fue el Cumbe de Ocoyta, También fueron los Cumbes de El Limon, El Conde, El Guapito sumado a ellos a las rebeliones como las ocurridas en 1749 , tanto la de Juan Francisco de León (Panaquire-El Guapo), como ese mismo año rebeliones desde Capaya-Yare-Caracas, y la rebelión de Curiepe en 1812. (Ver nuestro libro Barlovento tiempo de cimarrones, 1989)" Venezuela Embassy Protectors on Trial 3/2/2020 Counterpunch: "The mistrial indicates that the government’s case is severely compromised. This is a victory for the Embassy Protectors and international law, and a setback for the illegal US bipartisan drive for regime change in Venezuela. Embassy Protector David Paul commented: “This charge on us is just another attack on dissent. Whichever way it turns out, we need to build from it to continue our voice against the policies of empire.”" Venezuela’s celebrated black soldier who led their War of Independence in the 1800s 3/1/2020 Face 2 Face Africa: "It is reported that Pedro Camejo’s passion for independence was solidified in 1816 after finally meeting with Simón Bolívar to discuss the essence of the war which had by then lasted for 6 years. Thanks to Pedro’s display of loyalty, Simon Boliver freed 1,000 of his slaves, helped in the abolition of slavery in the country and recruited around 5,000 freed slaves into the army to fight the Spanish. As long as he lived, Pedro fought vigorously and tirelessly as if his own life depended on the defeat of the Spanish. In 1891, he received Venezuela’s highest service to nation distinctions, the Order of the Liberator for being among the 150 brave soldiers who fought with a lance during the 1819 Battle of Las Queseras del Medio which was part of the Independence war. Pedro and the 149 other men fought more than a 1000 Spanish soldiers and they won." Más de 30 organizaciones han financiado proyectos de Provea 2/21/2020 Runrun: "“Los dos cooperantes históricos de Provea son Misereor, que son cristianos y cuya parte de sus recursos provienen del gobierno alemán y la fundación Open Society Institute que está en los Estados Unidos”, sentenció Uzcátegui." Lilia Ferrer Morillo, una poeta militante de la memoria. 2/12/2020 Arte y Sociedad: "Imba. Voces Del Tiempo – Poemas desde Nuestramérica”, de la poeta venezolana Lilia Ferrer Morillo, viene a coronar su escritura de fuerza social, hecha de sangre, llanto y memoria. Lilia Ferrer Morillo no está para decir “lo políticamente correcto” , sino para decir lo que no puede ser olvidado." GameChangers 2019: 10 Predictions for Organized Crime in 2020 1/24/2020 InSight Crime: [A fair assessment, except for the usual demonization of Venezuela, whose role can be likened to the artisanal one of the FARC in Colombia prior to the agreements there. The Colombian paramilitaries AUC, like their patron, the US, act on an industrial scale.] Counter Venezuela's move to consolidate Cuba 1/24/2020 Washington Examiner: "It forces the Cuban communist regime to reconsider the viability of its alliance with Maduro. And that matters because if Cuba removes its support to Maduro's regime, Maduro has a big problem. After all, Cuba's DI intelligence service is instrumental to Maduro's ability to intimidate Venezuela's military into loyalty. But if the DI goes, the Venezuelan military might just give legitimate interim president Juan Guaido the means to enter power." Venezuela Guaido calls for halt to 'blood gold' flow 1/23/2020 Reuters: “The first thing to do is to stop the illegal traffic of gold. We need to protect indigenous population. It is blood gold,” Guaido said during an address to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland." Things have changed for Venezuela. But they're not what Juan Guaido hoped for 1/22/2020 CNN: [From the alternate world of mainstream US media] - "But the most startling observation -- a year since Guaido stood before a crowd of thousands of supporters in Caracas and declared he was the legitimate president of the entire nation -- is how smoothly Maduro has sailed out of the storm." Trump Prosecutors Make Move to Ensure that Embassy Protectors are Convicted 1/15/2020 Dissident Voice: "As the trial approaches, the lawyers for the Trump Administration’s prosecution of the four Venezuelan Embassy Protectors who were arrested last May are asking the court to make sure the jury is kept ignorant about the facts and circumstances surrounding the actions of the protectors. In a recently filed motion by government lawyers, state prosecutors are seeking to severely restrict what can be discussed during the trial scheduled for February 11, 2020. Judge Beryl Howell will hear arguments on the motion at the pre-trial hearing on January 29." Lilia Ferrer: "El autoreconocimiento afro es un hecho político" 12/15/2019 Radio CUT: "Lilia Ferrer Morillo, poeta venezolana y militante afro, presentó su libro "IMBA.Voces del tiempo. Poemas desde Nuestramérica", al cual lo definió como "un libro en clave negra". Lilia comentó cómo los crímenes de odio en Venezuela y en la región inspira los textos: "Se trata de irrumpir sobre el silencio que se nos impone. Ser negro y originario puede costar hasta la vida. Es una lucha que hay que colectivizar"." AFRODERECHOS ENTRE EL EXTERMINIO, LA DISCRIMINACION PERPETUA Y EL PAPEL DE VIOLETA BACHELET 12/10/2019 Jesús Chucho García: "Hoy en el aniversario de esta declaración aprobado por unanimidad el 10 de diciembre de 1948, el articulo 7 es violado permanentemente ante el silencio vergonzoso de la presidenta del Consejo de De Derechos Humanos de la ONU, Veronica Michele Bachelet, quien recientemente estuvo en un congreso de mujeres afrolatinaomericana convocada por el gobierno de Costa Rica, gobierno que pertenece al vergonzoso Cartel de Lima y ahora al desempolvado TIAR y ha enfilado sus criticas proneoliberales contra Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua y guardo silencio sepulcral contra el golpe de Estado contra el gobierno de Bolivia, ademas promueve una visión de derechos humanos que se balancea mas a la justificación de quienes gobiernan bajo el signo del terrorismo racial y a favor de la minoría que esta destruyendo el planeta." FANON, ESPERANZA Y EL DIA DESPUES 12/6/2019 Jesus Chucho Garcia']: "Para cerrar esta exposición considerando que este seminario nos invita interrogarnos ¿que hacer el día después?, informamos que el pasado 12 de noviembre, en un encuentro internacional sobra Africa y Afrodescendientes …el cimarronaje continua contra el imeprialismo, que contó con la participación de 14o invitados internacionales procedentes de Nuestra America, Africa y la diáspora africana en Europa, llegamos a la conclusión que las luchas contra todas las formas de dominacion, así como el exterminio racial ala vuelta del neoliberalismo, debemos combatir en conjunto pues tenemos los enemigos comunes de siempre (Estados UNidos, Francia, Inglaterra, un sector de la Union europeo y los paises lacayos. Hemos decidido crear EL CUMBRE INTERNACIONAL AFRICANO Y AFRODESCENDIENTE CONTRA EL IMPERIALISMO, ASI COMO UN CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION SUR-SUR. LA FUERZA DE FANON VIVE HOY EN NUESTRAS LUCHAS." Cierra con éxito el Primer Congreso Internacional de Movimientos Afrodescendientes en Caracas 12/2/2019 Revista Etnica: "El evento, que contó con la asistencia de sobre 300 delegadas y delegados venezolanos e internacionales, coronó un proceso de consulta, debate y construcción colectiva que se concretó en 113 asambleas territoriales celebradas en Venezuela y en las que participaron miembros de diversos grupos sociales, políticos y comunitarios. “El Congreso fue un encuentro con nuestra familia africana”, dijo Yvette Modestín, afropanameña y coordinadora en la diáspora para la Red de Mujeres Afrolationamericanas, Afrocaribeñas y de la Diáspora. “Al vernos frente a frente, confirmamos que lo único que nos separa son las lenguas legadas por el colonialismo, pero el calor y la luz africana se sintieron inmediatamente y de allí partimos.”" We are not Leftists, We are Chavistas! 11/29/2019 Orinoco Tribune: "By the way, the term “popular classes” is too big for you in your lyrics (narrative). It is true that this sells books a lot to the left and left intellectuals. I could assure you that from all this campaign financed by the NGOs of the world’s far right and that you try to soften in your writing, a big book will come out about the barrios of Caracas and our suffering. Don’t fuck with me ok, put your cards on the table at once, face Nicolás Maduro without working under the table. We are no longer the same my pal, nor will we be intellectuals or writers or brave leftists, because Chavez put batteries in our brains." Venezuela Neutralized 174 Narco-Aircrafts Since Chavez Expelled the DEA 11/28/2019 Orinoco Tribune: "Chavez said at the time that “the issue of the DEA is a matter of sovereignty that we had been monitoring, and it turns out that the DEA was using the fight against drug trafficking as a mask, to even support drug trafficking, to use intelligence in Venezuela against the government. “" ARGELIA LAYA…LA FUERZA DEL VIENTO 11/27/2019 Jesus Chucho Garcia: "La comandante Jacinta, era el nombre de guerra de la afrobarloventeña Argelia Laya, incansable luchadora contra todo tipo de discriminacion racial, la lucha por la igualdad de la mujer y de la ética humana. Su vida estuvo llena de luchas permanentes para que la mujer tuviese autonomía contra todo tipo de humillacion." Postura ideológica racista se mantuvo en Venezuela hasta la llegada de la Revolución Bolivariana 11/23/2019 Correo del Orinoco: "Fue en la Revolución Bolivariana, con el presidente Hugo Chávez, que los movimientos de afrodescendientes lograron que se entendiera que lo afro era un componente esencial en la política y en la geopolítica y las relaciones internacionales, planteó Jesús García en su ponencia “Hacia una afroepistemología de América Latina”, dictada ayer en la Cancillería en el marco del seminario Semana de la Filosofía y la Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales en América Latina, organizado por el Instituto de Altos Estudios Diplomáticos Pedro Gual, en el contexto del día de la Filosofía, decretado por la Unesco." CIA ayudó a convertir a serie ‘Jack Ryan’ en fantasía sobre cambio de régimen en Venezuela 11/23/2019 Gray Zone: "La segunda temporada de “Jack Ryan” se lleva a cabo en Venezuela, el objetivo actual de un intento de golpe de estado de la administración Trump y de devastadoras sanciones económicas por parte de EE. UU. La trama apenas coherente se centra en una conspiración internacional dirigida por Nicolás Reyes, un caricaturescamente malvado dictador venezolano obviamente basado en Nicolás Maduro, el izquierdista presidente electo del país. Pero los productores de “Jack Ryan” invierten la realidad al presentar a Reyes como un cleptócrata de derecha profundamente impopular y con vínculos estrechos con la oligarquía. Mientras tanto, el caballero blanco de la CIA, Ryan, ingresa al país para ayudar a Gloria Bonalde, una feminista de izquierda presentada como una luchadora por la “justicia social”." POR UNA AFROEPISTEMOLOGIA EN LAS RELACIONES DIPLOMATICAS DE NUESTRA AMERICA 11/23/2019 Jesús Chucho García: "En el marco del dia de la filosofía decreta por la la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, en el año 2005, el Instituto de Altos Estudios Diplomáticos Pedro Gual del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, organizo un ciclo de conferencia para reflexionar sobre la filosofía y las relaciones internacionales. En ese sentido el pasado viernes 22 de noviembre me correspondió abordar sobre la necesidad de entender los planteamientos filosóficos de Africa y su diáspora en Nuestra America como parte de la comprensión de la geopolítica del pasado inmediato y la geopolítica del presente. Destacamos que muy pocos líderes del siglo XIX, excepto Bolivar se atrevió a reflexionar sobre lo que pudiéramos ser como nación al expresar en el congreso de Angostura (1819) que "no somos europeos, que somos mas un compuestos de America y Africa", marcando ya una busqueda de la comprensión de nuestra identidad como pueblo rompiendo con el cerco eurocentrico. No obstante esa reflexión de Bolivar fue castrada por quienes después asumieron la dirección de la construcción de las seis republcias que libero Bolívar." CIA helped shape ‘Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan’ series into bigoted Venezuela regime change fantasy 11/22/2019 Gray Zone: "The second season of Jack Ryan takes place in Venezuela, the current target of a real-life Trump administration coup attempt and crushing US economic sanctions. The plot centers around a barely coherent international conspiracy led by Nicolas Reyes, a cartoonishly evil Venezuelan dictator obviously based on Nicolas Maduro, the country’s elected leftist president. But the Jack Ryan producers stand reality on its head by depicting Reyes as a deeply unpopular right-wing kleptocrat with close ties to the oligarchy. Meanwhile, the CIA’s white knight, Ryan, enters the country to help Gloria Bonalde, a left-wing feminist depicted as a warrior for “social justice.”" DOJ Buried Allegations That Cheney’s Halliburton Subsidiary Paid Bribes for Venezuela Contracts 11/21/2019 Consortium News: "Part of the ongoing U.S. demonization of the Nicolas Maduro government of Venezuela is to accuse it of corruption. In 2017, for example, U.S. prosecutors charged five former Venezuelan officials under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) with soliciting bribes in exchange for helping vendors win favorable treatment from state oil company PdVSA from 2011 to 2015. (Hugo Chávez was president 2006 to 2013, and Maduro became president in 2013.) However, there’s another example of PdVSA bribery that the U.S. never felt compelled to pursue. It is the alleged and never investigated Halliburton bribery of Venezuelan oil company officials in the late 1990s when Halliburton was run by Dick Cheney, who would leave it to become vice-president under George W. Bush." DOJ Buried Allegations That Cheney’s Halliburton Subsidiary Paid Bribes for Venezuela Contracts 11/21/2019 Consortium News: "Part of the ongoing U.S. demonization of the Nicolas Maduro government of Venezuela is to accuse it of corruption. In 2017, for example, U.S. prosecutors charged five former Venezuelan officials under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) with soliciting bribes in exchange for helping vendors win favorable treatment from state oil company PdVSA from 2011 to 2015. (Hugo Chávez was president 2006 to 2013, and Maduro became president in 2013.) However, there’s another example of PdVSA bribery that the U.S. never felt compelled to pursue. It is the alleged and never investigated Halliburton bribery of Venezuelan oil company officials in the late 1990s when Halliburton was run by Dick Cheney, who would leave it to become vice-president under George W. Bush." Declaración Final del Congreso Internacional de Afrodescendientes Homenaje al Cimarrón Afrovenezolano “Guillermo Ribas” 11/18/2019 ARAAC: "Nosotras y nosotros, afrodescendientes de Nuestra América, africanas y africanos reunidos en la ciudad de Caracas, capital de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, con motivo del Congreso Internacional de Afrodescendientes de conformidad con lo acordado en el marco del XXV Encuentro del Foro de Sao Paulo y en el marco de la conmemoración de los 248 años del asesinato del Cimarrón Afrovenezolano “Guillermo Ribas”, líder del Cumbe de Ocoyta (1768 – 1771), auto-gobierno que puso en jaque al poder colonial de la época, luego de las deliberaciones efectuadas hemos llegado a las siguientes conclusiones." Final Declaration of the Afro-descendant International Congress Tribute to the Afro-Venezuelan Cimarron “Guillermo Ribas” 11/18/2019 ARAAC: "We, Afro-descendants of Our America, and Africans, gathered in the city of Caracas, capital of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on the occasion of the Afro-descendant International Congress, in accordance with what was agreed in the framework of the 25th Meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum and in the framework of the commemoration of the 248th anniversary of the assassination of the Afro-Venezuelan Cimarron "Guillermo Ribas", leader of the Cumbe de Ocoyta (1768 - 1771), self-government that put in check the colonial power of the time, after the deliberations carried out we have arrived at the following conclusions." Drug trafficking through Venezuela has skyrocketed, says U.S. military chief 11/14/2019 Miami Herald: [The US governments own figures shows 90% of drugs entering the southern US border are coming through Honduras, a tightly controlled US colony.] Venezuela: Instalación del Congreso Internacional de Pueblos Afrodescendientes 11/11/2019 YouTube Congreso Nacional Afrodescendiente Nov 2019 11/10/2019 CONADECAFRO: "El sábado 09 de noviembre del presente año el Consejo Nacional para el Desarrollo de las Comunidades Afrodescendientes de Venezuela (Conadecafro) recibió en las instalaciones del Centro de Formación Simón Rodríguez (antigua UTAL) en San Antonio de los Altos a 154 lideresas y lideres del Movimiento Afrodescendiente de Venezuela." Congreso Nacional Afrodescendiente fortalecerá las luchas frente a la agresión neoliberal 11/7/2019 Radio Mundia, VE: "Durante una entrevista en el canal del estado señaló, se trata de una agenda para la rearticulación del movimiento afrodescendiente en el que participan partidos políticos y movimientos sociales de África y el Caribe. Con esta actividad, lo que se busca crear es una plataforma unitaria de África, Caribe y América Latina, que incluya los programas de nuestros partidos, la visión y liderazgos afrodescendientes desde el punto de vista protagónico." “El espíritu del cumbe es la convivencia pacífica dentro de la diversidad” expresó Norma Romero en “Trincheras de Ideas” 11/3/2019 CONADEC Afro: "La presidenta del Consejo Nacional para el Desarrollo de las Comunidades Afrodescendientes de Venezuela (Conadecafro), Norma Romero Marín el pasado jueves 31 de octubre estuvo presente junto al Investigador de temas Afrovenezolanos Jesús “Chucho” García, en el programa radial “Trincheras de Ideas”, conducido por el reconocido periodista Iván Padilla Bravo, a través de Radio Nacional de Venezuela (RNV)." Venezuela, sede del Encuentro Mundial de Movimientos Afrodescendientes 10/31/2019 Venezuela: "Dentro de una semana, Venezuela será sede del Encuentro Mundial de Movimientos Afrodescendientes, con delegados de 90 países, informó este jueves el presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro." ‘This charge is 100% false’: Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal arrested months after reporting on Venezuelan opposition violence 10/28/2019 Gray Zone: "Blumenthal was hauled into a police van and ultimately taken to DC central jail, where he was held for two days in various cells and cages. He was shackled by his hands and ankles for over five hours in one such cage along with other inmates. His request for a phone call was denied by DC police and corrections officers, effectively denying him access to the outside world. Blumenthal was informed that he was accused of simple assault by a Venezuelan opposition member. He declared the charge completely baseless." Asambleas Regionales en los Valles del Tuy 10/27/2019 CONADEC Afro: "Activó sus 7 mesas de trabajo.con 68 líderes y lideresas, porque el #PuebloAfroEstaEnCongreso." USAID funds salaries of Venezuelan coup leaders to lobby US politicians for regime change 10/24/2019 Gray Zone: "The voices of the moderate Venezuelan opposition and representatives of the Maduro government—who are currently engaging in dialogue in Caracas—are drowned out in Washington, in no small part because of the financial and logistical support offered to the coup supporters." The Latest in the Diplomatic War Against Venezuela 10/10/2019 Counterpunch: "While there is a lot of hand-wringing over China and Russia recognizing Nicolás Maduro as president, there has been very little scrutiny of the countries that are included in the 55-nation coalition, which features human rights violators and governments in crisis. In particular, it is worth looking at the human rights records of the coalition members within the region. In Colombia, for example, more than 700 social leaders and human rights activists have been murdered in the past three years. The Ecuadorian government declared a state of emergency as mass protests are rocking the country following an announcement of neoliberal reforms mandated by the International Monetary Fund. The Honduran government is mired in allegations of drug trafficking at the highest levels." USAID reprograms Central America funds for use inside Venezuela 10/10/2019 Devex: "Green said funds for the new agreement will amount to $98 million, some of which include the $52 million for use inside Venezuela he announced last month at the U.N. General Assembly, while $64 million is newly announced. In all, USAID said it will allocate $116 million for use inside the country, with $18 million of that being obligated outside the new agreement." The cloud vs humanity: Adobe terminates every software license in Venezuela, keeps Venezuelans' money 10/7/2019 Boing Boing: "They're not issuing refunds, either. It's just part of Adobe's repudiation of capitalism and the idea of private property -- just because you paid for your Adobe products, you don't actually own them." Cómo Venezuela derrotó el intento de golpe de estado de Washington en las Naciones Unidas 10/4/2019 Gray Zone: "Durante meses, se ha librado una guerra clandestina en los corredores de la ONU y en las capitales de todo el mundo, con el objetivo de determinar quién tenía derecho a definir el gobierno de Venezuela reconocido internacionalmente: si el pueblo venezolano o el gobierno de Trump. Desde enero, Estados Unidos ha estado presionado a países para revocar el estatus de Venezuela en las Naciones Unidas, convirtiendo al organismo internacional en un campo de batalla para la soberanía del país." The Full Body Venezuelan Blackface 10/2/2019 Caracas Chronicles: "Chavismo has turned racism into a tool, as a part of its speech of hate and polarization. Its propaganda machine says over and over that there’s a clash between “white supremacists” and darker skinned Venezuelans, with gross manipulations like the “whitening” of the National Assembly deputies to make a contrast against the mixed races of the National Constituent Assembly. Truth is, Chávez himself was accused of antisemitism; Maduro and his allies (like Felipe Mujica) are known for their homophobic slurs." Behind the US-backed Venezuelan opposition’s massive corruption scandal 9/29/2019 Gray Zone: "“It’s because those assets in the United States were frozen and turned over to this gang of officials claiming to represent Guaidó, while he meanwhile represents no material government in Caracas, that has allowed for, in the very near future perhaps, Citgo to be completely liquidated, to cease to exist as we know it, and for companies like Exxon and Crystallex to benefit financially from the Trump coup.” La FANB: "Más de 54 aviones de EE.UU. realizaron exploración radioelectrónica del territorio de Venezuela en septiembre 9/29/2019 RT: "La FANB también detectó incursiones de aviones de EE.UU. durante los meses de verano, pero últimamente su número ha crecido considerablemente. Así, en julio, el ministro venezolano para la Comunicación e Información, Jorge Rodríguez, denunció que hasta la fecha el espacio aéreo venezolano y sus regiones de información de vuelo fue violado en 78 ocasiones." The Venezuelan Opposition’s Paramilitary Gambit 9/27/2019 CodePink: "The story behind the photographs is chilling. Guaidó went Colombia to attend a concert to raise funds for humanitarian aid on February 23, 2019, and to publicize the entry of US aid into Venezuela. The delivery of aid turned into a debacle, as opposition protesters on the Colombian side of the border burned aid trucks. According to Wilfredo Cañizares, the brave Colombian activist who broke the news, Guaidó entered Colombia with the help of Los Rastrojos, the Cúcuta mayor’s office and the Colombian Presidency, as locals were forced to stay inside for 24 hours so they would not witness the events. Days after Cañizares’ reporting, ‘Nandito’, a member of Los Rastrojos, corroborated and expanded on the story after being captured by Venezuelan authorities when he escaped an attempted hit by Los Rastrojos in Colombia. In retaliation for fleeing, four members of his family were murdered." Media Continue to Push Misinformation About Venezuela and Drug Trafficking 9/24/2019 FAIR: "The Wall Street Journal (9/15/19) takes this “deep state” fan fiction genre to new heights with its latest on Venezuela, titled “Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez Worked to Flood US with Cocaine, US Prosecutors Say.” As advertised, the Journal’s Juan Forero echoes allegations against the Venezuelan government by US officials, which are contained in undisclosed “documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal.”The Wall Street Journal (9/15/19) takes this “deep state” fan fiction genre to new heights with its latest on Venezuela, titled “Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez Worked to Flood US with Cocaine, US Prosecutors Say.” As advertised, the Journal’s Juan Forero echoes allegations against the Venezuelan government by US officials, which are contained in undisclosed “documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal.”" Colombia’s narcos put Elliott Abrams in checkmate, again 9/23/2019 Colombia Reports: "The last day of Guaido’s self-proclaimed presidency was a disaster. A border guard pulled the car key from the first truck of the aid convoy and that was it." Los Calorones y Bolsonaro como el “Nerón del Amazonas” 9/19/2019 AfroTV Televisora: "En fin esto viene afectando a todo nuestro sistema ecológico junto a otras comunidades afrovenezolanas ubicadas en Aragua, Vargas, Carabobo, Sucre, entre otros estados sufriendo impactos en la producción de alimentos y otros insumos, acompañados de otros efectos del cambio climático, como la sequía, cambio de patrones de lluvias, tormentas, destrucción de los ecosistemas, y otros." Gobernar con conciencia étnica es la tarea de hoy 9/14/2019 Aporrea: de Freddy Blanco - "Es con la conciencia étnica y la identidad que vamos a combatir la alienación y lograremos transformar nuestra sociedad históricamente hiperalienada." Venezuela's Guaidó pictured with members of Colombian gang 9/13/2019 Guardian: "The photos were published on Thursday by Wilfredo Cañizales, the director of a human rights group in Cúcuta, where February’s highly politicised concert was held. Speaking to the Guardian, Cañizales claimed the Rastrojos had imposed a curfew along the border before Guaidó’s crossing into Colombia “to make sure no locals would take photos of him crossing illegally through the hidden paths”." [This type of alliance between right wing politicians and drug traffickers is common in Colombia and Central America.] LA LUCHA DE LOS VENEZOLANOS ES UN ACTO DE FE IRRENUNCIABLE 9/6/2019 Chucho Garcia: "En el sector Los Corales de la Parroquia Caraballeda, Estado La Guaira, la Fundación Luz de Vargas conjuntamente con el Movimiento afrorevolucionario Juan Ramon Lugo, hicieron un foro, el pasado miércoles 4 de septiembre, para intercambiar opiniones sobre la situación del país y el papel de la espiritualidad cristiana en su rol de reforzar la esperanza para salir de la incertidumbre que en estos momentos sacude el país debido a factores externos como el bloqueo y la necesidad de redefinir políticas del Estado que contribuya al autodesarrollo del pueblo en el campo socioeconómico." Afro-Descendents in the Americas Denounce Neo-Liberalism and Imperialism 8/14/2019 Black Agenda Report: "We, Afro-descendants of our America and the Caribbean, African women and men convened by the historical and ancestral becoming that contemplates the struggle for equality under the principles of solidarity, love, respect, recognition, sovereignty, independence and dignity, we positively value the realization of the AFRODESCENDENT MEETING OF OUR AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN within the framework of the XXV Meeting of the Forum of Sao Paulo. Almost a third of the population in Latin America and the Caribbean is of African descent so it is right to recognize and make visible the Afro-descendant theme in this edition and should be made permanent in the next meetings." US Black Peace Delegation Returns from Venezuela 8/13/2019 Black Agenda Report: "A delegation of the Black Alliance for Peace was honored by the Venezuelan government and citizens for taking part in protecting that nation’s embassy in Washington from takeover by coup plotters. “Everywhere we went,” said BAP delegate Netfa Freeman, “Black and brown working class people were all indignant at the violation” of Venezuela’s national sovereignty." How a Small Group of Pro-Israel Activists Blacklisted MintPress on Wikipedia 7/30/2019 MintPress: "The successful effort to blacklist MintPress News on Wikipedia began on June 1 and was initiated by Wikipedia user “Jamesz42,” a Wikipedia editor from Venezuela who has written several English-language Wikipedia articles on the wives of Popular Will politicians as well as on protest leaders and journalists who are aligned with Popular Will. MintPress is one of several news organizations that have reported extensively on Popular Will’s U.S. government funding, its lack of popular support in Venezuela, and its history of engaging in violence. Yet MintPress is the only independent outlet that has been blacklisted on Wikipedia for reporting these facts. TeleSur, which is partially funded by the Venezuelan government, was also recently blacklisted by Wikipedia and some of the same users that targeted MintPress, including Jamesz42, were involved." Flight School Owner’s Plane Seized for Heroin Trafficking 7/27/2019 Daniel Hopsicker: "The flight plan of the Lear 35A originated in Venezuela and made a stop in Fort Lauderdale before landing in Orlando, with New York as its final destination. Eventually five people in Orlando were convicted in connection with the seizure, including two Venezuelans who were traveling aboard the jet when it landed at Orlando’s Executive Airport, according to the Orlando Sentinel. “It confirms the sad fact that a massive amount of heroin is coming through Central Florida,” U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration special agent Brent Eaton told the paper when the arrests were announced. “It’s very disturbing to the DEA that more and more high-quality heroin is coming from Colombia and at a cheaper price.”" Afinan detalles para el Gran Congreso Nacional Afrodescendiente 7/19/2019 Alba Ciudad: "El modelo socialista implica un proceso en el que no exista exclusión ni discriminación de manera que debemos entender que Venezuela es un país pluricultural, multiétnico, donde todos participemos y así definir una nueva sociedad y de allí parte la democracia”, así lo expresó este jueves del vicepresidente sectorial para el Desarrollo Social, Aristóbulo Istúriz, durante la instalación del Congreso Nacional de los Pueblos Afrodescendientes, en la Universidad Politécnica Experimental de Barlovento Argelia Laya en el estado Miranda." US to redirect Central America aid to Venezuela's Juan Guaido 7/18/2019 DW: "A portion of the money would finance Guaido directly. The memo said the funds could cover the "interim government staff salaries or stipends, work-related travel and other costs necessary to ensure full deployment of a transparent financial management system and other activities necessary for a democratic transition." Some $2 million will go to support diplomatic efforts by Guaido's supporters as they negotiate with the Maduro regime, and $7.5 million will be dispensed to support independent media with the goal of providing Venezuelans with "unbiased and unfiltered sources of news and information," the memo said. Other funds will go address other aspects, including strengthening human rights groups, election monitoring and civil society." Israël Against the Venezuelans 7/6/2019 Orinoco Tribune: "The fact of the promotion of a third president confirms our analysis, published two years ago [1], according to which the aim of the United States is not to replace the Bolivarian régime with another, more obedient government, but to destroy the state structures of the country. From the US point of view, neither the nationalist majority nor the pro-US opposition need waste time with hopes for the future." Links/Enlaces
www.facebook.com/pages/category/Government-Organization/Colectivo-La-Piedrita-64515065179/ www.facebook.com/ClanNeoperezjimenistadeVenezuela/ www.facebook.com/JAVUresistencia/ Active Youth Venezuela United (JAVU) “white hands” movement JAVU came out of the Organisation of Venezuelans in Exile (ORVEX), based in Miami es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movimiento_13_de_marzo far-right, often violent movement based in the University of Los Andes www.facebook.com/JuanGuaidoM en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popular_Will venezuelanalysis.com/tag/popular-will-party www.voluntadpopular.com/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Llaguno_Overpass_events during 2002 coup attempt against Chavez |
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