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    World News
3/18/02 - 3/24/02

Sunday  3/24/02

La Peña responds to Anthrax letters  3/24/02 AfroCubaWeb: La Peña is a respected Berkeley based cultural organization: "As you may know, last week many Bay Area Latino community members and organizations received racist letters containing a white powdery substance, aimed at scaring and attacking our community. La Peña Cultural Center was one of these organizations that received a letter. We are all shocked, appalled and angered by this. The perpetuation of such hate-filled acts underscores the importance of our work to bring people of different cultural backgrounds together and support progressive social change through the arts."

American media censorship and Israel: Please get the word out  3/24/02 Arab News, Saudi Arabia 

Businessmen seek reassurance on safety in US  3/24/02 Arab News, Saudi Arabia 

Military sees no rush to enlist  3/24/02 Chicago Tribune 

Britain accused on terror lab claim  3/24/02 Guardian, UK 

I was tortured by US troops, says Taliban American  3/24/02 Guardian, UK: Predictably enough, the headline in the propaganda driven US media is "Lindh spoke to FBI to improve conditions of captivity, lawyers say".

Northern Va. Muslims Take Action In Response To Raids  3/24/02 Islam Online 

Narco-Candidate In Colombia  3/24/02 NarcoNews: originally published 3/19: "According to a document signed by then-DEA chief Donnie R. Marshall on August 3, 2001, the ships were each destined for Medellín, Colombia, to a company called GMP Productos Quimicos, S. A. (GMP Chemical Products). The 50,000 kilos of the precursor chemical destined for GMP were enough to make half-a-million kilos of cocaine hydrochloride, with a street value of $15 billion U.S. dollars. The owner of GMP Chemical Products, according to the 2001 DEA chief's report, is Pedro Juan Moreno Villa, the campaign manager, former chief of staff, and longtime right-hand-man for front-running Colombian presidential candidate Alvaro Uribe Vélez."

Britons think Blair should step down  3/24/02 Times, UK 

Saturday  3/23/02

topThe CIA's Death Squad Body Count Continues to Pile Up  3/23/02 Cryptome 

Al-Qa'ida biological weapons laboratory is 'found in Afghanistan cave'  3/23/02 Independent, UK 

If he is white then he is a Chechen  3/23/02 Kavkaz 

More evidence of US Justice  3/23/02 Khilafah 

Defense Department Agency Severs Its Ties to an Elite Panel of Scientists  3/23/02 NYT 

Palestinian Shepherd Killed, Found at Garbage Dump, Four Others Killed in Gaza  3/23/02 Palestine Chronicle 

No New Evidence Linking Hijackers with Anthrax -FBI  3/23/02 Reuters: "Federal investigators have said they are targeting someone with knowledge of science, possibly a scientist with military links, in their hunt for those behind the anthrax attacks."

Senate Subpoenas Enron on W House Contact  3/23/02 Reuters 

Britain's elite commandos lack the right altitude to take on Al-Qaeda  3/23/02 Sunday Times, UK 

Friday  3/22/02

topTHE TRUTH, AT LAST - Leaked gov't report exposes Israeli spy ring  3/22/02 good summary

Senator: Enron May Be Subpoenaed  3/22/02 AP 

US 'terrorist' bogey irks Africa  3/22/02 Dawn, Pakistan 

The strange battle of Shah-i-Kot by Brendan O'Neill  3/22/02 Spiked Online 

Pollster's relationships might have led to warrant  3/22/02 St Petersburgh Times 

General warns of unwinnable guerrilla war  3/22/02 Telegraph, UK 

Thursday  3/21/02

topDEA Report on Israeli Spying in the US  3/21/02 

The ‘Israeli Art Student’ Papers  3/21/02 

Czech soldiers headed for Kuwait  3/21/02 Arabic News 

Israeli Troops Murder Mother of 5 (Video)  3/21/02 CBC: works on Real Player

Killing for the Flag  3/21/02 Counterpunch 

A deadly silence  3/21/02 Guardian, UK 

British forces caught in attack by Taliban  3/21/02 Independent, UK 

"Operation Green Quest" Singles Out Muslims  3/21/02 Islam Online 

Marines to face guerrilla war as Taleban fighters change tactics  3/21/02 Times, UK: "US troops at Khost airfield were attacked early yesterday by al-Qaeda and Taleban fighters armed with rocketpropelled grenades, mortars and machineguns. The airfield is only 45 miles east of the Shah-i Kot valley in Paktia province, where a US-led force has just completed Operation Anaconda after 17 days of fighting. An American soldier was wounded in the arm and three Afghans were said to have been killed."

No quick pullout from Afghanistan  3/21/02 UPI 

Wednesday  3/20/02

topExtract from DEA report on Israeli Spies in the US  3/20/02 AfroCubaWeb: "At the same time, American intelligence services were increasingly worried by the dominance of many highly sensitive areas of telecommunications by Israeli companies. Comverse Infosys (now called Verint) provides U.S. lawmen with computer equipment for wiretapping. Speculation is that "catch gates" in the system allowed listeners to be listened to. Software made by another Israeli outfit, Amdocs, provided extensive records of virtually all calls placed by the 25 largest U.S. telephone companies. The relationship of those companies to the detained Israelis is detailed in the 60-page document."

The darkest week  3/20/02 Al Ahram 

Taliban sympathisers warn of revenge on US television  3/20/02 Ananova 

Pentagon backs off statements about evidence linking al-Qaida with Somalia  3/20/02 AP 

Why Bush Is Addicted To Perpetual War  3/20/02 Black World Today 

Update: The spies who came in from the art sale  3/20/02 Creative Loafing: the story finally hits the US, with link to section of DEA report. Does the targeting of DEA have to do with Israeli gangster's worldwide control of Ecstasy distribution?

Report indicates major U.S.-Saudi rift  3/20/02 Stratfor 

Cheney tells Sharon U.S. wants to attack Iraq for Israel's sake  3/20/02 Ummah News 

Iraq has had contacts with al-Qaeda, tactical cooperation possible: CIA director  3/20/02 Yahoo: the manufacture of consent

Tuesday  3/19/02

topAntarctic Ice Shelf Collapses - Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapses With Surprising Speed Because of Warming Trend  3/19/02 AP: "An enormous floating ice shelf in Antarctica that has existed since the last Ice Age 12,000 years ago collapsed this month with staggering speed during one of the warmest summers on record there, scientists say."

REPORT FROM AFGHANISTAN  3/19/02 Boston Phoenix 

Detained US diplomat was CIA's man: Report  3/19/02 Times of India 

Pentagon wants to send troops to Indonesia  3/19/02 USA Today 

Monday  3/18/02

Dogged lawyer vies for Indians  3/18/02 Denver Post 

An Iraq war could fan flames of recession  3/18/02 Guardian, UK 

Deserter tells of Russian atrocities in Chechnya  3/18/02 IHT: "Samorodov said he confronted unruly recruits from neo-fascist groups in his unit. He tore swastikas off the uniforms of some cadets, he said, and reported to his commanding officer their illegal efforts to incite troopers to murder civilians. But those efforts were rebuffed, and he was threatened with death, he said."

The Invasion of Ramallah. Not an Analysis.  3/18/02 IMC, Palestine 

A US Attack on Iraq Could Create a New Anti-US Coalition  3/18/02 Peter Dale Scott: "A Sino-Russian alliance embracing Iran is the sort of nightmare few in the United States wish to think about but there is considerable speculation about this possibility in Russian writings, espcially if NATO expansion continues east to the Russian border" (Geoffrey Kemp and Robert E. Harkavy, Strategic Geography and the Changing Middle East [1997], xii).

US puzzled as battle zone yields few bodies  3/18/02 Sydney Morning Herald 

World News

"There is one safeguard known generally to the wise, which is an advantage and security to all, but especially to Democracies as against despots: suspicion." -- Demosthenes


Qawafil-ush-Shuhadaa [ARABIC]

Islam Question & Answer - Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Islaam Homepage

Islamic Assembly of North America [IANA on LINE]

Jam'iat Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah Homepage

Nida'ul Islam/ The Call of Islam Magazine Online

Words Written in Blood. Arabic book collection of Shaheed Sheikh

Abdullah Azzam [ARABIC]

Maps & Weather

A number of maps here

Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 0.7 to 1.2 billion worldwide and 3 to 6 million in the U.S. About 20% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is in a period of rapid growth.

Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people -- a percentage that has remaind stable for decades. It is expected that, if current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular religion sometime in the mid-21st century.


Death from America

Iraq news: Soaring death rates among Iraqi children, 1999 BBC, UNICEF 500,000 child deaths

Ramsey Clark: Report to UN Security Council re: Iraq, 1/26/2000
1.5 million deaths

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