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    World News
7/1/02 - 7/7/02  

Sunday  7/7/02

2 Afghan Clerics Taken to Guantanamo  7/7/02 AP 

Carter begins Venezuela mission  7/7/02 BBC: "Former US President Jimmy Carter has begun a four-day visit to Venezuela to try to mediate in the country's political crisis."

Verint Spying Products by Comverse Infosys  7/7/02 Cryptome: "These documents describe Comverse Infosys and its products, a long-time producer of spying, surveillance and interception products. Comverse Infosys is a predecessor to Verint: Comverse Infosys is one of the companies (with Amdocs Ltd.) reported by Fox News to be spying for Israel through the telecommunication products its sells and systems it operates and services. Its products are widely used by the US telecommunications industry and government agencies."

CONFLICTING COMMENTS REKINDLE LIBERTY DISPUTE - KEY INVESTIGATORS EXPRESS BELIEF THAT ISRAEL DELIBERATELY ATTACKED U.S. SHIP  7/7/02 Navy Times: "Thirty-five years after Israeli air and naval forces attacked a lightly armed U.S. Navy spy ship during the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, the CIA director at the time and the legal counsel to the Navy's court of inquiry say the attack was deliberate."

Al Qaeda Figure Hidden by U.K. Intelligence-Report  7/7/02 Reuters: "The deal is that Abu Qatada is deprived of contact with extremists in London and Europe but can't be arrested or expelled because no one officially knows where he is," says the senior European intelligence source, whose claims were corroborated by French authorities, Time added. "The British win because the last thing they want is a hot potato they can't extradite for fear of al Qaeda reprisals but whose presence contradicts London's support of the war on terror," said the source. "

Daschle Says SEC Chairman Pitt Should Go  7/7/02 Reuters: "Daschle also called on Bush to release SEC information regarding his sale of stock while a director of Texas-based Harken Energy Corp. The SEC investigated Bush in 1991 for being up to 34 weeks late in reporting stock sales worth more than $1 million but concluded he did not engage in illegal insider trading. Bush's father was president at the time. "The president would do well to ask the SEC to release the file -- release it all. Let everyone see just what is there," Daschle said. "There have been some real questions I think about what happened."

Rockets fired at coalition base in Afghanistan  7/7/02 Times of India: "US special forces in the troubled eastern Afghan province of Khost came under a rocket attack, but no casualties have been reported, the Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) said on Sunday. Unidentified attackers fired at least four rockets on Saturday night at Khost airport where US forces are said to have established their base, the Pakistan-based private Afghan news agency reported."

Nightmare scenario of antibiotic resistance has arrived, experts say  7/7/02 Toronto Star: "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has announced the first confirmed case of vancomycin-resistant staph aureus - known in the medical world as VRSA - found last month in a Michigan man. "The genie is out of the bottle," Dr. Donald Low, microbiologist-in-chief at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital, says of the confirmation. "It's ominous."

'Cruel' Americans stormed homes, filmed naked women: villagers  7/7/02 Yahoo: "First they bombed the womenfolk, killing them like animals. Then they stormed into the houses and tied the hands of men and women," Mohammad Anwar told AFP at Kakrakai village in central Uruzgan province's Dehrawad district."

LA airport gunman intended to kill; financial dispute could be catalyst  7/7/02 Yahoo: "But Egyptian security services told Hadayet's father Friday that the shooting incident "was due to financial problems with El Al," his cousin, Emad al-Omda, told AFP Saturday. Omda said the Israeli airline had been late in paying for two limousines it had rented from Hadayet's service. "We are sure that he had no connection with extremist organizations. He is a pious Muslim, but he is not at all extremist. The proof of this is that he agreed to work with the Israeli company El Al," Omda said."

Saturday  7/6/02

topThe Crooks in the White House  7/6/02 Counterpunch: "The SEC is probing whether Halliburton reported over $100 million in disputed costs on big oil contracts as revenues so that it could prop up its profits while negotiating a merger with a rival, Dresser Industries. These accounting shennanigans took place in 1998 on Cheney's watch, and yes, the accounting firm was Arthur Andersen. (Small world. Dresser was the company Bush Sr worked for in the early days in Texas.)" etc, etc…

STEVEN JAY HATFILL Questionable (Quite Possibly Unsavory) Past – Ideal Fall-Guy for the Anthrax Incidents  7/6/02 Forensic Intelligence 

U.S. Envoy Criticized in Messy Aftermath of Bolivian Vote  7/6/02 LA Times: part of Bush's endearing commitment to democracy - "Quispe has suggested that Bolivia's impoverished Indian population might soon launch an insurrection against a government that continues to be dominated by descendants of Europeans."

Serpico Decries Anti-Terror Measures  7/6/02 Washington Post: "Frank Serpico, the whistle-blowing ex-New York City cop, criticized the government's anti-terrorism measures at a July Fourth reading of the Declaration of Independence. "It is my opinion that never before have we, as a nation, stood in greater danger of losing our individual liberties as we are today," he said. "We, the people of this great nation, are being punished for the transgressions of our leaders and their consorts."

Friday  7/5/02

topInsider Deals Catch Up with Bush  7/5/02 Alternet: "But Bush’s record as a private businessman -- a subject few journalists bothered to explore during the 2000 campaign -- is now deemed relevant, as Corporate America (Bush’s home district) turns ugly. One of Bush’s fishiest moves as a businessman who failed upward in the oil industry occurred in 1990, when Bush was on the board of directors and the audit committee of Dallas-based Harken Energy. Harken had bailed out Bush four years earlier by buying his own down-and-almost-out oil venture. In that deal Bush received a hefty dose of Harken shares. In June 1990, Bush dumped over 212,000 shares and bagged $848,000. He did so at a time when Harken was slipping but had hidden losses by selling a subsidiary, more or less, to itself in a deal the Securities and Exchange Commission later ruled a phony transaction. Moreover, Bush failed to disclose his stock sale right away, as the SEC required, and, instead, notified the SEC eight months after the federal deadline."

WEEK OF COMBAT LEAVES 43 DEAD  7/5/02 ANNCOL: "Combat in Colombia between rebels and state forces is now taking place on a daily basis all over the country. In the past week fighting has been registered in the city of Medellin, various provincial towns as well as in remote mountainous and rural regions. Most of the combat has involved the FARC-EP guerrilla organisation and an alliance of army and paramilitary forces although the smaller ELN guerrilla and the Colombian police force have also been involved in some of the skirmishes. In Colombia's second city Medellin fighting flared in two neighbourhoods during the weekend when paramilitary forces backed by local police units attempted to enter the poor neighbourhoods of '20 de Julio' and 'Independencias'. Residents of both neighbourhoods seem to be lending support to the insurgency and witnesses say that urban militias of both the FARC and ELN have been strongly bolstered by new recruits in recent weeks."

Ambush Near Meerwais Hospital, 3 US Soldiers Killed 2 Injured  7/5/02 Azzam: "The ambush was aimed at a group of US soldiers near Meerwais hospital in Kandahar last Tuesday. Three soldiers were killed on the spot while two others sustained serious injuries. The assailants succeeded in escaping after the attack. The international media has portrayed the US damage as being light saying there was only one soldier injured during the ambush. The sources who contributed to this current report were actual eyewitnesses of the ambush. Local officials also confirmed the death of three American soldiers. The group that was ambushed had come to gather details of those injured due to the US bombing of a village in the Uruzgan province."

Patriotism becomes nasty campaign issue  7/5/02 Christian Science Monitor: "So in the days following Sept. 11, Ms. Sumers posted a message on a website for Americans in Afghanistan, expressing horror at the attacks but also decrying the dangers of "jingoistic 'patriotism'" in the US. That was all it took for her opponent, Republican Scott Garrett, to label her "radical" and "anti-American."

Ga. Primary Raising Specter Of Latest Black-Jewish Feud  7/5/02 Forward: "What Aipac needs to realize is that the CBC views this an as attack on them," said one caucus member, who hinted that Aipac could "lose some votes" from caucus members."

Democrats with an eye on 2004 step up criticism of terror war  7/5/02 Navy Times: "She noted the primary map contributes to that approach by potential candidates, with voters in Iowa and New Hampshire — especially Democratic women — more susceptible to arguments against the war. The primary calendar then leads them to South Carolina, where black voters — who also have expressed concerns — are a key group."

Officials debunk report of Florida cell  7/5/02 UPI: "Local, state and federal officials have rushed to refute a statement by Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz that there is an al Qaida cell active in Jacksonville. Officials said the statement was a mixture of old information and included the wrong Florida city."

Venezuelan Independence Day 2002: Inclusive? Black Power? Emancipation of the majority poor?  7/5/02 Vheadlines: "Referendums will most probably be used as a barometer to gauge whether “blacks and coloreds” are edging towards political power on a national scale and whether Neighborhood Watch Committees will start exerting their power inside the MVR to present grassroots leaders to replace what increasingly appears to be the treachery of Solidarity, Movimiento Al Socialism (MAS) and Pablo Medinas of the Chavist Revolution."

Thursday  7/4/02

topAfrican Muslim leaders see U.S. for themselves: Islam here 'stronger, deeper than I had imagined'  7/4/02 Atlanta Constitution 

National Pakistani Newspapers Refuse to Publish Bin Ladin Most Wanted Poster  7/4/02 Azzam: the inevitable result of the colonialist war the Americans are waging - instead of persuing a few criminals, they bomb entire countries and do everything possible to set vast areas of the world against them.

Anti-US protest in Kabul  7/4/02 BBC: "Up to 200 Afghans have demonstrated in Kabul against a US bombing raid that is believed to have killed more than 40 civilians on Monday. It is the first time people in Afghanistan have protested against the Americans since the fall of the Taleban last year."

Al Qaeda courting warlord, officials say - Afghan said to have money, following  7/4/02 Boston Globe: Hekmatyar was the top CIA connected narcotrafficker in the 80's and passed his network along to Bin Laden, according to Le Monde.

Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials on McKinney  7/4/02 GABEO News 

Lieberman bolsters ties with EU rightists  7/4/02 Haaretz: Israeli alliance with European fascists - "National Union-Yisrael Beiteinu, headed by MK Avigdor Lieberman, is strengthening its ties with right-wing nationalist parties in the European Union. MK Eliezer Cohen recently returned from Brussels, Belgium, where he participated in a meeting of a bloc of such parties, that makes up one of the largest political groups in the European Parliament."

NIXON: "BRAZIL HELPED RIG THE URUGUAYAN ELECTIONS," 1971  7/4/02 National Security Archives: "Newly declassified documents detail the Nixon administration's broad-gauged efforts to prevent a victory by the leftist “Frente Amplio” in the Uruguayan presidential elections of 1971. The documents show that Nixon was aware of – and may in fact have been complicit in – Brazilian efforts to influence the election results. Six weeks ago, an Associated Press report by Ron Kampeas, citing a newly declassified document from the Nixon collection at the National Archives, first revealed that during a meeting with then British Prime Minister Edward Heath President Nixon admitted, “Brazil helped rig the Uruguayan elections.”

'Hacktivists' to release covert communications tool  7/4/02 New Scientists: "Hacktivismo, an international group of programmers and activists, says the program, named Camera/Shy, will make it simple to bury encrypted information in innocuous-looking images that can then be shared over the internet. Those with the same program will then be able to automatically detect and extract concealed information."

U.S. Set to Resume Its Role in Halting Latin Drug Planes  7/4/02 NYT: "President Bush is expected to approve the resumption of a program to force down or shoot down airplanes suspected of ferrying drugs in Latin America, a year after the program was halted by the mistaken downing of a plane carrying American missionaries in Peru, American officials say."

America creates its own terrors  7/4/02 USA Today: "Lost in the cacophony of military music, flying the red, white and blue and the patriotic rhetoric that marked the celebration of Independence Day and surrounds the war on terrorism is democracy's most wonderful and critical aspect: the right to dissent. Since Sept. 11, it's as if we've been terrified, not only by the terrorists, but also by an American government that demands silent acquiescence to whatever it proposes to do as part of its vague and thus far ineffective "war on terrorism."

Anti-coca programs shelved to placate farmers  7/4/02 Washington Times: "Peru, a nation hailed by the United States as an Andean success story in the war on drugs, has suspended its participation in U.S.-funded coca-eradication programs. Also halted in the process was the related crop-substitution program, under which Peruvian farmers are paid to grow crops other than coca. The programs were suspended after Peruvian officials met with farm representatives Friday and agreed to immediately end eradication of the coca plant - from which cocaine is made - in the Upper Huallaga Valley."

Wednesday  7/3/02

topStop killing our civilians, Afghan govt tells US  7/3/02 Arab News, Saudi Arabia: "The Afghan government yesterday demanded that America review its operations to hunt down Al-Qaeda fighters after US forces killed and injured scores of wedding guests in the most deadly “friendly fire” incident since the “war against terror” was launched last October. President Hamid Karzai called US commanders to his office and “strongly advised them of the grave concern and sorrow over the incident”. In a statement he called on coalition forces to “take all necessary measures to ensure that military activities to capture terrorist groups do not harm innocent Afghan civilians”. The unprecedented language came after scores of Afghan civilians were killed during an assault by US forces involving a B-52 bomber and an AC-130 gunship. Some reports say up to 120 people were killed, though most estimates put the death toll at around 40."

Al-Qaeda Website - Alneda - Shut Down By The Americans  7/3/02 Azzam: "The US have extended their War against Islam to the Internet. The US government have shut down an Al-Qaeda representative website 'Alneda'. This being another nail in the coffin of the much vaunted and cherished American Ideal of 'Freespeech'. "

Allies not too happy with US  7/3/02 Christian Science Monitor: "The recent US decision to end contacts with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, and a threat to bring an end to the peacekeeping mission in Bosnia if US troops are not granted immunity from the new International Criminal Court (ICC), has left many of the US traditional allies (especially Britain) more than a little angry with the world's only superpower."

Muslim leaders welcome Farrakhan  7/3/02 Final Call 

No US apology over wedding bombing  7/3/02 Guardian, UK: "Last night a US soldier was shot in the foot as an American military convoy returning from the hospital in Kandahar where wedding party victims were being treated came under fire. Col King said the wounded soldier was taken to the US base at Kandahar airport. Afghans travelling with the convoy returned fire but it was not known if they hit any targets."

The new Palestinian elite  7/3/02 Haaretz, Israel: "Palestinian researchers warn that if their corrupt and inefficient national leadership is deposed, it will be followed by an upright and talented, but far more extremist and religious elite. Its name is Hamas."

Visit by British minister to Arafat deepens rift with US  7/3/02 Independent, UK: "The surprise visit by Mike O'Brien came only days after President George Bush demanded that Mr Arafat step down as President of the Palestinian Authority, and Colin Powell, the US Secretary of State, shelved plans to visit the region and suggested Washington was no longer talking to Mr Arafat. Mr O'Brien, who took over as junior minister with responsibility for the Middle East last month, also met Shimon Peres, the Israeli Foreign Minister, on what Downing Street said was a "familiarisation visit". He did not meet Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Prime Minister."

The Last Defender of the American Republic?  7/3/02 LA Weekly: "Unfortunately, we only get disinformation from The New York Times and other official places. Americans have no idea of the extent of their government's mischief. The number of military strikes we have made unprovoked, against other countries, since 1947-48 is more than 250. These are major strikes everywhere from Panama to Iran. And it isn't even a complete list. It doesn't include places like Chile, as that was a CIA operation. I was only listing military attacks."

Racism Is Poison, Mandela Warns ‘Serafina’ Songwriter  7/3/02 NNPA: "“AmaNdiya,” penned by the respected KwaZulu-Natal born musician and playwright, caused a political storm over its explicit lyrics, suggesting massive Black exploitation by Indians in KwaZulu Natal, which Ngema says politicians including former President Nelson Mandela failed to address. There are over a million Indians in KwaZulu-Natal, the largest number of Indians outside of India."

Cops, FBI lied about probe, juror says Woman speaks out on Earth First trial after gag order lifted  7/3/02 San Francisco Chronicle: "The FBI and Oakland (police) sat up there and lied about their investigation," said juror Mary Nunn of Oakley. "They messed up their investigation, and they had to lie again and again to try to cover up. I'm surprised that they seriously expected anyone would believe them."

Frederick Douglass: A legacy for our times  7/3/02 SF Bay View: "This year’s celebration of the 4th of July marks the 150th anniversary of Frederick Douglass’ presentation at the Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” Douglass used the occasion to expose the full shame and treachery of slavery and in unmitigated terms castigated the nation’s pieties, in particular the cherished memories of its revolution, its principles of liberty and its moral and religious ethos."

U.S. Special Forces in Jordan? Recent indications desert kingdom could be base to attack Iraq  7/3/02 Stratfor 

'US gunship opened fire on Afghan wedding'  7/3/02 Times, UK: Other news reports say Karzai knew some of those killed, yet US defense spokespersons are saying these people fired on US planes.

Tuesday  7/2/02

topUS Blames Gunfire in Afghan Deaths  7/2/02 AP 

US Orders Pakistan to Expel All Arabs Working in Charitable Organisations In Pakistan  7/2/02 Azzam: "The FBI has initiated investigations of Arab employees of NGO's working in Pakistan. The US has also ordered the Pakistan Government to deport all Arab nationals related to these NGO'ss. Reports have reached us that the Pakistan Government, acting like American slaves, have made a plan to conduct deportation operations against Arab NGO workers. In the first phase, the US FBI is working in connection with Pakistani agencies against the Arabs. The sources said that the FBI has claimed that all Arab NGO workers are loyal to Bin Laden's organisation, Al-Qaida."

Bolivian vote puts dent in U.S. clout  7/2/02 Bay Area Mercury News: the Company will have to put in extra hours…

Bombing the Mind - The Pentagon's Program for Psychopharmalogical Warfare  7/2/02 Counterpunch: "The Advantages and Limitations of Calmatives for Use as a Non-Lethal Technique, a 49 page report obtained last week by the Sunshine Project under US information freedom law, has revealed a shocking Pentagon program that is researching psychopharmacological weapons. Based on "extensive review conducted on the medical literature and new developments in the pharmaceutical industry", the report concludes that "the development and use of [psychopharmacological weapons] is achievable and desirable." These mind-altering weapons violate international agreements on chemical and biological warfare as well as human rights. Some of the techniques discussed in the report have already been used by the US in the "War on Terrorism".

Anthrax expert tapped as CDC chief  7/2/02 MSNBC 

Anthrax? The F.B.I. Yawns  7/2/02 New York Times: "Have you examined whether Mr. Z has connections to the biggest anthrax outbreak among humans ever recorded, the one that sickened more than 10,000 black farmers in Zimbabwe in 1978-80? There is evidence that the anthrax was released by the white Rhodesian Army fighting against black guerrillas, and Mr. Z has claimed that he participated in the white army's much-feared Selous Scouts. Could rogue elements of the American military have backed the Rhodesian Army in anthrax and cholera attacks against blacks? Mr. Z's résumé also claims involvement in the former South African Defense Force; all else aside, who knew that the U.S. Defense Department would pick an American who had served in the armed forces of two white-racist regimes to work in the American biodefense program with some of the world's deadliest germs?"

Monday  7/1/02

topPatriot Revolution?  7/1/02 ABC News: "Cities across the country have been quietly staging a revolt against the USA Patriot Act, saying it gives law enforcement too much power and threatens civil rights."

DEATH SQUAD MURDERS TEN GIRLS AND DUMP THEM IN A SWAMP  7/1/02 ANNCOL: "Colombian paramilitaries have been consistently targeting young people and children according to a Barrancabermeja-based NGO. In another region soldiers murdered two civilians and subsequently claimed that they were actually guerrillas."

Six US Soldiers Killed in Uruzgan Province Ambush  7/1/02 Azzam: "Six American soldiers were killed and several others injured during an ambush in the Uruzgan Province of Afghanistan, North of Kandahar Province. According to reliable sources, in the Uruzgan provincial district of Jarawat, American troops were attempting to launch an offensive operation near the Darawat Pass when the famous Taliban commander Mulla Baradar's men ambushed them. They were surrounded and ambushed from all sides and those still alive fled from the area in chaos. After this successful Mujahideen operation, US warplanes targetted various portions of the village due to their embarassment. All of this bombing was in vain and the Mujahideen left the region safely."

UN fights to save Bosnia mission  7/1/02 BBC: "The United Nations has less than three days to secure the future of its peacekeeping operation in Bosnia after the US used its power of veto to block renewal of the force. The US is insisting that American soldiers be guaranteed immunity from prosecution by a new international war crimes court (ICC), which has now come into being."

AWB sympathiser quizzed over anthrax killings  7/1/02 Daily News, South Africa 

A TALE OF TWO COUPS  7/1/02 Gregory Palast: "In an interview Chávez told me: 'I have the written proof, I have the time of the entries and exits of the two military officers from the United States into the headquarters of the coup plotters - I have their names, who they met with, what they said on video and still photographs.' He elaborated: 'I have in my hands a radar image of a military vessel that came into Venezuelan waters on 13 April. I have radar images of a helicopter that takes off from that ship and flies over Venezuela and of other planes that violated Venezuelan air space.' "

Bombs left under cars in Riyadh  7/1/02 Independent, UK: "A bomb was found under an American's car in Saudi Arabia and a "suspicious object" was attached to a Briton's vehicle, but both were removed without incident, the US embassy said yesterday. An embassy circular said Saudi authorities were investigating the devices, found yesterday and on Saturday. On 20 June a car bombing killed a 35-year-old British banker in a residential compound in Riyadh, the Saudi capital. Three Saudis linked to a suspected al-Qa'ida terror network cell were arrested in Morocco last month after allegedly plotting to attack US and British warships, and a missile was fired at an American plane at a Saudi air base in May."

OTRO NUEVO ATAQUE CONTRA AEROPUERTO USADO POR EE.UU. EN AFGANISTÁN  7/1/02 Radio Havana: "Dos granadas cohete fueron lanzadas contra un campo aéreo en el sur de Afganistán que es empleado por las fuerzas especiales de Estados Unidos, dijo un vocero militar este lunes. Se carece de información sobre posibles lesionados. El coronel Roger King dijo que se desconoce quien lanzó las granadas el domingo en la noche. Los proyectiles explotaron dentro de los terrenos del campo aéreo, cercano a la ciudad sureña de Kandahar."

44 new settlement sites built under Sharon government  7/1/02 The News, Pakistan: "Jewish settlers in the West Bank have built 44 new sites since Israeli Prime Minister Arel Sharon came to power in February 2001, the anti-settlement group Peace Now said in a report released Sunday. The report came out as Defence Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer pledged his forces would dismantle 10 illegally-built settler outposts in the West Bank, but Peace Now accused him of fudging the issue."

World News

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Islamic Assembly of North America [IANA on LINE]

Jam'iat Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah Homepage

Nida'ul Islam/ The Call of Islam Magazine Online

Words Written in Blood. Arabic book collection of Shaheed Sheikh

Abdullah Azzam [ARABIC]

Maps & Weather

A number of maps here

Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 0.7 to 1.2 billion worldwide and 3 to 6 million in the U.S. About 20% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is in a period of rapid growth.

Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people -- a percentage that has remaind stable for decades. It is expected that, if current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular religion sometime in the mid-21st century.


Death from America

Iraq news: Soaring death rates among Iraqi children, 1999 BBC, UNICEF 500,000 child deaths

Ramsey Clark: Report to UN Security Council re: Iraq, 1/26/2000
1.5 million deaths

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