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    World News
6/3/02 - 6/10/02  

Sunday  6/9/02

Chávez: "incansables conspiradores"  6/9/02 BBC 

Mobile teams on hunt for atomic threats  6/9/02 Boston Globe: NEST at work

Smog-Forming and Toxic Gases 'Consistently' Undercounted, Major Study Finds  6/9/02 Public I: "In a discovery with national implications, a group of government, academic and private researchers involved in a $20 million study of Houston's air quality have found that operators of petrochemical plants in the city's vast industrial complex have been significantly underestimating emissions of key air pollutants in required reports to regulators. Smog-forming and toxic gases were "consistently" measured at levels three to 10 times greater -- and in some cases, "100 or more [times] greater" -- than local oil refineries and chemical plants reported releasing, according to a recent analysis of the Houston findings by federal, state and academic experts."

Venezuela's Chavez dismisses rumors of another coup  6/9/02 Reuters: "I'm calling on the country not to fall for tricks and rumors, let's call them rumors spread by those who want to keep us in a state of shock, like a form of terrorism," Chavez told military officers at Guaira naval base, about 15 miles (28 km) from the capital."

Secret FBI files reveal covert activities at UC Bureau's campus operations involved Reagan, CIA  6/9/02 San Francisco Chronicle: "According to thousands of pages of FBI records obtained by The Chronicle after a 17-year legal fight, the FBI unlawfully schemed with the head of the CIA to harass students, faculty and members of the Board of Regents, and mounted a concerted campaign to destroy the career of UC President Clark Kerr, which included sending the White House derogatory allegations about him that the bureau knew were false."

Israeli soldier says proud of burying Palestinians alive  6/9/02 Ummah News: "An Israeli soldier who took part in the killing of numerous Palestinian civilians and the destruction of their homes at the Jenin Refugee camp has boasted about what he did saying, " I didn't give a chance to anyone." The soldier, a bulldozer driver identified as Moshe Nissim who is slated to receive a medal of honor from the Israeli army for his bravery in the camp, said he did "more, much more, than what I was instructed to do." "No one refused an order to take down a house. When they told me to destroy a house, I exploited that in order to destroy a few more homes. On the loudspeaker, the Palestinian civilians were warned to get out before I came in. But I didn't give a chance to anyone. I didn't wait." An Israeli soldier who took part in the killing of numerous Palestinian civilians and the destruction of their homes at the Jenin Refugee camp has boasted about what he did saying, " I didn't give a chance to anyone." The soldier, a bulldozer driver identified as Moshe Nissim who is slated to receive a medal of honor from the Israeli army for his bravery in the camp, said he did "more, much more, than what I was instructed to do." "No one refused an order to take down a house. When they told me to destroy a house, I exploited that in order to destroy a few more homes. On the loudspeaker, the Palestinian civilians were warned to get out before I came in. But I didn't give a chance to anyone. I didn't wait."

Renounce faith or do not return, Indian Muslims told  6/9/02 Ummah News 

Going to the Devil  6/9/02 Washington Post: a compendium of repression in the Renaissance and Enlightenment.

Hundreds Of Priests Removed Since '60s  6/9/02 Washington Post: "The Roman Catholic Church has removed 218 priests from their positions this year because of allegations of child sexual abuse, but at least 34 known offenders remain in church jobs, according to a survey of Catholic dioceses across the United States by The Washington Post. The survey also found that at least 850 U.S. priests have been accused of sexual misconduct with minors since the early 1960s, and that more than 350 of them were removed from ministry before this year."

"The coup was directed by the White House"  6/9/02 Zmag: "Speaking about the U.S. massacre in Afghanistan, Chávez said that you can’t fight terror with terror--a direct reference to Bush’s war. The U.S. immediately withdrew its ambassador--recalled him for so-called consultations. It then sent a high-level delegation to Venezuela to meet with Chávez and tell him that he would pay a high price for the critical position that he took--and that future generations of Venezuelans would pay a high price. I was told this by one of the top Chávez advisers who was at the meeting."

Saturday  6/8/02

topCoup rumors seek to create image of instability: Venezuelan Foreign Minister  6/8/02 AFP 

FBI campaign against Einstein revealed  6/8/02 BBC: "A new book reveals the 22-year effort by FBI director J Edgar Hoover to get Albert Einstein arrested as a political subversive or even a Soviet spy. Uncovered FBI files are revealed in a book by Fred Jerome who says it was a clash of cultures - Einstein's challenge and change with Hoover's order and obedience. From the time Einstein arrived in the US in 1933 to the time of his death, in 1955, the FBI files reveal that his phone was tapped, his mail was opened and even his trash searched."

Iran to increase Islamic Jihad financing by 70 percent  6/8/02 Haaretz, Israel: "Iran will increase the amount of money it gives the Islamic Jihad organization to carry out suicide attacks by 70 percent, the London based Al-Shark al-Awsat daily reported Saturday."

Cuba acusa a Bush de aplicar filosofía nazi en lucha antiterrorista  6/8/02 Prensa Latina 

Genocide of African-Colombians - Report from Black Colombians at ground zero  6/8/02 SF Bay View: published 5/22, this is an important article - "On May 2, 302 people, 32 percent of the population of Bellavista, a town in Choco of more than 800 people, were killed, wounded or disappeared. Four other massacres have been committed against these small internally displaced African Colombians - at La Mejor Esquina, Machuca, El Naya and Baudo. These massacres reaffirm the charges by African Colombians that they have been targeted for physical and cultural genocide."

White House Faces Disclosure Suit  6/8/02 Washington Post: "A conservative group is suing the Bush administration for access to documents about last fall's anthrax attacks, asserting that top officials might have known the bioterrorist attack was coming. Judicial Watch said yesterday it has yet to receive documents from several agencies after filing requests under the Freedom of Information Act. The group says the documents will show who knew what, and when."

Friday  6/7/02

topBe Creative Or Die  6/7/02 Alternet: "We wanted to look at people making location decisions, so we looked at graduating college seniors, second-year MBA students, and we just started asking, "How do you choose a place to live and work?" and the answers just came out: Diversity, we want a place that's diverse, where there's different kinds of people on the street."

The Sky is Indeed Falling Bush Says, Get Used to It  6/7/02 Alternet: "It concluded that the "respiratory hazard index" exceeded 1.0 for "nearly the entire US population," noting that a hazard index "greater than 1.0 can be best described as indicating that a potential may exist for adverse effects." For 20 million Americans, the hazard index surpassed 10.0."

THE COLOMBIAN STATE HAS TURNED TO TERROR  6/7/02 ANNCOL: "Chomsky: Colombia has had the worst human rights record in the hemisphere in the last decade while it has been the leading recipient of US arms and training for the Western Hemisphere and now ranks behind only Israel and Egypt worldwide. There exists a very close correlation that holds over a long period of time between human rights violations and US military aid and training. It's not that the US likes to torture people; it's that it basically doesn't care. For the US government, human rights violations are a secondary consequence. In Colombia, as elsewhere, human rights violations tend to increase as the state tries to violently repress opposition to inequality, oppression, corruption, and other state crimes for which there is no political outlet. The state turns to terror-that's what's been happening in Colombia for a long time, since before there was a Colombian drug trade. Counterinsurgency has been going on there for 40 years; President Kennedy sent a Special Forces mission to Colombia in the early 1960s. Their proposal to the Colombian government was recently declassified, and it called for "paramilitary terror" - those are their words-against what it called 'known communist proponents.' In Colombia, that meant labor leaders, priests, human rights activists, and so on. Colombian military manuals in the 1960s began to reflect this advice. In the last 15 years, as the US has become more deeply involved, human rights violations are up considerably."

Clegg Leads Song And Dance for AME to Tune Into Radio  6/7/02 Business Day, Johannesburg: "Clegg said AME had failed as a broad-based media group and it was time it focused on developing its radio businesses (which include interests in Radio Algoa and OFM) to deliver value to shareholders. He said the group had the expertise to manage a bigger radio broadcasting business going forward. Clegg said his group made a proposal at the May 29 annual meeting to sell all noncore assets. "We believe the AME board needs to accelerate restructuring pace in accordance with the vision of a focused radio broadcasting company."

Crece la incertidumbre sobre la estabilidad de Chávez  6/7/02 El Nuevo Herald: the destabilization campaign in action…

Top Lawyer Urges Death For Families Of Bombers  6/7/02 Forward: Off with their heads, the red quen said! "A prominent Washington attorney and Jewish communal leader is calling for the execution of family members of suicide bombers. Nathan Lewin, an oft-mentioned candidate for a federal judgeship and legal advisor to several Orthodox organizations, told the Forward that such a policy would provide a much-needed deterrent against suicide attacks. Under the proposal, which Lewin unveiled in the current issue of the opinion journal Sh'ma, family members would be spared if they immediately condemned the bombing and refused financial compensation for the loss of their relative."

Perception management of the US's terror war  6/7/02 Narco News: "The US has instructed the Colombian military to concentrate its war against the leftist FARC rebel insurgents in the South of Colombia (what the US has termed a Southern Push). These "narco-guerrillas" and "narco-terrorists" are to be targeted, presumably because these are the primary "terrorists" and drug-traffickers. In 1997, James Milford, the former Deputy Administrator with the U.S.'s central drug eradication body the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), stated that Carlos Castaño, the chief of the paramilitary AUC is a "major cocaine trafficker in his own right" and has close links to the North Valle drug syndicate which is "among the most powerful drug trafficking groups in Colombia". Milford went on that to say "there is little to indicate the insurgent groups are trafficking in cocaine themselves, either by producing cocaine…and selling it to Mexican syndicates, or by establishing their own distribution networks in the United States".

In Years of Plots and Clues, Scope of Qaeda Eluded U.S.  6/7/02 NYT 

The Infamous Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty: Special Report  6/7/02 Palestine Chronicle: "Both Adlai Stevenson and Barry Goldwater wanted to conduct hearings on the Israeli attack, but were stymied. Neither Stevenson nor Goldwater believed that the Liberty attack was accidental. Later on both ran for President, massive amounts of pro-Israeli money poured in against them."

Global warming blamed for melting Everest glacier  6/7/02 Planet Ark: "A glacier from which Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay set out to conquer Mount Everest nearly 50 years ago has retreated five km (three miles) up the mountain due to global warming, a U.N. body says. "

Controversial Daniel Pearl Video  6/7/02 Prohosters: "As stated in current news reports we at were contacted by officials from the FBI and told to remove a video created by Daniel Pearl's executioners from one of our customer's sites. We have decided to stand behind our customer, resist the intimidation tactics used by the FBI, and re-post the video."

Pobreza en Venezuela desde la llegada de Chávez?  6/7/02 Rebelion 

Venezuela, tras el intento de Golpe de Estado: ¿Sobrevivirá el proyecto de Chávez?  6/7/02 Rebelion 

Storm Clouds Again Forming Over Venezuela  6/7/02 Stratfor: Stratfor, frequently among the more sensible US establishment strategic forecasting units, is on a rampage against Chavez.

The Caterpillar Effect  6/7/02 SUSTAIN: "When Caterpillar began doing business with Israel, it could not have known that its products -- which are manufactured for civilian use -- would be employed to commit war crimes. Now, however, the corporation does know and insofar as it maintains a business as usual stance, it too is implicated in the violations. It is interesting to note that the Israeli Supreme Court might very well agree with this assessment. In their sentencing of the Nazi-criminal, Adolf Eichmann, the Supreme Court Judges stated that "the extent to which any one of the many criminals was close to or remote from the actual killer of the victim means nothing, as far as the measure of responsibility is concerned. On the contrary, in general the degree of responsibility increases as we draw further away from the man who uses the fatal instrument with his own hands."

Thursday  6/6/02

topDestroying Arafat's leadership  6/6/02 Al Ahram: "In such circumstances Sharon hardly needs to act against the Palestinian leader (which is not to say he will not do so). He has already set in train the silent but sure destruction of leadership, authority and jurisdiction. This has always been the Israeli leader's preferred road for erasing the institutions and realities bequeathed him by the now dead Oslo accords. And each bombing inside Israel allows him another stride along the road and toward Israel's unfettered control of the West Bank."

Spying and Lying: The FBI's Dirty Secrets  6/6/02 Alternet: "As it turned out, this was part of a nationwide spying operation involving all 59 FBI field offices. The whole thing might be secret to this day, if not for the fact that one of the Bureau's informants had a change of heart. He had infiltrated a community of religious activists in Texas, and later said that he had second thoughts when his supervisor suggested that he sleep with a nun in order to discredit them."

SECURITY FORCES ON DEFENSIVE  6/6/02 ANNCOL: "Actions undertaken by the Western Block of the FARC-EP, including by the 6th, 29th, 50th and 60th fronts: 1) In Nariño department combat in the towns of Ipiales, Policarpa, Coscorron and Tumaco killed 30 paramilitaries, 1 police and damaged four helicopters. 2) In Quindío department combat near the town of Cordoba killed 17 soldiers and wounded 7 others. 3) In Valle department combat in the towns of Llanito and Pance killed 21 soldiers and injured 2 others. 4) In Cauca department combat in the towns of Argelia, Belalcazar and Inza left an unknown number of soldiers and police dead and injured."

URIBE SENATOR ORGANISED MASSACRE  6/6/02 ANNCOL: "A senior member of the Colombian congress, and vocal supporter of extremist president-elect Álvaro Uribe Vélez, directly organised the massacre of 12 civilians by a paramilitary force in the village of Macayepo in October 2000. In a telephone conversation with a local landowner the Senator discussed the planning and preparation for the massacre and appeared to have actually appointed the exact date on which the crime was to take place."

One Thousand Coalition Troops Deployed Near Pak-Afghan Border  6/6/02 Azzam: "Consequently, it is believed that a 16- year-old youth was arrested by U.S. troops on Tuesday, apparently due to intelligence received by their 'reliable' drug addict source. This has resulted in increased anger amongst local tribal leaders and it is unclear as to their expected reaction in what seems to be a new phase of operations in the region."

BuzzFlash Interviews Greg Palast  6/6/02 Buzzflash: on Katherine Harris, Venezuela Coup

President Chavez's Censored F-Word  6/6/02 Counterpunch: "VOICE OF TRANSLATOR: No. I do like the United States... I enjoy the poems of Walt Whitman, "New York, New York" the song, Frank Sinatra. I love baseball, Yankee Stadium, Shea Stadium, hot dogs. [edited out: la libertad / "the freedom"]"

'No one ever apologized'  6/6/02 Greece Post: "Because of the anniversary of the attack, Hrankowski said he's been deluged with requests for interviews from the local and national media, including MSNBC and CNN."

NSA didn't share key pre-Sept. 11 information, sources say  6/6/02 Knight Ridder: "The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the conversations between Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Mohammed Atta were intercepted by the National Security Agency, or NSA, an intelligence agency that monitors and decodes foreign communications."

At Home With the Voodoo  6/6/02 Mail & Guardian, Johannesburg: "Cuba's interest might be brushed aside as the justifiable (and suitably respectful) permanent mission of one voodoo-dominated nation to another ­ Benin, of course, being the mother of all voodoo nations, whose other members include Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Brazil, Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, and the District of Columbia, just for starters… I found myself drawn to the Iroko tree at the centre of the forest, which is reputed to be the reincarnation of the ancient Dahomeian king, Kpasse, who transformed himself into that timeless forest form rather than submit to the onslaught of the first Portuguese invaders. Spreading away in all directions were sculptures, some of clay, others made up of various found objects in metal and plastic, representing various ancient deities: the gods of fertility, war, protection and so on. If there is any doubt that voodoo is a living religion, it was dispelled by the frank delivery of the curator of the forest, unwavering in his confidence in the power of the voodoo spirits. So confident is he, in fact, that from time to time he even allows himself to indulge in a mass at the local church ­ strictly for social purposes, of course. Why not? All religions are equally valid, in his view. If the Christians choose to worship in their own way, who is he to criticise them?"

NATIONAL PEACE RALLY - MAY 26  6/6/02 McDill Peace Rally: "Our march and rally did not only do the obvious with our call for peace and an end to the war, we also recognized that in the final analysis the nature of the system we are struggling with is expressed most constantly here within the U.S. This was seen as the significance of the presence of Ian Harvey on the platform, a symbol of the closed society that won't tolerate an example of a school teacher who is actively standing up for peace. This is also the significance of Vernon Bellacourt, a representative of the American Indian Movement, the first victim of an unending terror within what is now known as the U.S. of America."

Why Are So Many Black Students Expelled?  6/6/02 Pacific News: "Now the U.S. Department of Education, in its latest report on school discipline, reveals that Blacks comprise nearly one out of three students kicked out of the nation's public schools, though Blacks make up less than 20 percent of public school students."

Civil Disobedience at the U.S. Central Command  6/6/02 Strike The Root: "The overreaction by the Tampa police to this small, peaceful demonstration and nonviolent, unresisting civil disobedience is a sign of the disintegration of our civil liberties in the past few months. This paramilitary organization tried vainly to intimidate us and control our ability to speak out at this rally."

India plans war within two weeks  6/6/02 Telegraph, UK 

Suicide Bombers Vs. Suicide Settlers  6/6/02 The Globalist: "While many other settlers choose barren West Bank hilltops — which are more easily defended — Hebron settlers go about their daily lives right under the noses of their Palestinian neighbors. Such boldness is the virtual equivalent of suicide — and does, in fact, wind up getting many of these settlers killed."

USS Liberty  6/6/02 site run by survivors of the Israeli attack on an NSA ship in 1967.

Mideast Fuels 2 Democratic Primaries  6/6/02 Washington Post: African Americans are told to toe the line: "While Hilliard and McKinney have come under attack for several reasons, both of their opponents have seized on their foreign policy positions to question the lawmakers' judgment and to tap campaign contributions from Jewish donors."

FBI wants to track your Web trail  6/6/02 ZD Net News 

Wednesday  6/5/02

topStock trader targeted in Sept. 11 probe agrees to return to New York  6/5/02 AP: "Elgindy telephoned his broker on Sept. 10, asked him to liquidate his children's $300,000 trust account, Assistant U.S. Attorney Ken Breen said. The defendant also made a comment that the Dow Jones industrial average, then trading at about 9,600, would drop to 3,000, Breen said."

University of California Faculty Support Divestment from Israel  6/5/02 Aztlan: "Faculty members from the University of California system have come forward in support of a campaign to divest from Israel. The divestment campaign is spearheaded by the UC Berkeley chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). The campaign gained momentum recently because of the Israeli massacres in Jenin and Bethlehem and the group's April 9th National Day of Action and Divestment in which the SJP occupied a UC Berkeley building. During this action 79 activists were arrested including 41students. Thus far 143 UC professors have signed the University of California Faculty Petition for Divestment from Israel, which can be found at"

Israel bus attack kills 17  6/5/02 BBC: what the Israeli incursions into Palestine will only encourage: "A suicide bomber has struck at a bus in northern Israel with a car packed with explosives, killing himself and at least 16 others, and injuring many more."

U.S. to conduct small underground nuclear test  6/5/02 Japan Times: "The test, the 17th of its kind and the fourth under the administration of President George W. Bush, is part of the so-called Oboe series of relatively small-scale subcritical nuclear experiments, the department said." And no one else is allowed to have nukes.

Le Pen faces Algeria torture claim  6/5/02 Japan Today: "Le Pen was sitting on me. He was holding the cloth while the other guy was pouring water over me," former militant Abdelkader Ammour told Le Monde. "I can still hear him (Le Pen) shouting 'go on, go on, don't stop,'" he said."

TWO FORMER SALVADORAN MILITARY LEADERS TO FACE SECOND US ATROCITY TRIAL  6/5/02 Radio Havana: hard to find in the US media - "The civil action was brought by Juan Romagoza, who was abducted, detained and tortured at national guard headquarters in late 1980, Neriz Gonzalez, a church lay worker tortured and raped by national guardsmen in 1979, and Professor Carlos Mouricio of the University of El Salvador, tortured at national police headquarters in 1983. It's the result of a long investigation by the San Francisco, California-based Center for Justice and Accountability, the CJA - one of several groups pursuing members of military regimes living in the United States under whose command torture, rape and extra-judicial executions were carried out."

NY Times sicks FBI on MSNBC journo  6/5/02 Register, UK 

Australia Reaching Out to "Rogues"  6/5/02 Stratfor: "Australia is seeking to re-establish diplomatic ties with Libya after 15 years of estrangement stemming from Tripoli's involvement in the South Pacific"

US Ambassador to Venezuela Charles Shapiro claims a US State Department report alleging that Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists are operating in Venezuela was "misinterpreted"  6/5/02 Vheadlines 

Tuesday  6/4/02

topThe United States of America exported its terrorism to Latin America  6/4/02 AIN, Cuba 

PARAMILITARIES TERRORISE INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES  6/4/02 ANNCOL: "A 250-strong paramilitary death squad that is believed to include many serving soldiers in its ranks has recently arrived in the predominantly indigenous municipality of Florida in the southern Colombian department of Valle del Cauca. According to reports from the area the paramilitaries presence become clear on May 31st when they set up a camp and roadblock in a place known as 'Los Kingos' near the community of La Diana. The following day the paramilitaries kidnapped over 20 local residents, including indigenous town councillor Wilson Lulico Ramos, who they accused of being guerrilla sympathisers. It is now known that at least some of these people have been murdered whilst others are being held, and possibly tortured, at the paramilitary base."

Sept. 11 Mastermind May Be ID'd  6/4/02 AP: "Investigators believe they have identified a Kuwaiti lieutenant of Osama bin Laden as the likely mastermind of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a senior U.S. counterterrorism official said Tuesday."

Bush dismisses EPA report on climate change  6/4/02 CNN 

Terrorismo en América Latina made in USA  6/4/02 Granma: "Es una realidad más horrible que cualquier relato de ciencia ficción: cuando, por ejemplo, en Paraguay salieron a la luz en 1992 los enormes archivos secretos de la policía, resultó evidente la existencia de una campaña de terror coordinada internacionalmente. Ahora Estados Unidos, que apoyó a los dictadores, estaría ayudando a quienes intentan depurar los registros documentales de unas 50 000 personas asesinadas, 30 000 desaparecidas y 400 000 encarceladas."

Bases of two Cuban groups attacked  6/4/02 Miami Herald: "Arsonists tossed Molotov cocktails outside the headquarters of two prominent Cuban exile groups early Monday, causing little damage to either. Firebombed were Alpha 66, one of the exile community's oldest paramilitary groups, and the Cuban American National Foundation, the powerful lobby group once headed by Jorge Mas Canosa."

Presidio officer relieved of his duties after letter about attacks  6/4/02 Monterey Herald: "Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism. His daddy had Saddam and he needed Osama."

Calculating global reach of a regional nuclear war  6/4/02 Philadelphia Inquirer: "If nuclear weapons explode above ground, as they did over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, radioactive elements are lofted high in the atmosphere, where they are diluted and become unlikely to cause radiation sickness. But in such a scenario a cocktail of radioactive elements would travel thought the upper atmosphere, eventually surrounding the entire globe. When they finally did fall to Earth they could contaminate food supplies with long-lived radioactive material such as iodine, cesium and strontium, Albright said."

LE PEN AGAIN ACCUSED OF TORTURE DURING WAR AGAINST ALGERIA  6/4/02 Radio Havana: "She told The Guardian how she recalled seeing her father and two brothers beaten and given electric shocks on Le Pen's instructions. The father and one of the brothers, after being arrested and taken to a notorious torture center, became two of between 3,000 - according to the French - and 40,000, according to the Algerians, who were never seen again as a result of the colonial war."

US losing Iran allies over 'evil axis' charge  6/4/02 The News, Pakistan: "Khatami has not changed his position. He is offended by Bush's humiliating tone. He feels he has to defend his nation's integrity," said Mohammad Ali Abtahi, vice president and a Khatami confidante. "No leader is ready to negotiate when he and his nation are being insulted," he told Reuters. "Khatami used a very civilised tone talking to the Americans and see what he gets in return."

Monday  6/3/02

topIN THE SHADOW OF SHIVA - Crazed Hindu-fascists threaten the world  6/3/02 In India, darker women are not held to be desirable, but for men color is less of a factor.

Women In Prison: Casualties Of The War On The Poor  6/3/02 Black World Today: "Women in prisons and girls in juvenile detention centers are the fastest growing population in the entire prison system of the United States. And not only are women in prison separated from their own children, but once released, many women face poverty, as the Drug and Felony Disenfranchisement Laws make these women ineligible for welfare or even "workfare." These laws have left 100,000 women without the safety net of such programs and, as a result, 135,000 children have also fallen through the social-safety net."

1500 FBI agents operating in Pakistan  6/3/02 Frontierpost, Pakistan: "Sources said that around 1500 FBI agents are operating against AL Qaeda and Taliban forces in Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore, Quetta, Karachi and in Tribal areas."

Khatami stresses Venezuela's efforts to reinforce OPEC  6/3/02 IRNA, Iran: "President Khatami said the recent abortive military coup aimed at toppling the Venezuelan government was against all nations advocating democracy and freedom, as well as such organizations as OPEC. "The victory of a nation in returning its legal government to office indicates that a government enjoying public support can never be defeated," he stressed."

Le Pen et l'Algérie  6/3/02 Le Monde 

Signs of attacks well-known  6/3/02 Miami Herald: by Ray McGovern, a CIA analyst from 1964 to 1990, who regularly reported to the vice president and senior policy-makers on the President's Daily Brief from 1981-85.

Still Silence From 9-11 Stock Speculation Probe  6/3/02 NewsMax: "Within a month of 9-11, the SEC, acting in concert with the Department of Justice, distributed a target list of 38 stocks to securities firms around the world looking for information about who might have profited by at least apparent pre-knowledge of the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. To date there has not been a public word from any agency as to whether they have snagged anyone."

The Hijackers We Let Escape  6/3/02 Newsweek: "The CIA tracked two suspected terrorists to a Qaeda summit in Malaysia in January 2000, then looked on as they re-entered America and began preparations for September 11. Inside what may be the worst intelligence failure of all."

Climate Changing, U.S. Says in Report  6/3/02 NYT: "In a stark shift for the Bush administration, the United States has sent a climate report to the United Nations detailing specific and far-reaching effects that it says global warming will inflict on the American environment. In the report, the administration for the first time mostly blames human actions for recent global warming. It says the main culprit is the burning of fossil fuels that send heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. But while the report says the United States will be substantially changed in the next few decades — "very likely" seeing the disruption of snow-fed water supplies, more stifling heat waves and the permanent disappearance of Rocky Mountain meadows and coastal marshes, for example — it does not propose any major shift in the administration's policy on greenhouse gases."

Israeli detention centres draw on Nazi camps  6/3/02 Ummah News: along the lines of the Israeli War College studying the German assault on the Warsaw Ghetto: "An Israeli soldier has brazenly admitted that many of the recently-opened detention camps throughout Palestine in which thousands of Palestinians are interned were "built along the same fashion as German concentration camps during the second world war." According to a testimony by a Palestinian detainee, who has just been freed from the Ofer detention camp, a high-ranking Israeli camp official told Palestinian detainees last month that "we will treat you in the same way the Nazis treated us."

Fatigue dogged U.S. pilots - Crews urged to use amphetamines days before Canadian troops killed  6/3/02 Vancouver Sun: Like the members of the Salvadorian battalions out on mass murder missions.

World News

"There is one safeguard known generally to the wise, which is an advantage and security to all, but especially to Democracies as against despots: suspicion." -- Demosthenes


Qawafil-ush-Shuhadaa [ARABIC]

Islam Question & Answer - Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Islaam Homepage

Islamic Assembly of North America [IANA on LINE]

Jam'iat Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah Homepage

Nida'ul Islam/ The Call of Islam Magazine Online

Words Written in Blood. Arabic book collection of Shaheed Sheikh

Abdullah Azzam [ARABIC]

Maps & Weather

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Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 0.7 to 1.2 billion worldwide and 3 to 6 million in the U.S. About 20% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is in a period of rapid growth.

Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people -- a percentage that has remaind stable for decades. It is expected that, if current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular religion sometime in the mid-21st century.


Death from Americatop

Iraq news: Soaring death rates among Iraqi children, 1999 BBC, UNICEF 500,000 child deaths

Ramsey Clark: Report to UN Security Council re: Iraq, 1/26/2000
1.5 million deaths

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