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Monday  12/19/2005

Attempt to use the Confederate Memorial Museum in Washington, DC to hold a honorary reception for "Freedom Fighter Groups" tied to the International Freedom Foundation led by Jack Abramoff and funded by South Africa's apartheid government.  12/19/2005 Wayne Madsen Report: scroll down to December 19, 2005: "According to those familiar with the Conservative Network, it was the template for the future "K Street Project," an attempt to purge the Federal government, including Federal regulatory agencies, as well as lobbying firms, law firms, and media of liberals and replace them with right-wing functionaries. This has resulted in the infiltration of the Federal government by individuals associated with white supremacist and neo-Nazi organizations. The Conservative Network was headed by retired Rear Admiral James Carey, who, at the same time he was a member of the Federal Maritime Commission, was asked by the Reagan White House Office of Presidential Personnel to "establish a professional forum for the Senate Confirmed Presidential Appointees to regularly meet, socialize, network and communicate with one another." Carey became Vice Chairman of the FMC in 1985 and was appointed by George H. W. Bush as chairman in 1989. Carey's appointment was handled by J. Michael Farrell, the Deputy Director of the Office of Presidential Personnel for Boards and Commissions. One of Farrell's other nominations was that of Kenneth Tomlinson as chairman of the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, which Farrell also chaired under George H. W. Bush. Tomlinson recently resigned as the chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting after it was discovered he hired outside right-wing consultants to develop a black list of suspected "liberals," including Bill Moyers, Diane Rehm, and Tavis Smiley."

Friday  12/16/2005

Links between GOP right-wing and Viktor Bout's African client, President Yahya Jammeh  12/16/2005 Wayne Madsen Report: scroll down to December 16, 2005: "More details emerge of links between GOP right-wing and Viktor Bout's African client, President Yahya Jammeh. Richard Hines, a close ally of GOP right wingers and the owner of RTH Consulting, signed contracts with the military dictatorship of Gambia, a client of Russian arms smuggler Viktor Bout to obtain for the Gambian dictatorship "meetings with the President's National Security Advisor, Deputy Secretary of State, and new CIA Director." The contract, dated November 23, 2004, refers to Condoleezza Rice, Richard Armitage, and Porter Goss. The contract also states that RTH will "recast the image of the . . . President of . . . Gambia [Yahya Jammeh] in a favorable light that reflects the party's, the President's, and the government's actual, proud history with the early focus on the Washington, DC media and minds of the conservative Republican leadership in the U.S. Congress." In addition, RTH commits to "gain the support of the conservative Republican leadership in the United States Congress for the government of The Gambia and President Jammeh, and thereby weaken opposition in Washington, DC." It is also noteworthy that The Gambia has reportedly been involved in selling off-shore oil blocks to Houston-based oil companies linked to Bush and Cheney business interests. There are also interesting connections between World Air Leasing of Hondo, Texas and Gambia. World Air has leased several repainted U.S. commercial aircraft to Gambia. More recently, RTH signed a contract with the Akwa-Ibon State of Nigeria, an oil-rich state in the southern Niger River delta. RTH is to "arrange meetings with White House staff" and other government agencies."

Wednesday  12/14/2005

topCheney trip to Auschwitz allegedly took in a side trip to a secret CIA prison camp  12/14/2005 Wayne Madsen Report: See December 13, 2005. Eventually this will be archived. "Informed sources in Washington report that when Dick Cheney flew to Poland for the 60th anniversary ceremonies marking the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp last January, his three day visit also included a clandestine visit to a secret CIA camp in Poland where suspected "Al Qaeda" prisoners were being subjected to torture. Cheney was in Poland from January 26 to 28. The Auschwitz solemn ceremonies were on January 27. On January 26, Cheney held talks in Krakow with Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and Ukraine's President Viktor Yuschenko and he visited the Galicia Jewish Museum. Poland and Ukraine have been identified by U.S. intelligence sources as the location for secret CIA prisons and airfields. In the case of Ukraine, an intelligence source personally witnessed the defense and intelligence contractor Raytheon providing the logistics for Soviet-era airfields to handle the prisoner flights… It is interesting to note that former CIA director Adm. Stansfield Turner referred to Dick Cheney as the "Vice President for torture." Cheney's and his family's active involvement in overseeing the establishment of secret prisons in Poland may have been what Turner, who obviously still talks to CIA insiders, was referring to."

Tuesday  12/13/2005

topColombia rebels in Cuba for talks  12/13/2005 BBC: "Rebel representatives from the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Colombian authorities will hold several preparatory meetings throughout the week, ahead of the opening of formal exploratory talks on Friday. Diplomats from Spain, Norway and Sweden are expected to attend. The ELN and the larger Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) have been involved in a 40-year conflict with state forces and right-wing fighters."

Fitzgerald was long suspicious Rove had hidden evidence; Not swayed by last minute testimony, lawyers say  12/13/2005 Raw Story 

Monday  12/12/2005

topDIEBOLD CEO WALDEN O'DELL RESIGNS! FRAUD LITIGATION IMMINENT!  12/12/2005 Brad Blog: "CEO Walden O'Dell has resigned due to what company officials describe in a press release as "personal reasons". Reuters is reporting that O'Dell will be replaced by the company's president and chief operating officer, Thomas Swidarski. As The BRAD BLOG reported exclusively late last week, the filing of a securities fraud class action litigation against the company, O'Dell and other current and former members of their Board of Directors is now imminent. The BRAD BLOG has learned that the case may be filed in Ohio Federal District court as early as today or tomorrow. We will, of course, have more details when that occurs. O'Dell has faced a great deal of criticism for his statement to Republican fundraisers, prior to the 2004 Presidential Election, that Diebold he (see correction explanation below) was committed to delivering the electoral vote of the state of Ohio to George W. Bush. O'Dell was part of Bush's "Rangers and Pioneers," a group of individuals who had raised at least $100,000 each for Bush/Cheney's 2004 re-election campaign."

THE PHONY WAR - An Interview with DEA Veteran Celerino Castillo  12/12/2005 The New Federalist: published 10/94. Classic.

Sunday  12/11/2005

topGulf Stream 'engine' weakening, say scientists  12/11/2005 Independent, UK: "Climate models suggest that if the conveyor ground to a halt - as more extreme forecasts predict could happen - average temperatures could drop by up to 10C in Britain and north-west Europe." [= 18 Farenheit]

Victor Bout's File  12/11/2005 Ruud Leeuw: numerous links - "Victor Bout is a former KGB major and arms merchant, the most notorious in the Post Cold War era and he plays a critical role in areas where the weapons trade has been embargoed by the United Nations."

Trinidad Carnival - Afri-Caribbean Resistance  12/11/2005 TriniCenter: published 2/03

Crystallex part of dirty war against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias  12/11/2005 Vheadlines 

Victor Bout Follow Up  12/11/2005 War and Piece: published 5/24/04, so this Blout US link has been known for some time.

Additional ties between southern Christian fundamentalists, Texas oil interests, and Russian-Israeli mobsters and weapons smugglers uncovered  12/11/2005 Wayne Madsen Report: "According to informed Washington insiders, there is increasing evidence of financial links between key "Christian Right" GOP notables and an international ring of Russian-Ukrainian-Israeli mobsters tied to notorious Russian weapons smuggler Viktor Vasilevich (aka Anatoliyevich) Bout. Bout, whose U.S. assets were frozen by the Treasury Department, continues to provide various contractor services in Iraq and is considered by Condoleezza Rice to be out-of-bounds for U.S. law enforcement authorities. When she was National Security Adviser, Rice pre-empted an attempt by Sharjah, United Arab Emirates authorities to arrest Bout. To U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies, Rice was very clear when it comes to Bout: "Look, but don't touch" was her direct order to the CIA and FBI. It appears that Bout has gone from arms smuggler for Al Qaeda and the Taliban to arms runner for the Bush administration. Bout's British Gulf International Airline, registered in Sao Tome and Principe and Kyrgyzstan and based in Sharjah, is a regular visitor to Baghdad International and airports in the north of Iraq. Bout also made a financial windfall from contracts let to his airline companies by the former Iraqi Coalition Provisional Authority led by L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer. Bout also benefited from contracts let to his Dubai-based Falcon Express Cargo by Kellogg, Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton… Federal prosecutors are already examining links between indicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Italian Mafia hit men who have been charged with murdering Florida businessman Gus Boulis, former Christian Coalition director and Georgia Republican Lt. Governor candidate Ralph Reed, and indicted Texas GOP Representative Tom DeLay. Abramoff associate Adam Kidan has agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in their investigation of Abramoff, especially deals involving the shake down of various Indian tribes in shady casino deals." [Coca-Contra, again]

Additional ties between southern Christian fundamentalists, Texas oil interests, and Russian-Israeli mobsters and weapons smugglers uncovered  12/11/2005 Wayne Madsen Report: scroll down to December 11, 2005. "According to informed Washington insiders, there is increasing evidence of financial links between key "Christian Right" GOP notables and an international ring of Russian-Ukrainian-Israeli mobsters tied to notorious Russian weapons smuggler Viktor Vasilevich (aka Anatoliyevich) Bout. Bout, whose U.S. assets were frozen by the Treasury Department, continues to provide various contractor services in Iraq and is considered by Condoleezza Rice to be out-of-bounds for U.S. law enforcement authorities. When she was National Security Adviser, Rice pre-empted an attempt by Sharjah, United Arab Emirates authorities to arrest Bout. To U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies, Rice was very clear when it comes to Bout: "Look, but don't touch" was her direct order to the CIA and FBI. It appears that Bout has gone from arms smuggler for Al Qaeda and the Taliban to arms runner for the Bush administration. Bout's British Gulf International Airline, registered in Sao Tome and Principe and Kyrgyzstan and based in Sharjah, is a regular visitor to Baghdad International and airports in the north of Iraq. Bout also made a financial windfall from contracts let to his airline companies by the former Iraqi Coalition Provisional Authority led by L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer. Bout also benefited from contracts let to his Dubai-based Falcon Express Cargo by Kellogg, Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton… There is also now interest in the activities of Richard T. Hines, the head of the powerful Republican lobbying firm RTH Consulting, Inc. Hines, a South Carolina native and a protege of the late GOP dirty trickmeister Lee Atwater, was one of the architects of the dirty tricks campaign by Bush against John McCain in the 2000 South Carolina primary. A confederate of Abramoff in the 1980s Reagan administration's covert support network for the Nicaraguan contras, Angolan UNITA guerrillas, and Afghan mujaheddin, Hines is active in various Confederacy resurgence organizations, many of which have clear racist agendas. However, that has not prevented Hines from becoming the lobbyist for Gambian dictator Yahya Jammeh, a military officer who overthrew Gambia's democratically-elected President Sir Dawda K. Jawara in a 1994 military coup supported by the United States Navy… The connections between Hines and Gambia are important since the small narrow West African country is also a major base of operations for notorious Russian international arms smuggler Viktor Bout. The Gambia is the headquarters for one of many of Bout's front companies -- companies that are used to smuggle everything from weapons to diamonds and mercenaries to international relief supplies… Some law enforcement officials in the United States and Europe believe that the covert flights being operated by CIA contractors and Bout's companies in support of secret prisoner movement are also involved in smuggling drugs." [Eventually this will be archived on a separate page.]

Viktor Bout: the story splits!  12/11/2005 Yorkshire Ranter: published 5/23/04

Saturday  12/10/2005

topAmerican navy 'helped Venezuelan coup'  12/10/2005 Guardian: "Wayne Madsen, a former intelligence officer with the US navy, told the Guardian yesterday that American military attaches had been in touch with members of the Venezuelan military to examine the possibility of a coup. "I first heard of Lieutenant Colonel James Rogers [the assistant military attache now based at the US embassy in Caracas] going down there last June to set the ground," Mr Madsen, an intelligence analyst, said yesterday. "Some of our counter-narcotics agents were also involved." "

Friday  12/9/2005

topTeen thug dares to speak Spanish in school hallway  12/9/2005 Alternet: "Most of the time, 16-year-old Zach Rubio converses in clear, unaccented American teen-speak, a form of English in which the three most common words are "like," "whatever" and "totally." But Zach is also fluent in his dad's native language, Spanish -- and that's what got him suspended from school. "It was, like, totally not in the classroom," the high school junior said, recalling the infraction. "We were in the, like, hall or whatever, on restroom break. This kid I know, he's like, 'Me prestas un dolar?' ['Will you lend me a dollar?'] Well, he asked in Spanish; it just seemed natural to answer that way. So I'm like, 'No problema.' " But that conversation turned out to be a big problem for the staff at the Endeavor Alternative School, a small public high school in an ethnically mixed blue-collar neighborhood. A teacher who overheard the two boys sent Zach to the office, where Principal Jennifer Watts ordered him to call his father and leave the school."

US Prisons Provide the Model - Roots of Gitmo Torture Lie Close to Home  12/9/2005 Counterpunch: "In mid-November, the AFSC issued a press release decrying the widespread torture existing in US prisons. One incident listed in this press release detailed how prison guards in a California jail "put an inmate in a bath so hot it boiled 30% of the skin off his body." American military and intelligence personnel [allegedly] use various forms of water based torture on detainees at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and those CIA operated secret prisons in European countries. "The tactics approved in US prisons are being exported overseas," said Tonya McClary, national director of the AFSC's Criminal Justice program. A 1999 report prepared by Bonnie Kerness contained testimonials on torture from inmates across America. A Utah inmate described being pepper sprayed to the point of getting "burns and blisters to my arms, face, chest and feet." Another account described a "mentally ill prisoner in a New Jersey isolation unit who was tortured to death." Guards made this inmate "perform sexual acts on himself in order to get food and cigarettes.""

The Pictures Tell the Tale: The Vatican and Nazism in Germany and Croatia  12/9/2005 The Emperor's New Clothes 

Plea Deal Near With 2nd Abramoff Associate  12/9/2005 Washington Post: "Adam Kidan, a longtime confidant of Abramoff's, has agreed to testify against Abramoff in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., next month when he is to face trial on fraud and conspiracy charges in connection with their purchase of a fleet of Florida casino boats. A Kidan plea would tie Abramoff's legal troubles in Florida more closely to the Washington investigation into his lobbying practices, pressuring Abramoff to reach a deal of his own that could implicate members of Congress and other government officials, lawyers involved in the case said."

Politics or Not, Bronx Warmly Receives Venezuelan Heating Oil  12/9/2005 Washington Post 

Thursday  12/8/2005

topThe Venezuelan Election - Chavez Wins, Bush Loses (Again)! Now What?  12/8/2005 Counterpunch 

Zalmay Khalilzad - Special US Envoy for Islamic Terror!  12/8/2005 Jared Israel: published 3/03

The Psychology of Global Warming: Alarm-ist Versus Alarm-ing  12/8/2005 Truth Out 

Wednesday  12/7/2005

topInsurgents Using Chem Weapons - On Themselves?  12/7/2005 Defense Tech: "The story starts over a year ago with a Marine blogger in Iraq. On June 2nd 2004 "The Green Side" - we’ll get back to the signficance of this source later - describes suicidal attacks by insurgents in Fallujah: “We could not understand why they kept coming but they did.” The reason, it turned out, was drugs: “…these ‘holy warriors’ are taking drugs to get high before attacks. It true, as we pushed into the town in April many Marines came across drug paraphernalia (mostly heroin). Recently, we have gotten evidence of them using another drug BZ that makes them high and very aggressive.”"

Katrina victims mobilize, battle for New Orleans to heat up  12/7/2005 SF Bay View: "Because of the ongoing suffering of Katrina victims, the Peoples' Hurricane Committee ( is sponsoring a weekend of struggle from Friday to Saturday, Dec. 8-10, where the voice of the victims of Hurricane Katrina will finally take center stage. The group sees the government as having failed the people of New Orleans before and after the hurricane. An indicting statement on its promotional flyer states: "The government failed to repair the levees, the government failed to have any evacuation plan for those without funds or cars, the government failed to plan to rescue those left behind, and now the government fails to include us in any decision making about money meant to relieve our misery." PHRF is a diverse coalition of organizations formed to aid the victims of Katrina. New Orleanian Malcolm Suber, a longtime activist who is now based in the Houston area, is a PHRF founder and board member. He is also one of the coordinators of the Youth Forum, Survivors Assembly and the March on New Orleans, scheduled for Dec. 8-10… The Peoples' Hurricane Relief Fund can be contacted at 2812 Live Oak by calling (713) 751-7990 or toll free 1-888-310-7473. Among the Houston-based organizations that have been supporting evacuees and will be going to New Orleans are the National Black United Front, New Black Panther Party, Nation of Islam Muhammad Mosque #45, Millions More Movement Local Organizing Committee and the S.H.A.P.E. Community Center."

Mohammed Atta and Prince Nayif: the Saudi drugs dealers who helped finance the 911 attack - Released confidential documents point to financing of 911 attacks tied to Bush family drug network  12/7/2005 Wayne Madsen 

Monday  12/5/2005

topEx-US diplomat blames Israel for Pakistani dictator's death  12/5/2005 Guardian: "Mr Dean told the World Policy Journal that it was plausible Mossad had orchestrated an assassination plot, believing Gen Zia's boast that he was only "a screwdriver's turn away from the bomb". But when he told his superiors he was removed from his position in Delhi and his career ended. Mr Dean, a Jew who fled Nazi Germany, said he had no proof of Israeli responsibility."

FBI mishandled Florida terror investigation: NYT  12/5/2005 Reuters 

Venezuelan Oil Pipeline Attacked for Election Day  12/5/2005 Venezuela Analysis 

Sunday  12/4/2005

topWas Affair Linked To Investigation Of Global Trafficking Controlled By Israelis?  12/4/2005 Daily Star: "Israel has a long history of involvement with the Colombian and other cartels in Latin America. Former Israeli Army and intelligence officers supplied the drug barons with weapons and trained their private armies, including special assassination squads, throughout the 1980s. One of the more notorious of these Israelis, a lieutenant colonel in the army reserve named Yair Klein, was convicted by an Israeli court in 1991 for illegally exporting arms to the Colombian cartels. He was fined $40,000. In 1998, Klein, a balding ex-paratrooper, was indicted in Bogotá on charges of training Colombian paramilitaries in terrorist tactics in the 1987-89. He was allegedly one of four Israelis hired by Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha, one of the Medellin cartel's most violent bosses, who was later assassinated. Klein turned up in war-torn Sierra Leone running guns to rebels. He was arrested there in January 1999 and freed 16 months later. His current whereabouts are unknown, but Israeli arms dealers are still working with Colombian paramilitaries. On May 7, Nicaraguan and Panamanian authorities launched an investigation into how 3,000 AK-47 assault rifles and 5 million rounds of ammunition shipped from Nicaragua by two Israeli-owned arms companies to Colombia on Nov. 10, 2001, and wound up in the hands of the United Defense Forces of Colombia, a group the US government has branded as terrorist. "

Justice Dept. says FBI mishandled terror case  12/4/2005 International Herald Tribune: Article fails to mention it was drug money being laundered.

Justice Dept. says FBI mishandled terror case  12/4/2005 International Herald Tribune: Article fails to mention it was drug money being laundered.

The Politics of Three – Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel  12/4/2005 Paul W. Rasche: Site details Pakistan's Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence's (ISI) involvement in drug trafficking, as well as the complicity of Saudi and Israeli organizations. Appears to be dated to late 2001 or 2002.

Saturday  12/3/2005

topVenezuelan oil for U.S. poor plan criticized  12/3/2005 Miami Herald: "''Mr. Delahunt's lobbying for the dictator undermines any official U.S. pressure on Mr. Chávez to behave more humanely, which is precisely why Mr. Chávez is returning the favor by plying Mr. Delahunt with cheap oil,'' the Journal asserted. ``Leave it to the congressman . . . and a Kennedy to close the deal.''"

Report Finds Cover-Up in an F.B.I. Terror Case  12/3/2005 NYT: Mike German resigned from the FBI when his investigation of right wing links to Al Qaeda was shut down - "Mr. German's case dates to 2002, when the F.B.I. division in Tampa opened a terror investigation into a lead that laundered proceeds, possibly connected to a drug outfit, might be used to finance terrorists overseas. The F.B.I. was considering initiating an undercover operation to follow the lead, and Mr. German, who had extensive experience infiltrating militias, skinheads and other groups, was asked to take part. But in the coming months, Mr. German would alert F.B.I. officials that the Orlando agent handling the case had "so seriously mishandled" the investigation that a prime opportunity to expose a terrorist financing plot had been wasted. He said agents had not adequately pursued leads, had failed to document important meetings with informants, and had tolerated violations of rules and federal law on the handling of wiretaps." [Now, what right wing terror groups in Florida are solidly connected to narcotics?]

Report Finds Cover-Up in an F.B.I. Terror Case  12/3/2005 NYT: Mike German resigned from the FBI when his investigation of right wing links to Al Qaeda was shut down - "Mr. German's case dates to 2002, when the F.B.I. division in Tampa opened a terror investigation into a lead that laundered proceeds, possibly connected to a drug outfit, might be used to finance terrorists overseas. The F.B.I. was considering initiating an undercover operation to follow the lead, and Mr. German, who had extensive experience infiltrating militias, skinheads and other groups, was asked to take part. But in the coming months, Mr. German would alert F.B.I. officials that the Orlando agent handling the case had "so seriously mishandled" the investigation that a prime opportunity to expose a terrorist financing plot had been wasted. He said agents had not adequately pursued leads, had failed to document important meetings with informants, and had tolerated violations of rules and federal law on the handling of wiretaps." [Now, what right wing terror groups in Florida are solidly connected to narcotics?]

FBI mishandled Florida terror investigation: NYT  12/3/2005 Reuters: "The case dates to 2002, the Times said, when the FBI's Tampa office opened a terror investigation into whether laundered money, possibly connected to a drug outfit, might be used to finance terrorists overseas. The FBI was considering initiating an undercover operation and asked an agent with expertise in the area to take part." [Was this squelched because it affected a Company asset?]

Friday  12/2/2005

topThe Money Trail  12/2/2005 Charcha: "In the following articles, the reader can see the evolution of the money trail of global terrorism."

Book links Mafia and plot against Castro to JFK killing  12/2/2005 Independent: "But critics have pointed to problems with the book's thesis: Robert McNamara, then running the Pentagon, has said he was not informed of any new plan to invade Cuba before Kennedy's death. It is also implausible that the Mafia, itching to get rid of Castro and restore Cuba's once lucrative gambling industry, would have blocked a plot that would have done just that."

Open Letter to the Journalists Covering the Venezuelan Elections  12/2/2005 TPM Café 

Thursday  12/1/2005

topAlarm over dramatic weakening of Gulf Stream  12/1/2005 Guardian: "Researchers on a scientific expedition in the Atlantic Ocean measured the strength of the current between Africa and the east coast of America and found that the circulation has slowed by 30% since a previous expedition 12 years ago."

Europeans reject abstinence message in split with US on Aids  12/1/2005 Guardian: "EU urges African nations not to heed Bush agenda · Condoms 'most effective' weapon against pandemic"

Alleged underworld boss loses appeal against extradition  12/1/2005 Haaretz, Israel: "The Supreme Court yesterday unanimously rejected an appeal by suspected underworld figure Ze'ev Rosenstein against his extradition to the United States. Rosenstein is wanted in the U.S. for his alleged role in major drug-trafficking deals involving Ecstasy… "Israel - like the world's other nations - is forced to confront a new criminal reality in which crime has become more organized, more international and more widespread than ever before," the justices wrote. "The most obvious are international drug crimes in which, to our great regret, Israeli criminals are taking a central role. This reality requires the joint efforts of nations and tight international cooperation, of which extradition is a key tool.""

Wednesday  11/30/2005

topNapoleon carried out 'ethnic cleansing' in Haiti, says French historian  11/30/2005 AFP 

Tuesday  11/29/2005

topVenezuela clinches Spain defence deal  11/29/2005 FT: "José Bono, Spanish defence minister, defended Spain’s right to sell the military hardware to Venezuela and insisted that the equipment was of a defensive nature. Washington could still block the inclusion of some US-made components in the equipment. Mr Bono said neither the boats nor transport aircraft were armed and that the patrol aircraft were only equipped for self-defence. He also suggested the US had no right to pass judgment. Mr Chávez has said the vessels and aircraft will be used to combat the drug trade in Venezuela, which borders Colombia, the world’s top cocaine producer."

Monday  11/28/2005

topHow our governments use terrorism to control us  11/28/2005 On Line Journal 


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