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    World News
10/28/02 - 11/3/02  

Sunday  11/3/02

Wallace Interviews Dr. Death  11/3/02 60 Minutes: "Project Coast, as Basson’s secret state program was called, was dismantled along with the white-ruled apartheid government. Though indicted for several murders, a South African court exonerated Basson earlier this year. The country’s current government decried the verdict, delivered by an apartheid-era judge. Wallace’s report reveals some of the types of germs studied by Project Coast and the ways in which they could have been used against black enemies of apartheid in the 1980s. It also traces the mysterious connection between Basson and a California gynecologist who committed suicide before authorities discovered deadly germs and other weapons in his home and buried in his backyard."

Bin Laden's wife held in Yemen  11/3/02 AFP 

Muslim scholars call for holy war against U.S. and Britain if Iraq is attacked  11/3/02 AP: "The scholars, wrapping up a two-day conference organized by Jordan's largest Muslim opposition party, also called for a boycott of all American and Israeli products and businesses. "Muslims are duty bound to start jihad (holy war) in case Iraq is attacked by the United States and Britain," the scholars said in a final statement. "An aggression against Iraq is an aggression against all Muslims."

US link to SA bio-warfare programme  11/3/02 Mail & Guardian, South African: "A California doctor who committed suicide after being accused in a murder plot gave deadly germs to apartheid South Africa's secret chemical and biological weapons programme, US television series "60 Minutes" reported on Sunday. Larry Ford met with scientists from South Africa's Project Coast in the 1980s to discuss chemical and biological warfare, Wouter Basson, who headed the project, told the TV programme. He also passed a bag filled with cholera, typhoid, botulism, anthrax and bubonic plague to a South African military doctor during a meeting at the house of the South African trade attache in California, former FBI informant Peter Fitzpatrick told "60 Minutes".

Russia Helicopter Downed in Chechnya, Nine Dead  11/3/02 Reuters 

Saudi Says Will Not Help Any U.S. Strike on Iraq  11/3/02 Reuters: "Saudi Arabia, a key U.S. regional ally, said on Sunday it would not allow the United States to use its facilities for any attack against neighboring Iraq even if a strike was sanctioned by the United Nations."

Walker's World: The Turkish question  11/3/02 UPI: "Shortly before German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer flew to Washington this week to begin repairing the ugly breach in relations with the Bush administration, the prestigious Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper published a front-page exclusive story. It claimed that in a letter to the German government, the White House had listed three American conditions to heal the rift. Berlin should back the Bush administration's policy on Iraq; make its airspace and bases available; and use Berlin's best efforts to speed Turkey's accession into the European Union."

Saturday  11/2/02

topThe re-election of Jim Crow: How Jeb Bush's team is trying to steal Florida again  11/2/02 Center for Research on Globalization: "Harris and the state admit that tens of thousands of black voters had been wronged, and with plantation noblesse have agreed to return them to the voter rolls -- at the beginning of 2003. In other words, the votes seized in November 2002 will not be emancipated until after the ballots are counted in the race between Governor Jeb Bush and his Democratic opponent Bill McBride."

Fleeing bin Laden son detained in Iran  11/2/02 Financial Times, UK 

300 protest outside rally, challenge policy on Iraq  11/2/02 Louisville Courrier Journal, Kentucky: in the Heartland.

Join the November 17th Cross-Canada Day of Action Against War on Iraq!  11/2/02 Nowar/Paix Ottowa 

Friday  11/1/02

topStreet fighting turns into urban warfare  11/1/02 ANNCOL: "Especially the Comuna 13 area has been targeted. Scores of inhabitants have been killed and the local human rights group CODEHSEL reports that in only six days more than two hundred inhabitants have been arrested by the security forces. According to CODEHSEL many of the detained persons have been beaten and tortured."

Venezuela: Reich sugiere elecciones  11/1/02 BBC Mundo: como en Florida!

The Campaign of Lies Bush Runs the Most Dishonest Campaign in Modern Florida History  11/1/02 Bill McBride for Governor: "In editorials and news coverage, Florida news outlets have described various Bush attacks on McBride as false, misleading, and deceptive. “…Some campaign observers described Bush’s ad as one of the most devious strategies in Florida’s modern political history.” (Sun-Sentinel, 10/22) “It’s terrible. It’s full of lies,” said FSU professor Lance deHaven-Smith of the Bush tax television ad. Following is a sampling of lies."

Johnny Gulf War Syndrome? Chemical Weapons and Homicidal Mania  11/1/02 Counterpunch 

The Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks  11/1/02 Counterpunch: "According to a classified document prepared for Rumsfeld by his Defense Science Board, the new organization--the "Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)"--will carry out secret missions designed to "stimulate reactions" among terrorist groups, provoking them into committing violent acts which would then expose them to "counterattack" by U.S. forces."

Russell Means rides again  11/1/02 Indian Country: "Russell Means, always-controversial icon of indigenous militancy, immortalized by Andy Warhol and driven by his own relentless spirit, is the man of the hour in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, his home reservation. The famous Oglala activist is running ahead of the pack for tribal president. After being cheated out of the office in a fraudulent election in 1974, Means is back in the saddle. The scuttlebutt on the territory is that the controversial and much-maligned early American Indian Movement leader is popular enough these days to win the election."

Bush, McBride clash over Haitians  11/1/02 Miami Herald: "Just one day after U.S. Rep. Carrie Meek, D-Miami, confronted Bush in person to demand that he call his brother to seek the release of the 235 Haitians who swam to shore Tuesday on the Rickenbacker Causeway, McBride called the federal policy "racist.''

Thursday  10/31/02

topPentagon sends combat troops to Colombia  10/31/02 ANNCOL: "The U.S. administration has dropped any pretense of fighting a "drug war" in Colombia. Now the U.S. troops are on the battlefield fighting the Marxist insurgencies."

South Africa: Bomb Attacks Blamed On Right Wing  10/31/02 Black World Today: 'Despite some unease, South Africans remained undisturbed by nine bomb-blasts, blamed on right wing, that damaged rail links between Soweto - South Africa's largest township - and Johannesburg, its economic capital, on Wednesday."

South Africa sentences neo-Nazi leader to prison  10/31/02 CNN: some background on the South Africa bombings - this article from 6/17/97 details the incarceration of a leader of the South African Nazis, who, according to the South African press, is a close friend of Dr. Stephen Hatfill, the FBI's number one anthrax suspect.

Amnesty International & Israel: Say it isn't so!  10/31/02 Counterpunch: "This article analyzes Amnesty's entire public record and stance during the current intifada (Sep. 2000 thru Sep. 2002). It is an analysis of a meager record of 83 press releases and six reports . It reveals the following shortcomings and questions about its stance."

Red Squads Redux: Portland Activists Mobilize Against the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force  10/31/02 Counterpunch: "The hearing threw into relief the willingness of this liberal city government to collaborate with corporate interests and the Bush administration's domestic war on dissent. It also demonstrated the strength and persistence of an ad hoc coalition of local activists that played a little known role in the Portland city government's well-publicized refusal last year to cooperate in the interrogation of thousands of Middle Easterners."

Questionable (Quite Possibly Unsavory) Past – Ideal Fall-Guy for the Anthrax Incidents  10/31/02 Cryptome: details on the Hatfill - Terre'Blanche relationship. Posted 8 July 2002.

Hatfill Rumors  10/31/02 Forward: From a leading US Jewish publication and date 8/16/2002, supports reports on US Anthrax 'person of interest' Hatfill's South African Nazi connections - "Two sources who worked with Hatfill at the University of Stellenbosch in the Western Cape confirmed reports that ran in Cape Times and other newspapers last month saying that Hatfill bragged of connections with Terre'Blanche. Hatfill said he trained elite bodyguards in Terre'Blanche's Afrikaner Resistance Movement, or AWB, in 1987 or 1988, sources told the Forward. A photo of Terre'Blanche surrounded by his brigade, including Hatfill in uniform, hung in the university's radiobiology lab in the department of radiation oncology, where Hatfill worked, sources said. The sources, who asked to remain anonymous, said they were no longer able to find the photo."

SA on high alert as bomb jitters hit Pretoria  10/31/02 Independent, South Africa: "South Africa went on high alert on Wednesday after Tuesday's devastating series of bomb blasts in Soweto."

SA zeroes in on 'race war' rightwingers  10/31/02 Independent, South Africa: "South African authorities are hunting down white right-wing soldiers and police after the most serious spate of bombings since racist apartheid rule ended in 1994, the Defence Minister Mosiuoa Lekota said on Thursday. Lekota said a minority of right-wing white Afrikaners in the armed forces and police could be part of a plot to plunge South Africa into a race war. "They are a racially oriented group. They want to achieve a race war," Lekota said. "It certainly does not represent the majority of Afrikaners... but a residue within the South African National Defence Force and the South African Police Service."

Albanian and Russian observers sent to monitor American elections  10/31/02 Independent, UK: "The joke, during the endless presidential election recounts in Florida two years ago, was that Russia and Albania would send poll monitors to help the United States with its unexpected bump on the road to democracy. Now, the joke has become reality. A high-level delegation of European and North American election observers – including members from Russia and Albania – arrived yesterday for a week-long mission to watch Florida's mid-term elections, which take place on Tuesday… "Whatever else it is, it will be an experience," said a tight-lipped Ilirjan Celibashi, head of Albania's Central Electoral Committee."

Scotland Yard will examine claims of Israeli war crimes  10/31/02 Independent, UK: "A British Muslim group has accused Lt-Gen Mofaz of responsibility as commander for alleged violations of the Geneva Conventions. The Israeli army is accused of using Palestinians as human shields, assassinating militants, torturing prisoners, and destroying civilian homes. The inquiry comes after Imran Khan, a British lawyer known for his role in the Stephen Lawrence case, presented a 17-page dossier to the Director of Public Prosecutions, who passed it to Scotland Yard's crimes against humanity unit. Mr Khan, who is representing families of alleged victims, says the case can be investigated and tried in Britain because all Geneva Convention signatories are obliged to enforce them, wherever breaches are committed."

White extremists set off bombs in Soweto, says Mbeki  10/31/02 Independent, UK: "Some whites continue to oppose the country's multiracial democracy and advocate a return to the racist apartheid system of governance, which ended with all-race elections in 1994. Fifteen white Afrikaners, including three senior army officers, were recently charged with high treason, sabotage and terrorism after an alleged plot to overthrow Mr Mbeki. They will go on trial next year, accused of plotting to topple the government, seize or destroy military installations, and "chase blacks out of the country".

Two more rightwingers arrested  10/31/02 Mail & Guardian, South Africa: "Two more men were arrested on Wednesday in connection with an alleged plot to overthrow the government, police reported. Detective services representative Phuti Setati said thus far 17 people had been arrested in connection with the coup plot by white extremists." The friends of Terre'Blanche, pal of Dr. Hatfill.

SA mercenaries land in Ivory Coast  10/31/02 News 24, South Africa 

LULA WON. NOW WHAT?  10/31/02 Radio Progresso: "Luis Inázio Lula da Silva's overwhelming victory in the second round of the general elections in Brazil, this past Sunday, compels us to analyze the circumstances under which he will assume power; the economic, political and social situations in which he'll have to serve his term; and the external factors that will influence – to an appreciable degree – the manner in which that mandate will be carried out. Some analysts have described the support Lula received from all sectors of the population – from labor unions, farm workers and shantytown organizations, to renowned bankers and businessmen – as a social pact between capital and labor to change Brazil."

Was Wellstone assassinated? Skeptics, conspiracy buffs wonder if Minnesota Democrat targeted for murder  10/31/02 WorldNet Daily 

Wednesday  10/30/02

topAnother Gulf War Vet Opens Fire  10/30/02 Alternet: ""Are you okay?" My wife asked the question after we learned that Robert Stewart Flores, who killed three professors at the University of Arizona before shooting himself, was a Gulf War veteran. She asked me the same thing last week, when we learned John Allen Muhammed, better known as the Washington D.C. sniper, is also a Gulf War veteran. Not to mention British Gulf War vet Paul Delaney, who stabbed his ex-girlfriend and mother of two, Colleen Chudley, 30 or 40 times. Or Staff Sergeant Frank Ronghi, a Gulf War vet who murdered and sodomized an 11-year old girl in Kosovo. Or Jeffrey Glenn Hutchinson, also a Gulf vet, who murdered his girlfriend and her three children on Sept. 11, 1998. Or Joseph Ludlam, who murdered his former manager in November 2000. And then there's the most famous Gulf War veteran of all, Timothy McVeigh, who killed hundreds of people in a homegrown terrorist attack in Oklahoma City. Every time we hear of another incident like this, she asks me the same thing: "Are you okay?"

McBride's campaign stalled  10/30/02 Boston Globe: Jeb may win Florida.

Mbeki calls for unity in the face of terror  10/30/02 Independent, South Africa: "The information that government has had for some time is that rightwing groups have intended to conduct a campaign of this kind, to destabilise the country and to increase the sense of uncertainty among the entire population," Mbeki said. The perpetrators wished to "create a political climate that would enable them to undertake bolder actions and to seek the removal of the government and the installation of some other authority". Although it is unknown who is responsible for the blasts, the action would be consistent with information the government had about racist rightwing groups."

Police ponder rightwing link to Soweto blasts  10/30/02 Independent, South Africa: "Nqakula declined to elaborate on a statement by National Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi that police had been alerted to two white males "acting suspiciously" leaving the area of one of the blasts… During the briefing, Maduna announced that he had just heard that a tenth blast had been reported in Bronkhorstspruit outside Pretoria. No other details were available. After the briefing, the three ministers were due to take a tour of the blast sites, including the mosque in Dlamini which was damaged by one of the explosions."

The hunt is on for Jo'burg's terror fanatics  10/30/02 Independent, South Africa: "They are not out to kill people, but they want to destroy infrastructure such as dams and railways lines," according to a top government official, who has fingered an Afrikaner "lunatic fringe" for the blasts that rocked Soweto and Bronkhorstspruit on Wednesday, leaving at least one person dead. The highly-placed intelligence source said the government was up against a lunatic fringe committed to wage an armed struggle in its quest for an exclusive Afrikaner state. Their second prize would be to overthrow the government, he added. They are not out to kill people, but they want to destroy infrastructure such as dams and railways lines," according to a top government official, who has fingered an Afrikaner "lunatic fringe" for the blasts that rocked Soweto and Bronkhorstspruit on Wednesday, leaving at least one person dead. The highly-placed intelligence source said the government was up against a lunatic fringe committed to wage an armed struggle in its quest for an exclusive Afrikaner state. Their second prize would be to overthrow the government, he added… He confirmed that two white men had been seen running away from the scene. Then, shortly before midnight, the first bomb exploded at the Musjid al-Ummah mosque, near where the Dhlamini bomb was found, ripping a hole through the building. Minutes later, four blasts shook informal settlements near New Canada station, ripping up the only three railway lines linking Johannesburg and Soweto… As the policemen flooded the area, two blasts occurred along railway lines near Lenasia, while another ripped through the basement of a section of the Nan Hua Buddhist Temple outside Bronkhorstspruit." Ecumenical Nazis.

Haitians Detained After Landing in Florida; Should They Be Allowed To Stay?  10/30/02 MSNBC: "Unlike Cubans who reach dry land, though, Haitian immigrants usually are denied asylum in the United States and sent back to their homeland. The Bush administration changed its detention policy on Haitian refugees in December to discourage a feared mass exodus. Immigration attorneys sued the government in March, saying the new policy of detention was racially biased. "It's very sad to see the way human beings who are fleeing their country for a better way of life are treated," said North Miami Mayor Joe Celestin, a Haitian American who went to the scene and spoke to some of the migrants. "The Cubans that were on the same boat will be released. The Haitians will probably be deported. It's a double standard."

Not in Our Name International Reports: Antarctica  10/30/02 Not in Our Name: "We had our Not In Our Name gathering last Monday, October 14th. Roughly seventy of us participated and that's about 9% of the current McMurdo population. At the time, the temperature was minus 8 F and the wind was blowing at 13 knots for a wind chill of -41. It was pretty chilly, so we read the pledge aloud inside, and then walked across the station to take the photos."

Help stop the torture of Herman Wallace of the Angola Three  10/30/02 SF Bay View: "There is a man in this dungeon the security is really messing with. I’ll talk to the lawyers about it when I have a chance. The man has been laying on his back in four-point restraints since Oct. 13. When a man goes on four-point, they let him up the next day, but they are keeping this man like this without a shower or feeding him. “I have been sending him my food when I can. He urinates and defecates on himself and they leave him like that. His mother came all the way from Shreveport to visit him and see how he was doing and because they have him in four-point, they told her she could not see him. There is another brother, a tier walker, who told me that Security came to Camp J the other day and confiscated a few inmates’ Holy Korans and literature.” And on and on, in the hell hole of Angola, Louisiana.

Seeds of right-wing violence buried in fear  10/30/02 The Star, South Africa: "We know already that the men in jail for allegedly planning a coup were betrayed by a fellow Afrikaner. The worst reaction to the latest bombings would be for the Afrikaners and whites to be demonised as a group. I think it is safe to say most of them feel outraged and angry that this kind of terrorism is emerging again. This is not Chechnya. The government will need the white community to report these right wing elements, because the National Intelligence Agency and the security police are hopelessly inadequate and in disarray. The white members with the experience and inside knowledge of the right wing who could infiltrate them have been shafted or left the service."

Tuesday  10/29/02

topBrazil's Lula: A Challenge to Washington?  10/29/02 Alternet: "According to a Brazilian financial advisory firm, ABM Consulting, the 10 largest banks in Brazil, including Citibank and BankBoston, earned returns of 22 percent on their holdings in Brazil in 2001 compared to 12 percent on a global level. George Soros, a forward-thinking international financier with significant holdings in Brazil, declares: "The system has broken down;" it "does not provide an adequate flow of capital to countries [like Brazil] that need it and qualify for it." In its initial response to Lula's victory, the Bush administration declares it "looks forward to working productively with Brazil." But even before Lula's victory, the U.S. Under-Secretary of the Treasury, Kenneth Dam, stated, "we have a contingency plan" if Brazil declares a moratorium on its international debt. Dam provided no details, but the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the leading financial institution backing the position of Washington, moved to lock the future government of Brazil into an economic straightjacket when it loaned $30 billion to the outgoing government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso in an attempt to prop up the Real. Only $6 billion will actually be spent under Cardoso, while the remainder will be released to the incoming government if it has a budget surplus of 3-and-a-half percent. No government in South America has achieved such a surplus in recent years."

"In Defense Of Black Reparations" - Part II  10/29/02 Black World Today: by Manning Marable, friend of Cuba.

Kerry faces write-in candidate opposing his vote on Iraq force  10/29/02 Boston Globe: "A Cambridge arms control specialist and peace activist is mounting a write-in campaign against Senator John F. Kerry, hoping to register public disapproval for his recent vote authorizing President Bush to use military force against Iraq. Randall C. Forsberg, a Democrat with a doctorate from MIT who serves as director of the Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies, conceded yesterday that she does not have a strong chance of unseating Kerry next week. Instead, she said she hopes that the votes she receives will send an antiwar message."

US weapons secrets exposed  10/29/02 Guardian: "Respected scientists on both sides of the Atlantic warned yesterday that the US is developing a new generation of weapons that undermine and possibly violate international treaties on biological and chemical warfare. The scientists, specialists in bio-warfare and chemical weapons, say the Pentagon, with the help of the British military, is also working on "non-lethal" weapons similar to the narcotic gas used by Russian forces to end last week's siege in Moscow. They also point to the paradox of the US developing such weapons at a time when it is proposing military action against Iraq on the grounds that Saddam Hussein is breaking international treaties. Malcolm Dando, professor of international security at the University of Bradford, and Mark Wheelis, a lecturer in microbiology at the University of California, say that the US is encouraging a breakdown in arms control by its research into biological cluster bombs, anthrax and non-lethal weapons for use against hostile crowds, and by the secrecy under which these programmes are being conducted."

Brazil's first leftist leader pledges help for the poor  10/29/02 Independent, UK: "None the less, his room for manoeuvre is extremely small. Mr da Silva knows he enjoys the tolerance of the right and international financiers only because their policies failed to solve Brazil's profound economic crisis. He was their only alternative. Brazil is the linchpin of Latin America's economy, the region's top destination for Western banks and businesses. To keep their confidence he will face enormous pressure to bend to their will – and risk alienating millions of his own supporters. "The hard part," as Lula put it yesterday, "starts now".

Black Muslim Reflects on Sniper Suspect  10/29/02 Pacific News: "Then I found the Nation of Islam. Here, my anger was channeled. Contrary to some popular misconceptions about the Nation, I was taught not to hate white people, but to use that energy to develop myself and help my people. When I learned that Blacks are just 13 percent of the country but nearly 60 percent of America's inmate population, when I learned that Blacks account for 54 percent of all new cases of AIDS in the United States, when I learned that one-third of Black people live in poverty, receive substandard education, health care, and other public services -- it made me angry. But I learned to channel that rage to work on the problem rather than take my anger out on whites." And then there is the possibility that the sniper suspect suffers from Gulf War Syndrome which has caused a number of veterans to snap and become homicidal.

THE (POSSIBLE) ASSASSINATION OF PAUL WELLSTONE  10/29/02 Ted Rall: "Now some Democrats and progressive Americans are asking the unthinkable about an administration they increasingly believe to be ruled by thugs and renegades. Did government gangsters murder the United States' most liberal legislator?"

Monday  10/28/02

topWas Paul Wellstone Murdered?  10/28/02 Alternet: "When I heard Wellstone's plane went down, I immediately thought of Panamanian General Omar Torrijos, who in 1981 thumbed his nose at the Reagan/Bush administration and threatened to destroy the Panama Canal in the event of a U.S. invasion. Torrijos died shortly thereafter when the instruments in his plane failed to function upon takeoff. Panamanians speculated that the U.S. was involved in the death of the popular dictator, who was replaced by a U.S. intelligence operative, Manuel Noreiga, who previously worked with George Bush Senior." Blowback.

Last Warning to War Hawks - The Anti-War Movement Arrives  10/28/02 Counterpunch: : "Blacks, Latinos, Arabics and Whites; No racist war, No more, No more; Defend our Civil Rights."

Wheels Come Off U.S. War Plans for Iraq  10/28/02 From the Wilderness 

Meet the new Zionists  10/28/02 Guardian: "The members of the Christian Coalition of America are some of the most passionate defenders of Israel in the United States. There's just one catch: they want to convert all Jews to Christianity… In a country where weekly church attendance is about 20 times the level it is in Britain (40% v 2%), the relationship between religion and politics in the US is intense."

Missing Ingredient For Democracy - The Right to Vote  10/28/02 Pacific News: And they talk about bringing their democracy to other countries. No thanks!

US-British strategy on Iraq close to collapse  10/28/02 Times, UK: "Diplomats say that Britain and the United States can count on the support only of Bulgaria, Colombia, Norway and Singapore for its latest proposal. Russia, China, France and Syria do not support the present US-British text. The swing votes are Cameroon, Ireland, Guinea, Mauritius and Mexico. President Bush, attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) summit in Mexico, apparently failed to convince President Fox of Mexico to use his UN vote to back military action. After a tense meeting on Saturday, Señor Fox said: “What we need to accomplish is a resolution that is satisfactory to all the parties there in the United Nations. We are listening and talking and we want to search for and do everything possible for a strong resolution.”

Al Qaeda nukes are reality, intelligence says  10/28/02 Washington Times: "It is, however, a working assumption in security circles now that the terror group does have nuclear capabilities. Al Qaeda's secret nuclear stash is assumed to be somewhere in Afghanistan, although finding it is proving to be as hard as locating Osama bin Laden. The first clue came during Christmas, when low-grade uranium-238 was discovered in tunnels near a former al Qaeda base in Kandahar, Afghanistan… That the retreating fighters from al Qaeda and Afghanistan's Taliban regime chose to leave this behind when they took to the mountains fueled suspicion that their nuclear crown jewels went with them."

World News

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Islaam Homepage

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Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 0.7 to 1.2 billion worldwide and 3 to 6 million in the U.S. About 20% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is in a period of rapid growth.

Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people -- a percentage that has remaind stable for decades. It is expected that, if current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular religion sometime in the mid-21st century.


Death from Americatop

Iraq news: Soaring death rates among Iraqi children, 1999 BBC, UNICEF 500,000 child deaths

Ramsey Clark: Report to UN Security Council re: Iraq, 1/26/2000
1.5 million deaths

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