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    World News
4/8/02 - 4/14/02

Sunday  4/14/02

Chavez reclaims Venezuelan presidency  4/14/02 AP: "Chavez's attorney general, Isaias Rodriguez, told Carmona's ministers they were under arrest pending possible charges. "They must take responsibility. They will be put on trial with all their rights, but they will be put on trial," Cabello said. Some military officials also would be tried for military rebellion, he added."

Arab telethons boost Palestinian cause  4/14/02 BBC: "Rulers and citizens in the Gulf Arab states have donated millions of dollars to the Palestinians in fundraising telethons held around the region. The Saudi organisers of a three-day telethon say they have received donations topping $150m."

Venezuela interim president resigns  4/14/02 BBC 

Chávez reasumió la presidencia  4/14/02 BBC Mundo: una victoria para Venezuela y Cuba, un fracaso por el terrorismo de la EE-UU y la Mas Fea.

Otro presidente en Venezuela  4/14/02 BBC Mundo 

Venezuela: el silencio de la prensa  4/14/02 BBC Mundo 

The CIA and the Venezuela Coup  4/14/02 Counterpunch 

Amplia repercusión mundial por triunfo popular en Venezuela  4/14/02 Granma: "Washington y sus acólitos turbados y erráticos"

Una jornada para la gran historia de este nuevo siglo en América Latina  4/14/02 Granma 

The bloody evidence of the tragedy that is Jenin  4/14/02 Independent, UK 

Washington suffers a major reverse in Latin America  4/14/02 IntelBriefing 

In Pakistan, a Troubling Victory in Hunt for Al Qaeda  4/14/02 NYT: "Finding Mr. Zubaydah in Faisalabad, along with a group of Al Qaeda men who Pakistani police said included men from the Palestinian territories, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen, is the surest indication yet that the possible hide-outs reach far beyond the tribal areas. In Faisalabad, the Qaeda men were captured only four weeks after moving into the rental house. But Pakistani police officials said the breakthrough came when the fugitives made a mistake others may now avoid — making telephone calls from their hide-out, possibly on a satellite phone, that triggered electronic monitoring systems run by American intelligence."

Fracaso la "mano negra" tras el golpe de estado en Venezuela  4/14/02 Prensa Latina, Cuba 

Venezuela: Rumored U.S. Involvement Could Hurt Bush Administration  4/14/02 Stratfor: from a respected US Strategic Forecasting firm - "Human intelligence sources in Venezuela and Washington told STRATFOR April 14 that the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. State Department may have been involved separately in the events that took place in Caracas between April 5 and April 13. If the information is correct, the reinstatement of President Hugo Chavez less than 48 hours after he was toppled by a civilian-military coup could have disastrous implications for the Bush administration's policy in Latin America… Our sources in Venezuela and the United States report that the CIA had knowledge of, and possibly even supported, the ultra-conservative civilians and military officials who tried unsuccessfully to hijack interim President Pedro Carmona Estanga's administration. Sources in Venezuela identified this group as including members of the extremely conservative Catholic Opus Dei society and military officers loyal to retired Gen. Ruben Rojas, who also is a son-in-law of former President Rafael Caldera. Caldera, who governed from 1969 to 1973 and from 1994 to 1998, founded the Christian Democratic Copei party."

Loyal troops rally to ousted Venezuela leader  4/14/02 Telegraph, UK 

Death toll in Tunisia synagogue blast reaches 16  4/14/02 Times of India 

On the front lines of a war on dissent  4/14/02 Toronto Star 

Saturday  4/13/02

topVenezuela's Power Shift Condemned  4/13/02 AP 

McKinney draws fire for Bush remarks  4/13/02 Atlanta Journal Constitution: how much of 9-11 was orchestrated, like the alleged murder of demonstrators outside of Chavez' presidential palace in Caracas? The oil boys tried to pass these off as the work of Chavez when it seems at least 6 of his supporters were killed. Texbook CIA action.

Coup in Venezuela: An Eyewitness Account  4/13/02 Counterpunch: texbook CIA: "As it turns out, and as will probably never be reported by the media, most of the dead are Chavez supporters. Also, as will probably never be told, the snipers were members of an extreme opposition party, known as Bandera Roja."

Warner says Constitution can be a luxury  4/13/02 Gainsville Sun, FL: "When national security is threatened, there are times when the United States cannot afford the luxury of adhering to the Constitution, said Florida Solicitor General Tom Warner Thursday afternoon." Didn't take much to rip off the mask of civility, a little more than a day's worth of Vietnamese casualties during the Viet Nam war…

Coup junta leader flees Caracas governmental palace  4/13/02 Granma 

Mas de 100 000 personas ante el Palacio de Miraflores  4/13/02 Granma 

Miles de personas de los barrios populares se han concentrado en las afueras del Palacio de Miraflores  4/13/02 Granma 

Ministros chavistas sesionan en el Palacio de Miraflores  4/13/02 Granma 

Tomado el Palacio de Miraflores por las fuerzas populares  4/13/02 Granma: popular uprising said to have taken back Miraflores palace in Caracas

Washington: coup d’état accomplice and instigator  4/13/02 Granma 

Secret UK ban on weapons for Israel  4/13/02 Guardian, UK 

President in custody after at least 11 die in Caracas protests  4/13/02 IHT: "Pedro Aristimuno, the secretary of health for metropolitan Caracas, said that 10 people who suffered mortal wounds in the fracas were brought into the Vargas hospital. "What we noticed was that the most serious wounds were in the cranium and cheek," he said in an interview. "They appeared to be shots from above." - these were the snipers from Bandera Roja, an extremist group. Tied to who? CIA? Narcoterrorist Miami Mafia? This is their style.

US returns to bad old ways in Venezuela  4/13/02 IntelBriefing: "Pentagon sources gleefully revealed that the United States provided critical military and intelligence support to the Venezuelan military coup against President Hugo Chavez on Friday 12th April. Under the cover of the COMPTUEX and a Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX) training exercises in the Caribbean the US Navy provided signals intelligence and communications jamming support to the Venezuelan military. Particular focus by US Navy SIGINT vessels was on communications to and from the Cuban, Libyan, Iranian, and Iraqi diplomatic missions in Caracas. All four countries had expressed support for Chavez and the plans for US military and intelligence support for the coup d'etat were brought upto date following President Bush's visit to Peru and El Salvador in March 2002. The National Security Agency (NSA) supported the coup using personnel attached to the US Southern Command's Joint Interagency Task Force East (JIATF-E) in Key West, Florida. NSA's Spanish-language linguists and signals interception operators in Key West; Sabana Seca on Puerto Rico and the Regional Security Operating Centre (RSOC) in Medina, Texas also assisted in providing communications intelligence to US military and national command authorities on the progress of the coup d'etat. From eastern Colombia, CIA and US contract military personnel, ostensibly used for counter-narcotics operations, stood by to provide logistics support for the leading members of the coup. Their activities were centred at the Marandua airfield and along the border with Venezuela." etc etc

5 Months After Sanctions Against Somali Company, Scant Proof of Qaeda Tie  4/13/02 NYT: another in a long list of countries victimized by the biggest terrorists on the planet.


U.S. welcomes change at top in Venezuela, likely return of oil flow  4/13/02 Seattle Post Intelligence: Officials at the White House and the State Department approve of the coup, which they likely had carefully planned, the signature signs are there: "The two officials blamed Chavez -- a fiery former paratrooper -- for the ouster, saying that "undemocratic actions committed or encouraged by the Chavez administration" had "provoked" the military takeover." Provoked by killing demonstrators in a mob attacking the presidential palace - try having a mob in front of the White House these days! Added to which 6 of the 10 dead turned out to have been Chavez supporters, likely killed by Caracas police, whose mayor is a Chavez enemy.

Anti-Chavez Coup Aimed At Controlling OPEC  4/13/02 Tehran Times 

Friday  4/12/02

topWe should do more than donate money to Palestinians  4/12/02 Arab News, Saudi Arabia: fightin' words.

McKinney implies Bush knew of Sept. 11 plot  4/12/02 Atlanta Journal 

Carmona, jefe del nuevo gobierno  4/12/02 BBC Mundo 

Revuelta militar contra Chávez  4/12/02 BBC Mundo 

Businesses counted on Jazz Fest crowd  4/12/02 Cincinnati Enquirer: "The cancellation Tuesday of the nation's biggest rhythm and blues festival will take a financial bite out of Tristate hotels and a host of businesses, big and small. Festival promoter Joe Santangelo called off the three-day music fest because the event had lost Coors as its lead sponsor, ticket sales had declined, and drawing performers during an economic boycott had become an iffy proposition." A similar boycott in Miami in the early 80's cost the city over 3 billion dollars.

Las Fuerzas Armadas se rebelan contra el presidente Hugo Chávez y fuerzan su salida del poder  4/12/02 El Mundo 

Los jefes del Ejército y la Guardia Nacional exigen la renuncia de Chávez  4/12/02 El Pais 

Coup D'Etat In Venezuela Will Let Oil Flow  4/12/02 Forbes: Forbes' pals in Venezuela are the type that call Chavez 'un mico mono,' a long-tailed monkey, a reference to his African heritage.

Rep. McKinney Accuses Bush of Profiting From 9/11  4/12/02 Fox News 

IDF bulldozers buried Jenin dead, Palestinians claim  4/12/02 Haaretz, Israel 

In Ramallah, civilians are still being killed  4/12/02 IHT 

World finally gets glimpse of refugee camp devastation  4/12/02 Independent, UK 

Graves acontecimientos en Venezuela  4/12/02 Juventud Rebelde, Cuba 

Coup d'etat in Venezuela  4/12/02 NarcoNews: good reporting - "Sources close to Chavez say that a number of the deaths were among sympathizers of the president and explained that the metropolitan police had shot against the multitute that surrounded the Miraflores Palace. Among the dead, the driver for Vice President Diosdado Cabello, shot in the face… In addition, the analyst said that there is a plot similar to that which defeated Salvador Allende in Chile and it was activated when, a few days ago, the new US Ambassador to Venezuela, by the name of Shapiro, took office. According to Gomez Gomez, he was "involved in the dirty war of Central America."

Día de acontecimientos en Venezuela cambia historia del país  4/12/02 Prensa Latina, Cuba 


Evangelicals and Israel: Theological Roots of a Political Alliance  4/12/02 Religion Online 

US Blames Chavez for Own Ouster, Urges Elections  4/12/02 Reuters 

Venezuelan Generals Backing Interim President are SOA Grads  4/12/02 School of Americas Watch 

Police tear gas protesters in Venezuela  4/12/02 Times of India 

Twelve killed in Venezuelan street protests  4/12/02 Times, UK: other reports had right wing police firing at Chavez' supporters, killing among others the driver for the VP. But you won't hear about thiat in this Murdoch paper.

Calls begin for war crimes trial for Israelis  4/12/02 Washington Times: The Rev Moon's paper weighs in…

Television Stations Play Fundamental Role in Anti-Chávez Coup  4/12/02 Zmag 

Thursday  4/11/02

topVenezuela Army Gen. Orders Rebellion  4/11/02 ABC News: like the coup in Chile, the oil boys to the fore: "The violence erupted in the South American country of 24 million on the third day of a general strike called to support oil executives who want Chavez to sack new management at the state oil monopoly Petroleos de Venezuela, or PDVSA. The executives are conducting a work slowdown that has seriously cut production and exports in Venezuela, the No. 3 oil supplier to the United States and the No. 4 oil exporter in the world."

Summary Executions in Jenin  4/11/02 Kommando Moskau at work

General Strike Extended in Venezuela  4/11/02 AP 

Venezuela Labor Extends Oil Strike  4/11/02 AP 

Blast at Tunisian synagogue kills five  4/11/02 BBC 

Russian troops refuse combat  4/11/02 Boston Globe 

Quiet descends on a demolished Nablus casbah  4/11/02 IHT 

Red-Heifer Days  4/11/02 National Review: fundamentalist christian fantasies…

Venezuela/Force Majeure : Gasoline supply woes continue  4/11/02 Petroleum World 

Powell's mission snubbed by Israel  4/11/02 Times, UK 

Potential oil crisis closer to home  4/11/02 Washington Times: precursor to coup, makes you wonder when the oil boys will knock over an EU member, many of whose policies are not that different from those described in this vicious article printed in the Reverend Moon's paper - "As the United States and the rest of the world focus on the problems facing the Middle East, it should be noted that many within Venezuela and South America equate Hugo Chavez with Yasser Arafat and the Taliban. They do this in the strong belief that, like Mr. Arafat, Mr. Chavez exports terrorism. In his case, to neighboring Colombia and elsewhere as he seeks to foster his own twisted vision for the region. Over the course of the last year, Mr. Chavez has become a huge thorn in the side of our State Department. He has cultivated personal friendships with the dictators who rule the rogue nations of Cuba, Iraq and Libya, while openly taunting the United States."

Wednesday  4/10/02

top'They are Nazis, Nazis, Nazis'  4/10/02 Al Ahram 

New Twist - Anti-Semitism May Inspire Jewish Exodus To Israel  4/10/02 Black World Today 

U.N. Official Decries Israeli Troops' Conduct  4/10/02 Black World Today 

Strike touches off violence in Venezuela  4/10/02 Houston Chronicle: coup precursor

In Germany, harsh words for Israel  4/10/02 IHT: another taboo gone.

Sharon insults America  4/10/02 IHT: According to the International Herald Tribune, co-published by US press behemoths New York Times and Washington Post, when you don't follow el supremo's orders, it's an insult! - "Bush has expressed sympathy with Israel's plight and made clear that its security and well-being are of the highest concern. He has sent his secretary of state to the region to try to end the bloodshed. Yet Sharon says he will remove the tanks and troops whenever it suits him. This is an insult to Bush and the United States."

Thorn in the side of new world order  4/10/02 Iriahs Times: On the top ten list of reasons why Chavez had to go: "Chávez has characterised the US bombardment of Afghanistan as responding to "terror with terror". He brandished photographs of Afghan children killed by US bombs and called for an end to "the slaughter of the innocents". The US response to this impertinence was to send its ambassador, Donna Hrinak, to see Chávez. They had what a US official said (according to the Washington Post of February 23rd) "a very difficult meeting". She told the democratically elected president (again according to the Washington Post) "to keep his mouth shut on these important issues".

Freed Palestinians Tell of Roundup in Grim Detail  4/10/02 NYT 

Pagina de Sodepaz sobre Palestina  4/10/02 Sodepaz: Sodepaz is a Spanish based Cuba solidarity organization.

Bloodbath kept from the eyes of the world  4/10/02 Times, UK 

Will corruption and injustice gain a stranglehold over Venezuela's misery again?  4/10/02 Vheadline 

Chavez Vows to Fight Oil Strike  4/10/02 Wired 

A suicide bomber blows up Israeli bus during rush hour traffic near the northern city of Haifa  4/10/02 Yahoo: reports say that suicide bomber recruits have doubled or tripled.

Tuesday  4/9/02

topUS soldier killed in Afghan attack  4/9/02 BBC: ongoing pattern of casualties.

Israelis and Indians  4/9/02 Counterpunch: interesting analysis: "It is necessary to put the question more sharply to exclude weasely answers. The Indians sometimes murdered innocent civilians, including children. These acts were right, wrong, or morally indifferent. Which were they? I can't see that they were morally indifferent, can you? Were they wrong? If so, they must have been awfully wrong, because they involved murdering children. Is that what we want to say? I suggest not. I suggest the acts were terrible, cruel, and ultimately justified. My reasons are familiar to everyone. The Indians' very existence as a people was threatened. More than threatened; their society was doomed without resistance. They had no alternative. Moreover, every single white person, down to the children, was an enemy, a being which, allowed to live, would contribute to the destruction of the Indians' collective existence. The Indians had no chance of defeating the whites by conventional military means. So their only resort was to hit soft targets and do the maximum damage. That wasn't just the right thing to do from their point of view. It was the right thing to do, period, because the whites had no business whatever coming thousands of miles to destroy the Indian people."

Witnesses tell how elderly were used as human shields for tank forces  4/9/02 Independent, UK: shades of the Warsaw Ghetto

New NRP leader Eitam seeks Palestinian expulsion  4/9/02 Jerusalem Post: "Tugging his beard or adjusting his skull cap, Effie Eitam, an ultranationalist slated to join Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Cabinet, speaks unabashedly of his controversial dream: One day the more than three million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip will move to Jordan."

Israel: A power that outstrips even U.S. in region  4/9/02 NJ Star Ledger: "Israel can field 19 divisions of ground troops, by some counts; the United States boasts 13 divisions worldwide and would need weeks to move any significant military force into the region. Israel's air force, which flies souped-up U.S. F-15 and F-16 fighters, can generate nearly 3,000 sorties, or combat missions, per day. The United States can sustain about 1,600 sorties a day. That kind of combat punch has given Israel unprecedented freedom of action, not just against lightly armed Palestinian street fighters, but against its traditional enemies of Syria and Egypt as well."


Bush pullout demands make him target of Israeli ire  4/9/02 Reuters 

Procession of lame leaves the dead in Nablus  4/9/02 Times, UK 

The Christian Right, the Rapture, and one former Christian broadcaster  4/9/02 Unknown News: Cheryl's Daily Diatribe: viva Cheryl!

Monday  4/8/02

topUN agency urges Israel to end horror in camps  4/8/02 Arab News, Saudi Arabia 

"My conclusion is that your 'raza' is genetic garbage"  4/8/02 Aztlan: musings worthy of Dr. Goebbels: "Do you want to know why the Jews, 2% of California's population (as you say), have disproportionate influence in certain fields? It's because the Jews, that 2%, has more combined intelligence than the other 98%, especially that portion of the 98% comprised of your degenerate "raza." You could stack the entire state government, Board of Education, etc.... with your kind, but even then, you can guarantee that the Jews (and some Asians as well) will still outperform and out-achieve you because they have an average genetic IQ that is 45 points higher than that of your people."

Israeli forces fire missiles into Jenin camp  4/8/02 CNN 

Anthrax and the Agency - Thinking the Unthinkable  4/8/02 Counterpunch 

Breaking a cultural taboo, war widows join the anti-war protest  4/8/02 Haaretz, Israel 

Erradicating the memory of an entire people - The Palestinians accuse Jerusalem of destroying the institutions of the Palestinian Authority  4/8/02 Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany: The Israelis systematically destroy the Education Administration of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, as reported in a German newspaper (translated into English by Unknown News): "During their search, the soldiers confiscated all CDs, many computers and servers, including the main server for the department, as well as most of the paper files. They blew open two safes and confiscated all the cash and documents contained within. " You can't imagine the immensity of the destruction," said the Palestinian official. According to his account, the soldiers also used his co-workers as "human shields" . During the nine hours the officials were neither allowed to drink or use the toilet. The Education Administration in Ramallah is responsible for about 800,000 students and 40,000 teachers. Without the files and archives that were confiscated by the Israelis, it will be impossible to continue to run and organize the educational system, said the inspector."

Policeman stabbed during massive Jewish demo in Paris  4/8/02 Yahoo 

World News

"There is one safeguard known generally to the wise, which is an advantage and security to all, but especially to Democracies as against despots: suspicion." -- Demosthenes


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Islam Question & Answer - Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Islaam Homepage

Islamic Assembly of North America [IANA on LINE]

Jam'iat Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah Homepage

Nida'ul Islam/ The Call of Islam Magazine Online

Words Written in Blood. Arabic book collection of Shaheed Sheikh

Abdullah Azzam [ARABIC]

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Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 0.7 to 1.2 billion worldwide and 3 to 6 million in the U.S. About 20% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is in a period of rapid growth.

Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people -- a percentage that has remaind stable for decades. It is expected that, if current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular religion sometime in the mid-21st century.


Death from America

Iraq news: Soaring death rates among Iraqi children, 1999 BBC, UNICEF 500,000 child deaths

Ramsey Clark: Report to UN Security Council re: Iraq, 1/26/2000
1.5 million deaths

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