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9/16/07 - 10/31/2007

Wednesday  10/31/2007

topA Bank of Their Own: Latin America Casting off Washington's Shackles  10/31/2007 Alternet: "But the reality is that Chavez (most flamboyantly) and his Andean colleagues are just saying out loud what everyone else believes. So official Washington, and most of the media, has been somewhat surprised by the rapid consolidation of a new "Bank of the South" proposed by Chavez just last year as an alternative to the Washington-dominated International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank. The media have been reluctant to take the new bank seriously, and some continue to call the institution, pejoratively, "Chavez's bank." But it has been joined by Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay and Paraguay. And just two weeks ago, Colombia, one of the Bush administration's few remaining allies in the region and the third-largest recipient of U.S. aid (after Israel and Egypt), announced that it wanted in. Et tu, Uribe?"

One Lavalas official freed in Haiti, second remains missing  10/31/2007 HIP: "An official with ousted president Jean Bertrand Aristide's Lavalas political movement was released this morning after being held for three days by unknown captors. Dr. Maryse Narcisse was taken at gunpoint on Saturday from in front of her home and was the second high-profile figure of the Lavalas movement abducted in the past three months. Mr. Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine was last seen on the evening of August 12 after meeting with a US human rights delegation visiting Haiti. He was abducted following his announcement of his intention to file as a Lavalas candidate in the next round of parliamentary elections in Haiti. He has not been heard from since."

Dominican Republic: Gov’t Turns Deaf Ear to UN Experts on Racism  10/31/2007 IPS: "Diène and McDougall confirmed the existence of arbitrary policies and practices, which are sometimes applied retroactively. For instance, "young people who were born in the Dominican Republic of Haitian parents spoke of their concerns regarding their ability to attend university since they are unable to obtain the required cedula (identity card)," they said. A circular put out in March by the office of the civil registrar instructed officials to closely examine birth certificates when issuing copies, or any document relevant to civil status, in case they were issued irregularly in the past to people with foreign parents who have not proved their legal residency or status in the Dominican Republic. This has led to low level functionaries questioning or confiscating documents belonging to people of Haitian descent, the U.N. experts found. In August, the founder and leader of the Dominican-Haitian Women’s Movement (MUDHA), Sonia Pierre, accused the civil registry offices of demanding that Dominicans of Haitian descent present their parents’ documents in order to issue birth certificates. And in fact the FNP asked registry officials to revoke Pierre’s Dominican citizenship, on the pretext that her parents had not been legal residents when she obtained it, in 1963. Pierre’s parents came to the Dominican Republic in 1954 to work on the sugarcane plantations."

52% of Americans support military strike against Iran  10/31/2007 Yomiuri: "The poll found 53 percent of Americans believe it is likely the United States will be involved in a military strike against Iran before the November 2008 presidential election. The nationwide telephone survey, conducted by polling firm Zogby International, found 52 percent of U.S. adults interviewed would support such a strike."

Monday  10/29/2007

topFBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Will Now Tell All - and Face Charges if Necessary - to Any Major Television Network That Will Let Her  10/29/2007 Brad Blog: "Information omitted and covered-up regarding documented and confirmed case of a long-term FBI Informant & Asset who provided the FBI with specific information and warnings in April & June 2001 regarding 9/11 terrorist attacks. Information omitted & covered up regarding documented information in the procession of the FBI in July 2001 regarding blue prints and building composite information of Sky Scrapers being sent to certain groups in the Middle East by certain Middle-Eastern suspects in the State of Nevada. Information omitted & covered up regarding arrangements made between the State Department and certain countries to deport certain Middle-Eastern and Central Asian detainees from jails in New Jersey & New York off the record and without having them interrogated in November 2001. (Documents related to these suspects were forged at the FBI). Information omitted & covered up regarding nuclear related information illegally obtained by certain foreign entities and US persons (government officials) from several US labs being sold to a certain Middle-Eastern group in the United States in 1998-2000. The operation involved individuals with Diplomatic cover, foreign Ph.D. students, and US employees. Information omitted & covered up regarding money laundering & narcotics operations, some of which involved entities from the Middle East and the Balkans, in several US cities. Information omitted & covered up regarding certain Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI)-related activities linked to the 9/11 attacks between August & October 2001. Certain terrorist related Counterintelligence/FISA information & investigations were prevented from being transferred to counterterrorism & criminal division by the Department of State and the Pentagon; "preserving sensitive diplomatic relations" and "protecting certain US foreign business relations (mainly involving weapons procurement)" were cited as reasons. Intentional mistranslation & blocking of foreign language intelligence of FBI counterterrorism and counterintelligence investigations."

Geopolitics of Drugs: Narcoavión de Guantánamo  10/29/2007 Chicago Public Radio: excellent compilation of information about the narcoavion that crashed in mexico laden with cocaine and fresh from Guantanamo Naval Base.

Iran navy in suicide attack pledge  10/29/2007 CNN 

Haiti: Abduction of Leaders of Largest Political Party Raise Fears  10/29/2007 Global Research: "An official with ousted president Jean Bertrand Aristide's Lavalas political movement was abducted at gunpoint Saturday, October 27, 2007. Dr. Maryse Narcisse acted as spokesperson for exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and belongs to the five-member Executive Committee for Fanmi Lavalas. She was taken at gunpoint in front of her home in the area of Petion-Ville in Haiti's capital early Saturday evening. Narcisse is the second high-profile figure of the Lavalas movement abducted in the past three months. Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine was last seen on the evening of Sunday, August 12, 2007 after meeting with a US human rights delegation visiting Haiti. He has not been heard from since. Mr. Pierre-Antoine was abducted shortly after he had announced his intention to file as a Lavalas candidate for the next round of parliamentary elections in Haiti."

Iraqi Kurdish leader defies Turkish invasion threat  10/29/2007 Independent: "Mr Barzani said Turkey's attempt to solve its Kurdish problem by military means alone had not worked in the past 23 years and would not work now. It was in 1984 that the PKK took up arms, seeking independence or autonomy from theTurkish state that refused to admit that it had a Kurdish minority of 15 million. Mr Barzani also said that he was increasingly convinced that the Turkish objective was not the PKK but Iraqi Kurdistan, which has achieved near-independence since 2003. He said he was convinced Turkey's claim that its target was the PKK "is only an excuse and the target is the Kurdistan region itself". When the KRG put its peshmerga (soldiers) on the border with Turkey to control the areas where the PKK has sought refuge, Turkish artillery had shelled them, he said. Mr Barzani appears to believe there is no concession he could offer to Turkey which would defuse the crisis because he himself and the KRG are the true target of Ankara."

Band on the run in New Orleans  10/29/2007 Salon: "On the evening of Oct. 1, some two dozen of New Orleans' top brass-band players and roughly a hundred followers began a series of nightly processions for Kerwin James, a tuba player with the New Birth Brass Band who had passed away on Sept. 26. They were "bringing him down," as it's called, until his Saturday burial. But the bittersweet tradition that Monday night ended more bitterly than anything else -- with snare drummer Derrick Tabb and his brother, trombonist Glen David Andrews, led away in handcuffs after some 20 police cars had arrived near the corner of North Robertson and St. Philip streets in New Orleans' historic Tremé neighborhood. In the end, it looked more like the scene of a murder than misdemeanors. "The police told us, 'If we hear one more note, we'll arrest the whole band,'" said Tabb a few days later, at a fundraiser to help defray the costs of James' burial. "Well, we did stop playing," said Andrews. "We were singing, lifting our voices to God. You gonna tell me that's wrong too?" Drummer Ellis Joseph of the Free Agents Brass band, who was also in the procession, said, "They came in a swarm, like we had AK-47s. But we only had instruments." "

Secret move to upgrade air base for Iran attack plans  10/29/2007 The Herald, UK: "The US is secretly upgrading special stealth bomber hangars on the British island protectorate of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean in preparation for strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities, according to military sources. The improvement of the B1 Spirit jet infrastructure coincides with an "urgent operational need" request for £44m to fit racks to the long-range aircraft. That would allow them to carry experimental 15-ton Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) bombs designed to smash underground bunkers buried as much as 200ft beneath the surface through reinforced concrete."

Ganaron la izquierda y los liberales  10/29/2007 Vanguardia: "Con una alcaldía quedaron el Partido Verde Opción Centro, que conquistó la alcaldía de San José del Guaviare; el Movimiento Alas Equipo Colombia, que salió victorioso para dirigir la ciudad de Arauca, y el Movimiento Nacional Afrocolombiano “Afro”, obtuvo la alcaldía de Florencia."

Sunday  10/28/2007

topIran steps up preparations for US war  10/28/2007 Telegraph, UK: "Western diplomats have also been alarmed by the appointment of General Mohammad Ali Jafari, who took part in the storming of the US Embassy in Teheran in 1979, as head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, one of the most powerful institutions in Iran. A Pentagon adviser compared him to the US general in charge of forces in Iraq. "He is the Iranian Petraeus. He has studied counter-insurgency warfare." CIA and Pentagon analysts are fearful that Gen Jafari's views are reflected among the other senior appointments made by Mr Ahmadinejad. He has declared his wish to identify "martyrdom-seeking individuals in society" and warned: "Each of our suicide volunteers equals a nuclear bomb.""

Venezuela Increasingly A Conduit For Cocaine  10/28/2007 WaPo: "Now, however, the volume of cocaine trafficked through Venezuela has risen sharply. Shipments have increased significantly, with suspected northbound drug flights out of the country increasing threefold from 2003 to 2006, according to American radar tracking. Counter-drug officials say up to 220 tons of cocaine -- a third of what Colombia produces -- now pass through Venezuela, double the figure in the 1990s. Most of it is bound for the United States and burgeoning markets in Spain, Britain and Italy. The traffickers have operated with illegally obtained Venezuelan identification cards from agencies as varied as the National Guard, the DISIP intelligence agency and even the economy ministry, all while living in some of the finest neighborhoods in the Venezuelan capital, according to authorities in Bogota, the Colombian capital, and in Caracas. The trend has led to spiraling turf wars among drug gangs in Caracas slums and has directly challenged the government's ability to rein in corruption. "The problem of drugs has gotten out of the hands of Venezuela," said Mildred Camero, a former drug czar in President Hugo Ch¿vez's government and now a consultant on narcotics to the United Nations, the United States and private industry. "Now the situation in Venezuela is grave, grave, grave," Camero added. "At some moment, we're going to collapse." In an interview, Venezuelan Attorney General Isa¿as Rodr¿guez characterized the corruption as isolated and said the government has made fighting the drug trade a priority. But he acknowledged the problem and said traffickers have corrupted some Venezuelan officials while working hand in hand with others. "In the DISIP, which is the intelligence police, and undoubtedly in some sectors of the National Guard, there is complacency or participation in drug trafficking," Rodr¿guez said. "And not just them, but civil officials at airports.""

Saturday  10/27/2007

top'War on terror' is now war on Iran  10/27/2007 Asia Times: "Even well-positioned Iranians cannot clearly distinguish who is manipulating whom in the wide net involving the Supreme Leader, the IRGC, the fervent bassiji masses and business and national security interests. By branding the IRGC as terrorist, Washington has in fact declared war on the Iranian power elite. One can imagine what would happen if any developing country branded the US industrial-military complex as "terrorists" - and any number of countries would have plenty of reasons to do so. By stretching its "war on terror" logic to actually naming names, the Bush administration has boxed itself into no other option than regime change in Iran."

Something to consider before attacking  10/27/2007 Daily Star, Lebanon: "This is what ordinary Arabs, Iranians and other Middle Easterners see when they hear about American plans possibly to attack Iran. This is not because people in the Middle East have fertile imaginations, but rather because this is the actual history that they have experienced for the past century at the hands of once colonial masters who have now turned into post-colonial and neo-colonial nightmares. They see America's "global war on terror" as a frightening renewal and continuation of foreign threats and predatory intrusions at the hands of powerful Western armies and political demagogues."

Friday  10/26/2007

topPentagon reels from second major nuclear arms blunder in a month  10/26/2007 Daily Mail: "The latest outrage came as Commander Michael Portland, the officer in charge of the USS Hampton, the most advanced nuclear attack submarine in the world, was fired after it was discovered that he had neglected to make basic daily safety checks."

White House Leak: Cheney's Plan for Iran Attack Starts With Israeli Missile Strike  10/26/2007 Der Spiegel 

Tuesday  10/23/2007

topThe Future of Cities: How Sprawl and Racism are Intertwined  10/23/2007 Alternet 

Jesus Chucho Garcia  10/23/2007 MySpace: "Jesus Chucho Garcia. San jose de Barlovento (15-04-1954). Investigador sobre Africa y su diaspora.Escritor (22 libros).Productor musical (12 discos).Coordinador General de la fundacion Afroamerica y miembro de la red de organizaciones afrovenezolanas. Militante de la esperanza por un mundo mejor."

Mohawk Warriors Unite with Zapatistas at Encuentro - "We All Have to Get Together to Fight Colonialism”  10/23/2007 NarcoNews 

Haiti: The Kidnapping of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide  10/23/2007 The Dominion: [scroll down the Dominion's page for text] "A key piece of evidence presented in the book is the statement Robinson took from Aristide's helicopter pilot, Frantz Gabriel, in 2005. Other than President Aristide, his wife, and Haitian security personnel at the President's home, Gabriel was the only eyewitness to Aristide's abduction on the morning of February 29th, 2004. Canada's ambassador to Haiti, Claude Boucher, has stated publicly that there was no coup d'état in Haiti and that the Haitian President left of his own accord. Colin Powell, who was US Secretary of State at the time of Aristide's removal, has made similar denials. According to the CBC, Powell called "allegations of a coup d'etat and kidnapping 'baseless and absurd,' saying Aristide asked for American assistance to leave Haiti." "He came back to us and said it was his decision, based on what the security people were also telling him about the deteriorating situation, that he should leave," Powell told the press." [Article contains extensive testimony from the pilot. To obtain a copy of Haiti, From Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President see]

Saturday  10/20/2007

topThe FBI's War on Black Liberation - COINTELPRO and the Panthers  10/20/2007 Counterpunch 

Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Releases a Joint Statement on the Massacre of Six Colombian Miners  10/20/2007 Earth Times 

The Secret History of the Impending War with Iran That the White House Doesn't Want You to Know  10/20/2007 Esquire: "Months before September 11, Mann had been negotiating with the Iranian diplomat at the UN. After the attacks, the meetings continued, sometimes alone and sometimes with their Russian counterpart sitting in. Soon they traded the conference room for the Delegates' Lounge, an airy two-story bar with ashtrays for all the foreigners who were used to smoking indoors. One day, up on the second floor where the windows overlooked the East River, the diplomat told her that Iran was ready to cooperate unconditionally, a phrase that had seismic diplomatic implications. Unconditional talks are what the U.S. had been demanding as a precondition to any official diplomatic contact between the U.S. and Iran. And it would be the first chance since the Islamic revolution for any kind of rapprochement. "It was revolutionary," Mann says. "It could have changed the world." A few weeks later, after signing on to Condoleezza Rice's staff as the new Iran expert in the National Security Council, Mann flew to Europe with Ryan Crocker -- then a deputy assistant secretary of state -- to hold talks with a team of Iranian diplomats. Meeting in a light-filled conference room at the old UN building in Geneva, they hammered out plans for Iranian help in the war against the Taliban. The Iranians agreed to provide assistance if any American was shot down near their territory, agreed to let the U.S. send food in through their border, and even agreed to restrain some "really bad Afghanis," like a rabidly anti-American warlord named Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, quietly putting him under house arrest in Tehran. These were significant concessions. At the same time, special envoy James Dobbins was having very public and warm discussions in Bonn with the Iranian deputy foreign minister as they worked together to set up a new government for Afghanistan. And the Iranians seemed eager to help in more tactical ways as well. They had intimate knowledge of Taliban strategic capabilities and they wanted to share it with the Americans. One day during the U.S. bombing campaign, Mann and her Iranian counterparts were sitting around the wooden conference table speculating about the future Afghani constitution. Suddenly the Iranian who knew so much about intelligence matters started pounding on the table. "Enough of that!" he shouted, unfurling a map of Afghanistan. Here was a place the Americans needed to bomb. And here, and here, he angrily jabbed his finger at the map. Leverett spent those days in his office at the State Department building, watching the revolution in the Middle East and coming up with plans on how to capture the lightning. Suddenly countries like Syria and Libya and Sudan and Iran were coming forward with offers of help, which raised a vital question -- should they stay on the same enemies list as North Korea and Iraq, or could there be a new slot for "friendly" sponsors of terror? As a CIA analyst, Leverett had come to the view that Middle Eastern terrorism was more tactical than religious. Syria wanted the Golan Heights back and didn't have the military strength to put up a serious fight against Israel, so it relied on "asymmetrical methods." Accepting this idea meant that nations like Syria weren't locked in a fanatic mind-set, that they could evolve to use new methods, so Leverett told Powell to seize the moment and draw up a "road map" to peace for the problem countries of the Middle East -- expel your terrorist groups and stop trying to develop weapons of mass destruction, and we will take you off the sponsors-of-terrorism list and start a new era of cooperation."

Friday  10/19/2007

topAfroLatinos at TransAfrica Washington  10/19/2007 TransAfrica: "Keepers of the culture from Colombia and Venezuela were in Washington last Thursday to talk about the current conditions of African descendants living in the two South American countries. “Language has separated us,” said Marino Cordoba of Colombia to the mostly AngloAfrican (Englishspeaking Black) crowd at the K Street, NW offices of TransAfrica, the leading African American lobbying group for the African diaspora. “We need to learn each others language,” he continued. Cordoba also called for the support of U.S. House Resolution 618, sponsored by Congressional Black Caucus member Donald Payne (DNJ). The resolution calls for the Colombian government to do more to end the discrimination, marginalization and violence against Colombians of African descent. Cordoba, who had to flee his birth country after being threatened by the paramilitary, now works for a Latino advocacy group in suburban Washington. Joining Cordoba were Jesus Garcia, the editor of the journal Africamerica, and Geronimo SanchezGarcia, a faculty member of the Instituto niversitaro de Barlovento, one of the few historically Black institutions in Latin America. The later two are from Venezuela, whose President recently made an historic announcement that indicated the historic debt Venezuelan society owes the descendants of enslaved Africans. Unlike the American constitution that defined Africans as 3/5 of a human being (in ancient Egyptian logic five represented a whole human), many Latin countries never legally defined race. Therefore Garcia sees this as an “advance,” and, ironically, is seeking constitutional recognition of AfricanVenezuelans."

Thursday  10/18/2007

topAcademic Freedom is at Risk in America  10/18/2007 Counterpunch: "Over the past few years, Israel's U.S. defenders have stepped up their campaign by establishing a network of institutions (such as Campus Watch, Stand With Us, the David Project, the Israel on Campus Coalition, and the disingenuously named Scholars for Peace in the Middle East) dedicated to the task of monitoring our campuses and bringing pressure to bear on those critical of Israeli policies. By orchestrating letter-writing and petitioning campaigns, falsely raising fears of anti-Semitism, mobilizing often grossly distorted media coverage and recruiting local and national politicians to their cause, they have severely disrupted academic processes, the free function of which once made American universities the envy of the world. Outside interference by Israel's supporters has plunged one U.S. campus after another into crisis. They have introduced crudely political -- rather than strictly academic or scholarly -- criteria into hiring, promotion and other decisions at a number of universities, including Columbia, Yale, Wayne State, Barnard and DePaul, which recently denied tenure to the Jewish American scholar Norman Finkelstein following an especially ugly campaign spearheaded by Alan Dershowitz, one of Israel's most ardent American defenders."

6 killed by machete in Colombia gold mine massacre  10/18/2007 Reuters: "The murders of the six displaced Afro-Colombians came the same week as Colombia's Constitutional Court sat in special hearing to review measures taken by the government to protect Afro-Colombian communities from forced displacement. The court had found last year they were "persistent gaps" in specific attention, both in prevention and assistance."

Randall Robinson on Haiti's Tortured Past, Troubling Present  10/18/2007 WaPo: "In his latest work, Robinson offers a passionate retelling of the history of Haiti and the circumstances surrounding the rise and fall of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Using history, eyewitness accounts and his own role as a monitor for parliamentary elections, Robinson has created a worthy account, in his trademark incensed style, of how American and European policies have harmed, rather than helped, Haiti… Haiti's successful slave revolt will always be an affront to Western countries, he believes, but should be an inspiration to Africans and African Americans. "Haitians have a culture that slaves once bled to defend. . . . For this, Haitians are reviled by a white world that the rest of us broken souls have long since succumbed to imitate," he writes. But Robinson is most appalled at the way Aristide and his wife (he resigned from the priesthood in 1994) were removed from the country in 2004. By far the most gripping and enlightening sections of the book are ones in which Robinson, relying on interviews with Aristide's helicopter pilot, Frantz Gabriel, describes how U.S. troops whisked Aristide out of the country. Gabriel arrived at the president's house at 3:30 a.m. on Feb. 29, after getting a call from security guard who sensed that something strange was happening and told him to come. When he got there, he found the president alone, but soon U.S. officials pulled into the driveway. One walked into the living room and told Aristide, "I'm the one that has to announce to you that you've got to go." The Aristides were driven to the airport in a convoy of 10 white Suburbans; they boarded a plane and, after some uncertainty as to where they would be taken, were flown to the Central African Republic. Robinson spoke to Aristide nearly daily after the forced exit and traveled to Africa along with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) to find out what had happened." To obtain a copy of Haiti, From Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President see

Wednesday  10/17/2007

topFury at DNA pioneer's theory: Africans are less intelligent than Westerners  10/17/2007 Independent 

Tuesday  10/16/2007

topIndigenous Woman from British Columbia: “They’ve Relegated Us to Authentic Concentration Camps”  10/16/2007 NarcoNews 

Monday  10/15/2007

topAbizaid: ‘We’ve Treated The Arab World As A Collection Of Big Gas Stations’  10/15/2007 Think Progress: "Gen. John Abizaid (Ret.), the former CENTCOM Commander, said that “of course” the Iraq war is “about oil“: “Of course it’s about oil, we can’t really deny that,” Abizaid said of the Iraq campaign early on in the talk. “We’ve treated the Arab world as a collection of big gas stations,” the retired general said. “Our message to them is: Guys, keep your pumps open, prices low, be nice to the Israelis and you can do whatever you want out back. Osama and 9/11 is the distilled essence that represents everything going on out back.”"

Sunday  10/14/2007

topLook for early signs of genocide, say experts at meet  10/14/2007 AFP: "MONTREAL • Diplomats and human rights experts said Friday that genocide is preventable if the international community responded to early warning signs and warring parties redefined their political interests. But panelists meeting at a three-day global conference in Montreal said by the time genocide is under way, there is little the United Nations can do to stem the bloodshed."

Sun sets early on the American Century  10/14/2007 Toronto Star: "Most public critiques from within the institutions of state focus on the way the war and occupation have been mismanaged rather than the more fundamental issue of the invasion itself. Yet discord is wide and deep: Government departments are trading blame, accusing each other of the "loss of Iraq." In private, former senior officials express incandescent anger, denounce shadowy cabals and have deep contempt for the White House. A former official of the National Security Council compared the president and his staff to the Corleone mafia family in The Godfather. A senior foreign policy expert said: "Due to an incompetent, arrogant and corrupt clique we are about to lose our hegemonic position in the Middle East and Gulf." "The White House has broken the army and trampled its honour," added a Republican senator and former Vietnam veteran. None of these, nor any of the other institutional critics, could be considered doves: Whatever their political affiliations (mostly Republican) or personal beliefs, they were – and some are still – guardians of U.S. power, managers of the national security state, and sometimes central actors in covert and overt imperial interventions in the Third World during the Cold War and post-Cold War. As a social group, these realists cannot be distinguished from the object of their criticism in terms of their willingness to use force or their historically demonstrated ruthlessness in achieving state aims. Nor can the cause of their dissent be attributed to conflicting convictions over ethics, norms and values (though this may be a motivating factor for some). It lies rather in the rational realization that the war in Iraq has nearly "broken the U.S. Army," weakened the national security state, and severely, if not irreparably, undermined "America's global legitimacy" – its ability to shape world preferences and set the global agenda. The most sophisticated expressions of dissent, such as Brzezinski's, reflect the understanding that power is not reducible to the ability to coerce, and that, once lost, hegemonic legitimacy is hard to restore."

Saturday  10/13/2007

topLoren Stoddard and the Poppies of Afghanistan - The Flat Drug World  10/13/2007 Counterpunch 

Friday  10/12/2007

topBoot Camp Death Verdict Sparks Outrage - All-White Jury Delivers 'Not Guilty' Verdict in Beating Death of Black Teen  10/12/2007 ABC 

Marashlian's testimony to the House of Representatives about the Armenian Genocide  10/12/2007 "Not doing what is right, on the other hand, is tantamount to rejecting mountains of documents in our National Archives, testimonies that refute the denial arguments generated in Ankara and, most disturbingly, promoted in prestigious academic circles here in America."

USA Recognizes the Armenian Genocide - Genocide Commemorated During Capitol Hill Reception  10/12/2007 "Simpson added, "non-Armenian Americans have a lot to learn from Armenians in terms of its success in organizing, in speaking to Congress, and in getting their message across; and also in standing up to an organized campaign of revisionism, of organized forgetting, of organized distortion of what took place during World War I that is being bankrolled by the Turkish government, at least in part with the cooperation of multinational companies that do business in Turkey... it is an important example to other communities who are facing some of the same types of problems from other parts of the world." "

Armenian Genocide Debate Goes On the Web  10/12/2007 Hartford Web Publishing: details Armenian genocide revisionism at leading US universities (U Penn, Princeton). A possible model for Cuba 1912 revisionism?

Les étranges accusations d'un cybercorbeau  10/12/2007 Le Figaro: "La PJ enquête sur un courriel envoyé durant la présidentielle à cent hauts responsables de la police. Il affirmait que Sarkozy, comme Balkany, Lellouche, Devedjian et Aeschlimann, étaient liés au Mossad."

"Young Turks" excerpted from the book The Splendid Blond Beast  10/12/2007 Third World Traveler: "Dulles supported Bristol's initiatives. "Confidentially the State Department is in a bind. Our task would be simple if the reports of the atrocities could be declared untrue or even exaggerated but the evidence, alas, is irrefutable," Dulles wrote in reply to Bristol's requests for State Department intervention with U.S. publishers to shift the tone of news reports still dribbling out of Turkey and Armenia. ' [T]he Secretary of State wants to avoid giving the impression that while the United States is willing to intervene actively to protect its commercial interests, it is not willing to move on behalf of the Christian minorities." Dulles went on to complain about the agitation in the U.S. on behalf of Armenians, Greeks, and Palestinian Jews. "I've been kept busy trying to ward off congressional resolutions of sympathy for these groups." ...The new Turkish leader Kemal agreed to relinquish all claims on the territories of the old Ottoman Empire outside Turkish borders, thus formally opening the door to the Anglo-American control of Middle East oil that was to continue with minimal change for the next fifty years. This was not a simple quid pro quo, of course. The agreement also involved other important elements, notably a settlement of most reparation claims against Turkey and an agreement between Greece and Turkey to repatriate thousands of ethnic Greeks and Turks to their respective countries of origin. There were to be several more years of squabbles before the U.S.-European disputes over the Mosul oil fields were finally settled. The point was nonetheless clear. Western governments had discarded wartime promises of action against the Ittihadists who had murdered about a million people in order to help their political maneuvering over oil concessions in the Middle East. The dominant faction in Turkish society never accepted Armenian claims as legitimate, despite the strong evidence of genocide established by Turkey's own courts."

Thursday  10/11/2007

topIsrael worried by Turk-Armenian debate  10/11/2007 AP: "During a visit to Israel this week, Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan pressed Israel to use its influence in Washington to help kill a congressional effort to label the bloodshed as genocide. Babacan warned that Turkey's friendly relations with Israel and the United States could suffer if the genocide resolution was approved. President Bush is urging Congress to defeat it, pointing to the importance of Turkey as an ally in the Middle East."

Chavez boosts image in messy Colombian mediation  10/11/2007 Reuters 

Tuesday  10/9/2007

topWhere Did AIPAC Come From?  10/9/2007 AntiWar: "In the summer of 1954, Israel conducted a covert false-flag operation in Egypt known as "Operation Susannah." Israeli agents launched terrorist bombing attacks against U.S. -, British-, and Egyptian-owned targets in Egypt. Since 1950, it had been U.S. policy to pressure the British to withdraw from the Suez Canal and abandon two treaties: the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936, which made the canal a neutral zone under British control, and the Convention of Constantinople. Israel feared that a British withdrawal would remove a check on Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser's military ambitions. After Israel's diplomatic efforts failed to convince the British to stay, Israel unleashed a false-flag terrorist operation designed to convince the British to stay while framing the Egyptians. Israeli Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon was forced to resign because of the incident, and the scandal came to bear his name. The break between Ben-Gurion and Eshkol occurred over Ben-Gurion's insistence on fully investigating and learning lessons from the sordid Lavon Affair. Eshkol was insistent that investigating the affair was a waste of time, and wished to bury it as soon as possible."

Dirty War Case: Argentine Priest Guilty  10/9/2007 AP: "Former police chaplain Christian von Wernich was found guilty of being a "co-participant" with police in seven homicides, 31 torture cases and 42 kidnappings, ending a trial that has focused attention on the church during the 1976-83 military rule. Hundreds of people beat drums and set off fireworks outside the federal courthouse after the verdict was announced. Dozens of spectators cheered inside the packed courtroom including headscarved members of rights group the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, who for the last 30 years have been seeking to learn the fate of sons and daughters who disappeared during a crackdown on dissent."

American Faces Espionage Charge in Nigeria  10/9/2007 NYT: "Ms. Asuni has lived in the country for more than three decades and is a fixture in the tumultuous Niger Delta region. Her arrest has stunned the many advocates in the Niger Delta, where aid groups often help journalists and are usually given a wide berth to carry out their activities. Anyakwee Nsirimovu, director of the Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, an organization based in Port Harcourt, said the government should make its evidence known and ensure that Ms. Asuni and Mr. Saidu have access to their lawyers. “We really need to get to hard information on what the State Security Services have on her,” Mr. Nsirimovu said. Ms. Asuni is a close associate of the former president, Olusegun Obasanjo, and has worked closely with the governing People’s Democratic Party to broker peace agreements between the government and militant groups fighting for greater control of the region’s oil wealth. Like many advocates working in the Niger Delta, Ms. Asuni kept tabs on a large cast of shadowy characters, including militants, oil thieves, gang members and politicians, and she sometimes helped foreign journalists seeking to navigate the complex and violent politics of the region. Speaking to a Reuters correspondent at the court proceedings, Ms. Asuni said she was being made a target because of her closeness to Mr. Obasanjo, who stepped down in May."

Israel's rising right wing  10/9/2007 Salon: "But over the past several years Arcadi Gaydamak, an enigmatic Russian-Israeli billionaire, has managed to become a widely influential figure in Israel. And he is now at the center of a right-wing political alliance -- featuring Israeli über-hawk Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu -- that could dramatically influence the country's direction. If the rising alliance takes power in the next election, it could push Israel toward military confrontations with Iran, Syria or Hezbollah, while extinguishing any remaining flickers of hope in Israel's peace camp regarding the Palestinians. Gaydamak has recently been consolidating his influence as a power broker in Israeli politics. He has used his wealth to gain popularity through social and business initiatives, while deftly exploiting the widespread perception of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's government as corrupt and incompetent, particularly during last year's disastrous war in Lebanon. With his financial capital and cunning political tactics, Gaydamak is like a cross between George Soros and Karl Rove, with a streak of Russian oligarchy at his core. In a country full of colorful political characters, he may be the most colorful. Gaydamak is wanted in France for illegal arms dealing. He is alleged to have ties, through his former arms-dealing partner, to Halliburton and to corporations that donated to President George W. Bush's 2000 campaign. He has Russian, Israeli, French and Canadian citizenship, as well as a diplomatic passport from Angola, on which he reportedly travels in order to avoid arrest. He owns a Jerusalem soccer team with a notoriously racist, anti-Arab fan base. And he is said to be planning a run for mayor of Jerusalem."

Guyana land lease offer 'ridiculous'  10/9/2007 The Nation, Barbados: ""My point is, we have a large amount of farmland in Barbados accustomed to agricultural production which is being taken out for other uses, land which lots of farmers want. "This land in Guyana has its own peculiarities and is not as fertile [as Barbados] as most of the best agricultural land in Guyana has already been taken up. To even consider this is suggesting that 'if there is land in Guyana then why worry about land here'," he said. In addition, Paul said it would be very difficult for any local farmer to start cultivating land in Guyana without a lot of help in terms of infrastructure. He said corporate agriculture [which is centred around pesticides] was causing agricultural land to decrease worldwide, suggesting it was more important than ever for countries to try and hold on to what agricultural land they possessed."

Monday  10/8/2007

topUS forces torture Press TV reporter  10/8/2007 Press TV: "The Afghan journalist was rendered unconscious by a taser and taken to a US base where the officers in charge of interrogating him, forced him to watch all the reports he had made for Press TV, while "shocking him on an electric chair and beating him on the head". He was threatened that if he continued to work for Press TV, his family would also suffer the consequences. Fayez repeatedly told his interrogators that he was a freelance journalist with no political ties to any foreign country. Khurshid was released after an 18 hour detention. Fayez had said in his latest report that the presence of the American forces in Afghanistan was the main reason for instability in the country and that Afghan authorities were instructed by foreign political forces to prevent the nation from chanting slogans against the US and Israel."

Sunday  10/7/2007

topFBI Puts Antiwar Protesters on Criminal Database; Canada Uses It To Ban Protesters From Entry  10/7/2007 OpEd News: "Two well-respected US peace activists, CODEPINK and Global Exchange cofounder Medea Benjamin and retired Colonel and diplomat Ann Wright, were denied entry into Canada On October third. The two women were headed to Toronto to discuss peace and security issues at the invitation of the Toronto Stop the War Coalition. At the Buffalo-Niagara Falls Bridge they were detained, questioned and denied entry. "In my case, the border guard pulled up a file showing that I had been arrested at the US Mission to the UN where, on International Women's Day, a group of us had tried to deliver a peace petition signed by 152,000 women around the world," says Benjamin. "For this, the Canadians labeled me a criminal and refused to allow me in the country.""

Saturday  10/6/2007

topHow the U.S. Schemed Against Spain's Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy  10/6/2007 Counterpunch: "According to conventional wisdom in Spain and in the U.S., in Spain’s transition from the Franco dictatorship to democracy, it was King Juan Carlos, with the assistance of the U.S. government (first the Ford administration, then the Carter administration), who brought democracy to Spain. In this interpretation of events taking place from 1975, when the dictator died, to 1978, when the first democratically elected government was installed, the U.S. government actively supported the development of democracy in Spain. The reality, however, was very different. As documented in a recent book by Nicolas Sartorins and Alberto Sabio, El Final de la Dictadura (The End of the Dictatorship), the U.S. government was not very keen on having full democracy in Spain. The primary, if not exclusive, concern of the U.S. government in Spain was to preserve its military and economic interests. Democracy in Spain was the least of its concerns. As a matter of fact, the U.S. government would have preferred to keep both Franco and the dictatorial regime alive and in good health, rather than open up a democratic process with an uncertain outcome."

Venezuelan General Likens Chávez’s Proposals for Constitution to a Coup  10/6/2007 NYT 

Friday  10/5/2007

topAnti-Gay Movement of Immigrant Fundamentalist Christians Threatens Western States  10/5/2007 Alternet: "In recent months, as energetic Russian-speaking "Russian Baptists" and Pentecostals in these states have organized to bring thousands to anti-gay protests, gay rights activists in Sacramento have picketed Slavic anti-gay churches, requested more police patrols in gay neighborhoods and distributed information cards warning gays and lesbians about the hostile Slavic evangelicals who they say have roughed up participants at gay pride events. Singh's death was the realization of their worst fears. "After a couple years of fundamentalist and Slavic Christian virulent anti-gay protests at almost every Sacramento gay event in the region," said local gay rights activist Michael Gorman, "what the gay community has feared for some time has finally happened." …A growing and ferocious anti-gay movement in the Sacramento Valley is centered among Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking immigrants. Many of them are members of an international extremist anti-gay movement whose adherents call themselves the Watchmen on the Walls. In Latvia, the Watchmen are popular among Christian fundamentalists and ethnic Russians, and are known for presiding over anti-gay rallies where gays and lesbians are pelted with bags of excrement. In the Western U.S., the Watchmen have a following among Russian-speaking evangelicals from the former Soviet Union. Members are increasingly active in several cities long known as gay-friendly enclaves, including Sacramento, Seattle and Portland, Ore."

So Who's Afraid of the Israel Lobby?  10/5/2007 Consortium News: "Virtually everyone: Republican, Democrat—Conservative, Liberal. The fear factor is non-partisan, you might say, and palpable."

Africa: Inside France's secret war  10/5/2007 Independent, UK: "The policies here in the CAR are part of a much bigger approach by France towards Africa," she says. "We call this system 'Franceafrique', and it was set up by Charles de Gaulle to replace the former colonial system. There is clear continuity from the imperial system to the present day." The motives for this war are, Roland-Gosselin says, drenched in dollars and euros and uranium. "The overarching goal is to take African resources and funnel them towards French corporations," she says. "The CAR itself is a base from which the French can access resources all over Africa. That is why it is so important. They use it to keep the oil flowing to French companies in Chad, the resources flowing from Congo, and so on. And of course, the country itself has valuable resources. CAR has a lot of uranium, which the French badly need because they are so dependent on nuclear power. At the moment they get their uranium from Niger, but the CAR is their back-up plan." So this is, in part, a war for nuclear power? " Yes, but also a lot of this money has been funnelled, through corruption, straight back into the French political process. Say somebody needs a road built here in the CAR. The French government will insist on a French company – and the French company back home donates a lot to the 'right' French political party." This neo-imperial war reached its psychotic apogee in 1994, when the French government used the CAR as a base to fund and fuel the Rwandan genocide, the most bloody since the death of Adolf Hitler. Vincent Mounie is a leading figure in Sur Vie, a French organisation monitoring its government's actions in Africa. He explains: "The French were totally complicit in the genocide. There were French troops there before, during and after the genocide, backing the most extreme Hutu forces as they murdered the Tutsis. You know the identity cards that divided the Rwandan population into Hutus and Tutsis in preparation for the slaughter? They were printed in Paris." The French military base in Bangui had to be abandoned in 1996 after it was burned down by enraged locals, tired of the French ramming tyrants down their national gullet. Today the old base is overgrown, and the French military has shifted to new camps in Birao. But I stare at it now. The French planes that backed the Rwandan holocaust left from here."

Israeli raid caused electronic disruption over wide areas of Syria  10/5/2007 World Tribune: "Authoritative reports from the Middle East stated that the Israel operation included extensive electronic warfare jamming by aircraft. The Israeli were testing the capabilities of Russian-made air defenses, including both radar and missiles located near Damascus and south of Homs near the Lebanese northern border. The raid was unprecedented in the blanket of jamming and electronic disruption that it caused over wide areas of Syria enroute to the target point, a base near the Euphrates River."

Thursday  10/4/2007

topIran, Syria sign $1-bln gas deal  10/4/2007 AFP: "State television said that the exports are set to start in 2009, and will be worth $1 billion to Iran annually. Nozari said the gas would be supplied to Syria via its northern neighbor Turkey, which already receives Iranian gas through a pipeline linking the northern city of Tabriz and Ankara. Iran has the world's second-largest gas reserves after Russia, but, until now, has remained a relatively-minor player in the global export market. It also faces huge consumption demands from its growing population at home. The Islamic republic supplies several-billion cubic meters of gas to Turkey annually, and has signed a preliminary deal with Ankara for exporting gas into Europe - a move bitterly criticized by the United States. Supplies to Turkey have, on occasion, been hit by wrangling about price and quality, the high demand in Iran, as well as sporadic attacks on the pipeline blamed on Kurdish militants."

Secret U.S. Endorsement of Severe Interrogations  10/4/2007 NYT: "But soon after Alberto R. Gonzales’s arrival as attorney general in February 2005, the Justice Department issued another opinion, this one in secret. It was a very different document, according to officials briefed on it, an expansive endorsement of the harshest interrogation techniques ever used by the Central Intelligence Agency. The new opinion, the officials said, for the first time provided explicit authorization to barrage terror suspects with a combination of painful physical and psychological tactics, including head-slapping, simulated drowning and frigid temperatures. Mr. Gonzales approved the legal memorandum on “combined effects” over the objections of James B. Comey, the deputy attorney general, who was leaving his job after bruising clashes with the White House. Disagreeing with what he viewed as the opinion’s overreaching legal reasoning, Mr. Comey told colleagues at the department that they would all be “ashamed” when the world eventually learned of it."

Milton Viorst on ‘The Israel Lobby’  10/4/2007 Truth Dig 

Wednesday  10/3/2007

topChavez accuses US of military rebellion  10/3/2007 AP: "President Hugo Chavez accused the U.S. on Wednesday of trying to spur a military rebellion, saying the CIA is behind the distribution of leaflets inside army barracks calling for his ouster."

Colombian Leader Disputes Claim of Tie to Cocaine Kingpin  10/3/2007 NYT: "President Álvaro Uribe of Colombia lashed out on Tuesday at claims in a new book that he had close ties to the cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar. He said he never aided Mr. Escobar’s drug dealings or benefited from his political patronage. Mr. Uribe’s comments were in response to the book, “Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar,” by Virginia Vallejo, Mr. Escobar’s former mistress. Ms. Vallejo repeats claims that Mr. Uribe, as head of the civil aviation authority in the early 1980s, helped Mr. Escobar’s cartel secure licenses for landing strips used to transport cocaine." See also Text of DIA report that Uribe was a close personal friend of Pablo Escobar

Negritud y criollismo en una comunidad afrovenezolana - Metalenguajes y supranacionalismos  10/3/2007 Revista Española de Antropologia Americana: "Tras un trabajo de campo en la comunidad afrovenezolana de Caita en la que aprecia la utilización emblemática de determinado discurso afroamericanista como sena de identidad, el autor subraya las conexiones de dicho discurso con cl del movimiento político-literario de ámbito caribeño y africano conocido como Negritud (y/o, en algunos casos, como Afrocriollismo). En este sentido, y profundizando en la composición sociológica de Caita. el estudio plantea la existencia de distintts sub—grupos o subeulturas en el seno de la comunidad y sostiene que el citado discurso afroamericanista sólo es asociable con uno dc ellos: el compuesto por la minoritaria intelectualidad local. La cultura de la mayoría verdaderamente iradicional’ de la población. no se reconoce tanto en los valores de esa Negritud, y/o Afrocriollismo o Criol lismo. todos de origen literario y/o intelectual, comoen los de una cullura campesina más caracterizada, en el fondo, por la precariedad y la discriminación. Las posibles raíces africanas de la misma se situarían a un nivel más profundo (en su ‘modo de devoción por ejemplo) que sería, tal vez., el ámbito en eí que podrían encontrarse sus conexiones culturales cori otras comunidades iberoamericanas del mismo Origen."

Jet plane that crashed with 4 tons of cocaine tied to the CIA and the Russian Mafia  10/3/2007 Voz de Azatlan: "The Gulfstream II jet plane with tail number N987SA was initially traced to William Achenbaum, a wealthy New York real estate tycoon. Mr. Achenbaum says that the jet plane was being managed by Air Rutter International that according to the New York Post is owned by Arik Kislin of Long Island in New York (See New York Post 'CRASH JET HAD AIR OF MYSTERY' ). Kislin and Achenbaum are principals of the Hotel Gansevoort in New York. (See New York Post 'SHADY 'INN' CROWD') Arik Kislin is the nephew of Semyon Kislin that the Center for Public Integrity alleges is a powerful Russian Mafia member. (See ) The Kislin family have made very large contributions to the political campaigns of Rudy Giuliani."

Tuesday  10/2/2007

topVenezuela defends Iran, blasts 'hypocritical' US policy on terror  10/2/2007 AFP: "Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro on Tuesday used the General Assembly podium here to defend Iran and to blast Washington's "hypocritical" policy on terrorism. He slammed the escalating international media campaign "aimed at demonizing the Iranian people and government" and called for an end "to the madness of the war in Iraq." Pointing to the "threatening statements against the peace of the people of Iran," he said it was time "to stop this campaign of demonization..., to build alliances to stop the war-mongering madness of the elites who rule the United States.""

New revelations in attack on American spy ship - Veterans, documents suggest U.S., Israel didn't tell full story of deadly '67 incident  10/2/2007 Chicago Tribune: Abundant proof the Israelis deliberately attacked US Navy ship.

Russian oil grab 'puts western supplies at risk'  10/2/2007 Guardian: "A former government adviser has warned it is "only a matter of time" before BP or Shell faces a bid from a Russian state-owned group such as Gazprom which could threaten western oil supplies. Professor Peter Odell, an energy economist, says ExxonMobil is also vulnerable to a Chinese takeover as the large UK and American stock-listed oil groups lose their influence in global markets. "A Chinese bid for Exxon and/or Chevron and/or a Russian bid for Shell and/or BP, backed by funds provided by the wealthy member countries of Opec seem likely to be only a matter of time."

Ice cap melt seen "very, very alarming"  10/2/2007 Reuters 

Monday  10/1/2007

topPhone Company Censorship Exposed Free Press calls for Congress to investigate abuses of free speech  10/1/2007 Free Press: "Most recently, news has surfaced that both AT&T and Verizon reserve the right to disconnect subscribers who speak out against them. According to Verizon and AT&T’s nearly identical “terms of service” agreements, these companies can cancel the subscription of anyone who damages “the name or reputation” of AT&T or Verizon, “its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries.” Verizon Wireless, which banned NARAL’s text messages, has even more explicit censorship policies. According to its guidelines: “Verizon Wireless reserves the right to remove or block access to any of the content, by whatever means it deems necessary in its sole discretion, without notice. … There is a zero-tolerance policy for non-compliance.”"

Myanmar and Israel develop military  10/1/2007 Jane's Intelligence Review: published 3/2000 by this prestigious publication - "Although allegations of a secret military partnership between Myanmar and Israel continue to be denied by both sides, reports suggest that Israel is aiding Myanmar's military modernisation.William Ashton examines the commercial and strategic links between the two countries."

Shifting Targets - The Administration’s plan for Iran by Seymour M. Hersh  10/1/2007 New Yorker: "Now the emphasis is on “surgical” strikes on Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities in Tehran and elsewhere, which, the Administration claims, have been the source of attacks on Americans in Iraq. What had been presented primarily as a counter-proliferation mission has been reconceived as counterterrorism. The shift in targeting reflects three developments. First, the President and his senior advisers have concluded that their campaign to convince the American public that Iran poses an imminent nuclear threat has failed (unlike a similar campaign before the Iraq war), and that as a result there is not enough popular support for a major bombing campaign. The second development is that the White House has come to terms, in private, with the general consensus of the American intelligence community that Iran is at least five years away from obtaining a bomb. And, finally, there has been a growing recognition in Washington and throughout the Middle East that Iran is emerging as the geopolitical winner of the war in Iraq."

The Whispers of War  10/1/2007 Newsweek 

US to reward Iran for ending Iraq arms supply  10/1/2007 Telegraph: "Rear Admiral Mark Fox, a coalition spokesman, announced that "several" Misagh-1 Iranian-made missiles had been seized by US troops. It was the latest in a series of such revelations in the last two weeks. He said: "We've said that we've found these things, we've seen them employed. That's significant in its own right." An aide to Prime Minister Maliki appeared to confirm the Iraqi leader had secured concessions from Iran's hardline President Ahmadinejad. "The prime minister has been saying recently that the Iranians have been giving him strong promises," the official said. "The results of these promises are starting to be felt as far as the trafficking of weapons is concerned." "

Israel’s Toy Soldiers  10/1/2007 TruthDig: "If you are a young Muslim American and head off to the Middle East for a spell in a fundamentalist “madrassa,” or religious school, Homeland Security will probably greet you at the airport when you return. But if you are an American Jew and you join hundreds of teenagers from Europe and Mexico for an eight-week training course run by the Israel Defense Forces, you can post your picture wearing an Israeli army uniform and holding an automatic weapon on MySpace."

Sunday  9/30/2007

topIsrael mulls downgrading ties with Venezuela due to Iran alliance  9/30/2007 Haaretz: "Israel is considering downgrading its relations with Venezuela in light of the extremist anti-Israel line taken by the country's government under President Hugo Chavez. Israel is concerned about the growing alliance between Chavez and his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. A highly-placed source in Jerusalem says only preliminary talks have been held on the issue and no decision has been made. Israel's ambassador to Venezuela, Shlomo Cohen, is due to leave his post next June. The Foreign Ministry has no plans to name a replacement at this point, preferring to send an acting ambassador instead. The possibility of naming a temporary head of mission in Caracas was raised at a recent Foreign Ministry meeting. Such a move would amount to a downgrading of Jerusalem's relations with Caracas."

MINGA PARA ERRADICAR LOS CULTIVOS DE COCA PARA FINES ILICITOS EN EL TERRITORIO COLECTIVO DEL RÍO YURUMANGUI  9/30/2007 Renacientes: "Por siglos las comunidades negras han habitado el Territorio Región del Pacifico y desarrollado en el un proyecto de vida, sienten que hoy esta amenazado por megaproyectos, los monocultivos como la palma aceitera y por el avance de los cultivos para fines ilícitos; los últimos son factores que constituyen en la actualidad dos de los mayores riesgos para los derechos territoriales y ambientales de los afrocolombianos y para la diversidad biológica y cultural de esta rica, importante y estratégica bioregion."

Saturday  9/29/2007

topStranger Than Strangelove  9/29/2007 AntiWar: "Now, the Post authoritatively reports that the B-52 was not "certified" to carry nuclear weapons. If true, that’s important. According to the Post, the 21-foot missiles – even when in storage – were already mounted on pylons, six apiece in clusters of three, "for quick mounting to the wings of a B-52." That presumably would mean that this particular non-certified B-52 was not capable of being mated – electrically and mechanically – to the presumably unique pylon for carrying AGM-129s, much less capable of arming, targeting and launching the "dial-a-yield" nuke-armed AGM-129. According to the Post, a year ago SecDef Rumsfeld had ordered all 400 nuke-armed AGM-129s to be retired and as of August more than 200 already had been. The by-then routine procedure called for the nuke warhead to be removed in the Minot Special Weapons Storage facility and replaced with a dummy warhead of the same size and weight. But, according to the Post, the loading of the B-52 at Minot took eight hours because of unusual trouble attaching the pylon on the right side of the plane -- the one with the dummy warheads. Unusual trouble attaching the pylon on which the six missiles containing dummy warheads were mounted? No trouble at all attaching the pylon – on which the six missiles containing "dial-a-yield" nukes were mounted – to a B-52 that was not certified (or equipped) to carry, arm and launch AGM-129s?"

Proyecto piloto para las comunidades  9/29/2007 Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura: "Este proyecto, que responde a una estrategia para fortalecer la identidad regional, es organizado por la Oficina de Enlace con las Comunidades Afrodescendientes de este ministerio, el Consejo Nacional de la Cultura (Conac), conjuntamente con el Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef), Asimismo, busca impulsar el desarrollo endógeno cultural, mediante el cual sean reducidas las acciones de violencia y situaciones de riesgo social, en niñas, niños y adolescentes de las comunidades afrodescendientes de Barlovento. En esta actividad se profundizará en contenidos tales como, motivación al logro, autoestima, comunicación, trabajo en equipo, valores, ciudadanía, embarazo a temprana edad, prevención de consumo de drogas, violencia y maltrato familiar. El referido proyecto piloto se subdividirá en dos módulos temáticos fundamentales: la prevención y el crecimiento personal, dirigido por Nelmir Marrero."

Friday  9/28/2007

topTreacherous Alliance - Readings in the Age of Empire  9/28/2007 AntiWar: "Although Iran is an Islamic state, it is not an Arab country. As such, Tehran has more in common with Israel than commonly supposed. The relationship between the two was always complicated, often strained, and rarely public, but the two nations cooperated until the fall of the Shah in 1979. The Iranian revolution disrupted relations, but did not end contact. Radical was the rhetoric of the Ayatollah Khomeini, but practical were his policies. Notes Parsi: "In early 1980s, only months after the eruption of the hostage crisis, Ahmed Kashani, the youngest son of Grand Ayatollah Abol Qassem Kashani, who had played a key role in the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry in 1951, visited Israel – most likely the first Iranian to do so after the revolution – to discuss arms sales and military cooperation against Iraq's nuclear program at Osirak." ...Unfortunately, Washington lost no opportunity to miss an opportunity to open a dialogue with Tehran. The U.S. refused to invite Iran to the Madrid summit on Israel's relations with Arab states and the Palestinians. This act of hubris, by which, in Parsi's words, "Washington failed to appreciate Iran's pragmatism, in particular Tehran's new position on Israel, in which [Iranian President Hashemi] Rafsanjani had declared that Iran would agree to any solution acceptable to the Palestinians," cost America greatly. It "strengthened the hands of Iranian rejectionists" and led Tehran "to seriously reach out to rejectionist Palestinian groups, in spite of the Shia-Sunni divide and their enmity dating back to the Iraq-Iran war." As Israeli policy shifted, so did Israel's view of U.S.-Iranian relations. It's an astonishing tale, and one that raises as many questions about Washington's relations with Israel as with Iran. Explains Parsi: "The Israeli-U.S.-Iranian triangle had shifted remarkably in just a few years. In the 1980s, Israel was the unlikely defender of and apologist for Iran in Washington, taking great risks to pressure the Reagan administration to open up channels of communication with Iran. Now, Israel did the opposite. Israel wanted the United States to put Iran under economic and political siege.""

Ahmadineyad: "Irán y Venezuela tienen gran responsabilidad en la escena mundial"  9/28/2007 Aporrea 

International narcotics agenda behind Myanmar instability  9/28/2007 Global Research: "According to a report by Thomas Fuller of the International Herald Tribune, the Golden Triangle has, in recent years, lost its prominence as a narco-region. In fact, the legendary Triangle now accounts for as little as 5% of world opium supply, according to some estimates… In fact, the demise of the Golden Triangle in recent years can be traced to geostrategic developments that run counter to the agenda of international interests whose financial and banking system depends on the multi-billion dollar cash flows of the criminal drug trade… 1. The United Nations credits Myanmar’s central government for leading opium eradication. 2. Militias with long-standing ties to the heroin business have also pushed eradication. 3. China has played a major role pressing opium growers to eradicate."

Jibril: Israel will attack Syria soon  9/28/2007 Jerusalem Post: "Jibril estimated that Israeli action, several weeks after an alleged IAF foray into Syria on September 6, would likely be a wide-scale operation, and would probably be answered with attacks by Iran, Hizbullah in Lebanon and the Palestinians of Syria."

Attack on Iran Said To Be Imminent  9/28/2007 NY Sun 

Thursday  9/27/2007

topGOP Says They'll Continue Voter Suppression Tactics  9/27/2007 Alternet 

Norman Finkelstein en el Teatro Teresa Carreño el sábado 29 a las 7:00pm Profesor expulsado de universidad de Chicago, dictará conferencia "Soy judío y apoyo al pueblo palestino" en Caracas  9/27/2007 Aporrea 

Who owned drug plane that crashed in Mexico?  9/27/2007 McClatchy: "Some news reports have linked the plane to the transport of terrorist suspects to the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but those reports cite logs that indicate only that the plane flew twice between Washington, D.C., and Guantanamo and once between Oxford, Conn., and Guantanamo. No terrorist suspects are known to have been transferred to Guantanamo directly from the United States. The jet, carrying the tail number N987SA, changed hands twice in recent weeks. But how it ended up in the hands of suspected drug traffickers remains a mystery. The Mexican attorney general's office said the blue and white Gulfstream II crashed on Monday in a remote jungle area on the Yucatan Peninsula. Authorities seized 132 bags of cocaine weighing four tons. Two men were arrested and jailed on drug trafficking charges in Merida, officials said. They declined to identify the men, however."

Wednesday  9/26/2007

top9/11 Commission Deception, Cheney’s Actions on 9/11, and Why He Should Testify Under Oath  9/26/2007 Journal of 911 Studies: "The 9/11 Commission Report is an example of concerted cover-up, partly by omissions, and just as importantly by its cherry-picking of evidence to create impressions that are in fact authoritatively disputed, and in some cases probably not true. There are many examples of cherry-picking and contrived simulations of fact. More importantly, there is a consistent pattern in this: to minimize Cheney’s responsibility for what happened that day."

Greenspan's Oil Claim in Context  9/26/2007 Tom Dispatch: "Among the relevant documents later sent to NSC members, including O'Neill, was one prepared by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). It had already mapped Iraq's oil fields and exploration areas, and listed American corporations likely to be interested in participating in Iraq's petroleum industry. Another DIA document in the package, entitled "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts," listed companies from 30 countries – France, Germany, Russia, and Britain, among others – their specialties and bidding histories. The attached maps pinpointed "super-giant oil field," "other oil field," and "earmarked for production sharing," and divided the basically undeveloped but oil-rich southwest of Iraq into nine blocks, indicating promising areas for future exploration. (Suskind, p. 96) According to high-flying oil insider Falah Al Jibury, the Bush administration began making plans for Iraq's oil industry "within weeks" of Bush taking office in January 2001. In an interview with the BBC's Newsnight program, which aired on March 17, 2005, he referred to his participation in secret meetings in California, Washington, and the Middle East, where, among other things, he interviewed possible successors to Saddam Hussein. By January 2003, a plan for Iraqi oil crafted by the State Department and oil majors emerged under the guidance of Amy Myers Jaffe of the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University. It recommended maintaining the state-owned Iraq National Oil Company, whose origins dated back to 1961 – but open it up to foreign investment after an initial period in which U.S.-approved Iraqi managers would supervise the rehabilitation of the war-damaged oil infrastructure. The existence of this group would come to light in a report by the Wall Street Journal on March 3, 2003."

American Indians in Venezuela Create Bonds of Solidarity  9/26/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "The delegations included members of the International Indian Treaty Council, American Indian Movement and tribal members from the Tohono O’odham and Mohawk Nations in the United States and Canada. Robert Free Galvan, Native activist from Seattle, said it was a rare opportunity to sit with Indigenous Venezuelan leaders as the country passed a new law recognizing Indigenous languages. During international gatherings, both formal and informal, the delegations from the north urged their Venezuelan allies to vote “Yes” to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Galvan, who earlier spearheaded the delivery of low cost oil from Venezuela’s CITGO to Indian communities in North America, said the latest American Indian delegation to Venezuela, which follows several delegations, continues the commitment to create strong bonds between Indigenous in the north and south."

Tuesday  9/25/2007

topWhite supremacist backlash builds over Jena case  9/25/2007 Chicago Tribune 

And They Usually Get Away With It - A Pandemic of Police Brutality  9/25/2007 Counterpunch 

HUD's Wrecking Ball - Tightening the Noose Around New Orleans  9/25/2007 Counterpunch 

It's Condi vs. Dick - Is China the True Target of Financial Sanctions Against Iran?  9/25/2007 Counterpunch 

Monday  9/24/2007

topBerlin Says US and France Guilty of Hypocrisy  9/24/2007 Spiegel: "German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is to oppose French calls for European Union sanctions against Iran and is planning to back up his case with evidence of French and American hypocrisy over sanctions against Iran. According to information obtained by SPIEGEL, the economics department of the German Foreign Ministry has collected revealing data which Steinmeier will use to back up his argument against EU sanctions. Several French companies in the automobile, energy and financial sectors -- including Peugeot, Renault, Total, BNP Paribas and Societé Générale -- have hardly reduced the level of business they do with Iran, according to the Foreign Ministry data. German exports to Iran, in contrast, have dramatically declined. Even more explosive is the data that reveals US hypocrisy over sanctions. The German Foreign Ministry accuses American firms of bypassing the boycott against Iran, which has been in place since 1979, by creating front companies in Dubai to carry out their business. German politicians have long internally accused the United States of knowingly tolerating the practice."

Sunday  9/23/2007

topIsraelis seized nuclear material in Syrian raid  9/23/2007 Times, London 

Secret US air force team to perfect plan for Iran strike  9/23/2007 Times, London: "Checkmate’s job is to add a dash of brilliance to Air Force thinking by countering the military’s tendency to “fight the last war” and by providing innovative strategies for warfighting and assessing future needs for air, space and cyberwarfare. It is led by Brigadier-General Lawrence “Stutz” Stutzriem, who is considered one of the brightest air force generals. He is assisted by Dr Lani Kass, a former Israeli military officer and expert on cyberwarfare."

Friday  9/21/2007

topOver 50,000 People Flood into Jena, Louisiana to Show Support for Jena Six, Decry Injustice  9/21/2007 Black America Web 

Fears of dollar collapse as Saudis take fright  9/21/2007 Telegraph: "Saudi Arabia has refused to cut interest rates in lockstep with the US Federal Reserve for the first time, signalling that the oil-rich Gulf kingdom is preparing to break the dollar currency peg in a move that risks setting off a stampede out of the dollar across the Middle East."

Thursday  9/20/2007

topAuthor Speaks in Holland on Blackwater  9/20/2007 Media Mouse: published 5/07, interesting overview.

Wednesday  9/19/2007

topIran Draws Up Plans to Bomb Israel  9/19/2007 AP: "Alavi also warned that Israel was within Iran's medium-range missiles and its fighter bombers, while maintaining that Israel was not strong enough to launch an aerial attack against Iran. "The whole territory of this regime is within the range of our missiles. Moreover, we can attack their territory with our fighter bombers as a response to any attack," the general said. An upgraded version of Iran's Shahab-3 missile has a range of 1,200 miles capable of reaching Israel and carrying a nuclear warhead. Alavi said Iran's radar bases were monitoring activities at the country's borders around the clock and boasted that it had the capability to confront U.S. cruise missiles. "One of the issues enemies make publicity about is their cruise missiles. Now, we possess the necessary systems to confront them (cruise missiles)," Alavi was quoted as saying."

Why Did Senator John Kerry Stand Idly By? By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS  9/19/2007 Counterpunch: "At the conclusion of Kerry’s speech, Andrew Meyer, a 21-year old journalism student was selected by Senator Kerry to ask a question. Meyer held up a copy of BBC investigative reporter Greg Palast’s book, Armed Madhouse, and asked if Kerry was aware that Palast’s investigations determined that Kerry had actually won the election. Why, Meyer asked, had Kerry conceded the election so quickly when there were so many obvious examples of vote fraud? Why, Meyer, went on to ask, was Kerry refusing to consider Bush’s impeachment when Bush was about to initiate another act of military aggression, this time against Iran? At this point the public’s protectors—the police—decided that Meyer had said too much. They grabbed Meyer and began dragging him off. Meyer said repeatedly, “I have done nothing wrong,” which under our laws he had not. He threatened no one and assaulted no one. But the police decided that Meyer, an American citizen, had no right to free speech and no constitutional protection. They threw him to the floor and tasered him right in front of Senator Kerry and the large student audience, who captured on video the unquestionable act of police brutality. Meyer was carted off and jailed on a phony charge of “disrupting a public event.” "

Venezuela Dismisses U.S. Criticism on Cooperation against Drug Trafficking  9/19/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "Venezuelan Minister of Justice Pedro Carreño, reaffirmed yesterday that Venezuela is not disposed to work with the DEA. In May Carreño had accused the DEA of operating as a "drug cartel." He added that Venezuelan authorities had "determined that via this organization [the DEA], a large quantity of drugs left our country by way of the delivery of confiscations, of which we were never informed." Ever since Venezuela broke off relations with the DEA the U.S. government has repeatedly made allegations that Venezuelan authorities are not doing enough to combat drug trafficking. However, Venezuelan authorities have repeatedly rejected the claims. According to Venezuela's National Anti-Drug office, drug interdictions increased from 43.2 tons in 2004, to 77 tons in 2005. For 2006 Venezuelan authorities captured 60.3 tons and Minister Carreño added that security forces have confiscated 33.8 tons of drugs so far this year."

Tuesday  9/18/2007

topRussia Says U.S. Attack on Iran Would Be Catastrophic  9/18/2007 Bloomberg: "Dan Plesch, director of the Center for International Studies and Diplomacy at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, said a preemptive strike would damage U.S. relations across the region. ``If they do it, they'll destroy everything,'' he said in an interview in London. ``You can destroy Tehran and you will lose Turkey and Egypt, in terms of political action. The U.S. and the Europeans should take a regional approach with a UN Security Council resolution and get Israel involved.'' "

Monday  9/17/2007

topChávez warns of impending world financial crisis  9/17/2007 Granma: "Now interest rates have gone up, he observed and the effect of that is extending to credits, with the threat of generating a debacle and more poverty, hunger and serious upheavals. Hence the need to create structures like the Bank of the South and bring reserves over here, in addition to considering the possibility of changing the composition of the international hard currency inventories and moving to currencies like the euro or the Asian ones."

Sunday  9/16/2007

topStella Estrada - Írimo  9/16/2007 AfroCubaWeb: "Stella Estrada is an AfroColombian author living in Spain who has come out with Írimo, a novel inspired by Abakuá. The title is from the composition by el Gran Combo of Puerto Rico of that name, and is derived from Ireme, the Abakuá masked dancer who represents the ancestors, each having a particular function such as peace-keeper, initiator, or warrior."

NED Publishes 2007 Grants and Experts Go Wild for US-Democracy  9/16/2007 Free Haiti 

Representaciones de identidad y organizaciones sociales afrovenezolanas  9/16/2007 RED DE BIBLIOTECAS VIRTUALES DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES DE AMERICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE: publicado en 2002 - "En este trabajo nos proponemos una aproximación al estudio de la obra del venezolano Jesús “Chucho” García, como un exponente intelectual más de los “Estudios y otras prácticas latinoamericanas en cultura y poder”. (Mato,2001). Más que el contenido de la obra, nos interesa resaltar aquí su trayectoria de intervención, políticamente comprometida con las comunidades afrovenezolanas y con la transformación de las mismas, que busca acercar el trabajo práctico al trabajo teórico mediante sus prácticas investigativas basadas en su propia experiencia, de las organizaciones que él dirige, así como de las otras organizaciones con las cuales tiene intercambios y relaciones de trabajo."

Bush setting America up for war with Iran  9/16/2007 Telegraph 

Moran Upsets Jewish Groups Again - U.S. House Democrat Said Pro-Israel Lobby Promoted War  9/16/2007 WaPo: "Rep. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.) has again come under fire from local Jewish organizations for remarking in a magazine interview that the "extraordinarily powerful" pro-Israel lobby played a strong role promoting the war in Iraq. In an interview with Tikkun, a California-based Jewish magazine, Moran said the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is "the most powerful lobby and has pushed this war from the beginning. I don't think they represent the mainstream of American Jewish thinking at all, but because they are so well organized, and their members are extraordinarily powerful -- most of them are quite wealthy -- they have been able to exert power." Moran's remarks were criticized by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington and the National Jewish Democratic Council. Ronald Halber, executive director of the first group, said Moran's remarks are anti-Semitic and draw on ugly stereotypes about Jewish wealth, power and influence."


"There is one safeguard known generally to the wise, which is an advantage and security to all, but especially to Democracies as against despots: suspicion." -- Demosthenes


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