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Cuba News Archive: 2017-2018  

Cuba News African cultures in Cuba
Cuba: Culture Cofradía de la Negritud - Desde la Ceiba
Cuba: Race, Identity & Antiracism Abakwá News Colombia  Venezuela
Cuban Music News  Cuban Economic News  AfroColombia  AfroVenezuela
The Alberto Jones Column African Americans & Cuba News Americas: Afrodescendientes Haiti
US Cuba Relations    World News Sources  Central America & Mexico AfroBrazil
  Police murders in Florida Black Florida News   Afrofeminismo Cyber Cuba

White Supremacy and Patriarchy in India: a neglected field of study that could give a much greater time depth to our work, 12/2018 Why white supremacists and Hindu nationalists are so alike  12/13/2018 Al Jazeera.

¿Y DESPUES DE LAS NUEVAS MEDIDAS SOBRE EL CUENTAPROPISMO QUE VIENE?  12/11/2018 Esteban Morales: "Pero si seguimos como vamos, podemos caer exhaustos en los brazos del capitalismo y no en el de Suecia, sino en el que nos corresponde como país pobre y subdesarrollado, lo que ocurrirá si el país no se mueve rápidamente hacia adelante. Pues no es posible continuar con un crecimiento tan magro del PIB, como el que se ha alcanzado en los últimos años y el que nos espera en el 2019."

Rogelio Martínez Furé: “Debemos recuperar no solo la memoria, sino también el olvido”  5/16/2015 Jiribilla: "Hay mucha gente que nació en Cuba pero sigue padeciendo el síndrome de creerse europeo en el exilio, por tanto no me extraña que haya quienes no acepten la música de origen africano  y contenido ritual porque tampoco aceptan el punto guajiro. Espiritualmente, psicológicamente… son simples epígonos del eurocentrismo. A mí no me sorprende que suceda. Por supuesto, hay muchas otras que darían cualquier cosa por haber nacido aquí." Ver Rogelio Martínez Furé.

Alberto Jones: El programa incompleto de Cuba con Haiti (Operacion Antonio Maceo), 7/12/2018. Regalos por la aduana, 7/12/2018

Venezuela to Offer African American Course at US University  11/21/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "The agreement between the Venezuelan consulate in New Orleans and the Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) to offer the “Africa and its Diaspora in Hispanic America” course as part of the topics offered by the university was proposed in 2017 by General Consul Jesus Garcia and the head of African American studies at the SUNO Dr. Clyde Robertson. The agreement to offer the university course was signed in August this year, and it is unclear when the course is due to begin."

Cuba’s Open Secret—A complex color bias rooted in colonialism continues to disadvantage those there with dark skin 11/9/2018 Pittsburgh Courrier: "Economic and virtually all other advantages historically and contemporarily accrue to White Cubans and, to a lesser extent, light-skinned people of mixed race. White Cubans overwhelmingly were the ones with the financial means to flee to the United States when the Cuban revolution began. In the decades since, many have sponsored their kin to immigrate to the U.S. and have used the remittance system to financially benefit relatives who remain in Cuba—indirectly perpetuating the economic disparities based on color."

Many Afro-Brazilians Are Bracing for the Worst After the Election of a Far-Right, Racist Candidate for President 10/30/2018 The Root: "Although Bolsonaro received votes from every segment of Brazilian society—there was a clear divide between rich and poor and black and white... Accordingly, Bolsonaro won most of his votes in the richer, whiter south, while Haddad triumphed in the blacker, poorer north. Bahia, Brazil’s blackest state, voted 73 percent in favor of Haddad."

'Brazilian Black Women Have Been the Safeguard of Democracy': Feminist Gabriela Monteiro on Fighting the Rise of Bolsonaro  10/26/2018 Jezebel: "The Workers’ Party has made many mistakes, but it isn’t because of these mistakes that the Party and their leaders have suffered this witch hunt. On the contrary, it is precisely because they touched the neuralgic spots of Brazilian society, like guaranteeing the presence of blacks in universities, rights for domestic workers, and a minimum of dignity for the working class, the rural population. Can you imagine what it is to this white elite of slave tradition to see the daughter of the maid at the university, or the doorman traveling by plane? This is unforgivable."

What’s the deal with black Brazilians who support the “Brazilian Trump”, Jair Bolsonaro, the frontrunner of the October 28th Presidential elections 10/12/2018 Black Women of Brazil: "He doesn’t want to discuss racism, because he wants you to believe that somos todos iguais (we are all equal). That the elder black lady who takes the bus to work to the house of her patroa branca (white boss) who was already born rich, is not rich because she hasn’t worked hard. If your life goes wrong in the next 4 years, with factors such as loss of labor benefits, increased taxes (for poor, of course), the military candidate will say that it’s all your fault. And you know what? It really will be."

EL TEMA RACIAL EN CUBA Y EL INFORME A NACIONES UNIDAS DEL 2018: UN BALANCE CRÍTICO.  8/14/2018 Esteban Morales: "Entre las personas y organismos que se encargan de la elaboración del Informe mencionado, existe una persistente y casi bochornosa actitud de negar, que en Cuba persisten el racismo y la discriminación racial. Considerándolos solo como “vestigios” de discriminación racial."

A PROPÓSITO DEL INFORME CUBANO SOBRE RACIALIDAD EN N.U.  8/14/2018 Esteban Morales: por Gisela Arandia - "Para acompañar al profesor Esteban Morales (1) en su comentario sobre la racialidad en Cuba, en el informe a Naciones Unidas, incluyo una reflexión que forma parte del trabajo de tesis doctoral en ciencias filosóficas que he denominado como parte de la investigación: la negación del racismo. Se trata de un síndrome político que forma parte de un fenómeno de magnitud geopolítica que se inscribe en el paradigma de naciones Latinoaméricas y el Caribe Hispano según la cual el racismo es un conflicto exclusivo de la sociedad anglosajona."

Leading presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro says there is no racism in Brazil; even denounced by Attorney General, is it possible that he is not racist 7/12/2018 Black Women of Brazil: "Even while you abuse, exclude, humiliate and insult black people, you insist that these things happen, not because of their phenotype, but in fact, because of their class status. If you get an education, a good job, live in a good neighborhood, send your kids to a good school, you won’t have these problems and keep proclaiming that something exists when it in fact, doesn’t is the belief system behind the myth."

This Miami parody features an actress in blackface and the audience 'loves it'  5/19/2018 Miami Herald: "A popular Spanish-language theater near Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood has been entertaining its audiences for months with a parody that would spur outrage in many other cities. One of the leading actors in the play performs in blackface. The response from most of this audience: applause and laughter. “It has been a hit and no one has complained ... on the contrary, she is one of the favorites," said Marisol Correa, who oversees the venue where the play is showing. “The character is typical of the Cuban theater, the negrito cubano, but the person is never discriminated.”"

¿Qué fue del Movimiento Afrocubano en el 2017 luego de su transitar del II Coloquio a Harvard? 4/3/2018 Afromodernidad.  Una nueva edición del blog de Alberto Abreu.

US Christianity in the Service of Slavery:  Far Right Churches. 3/14/2017. The current far right churches in the US are the spiritual descendants of Southern churches who formed the backbone of the pro-slavery propaganda machine. They have taken over a large portion of Trump's operations. Mike Pompeo is a dominionist (see “This Evil Is All Around Us”  1/12/2017 Slate) who firmly believes in crusades. That did not work out too well for the US in Irak or in Viet Nam. 

Esteban Morales sobre cuentapropismo, capitalismo y socialismo: ¿HUIR DEL CAPITALISMO 1/26/2018, ¿HUIR DEL CAPITALISMO? (II parte)  2/20/2018  Ningún país puede desarrollarse empujando a su gente hacia la igualdad de la pobreza  3/10/2018

Asia, donde radica el futuro de Cuba  2/19/2018 Havana Times: "El Gobierno central en Hanoi nacionalizó todas las empresas, estableció la colectivización de la agricultura e introdujo restricciones que asfixiaron el desarrollo, que condujeron a una hambruna sin precedentes y una masiva emigración por tierra, aire y mar que denominaron “gente de botes”. El V Congreso del Partido introdujo cambios radicales, jubilando a líderes mayores de 60 años que incluyeron al héroe nacional Vo Nguyen Giap y más tarde al propio secretario general del Partido Le Duan y al presidente Troung Chan que fue sustituido por Nguyen Van Linh, quien redujo la participación del Estado en las empresas no básicas del país, liberó la agricultura, minimizó los impuestos y las regulaciones, estimuló la inversión extranjera y promovió una economía de mercado socialista, que no afectó el carácter socialista de la nación."

In Cuba, There Isn’t a Movement for Black Thought, or Black Pride. It Doesn’t Exist.  2/19/2018 Pulitzer Center: “In Cuba, there isn’t a movement for Black thought. It doesn’t exist,” Alcántara said. He, along with other Cubans of color, acknowledge that the lack of Black pride in Cuba is related to Cuba’s cultural structure of associating Blackness with something that is ugly and undesirable. [Many half truths here, the author, whose name is Edo from Benin, Nigeria, needs to perfect her reporting skills and interview more people! "Alcántara" (actually his maternal name and not one you would normally use) works with US paid dissidents and is hardly a major source on Black culture in Cuba. She might want to seek out people who have Olokun, which is the main orisha in Benin, perhaps they can set her straight.]

Trump names George Soros acolyte as chargé in Havana, WMR, 2/13/2018

Trump nombra a un acólito de George Soros como chargé en La Habana, 13/2/2018 WMR

New Havana Embassy chief Goldberg expelled from Bolivia for supporting a white separatist movement, 2/9/18 He has just been accepted in his post by the Cuban government. El nueve jefe de la embajada habanera Goldberg expulsado de Bolivia por apoyar a un movimiento separatista blanco, 9/2/18. Acaba de ser aceptado por el gobierno cubano.

How the Republicans Helped Trump Steal the Election  1/25/2018 Truth Out: "Whose votes get thrown in the ballot dumpster? According to the US Civil Rights Commission, the chance your vote will be disqualified is 900 percent higher if you're Black than if you're white. Do the math. Trump would have lost Ohio, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania ... the list goes on ... if not for the "spoilage" game and blocking legit voters from the polls."

Represion de garinagu a bala viva/Live fire on Garifuna population, Sambo Creek, Honduras, GENOCIDIO, 12/18/201. Durante una ceremonia. During a ceremony.

¿QUÉ SE TRAE TRUMP ENTRE MANOS CON CUBA?  12/8/2017 Esteban Morales: " Por ello, la batalla que libra hoy Cuba, es más que nunca, no solo una batalla propia. La actual política de Trump la hace girar dentro de una órbita en la cual, la Isla puede brindar solidaridad, recibirla más que nunca e incrementar sus alianzas, para evitar que Estados Unidos logre ahogarla."

Trump appointed Philip Seth Goldberg as head of the US Embassy in Cuba. Expelled from Bolivia for supporting a white separatist movement. Expulsado de Bolivia por apoyar un movimiento separatista blanco. 12/6/2017

It’s your Cuba policy, Miami Republicans. You can’t blame Obama now. 11/10/2017 Miami Herald: “Taking away people-to-people puts the trips back in the hands of babysitters,” says Maria de los Angeles Torres, a Chicago-based Cuban-American professor who has traveled to Cuba for research and family visits for decades."

FBI files on Trump's father focus on mob ties, WMR. 11/7/2017

Venezuela: COMO SOBREVIVIO EL CIMARRON GUILLERMO? REINVENTAR EL CIMARRONAJE  11/1/2017 AfroCubaWeb: por Jesus Chucho Garcia -- "Mientras no exista producción diversificada por mas que se aumenten los salarios, la estánflacion (inflacion con cero producción) seguirá reinando. Guillermo RIBAS fue asesinado por tropas españolas el 10 de noviembre de 1771. Murió libre."

JFK Files Reveal US Plotted to Use Biological Weapons in Cuba  10/29/2017 teleSUR. See also our page on biowar against cuba.

The CIA Proposed Killing ‘a Boatload of Cuban’ Refugees and Pinning It On Fidel Castro 10/27/2017 Alternet

What Happened Thursday with the JFK Records?  10/26/2017 Mary Ferrell Foundation: "Most news reports correctly noted the release of about 2800 documents, but added that only a few were held back, in some cases saying "300 documents" remain withheld (see CNN, and Washington Post for example). They are off by a factor of 100. In fact, tens of thousands of documents, possibly as many as 30,000, remain sealed at the National Archives." See our JFK Assassination coverage

Antifa protects clergy, elderly, and women in Charlottesville, 8/2017

El Bloqueo Redux: Trump's Cuba Policies Strike a Familiar Chord  6/22/2017 Rolling Stone: by Alan Aja - "Trump's new Cuba policy directives may not be, in the political aggregate, as draconian as he boasted, but they remain irresponsible, immoral measures, with disproportionate effect on our island relatives and working-class Cuban-Americans alike. Elected Cuban-American officials, Republican or Democrat, who support this move should pay in the election booth, while Cubans, resident and U.S.-side, marginalized to privileged, should continue organizing across race, gender and class lines to end el bloqueo's repressive contours once and for all."

Did Trump Revive Failed Cold War Cuba Policy to Buy Rubio’s Loyalty?  6/19/2017 Common Dreams: "What does Trump potentially get out of this deal? Rubio defended Trump from questions raised by former FBI Director James Comey in the Senate Intelligence Committee hearings."

Fears of Black Political Activism in Cuba and Beyond, 1912–2017 6/15/2017 The Weekly Challenger: By Devyn Spence Benson - "When I arrived in Havana on April 6, 2013, a number of people I talked to (all well-educated revolutionaries) immediately compared Zurbano’s public critique to the formation of the PIC in 1908. Incredibly, these Cubans suggested that Zurbano’s article meant that he wanted to start his own black political party! That was not and is still not the case, but repeatedly linking Zurbano to the PIC illustrates how many Cubans still fear that any critique of the revolution by a black Cuban is a radical position that threatens national unity and is thus a cause for alarm."

Racism and Hate Fuel Right-Wing Terrorism in Venezuela  6/1/2017 teleSUR: "Rhetoric aimed at vilifying all Chavistas, often mixed with racism and bigotry, has motivated a growing number of hate crimes and assaults."

I'm with AUDREY 4/26/2017 Folio Weekly, Jacksonville: "Eventually, the counternarrative emerged: Artiles was using a variation on the ethnic slur, and his claim was that it wasn’t racial, it’s just how people talk in Hialeah."

Florida State Senator Frank Artiles Resigns After Racial Remarks 4/21/2017 NBC Miami: "Sen. Perry Thurston intervened and Artiles, a Cuban-American from the Miami area, used a variation of the "n-word" and used a vulgarity to describe Negron, according to the complaint filed Wednesday by Thurston."

Documental sobre mujeres emprendedoras pone acento en los derechos económicos  3/26/2017 IPS Cuba: incluye a las Zulu, con su tienda de bolsos de cuero

'Nos llaman negras payasas'. Damas de Blanco denuncian el racismo de las fuerzas represivas  3/28/2017 Diario de Cuba: El tema del payaso en los muñequitos racistas de Cuba es bien largo, aun en el Diario! Las Damas son financiado por grupos de la plantocracia en el exilio que reciben dinero de la NED/USAID. Ellas apoyan el bloqueo, lo que no es muy popular en Cuba, aun con los disidentes. Están ganando su dinero, es duro, pero asi es.

Havana's small business boom exposes a stark racial divide 4/5/2017 PRI: "Harvard’s Alejandro de la Fuente said the lack of black business owners is leading to a stark economic divide between white and black Cubans, something the socialist government worked hard to erase. He thinks the Cuban government should step in. “You could concentrate development funds in some of the poorest areas of the city so residents in those areas could use public funds to launch their own businesses,” de la Fuente said. He said that small business owners also need to focus on hiring Afro Cubans. “You could look at the possibility of establishing labor policies that make sure that the emergent private sector actually is open to and forced to incorporate and hire people of African descent.”

The State of Black Broward: Starting the Conversation  3/9/2017 West Side Gazette: "Last week: “The dismal statistics presented at the recent “State of Black Broward” conference: only eight of the county’s 90 judges are Black; Black motorists are stopped 1.9 times more than whites for seat belt violations; median household income is $74,000 for whites and $43,000 for Blacks; the unemployment rate last year was 4.4 percent but nine percent for Blacks; and, of the more than 800 firefighters in Broward Sheriff’s Office Fire-Rescue, only 54 are Black. Combined with recent studies showing racial disparities in school suspensions and sentencing, there is but one conclusion: Broward has a race problem,” stated Clarence V. McKee, president, McKee Communications in an op-ed in the South Florida 100- Sun Sentinel Sunday March 5, 2017." See our Black Florida page. Broward County covers the area north of Miami, including Ft Lauderdale.

Kaspersky "heapgrd" DLL Inject  3/7/2017 WikiLeaks: Kaspersky is widely used in Cuba. This hacking tool described in WikiLeak's searchable and very extensive collection of CIA tools released today should be easy to mitigate.

Las personas negras no tenemos mucho que esperar de cierto exilio cubano  3/3/2017 Negra Cubana: "Dicho esto, vuelvo a lo que me inspira esta entrada: al leer los cientos de comentarios a favor y en contra de la obra que ha destapado el debate, he re-conocido evidencias, aunque ya tenía mis sospechas, de que nosotros, negras y negros cubanos, tenemos poco que esperar de algunas personas, quienes desde fuera de la isla, desean y proyectan un “mejor futuro” para Cuba. Y lo digo por varias razones. La más importante de ellas, porque en dos muros de Facebook he leído especies de “alertas” a nosotros, intelectuales y activistas negros; alertas con las que se intenta coartar nuestro activismo antirracista y taponearnos la boca, si ello fuese posible."

Congressmen: the advance of the rapprochement “is inevitable” 2/24/2017 Vistar: "Cochran, meanwhile, affirmed that “there are openings, and winning implies taking risks.” Speaking of the expectations regarding Trump, he joked saying that “some say that we have a spontaneous president…. There will be active debates in Congress,” he forecasted."

Donald J. Trump and the Deep State, Part 1  2/6/2017 Who. What. Why: "Part 1 of a two-part series, excerpted from The American Deep State: Big Money, Big Oil, and the Struggle for U.S. Democracy, Updated Edition (copyright 2017) (paperback); by Peter Dale Scott."  Donald J. Trump and the Deep State, Part 2  2/7/2017 Who. What. Why: Best description of the background to Trump's Russian connections that we have seen.

Trump’s New Cuba Negotiator Fought For Stronger Cuba Ties  1/24/2017 BuzzFeed: "Until December, Jason Greenblatt served as a senior vice president at the Trump Organization and acted as the corporation’s chief legal officer. He was sworn in on Sunday as the White House’s “special representative for international negotiations.” Among that remit will be, according to CNN at the time the position was announced, “working on Israel-Palestinian peace process, the American relationship with Cuba and trade agreements.”

`El último Congreso del Partido Comunista supuso un gran avance en la política de género e identidades en Cuba´ 1/4/2017 Cubainformación: "Rivero resalta el apoyo a la labor del CENESEX por parte del Gobierno y del Partido Comunista de Cuba, cuyo VII Congreso (abril de 2016) supuso, a su entender, “un gran avance en la clarificación de la política de género e identidades sexuales en Cuba”. Los acuerdos que se adoptaron, nos dice, son ahora de cumplimiento en toda la institucionalidad del país."


News Archive 2016

News Archive 2013-2015

News Archive 2012

News Archive 2010-2011

News Archive: 2008-2009

News Archive: 2001-2007

News Archive: 1999-2000


Colonized Progressives: Why do so many progressive authors render afrodescendants invisible?  An Exploration into Characteristics and Colonialist Roots of White Anarchism 10/7/2018 Medium

The Christian Right and the dangers they pose across the Americas and Africa.  Avant le déluge: El Salvador election will drive more asylum-seekers north  12/17/2018 Wayne Madsen Report: " In every country where leftist governments are plagued by right-wing insurgencies—Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Cuba—the right-wing forces are backed by the Israelis and U.S. fundamentalist groups."

Five Signs the Florida Democratic Party Still Doesn't Get It  12/16/2018 Miami New Times: "Andrew Gillum was a strong candidate for governor. Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott were grotesque, cretinous candidates and seemingly awful human beings. Everything looked so easy. So of course the Florida Democrats blew it. They're the Florida Democrats! They're a group of party apparatchiks and generally privileged white people who treat political representation like a club and a hobby instead of seeing politics as the dire, important, often-life-altering issue it is. The party is staffed by people who reward those who stress loyalty and tradition over good ideas."

Cuba's new constitution. El proyecto de constitución en Cuba. 12/9/2018

¿El Decreto 349, censura o no?  ¿Repite Cuba los errores que cometió con el rap? 7/12/18 Decree 349, censorship or not? Is Cuba repeating the errors it made in dealing  with rap? 12/7/18. Cuba pone en pausa aplicación del Decreto 349 tras fuertes presiones de los artistas  12/7/2018 Nuevo Herald

The darling of the Republican Party in Florida, Enrique Tarrio, the AfroCuban president of the Miami chapter of the alt-right and white nationalist organization Proud Boy, worked with and was photographed with Gov Scott, Roger Stone, Miami GOP Chair Diaz, and Congressman Diaz-Balart.

Censored Documentary Exposes Israel’s Attack on Black Lives Matter  9/12/2018 Black Agenda Report: "When the Movement for Black Lives released a platform in August 2016 that supported the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement and identified Israel as an apartheid state engaged in a project ofer genocide against Palestinians, the Israeli government snapped into action. Previously unreleased footage from Al Jazeera’s censored investigative documentary, “The Lobby -- USA,” shows Israeli diplomats complaining about the Black Lives Matter “problem” and boasting about their cultivation of established black civil rights activists as pro-Israel proxies. The footage also reveals how the Israel lobby orchestrated the sudden cancellation of a Black Lives Matter fundraiser at a New York City nightclub."

¿Dólares “inocentes” a las ong´s para reventar Cuba desde adentro? 12/27/2017 tercera informacion: Se aplica al CIR, el Comite de Integracion Racial - "Uno de muchos ejemplos del aporte económico del NED (National Endowment for Democracy, La Fundación Nacional para la Democracia) para las organizaciones contrarevolucionarias cubanas, en este caso canalizado y facilitado por el funcionario de la OEA, el costarricense Carlos Quesada."

For 9 Hours, Cubans Got Internet in an Unusual Place: Everywhere  8/15/2018 NYT: "On Tuesday, the Cuban government tested wireless internet directly on mobile phones nationwide for nine hours. The internet was free for the duration of the test, but Etecsa plans to sell mobile phone plans that include internet service."

Trump Reportedly Loosens Rules of Engagement on American Cyberattacks, Reversing Obama-Era Restrictions  8/15/2018 Slate. This risky plan will endanger people all over through infrastructures made vulnerable that criminal gangs will exploit.

Leading presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro says there is no racism in Brazil; even denounced by Attorney General, is it possible that he is not racist?  7/12/2018 Black Women of Brazil: "Even while you abuse, exclude, humiliate and insult black people, you insist that these things happen, not because of their phenotype, but in fact, because of their class status. If you get an education, a good job, live in a good neighborhood, send your kids to a good school, you won’t have these problems and keep proclaiming that something exists when it in fact, doesn’t is the belief system behind the myth."  [The white right and left both agree that class is more important than race. Bolsonaro is the Trump of Brazil, far right and backed by evangelicals.]

Colombia: Black Communities Ask for a Way Forward in the National Peace Agreement, 6/8/18. AfroColombians and indigenous groups are left out of the political process, while white supremacy is a major driver of the conflicts there. Both the left and the right render Africans invisible, despite their being 25% of the voters. Indigenas represent another 3.5%.

Mexico's Color Line and the Cultural Imperialism of Light-Skin Preference  5/26/2018 Truth Out: "I thought the Mexican reality would have been opposite of the United States'. Bewildered, when I inquired, even the Mexican revolutionaries explained that racism was a US problem: a product of its history, not Mexico's. Rather, Mexico was afflicted with a deep-seated classism, not racism, they said."

Status threat, not economic hardship, explains the 2016 presidential vote  4/23/2018 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: "Support for Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election was widely attributed to citizens who were “left behind” economically. These claims were based on the strong cross-sectional relationship between Trump support and lacking a college education. Using a representative panel from 2012 to 2016, I find that change in financial wellbeing had little impact on candidate preference. Instead, changing preferences were related to changes in the party’s positions on issues related to American global dominance and the rise of a majority–minority America: issues that threaten white Americans’ sense of dominant group status."  See our What motivates Trump voters?  White supremacy turns out to be the main motivation. What is derogatorily called "Identity politics" matters.

Lula y el «crimen» de la izquierda 4/5/2018 Granma: Seria importante incluir la dimension racial del conflicto en Brazil, donde la supremacia blanca escondita es un motor importante de la derecha, igual que en Venezuela y los EEUU. Reconociendo esto, se mobiliza a mas gente.

Día contra la discriminación racial.... El exterminio continua 3/21/2018 Aporrea: "El reciente asesinato de la concejala afrobrasileña Mariela Franco, ocurrido la semana pasada, es un reflejo que la trilogía racismo-capitalismo-neoliberalismo es una ecuación de la muerte. La concejala estaba contra la violencia racial que se ha agudizado en Brasil en los últimos tiempos, después que el gobierno de Lula había sacado de la pobreza a mas de veinte millones de afrobrasileño y había neutralizado la violencia en algunos barrios y zonas rurales. Con el gobierno impuesto del fascista presidente Michel Temer (Exterminator), la violencia aumento, así como los grupos paramilitares y la exclusión afro."

The Assassination of Marielle Franco and the Dawn of Brazil's New Civil Rights Movement 3/19/2018 OkayAfrica: "Brazil, Latin America's most populous country, is one that has long hidden its apartheid behind the myth of a racial democracy. They prefer to point to classism instead of racism as the cause for the huge disparity in wealth and opportunities between Whites and Blacks. Meanwhile nearly 70 percent of those in extreme poverty in this nation of 200 million are Afro-Brazilian."

Desde La Ceiba Nº 335, 11 de marzo 2018: Corruptiōnis.

The racial conflict in Venezuela - Due to the widespread lack of knowledge on the left about the ethnic underpinnings of the conflict in Venezuela, we offer this new page to track the topic. #NoMoreSilence.  El conflicto racial en Venezuela - Debido a la falta generalizada de conocimientos desde la izquierda sobre los fundamentos étnicos del conflicto en Venezuela, ofrecemos esta nueva página para seguir el tema. #NoMasSilencio.

Another Trayvon: Keegan Von Roberts shot in July 2017 by white neighbor Michael Centanni who took a loaded gun over to the Roberts driveway in order to fight with him and now claims "Stand Your Ground", Jacksonville, FL.  He has not been charged. A video by AJ+ should help publicize this case. Sign the petition at Justice for Keegan Von Roberts 3/5/2018 AVAAZ. Evidence available at Estate of Keegan Roberts v. Michael Centanni Evidence Locker  3/5/2018 Keegan's wife Eliani is from Havana, Cuba.

Rex Tillerson...Un pirata recorre el Caribe  2/12/2018 Aporrea: por Jesus Chucho Garcia - "Hoy es el jeque petrolero de la compañía Exxon y ahora secretario de Estado Rex Tillerson quien por cierto fue derrotado en una demanda que hizo contra Venezuela cuando el presidente Chávez renacionalizo el petróleo e impuso nuestra soberanía energética. Ademas esta compañía fue la que influyo para que Donald Trump expresara que el cambio climático que afecta al planeta eran tenias falsas, claro esta compañía es la que mas esta contaminando el plantea."

Ku Klux Klan, Nazis, and other American White Supremacists, 2/10/2018: We track white supremacist groups in the US, with particular emphasis on their infiltration of law enforcement and the military.

Sabotaje a la democracia en Venezuela 2/9/2018 Cuba Debate: por Atilio Borón, economista y periodista argentino, quien dirigió Clacso. Excelente sumario de la trampa organizada por la nación esclavista que dio una nueva dimensión a la palabra libertad, EEUU. Tambien hay que entender la faceta étnica de este conflicto, aun más importante en la era de Trump. Vease nuestro Conflicto racial en Venezuela.

Colin Kaepernick Raises $20k In Celebrity Donations For Assata’s Daughters 2/6/2018 Black America Web. See our Assata page.

Danny Glover and his delegation visit the Garifuna people, Honduras, 1/2018. Protecting Dr. Luther Castillo Harry.

Bannon's "Money Laundering" Comment Signals to Trump That His Presidency Is in Danger  1/4/2018 Truth Out: "The real source of Trump's ire is likely something that hits him personally, which is truly the only thing he cares about. Bannon was quoted saying something else that plays into the current state of the Mueller investigation in a way that puts Trump in serious danger: "You realize where this is going. This is all about money laundering." See our Trump and the Russian Mafiya.

The defense of slavery was the main motivation for the South's rebellion against abolitionist England in the American Revolution. The North acquiesced and John Adams did the deal. The much vaunted American "liberty" and "freedom" were code words in the South. Defense of slavery was also the main motivator at the Alamo in the Texas rebellion against Mexico

Los héroes olvidados  12/3/2017 Cartas desde Cuba: "La veracidad del asesinato de los negros fue sometida a discusión durante mucho tiempo, pero según Quiñones “logró demostrarse con pruebas suficientes” y evidencias documentales, de ahí el pedido de que se recuerde a 13 víctimas y no solo a 8." Dia de los 5 Abakwá - 27 de noviembre, celebrando 27/11/1871 cuando 5 abakwá trataron de rescatar los estudiantes de medicina que iban a fusillar.

Is Honduras’s ruling party planning to rig an election? 11/25/2017 Economist: "By The Economist’s count, the session’s leader advocates at least five vote-rigging methods, couching them in banal terms such as “strategy” and “technique” and interspersing them with legitimate advice. The first, and the key to all the others, is for National Party representatives to obtain poll-workers’ credentials from smaller parties. This would help them outvote their rivals at the polling stations in case of disputes."

U.S. sanctions damage Cuban entrepreneurs  11/13/2017 On Cuba: "Cuban and U.S. analysts are of the opinion that their further effects (since they have already considerably affected the quality of bilateral relations) will damage the Cuban economy, in the state-run sector as well as the non-state."

Report: White-Controlled Castro Regime Systematically Oppressing Black Cubans  10/31/2017 Breitbart: "The Spain-based Diario de Cuba details the accusations in “Denial, Exclusion, and Repression,” a report by the Citizens’ Committee for Racial Integration (CIR), a dissident group dedicated to exposing the oppression of racial minorities under communism in Cuba." [What this white supremacist site fails to mention is that the CIR and Diario de Cuba are funded by NED and the Miami Plantocracy. Communism has very little to do with racism in Cuba, which existed long before 1959 and is much more influenced by French Republican ideals.]

CUBA. COLOR DE LA PIEL, NACIÓN, IDENTIDAD Y CULTURA. UN DESAFÍO CONTEMPORÁNEO 10/25/2017 Esteban Morales: "La Isla fue descubierta y colonizada por una de las potencias más atrasadas de Europa. España, que nunca fue modelo de modernidad para Cuba, ni ejemplo de unidad dentro de la diversidad. De la que, como si fuera poco, tampoco heredamos los parámetros de una ética antidiscriminatoria para combatir al racismo; porque España misma siempre ha tendido a no asumir su identidad africana."

La crisis racial corroe las bases de la sociedad cubana  10/10/2017 Havana Times: de Alberto Jones "En otra vergonzosa inacción y complicidad oficial con el creciente racismo que está devorando el país, resultó el anuncio hecho por la Fiscalía General de la República en el sonado caso de Yanay Aguirre Calderín."

A Matter of Skin  6/23/2016 Zum: by Lorna Roth - "It is timely to argue for a new way of understanding the visual industries in relation to a form of racial and cultural equity that doesn’t revolve around statistics, legislation, and access to institutions. Rather, by directly inscribing an algorithmic vision of full-spectrum flesh-tone equity into the various technological apparatuses of visual media, an alternative set of embedded skin colour norms could trigger more equitable representations of success, beauty, and belonging – although there are never any guarantees of a positive outcome. Diversity, after all, does not equal power."

Trump and the Russian Mafiya 2017 Dutch TV is on it. Trump's decades long money laundering and financial crimes are how the Deep State will get rid of him.

Disaster politics and neo-colonialism rear ugly head in post-Irma Caribbean 9/13/2017 Milfuegos: "The colonialist powers were anxious to rush in public security forces to affected islands but the food, water, and other supplies came later."

¿Comisión contra el odio sin afrodescendiente?  8/30/2017 Aporrea: "Venezuela no escapa de ese eclipse de Trump que contagió a Monseñor Antonio Castillo quien le echó agua bendita a los guarimberos quemadores de afrodescendientes y azusando a una guerra civil y de razas en Venezuela."

Randy Jorgensen and friends: how the Canadian mafia steals Garifuna lands  8/12/2017 GarifunaWeb: Canadian corporations and mining interests working with the corrupt Honduran elites.

Racism and Racial Divides in Venezuela  1/21/2004 Venezuela Analysis: "The correspondence between skin color and class membership in Venezuela is quite stunning at times. To confirm this observation, all one has to do is compare middle to upper class neighborhoods, where predominantly lighter colored folks live, with the barrios, which are clearly predominantly inhabited by darker skinned Venezuelans." Still true today when the upper class is driving the violent protests which would never be tolerated in the US, see AfroVenezuela.

Yanay Aguirre Calderín y su denuncia del racismo de un botero, 7/24/16. Con la cobertura mediatica. Primera vez que se trata de una denuncia de racismo en la prensa oficial: un paso importante.

Rev. William Barber Says GOP Voter Suppression the 'Real Hacking' of US Democracy  6/23/2017 Common Dreams. Greg Palast: How Racist Voter Suppression Could Cost Jon Ossoff the Georgia Election 6/15/2017 Truth Out.  How Do Republicans Get Away With Voter Suppression? 1/1/2017 Truth Out

Cuban Government: We Will Never Return Assata Shakur to U.S. 6/21/2017 All Black Media

Marazul: President Trump’s June 16 speech and its effects on ‘individual’ travel to Cuba  6/19/2017 Progresso Weekly: "If someone has already made their request for INDIVIDUAL people to people educational travel PRIOR TO JUNE 16, their travel is still OK under this subcategory – NO MATTER when it is to take place and no matter if it has been confirmed yet. No new reservations can be requested in this category as of June 16."

SOLIDARIDAD CONTINENTAL AFRODESCENDIENTE CON EL PUEBLO AFROCOLOMBIANO  5/22/2017 Afromodernidades: por el Articulación Regional Afrodescendiente de América Latina y el Caribe (Capitulo Estados Unidos).

Starting a business in Cuba is more difficult for entrepreneurs of African descent  5/3/2017 Miami Herald

Florida donors among Donald Trump inauguration backers  4/22/2017 Pensacola News Journal: "Florida Crystal Corps (West Palm Beach): $500,000" [Owned by the Fanjuls, owners of Domino sugar and a pillar of the Cuban plantocracy in exile. They finance groups that blame communism in Cuba for racism.]

Havana's small business boom exposes a stark racial divide  4/5/2017 PRI

Cuban activists fighting racism weigh their fragile relationship with the government 4/30/2017 Miami Herald.  Gobierno cubano prohíbe a la Cofradía de la Negritud celebrar el Día Internacional contra la Discriminación Racial 3/22/2017 Ciber Cuba  El Gobierno prohíbe a la Cofradía de la Negritud celebrar el Día Internacional contra la Discriminación Racial  3/22/2017 Diario de Cuba. See also/Vease Cofradia de la Negritud.

Denuncian que Cuba discrimina y reprime a los afrodescendientes y viola sus derechos humanos 3/21/2017 Nuevo Herald: [La CIDH tiene mas de 7 informes sobre Cuba, donde nunca matan a los afro en la calle como en los EE.UU. diariamente, y ni un informe sobre la virulenta supremacia blanca de los EE.UU. La CIR no recibe dinero abiertamente de la NED/USAID, pero sus miembros estan pagado por sus articulos en una prensa financiado por la NED, como Cubanet y Diario de Cuba. Tambien reciben dinero directamente de la Plataforma de Integración Cubana, quien recibio $113,000 en 2015 y en 2016 de la NED asi que otro dinero antes. Los autores mas independiente no reciben ese dinero.

‘We Cannot Dissent’: Black Cubans Denounce Racism Under Communist Rule 3/23/2017 Breitbart - the only English corporate media to pick up on the Interamerican Human Rights Commission circus is this white supremacist site run by Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon.

The Case of Journalist Fernando Ravsberg  3/7/2017 Havana Times: by Esteban Morales Domínguez - "If at the end of the day I discover that Ravsberg is working for the enemy, maybe I’ll criticize myself, because I was treated in the same way and nobody criticized themselves when they discovered that it had all been a mistake."

Esteban Morales sobre el lepelepe con Ravsberg  3/6/2017 Negra Cubana: "Replico el texto de abajo porque, como Esteban, estoy hasta la coronilla del lepelepe de Iroel y su pandilla con Ravsberg, con Elaine, con Harold, con Maykel, con Enzo, con, con…. conmigo."  [lepelepe = quien hecha maldiciones]. Vease tambien "el Caso Ravsberg", Desde la Ceiba, Nº 294, 6 de marzo 2017.

To the People of Cuba: Is Washington Preparing a “Soft Coup”? The Co-optation of Cuban Intellectuals  3/6/2017 Global Research

Analyzing the US Election Returns for 2016: What motivates Trump voters? 2/17  "Progressives have a blind spot when it comes to race. They do. Conservatives and Republicans don’t have a blind spot when it comes to race. They understand the power of race and they use it. It is mind-boggling to me how tough it is for progressives to have a conversation about race without them wanting to make it a conversation about class and economics."

I Was Called A ‘Filthy Jew Rat’ While Donald Trump Tiptoed Around Anti-Semitism  2/21/2017 Huff Post: a return to the nazi imagery of the early 20th century.

Denuncia: La policía, el “asedio al turismo” y el neorracismo cubano  2/6/2017 Negra Cubana: "En la carta, el joven alega que el 95% de las personas que se encontró, en la celda donde durmió esa noche, eran personas negras y estaban allá respondiendo a figura delectiva que se llama “asedio al turismo”. La misma se aplica aunque los visitantes demuestren que la están pasando muy bien, pero el policía asegura que se les está importunando."

Obama Administration Ends Refugee Policy That Favored Cubans  1/12/2017 NPR: "Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla, released a statement saying the existing policy needed to be revamped, not ended. In particular, he said he wanted Donald Trump to reverse the cancellation of the medical professional program when he becomes president next week. Rubio added that he had spoken with Vice President-elect Mike Pence this evening and was "heartened by the fact that in a week we will have a new administration committed to discarding the failed Cuba policy of the last two years."

Antonio Maceo
Antonio Maceo/a>
laninitax.jpg (5584 bytes)
La Niñita
Juan Gualberto Gomez
Juan Gualberto Gomez
Quintin Bandera
Quintín Bandera
All photos (c) and courtesy Pedro Perez Sarduy

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