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BLM Statement on Cuba #1
The consequences of years of US embargoes  
7/15/2021 BLM Instagram, Statement on Cuba

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation and Cuba 

Declaración de BLM sobre Cuba, 7/15/2021 nuestra traducción.
Text of BLM Statement on Cuba, 7/15/21
La déclaration Black Lives Matter, 7/15/2021, notre traduction

Statement on Cuba Change, 7/23/2021
Declaración sobre el cambio en Cuba, 25/7/2021
Déclaration sur les Changements au Cuba, 7/23/2021

These statements highlight the racialized nature of the US/Miami/Cuba conflict, which is mostly denied and ignored on all sides. For background see the racialized dynamics of Miami - Havana.  See also our J11 page, where we follow the protests in Cuba, and Roberto Zurbano's insightful article Against Political Rage: A Vaccine and a Proposal 4/25/2021.

Estas declaraciónes destacan la natura racializada del conflicto entre Estados Unidos, Miami y Cuba, que en su mayoría es negado e ignorado por todos los lados. Incluimos una sección dinámica racializada de Miami - La Habana. Vea también nuestra página J11 donde seguimos las protestas en Cuba y y el perspicaz artículo de Roberto Zurbano, Contra la rabia política: una vacuna y una propuesta  4/25/2021

Traducción de la declaración de Black Lives Matter, 15/7/2021

“Black Lives Matter condena el trato inhumano de los cubanos por parte del gobierno federal de Estados Unidos y lo insta a levantar de inmediato el embargo económico. Esta política cruel e inhumana, instituida con la intención explícita de desestabilizar el país y socavar el derecho de los cubanos a elegir su propio gobierno, está en el corazón de la actual crisis de Cuba. Desde 1962, los Estados Unidos han impuesto dolor y sufrimiento al pueblo de Cuba al cortar alimentos, medicinas y suministros, lo que le ha costado a la pequeña nación insular un estimado de $ 130 mil millones.

Sin ese dinero, es más difícil para Cuba adquirir el equipo médico necesario para desarrollar sus propias vacunas COVID-19 y equipos para la producción de alimentos. Esto se produce a pesar de la sólida atención médica del país y la historia de prestar médicos y enfermeras a desastres en todo el mundo.

El pueblo de Cuba está siendo castigado por el gobierno de Estados Unidos porque el país ha mantenido su compromiso con la soberanía y la autodeterminación. Los líderes de Estados Unidos han intentado aplastar esta Revolución durante décadas. En lugar de la amistad, el respeto y la buena voluntad internacionales, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos solo ha instigado el sufrimiento de los 11 millones de habitantes del país, de los cuales 4 millones son negros y mestizos.

Cuba ha demostrado históricamente su solidaridad con los pueblos afrodescendientes oprimidos, desde proteger a revolucionarios negros como Assata Shakur a través de la concesión de su asilo, hasta apoyar las luchas de liberación de los afrodescendientes en Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau y Sudáfrica.

Ahora esperamos que el presidente Biden ponga fin al embargo, algo que Barack Obama pidió para 2016. Este embargo es una flagrante violación de los derechos humanos y debe llegar a su fin."

Statement on Cuba, 7/15/21top

“Black Lives Matter condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately lift the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis. Since 1962, the United States has forced pain and suffering on the people of Cuba by cutting off food, medicine and supplies, costing the tiny island nation an estimated $130 billion.

Without that money, it is harder for Cuba to acquire medical equipment needed to develop its own COVID-19 vaccines and equipment for food production. This comes in spite of the country's strong medical care and history of lending doctors and nurses to disasters around the world.

The people of Cuba are being punished by the U.S. government because the country has maintained its commitment to sovereignty and self-determination. United States leaders have tried to crush this Revolution for decades. Instead of international amity, respect, and goodwill, the U.S. government has only instigated suffering for the country’s 11 million people — of which 4 million are Black and brown.

Cuba has historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum, to supporting Black liberation struggles in Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, and South Africa.

Now we look to President Biden to end the embargo, something Barack Obama called for 2016. This embargo is a blatant human rights violation and it must come to an end."

Traduction de la déclaration Black Lives Matter, 7/15/2021top

"Black Lives Matter condamne le traitement inhumain des Cubains par le gouvernement fédéral américain et l'exhorte à lever immédiatement l'embargo économique. Cette politique cruelle et inhumaine, instituée avec l'intention explicite de déstabiliser le pays et de saper le droit des Cubains de choisir leur propre gouvernement, est au cœur de la crise actuelle à Cuba. Depuis 1962, les États-Unis ont imposé la douleur et la souffrance au peuple cubain en coupant la nourriture, les médicaments et les fournitures, ce qui a coûté à la petite nation insulaire environ 130 milliards de dollars.

Sans cet argent, il est plus difficile pour Cuba d'acquérir l'équipement médical nécessaire pour développer ses propres vaccins contre le COVID-19 et les équipements pour la production alimentaire. Cela survient malgré les solides soins de santé du pays et l'histoire de la fourniture de médecins et d'infirmières aux lieux de catastrophes dans le monde.

Le peuple cubain est puni par le gouvernement des États-Unis parce que le pays a maintenu son engagement envers la souveraineté et l'autodétermination. Les dirigeants des États-Unis ont essayé d'écraser cette révolution pendant des décennies. Au lieu de l'amitié, du respect et de la bonne volonté internationaux, le gouvernement des États-Unis n'a fait souffrir que les 11 millions d'habitants du pays, dont 4 millions sont noirs et bruns.

Cuba a historiquement démontré sa solidarité avec les peuples afro-descendants opprimés, de la protection des révolutionnaires noirs comme Assata Shakur à travers l'octroi de leur asile, au soutien des luttes de libération des afro-descendants en Angola, au Mozambique, en Guinée Bissau et en Afrique du Sud.

Maintenant, nous espérons que le président Biden mettra fin à l'embargo, ce a quoi Barack Obama a appelé en 2016. Cet embargo est une violation flagrante des droits de l'homme et doit prendre fin."


Statement on Cuba Change, 7/23/2021top

Black Lives Matter is committed to listening and uplifting the voices of our Afro-Cuban family as they call for change. And, we remain steadfast in our commitment to Black freedom everywhere-- a liberation tha can only be achieved when Black people around the world thrive, experience joy, and are free from all forms of oppression and violence. BLM is in deep solidarity with the people of Cuba, and continues to demand an end to the U.S. Embargo -- a demand that has been echoed for the 39th year in a row by 184 countries under the U.N. We also denounce the additional sanctions recently imposed by the Biden administration.

Declaración sobre el cambio en Cuba, 25/7/2021top

Black Lives Matter se compromete a escuchar y elevar las voces de nuestra familia afrocubana mientras piden un cambio. Y nos mantenemos firmes en nuestro compromiso con la libertad de los negros en todas partes, una liberación que solo se puede lograr cuando los negros de todo el mundo prosperan, experimentan alegría y están libres de todas las formas de opresión y violencia. BLM se muestra en profunda solidaridad con el pueblo de Cuba y continúa exigiendo el fin del embargo estadounidense, una demanda que ha sido repetida por 39o año consecutivo por 184 países bajo la ONU. También denunciamos las sanciones adicionales impuestas recientemente por la administración Biden.

Déclaration sur les changements au Cuba, 7/23/2021top

Black Lives Matter s'engage à écouter et à élever les voix de notre famille afro-cubaine alors qu'elles appellent au changement. Et nous restons inébranlables dans notre engagement envers la liberté des Noirs partout - une libération qui ne peut être réalisée que lorsque les Noirs du monde entier s'épanouissent, ressentent de la joie et sont libres de toutes formes d'oppression et de violence. BLM est profondément solidaire du peuple cubain et continue d'exiger la fin de l'embargo américain - une demande qui a été reprise pour la 39e année consécutive par 184 pays sous l'ONU.  Nous dénonçons également les sanctions supplémentaires récemment imposées par l'administration Biden.  

Conversation on Cuba, Monday July 26top, 2021

It’s Time: The People, Cuba, and Radical Solidarity, Zoom

Black Lives Matter will co-host an educational webinar with our partners from Cuba on the current political situation and deepening mutual solidarity in this moment. We are resolute in our support of the Cuban people, and affirm our call for an end to the U.S. embargo against this island state.  From Cuba you will need a VPN to get around the block Zoom has on Cuba.

This is the first in a series of meetings.

BLM Conversation on Cuba

Speakers include:



Danny Glover and Zurbano

Above: Danny Glover and Roberto Zurbano. Against Political Rage: A Vaccine and a Proposal by Roberto Zurbano, 7/2021 is an insightful treatment of the San Isidro Movement which has been influential in the current July protests. 


Black Lives Matter and Cuba  8/6/2021 Communist Party USA: "Organizing one’s community to demonstrate against the U.S. embargo of Cuba, working with unions and community groups to educate on the embargo and support Cuba, writing one’s representatives and senators, and calling for an end to U.S. imperialist intervention in other countries, and for peace, are some ways to advance this struggle."

Black Lives Matter: ¿declaración o alianza?  7/30/2021 AfroCubaWeb: "No creo que esta organización sea reconocida en la isla desde su origencomunitario hasta sus enfoques interseccionales al racismo y elcapitalismo."

Black Lives Matter: a Declaration or an Alliance?  7/30/2021 AfroCubaWeb: "I don't think Cubans on the island are aware of the organization’s community origins or of itsintersectional approaches toward racism and capitalism."

Black Lives Matter nuevamente criticado por los invitados que eligió para foro virtual sobre Cuba  7/27/2021 Cubanos por el Mundo: "Cabe destacar que, el movimiento BLM en días anteriores fue duramente criticado por su postura de elogiar al régimen castrista y pedir el fin del embargo a Cuba por parte del gobierno de Estados Unidos, esto mientras los ciudadanos cubanos eran cruelmente reprimidos mientras expresaban su derecho de manifestar libremente." [Claro que la solucion es mas bloqueo!!!]

Critican a Black Lives Matter por los invitados que elige para foro virtual sobre Cuba  7/27/2021 Cibercuba: "En un escrito de abril de este año, titulado ‘Contra la rabia política: una vacuna y una propuesta’, Zurbano analizó el impacto del Movimiento San Isidro (MSI) en la dinámica actual de conflictos y propuestas dentro de la cultura y la política de la Cuba actual desde una visión que, si bien incidió en el racismo latente dentro del proceso “revolucionario”, redujo el potencial verdaderamente revolucionario del MSI y llamó a estar preparados para la “racialización” interesada de conflictos por parte del “el escenario mediático de Miami”."

Activistas antirracistas emplazan a Black Lives Matter desde Cuba  7/26/2021 Diario de Cuba: "En las redes del grupo Alianza Afro-Cubana se puede leer un comunicado que emplaza directamente a los representantes afroamericanos: "Black Lives Matter, tengamos una conversación. Escucha las voces de los negros cubanos", comienza la misiva en inglés y luego evalúa aquel tweet del grupo como "decepcionante, vergonzoso y parcial". "Ustedes se centraron solamente en el embargo e ignoraron los reclamos del pueblo, su dolor (…) Han decido alinearse al poder que dio la orden de violentar brutalmente a todas las personas que salieron a la calle el pasado domingo 11 de julio. Personas que en su mayoría son negras (…) Según el Gobierno, en la protesta todos eran 'vándalos', 'delincuentes', 'marginados' ¿les suena el escenario?", preguntan recordando a BLM que esas son las mismas acusaciones que reciben ellos en Estados Unidos por parte de la derecha."

The Movement for Black Lives is in solidarity with the Cuban people and the spirit of the Cuban revolution.  7/23/2021 M4BL: "We know that the Cuban People and Black Cubans in particular are not a monolith, so we support the right of Cubans to protest and at the same time we know that it is our obligation, those of us based in the U.S., to demand an end to the inhumane and punitive blockade, and condemn any hint at U.S. intervention. In the tradition of Black internationalism, we support the self-determination of the Cuban people and Cuba’s rights as a sovereign nation."

On Cuba: our solidarity continues… Cuba: nuestra solidaridad sigue  7/23/2021 Black Lives Matter Facebook: "Black Lives Matter se compromete a escuchar y elevar las voces de nuestra familia afrocubana mientras piden un cambio. Y nos mantenemos firmes en nuestro compromiso con la libertad de los negros en todas partes, una liberación que solo se puede lograr cuando los negros de todo el mundo prosperan, experimentan alegría y están libres de todas las formas de opresión y violencia. BLM se muestra en profunda solidaridad con el pueblo de Cuba y continúa exigiendo el fin del embargo estadounidense, una demanda que ha sido repetida por 39o año consecutivo por 184 países bajo la ONU. También denunciamos las sanciones adicionales impuestas recientemente por la administración Biden."

Black Lives Matter Issues Statement in Support for Cubans  7/20/2021 BNC News: "However, numerous progressives and activists, including associate professor of Latino studies Dr. Danielle Clealand, took to Twitter saying the U.S. and Cuban governments are to blame for the country's problems; targeting the U.S. embargo fails to acknowledge the issues that Black Cubans have faced with systemic racism from the Cuban government for years. Dr. Clealand and Ajamu Baraka, national organizer of the Black Alliance for Peace, joined Marc Lamont Hill on “Black News Tonight” to talk about BLM’s statement."

Black Lives Matter Misses the Point About Cuba  7/17/2021 The Atlantic: "Not surprisingly, Havana’s primarily Black neighborhoods, the most neglected in the city, are the epicenters of the largest recent demonstrations, as footage shows. In some of them, such as La Güinera, Centro Habana, Diez de Octubre, Cerro, and La Habana Vieja, we’ve seen clashes between demonstrators and the police and members of the government posing as civilians. As a result, Black Cubans, along with compatriots of all races, are disproportionately being beaten, brutalized, and jailed for protesting. The government is publicly calling them “thugs” and “criminals” in the state-controlled media. The Cuban government has officially acknowledged the death of Diubis Laurencio Tejeda, a young Black man from La Güinera who died during a confrontation with the police."

RESPONSE TO BLACK LIVES MATTER Written by Pablo Betancourt Guilian and Enrique Patterson  7/17/2021 Pablo Betancourt Guilian: "Since 1959, the Cuban government has taken away all fundamental rights and freedoms from the Cuban people, and it is no coincidence that Cuba is the only country in the western hemisphere, where the black population did not benefit from the achievements and advances of the Civil Rights Movement in the decade of 1960s."

“RESPUESTA A BLACK LIVES MATTER” Escrito por Pablo Betancourt Guilian y Enrique Patterson  7/17/2021 Pablo Betancourt Guilian: "Desde 1959, el gobierno cubano le ha quitado todos los derechos y libertades fundamentales al pueblo cubano, y no es casualidad que Cuba sea el único país donde la población negra, no se benefició de los logros y avances del Movimiento de Derechos Civiles en la década de los 60s."

Any more questions? BLM releases statement blaming protests against Cuban regime on U.S.  7/16/2021 Law Enforcement Today: [the logic here is defective…]

The consequences of years of US embargoes  7/15/2021 BLM: Statement on Cuba - "Black Lives Matter condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately lift the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis. Since 1962, the United States has forced pain and suffering on the people of Cuba by cutting off food, medicine and supplies, costing the tiny island nation an estimated $130 billion."

Black Lives Matter gets crushed for praising Cuban regime, blaming 'cruel' US for unrest: ?'BLM is a radical Marxist organization'  7/15/2021 The Blaze: [with many quotes from the far right…]

A must read!  7/15/2021 Tan Ya: "IMHOP, Black U.S. Americans are still reeling from losing several generations of Black intellectuals/activists with a transnationalist - or as we say today - diasporic - consciousness when it comes to Black activism and consciousness. They were a huge counterweight to Black U.S. American folks - on the left and the right - who start with U.S. Black American exceptionalism as a point of departure for their political and economic agendas (centered on empowering U.S. African Americans). That counter balance was taken out in terms of its manifestation as a cohesive transnational Black movement. Yes, newer generations of us are here who share that vision, the one that takes NO STATE at its word and are suspicious of Eurocentric thought... I could go on."

Black Lives Matter insta a Joe Biden a levantar el bloqueo contra Cuba  7/15/2021 Cubadebate 

Black Lives Matter goes to war with Napoleon and the French Revolution  5/14/2021 World Socialist Web Site: "The New York Times championed the 1619 Project, a now-discredited attempt to rewrite all of US history as centered on racial conflict and the first arrival of slaves in America in 1619. The racialist climate it helped stoke has seen petty-bourgeois supporters of Black Lives Matter topple statues of leaders of the 1776 American Revolution and of the anti-slavery forces in the US Civil War. Now, the Times is taking aim at the French Revolution. In March, it published a column by Professor Marlene Daut titled “Napoleon Isn’t a Hero to Celebrate.” A supporter of Black Lives Matter, she is outraged by the marking of the bicentennial of Napoleon’s death on May 5, 1821. She denounces Napoleon, claiming he was driven by genocidal anti-black racism."

Las vidas negras importan  4/19/2021 PSIglobalunion: con subtitulos por las partes no en español - "Video que forma parte de la serie ‘Las vidas negras importan’, una iniciativa que es el resultado de las discusiones sobre el tema promovidas en 2020 por la Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) Interaméricas y su Comité Regional de Combate al Racismo y la Xenofobia."

The Proud Boys and Black Lives Matter clashed in this Florida town — and only BLM faced charges: report  2/3/2021 Alternet: "On January 27, Florida-based activists offered testimony against the DeSantis-supported anti-protest bill. One of them, Arlinda "Tray" Johns, testified, "We just want to know: was it written on the same parchment paper that the slave codes were written on? Because to us in the Black Community, this feels very Jim Crowish.""

2020: el año de las Vidas Negras Importan  12/23/2020 Que Pasa: "“La muerte de Floyd hizo que la gente se diera cuenta del trato que reciben las minorías de color por policías racistas”, dijo el activista Héctor Vaca, cuando se desarrollaron las protestas en el centro de Charlotte y fue objeto de un ataque de gas pimienta por parte de la policía local en una de las manifestaciones."

Las vidas negras importan también en Colombia  6/13/2020 CINEP: "Mientras el mundo se levanta tras el asesinato del afroamericano George Floyd a manos de la policía, en Colombia, aunque no sea noticia, la resistencia del pueblo afro también ocurre. En esta nota le echamos una mirada a lo que pasa en nuestro país y la perspectiva del CINEP/PPP sobre movilización afrocolombiana y negra en Colombia, un país que también discrimina y asesina a su gente negra. Educar, protestar y organizarse han sido las más destacadas estrategias de movilización de los afro en Colombia, según el análisis de Datapaz*."

Hong Kong’s ‘Pro-Democracy’ Movement Allies with US Politicians Who Seek to Crush Black Lives Matter  6/10/2020 Consortium News: "Hong Kong’s “pro-democracy” activists have gone so far as to derail the efforts of an African-American woman who attempted to organize a Black Lives Matter demonstration in the city, accusing her of being an agent of the police and Communist Party of China." … Leaders of Hong Kong’s opposition like Wong have spent years cultivating close relationships some of the most hawkish figures in Washington. Their most vociferous allies include far-right Republican Senators Ted Cruz Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio, and Rick Scott, and Tom Cotton, who recently called for a U.S. Military crackdown on Black Lives Matter protests."

Native Response to Black Lives Matter Protests  6/5/2020 New Mexico In Focus, a Production of NMPBS: "Not long ago, the nation watched as Native Americans protested the Dakota Access Pipeline. As the country turns its eye toward the Black Lives Matter movement, correspondent Antonia Gonzales talks with three Native Americans about their perspectives on recent protests."

Las Vidas Negras Importan en Centroamérica  6/5/2020 Central America News: "Como centroamericanxs, entendemos nuestras propias experiencias de racismo en los Estados Unidos y afuera, pero como centroamericanxs, también necesitamos enfrentar la realidad de que los centroamericanxs blancxs, criollxs y mestizxs/ladinxs son cómplices y agentes activxs en contra de las comunidades negras en los Estados Unidos y en Centroamérica. Las vidas negras son importantes en todo el continente y en el mundo. Como personas transnacionales, debemos luchar por las vidas negras en todas partes del mundo que llamamos hogar. Tenemos que luchar a través de las fronteras, incluso en las regiones donde la violencia y la desigualdad contra lxs negrxs siguen afectando a las comunidades negras centroamericanas porque los centroamericanxs blancxs y mestizxs/ladinxs les marginan y discriminan."

Watch final episodes of Al Jazeera film on US Israel lobby  11/6/2018 The Electronic Intifada: "In the first two parts of the censored documentary The Lobby – USA, released by The Electronic Intifada this week, Al Jazeera’s undercover reporter “Tony” charmed his way into pro-Israel circles. He discovered a network of organizations acting as fronts for the Israeli state to spy on, disrupt and sabotage US supporters of Palestinian rights – especially BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. In the final two parts of of the film, Tony gets a deeper look at Israel’s covert influence campaigns during his internship for The Israel Project."

Watch the film the Israel lobby didn’t want you to see  11/2/2018 The Electronic Intifada: "The Electronic Intifada has obtained a complete copy of The Lobby – USA, a four-part undercover investigation by Al Jazeera into Israel’s covert influence campaign in the United States. It is today publishing the first two episodes. The Paris-based Orient XXI has published the same episodes with French subtitles."

Censored documentary exposes Israel’s attack on Black Lives Matter  9/18/2018 Monthly Review: "Exclusive footage from the censored Al Jazeera documentary, “The Lobby–USA,” shows Israeli government officials taking credit for attacks on Black Lives Matter and reveals an Israel lobbyist explaining how his organization shut down a BLM fundraiser When the Movement for Black Lives released a platform in August 2016 that supported the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement and identified Israel as an apartheid state engaged in a project of genocide against Palestinians, the Israeli government snapped into action."

Censored Documentary Exposes Israel’s Attack on Black Lives Matter  9/12/2018 Black Agenda Report: "When the Movement for Black Lives released a platform in August 2016 that supported the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement and identified Israel as an apartheid state engaged in a project of genocide against Palestinians, the Israeli government snapped into action. Previously unreleased footage from Al Jazeera’s censored investigative documentary, “The Lobby -- USA,” shows Israeli diplomats complaining about the Black Lives Matter “problem” and boasting about their cultivation of established black civil rights activists as pro-Israel proxies. The footage also reveals how the Israel lobby orchestrated the sudden cancellation of a Black Lives Matter fundraiser at a New York City nightclub."

The biggest Black Lives Matter page on Facebook is fake  4/9/2018 CNN: "For at least a year, the biggest page on Facebook purporting to be part of the Black Lives Matter movement was a scam with ties to a middle-aged white man in Australia, a review of the page and associated accounts and websites conducted by CNN shows."

Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson  9/28/2017 CNN: "The targeting issue is also important because, if it appears that the targeting was particularly sophisticated, questions may be raised about how the Russians knew where to direct their ads. Further, information about the targeting could help investigators determine whether or not there was collusion between these ad buyers and the Trump campaign."

Israel Security Forces Are Training American Cops Despite History of Rights Abuses  9/15/2017 The Interceot: "“The focus of this training is on riot suppression, counterinsurgency, and counterterrorism — all of which are essentially irrelevant or should be irrelevant to the vast majority of police departments,” he added. “They shouldn’t be suppressing protest, they shouldn’t be engaging in counterinsurgency, and almost none of them face any real threat from terrorism.”

Black Lives Matter in Cuba  8/21/2017 teleSUR: "Many of these same doctors then went to Haiti, the Western Hemisphere’s first free black republic, where today there are several hundred Cuban doctors and specialists providing free health care to 4 million people. After the deadly 2010 earthquake, Cuba health professionals arrived within 72 hours as some of the first responders. The United States, on the other hand, sent thousands of marine soldiers to the island."

Venezuela Is Under Attack for Asserting That Black Lives Matter  6/23/2017 teleSUR: "Chavez was the first president in the Americas to openly acknowledge and embrace his Indigenous and African heritage. The privately owned Venezuelan media often referred to him with racist slurs. In 2005, Chávez declared that, "hate against me has a lot to do with racism. Because of my big mouth and curly hair. And I'm so proud to have this mouth and this hair, because it is African." That same year, Chávez created the Presidential Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination in the Venezuelan Educational System."

Lessons from Fidel: Black Lives Matter and the Transition of El Comandante  11/27/2016 Black Lives Matter: "As a Black network committed to transformation, we are particularly grateful to Fidel for holding Mama Assata Shakur, who continues to inspire us. We are thankful that he provided a home for Brother Michael Finney Ralph Goodwin, and Charles Hill, asylum to Brother Huey P. Newton, and sanctuary for so many other Black revolutionaries who were being persecuted by the American government during the Black Power era. We are indebted to Fidel for sending resources to Haiti following the 2010 earthquake and attempting to support Black people in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina when our government left us to die on rooftops and in floodwaters. We are thankful that he provided a space where the traditional spiritual work of African people could flourish, regardless of his belief system."

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Alicia Garza on the Global Movement for Black Lives  10/3/2016 Moyers and Co: "We are demanding an end to the war on black people, in this country and around the world. The platform is centered around ending the seemingly endless onslaught facing black communities globally. The policy platform clearly states what we want — reparations, an end to the war on black people, economic justice, an investment in our futures and a divestment in our destruction, community control and political power."

Facebook temporarily blocks Black Lives Matter activist after he posts racist email  9/12/2016 Guardian: "Shaun King – a senior justice writer for the New York Daily News, who frequently writes viral stories about police brutality – posted on his Facebook page a screenshot of an email that twice called him the N-word, saying “FUCK YOU N*****!” The technology corporation said it was blocking him from posting for 24 hours, saying he had violated its “community standards”."

What Does Black Lives Matter Want?  9/2/2016 Counterpunch: "On August 1 the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), a coalition of over sixty organizations, rolled out “A Vision for Black Lives: Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom & Justice,” an ambitious document described by the press as the first signs of what young black activists “really want.”

Surveillance Of Black Lives Matter Movement Recalls COINTELPRO  8/19/2016 Huff Post: "Allen-Bell also said it was highly unlikely that white preachers with similar, if not larger followings, would be considered potential threats to national security. “Why should [Mckesson] raise a concern if he is exposing a viewpoint that he feels is going to generate progress, ultimately, in this country? There’s no violence attached to this. There’s no sinister plot … None of that has emerged.”"

Alan Dershowitz: Black Lives Matter Must Rescind Its Anti-Israel Declaration  8/16/2016 Algemeiner: by Alan Dershowitz

Milwaukee’s War on Black People  8/15/2016 Alternet: "“It’s the police. This is the madness that they spark up. This is what they encourage. This is what they provoke. This is what you get. You take a loved one from something, this is what you get,” Smith declared on Saturday, standing in view of an auto parts store engulfed in flames. “I don’t know when it’s going to end. But it’s for y’all to start. We’re not the ones that’s killing us. Y’all killing us. We can’t make a change if you all don’t change.”"

Will Conflict over the Centrality of LGBTQ Issues Drive a Wedge in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement?  8/14/2016 Atlanta Black Star: "However, for some Black activist groups, this poses a problem. Some, including Black nationalists and cultural nationalists, believe that the movement for Black liberation should place race first, and that LGBTQ issues have no place. And they disapprove of the intersectionality of race and sexual orientation that is promoted in the movement. The division was brought to the fore in Atlanta, where a man named Sir Maejor Page was booted from the official local Black Lives Matter chapter — Black Lives Matter Atlanta — and formed his own nonprofit organization called Black Lives Matter of Greater "

Critics denounce Black Lives Matter platform accusing Israel of 'genocide'  8/11/2016 Guardian: "The rabbi added that claiming the oppression of black people in America is linked to the struggle of Palestinians is “unquestionably shortsighted and will only undermine the credibility of the movement and the important cause of civil rights in America”."

Why this black Bernie Sanders delegate says he doesn't have the luxury of going "Bernie or Bust"  8/1/2016 Vox: "If Donald Trump wins, he's more likely to appoint judges who oppose Black Lives Matter and criminal justice reform, and who think that police officers — who can kill black people without being charged — already don't have enough power. That means if my kids get shot, the officers who did it would become less likely to be charged," he says. "This isn’t theory for us. It’s reality."

When Black Lives Surely Didn’t Matter  7/26/2016 Consortium News: "A couple of days ago, ex-Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and Louisiana Republican Party member David Duke announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate, crediting the political statements and announced agenda of Donald Trump and, presumably, the platform of the Republican Party. Months earlier, after Duke publicly endorsed Trump for President, Trump unconvincingly claimed that he didn’t know anything about Duke."

Afro-Latin American Women Leading Fight Against Racism, Sexism  7/24/2016 teleSUR: "The organization, which has grown into a network of approximately 40 members, is influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States--which is spearheaded by three African-American women from the LGBT community, and hopes that softening U.S.-Cuba relations will foster stronger, transnational ties between the two groups."

Chants Encounter  7/18/2016 Snopes: "A perpetually recirculating video of Black Lives Matter protesters chanting for "dead cops" dates to December 2014 and is unrelated to BLM protest events occurring in July 2016."

A Sheriff Who Called Black Lives Matter ‘Black Slime’ Is Speaking at the Republican Convention  7/18/2016 Mother Jones: "He's referred to Black Lives Matter as "black slime" and "garbage," and he's called Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, and Trayvon Martin "goons," "criminal creep(s)," "criminals" and "co-conspirators in their own demise.""

Leader of 60s Latino Group Says Unity Needed Now More Than Ever  7/14/2016 tekleSUR: "When he tried to call the main phone line of Occupy Wall Street, he said, he was sure the phone was tapped because he couldn’t get through. Several documented cases of FBI infiltration of Occupy Wall Street and of targeting Black Lives Matter activists have already come out, and more are expected to come. To successfully resist “divide and conquer” tactics, activists today must study the history of their predecessors to understand the mindset and scope of state intelligence, said Jimenez. Assassinations and arrests are a part of that history."

FBI Agents Visiting Black Lives Matter Activists Ahead Of GOP Convention  7/14/2016 Daily Caller: "The subject was brought up at a White House round-table meeting held on Wednesday by Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson. According to The Washington Post, Mckesson urged President Obama, who moderated the discussion, to instruct the FBI to stop contacting activists ahead of next week’s convention."

FBI Incites Police Violence Against Black Lives Matter Protests Before They Even Happen  7/13/2016 teleSUR: "While President Barack Obama has called for changing the practices of police following the killing of the two Black men at the hands of white officers, the federal government is in fact encouraging the police to crackdown on Black protesters. Investigations by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund’s found various federal agencies have regularly labeled peaceful protests as violent and incited local police departments against them for several years starting with the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011."

The Young People Will Save Us: My Experience Marching With Black Lives Matter in Chicago  7/12/2016 Alternet: "When repeatedly asked by the marchers, “If it is only a few cops that are ‘rotten apples’ then why not turn them in to protect your reputations?” the police looked extremely uncomfortable and disturbed. The fundamental truth of that statement seemed to have caused them to experience a moment of cognitive dissonance."

FBI Greenlights Crackdown on Black Lives Matter Protesters  7/12/2016 Alternet: "More than 100 peaceful protesters were arrested by police on Saturday. Police repeatedly swept into the crowd like a paramilitary force dressed as robots, giving no audible instructions and snatching people for arrest. More were arrested on Sunday by police who moved in wearing riot gear and plastic face masks, and banged their batons against riot shields in threatening unison."

Are Police Targeting Black Lives Matter Activists Ahead of the GOP Convention?  6/30/2016 Mother Jones: "With the Republican National Convention fast approaching in Cleveland, tensions over security are mounting. Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump is expected to draw thousands of protesters and the scene outside the convention could turn volatile. At least two outside police departments have pulled out of the security effort, citing concerns that the city is ill-prepared. And the American Civil Liberties Union sued Cleveland over protest rules it views as draconian. (A settlement was reached last week.) Now, local and federal authorities have begun aggressively tracking activists—including members of the Black Lives Matter movement who have helped spotlight Cleveland's brutal policing problems. Last week, law enforcement agents began visiting the homes of known activists in Cleveland."

The Social Media Profile of the Black Lives Matter Movement  6/7/2016 GA Tech: "Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology looked at nearly 29 million tweets surrounding four recent Black Lives Matter (BLM) events to identify the social media patterns of its activists. They found that the community is unlike many other social movements because of its ability to bond over the course of many months. More than a third of those who participated via social media for the first time continued their participation during the next BLM event. The study also found being from a state with historically high rates of black victimization due to police violence, especially in the South and Midwest, was linked to peoples’ response on social media even if the state wasn’t the scene of the current BLM event."

Watch Black Lives Matter co-founder confront FBI director in Birmingham  5/26/2016 AL: "At the end of his 20-minute speech, Birmingham Black Lives Matter co-founder Avee-Ashanti Shabazz stood from his seat in the balcony and began shouting down at Comey."

FBI director: Fears of viral videos softens police work  5/12/2016 Washington Times: "The rift between President Obama and FBI Director James B. Comey over the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement deepened Thursday, with the White House again disputing Mr. Comey’s assertion that it’s the cause of spiking crime in major cities. “We just need to make sure that our policy approach to addressing this situation is rooted in evidence and facts,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest. “It’s clear that we don’t have enough evidence at this point.”"

The Black Lives Matters Founders are among the World's Greatest Leaders  3/24/2016 Fortune: "Modern social movements often fizzle after their moment in the national news (Occupy Wall Street and to a lesser extent the Tea Party come to mind). But Black Lives Matter has steadily gained momentum since its founding in 2013, when activist Alicia Garza coined the phrase and fellow activist Patrisse Cullors made it a hashtag. Alongside Opal Tometi, they created the Black Lives Matter network, which has grown to 28 local chapters, each fighting a range of racial injustices like police brutality and racial profiling."

How black, Latino and Muslim college students organized to stop Trump's rally in Chicago  3/12/2016 LA Times: "When black, Muslim and Latino student activists at the University of Illinois at Chicago heard last week that Donald Trump was planning a rally on campus, they did what any good organizers do in 2016: They went online. Within days, thousands of people had liked a Facebook page called "Stop Trump – Chicago." Tens of thousands added their names to a petition calling on the school to cancel the rally."

How Bernie Sanders Supporters Shut Down Donald Trump's Rally in Chicago  3/12/2016 NBC: "The pump was primed in Chicago, thanks to now near-constant demonstrations against Mayor Rahm Emanuel over the shooting of Laquan McDonald and other issues. Trump chose a venue, the University of Illinois-Chicago campus, in the heart of the city, where student organizers whipped a demonstration together. And activists tapped into existing networks of pro-Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter activists."

Recap: What We’ve Learned About Surveillance of Black Lives Matter  3/7/2016 BORDC: "Over the past year, news websites The Intercept and Vice have obtained numerous documents revealing how both the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and local law enforcement extensively monitored the Black Lives Matter movement. Treating activists as terrorists leads to the criminalization of free speech and assembly."

Zuckerberg Tells Facebook Staff To Stop Crossing Out 'Black Lives Matter'  2/26/2016 NPR: "Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is scolding employees for what he calls "several recent instances" of people crossing out "black lives matter" on signature walls at the company's headquarters and writing "all lives matter" instead. In a note posted to employees on a company announcement page, published by Gizmodo, Zuckerberg says he and several other leaders at the company have previously warned employees against doing this. "I was already very disappointed by this disrespectful behavior before, but after my communication, I now consider this malicious as well," Zuckerberg writes."

Black Lives Matter Network Denounces U.S. “Continuing Intervention” in Venezuela  12/21/2015 Black Agenda Report: "The co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Network and Executive Director of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration warns that the recent electoral victory of U.S.-backed counter revolutionary parties in Venezuela endangers the country’s African-descended population. The letter denounces “corporate media lies about electoral corruption voiced by Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sander’s defamation of late President Hugo Chavez labeling him a dictator.”

Black Lives Matter Network Denounces U.S. “Continuing Intervention” in Venezuela  11/26/2015 Venezuela Analysis: "The co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Network and Executive Director of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration warns that the recent electoral victory of U.S.-backed counter revolutionary parties in Venezuela endangers the country’s African-descended population. The letter denounces “corporate media lies about electoral corruption voiced by Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sander’s defamation of late President Hugo Chavez labeling him a dictator.” “We reject any action the U.S. puts forward to plunder Venezuelan natural resources, occupy the country and incite violence.”"

Major donors consider funding Black Lives Matter  11/13/2015 Politico: "Some of the biggest donors on the left plan to meet behind closed doors next week in Washington with leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement and their allies to discuss funding the burgeoning protest movement, POLITICO has learned."

Global Summit to Address Root Causes of the Attack on Black Lives  9/3/2015 Charleston Chronicle: "An Afro-European delegation, the leader of the Caribbean reparations movement, Black Lives Matter activists, and members of the Pan African Congress and the African Union will highlight Valuing Black Lives: The First Annual Global Emotional Emancipation Summit to be presented by Community Healing Network (CHN) and the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) on September 17 and 18, 2015… Confirmed Summit panelists include: Professor Gisela Arandia, Cuban activist; Sir Professor Hilary Beckles, Chair, CARICOM Reparations Committee; Professor Ikaweba Bunting, The Pan African Congress; Dr. Ramona Edelin, author, We the Village; Momodou Jallow, Vice Chair of the European Network Against Racism (ENAR); Dr. Wade Nobles, Institute for the Advanced Study of Black Family, Life and Culture; Erika Totten, founder and president, Black Lives Matter DMV and To Live Unchained; and Dr. Paul Zeleza, former president, the African Studies Association."

What a Band of 20th-Century Alabama Communists Can Teach Black Lives Matter and the Offspring of Occupy  8/31/2015 The Nation: "The book does a few things that interest readers today. It is about a radical social movement that really was trying to shift the paradigm—it wasn’t about making better reforms, it wasn’t operating within the Democratic Party—in a very unlikely place like Alabama, where the conditions of repression were so enormous. [In doing so], it links two [contemporary] movements that we now think of as separate. One is anti-capitalism and its roots in the Occupy movement and elsewhere, the other is what has now been identified as Black Lives Matter, the struggle against police violence and the carceral state."

Inspiration Behind ‘Black Lives Matter’ is on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ List  8/28/2015 Infowars: "The inspiration behind the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement – the individual cited by its founder and regularly quoted by its supporters – is a convicted cop killer who is on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ list. ‘Black Lives Matter’ was founded by militant feminists Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opel Tometi, with Garza widely recognized as the most influential of the three. In an article which details the philosophical foundation of ‘Black Lives Matter’, Garza cites, “Assata’s powerful demand in my organizing work.”"

#BlackLivesMatter and Cuba  8/24/2015 Progressive Pupil: ""In July a group of Black Lives Matter activists visited Cuba with the 46th Contingent of the Venceremos Brigade. Included in this group was Progressive Pupil’s own, Shannon Shird, Outreach Director for Black and Cuba and former Community Outreach Specialist in our New Leaders for Social Change Program, Anita Moore, Chapter Coordinator and Community Organizer with Black Lives Matter, and Amity Paye, the BYP100 NYC Communications Co-chair.""

No, George Soros Didn’t Give $33 Million to #BlackLivesMatter  8/19/2015 The Daily Beast: "Zimmerman said his organization has donated money to groups working on “issues arising out of the Black Lives Matter movement.” OSF helped organize a talk with the hashtag’s cofounder Patrisse Cullors and actor Danny Glover, a spokesperson said. But Zimmerman said there is simply no way to directly fund an amorphous movement like Black Lives Matter, even if George Soros wanted to. Zimmerman called the suggestion “rumor stew.”"

Black Lives Matter visits Cuba  8/18/2015 Black Youth Project 100: "For Cuba, racial discrimination is a curse that both fled the country with the Cuban exiles and stayed behind with the revolution. To be fair to the Cuban revolution, many of the Black Lives Matter movement’s “radical” demands to alleviate the effects of structural racism have been fulfilled in Cuba: all education (including higher education) is free, healthcare is free, housing is subsidized, healthy food is subsidized, and more. In 1962 the Cuban government declared the end of racial discrimination through the implementation of these egalitarian policies. In the U.S., racism is aggressive and deadly, systemic and carefully calculated. Although not fully eradicated, we found it true that Cuba’s socialist model diminishes the presence of structural racism and Cubans rightfully take pride in being more socially advanced than the U.S. in their “pursuit” for racial equality."

Black Lives Matter Visits Cuba  8/17/2015 BAJI: "A group of Black Lives Matter activists reflect on the lessons they learned during a recent solidarity trip to Cuba." [Full version]

Video — Black Lives Matter Founder Rants at Netroots: ‘Burn Everything Down!’  7/27/2015 Breitbart: "Last week, Breitbart News exposed that convicted cop killer Assata Shakur is one of the heroes of the Black Lives Matter founders. Black Lives Matter pays homage to Cuban exile Shakur and quotes the Communist Manifesto at every single Black Lives Matter event."

Feds Regularly Monitored Black Lives Matter Since Ferguson  7/24/2015 The Intercept: "The documents, released by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Operations Coordination, indicate that the department frequently collects information, including location data, on Black Lives Matter activities from public social media accounts, including on Facebook, Twitter, and Vine, even for events expected to be peaceful. The reports confirm social media surveillance of the protest movement and ostensibly related events in the cities of Ferguson, Baltimore, Washington, DC, and New York."

BlackLivesMatter Pays Homage to Marxist Cop Killer at Every Event It Holds  7/23/2015 Breitbart: "BlackLivesMatter—the activist group that demands a “racial justice agenda” that includes constant criticism and activism against police—invokes the words of convicted cop killer Assata Shakur at “all its events.” At a recent event for female bloggers, BlackLivesMatter leaders had a crowd of thousands repeating lines from a letter written by Shakur that include an explicit reference to the Communist Manifesto."

Robin DiAngelo: The Role White Progressives Play in Racism, White Supremacy  6/28/2015 Black and Brown News: "Dr. Robin DiAngelo is a Seattle-based consultant with a practice area in multicultural teaching, inter-group dialogue facilitation, cultural diversity & social justice and anti-racist education. In this 8 minute video presentation she is addressing a Black Lives Matter event audience."

Leaked List Shows Ferguson Protesters Paid by Soros Front Group  5/19/2015 InfoWars 

Why Was an FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force Tracking a Black Lives Matter Protest?  3/12/2015 The Intercept: "“Clearly it’s inappropriate to be using the Joint Terrorist Task Force to monitor activists [and] the use of a CHS seems extremely inappropriate,” said Michael German, a fellow at New York University’s Brennan Center for Justice and former special agent with the FBI. “The fact that they’re spending resources in this manner reflects poor leadership and is something that they should really take a hard look at.”"

George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action  1/14/2015 Washington Times 

#BlackLivesMatter takes the field: A weekend of athletes speaking out  12/8/2014 SF Bay View: "They were not alone. Detroit Lions running back Reggie Bush, who was attacked by Abe Foxman and the Anti-Defamation League for comparing the late Michael Brown’s hometown of Ferguson to Gaza on Instagram, was not cowed into silence and wore a shirt that read “I can’t breathe” during warm-ups. He said, “Honestly, I’ve always been the quiet kid. I’ve always been the one who’s reserved, to kind of sit back and not really get into politics and things like that. But I don’t know why I just felt some kind of … I guess the situation just touched me.”"

Nyle Fort, the 24-year-old minister at the heart of Ferguson  11/12/2014 Fusion: "“While what you see here may have been started by the actions of one singular moment, what it represents goes far beyond Ferguson,” Fort said. “This is ground zero for a new movement led by a new generation of young people demanding justice, not only for Michael Brown, but for the millions of black people whose lives are being disposed of.”"

The Racialized Dynamics of Miami - Havana

Cuba: Identity & Antiracism

Race & Identity in Cuba

Programa de Gobierno de Cuba contra el racismo y la discriminación. Comisión Gubernamental, encabezada por el Presidente Díaz-Canel, 11/2019

White Supremacy and Miami Cubans
La Supremacia Blanca y los Cubanos de Miami

Black Florida News

African Americans & Cuba News

Marco Rubio

Miami’s Forgotten Cubans by Alan A. Aja

The US, the Exiled Plantocracy and Race - traces the history of how the US aimed to play on race in their attempts to shut down the Revolution.

The Fanjuls, Sultans of Sugar, and Domino Sugar

White Supremacy Pages

Resources on Latinx racism, anti-blackness, and white supremacy in and out of Latin America in English, 2021, Maleanta Seria

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En español  #TrayvonMeEnseñó

Respuesta a un activista sobre BLM - Response to an activist on BLM, 7/21/2021


In English

Movement for Black Lives, M4BL, to which BLM belongs.

Venceremos Brigade & Black Lives Matter Presents: From Ferguson to NYC to Cuba, Event on Facebook, 1/19/2015   Alicia Garza, cofounder BLM  Opal Tometi, cofounder BLM

Assata Shakur

Angola, Cuito Cuanavale

Tángana en el Trillo, a pro-government antiracist youth movement 


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