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Belly of the Beast Cuba

Belly of The Beast is a Havana-based project made up of Cubans and foreigners. It is unique in countering parachute journalism and providing stories directly from the island for a Western audience.

The documentary series, The War on Cuba, gives an inside look on the effects of U.S. sanctions on Cuban people.

Executive producers: Oliver Stone and Danny Glover

"Investigative journalism that exposes the political and economic interests driving US policy and the impact of that policy on people both in Cuba and the United States. We do not ignore Cuba’s many problems, but our priority is to serve as a watchdog over powerful forces in the United States since our primary audience is based there." --


War on CubaThe War on Cuba — Episode 3  10/24/2020 Belly of The Beast Cuba: "The documentary series, The War on Cuba, gives an inside look on the effects of U.S. sanctions on Cuban people. Episode 3 explores Cuba's healthcare program and medical brigades. We talk to doctors who served in Brazil, Bolivia and Italy, and of course the ones who held it down in Cuba during COVID-19."

The War on Cuba — Episode 2 0:02 / 12:30 The War on Cuba — Episode 2  10/16/2020 Belly of the Beast: "Episode 2 explores the impact of the US-imposed “oil blockade” on Cuba and the ways in which Cubans are finding alternatives to scarcities caused by US sanctions."

The War on Cuba — Episode 1  10/9/2020 Belly of the Beast: "The documentary series, The War on Cuba, gives an inside look on the effects of U.S. sanctions on Cuban people."

Liz Oliva Fernandez and Andy Premiere Episode 1 of "The War on Cuba"  10/9/2020 Belly of the Beast Cuba: "This is a premiere of episode 1 of "The War on Cuba", a documentary that gives an inside look on the effects of U.S. sanctions on Cuban people. We will screen episode 1 then host a Q&A with presenter and journalist, Liz Oliva."

Belly of the Beast Presents ‘The War on Cuba’  10/9/2020 Latino rebels: "The United States is in the midst of racial uprisings, unprecedented economic crises and political tension. As young people begin to recognize the limits of their own opportunities, there’s also a re-awakening towards the world outside of the U.S. and the past few months have re-grounded the importance of international solidarity. Yet, media outlets that tell the stories of people outside the U.S. for young U.S. Americans are scarce. This is why Belly of the Beast was created. It’s a Havana-based media organization that tells Cuba’s untold stories through hard-hitting journalism and stunning cinematography. With a team of Cuban and U.S.-based journalists, Belly of the Beast pioneered a new model of documentary filmmaking and reporting from the Global South that breaks with the practice of parachute journalism."

'The War on Cuba' Episode 1 of a 3-part series. Executive producers, Oliver Stone & Danny Glover. Premieres October 9th at 6 pm ET.  10/9/2020 Canadian-Cuban Solidarity Association (CCFA) Toronto: "The docuseries provides an inside look at the impact of the US embargo on aspects of Cuban daily and economic life and the impact of sanctions on Cuban people. The screening will be followed by a Q & A with journalist, Liz Oliva Fernandez, Andy Villa and Luna."

"Playing a Card": How Trump Used Cuba to Gain Points in Florida  10/9/2020 Miami New Times: "Those interviews are featured in The War on Cuba, a documentary series released today by Belly of the Beast, a media startup covering Cuba and U.S.-Cuban relations."

Blockading Cuba Serves No Purpose Beyond Sadism  10/7/2020 Root Action: "Trump and Coronavirus have hit Cuba like twin disasters, even if cutting back on U.S. travel has probably mitigated the spread of Coronavirus there. Even a Chinese billionaire was unable to get ventilators for Cuba past the U.S. blockade. That alone is a deadly policy outcome that looks especially awful to a world largely appreciative of Cuba sending doctors to assist on various continents."

US-Cuba Docuseries 'The War on Cuba' Premiers Friday  10/7/2020 teleSUR: "Originally slated to be a ten-part series focusing on the Trump administrations’ attacks on culture, sports, energy, travel, healthcare, and other sectors in Cuba, the Belly of the Beast production crew in Havana was forced to change gears with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, interrupting travel and production schedules. The revised series, narrated and presented by Cuban journalist Liz Oliva and scored by Cuban musicians El Espacio, will now focus on the mechanics of the US blockade, the connection to US policy in Venezuela, the attacks on Cuba’s international medical collaboration, and the role of Cuba in Florida electoral politics."

LESSONS FROM CUBA: A SERIES OF CONVERSATIONS TO RE-POLITICIZE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CUBA AND THE US  9/4/2020 Peoples' Forum: "The People’s Forum is excited to co-host the first module of the series LESSONS FROM CUBA organized by the media collective Belly of the Beast. Join us on September 4 for an exchange between Devyn Springer and James Early on the connection between the Cuban struggle and anti-racist movement in the US, and a first look at Belly of the Beast’s upcoming documentary."

Episode 2- Reed Lindsay Belly of The Beast Media Cuban Doctors Fighting COVID  6/18/2020 The Breeze: "In this episode, we bring to you Filmmaker/Director/Producer Reed Lindsay, all the way from Cuba. We met Reed a few years back at The Dances With Films Festivals where his Documentary "Charlie VS Goliath" was screened, about an independent candidate who fought hard to win a senate seat by doing grassroots campaigning. We catch up with Reed about his new endeavor, including his Media Outlet, Belly of The Beast, which focuses on the news coming out of Cuba, and mentions the recent news about Cuban doctors which have traveled all over the world, helping various countries fighting off the COVID Crisis."

Group of Independent Journalists Create Online Platform ‘Belly of the Beast’ to Tell Cuba’s Untold Stories  6/17/2020 Group of Independent Journalists Create Online Platform ‘Belly of the Beast’ to Tell Cuba’s Untold Stories: "A small group of independent journalists have come together in Cuba to create a new platform, “Belly of the Beast,” with the purpose of telling some of Cuba’s stories—in English. The platform has already created informative videos that have been shared on YouTube including one about Cuban doctors serving in other countries and another featuring El Individuo, one of Cuba’s most outspoken rappers. The founders seek to not only uncover some of the island’s hidden stories but also shift the narrative around the political situation on the island, including the role of journalists."

Cubans in Solidarity with The Movement for Black Lives  6/5/2020 Belly of The Beast Cuba: "Protests in response to the killing of George Floyd have been broadcast in Cuba. Here's the response of four Cubans to the death and the protests."

Belly of the Beast Film Project “Cuba from the Inside”  6/1/2020 Green Cities Fund: "Journalists and documentary filmmakers Ed Augustin and Reed Lindsay are producing a ten part series on the Trump White House and Cuba. Combining hard hitting journalism and stunning cinematography, the series will assess the impact of the Trump White House on Cuba, filling a void in the underwhelming media coverage of Cuba and U.S. Cuba relations. Ed and Reed will be assisted by Luna Olavarria Gallegos, a storyteller and founder of the multimedia project “AfroRazones” and Tracey Eaton, an award-winning journalist and former head of the Dallas Morning News bureaus in Mexico and Cuba. Distribution will be through a vigorous outreach campaign targeting online influencers and communities with ties to Cuba and Latin America."

How Cuba is succeeding in the fight against COVID  5/28/2020 48 Hills: "With a government-run medical system, the island has contained the virus to a tiny fraction of the cases in the US."

Doctors Speak  5/21/2020 Belly of the Beast Cuba: "30,000 Cuban medical professionals are currently serving in more than 60 countries. What do Cuban doctors and nurses serving in St. Kitts and Nevis, Angola and Italy think about this allegation?"

Belly of the Beast: Cuba’s Untold Stories  4/27/2020 Portside: "I met some of the Italy-bound doctors at a small ceremony on the outskirts of Havana hours before they left on buses for the airport. “Nobody is forcing me to be here,” said Dr. Graciliano Díaz Bartolo, a veteran of medical missions to Bolivia, Haiti, and Guinea. “Being humane is what’s most important, to share what we have with those who are in need. And right now, Italy needs us.”"

Cuba's Door-to-Door Doctors  4/17/2020 Belly of the Beast Cuba: "Cuban doctors don’t wait for patients to come to the hospital. They go to their patients, door by door. The #pesquisa is a daily routine familiar to Cubans."


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