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Malcolm X Grassroots Movement

This organization has done great work in promoting Cuban hip hop and supporting hip hop and rap artists through events in NY, Oakland, and Cuba. The legendary Nehanda Abiodun  was a member.


The Politics of Food and Blackness in Venezuela  3/3/2019 Venezuela Analysis: "In part two of this series, Groundings' Devyn Springer talks with Christina Schiavoni, a scholar and activist who deals with issues of food, food sovereignty, and agriculture. Her work in Venezuela has been very important to dispelling misinformation about food, food shortages, and agricultural production in Venezuela, as well as the great strides towards food sovereignty that the Bolivarian Revolution has made. The interview specifically references an essay of hers titled "The Politics of Food in Venezuela" that masterfully combats myths and intentional misinformation surrounding the subject. VA's Jeanette Charles speaks with Dr. Akinyele Umoja, head of Georgia State University's Black Studies department and co-founder of the Malcom X Grassroots Movement. His work joins social, political, and cultural movements of today across the African Diaspora and continent. In this interview he discusses the long history of Malcolm X Grassroots Movement's solidarity work with Afro-Venezuelans, how the Bolivarian Revolution is a Black revolution, and how the government has taken great strides to help African people both in Venezuela and around the world."

Deadly Force Against Blacks Rises  7/22/2012 Black America Web: "Produced by the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM) and the No More Trayvon Martins campaign and entitled the “Extrajudicial Killings of Black People,” researchers toiled around the clock in uncovering that every 40 hours, just over a day and half, at least one victim fell prey to such torment and since the start of this year well over a hundred more sufferers (110 as of June 30) have succumbed to the same dubious distinction, thereby increasing the rate of the epidemic over the least six months to an even more alarming one victim every 36 hours."

Educadores Afro Venezolanos realizaron jornada de intercambio con comunidades Afrodescendientes de Mississippi, USA  11/23/2011 Aporrea: "El pasado fin de semana se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Jackson, Mississippi el foro “Los Afrodescendientes y la Revolución Bolivariana”con la participación del rector Gerónimo Sánchez de la Universidad Territorial Argelia Laya ubicada en Barlovento, estado Miranda y el dirigente del movimiento social afro venezolano Alexis Machado. Esta actividad fue organizada por The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement y the Ward 2 People’s Assembly of Jackson."

Happy Birthday Assata Campaign  3/28/2008 Scheme: "On November 2 2006, Mos Def, Sonia Sanchez and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement helped to kick off the Happy Birthday Assata Campaign, a national mobilization effort to commemorate the revolutionary icon’s 60th birthday. Well over one hundred supporters gathered at SEIU 1199 in midtown Manhattan to rally support for Assata and for the many political prisoners detained throughout the United States and abroad."

Report Back From Haiti: Building Democracy from the Grassroots  11/10/2007 Malcolm X Grassroots Movement: "This summer, members of the Haiti Action Committee, along with Dr. Akinyele Umoja of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, traveled to Haiti. We met with grassroots activists, political prisoners and human rights workers. We heard the continuing calls for the return of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. We saw close-up the resistance to the U.S./U.N. occupation."

NYC Police Brutalize Human Rights Attorney - A human rights attorney known for handling cases of police brutality became a victim of police abuse  6/23/2007 Indymedia: "Quickly, word of the Warrens arrest spread, and several hundred people descended on the 77th Precinct demanding his release. Organizations including the December 12th Movement, 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, Malcolm X Grassroots, International Action Center, CEMOTAP, the Muslim community, the Haitian community and many others were present and several media outlets were on hand. NYC Councilman Charles Barron, Attorneys Roger Wareham, Reginald Haley, and Marisa Benton began negotiating their release with Brooklyn's top brass, including Community Affairs Chief Douglas Zeigler, Brooklyn Borough Commander Chief Gerald Nelson, and 77th Precinct Executive Officer Michael Marino. At approximately 10:30 PM Evelyn Warren was released with a DAT (desk appearance ticket), Michael Warren was released with a DAT at 11:30 PM. Councilman Barron and other community activists are demanding Talvy be fired and that Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hines "drop the charges (against the Warrens) and charge the police." Barron further criticized recent NYPD policy of making cops who kill or assault people take Breathalyzer tests for alcohol. "We need to stop the killing. Police who murder and assault us must be charge with crimes and put in jail. That is the only deterrent." "

Katrina: The Movement  10/27/2005 Alternet: "Groups like the Young People's Project's Find Our Folk initiative are out speaking directly to survivors across the Katrina Diaspora, listening to their issues and giving form and voice to their outrage. Local communities are holding tribunals and truth and reconciliation commission-style hearings to "try" the Bush Administration in ways that are helping communities make sense of the senseless. The U.S. Human Rights Network, a coalition of more than 100 U.S.-based organizations working on human rights issues here "at home" has been documenting abuses and working to involve the United Nations in an investigation and review. Community Labor United, Mississippi Workers Center for Human Rights, Common Ground Collective, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Southern ECHO, ACORN, INCITE! and Project South are among the many regional and local organizations organizing for a just recovery and rebuilding. Many of these groups work together as part of the People's Hurricane Relief Fund and the Southern Relief Fund -- broad coalitions focused on addressing relief and recovery issues in Louisiana and Mississippi, respectively."

Malcolm X Grassroots Movement  2/19/2003 SF Bayview: "Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is one of very few nationwide Black youth organizations dedicated to revolutionary solutions to the ills that plague the Black community. The organization believes in a balance of community work and study in order to season its organizers to be ready to fight the revolution every day, whether that means supporting victims of police terrorism or helping to found the School of Social Justice, which is located in East Oakland and dedicated to enrolling “at risk” youth."



The NY Post has initiated an attack against political prisoner Jalil Muntaqim (Anthony Bottom), who appears before the NY State Parole Board this July for the first time, after spending 30 years in prison. Jalil Muntaqim is a former member of the Black Panther Party whose conviction occurred during the FBI's counterintelligence program, COINTELPRO.  The stated goal of COINTELPRO was to neutralize leaders and organizations in the Black liberation movement of the 60s and early 70s. The Post is organizing an anti-Jalil (and anti-Black liberation struggle) campaign they call "Keep Jalil on Ice" by urging people to write to the parole board opposing Jalil's release on parole.

 Please compose a short message supporting Jalil's release and mail it to: 

New York State Taskforce on Political Prisoners

c/o Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
1195 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216.


Or send an email to

We will gather as many messages of support as we can and send them to the Parole Board in time for Jalil's appearance, so that we can counter the Post's racist and vicious campaign.

Sample message:

Jalil Muntaqim has served his time in prison and deserves release on parole. I am well aware of the convictions for which he is serving time and of the political circumstances surrounding those convictions. Mr. Muntaqim has spent his years in prison in a constructive and peaceful manner. He is a respected and valued member of his community. As a member of that community, I fully support his request for parole.


Name, City, State, email

 If you want more information about Jalil Muntaqim, call 718.622.8292.

Lumumba Bandele






Nehanda Abiodun  


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