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Danny GloverDanny Glover
Board of Directors, TransAfrica Forum

Actor, producer and humanitarian Danny Glover has been a commanding presence on screen, stage and television for more than 25 years. As an actor, his film credits range from the blockbuster "Lethal Weapon" franchise to smaller independent features, some of which Glover produced. He co-starred in the critically acclaimed feature "Dreamgirls" directed by Bill Condon and "Poor Boy’s Game" directed by Clement Virgo. He appeared in the hit feature "Shooter" for director Antoine Fuqua, "Honeydripper" for director John Sayles and "Be Kind, Rewind" for director Michel Gondry. Glover has also gained respect for his wide-reaching community activism and philanthropic efforts, with a particular emphasis on advocacy for economic justice, and access to health care and education programs in the United States and Africa. For these efforts, Glover received a 2006 Directors Guild of America Honor. Internationally, Glover has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Development Program from 1998 - 2004, focusing on issues of poverty, disease and economic development in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean, and currently serves as UNICEF Ambassador. - TransAfrica Forum

Executive Producer of Belly of the Beast Cuba


Biden’s Failure to End Trump’s War on Cuba Is Threatening Lives  6/29/2021 The Nation: by Danny Glover - "If he truly wants to show global leadership, Biden should reverse a policy that isolates the United States, not merely Cuba. Instead of following Trump’s belligerent path, he should return to Obama’s pathbreaking efforts towards normalization. He should applaud and facilitate Cuba’s pledge to produce 100 million doses of its vaccines, which it will share with the world. As the pandemic continues to ravage the Global South, the world needs the United States’ cooperation with Cuba, not confrontation."

The War on Cuba — Episode 1  10/9/2020 Belly of the Beast: "The documentary series, The War on Cuba, gives an inside look on the effects of U.S. sanctions on Cuban people." Co-produced by Danny Glover.

Rep. Hank Johnson Hosting Afro Latinx Film Screening & Panel Discussion  9/11/2019 Hank Johnson: "Short Films 1. ‘‘On Our Land’: Being Garifuna in Honduras”, featuring Director Erica Renee Harding; 2. “Silent Scream”, featuring Activist Marino Cordoba; 3. “I, A Black Woman, Resist”, featuring Director Dr. Sharrelle Barber;" With Danny Glover

Danny Glover on the Conflict Over Venezuela  2/12/2019 Real News: "One picture of this is the picture of Venezuela with I think the most egalitarian usage of national resources that we’ve seen in a long while. I mean, in that period of time of taking those resources and turning the resources into places where they benefit as people and everything else is a dangerous precedent. What do we draw from this? We can talk about all the liberal ideas that we want and all the ideas of independence and self-sufficiency and everything else. But when a country attempts to become self-sufficient in its own way, and thereby its self-sufficiency allows them to place demands on themselves and place demands on those who attempt to alter and change that, that’s another reality."

Defender y desarrollar el legado de Hugo Chávez  3/16/2018 Diafar Diaspora Africana de la Argentina: por Danny Glover - "Los ataques políticos contra sus políticas públicas e internacionales y los despectivos ataques racistas personales no pudieron disuadirlo de confrontar el hecho empíricamente evidente de que las políticas de gobernanza global de la élite, que favorecían a los ricos y poderosos entre las naciones y los ciudadanos, eran destructivas y mortales para la mayoría de los países y las masas de ciudadanos en todo el mundo. Fue claro y directo al observar: "El racismo es muy característico del imperialismo y el capitalismo. El odio contra mí tiene mucho que ver con el racismo. Debido a mi gran boca y pelo rizado. Y estoy muy orgulloso de tener esta boca y este pelo, porque es africano"."

Brazil: Danny Glover Visits Lula to Support Presidential Bid  3/9/2018 teleSUR: "When asked “Why does Brazil attract you?” during an interview with Rede Brasil Atual, Glover stated: “Much of (my) work with TransAfrica Forum deals with workers' rights, mainly the rights and (social) condition of 150 million African-descendants in the (western) hemisphere, of which, 80 million live in Brazil. Due to its leadership in the region and world, Brazil can have an extraordinary influence in the future of African descendants.” Lula previously met Glover while he was president and also in 2011 when the activist attended a congress organized by the Central Workers' Union in Guarulhos, Sao Paulo."

Visita a Vallecito  1/31/2018 OFRANEH: "Entre la delegación de estadounidenses que acompañaban a Luther Castillo Harry y @DannyLGlover se encontraba GusNewport, excalde Berkley. En el vídeo Miriam Miranda explica como fue que el crimen organizado se apropió de Vallecito, situación que implicó una lucha de años para lograr que el Instituto Nacional Agrario (INA) remidiera las tierras de las empresas asociativas, las que habían sido usurpadas en un 80%."

Danny Glover participating in Garifuna traditional Arumuhani....  1/31/2018 Luther Castillo Harry: "Inédito, solo en Vallecito- Faya con Miriam Miranda y nuestro Pueblo Garifuna. El hermano mayor Danny Glover en el ARUMAHANI Garifuna junto a mi Hermano Vicealcalde de Sacramento y empresario Allen Warren. Achikaplatica chürügü chürügü. Jajajajajajajajaja bello Lindo maravilloso. SUN WAGIA GARINAGU- TODOS SOMOS GARINAGU."

Danny Glover: wanaragua y gifiti en Corozal  1/30/2018 Kenny Castillo: "El actor Danny Glover se sintió muy atraído por la cultura garífuna, especialmente porque mucho antes de venir, el doctor Luther Harry Castillo le había contado todos los detalles sobre la existencia de nuestra comunidad."

Danny Glover in Corozal  1/29/2018 Hector Zapata: " El Dr Luther Castillo Harry haciendo un resumen de la calidad de producto , y describiendo el concepto de Wani To. Camisas típicas frescas."

Ceremonia espiritual garífuna en honor a Danny Glover  1/29/2018 Kenny Castillo: "Danny Glover ha quedado positivamente impresionado por la espiritualidad garífuna tras una ceremonia dirigida por la propia Miriam Miranda coordinadora de la OFRANEH y celebrado en Vallecito-Faya, tierra prometida de la nación garífuna."

Danny Glover en la Comunidade de Corozal, Lá Ceiba  1/29/2018 Eliane Cavalleiro: video

EN LA TIERRA PROMETIDA DE LOS GARINAGU.  1/28/2018 Luther Castillo: "He viajado por muchas partes del mundo pero quiero expresarles que esto ha sido lo más bello que he visto y pasado" Expresó nuestro gran hermano Danny Glover cuando presenció la ceremonia espiritual de pueblo Garifuna en VALLECITO -FAYA - dirigido por nuestra Líder Miriam Miranda."

HONDURAS. Danny Glover apoya al pueblo contra el fraude electoral de Juan Orlando Hernández  1/27/2018 Insurgente: "La delegación de Glover que, como hemos señalado, ya realizó un foro con la presencia de los líderes de la Alianza de Oposición está compuesta integrada por…"

Honduras: the Never-Ending Coup  1/27/2018 Real News: "As the U.S. Southern Command professor who blew the whistle on senior officials who went unpunished for their hands-on support for the illegal 2009 coup, and later cover up (the best story on this was done by Jake Johnston in The Intercept last August), I am happy to share what I know with appropriate legal authorities, as well as with the press. If you live in the United States, please contact your Members of Congress and ask that they read my classifed Congressional Disclosure 1703, which was given before the Intelligence Community Office of the Inspector General early last year and then sent to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees."

Actor Danny Glover testigo en toma de posesión de Jerry Sabio en La Ceiba  1/26/2018 La Tribuna: "Glover formó parte de una comitiva de personajes internacionales que arribaron a La Ceiba, así como embajadores y políticos de otros países como parte de una fundación denominada “Black in the World”, donde se vino acompañado de Allen Warren, vicealcalde de la ciudad de Sacramento, Estado de California y otros miembros de esta asociación."

Actor de Hollywood Danny Glover llega a La Ceiba, Honduras  1/25/2018 El Heraldo: con video - "El legendario actor norteamericano Danny Glover se encuentra de visita en La Ceiba, al norte de Honduras, y esta tarde estará como invitado especial en la toma de posesión del alcalde electo de la ciudad Jerry Sabio, evento que se llevará a cabo en las instalaciones del estadio municipal."

Para un intercambio cultural Danny Glover está en Honduras  1/25/2018 El Pais: "Luego de su llegada a Tegucigalpa, a las 11:40 de la mañana, Glover y su comitiva integrada por el vicealcalde de Sacramento, California, Allen Warren, entre otras personalidades, se reunieron con algunas organizaciones de derechos humanos, ya que es un permanente defensor de los derechos civiles. Posteriormente. en el Centro de la Cultura Garífuna se reunieron con los diputados y alcaldes afrodescendientes que salieron electos en las recientes elecciones generales."

Delegación estadounidense abogará por Honduras ante el Congreso de su país (vídeo)  1/24/2018 Criterio: "“No estamos aquí retóricamente, sino para asumir una solidaridad con ustedes. Al regresar a los Estados Unidos vamos a caminar en los salones del Congreso de los Estados Unidos hablando con los políticos”, expresó James Early, ex coordinador de los esmithsonianos de Washington."

Actor de Hollywood, Danny Glover, está en Honduras para un intercambio cultural  1/24/2018 La Tribuna: "Visitarán Vallecito, después se desplazarán al primer Hospital Popular Garífuna fundado en la comunidad de Ciriboya, el cual es un modelo de atención médica en Honduras que dirige el doctor Luther Castillo. Es importante resaltar que Danny Glover estuvo acompañando al expresidente de Sudáfrica, Nelson Mandela, en su lucha por la eliminación de la discriminación racial y lo apoyó en el proceso para que fuera presidente de ese país africano, y también fue artífice para el retorno del presidente, Jean Bertrand Aristide a Haití."

Danny Glover and Cedric the Entertainer Are Serving As Protection for an Exiled Revolutionary Returning to His Home Country  1/23/2018 The Root: "Harry and his American posse will be on Honduras’ coast in the tropical port city of La Ceiba, population of 200,000, for the inauguration of Jerry Sabio, the city’s first black mayor. However, University of California, Santa Cruz, professor Dana Frank, an expert on Honduras, told the Bee that Harry is always in danger when he’s home."

A revolutionary heads home. Can a politician, a comedian and a movie star help keep him safe?  1/21/2018 Sacramento Bee: "It’s also the culmination of an unlikely friendship between Warren and a man who hopes someday to be president of Honduras – Luther Castillo Harry. Harry, 38, fled to Sacramento after his political fight against government corruption and the repression of his black minority ethnic group led to threats of death and imprisonment in Honduras."

Danny Glover: On the Right Side of the History  1/11/2018 Escambray: "His interest in the cause of the Cuban Five is worth noting. He claims that the extraordinary mission of these men directly contributed to saving the lives of Cubans here inside the island. He considers that they should always be remembered not only by the Cuban people, but also by the rest of the world. I listen to him while his eyes shine and his gesture emphasizes the words. I realize, then, that his feeling is immense. “We were on the right side of the history”, he concludes."

Actor Danny Glover pays tribute to Fidel and Martí  1/11/2018 Granma: "A great moment in his life, is how U.S. actor and activist Danny Glover described the tribute he paid to Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, and Cuba’s National Hero José Martí, at the Santa Ifigenia Cemetary located in this city, the last stop on his trip across several of the island’s provinces."

US Actor Danny Glover Blasts Trump’s 'Obsolete' Anti-Cuba Policies  6/25/2017 teleSUR: "Other changes announced by the White House include the possibility of auditing all U.S. citizens who visit Cuba to ensure that they have not violated the sanctions policy."

Cuba Grants Friendship Medal to Danny Glover, Estela and Ernesto Bravo  12/30/2016 Escambray 

Danny Glover visita Matanzas  12/30/2016 Giron: "El actor estadounidense Danny Glover visitó ayer viernes la ciudad de Matanzas como parte de la gira que realiza por nuestro país. En su recorrido estuvo en el Castillo de San Severino, sede del Museo de la Ruta del Esclavo donde fue recibido por la agrupación AfroCuba, quien hizo arte con la música que representa las raíces folclóricas afrocubanas. Asimismo recorrió el local de Ediciones Vigía, donde conoció el trabajo desplegado por este colectivo que durante años se dedica a la creación de libros manufacturados. Allí se impresionó mucho por la obra que realizan, considerándola de asombrosa."

Actor estadounidense Danny Glover visita barrio habanero  12/29/2016 IPS: "El actor y activista social estadounidense Danny Glover visitó este miércoles el solar habanero La California, cuyos residentes lo recibieron con cantos, bailes y emotivas muestras de cariño. Ubicado en el populoso municipio Centro Habana, el barrio capitalino visitado por el artista es la sede desde 1995 del proyecto comunitario Concha Mocoyú, de la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba… Por su parte, Daisy Brau, directora del grupo vocal Obá-Areanlé (La gran familia de Changó), señaló que “Danny Glover, como muchas otras personas del mundo de la cultura son guías para las nuevas generaciones y hacen mucho por trasmitir la herencia africana”."

Danny Glover dialoga con jóvenes cubanos  12/28/2016 Cuba Si 

Danny Glover, James Early, la racialidad y la Casa  12/27/2016 La Ventana: "Danny Glover y James Early desembarcaron en la Casa de las Américas este martes para dialogar sobre las luchas de los afrodescendientes en los nuevos escenarios en Estados Unidos. No obstante, el intercambio, que duró poco más de hora y media, versó también sobre otras temáticas relacionadas con la racialidad, los movimientos sociales en el continente, la solidaridad Cuba- Estados Unidos, el progreso, los derechos civiles y la lucha contra la discriminación y la pobreza en la región. “Conocí sobre la Revolución Cubana a través de los sindicatos donde militaban mis padres, un grupo de afrodescendientes que desde 1959 creían en la posibilidad de conectar sus luchas con las luchas de Cuba y constituir la solidaridad entre mi país y el de ustedes”, refirió el actor norteamericano, quien es uno de los más reconocidos activistas por los derechos de los afrodescendientes en los Estados Unidos y de las minorías en esta nación anglosajona."

Glover: History of America About 'Annexation' and 'Violence'  12/26/2016 PJ Media: “As we look at every single war beyond World War II, it’s been against people of color – every single war that’s occurred, every single intervention has been against people of color, you know,” he said."

Danny Glover back in Cuba  11/28/2015 Periodico 26: "The U.S. actor met with Gerardo Hernández, who he visited on many occasions while the decorated Hero of the Republic of Cuba was unjustly imprisoned in a California penitentiary."

Danny Glover de nuevo en Cuba  11/27/2015 Adelante: "El actor estadounidense Danny Glover llegó hoy a Cuba, país que visita desde hace una veintena de años y a donde siempre regresa con el corazón abierto para escuchar, aprender y crecer, reporta la agencia de noticias Prensa Latina."

Danny Glover: Venezuela Vindicating Afro-descendents  6/26/2015 HWAAIRFAN: "U.S. actor and activist Danny Glover, Afro-Colombian senator Piedad Cordoba, and Afro-Ecuadorean legislator Alexandra Ocles highlighted the shared international political struggle of African descendants on Wednesday afternoon in the Venezuelan capital. The International Committee of Recognition of Afro-American Culture held a press conference, featuring the three, on Wednesday in Caracas."

Todos somos africanos  7/18/2014 PL: "Todos somos africanos, reflexionó el famoso actor estadounidense Danny Glover durante una visita al museo de La Ruta del Esclavo, ubicado en el Castillo de San Severino en la occidental ciudad cubana de Matanzas, 100 kilómetros al este de La Habana."

Danny Glover protagoniza nuevo video de solidaridad con Los Cinco  7/11/2012 CubaDebate 

Danny Glover y Saul Landau cuentan su nueva visita a cubano Gerardo Hernández en cárcel de California  7/17/2011 Contrainjerencia 

Danny Glover: Cuba is an example in the fight against racial discrimination  6/15/2011 Cuba Si: "The seminar "Cuba and the African descent peoples in America" will end on June 17th and is attended by members of the UN system and national, United States, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Uruguay speakers."

Desde Cuba, Danny Glover y los pueblos afrodescendientes  6/14/2011 Granma: "Minutos antes de participar este lunes en la inauguración del seminario Cuba y los pueblos afrodescendientes de América, que sesionará a lo largo de la semana en la sede del Instituto Cubano de Investigaciones Culturales Juan Marinello, Danny accedió a un intercambio donde abordó ciertos aspectos de la realidad contemporánea, incluido el tema que lo trajo ahora a Cuba."

Danny Glover baila en Cuba al compás de los tambores  6/13/2011 AFP: con muchos comentarios racistas

Danny Glover pide en Cuba una “nueva esperanza” para afrodescendientes  6/13/2011 CubaDebate 

Danny Glover en Cuba; visita sede del Conjunto Folclórico Nacional  6/12/2011 CubaDebate 

A Trip to Prison With One of the Cuban Five - Visiting Gerardo  8/19/2010 CounterPunch: By DANNY GLOVER and SAUL LANDAU

Danny Glover’s Solidarity Gesture towards Gerardo Hernández  8/17/2010 Lebanese Committee for the Cuban 5: "Cuban antiterrorist fighter Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo, unjustly imprisoned in US jails for over a decade, valued the solidarity gesture of the well known US actor Danny Glover, who visited him last Sunday at the federal prison of Victorville, in the state of California."

Danny Glover, en museo de La Ruta del Esclavo en Matanzas  9/21/2009 Cuba Debate: "El destacado activista por los derechos de los afroamericanos en los Estados Unidos, comentó a la prensa, a propósito del Día mundial por la Paz, la frase histórica de la luchadora mexicana Dolores Huerta, cuando expresaba todos somos africanos."

Danny Glover y Harry Belafonte inauguran sede de cine  9/19/2009 Radio Nuevitas: "Con la presencia de los conocidos actores estadounidenses Danny Glover y Harry Belafonte quedó inaugurada ayer en la capital la sede permanente de la Muestra Itinerante de Cine del Caribe, certamen que arriba a su tercera edición dirigido por el cineasta cubano Rigoberto López. En la apertura, a la que también asistieron Abel Prieto, miembro del Buró Político y ministro de Cultura; Omar González, presidente del Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos; Herman Van Hoff, director de la Oficina Regional de Cultura de la UNESCO para el Caribe y América Latina; y José Juan Ortíz, representante en Cuba de la UNICEF, ambos artistas y figuras cívicas fueron presentadas por el director de la Muestra como Presidentes de Honor."

Toussaint: The Movie  6/24/2009 Repeating Islands: "During a visit to Paris last month for a seminar on film, [Danny Glover] told AFP that “Producers said ‘It’s a nice project, a great project… where are the white heroes?’” He added, “I couldn’t get the money here, I couldn’t get the money in Britain. I went to everybody. You wouldn’t believe the number of producers based in Europe, and in the States, that I went to. The first question you get, is ‘Is it a black film?’ All of them agree, it’s not going to do good in Europe, it’s not going to do good in Japan. Somebody has to prove that to be a lie!”, he said. “Maybe I’ll have the chance to prove it.” “Toussaint,” Glover’s first project as film director, is to start shooting next year in Venezuela, starring Don Cheadle, Mos Def, Wesley Snipes and Angela Bassett, after Glover raised 18 of the 30 million dollars needed from a Venezuelan cultural body set up in 2006 by his friend President Hugo Chavez to counter what he termed “the Hollywood film dictatorship.” The project will film in Venezuela as part of the agreement but also because the degree of environmental degradation in Haiti since the Revolution has been such as to make it impossible to recreate the natural environment in which the Revolution was fought."

Danny Glover, Haiti, and the Politics of Revolutionary Cinema in Venezuela  8/14/2008 Venezuela Analysis: "In 2007 the National Association of Film Makers and the Venezuelan Chamber of Film Producers criticized Glover for using political contacts to secure the funding package without a bidding process. The filmmakers called such methods "demoralising and detrimental to future generations of Venezuelan movie-makers." Claudia Nazoa, president of the Venezuelan Chamber of Feature Film Producers (known by its Spanish acronym Caveprol), said, "What worries us is this trend for neo-colonisation by international figures who come to talk of their support for Chávez's government—and leave with money for their projects." In 2007, Venezuela provided $18 million to fund Toussaint, and this year the authorities kicked in an extra $9 million. Venezuelan directors complain that the budget for Glover’s film matches the entire state budget for domestic films from 2003 to 2008—a sum they say could “finance 36 Venezuelan films.” Culture Minister Sesto called it "naive" to think the movie industry would be out $18 million, since the money did not come from Villa del Cine's operating funds but were part of an "additional credit.” He added, "The funds earmarked for this movie will be invested exclusively in Venezuela ... creating jobs and providing excellent experience for our national film industry.” "

Venezuela giving Danny Glover $18m to direct film on epic slave revolt  5/21/2007 Guardian: "Venezuela is to give the American actor Danny Glover almost $18m (£9m) to make a film about a slave uprising in Haiti, with President Hugo Chávez hoping the historical epic will sprinkle Hollywood stardust on his effort to mobilise world public opinion against imperialism and western oppression. The Venezuelan congress said it would use the proceeds from a recent bond sale with Argentina to finance Glover's biopic of Toussaint Louverture, an iconic figure in the Caribbean who led an 18th-century revolt in Haiti."

You can't break the ties between us  1/15/2005 Cuba Now: An interview with Danny Glover

Danny Glover expresses support for Intellectual Congress in Caracas  6/2/2004 Granma: "Popular U.S. actor Danny Glover has expressed his support for the World Congress of Intellectuals and Artists convened for the defense of humanity and scheduled to take place in Caracas from November 30 through December 3 of this year."

Columnist patronizes poor ol' Danny Glover using religious pilgrimage as racial front  1/19/2004 Vheadlines 

Condoleezza Rice: refrain yourself from speaking of Venezuela!!  1/12/2004 Vcrisis: "Can you not see that Danny Glover is talking? How do you dare to utter words of constitutional respect? Are Venezuelans not living in a paradise land ruled by the most benign, pro-active and forward-thinker of the Americas since Simon Bolivar? Silence!! Let us hear the sage words of Mr Glover on the struggle of African-Venezuelans in Venezuela. I felt the need to come out of my self-imposed ban to comment on some issues. It appears that everyone is quite pissed owing to the visit of the third tier Hollywood actor to Venezuela. Why should we give a flying fu*** about this loser anyway? Who gives a shit about what he thinks? What audiences is he to manipulate in Chavez’ favour?"

Danny Glover praises Venezuela's education minister ... opposition bristles  1/12/2004 Vheadlines: "The Black Americans' visit to Venezuela has raised controversy and created a somewhat irrational response among opposition sectors that deny the existence of racism in Venezuela, accusing the Venezuelan President of artificially whipping up non-existent racial tensions and hatred. Analysts suggest that it is time for Afro-Venezuelans ... such as Barlovento-based and Unesco-sponsored, Jesus Chucho Garcia ... and other domestic black experts to speak out on the matter and place the debate on a more equal footing."

Danny Glover is Making a Difference  1/12/2004 WORK, Rochester, NY 

Associated Press reports Danny Glover and black American activists visit Venezuela  1/8/2004 Vheadlines: "The Associated Press is reporting that actor Danny Glover was among a delegation of black American activists who began a 9-day visit to meet President Hugo Chavez Frias and study the situation of blacks in Venezuela… Andres Izarra, spokesman for the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington D.C., said the delegation also includes Patricia Ford of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), economist and writer Julianne Malveaux and James Early, director of Cultural Heritage Policy at the Smithsonian Institution's Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage."

Afro-American celebrities on week-long visit to see Venezuela with their own eyes  1/8/2004 Vheadlines: " is reporting that TransAfrica Forum president Bill Fletcher, actor Danny Glover, and US Service Employees International Union (SEIU) vice president Patricia Ford have started a week-long visit to Venezuela to see the results of the 'peaceful revolutionary process' led by President Hugo Chavez Frias… The delegation was accompanied today by Venezuelan Ambassador to Washington, D.C., Bernardo Alvarez Herrera, and included actor Danny Glover, Bill Fletcher, the international vice president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Patricia Ford, professor of criminology and director of the Department of Urban Studies (Washington, D.C.) Sylvia Hill, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) economist Julianne Malyeaux and the vice president of the TransAfrica Forum, Selena Mendy Singleton… Tomorrow, Friday, the group will attend the inauguration of the Bolivarian “Martin Luther King, Jr.” School in the Caribbean coastal town of Naiguata, where large numbers of Afro-Venezuelans live ... it will be the first official recognition in Venezuela of the leadership of one of the most important civil rights leaders from the United States in an event hosted by Minister of Education, Culture & Sports, Aristobulo Isturiz and Ambassador Alvarez Herrera. The delegation’s presence in Venezuela will also launch the official recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday as a day of national celebration in Venezuela where a high percentage of the population traces its roots back to Africa ... the holiday has been celebrated in the United States since January 20 (1986) despite significant controversy, and is the only federal holiday commemorating an Afro-American. They have also been invited to meet local community groups, members of the women’s rights movement, government officials, educators and opposition leaders and will take part in President Chavez Frias’ weekly radio and television program 'Alo Presidente' on Sunday. Continuing to next Monday, the group will visit several working class neighborhoods in Caracas and meet with community activists."

Danny Glover y Bill Fletcher Jr. en Venezuela: medios estadounidenses no reflejan realidad venezolana  1/8/2004 Aporrea: "Muy emocionado declaró sentirse, por su parte, Danny Glover, protagonista de los filmes "Arma letal" y "El color púrpura", quien aseguró que no podía desperdiciar la oportunidad de ser parte del momento histórico que se vive en Venezuela. Glover definió el proceso venezolano como un intento de hacer un país integracionista, en el que caben todos sus ciudadanos, y confirmó que "lo que se recibe en Estados Unidos, es básicamente desinformación". Lo que dicen los medios allá, agregó, no está acorde con la realidad venezolana y es por eso que hemos venido a escuchar y aprender no sólo de los políticos, sino también de la sociedad civil."

Opinion & Editorial Commentary - Danny Glover travels to Venezuela to show his support for the Venezuelan Blacks  1/4/2004 Petroleum World: "The pretended purpose of the trip is, in itself, an indication of the distorted nature of your visit. You are coming to Venezuela to "study" the situation of the Venezuelan blacks. Sir, you are being a racist. You would be hard put to find "blacks" in Venezuela, except in villages such as Curiepe. In Venezuela almost everybody is dark. We are a mestizo country, Sir. We have no black oppressed minority in Venezuela, but a great mass of mestizos and mulattos lacking running water, decent schools and hospitals, running like rabbits to get home before sunset arrives, together with murderers and robbers; lacking decent employment and the required amount of daily calories. Are you telling me that, in the middle of this social chaos produced by the most inefficient and corrupt government we have had in modern Venezuelan history, you are coming to "study" the situation of blacks in the country? As they say in your native San Francisco: Give me a break."

Vengo a Cuba a aprender, afirma el actor norteamericano Danny Glover  12/19/2003 Prensa Latina 

You can’t break the ties between us - An interview with Danny Glover  9/16/2003 Cuba Now: "My first connection with Cuba was when I was about 12 years old, right at the time of the Cuban revolution. My parents were postal workers and they were very much involved in the union. And at the time of the Cuban revolution, African Americans were very supportive of that victory. There were many African Americans with leadership positions who were very proud of the victory of the Cuban revolution. So that was the first time that I heard of it, and heard of the names of Comandante Che, and also Comandante Fidel."

Danny Glover: Still standing  6/9/2003 Final Call: "Mr. Glover and TransAfrica President Bill Fletcher are cautious in victory, however, warning that their opponents are relentless, and will try again to try to wear them down… "When Paul was attacked, there wasn’t the kind of technology that we have now. Bill Fletcher, the President of TransAfrica, just got on the phone and got on the Internet, and all of a sudden we had a response for Dial-in for Democracy, which was very, very important in terms of mobilizing people and getting people out, and getting people to call MCI, creating a major response, almost immediately. But that kind of technology did not exist" at the time Mr. Robeson was persecuted, he continued."

Urgent Alert -- We Celebrate A Victory  5/20/2003 TransAfrica Forum: US right wingers had tried to get Danny Glover fired from his MCI contract for his stance on Cuba and Iraq -- "Our contract with Danny Glover runs through January 2004 and we intend to honor our contract... " This message resonates with the sound of victory for our "Dial-in for Democracy" Campaign. It was launched in response to the right-wing attack on TransAfrica Forum Board Chairperson Danny Glover. Our action alert last week asked friends and supporters to contact MCI to insist that it not back down in its relationship with Danny in the face of attacks from right-wing extremists. Our alert was followed by an outstanding commentary by Tavis Smiley on the Tom Joyner Morning Show (May 15th), along with other media attention. A massive response ensued. MCI was deluged with telephone calls, e-mails and faxes."

Something very shady and sinister is happening in the United States  5/20/2003 Granma: "THE news that Danny Glover has become a target of heavy attack for questioning White House foreign policy and for signing the Call to the Conscience of the World — urging respect for the free determination of the Cuban people — yesterday generated denunciations and demonstrations by the island’s artists and intellectuals in support of the famous U.S. actor… Nancy Morejón, winner of the National Literature Award, is a friend of the actor. On discovering that he had become a victim of neo-McCarthyism, she sent him a message: "You must know, Danny, that you are being put to a hard test. Remember the case of that great singer Paul Robeson or that of Marian Anderson; so much happened to them for remaining faithful to their truth." "

Actor Danny Glover, target of right-wing McCarthy like witch hunt, receives support from African Americans  5/18/2003 AfroCubaWeb: "Tom Joyner suggested what may be the best response on his popular national radio show, the Tom Joyner Morning Show: let MCI know you are watching their actions."

Danny Glover Targeted for Anti-War Views  5/18/2003 AP: "There is so much concern about this in Hollywood that in March before the fighting even began the Screen Actors Guild issued a statement warning studio executives not to deny work to entertainers who speak against war in Iraq… "We are at an important point in our history and we need a serious, open debate about it," said David Kairys, constitutional law professor at Temple University. "Criticizing Danny Glover, or wishing all sorts of ill fortune to him, would be counterproductive. The way to counter this is for more and more people to stand up ... in an atmosphere where people can express their views, and not be afraid they're going to lose their jobs." "

Danny Glover targeted  5/15/2003 Black Commentator: "TransAfrica provided the following MCI contact information: Anyone can call the PR office to comment: 800/644-NEWS or 202/736-6700 MCI Customers can call Customer Service at 800/444-3333 Email can be done through the website - there is an electronic submission form:"

The Strange Conscience of Danny Glover  5/14/2003 NewsMax: by the inimitable right wing hack, Myles Cantor.

Glover's dangerous weapon  5/14/2003 The Age: "He recently signed an open letter in support of Fidel Castro that stated that the administration's "harassment against Cuba could serve as a pretext for an invasion." A number of groups have threatened to boycott MCI if it doesn't disconnect Glover as pitchman from its ad campaign, MSNBC's The Scoop reports. In a Brazilian magazine interview, Glover accused Bush of pushing a "conservative program designed to eliminate everything Americans had accomplished" in matters of race and equality. In a statement, MCI praised Glover's work. But the company added that it is reviewing "options for new product campaigns." The whole thing may be moot since Glover's contract with MCI runs only two more weeks."

MCI SPOKESMAN SUPPORTS CASTRO: TERRORIST MURDERER WHO SYSTEMATICALLY VIOLATES HUMAN RIGHTS  5/13/2003 Judicial Watch: from Black Commentator: "The "Get-Glover" campaign is spearheaded by the far-right attack dog Judicial Watch, a truly primitive outfit. "MCI must fire Glover," howled Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. Outraged at Glover's support for lifting the U.S. embargo against Cuba, Fitton threw a ... fit. "Any more than it should have a spokesman supporting Osama bin Laden, it can't have a spokesman supporting terrorist Castro," he raged."

TRANSAFRICA FORUM URGENT ACTION APPEAL: Dial In For Democracy and to Support Danny Glover  5/13/2003 TransAfrica: "Despite all the rhetoric from the White House and in conservative political circles regarding freedom of speech and human rights, the illegal Anglo-American invasion of Iraq demonstrated that it is all at best disingenuous. This is becoming all too clear at this moment with the concerted attack on TransAfrica Forum Board of Directors Chairperson Danny Glover… The attack on Danny takes place at the same time that other courageous public figures are facing the wrath of the administration and their allies on the political Right for daring to challenge US foreign policy on Iraq, Cuba and countless other situations. The attempt to isolate and destroy political opponents is reminiscent of the McCarthy era. It happened to the great Paul Robeson in the 1950s, and from that lesson we should learn that this can NEVER be allowed to happen again."

WRKS hosts unite to back Danny Glover  5/5/2003 NY Daily News: "WRKS (98.7 FM) morning cohost Jeff Foxx yesterday said his show will actively join in defending actor Danny Glover, who is under fire for his criticism of the Iraqi war and President George W. Bush. Foxx spoke to the WRKS Sunday "Open Line" team of Bob Pickett, James Mtume and Bob Slade, who is also the newsman on the daily "Wake-Up Club" with Foxx and Shaila. Pickett, Mtume and Slade charged there are "echoes of McCarthyism" in the attacks on Glover, who has been a target of MSNBC commentator and former GOP Rep. Joe Scarborough."

Danny Glover critica a EE.UU. por embargo a Cuba y posible guerra  1/30/2003 Granma: "El actor estadounidense Danny Glover criticó el miércoles a su país por el embargo (bloqueo) económico a Cuba y opinó que los estadounidenses no apoyan una eventual guerra contra Iraq, informó Reuters. Glover llegó a Uruguay, tras asistir al Foro Social Mundial que se desarrolló en Porto Alegre, Brasil, para dictar una conferencia sobre Democracia, cultura y globalización."

Remarks by Danny Glover Before National Press Club, November 12, 2002  11/12/2002 TransAfrica Forum: "We are in the preliminary stages of planning a hemispheric conference on race and labor, and will continue to find public vehicles to express our opposition to U.S. policy toward Cuba." Bill Fletcher, who is now president of TransAfrica Forum, participated in TransAfrica's trip to Cuba in 1999.

DANNY GLOVER IN HAVANA AGAIN - A place in the heart  5/27/2002 Granma: "Danny was recently elected president of the TransAfrica Forum, an influential nongovernmental organization promoting decisive and equitable participation by the African American community, specifically, and all people in the United States in that country’s decision-making and the society in general; educational efforts on human rights and social policy; and recognition and exchange with African peoples and black communities around the world, especially in the Caribbean, whose ancestors were slaves. He explained that TransAfrica has made valuable contacts in Cuba, and hopes to keep increasing that communication and carrying out mutually beneficial concrete actions. "I’m sure that even in the short run there will be pleasant surprises."

Con Danny Glover, una vez más, en La Habana  4/28/2002 Cultura, Cuba: "A la pasión por el conocimiento de la sociedad cubana, el cine, la música y las artes plásticas —se confiesa admirador de Manuel Mendive y Flora Fong— acaba de sumar esta semana interés por el trabajo que desarrolla Rogelio Martínez Furé en torno a las tradiciones de origen africano, las novelas históricas de Marta Rojas y las investigaciones sobre la interacción entre las culturas de Cuba y los Estados Unidos que lleva a cabo el Centro Juan Marinello y promueve nuestro amigo común James Earlie desde la Smithsonian Institution."

In Defense Of Danny Glover  1/29/2002 Black World Today 

Danny Glover Under Attack  1/7/2002 Black World Today: "As the totalitarianism rustles continue to rise across the American landscape sowing intolerance, more and more progressive voices are being targeted. Danny Glover is the latest."

LETHAL LESSON  11/16/2001 Trentonian, Philadelphia: Danny Glover talks sense: "Glover spent the first 30 minutes of his presentation at McCosh 50 auditorium deriding the death penalty, which he called "homicide as the official tool of the state." He went on to chide the U.S. government for incarceration of nearly 1,000 illegal immigrants in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, and derided John Ashcroft for asking permission to listen to conversations between terrorist suspects and their lawyers. "It gets even worse," he added. "This week President Bush implemented a military tribunal ... which will make it easier for us to execute (people)." "This clearly is a slippery slope. We must stand vigilant against Bush in these times and work with the abolitionists. "One of the main purveyors of violence in this world has been this country, whether it's been against Nicaragua, Vietnam or wherever," Glover added."

Bastion of Dissent Offers Tribute to One of Its Heroes  10/22/2001 Common Dreams: "Danny Glover, the actor, called her a hero. Alice Walker, the writer, called her inspiring. The crowd, 3,500 strong, awaited her appearance with the giddiness of autograph seekers awaiting their favorite Hollywood star. It is not often a fairly new member of Congress is honored so publicly, by so many, for a single vote. But Barbara Lee, the Democratic representative of the Ninth Congressional District since 1998, was honored today with songs, poetry and speeches for being the only lawmaker in the House or the Senate to vote against granting the president the authority to use military force against terrorism."

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Actor Danny Glover, target of right-wing McCarthy like witch hunt, receives support from African Americans, 5/18/03

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