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Archive: 8/09-11/09

LAS NEGRAS SON LAS AUTÉNTICAS HEROÍNAS  11/30/2009 Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas 

Mariana de todos los cubanos  11/28/2009 Granma: "En cumplimiento de un acuerdo del VII Congreso de la UNEAC, comenzó sus trabajos una nueva comisión que aborda la lucha contra el racismo y los prejuicios raciales desde una perspectiva cultural. Como acción primera, una representación de la vanguardia artística y literaria acudió ayer viernes a rendir homenaje a Mariana Grajales, cuyo inclaudicable compromiso con la emancipación nacional y ejemplar entrega familiar, avalan a la heroína como madre de todos los cubanos."

Yoani Sánchez: la hija de PRISA  11/28/2009 Granma: "El proyecto Yoani es una acción que explora otros caminos. ¿Quién es ella? Una filóloga graduada en la Universidad de La Habana, esposa de uno de los publicitados (y ya demasiado "quemados") "disidentes" de antaño, Reinaldo Escobar. Se fue de Cuba y anduvo por algunos países europeos. Dicen que en España conoció a Carlos Alberto Montaner —que a pesar de haber puesto algunas bombas en cines de La Habana, de ser oficial de marines y de pertenecer a la CIA, quiere ser intelectual y pretende regresar a Cuba como candidato a la presidencia—. Pero Yoani regresó. Mauricio Vicent, que tuvo la misión de darla a conocer en El País, la cara madrileña —sin dudas más culta— de El Nuevo Herad miamense, ambos propiedad del Grupo PRISA, lo cuenta así: "Yoani y Teo (su hijo) también emigraron a Suiza, pero decidieron regresar. La vida fuera de Cuba fue más dura de lo que creían, y la reunificación con su esposo resultó imposible. (...) En un viaje familiar, hace tres años, rompió el pasaporte y se presentó en Inmigración. "Tremenda sorpresa cuando me dijeron: 'Pida el último en la cola de los que regresan'". Traía un nuevo proyecto de vida: ser bloguera. Existen más de 700 blogs (cada día aparece uno nuevo, dentro y fuera) sobre Cuba en Internet, poco o nada conocidos, ¿por qué este sería diferente? Yoani contaría, en lenguaje coloquial, cuan "desgraciados" somos los cubanos, cuan "oscuras" son nuestras vidas cotidianas. Pero de entrada advertía: no soy política, afirmación que se aferra al hecho de que no pertenece (al menos públicamente) a ningún grupúsculo. Y ¿para qué tendría que pertenecer si ninguno realmente es tomado en serio por la población?"


Cuba begins war games with US invasion in mind  11/26/2009 Reuters 

The Race Problem in Today’s Cuba  11/24/2009 Havana Times: "I’ve had the opportunity to participate in several forums dealing with the problem of racism in Cuba. The most recent one was on November 18 at the Sacred Trinidad Episcopal Cathedral at the invitation of the Oscar A. Romaro Reflection and Solidarity Group. In it, a panel of experts made up of Gisela Arandia, Maria Ileana Faguada and Luis Carlos Marrero approached the problem from a historical angle and in its relation to the Catholic and Protestant churches."

Las contradicciones de la bloguera cubana Yoani Sánchez  11/23/2009 CubaDebate: "El 9 de noviembre de 2009, tres días después de su desventura, Yoani Sánchez recibió en su casa a la prensa extranjera para relatar en incidente. Primera sorpresa para los periodistas expresada por el corresponsal de la BBC en La Habana Fernando Ravsberg: a pesar de los “golpes y empujones”, los ” golpes en los nudillos”, la nueva “andanada de golpes”, la “rodilla sobre [su] pecho”, los golpes en “los riñones y [...] la cabeza”, “el cabello” halado, el “rostro enrojecido por la presión y el cuerpo adolorido”, “los golpes [que] seguían cayendo” y “todos estos morados” que evocó la bloguera cubana6 , Ravsberg notó que Sánchez “no tiene hematomas, marcas o cicatrices”7 Las imágenes del canal estadounidense CNN, que también entrevistó a la bloguera, confirman las palabras del periodista británico. Además, el corresponsal de CNN toma precauciones oratorias e insiste en el sufrimiento “aparente” de Sánchez (usa una muleta para moverse)8 Según la Agence France Presse, que relata la historia clarificando con esmero que se trata de la versión de Sánchez con el título “Cuba: la bloguera Yoani Sánchez dice haber sido golpeada y detenida brevemente”, la bloguera “no fue herida”

Marketing war heats up among Cuba’s “dissidents”  11/23/2009 CubaDebate: "The interview President Barack Obama granted the “blogger” Yoani Sánchez is the culmination of a project I feel like calling Operation Marketing; aimed as it is at the promotion and visibility of a new counter-revolutionary figure in Cuba, in the face of the worn out and battered “dissidence,” fighting like a pack of wolves with fangs bared in search of their prey: money. ...Without cross-checking the facts and without verifying anything, plenty of media ran with the story about the “kidnapping” and “beating” of the famous “blogger.” Hundreds of articles circled the planet from one end to the other on that story, which Yoani herself could not back up, even with the BBC, when she could not present any proof of the blows she’d received. But not everyone got on the boat of lies, and many have been questioning the script. One skeptic was the La República newspaper, who went to look for the doctors who attended Yoani and found that none of them found the least physical evidence for the supposed aggression."

The Yoani Show  11/23/2009 La Alborada 

LA DISCRIMINACIÓN DE GÉNERO Y RAZA EN CUBA  11/23/2009 Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas 

Cuba: Broadband and Other Such Matters  11/18/2009 Cuba-L-Analysis: by Nelson P. Valdés - "The foreign press stationed in Cuba claims that a dissident in Havana has a blog that is translated into 16 or more languages and has from 1 to 14 million visits a month. That is impressive for anyone worldwide. For someone in Cuba it borders on a Fatima-like miracle.[7] From a logistical standpoint, this is an unusual accomplishment. Is it possible for such traffic to be handled by Cuba today? Who is/are the administrator[s] of the web pages in all these languages? Translation is complicated, time-consuming, and a worldwide translation team is costly. How is this work done? How is it paid for? And what is the mechanism for transferring this payment?"

El 70% de los suelos cultivados de Cuba están amenazados por la erosión  11/17/2009 EFE 

The company she keeps  11/16/2009 Machetera: "But it’s not the first time that a high U.S. official has come out in favor of Yoani Sánchez. John Negroponte, the Assistant Secretary of State under the presidency of W. Bush, spoke at the 38th OAS General Assembly in June of 2008, in Medellín, Colombia, dedicated to “Youth and Democratic Values.” There Negroponte forgot the main problems facing the youth of Latin American and Caribbean countries and devoted time to recognizing the latest Grupo Prisa creation. He said, “Yoani Sánchez explains to the world the difficulties of Cuban life. She continues to be a brilliant example of the courageous spirit of the Cuban people.” Unfortunately this gentleman didn’t have on hand the truly brilliant examples of the courage of this people which abounds in the life of this nation. John Negroponte’s history is well known within the CIA; the shadowy Operation Phoenix was one of his missions – a squad of mercenaries specializing in torture, who killed more than 40,000 Vietnamese. He personally gave instructions to the group from a secret office within the U.S. Embassy in Saigon."

El Libro de estilo de EL PAÍS no rige en Cuba  11/13/2009 TerceraInformación, Madrid: "Este artículo no pretende desmentir los hechos que cuenta Yoani Sánchez. Ignoramos si los hechos denunciados se corresponden con la realidad y carecemos de medios para contrastarlo. Hablemos, pues, de periodismo. Según el Libro de estilo del diario EL PAÍS, diario que publica la noticia que analizamos, el titular de un artículo debe corresponderse con su contenido. Concretamente dicta: "Los titulares han de ser inequívocos, concretos, asequibles para todo tipo de lectores y ajenos a cualquier clase de sensacionalismo. Asimismo, serán escuetos, aunque nunca se sacrificará la claridad expositiva a su brevedad, ni se eludirán las normas elementales de la sintaxis castellana". Este texto de Mauricio Vicent se titula así: "La 'bloguera' Yoani Sánchez, agredida por la policía cubana". Sin verbo, con una coma. ¿Qué denota ese signo de puntuación? Puede querer decir dos cosas. "Yoani ha sido agredida" o "Yoani dice que ha sido agredida". Aunque todos sospechamos lo que quiere decir, semeja que el autor no puede saber si lo que denuncia Yoani Sánchez es cierto o no, así que opta por reproducir la versión de la denunciante bajo un titular hábilmente ambiguo."

Cuban civil rights activist arrested  11/13/2009 Uncommon Sense: "Juan A. Madrazo Luna, the leader of a Cuban anti-racism campaign, was arrested Friday on a supposed charge of "resistance," according to a story posted at As head of the party's Citizens Committee for Racial Integration, Madrazo is leading a "Citizens Empowerment" campaign targeting the racist practices of the national police. "El Arco Progresista (political party) asks anyone in the world who sympathizes with anti-racist causes to demand the immediate release (of Madrazo Luna), who does nothing but struggle in Cuba for the effective racial integration of all Cubans," party leader Manuel Cuesta Morúa said in a statement."

US condemns Cuba over blogger beatings  11/11/2009 AFP: "Award-winning blogger Yoani Sanchez, whose online reports chronicle the dark side of everyday life in communist Cuba, was detained and beaten along with two fellow bloggers by Cuban secret police on November 6."

Challenges of the racial question in Cuba  11/11/2009 Esteban Morales Domínguez: published 10/08 "The way power is distributed in present-day Cuban society does not go beyond what existed prior to 1959; within society white dominance is still forcefully expressed, especially at the level of what is called the “new economy.” This is especially evident in the absence of blacks in the upper leadership levels of the state, government, and institutions of civil society in general, although not in the party structure. A recent example is that there is not one single black among the fourteen provincial chairs of People’s Power.  This is in complete contradiction to the leadership policy put forward by the Party in 1985, which is a long way from being realized in terms of racial representation. The matter is certainly much more complicated than the question of whether or not there might be blacks and mestizos in all the positions, but undoubtedly what is happening seriously affects the participation of nonwhites in the structures of power."

Cuba orders extreme measures to cut energy use  11/11/2009 Reuters: "In documents seen by Reuters, government officials have been warned that the island is facing a "critical" energy shortage that requires the closing of non-essential factories and workshops and the shutting down of air conditioners and refrigerators not needed to preserve food and medicine."

Cuba faces Obama administration contradictions  11/9/2009 Voltaire Net 

Valor y pantalones (I)  11/7/2009 Las Leyes de Laritza: "Considero que hay en Miami personas a quienes les gusta contínuamente llamar la atención de la prensa y del público con una serie de situaciones, y que mientras más escandalosas sean, tendrán más credibilidad. Entonces me gustaría preguntarles: ¿por qué se fueron de Cuba si tienen tanto valor y pantalones?"

Washington intensificará su propaganda injerencista contra países del ALBA  11/7/2009 Rebelion: "La Voz de las Américas (VOA) está “expandiendo su penetración” en Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador y Nicaragua, revela un diario de Miami al señalar que, con este objetivo, la cadena radiofónica que difunde a escala mundial la propaganda derechista norteamericana requisará instalaciones de Radio y TV Martí."

Yoani Sánchez and the censors of utopia  11/4/2009 Cubarte 

‘The Revolution Made Blacks Human’  11/3/2009 Havana Times 

‘The Revolution Made Blacks Human’  11/3/2009 Havana Times: "This same comrade, who holds one of the most important positions at the paper and is a member of the Communist Party, had fought in the underground risking his life in the 1950s struggle against the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship – despite his privileged position in our country as a “blanco hijo de ricos“ (white son of rich people)… The crowning point of my co-worker’s monologue was the moment he said that if he -the white son of rich people- had been able to sacrifice then blacks had to do the same, because “the Revolution had allowed blacks to become people.” I didn’t know if the guy had something else to add, because I cut into him calling him a racist, among other things. It turned into pretty ugly argument, over which he finally chose to retreat into his office."

Rethinking Cuban History - 'Cubanidad' in the Context of the Americas  11/2/2009 Bildner Center: "In this talk, Professor Eduardo Torres Cuevas will address issues of race, religiosity, and social stratification (marginalidad). He will discuss the changing schools of thought regarding Cuban national identity as well as explore the connections between Cuba and the larger circum-Caribbean."

HELP FREE CUBAN RIGHTS LEADER  11/2/2009 Trinidad & Tobago Review: a plea from Carlos Moore

Carta de Felix Sanchez sobre la canasta básica  10/31/2009 AfroCubaWeb: Esta carta sobre "la canasta básica," el necesario de cada dia, circula de nuevo en Cuba en octubre, 2009 y fue escrito en 2006.

Susan Rice, queen of de Nile on Cuba  10/31/2009 Machetera: "Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as… (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;"

Carta abierta ao Raul Castro Ruz e ao Luiz Lula da Silva, 10/30/09, em Português  10/30/2009 AfroCubaWeb 

Washington intensificará su propaganda injerencista contra países del ALBA  10/30/2009 Aporrea: "La Voz de las Américas (VOA) está “expandiendo su penetración” en Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador y Nicaragua, revela un diario de Miami al señalar que, con este objetivo, la cadena radiofónica que difunde a escala mundial la propaganda derechista norteamericana requisara instalaciones de Radio y TV Martí."

Dirigente histórico do Movimento Negro Brasileiro, ABDIAS NASCIMENTO, rompe com Cuba por causa da questão racial na ilha  10/30/2009 Geledés Insituto da Mulher Negra: has text of Prof Abdias do Nascimento's open letter to Raul Castro and Lula da Silva on Cuban dissident Dr.Darsi Ferrer, in Portuguese.

¿Quién diablos vota a favor del bloqueo? Hasta el vocero de Hillary Clinton se hace la pregunta  10/30/2009 Granma 

Who the hell would vote for the blockade? Even Hillary Clinton’s spokesman is wondering  10/30/2009 Granma: "One has to understand that for Kelly, the sales of agricultural products to the island paid for in cash by Cuba, count as “humanitarian assistance” on the part of the U.S. government."

US Loosens Internet Restrictions on Iran and Cuba  10/30/2009 Internet & Democracy Blog, Harvard Law: "Arguing that access to the flow of information on the Internet in Iran and Cuba is in line with US interests, the US Treasury has asked Google and Microsoft to give users in those two countries access to their chat services. This is a smart move, but just the beginning of what should be done to increase the flow on online speech in those countries."

Petition on behalf of Dr Darsi Ferrer, Afro-Cuban activist..  10/30/2009 NaijaBLog: INTERNATIONAL PETITION ON BEHALF OF AFRO-CUBAN CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER, DR DARSI FERRER, organized by Carlos Moore

A fresh way to take the salt out of seawater  10/29/2009 Economist: Could this be used in Cuba instead of the parasite infested tap water?

Missing their chance  10/28/2009 Cadena Habana: "Health care also suffers the consequences, because heart diseases are the first cause of death in the United States. The lives of many US citizens could be saved if they had access to Cuban drug Ateromixol, commonly known as PPG. It is the best anti-cholesterol drug available in the market, according to a study conducted by Geneva University. It is cheaper and more effective than the ethanols and steroides available in the United States."

Fidel Castro's sister Juanita was a CIA agent  10/26/2009 Guardian 

Boom del tema racial? Sin el negro, Cuba no sería Cuba  10/26/2009 Negra Cubana: "Varios documentos relacionados con el tema racial, andan dando vuelta por la red cubana. Les comparto este, escrito porque quien, ante la desaparición de Color Cubano, lidera la comisión que ahora se ocupa de esta temática en el seno de la UNEAC. Este artículo contiene lenguaje sexista pero dada su importancia me permito reproducirlo."

Sin el negro, Cuba no sería Cuba  10/26/2009 UNEAC: "Recientemente el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de nuestro país al recibir a un Canciller africano señalaba: “La Revolución Cubana no existiría, sin la solidaridad africana”. Y es que en las grandes batallas que hemos librado en el campo de la diplomacia, nuestros más seguros y firmes aliados han sido la inmensa mayoría de los estados africanos. En las batallas por los derechos humanos; en los temas económicos; en el marco de los Organismos Internacionales como la Organización de Naciones Unidas, el Movimiento de Países No Alineados y en el Grupo de los 77. En nuestra titánica e inclaudicable batalla contra el criminal e injusto bloqueo económico impuesto por los Estados Unidos, Africa siempre ha estado a nuestro lado, como ahora lo está en nuestro batallar incesante por la liberación de nuestros Cinco hermanos presos en las cárceles del imperio."

Terrorismo contra Cuba: la impunidad sigue siendo la regla  10/23/2009 Patria Grande 

A message from Dr. Darsi Ferrer’s wife  10/22/2009 BabaluBlog: "My husband is an Afro-Cuban who today is languishing in a Cuban jail, trying to survive under infrahuman conditions and suffering cruel and degrading treatment, for dedicating his efforts to fight for the civil rights of our compatriots. Dr. Darsi Ferrer is a professional, not a criminal as he is described by the Cuban regime, he is a medical graduate, sensitive to the suffering of others and whose only crime has been that, inspired by the example of great men like Dr. Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi, he has employed non-violent methods of civil disobedience to wake up the conscience of the Cuban people and to demand the respect of the fundamental freedoms and rights for all citizens of Cuba."

Galveston mayor learned a lot from Cuba trip  10/22/2009 Fox8, New Orleans 

Carta a Granma  10/21/2009 Cofradia de la Negritud: "Estamos una vez más, compañero Barredo, frente a uno de los puntos problémicos heredado por una de las revoluciones --la cubana de 1959-- que más lejos llevó en América la demolición social del capitalismo neocolonizador y dependiente y que, sin embargo, hasta hoy, no ha podido independizarse de un canon patriótico eurocéntrico, en el que sólo los antiguos liberticidas, los señores de la propiedad y la riqueza o los entendidos en los valores librescos europeos pueden ser recordados como protagonistas de los actos libertarios y de la dignidad cívica."

Cuba's struggle against racism  10/20/2009 Green Left Weekly: by Roberto Jorquera, published 3/98

Spain Promises Havana to Lobby EU on Cuba Policy  10/20/2009 Latin American Herald Tribune 

Fidel Castro's Reflection: The ALBA and Copenhagen  10/20/2009 PL 

Cuba's declining trade betrays depth of its crisis  10/20/2009 Reuters: "Business between Cuba and four of its top five trading partners has declined sharply this year in a reflection of the communist-led Caribbean island's deep economic crisis, trade reports from the countries said. Reductions in exports to and imports from Cuba ranged from 20 percent to as high as 50 percent, according to the reports from China, Spain, Canada and the United States. In descending order, they are the top traders with Cuba after Venezuela. Numbers were not available for Venezuela, which is the leading economic and political ally of Cuba's government and supplies the island with oil."

Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramirez, Cuban Political Prisoner of the Week, 10/18/09  10/18/2009 Uncommon Sense: Site in support of Dr. Darsi Ferrer, maintained by the great nephew of El Tigre Masferrer, Mark Masferrer. El Tigre was a Cuban paramilitary leader who went into exile and was jailed in a federal penitentiary for organizing the overthrow of the government of Haiti in order to use it as a base for attacks on Cuba.

Disaster Relief Management in Cuba - Why Cuba’s disaster relief model is worth careful study  10/17/2009 CIP: Published May, 2009 by Jonathan Keyser and Wayne Smith.

New Orleans mayor learns about disaster response in Cuba  10/17/2009 CNN: "We understand we may have a lot to learn from the Cubans in terms of disaster preparedness and how they have dealt with hurricanes," spokeswoman Ceeon Quiett said.

Texas mayor learns from Cuba hurricane experience  10/17/2009 Reuters: Originally posted 4/25/09

LA MUJER NEGRA. SU REPRESENTACIÓN GRÁFICA Y LOS ESTEREÓTIPOS EN LA PUBLICIDAD  10/15/2009 Universidade de Brazilia: por Norma R. Guillard Limonta

Cuban Dissident Dr. Darsi Ferrer on HUNGER STRIKE  10/13/2009 Babalu: "Cuban dissident and human rights activist Dr. Darsi Ferrer - serving time in castro's gulag for having "construction materials" in his home - goes on hunger strike. The following is a letter from his wife Yusnaimy Jorge Soca via Marc Masferrer."

Afro-Cuban Culture & US Chicanos  10/10/2009 Havana Times: "Lino’s doctoral degree focuses on one of several Afro Cuban cultural groups in Cuba, the Abakua. His depth and breadth of knowledge on this subject was indeed impressive. Lino emphasized that in his opinion, there is no one Cuban culture but rather a diversity of cultures often integrated at the individual level. Thus, at the dimension of religion, a Cuban might incorporate elements of Catholicism along with elements from more than one Afro Cuban religion (e.g., Abakua, Palo, etc.). According to Lino, even the “whitest” of Cubans might be strong disciples of an Afro Cuban religious sect. He also descried periodic gatherings or “congresses” of Afro Cuban groups that meet to exchange perspectives about their values and beliefs and confirm strategies for the transmission of their religion across generations. One of my questions for Lino addressed the explicit teaching of Afro Cuban history and cultures throughout Cuban schools. During the conference Agustin and I attended during our first two days in Havana, a Cuban professor named Maya had expressed her satisfaction at seeing how Cuban schools were now, finally, teaching the heritage of Afro Cubans. However, according to Lino, this was either news to him or it was not as widespread as Maya had inferred. This led to a discussion about a theme that emerged from during the conference as well - the continued prejudice and discrimination against Blacks in Cuba."

The demise of the free lunch  10/8/2009 Economist: "The government is also organising thousands of public meetings across the island to discuss a wider ten-point plan that proposes an end to the monthly ration of free staples and a host of perks, such as free wedding cakes. Instead, the focus is on creating incentives to work harder by raising wages, and thus productivity. All this reflects the ideas of Raúl Castro, who after almost half a century as defence minister replaced his elder brother as Cuba’s president last year and who has been much franker in discussing the country’s economic failures."

Les mercenaires cubains de la Maison-Blanche  10/7/2009 Voltaire Net: "Cet article est extrait de: Cuba. Ce que les médias ne vous diront jamais. Prologue de Nelson Mandela, Paris, Editions Estrella, 2009."

DECLARACIÓN DEL PARTIDO ARCO PROGRESISTA  10/6/2009 Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas: de Manuel Cuesta Morúa

Población negra invisible  10/5/2009 Granma: "Si usted trata de buscar un dato sobre la población afrodescendiente es muy difícil. No existen estadísticas para saber qué está pasando, no existen indicadores específicos de sus niveles de mortalidad infantil o materna, o de nutrición", dijo a IPS la directora regional para América Latina y el Caribe del PNUD, Rebeca Grynspan, al explicar el concepto de "invisibilidad" manejado en el encuentro. "Solo podemos acercarnos vía territorial, porque muchos de ellos viven en regiones bastante identificables, y entonces podemos saber lo que pasa solo por una vía indirecta", afirmó. Pero los afrodescendientes también sufren una "invisibilidad de su aporte a Latinoamérica, de su aporte histórico, de sus movimientos, de su aporte cultural", de su influencia "en lo que hacemos, en lo que cantamos"…. "Coincidimos en la necesidad de poner de manifiesto la cultura de la población afrodescendiente, esos rasgos, esos modos y recursos del lenguaje, esa sabiduría comunitaria, que generalmente se conocen a través de la música y la danza", dijo al cierre del seminario. "Queremos ciudadanos que disfruten plenamente sus derechos, y creemos que el reconocimiento de los derechos culturales va a tener un impacto positivo sobre el resto de los derechos. Tenemos que seguir por ese camino", añadió."

Sobre Color Cubano  10/3/2009 AfroCubaWeb: de Gisela Arandia - "El Proyecto Color Cubano ha desaparecido como tal. Paralelamente se ha creado una Comisión orgánica de la UNEAC que será dirigida por el compañero Heriberto Feraudy, la cual se integra a la estructura de trabajo establecida por la organización. La decisión fue tomada por la dirección de la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba y se llevó a cabo, luego de un proceso de análisis y estudio sobre el Proyecto, realizado por un grupo de trabajo evaluador, dirigido por Nicolás Hernández Guillén. El dictamen de ese trabajo tuvo en cuenta aciertos y dificultades, así como recomendaciones. En términos generales la valoración de ese grupo de trabajo argumentó el impacto positivo de Color Cubano, en un contexto social donde el tema prácticamente estaba ausente del debate público institucional."

Denuncian en Miami represalias contra Cucú Diamantes por su presentación en Concierto de La Habana  9/28/2009 Cuba Debate 

Pánfilo, Rosa Parks, in vino veritas y la Guagua que no se detiene  9/26/2009 Derechos Humano Cuba: "El desespero de Pánfilo, el gesto cansado de este hombre doblemente victima de la carecía de los Cubanos de a Pie y de los Cubano Negros, no tendrá mucha repercusión. No habrá boicoteos, ni marchas, nadie pedirá la libertad de Pánfilo, ni demandara al gobierno Cubano que provea al pueblo Cubano, no el pan de cada día, sino la libertad de poder crear su propio pan. El gesto de Pánfilo se convierte en una broma masiva internacional, aun cuando todos los que nacimos allí sabemos exactamente la fuerte verdad que encierran sus palabras aceleradas por chispa’e’ tren,- “no hay iría, aquí lo que hace falta es jama”." [Pánfilo was apparently taken to a mental health facility after becoming a rap star, much like Walterio Carbonell.]

Ritual  9/26/2009 Las Leyes de Laritza: "De tan comunes, han dejado de ser noticia en un país contínuamente vigilado y controlado. Un ritual sin humo ni aguardiente para los santos. Con los mismos protagonistas: policías, ciudadanos de a pie -sobre todo jóvenes y negros- y conductores de vehículos privados o estatales. A cualquier hora y en cualquier sitio."

Jornalista cubano fala sobre o racismo na ilha  9/21/2009 Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores(as) Negros(as): "Em viagem ao Brasil para participar de um congresso da Associação de Estudos Latino-Americanos (LASA, na sigla em inglês), realizado na PUC-RJ, no qual fez uma palestra sobre o racismo em seu País, o jornalista e cientista social cubano Raimundo Gomez Navia visitou a sede da Associação Brasileira de Imprensa, onde foi recebido por membros da Diretoria e pelo Presidente da Casa, Maurício Azêdo."

Interioridades de la Prisión Valle Grande  9/21/2009 Cuba Represion: Por: Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramírez, preso de conciencia.

In Mexico…I felt like a human being - Interview with Juan Almeida  9/20/2009 Machetera 

Apartheid protesters got it right  9/20/2009 Miami Herald: [Another fine example of the Miami Mafia debasing imagery from the Black struggle.]

Meet Pepe Hernández, CANF’s terrorist president  9/18/2009 Machetera: "For Francisco José “Pepe” Hernández, the head of the Cuban American National Foundation, Luis Posada Carriles is not a terrorist. The terrorist Hernández, who strives to advise President Obama, made this statement in an extremely long interview distributed from Miami by the Associated Press, in which he also admitted to having worked in different parts of the world on behalf of the CIA. Pepe Hernández directly arranged the plans to assassinate Cuba’s president in Panama, in the year 2000. It’s the second time this year that Hernández has acknowledged his links with the torturer, murderer and drug trafficker who, along with Orlando Bosch, planned and ordered the mid-flight destruction of a Cuban airliner in 1976, causing the death of 73 people."

New Mexico Gov. Richardson supports lifting of US trade embargo on Cuba  9/15/2009 AP 

Autoridades cubanas impiden que hijo de Juan Almeida asista al funeral  9/15/2009 Nuevo Herald: "El abogado Juan Juan Almeida García, hijo del recién fallecido comandante histórico y vicepresidente cubano Juan Almeida Bosque, denunció el lunes que las autoridades le impidieron participar en los funerales del padre en la Plaza de la Revolución de La Habana, así como asistir al sepelio anunciado para este martes en la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba. En un mensaje enviado a El Nuevo Herald, Almeida García relató que al producirse la muerte del padre el viernes, fue llevado a una morgue por un general y dos escoltas para ver el cadáver, pero separado del resto de la familia…. Almeida García declinó hablar por vía telefónica con El Nuevo Herald alegando que se sentía muy afectado por la muerte del padre, a quien dijo haber amado "profundamente por encima de todo''."

The brilliance of your modesty  9/14/2009 Granma: "With thousands of memories, the people of Las Tunas recalled Juan Almeida yesterday, Sunday. But one – quite recent – lies deep in the heart of the city. It dates back to July 2007 when, dressed in white, the Commander of the Revolution entered a shoeshine parlor on the first stretch of a boulevard under construction. Air conditioning, daily newspapers, peace and downtown Havana. "Get up on that chair. I’m the one who’s going to shine your shoes. I’m going to remember the times when I was a shoe-shine boy," the comandante said suddenly."

Former Pedro Pan refugee presses case against priest  9/14/2009 Miami Herald 

Hijo de dirigente cubano vive quinto año cautivo en la isla  9/13/2009 Cronica, Mexico: "Almeida García, quien ha denunciado a través de cartas a varios de sus amigos en España y Florida, Estados Unidos, la forma en como ha sido tratado por expresar su rechazo a un régimen que asegura no ha brindado las garantías de vivir dignamente a los cubanos, ventila parte del cautiverio que vive en su propio país a través de un libro de la editorial española “Espuela de Plata” titulado Memorias de un guerrillero cubano desconocido, en donde narra la transformación equivocada que ha sufrido Cuba desde que fue asumida por los dirigentes de la Revolución. Almeida García, quien ha desafiado a las autoridades cubanas por no permitirle dejar La Habana para reunirse con su familia, asegura que a su calvario de sentirse atrapado en Cuba se suma a una enfermedad reumatológica degenerativa que padece y que le fue tratada en un hospital de Bruselas, Bélgica, durante los años 90. Sin embargo, desde 2004, cuando se le calificó de disidente por presuntamente haber ayudado a cientos de cubanos a abandonar la isla cuando trabajó en México, por órdenes del “alto mando” del régimen se le prohibió salir, lo que ha motivado sus intentos por encontrar la libertad en más de una ocasión para abandonar la isla. En el país autoridades de salud no quieren tratar su enfermedad."

Almeida vive hoy más que nunca, Reflexiones de Fidel  9/13/2009 CubaDebate 

Black and Cuban-American: Bias in 2 Worlds  9/13/2009 NYT: published 9/13/1997, 12 years ago.

Falleció el Comandante de la Revolución Juan Almeida Bosque - Un revolucionario de música en el alma y palabras para conservar los sueños  9/12/2009 Jiribilla: Entire issue devoted to Juan Almeida

Presentan libro Raza y racismo en la UNEAC  9/12/2009 UNEAC: "El libro Raza y racismo, de la Editorial Caminos, fue presentado el lunes 7 de diciembre con la asistencia de un numeroso público a la sala Villena de la UNEAC. La compilación de Esther Pérez y Marcel Lueiro es la segunda antología de textos aparecidos en la revista Caminos , del Centro Martin Luther King Jr.. En el panel, Raúl Roa Kourí se refirió a la valoración del Canciller de la Dignidad acerca de la figura de Antonio Maceo, mientras Fernando Martínez Heredia habló del volumen Raza y racismo. Al hacer un balance de la labor del Centro Martin Luther King Jr., Martínez Heredia lo calificó de “baluarte de la sociedad civil cubana, y por tanto, de su Revolución”. La presentación se inserta dentro del trabajo de la Comisión contra el racismo y la discriminación racial de la UNEAC. Miguel Barnet, presidente de esta institución, recalcó que no se trata del comienzo de una lucha por afianzar las conquistas de la Revolución, sino de la continuación de una tarea que siempre ha tenido la UNEAC. Raza y racismo incluye, entre otros, trabajos de Manuel Moreno Fraginals, Fernando Ortiz, Walterio Carbonell, Esteban Morales, Rogelio Martínez Furé, Natalia Bolívar y Carmen González."

Raúl Castro heads tribute to Almeida  9/11/2009 Granma 

Yoani e o racismo em Cuba  9/9/2009 VEJA, Brazil 

Un nuevo jefe del FBI para Miami  9/7/2009 Cuba Debate: por Jean Guy Allard -- "En Miami, Gillies retoma la herencia pestilente de Jonathan I. Solomon y de Héctor Pesquera, ambos cómplices de la mafia terrorista cubanoamericana del lugar, el primero por su complacencia ciega y el segundo por su colaboración tan alegre como escandalosa. Solomon es quién tuvo el poco envidiable privilegio de acoger en Miami a Luis Posada Carriles. Dejo a los servicios de inmigración la tarea de manipular la papa caliente, sin nunca considerar el estatuto de terrorista del septuagenario ex agente de la CIA, responsable de 73 homicidios por haber organizado la destrucción en pleno vuelo de un avión civil cubano. El 22 de junio del 2006, cuando el terrorista José Antonio Llama, ex directivo de la Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana (FNCA) reveló al Miami Herald como entrego 1,4 millones de dólares para la compra, entre otras cosas, de aviones teleguiados para bombardear a grandes concentraciones de personas en Cuba, Solomon, no valoró importante inculparlo e investigar la trayectoria terrorista de la FNCA."

Bush-era travel restrictions fuel `mule' industry in Cuba  9/6/2009 Miami Herald: "One legacy of Bush-era restrictions is a shadowy cottage industry in which South Florida Cuban exiles send to island relatives more money and merchandise than legally allowed."

Abren nuevo servicio web para ciudadanos cubanos  9/5/2009 AIN: "En la dirección electrónica, quienes navegan en la red podrán buscar por tipos de vivienda, en dependencia de las necesidades y ofertas que existan, además de inscribir su propia propuesta. El servicio se inició con una base de datos de más de mil permutas, para consultar en línea, pertenecientes a la "bolsa" existente en la Dirección Provincial de la Vivienda de Ciudad de La Habana."

La nueva blogosfera cubana  9/5/2009 PL: "Más de dos millones 100 mil cubanos se graduaron de los cursos impartidos en los Joven Club de Computación y Electrónica (JCCE) desde 1987, destaca hoy el diario Juventud Rebelde. Creados 22 años atrás, esas instituciones superan actualmente la cifra de 600 con presencia en los 169 municipios del país, y de ellas, 138 están situadas en comunidades rurales y 39 en regiones montañosas. Los JCCE constituyen una red de centros tecnológicos que surgió para contribuir a la socialización e informatización de la sociedad cubana, enfatizó el subdirector nacional del programa, Ernesto Rodríguez. Entre las instalaciones, precisó el rotativo, existen cuatro laboratorios móviles que llevan diferentes servicios a los sitios más intrincados de la geografía de esta isla caribeña. El potencial tecnológico abarca más de ocho mil computadoras, unidas a medios de impresión, digitalización de imágenes, almacenamiento y reproducción de información."

Indignación con Lockerbie, indiferencia con Barbados  9/5/2009 Rebelion: por Jean Guy Allard

Ros-Lehtinen en tierra sionista  9/3/2009 Granma: por Jean Guy Allard -- "En una entrevista con el diario web Forward, el 14 de octubre del 2005, Ros-Lehtinen habló por primera vez de su ascendencia judía que, dijo, pocos de sus electores conocen. Sus abuelos maternales eran judíos sefaraditas procedentes de Turquía que se radicaron en La Habana en los años 50. Su abuelo Jacobo Adato Levy fue un respetado líder religioso de la comunidad judía habanera, fundo sinagogas, y se quedo en Cuba después de la Revolución hasta su fallecimiento."

Dissidents Work for Racial Integration  9/3/2009 IPS: "The Citizens' Committee for Racial Integration (CIR) "will attempt to bring the issue out of the closed intellectual debates where it has been closeted for the past 15 years," said Manuel Cuesta Morúa, spokesman for the moderate dissident Arco Progresista, a coalition of small social democrat groups and one of the participants at the workshop, to which the foreign press was invited. In his view, alternative civil society organisations should seek ways to achieve the self-recognition of black people, who are not represented in proportion to their demographics and their cultural contribution to Cuba. "The CIR is pursuing recognition and racial integration, not conflict or racial pre-eminence," he said."

RIGHTS-CUBA: Dissidents Work for Racial Integration  9/3/2009 IPS: "Dissident groups in Cuba are attempting to open up a debate on the problem of racism in the country, in order to promote "full integration" of all the island's citizens, without discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity or skin colour. To that end, a committee "without ideological affiliation or political goals" was formed this week at a workshop on the issue, to promote actions and initiatives to guarantee "a voice and a forum" for Afro-descendants on this Caribbean island, "with the responsible support" of all Cubans who are aware of the problem. The Citizens' Committee for Racial Integration (CIR) "will attempt to bring the issue out of the closed intellectual debates where it has been closeted for the past 15 years," said Manuel Cuesta Morúa, spokesman for the moderate dissident Arco Progresista, a coalition of small social democrat groups and one of the participants at the workshop, to which the foreign press was invited. In his view, alternative civil society organisations should seek ways to achieve the self-recognition of black people, who are not represented in proportion to their demographics and their cultural contribution to Cuba. "The CIR is pursuing recognition and racial integration, not conflict or racial pre-eminence," he said." [It is well known that Cuesta Morua - a descendant of the Morua widely regarded as a traitor to AfroCubans -- is a frequent visitor to the US Interest Section.]

Racism in Cuba & the Black Fellowship  9/2/2009 Havana Times: “In this same endeavor to rescue history, we have also taken into account the events that took place on November 27, 1871. On that day, in addition to the execution of the eight medical students, there was the murder of five black Abakuas who tried to prevent that injustice. It was an almost suicidal act, resulting in their murder. “But history has sidestepped these events and when people march nowadays to the monument dedicated to the eight students, not once has the heroism of those Abakuas been mentioned, except for in a speech delivered by Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, on November 27, 1961, during the commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the martyrs. So, we decided to organize our own tribute parallel to the traditional one organized by the Federation of University Students (FEU)."

Reflota plan contra discriminación racial  9/2/2009 IPS: "Una carta de presentación de la iniciativa, hecha circular por correo electrónico, considera que no podrá haber un avance importante y sostenido en el aminoramiento progresivo de la desigualdad racial sin la ejecución "de una política social que tenga en consideración la desventaja históricamente acumulada de la población negra". En ese sentido, Coneg propone trabajar para que el Estado y la sociedad civil adquieran conciencia del asunto y por "asegurar la prestación de una efectiva atención a la defensa del respeto de los derechos de todo tipo de la población negra cubana". La misiva conserva la fecha de su lanzamiento inicial, en julio de 1998, por el ingeniero Norberto Mesa Carbonell, como "primer cófrade", aunque ahora se añaden las firmas de los "cófrades" Tomás Fernández y Tato Quiñones, investigadores y especialistas en el tema."

To President Obama: Deeds, not words  9/2/2009 Progreso Weekly: By Elíades Acosta Matos -- "• The Specific License defines "close relative." In this manner, the "government of change" has retained the rules set by the previous administration but also has restated an un-Cuban concept that disrespectfully defines the Cuban family: "A close relative is that person related to me by blood, marriage or adoption, whose relationship, or that of my relative with whom I share a common ancestry, does not go beyond the third generation." Consequently, in Cuba, where life expectancy grows yearly and where it is easy to find families with great-grandmothers and great-grandchildren, great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandchildren, this new ruling rejects the universally accepted concept of what is family and a close relative. And that's not just in the Hispanic culture. • The mere fact of asking Cubans who wish to visit their relatives to apply for a "Specific License" and trying to impose bureaucratic rules on relations that neither natural life nor human feelings have ever commanded is a coercive, discriminatory, dissuasive and intimidating measure. Consequently, the confrontational stance taken by the previous administrations in relation to Cuba and Cubans remains in the background but still visible. Could the OFAC, without appealing to political reasoning, try to impose such licenses on the rest of the immigrants living in the United States?"

US, Cuba to discuss resuming direct mail  9/1/2009 AP: "Before the U.S.-Cuban immigration talks were suspended by the Bush administration in 2003, the twice-yearly meetings in alternating countries had been the highest level contacts between the two countries. The talks were created so the countries could track adherence to 1994 and 1995 accords designed to promote legal, orderly migration between the two countries. The aim was to avoid a repeat of the summer of 1994, when tens of thousands of Cubans took to the sea in flimsy boats. On July 14, U.S. and Cuban officials met in New York to resume the immigration negotiations in what the State Department said at the time was a sign of "our interest in pursuing constructive discussions with the government of Cuba to advance U.S. interests on issues of mutual concern.""

Cuba considering easing central control of economy  9/1/2009 Financial Times: "The Cuban government is considering easing its stranglehold on the retail sector in an effort to legalize the underground economy and reduce massive theft. It is President Raul Castro’s second big economic reform after last year’s decentralization of agriculture and the leasing of idle state land. A recent communiqué from the Communist party’s central committee suggested change was coming to one of the world’s two remaining Soviet-style command economies, the other being North Korea. “Raul stated the key premises for economic policy to the end of the year and next were decentralization of the assignment of resources to services and production that generate the most earnings for the country and the search for new formulas that free up productive potentials,” it said."

The Black Man: The Object of Others  9/1/2009 Islas: by Manuel Cuesta Morúa, Historian, philosopher and anthropologist, General Secretary of the Socialist Democratic Current, Havana, Cuba. Islas is NED funded. "The situation in Cuba is so-so. The discursive spaces opened up by Tomás Fernández Robaina and Tato Quiñones, who are pioneers in this area, are promising. Color Cubano, with Gisela Arandia; the Cofradía de la Negritud [the Brotherhood of Blackness], with Norberto Mesa; the Movimiento de Integración Racial [the Movement for Racial Integration], with José Vélez; or, more recently, the Ciudadanos por la Integración Racial [Citizens for Racial Integration] project, promoted by the Arco Progresista, which are closer to my position, all bear witness to the problem. There were also shining moments—when singer-songwriter Gerardo Alfonso tried to open up a space in the nineties, and both Elvira Cervera and Walter Carbonell went public on just how marginalized any attempt to culturally, politically, intellectually and academically explore the black issue in Cuba had become."

Gloria Estefan confirma contactos con la CIA  8/30/2009 La Polilla Cubana: "La controvertida cantante, de 52 años, tiene varias enigmas sembradas en su pasado. Hace un año, ella y su esposo, el productor mafioso Emilio Estefan, fueron sospechados de invertir en el trafico de personas entre Cuba y México, en un diario dominicano que los relacionó con operaciones ilegales desarrolladas por la Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana con el Cartel del Golfo, la red de narcotraficantes mexicanos."

Juanes and Miamian bullying  8/30/2009 Rebelion: By René Vázquez Díaz -- "A perfunctory research of Cuban-American businessmen's relations with China would show that Miami adores communism. Their adoptive country is considerably dependent from the Communist Party of China. Cuban Miami has a dangerous tradition of intimidation through threats, slander and physical aggression (not excluding murder) not only against anyone who shows sympathy toward Cuba and its people but also against anyone who defies the rules of frenzied anti-Castroism that characterizes the so-called "heroic exile." Today, the object of that hostility is Juanes; but the history of bullying in Miami is long and dark. For the purpose of collecting the most CIA money and remaining the top protagonists, the members of anti-Castro organizations in the 1970s killed each other with stunning impunity. Like today, each group claimed the most intransigent and valid anti-Cuban line. Like today, all other groups were the target of their attacks. In October 1975, Batista goon Rolando Masferrer, who slandered all other exile leaders in his Miami-published newspaper, started his Ford Torino and was blown to pieces by a car bomb. In April 1976, while watching television in his Coral Gables residence, counter-revolutionary ringleader José Elías de la Torriente was shot four times and killed. Before that crime, other anti-Castro activists had threatened -- among other barbarities -- to hang him on Bayfront Park. Another prominent exile, Ramón Donestévez, was assassinated after proclaiming that he favored a peaceful coexistence with the Revolution. Luciano Nieves, who was also in favor of dialogue with Cuba, was shot to death in the parking lot of a hospital where his son was being treated. Emilio Milián, an announcer at WQBA-AM publicly condemned the terrorist violence committed by exiles; in 1976, a car bomb took off his legs. Between 1973 and 1976 alone, the FBI recorded 103 bomb blasts in Miami and investigated six political assassinations. "Cuban Miami is remarkably complacent about terrorism," wrote David Rieff in his magnificent book "Going to Miami." Relying on FBI documents, Edward S. Herman tells in his book "The Real Terror Network" how Cuban-origin counter-revolutionary groups in New York City were responsible for 20 bomb attacks between 1975 and 1980."

Cuba complains that EU diplomats met with wife of Darsi Ferrer  8/29/2009 Havana Journal 

Juanes 'Peace' Concert Stirs Debate Over Cuba  8/27/2009 Billboard: "Although Juanes has given multiple interviews on the subject, he has also personally kept fans informed via a steady supply of information on Twitter. Yesterday, the Colombian singer/songwriter wrote that the cost of the concert would be paid by him directly with Bosé and Tañón. He also posted a home video of himself singing an acoustic song with his guitar whose refrain says "It's time to change hate for love." The line has often been repeated by Juanes in regards to this show. On Aug. 26, the nonprofit, nonpartisan Cuba Study Group released the findings of a Bendixen & Associates opinion poll among 400 Cuban Americans which found that 47% of respondents did not agree with the concert, while 27% were in favor and 26% had no opinion. Not surprisingly, older respondents expressed less support, although the approval rate among respondents ages 18-34 was 35%, still not a majority. However, approval rate for the concert rose to 45% among respondents who had left Cuba after 2000. The majority of those who oppose the concert said they did so because it ignored the realities of Cuba, including human rights abuses and political prisoners. Most respondents, 50%, say they support cultural exchange between Cuban and the United States."

Si los blogs son terapéuticos ¿quién paga la terapia de Yoani Sánchez?  8/25/2009 CiberPrensa: "En Generación Y aparece en un lugar prominente un enlace para comprar el libro de Yoani en italiano, Cuba libre. Esto es algo que puede hacer cualquiera a través de PayPal, pero no un cubano que vive en Cuba, porque contraviene las regulaciones del bloqueo, donde la normativa que prohíbe el comercio electrónico en este caso es muy clara. Ya quisieran muchos periodistas que han quedado sin empleo “tener la habilidad” para emplear sus herramientas de administración y servicios, con gateway de pago o pasarela electrónica para el traspaso de dinero a través de tarjetas de crédito. Sin embargo, para que nadie se equivoque, tiene su Copyright © 2009 Generación Y – All Rights Reserved, algo que ningún bloguero cubano puede hacer tampoco desde la Isla."

Colombian singer Juanes receives death threats over Cuba peace concer  8/25/2009 Guardian: "Protestors in Florida smashed CDs, burned T-shirts and sent angry messages to his Twitter account, including warnings he was hated and "will die", prompting police to step up vigilance near the singer's Key Biscayne home in Miami. Juanes, 37, has recruited top Latino acts to perform with him at the 20 September Peace Without Borders show, including Puerto Rico's Olga Tañon, Spain's Miguel Bosé and Cuba's Silvio Rodríguez and the band Los Van Van. The Grammy-award winning artist, whose real name is Juan Esteban Aristizábal, said the event was intended to set aside ideological differences and "knock down our own mental walls". He organised a peace-themed concert on Colombia's border with Venezuela during last year's tension between the two governments."

Fidel Castro appears on Cuban TV to challenge rumours of ill health  8/25/2009 London Times 

People Need to Believe in the Supernatural - Interview with Cuban anthropologist Milagros Niebla Delgado  8/24/2009 Cuba Now: translated by Susan Hurlich

Foro de Sao Paulo reclamará a Obama fin de bloqueo a Cuba  8/24/2009 Cubadebate 

La sexualidad y la belleza de la mujer negra, una aproximación desde Cuba  8/23/2009 Cuba Debate 

Adalberto Álvarez: “Estoy de acuerdo con el recomienzo del intercambio cultural entre Cuba y Estados Unidos”  8/22/2009 Jiribilla 

Concierto de Juanes en La Habana  8/22/2009 Jiribilla: "Que un concierto a favor de la paz despierte tanta guerra por la sencilla razón de que se celebre en Cuba, es totalmente absurdo"

Hijo de dirigente histórico protesta en la Plaza  8/21/2009 Nuevo Herald: "Aquí estoy en la Plaza de la Revolución con un cartel para pedir que se haga justicia en mi caso'', dijo Almeida García a El Nuevo Herald desde un teléfono celular. "Yo no me he escondido de nadie para pedir mis derechos''. Inmediatamente después cortó la comunicación alegando que "ya vienen a recogerme'', en presunta referencia al personal militar de protección de la Plaza de la Revolución."

Villoldo confiesa: La CIA ordenó el crimen de Boca de Samá  8/20/2009 CubaDebate 

Juanes en Cuba: ¿Quién financia la campaña sucia?  8/19/2009 Aporrea: "Uno de los más activos opositores al espectáculo que ofrecerá el cantante colombiano Juanes en La Habana el 20 de septiembre próximo, vive desde décadas de subsidios del Departamento de Estado a organizaciones anti-cubanas y aparece de nuevo en la última lista de rentistas de la National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Según documentos publicados recientemente por la investigadora venezolana Eva Golinger, el norteamericano de origen cubano Orlando Gutiérrez, dueño del llamado Directorio Demócratico Cubano (DDC),recibió en el último presupuesto de la NED la cantidad de 275 000 dólares, fundamentalmente para mantener su actividad de difamación de Cuba a través de denuncias y actividades públicas."

Cuba: Hágase disidente y viva cómodamente  8/18/2009 Blogs Periodista Cubano: "En la foto:Darsi Ferrer, licenciado en medicina que ha abierto un consultorio paralelo. Sin embargo, se niega a que le envíen medicinas para desarrollar su “altruista” labor, él exige que le manden… (¡como no!) dinero."

How the blockade of Cuba really works  8/15/2009 Machetera 

From Cuba: A Call to Action in Solidarity with Political Prisoners  8/13/2009 Directorio Democrático Cubano: Promotes campaign launched by Alfredo Domínguez Batista, José Daniel Ferrer García, Darsi Ferrer Ramírez, Mario Alberto Pérez Aguilera, Ernesto Mederos Arozarena, Juan Luis Rodríguez Desdín, Juan Carlos Herrera Acosta, Librado Linares García, Ariel Sigler Amaya, and Orlando Zapata Tamayo.

CUBA: Black Women Rap Against Discrimination  8/13/2009 IPS: "They are few in number, but women’s loud chants of resistance against sexism, racism and discrimination against sexual minorities have left an indelible mark on the hip hop movement in Cuba, a little more than a decade old."

Cuban political prisoners increase by 1  8/10/2009 AP: "Political prisoners held in Cuba increased by one to 206 in the past six months, the first time the number has not dropped sharply since Raul Castro took over running the communist country three years ago. The Cuban Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation said Monday that the increase compares to 205 in late January and 219 last summer. "It's the first time in two decades that the number of prisoners has not fallen," said commission head Elizardo Sanchez. Sanchez repeated his complaint that police still use brief detentions to intimidate the political opposition — although those detentions fell by two-thirds in the past six months. The latest prisoner list includes Darsi Ferrer, a physician who organizes tiny Havana street protests to mark International Human Rights Day each December."

Cuba: más que nunca, la USAID sigue invirtiendo en la subversión  8/9/2009 Cuba Ahorra 

Cuban spies continue to exploit 'Sister City' program  8/9/2009 Washington Times: by Chris Simmons -- "A four-time war veteran and recently retired spy-catcher, Chris Simmons is an internationally known expert on Cuban intelligence." - "Consider, for example, the heavy-handedness of Afro-Cuban DI officer Felix Wilson Hernandez. A specialist in targeting blacks, he served in Washington from 1996 to 2000. Mr. Wilson featured prominently at the national formation meeting of the U.S.-Cuba Sister City Association in Pittsburgh in March 1999. That same month, he went to Cambridge, Mass. - an emerging sister city - and lectured at Harvard University about blacks in Cuba. One month later, Mr. Wilson was in Richmond, Calif., interacting with its significant black and Hispanic populations. He also repeatedly visited Seattle community leaders in preparation for the World Trade Organization conference in the winter of 1999. At the time, Seattle's Friendship Committee was active in its sister city initiative."

Cash-strapped Cuba says toilet paper running short  8/7/2009 Reuters 

Cuban media makes unusual mention of '94 protest  8/5/2009 AP 

Racial Politics in Post-Revolutionary Cuba  8/5/2009 Google Books: Mark Sawyer, quotes Carlos Moore extensively.

15 years after the 5th of August events - Always together in the same battle  8/5/2009 Granma 

Cuba: USAID making ever-higher investments in subversion  8/5/2009 Granma: "On the other hand, the NED, a CIA front agency — it was founded to do the work that the CIA did in the 1960s and 70s but with a more legitimate image — has contributed $1.435 million to promoting destabilization in Cuba this year, Golinger states, listing the groups benefiting from that U.S. fund."

Africa en la revolución cubana  8/5/2009 Jiribilla: publicado en 6/05

End the Travel Ban on Cuba  8/5/2009 LAWG 

Spy vs. Spy - Cuban Dissidents March to Orders of U.S.  8/5/2009 Machetera 

He Buried Che  8/4/2009 Miami New Times: "The then-35-year-old exile wasted little time. Within three months, he'd raised $350,000, recruited 50 men for the mission, and chosen a target: Boca de Sama, a tiny fishing village in eastern Cuba. Only one road ran into the jumble of wooden shacks, which housed just a few dozen people. It figured to be an easy target. On October 12, 1971, Gustavo led the men out of a Key Biscayne harbor on two fast boats and a 177-foot frigate the crew nicknamed El Melón for the way it rolled side to side in the slightest chop. As Gustavo organized the operation on the boat's deck, a 20-commando team raided the village. They killed at least two men: a 32-year-old local official and a 24-year-old militiaman. According to a Cuban radio report, the team also wounded two other men, and two teenage girls were hurt in the crossfire."

US Activists Challenge Obama on Cuba  8/3/2009 Common Dreams: ""The current policy is still about 80% Bush," said Philip Peters, a Cuba analyst from the Arlington, Virginia-based Lexington Institute. "Obama didn't promise a profound policy shift towards Cuba during his election, though he did speak about travel and family relations. Change, however, was the central theme of his campaign." Indeed, Obama said at the April summit, "The United States seeks a new beginning with Cuba." Peters argued more than a new beginning is needed. "The nuclear option would be to end the embargo now. The political equation would change overnight. The Cuban government would be forced to accept responsibility for problems they face."

Tropical Babylon - Cuba is a melting pot of different cultures.  8/3/2009 CubaNow 

Castro aplaza sin fecha el Congreso del PC cubano por la crisis  8/1/2009 Vanguardia 

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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Last modified: September 28, 2010