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Cuba in the News
Archive for 4/02

Masonic Rites, No Less. In Castro's Bailiwick!  4/30/02 NYT: actually, it is said Fidel is a Mason.

Cuban-Americans' clout in legislature growing  4/30/02 Palm Beach Post: the Banana Republic of Florida: "While their (percentages) are decreasing, their political clout is increasing," said Thomasina Williams, a Miami lawyer who has taken the issue to both federal and state court on behalf of her Democratic client, Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez. "They're mislabeling Hispanics," said Martinez, himself a Cuban-American. "When they were drafting the plans, Hispanics meant Cubans, meant Cuban Republicans." How else, Martinez asks, could it be that Miami-Dade County, whose Hispanics are split evenly between Cuban and non-Cuban, could wind up with all of the Hispanic seats drawn for Cubans. "This is not right," he said." The Mafia in action.

THE PRESIDENT'S FAVOURITE TERRORISTS  4/29/02 Squall, UK: "Furthermore Ros-Lehtinen, the woman who secured Bosch's release from detention in 89, was made George W Bush's spokesperson on human rights at the end of January this year, when she was appointed Chair of the Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights. To cap it all, Lehtinen's legal advisor, Chief of Staff and fellow anti-Castro activist, Mauricio Tamargo, was appointed President of the Federal Legal Committee of the US Justice Department late last year; a position responsible for overseeing all legal issues relating to Cuba, including the future of the American military base, now Camp X Ray, at Guantanamo Bay."

Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2001  4/27/02 American Association of Community Colleges: the soon to be infamous S. 1749, introduced by Senator Kennedy, could dramatically curtail travel from Cuba by anyone who is not planning to emmigrate. Thanks, oh great white father.

ASTA exec's Cuba plan raises anger  4/27/02 Miami Herald 

Provision to expand farm trade with Cuba is dropped from bill  4/27/02 Miami Herald 

SPRINGTIME IN FLORIDA  4/27/02 Radio Progresso: "There are those who always have raised their voices to demonstrate the falsity of the alleged homogeneity of the Cuban “exile community.” To them are added those who, with the passing of decades, for different reasons and by different means, have concluded that other stances might be more adequate and have decided to take on the risks of dissension. In recent days we've had several examples of this encouraging countercurrent. Recently, a three-day workshop in Havana brought together active lawyers from both countries. This initiative – the result of the joint work done by the US-Cuba Legal Forum and the Union of Jurists of Cuba – brought to Havana about 12 U.S. attorneys, nearly half of them Cuban-Americans living in Florida. Some of them were returning to Cuba for the first time in more than 40 years."

BORDER SECURITY - Senator Brownback  4/27/02 Senator Brownback's page on S. 1749 which he co-sponsored with Senator Kennedy

Secret mission comes full circle  4/27/02 Sun Sentinel 

S. 1749  4/27/02 Thomas: page on S. 1749 on US government site

‘Spy scandal’ to save the CANF  4/26/02 Granma: for more on this extended tale about La Mas Fea, see The CANF, drugs, and the October 1997 plot to kill Castro.

A Florida first: Manatee County, Cuban town in sister relationship  4/25/02 Miami Herald 

MEXICO: CASTANEDA FINALLY ADMITS TO US PRESSURE ON MONTERREY  4/25/02 Radio Havana: "Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda has finally admitted receiving pressure from Washington concerning Cuban President Fidel Castro's participation in an international summit in the Mexican city of Monterrey. Following weeks of denials, Castaneda admitted late Wednesday that US officials asked him to prevent any type of encounter between President Castro and President George W. Bush during the International Conference on Financing for Development."

Former Cuban Intelligence Officer Appears in South African Court  4/25/02 Xinhua: "Yester-Garrido was previously indicted in Miami in 1991 for racketeering and conspiracy to distribute cocaine."

The blockade and travel ban: an antiquated policy  4/24/02 Granma: "Boxer spoke of a plan to establish communication through the arts, utilizing music as a bridge between peoples, and in the biotechnological field, in which Cuba’s potential could be a great help to U.S. patients, she highlighted."

Manatee County, Cuban town agree to cultural exchange  4/24/02 Miami Herald: but what will happen in the face of the new Senate bill prohibiting travel to the US from Cuba?

Southcom to yield Cuba role to new command  4/24/02 Miami Herald: ''Southcom does have some Latin American expertise and some of them do speak Spanish,'' said former U.S. Ambassador Ambler H. Moss Jr., director of The North-South Center at the University of Miami. Putting Cuba under Northcom ``makes as little sense as anything I can think of.''

Cuba-Mexico relations deteriorate as Castro says Mexican leader encouraged him to not to attend conference  4/23/02 AP: "As Cuba-Mexico relations tumbled to one of their lowest points in a century of diplomacy, Fidel Castro publicly aired a tape recording of Mexico's president suggesting the Cuban leader not attend a U.N. conference last month."

Mainers consider journey to Cuba successful  4/23/02 Bangor Daily News: "Wilensky said she initially felt “conflicted” about whether to continue with the trip. But after getting “positive feedback” from U.S. Rep. John Baldacci’s office Friday night, she said, she decided to carry on. Baldacci spokesman Doug Dunbar said Monday that the office had acted as a go-between, “dealing back and forth” with the prospective travelers and the Office of Foreign Assets Control."

IMPORTANT WARNING ON FUTURE VISITS FROM CUBANS TO USA  4/22/02 AfroCubaWeb: "Cuban-Americans who want their family members to visit them in the United States can thank their "leaders" in Miami for this ban on tourist visas to Cubans. Everyone ranging from las viejitas who come once a year to artists, writers and policy makers are affected by this law."

More Americans traveling to Cuba  4/22/02 Kansas City Star: "Last year, an estimated 60,000 Americans visited Cuba illegally, according to the U.S. Treasury Department. More than 700 were caught and received letters informing them they would be fined for ignoring the law."

H.R. 3525 -- Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act  4/21/02 Senate: This act apparently includes Cuba and some version of it was recently passed by the Senate as S. 1749. Would ban travel by Cubans to the US.

County OKs Cuba ‘fact-finding’ mission  4/20/02 Keynoter, Florida Keys: "The Monroe County Commission on Wednesday authorized a delegation of county and Key West officials, headed by county Mayor Sonny McCoy, to apply to the U.S. Treasury Department for permission to visit Cuba."

New law could affect the visits of Cubans to the US  4/20/02 Miami Herald: conflicting interpretations of S. 1749 in Miami.

Nueva ley podría afectar las visitas de cubanos  4/20/02 Miami Herald: "Sin embargo, la regulación asegura que los secretarios de Estado y de Justicia tienen el derecho de admitir a quienes ellos consideren que no representan una amenaza para el país."

U.N. panel censures Cuba on human rights  4/20/02 Miami Herald 

Irán aboga por mayor colaboración con Cuba  4/20/02 Notinet, Cuba 

México ofreció petróleo a Cuba  4/19/02 AFP 

US Senate passes ban on visitors from sponsors of terrorism  4/19/02 AFP 

Día de héroes cotidianos  4/17/02 Granma: note the presence of a number of afrocubans in the Caracas Cuban Embassy, several of whom received decorations.

Mexico joins critics of Cuba's human rights  4/16/02 Financial Times, UK 

Cuba is Changing in the Global Era; Official Ideology is Not  4/15/02 CSU Pomona, CA 

10 Mainers leave for Cuba today, despite federal agency’s warning  4/13/02 Bangor Daily News, Maine 

Cuba Denounces Coup, Threats to Embassy in Venezuela (eng/esp)  4/12/02 Radio Havana 

Just who is "trading with the enemy?"  4/11/02 Denver Rocky Mountain News 

Vendría al menos un millón de norteamericanos al año  4/11/02 Granma 

Jewish organizations ignore Cuba's anti-semitism  4/11/02 NewsMax: nicely orchestrated in tandem with Front Page.

Why Do Jewish Organizations Ignore Cuba’s Hatred of Israel?  4/9/02 Front Page: best yet… with opening remarks by Biscet, an afrocuban running on the platform of antiabortion, demonstrating that the fundamentalist - Zionist alliance has worldwide potential!

U.S. travel group eyes forbidden Cuba  4/8/02 Reuters 

Trading with the enemy isn't what it seems  4/8/02 Toronto Globe & Mail 

'Yanqui' presence grows on Havana's streets  4/8/02 Toronto Globe & Mail 

BILL CLINTON SAYS EX-PRESIDENT BUSH SHOULD EXPLAIN PARDON OF TERRORIST  4/7/02 Radio Havana: "As part of an exclusive interview in the April 8 edition of Newsweek magazine, former US President Bill Clinton criticized the mass media for making his pardon of Marc Rich a top story while virtually ignoring a similar scandal during the former George Bush administration involving a Cuban-American terrorist. Newsweek quoted Clinton as saying that he swore he wouldn't answer questions about Marc Rich until Bush answered about pardoning Orlando Bosch, who Newsweek called "an anti-Castro terrorist who blew up an airliner in 1976, killing 73, and was freed from jail in 1990 by the then President Bush under pressure from his son Jeb and Cuban exiles."

Fidel presides handing of donation made by Qatar  4/6/02 AIN, Cuba: "Cuban President Fidel Castro attended this Friday to the ceremony that took place at Havana's "Hermanos Ameijeiras" Hospital where one million dollars Donated by Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani were handed by the Ambassador Of Qatar to Cuba, Ali Saad Al-Kharji to Fidel , who in turn gave the check To Dr. Andres Piloto Varona, the Director of the hospital." -We had 115 visits on AfroCubaWeb from Qatar in February.

Cuba's PC dilemma  4/6/02 BBC: "Cuba is keen to promote the use of computers. But few Cubans have computers and the government controls their sale, as Thembi Mutch reports in her third article from Havana."

Cuba backs Canadian convicted over U.S. embargo  4/6/02 Globe and Mail, Canada 

Un gesto que refuerza la amistad  4/6/02 Juventud Rebelde: "De esa manera calificó Fidel la entrega oficial de una donación de un millón de dólares, procedente de la República de Qatar, destinada a la compra de equipos médicos para el Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras"

U.S. Travel Association Eyes Forbidden Cuba  4/6/02 Reuters: "We are developing a destination specialist course to train and educate U.S. travel agents to sell Cuba," Richard Copland, President of the American Society of Travel Agents, told a Havana press conference. "We believe it is a constitutional right of Americans to have freedom to travel anywhere in the world ... travel promotes peace and understanding among peoples," Copland said. The association has 26,000 members, 18,000 based in the United States."

Cuba's wired generation  4/5/02 BBC: "Cuba's Fidel Castro has ambitious plans to create a generation of computer programmers and engineers. But he faces numerous obstacles, as Thembi Mutch writes in her second report from Havana."

REICH-POSADA-BOSCH - The Axis of Deceit  4/5/02 Granma 

Canada protests embargo-case verdict  4/5/02 Miami Herald 

Cuba tests online waters  4/4/02 BBC: "Cuba has been gripped by internet fever. But going online is tightly controlled by the communist government, as Thembi Mutch writes in the first of three reports from Havana."

Culpable de violar el embargo a Cuba  4/4/02 BBC: the genocidal sponsor of state terror continues its work to prevent Cubans from trying to get water purification supplies at a time when Cuba's water is increasingly affected by parasites.

Roberts asks U.S. to issue visas to Cubans  4/4/02 Miami Herald 

Leaky Logic  4/4/02 Philadelphia City Paper: "Jim Sabzali seems like the last person to be facing life in prison. He hasn’t been violent, stolen anything or cost anyone a dime. In fact what he’s charged with might have helped save lives. What’s more, 32 of the counts against him took place while he was in his native Canada, incapable of breaking U.S. law. So why is Sabzali, currently living in suburban Wynnewood with his wife and two children, looking at possible life sentence in a U.S. penitentiary?" La mas fea no perdona.

CANF urges President Bush to continue and intensify support for Israel in its just war against terrorism  4/3/02 CANF 

US denies visas to at least 60 Cuban agriculture officials  4/2/02 Yahoo 

U.S. Lied About Cuban Role in Angola - Historian  4/1/02 Global Exchange 

Cuba demands an end to the isolation and hounding of Arafat  4/1/02 Granma, Cuba 

Conflicting Missions  4/1/02 National Security Archives: "SECRET CUBAN DOCUMENTS ON HISTORY OF AFRICA INVOLVEMENT"

Euro to circulate in Cuba beginning June 1st  4/1/02 Northern Light 

Sostienen cancilleres de Cuba y Lesotho conversaciones oficiales  4/1/02 Prensa Latina, Cuba 

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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