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Cuba in the News
Archive for 7/02

South Africa - Cuban Exile Relations  7/31/02 Cryptome: the Miami Mafia as a staunch ally of Apartheid - "South African intelligence prepared these sanitized transcriptions and passed them to the Cuban exile community with which South Africa was exchanging Cuban intelligence material."

Mayor to pay her own way to Cuba  7/30/02 Daily Republic, South Dakota 

Greco, leaders take Cuba trip  7/30/02 St Peterburg Times: "Developer Dick Beard, who declined an invitation because he is helping organize Tampa's bid for the Republican National Convention, said the group is "going to see what opportunities there are for Tampa." "They're over there for good, legitimate purposes," said Beard."

Mayor Greco goes to Cuba despite protests  7/30/02 WTSB, St Petersburg: "The Tampa area’s Cuban-American leaders are promising some political repercussions. Councilman Bob Buckhorn says the trip is “an insult to every Cuban-American” in Tampa. Buckhorn also says he wants to find out who’s footing the bill for the trip." Tampa hardliners may find it difficult to carry out their threats as the city itself is not well contolled by the Miami Mafia.

It's Republican vs. Republican on Cuba  7/27/02 NYT: "In a fierce political family feud, President Bush's senior adviser, Karl Rove, has been pressuring Republican lawmakers from farm states not to ease restrictions on travel to Cuba. Mr. Rove had a confrontational meeting with the lawmakers on July 10, and their accounts about it provided a rare and telling glimpse into the hardball lobbying of one of the most powerful White House advisers. Some lawmakers said they were surprised by the ferocity of Mr. Rove's arguments and his intense focus on the issue during the sessions."

House votes to lift ban on Cuba travel  7/26/02 Boston Globe: "In an unexpectedly lopsided and bipartisan 262-167 vote, the House approved an amendment by Representative Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, to prohibit funds from being used to enforce the travel ban, effectively lifting it."

Panel Has Evidence of 2 Gifts to Torricelli, an Official Says  7/26/02 NYT: the same Torricelli who promotes the interests of the Cuban American right wing

Cuba: Relief In Sight - Venezuelan Oil Imports To Resume  7/25/02 Black World Today: "Cuba expects to produce around 3.3 million tons of oil this year, and hopes to meet with success in exploring for new oil reserves, in order to cut expenditure on oil imports, which totalled one billion dollars last year for the fuel consumed by thermoelectric plants alone."

The Hialeah Gardens "Darkie" Problem  7/25/02 Miami New Times: "Jurors also heard a mayoral aide recount how the city's former mayor routinely called her "darkie" and "lesbian," while slinging epithets like "nigger" and the derogatory Spanish slang molleto at others. That former mayor was not present at the trial. She's been convicted of vote fraud, insurance fraud, and solicitation to commit murder in a plot to kill her ex-husband. While her convictions are being appealed, she's lying low… "The mayor complained to the chief that there were too many blacks at that business," testified Rosa Levy, who was an assistant to Oliveros in the mid-Nineties. "She said she didn't want that because it would darken her city." Levy, whose mother is Afro-Cuban, recounted how Oliveros treated her and the one other black city employee: "She said we were her darkies." To hear Levy tell it, that was the affectionate side of Oliveros. For others with dark skin the mayor would spit out a string of racial slurs ranging from the Spanish slang "chardo" and "molleto" to the more prosaic "nigger." "For her it was funny," Levy shrugged." "

House backs travel to Cuba  7/24/02 Dallas Morning News 

George and Félix: the tale of two old friends  7/24/02 Granma: "They first met in 1960 • One was the owner of a oil prospecting company and CIA member • The other, a fugitive and former agent of dictator Fulgencio Batista’s repressive apparatus • After four decades of parallel activities, the U.S. president and his father meet up with the CIA’s most infamous Cuban-American agents"

N. Dakota Delegation Meets Cubans  7/24/02 Las Vegas Sun: "North Dakota Gov. John Hoeven and farm officials from his state met with Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque on Wednesday in efforts to sell more agricultural products to the communist island."

The Jeb Connection - Part I - AT OUR EXPENSE: THE COSTLY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JEB BUSH AND RIGHT WING CUBAN EXILES  7/23/02 Radio Progresso: Saul Landau weighs in.

Wanted by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation: MIGUEL RECAREY  7/23/02 US Government: Recarey was a buddy of the Bushes and carried out the largest medical fraud in the history of the US.

Foreign Performers and U.S. Gigs: Getting Here Is a Tougher Ticket#Foreign  7/22/02 LA Times: "As of two days ago, Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, the Cuban rumba group who has appeared many times in the U.S. over the last 10 years, had to cancel scheduled appearances at the last moment (though their INS petition was approved weeks ago) at the National Black Arts Festival in Atlanta and in Puerto Rico and New York. Also having to cancel was Síntesis, the distinguished Cuban group celebrating its 25th anniversary this year with a just-announced 2002 Latin Grammy nomination, who were to appear at various dates in August. - Ned Sublette"

Going Against the Grain - Cuban-American group campaigns to end U.S. trade embargo  7/22/02 Newsday: Luly Duke is a prime mover in the East Hampton - Playa Sister City Association - "The Duke dynasty, built on wealth acquired from the tobacco industry in the late 1800s, donated millions of dollars to what by 1924 became known as Duke University in North Carolina, establishing the family as major philanthropists. Luly Duke has slipped easily into high society, enjoying memberships in the Maidstone Club in East Hampton and the Piping Rock Club in Locust Valley. But she makes clear that a life limited to the golf course and yacht club isn't enough for her."

Angolan / Cuban Signals Intelligence 1987-1988  7/20/02 Cryptome: "Given the format, lexicon and style the original transcript was most probably American, then edited with explanatory notes for South African purposes before being given to the Cuban exiles."

Congressional Votes To Test Bush On Cuba  7/19/02 Black World Today: ''These will be dropped in the conference [committee] with the Senate, even though the Senate probably opposes the embargo more than the House,'' said Geoff Thale, a Cuba specialist at the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), a think tank and lobby group. ''The problem is that people on the other side feel much more passionately about this.''

Miami march this Saturday for the release of the Five  7/19/02 Granma: "Organizations supporting the lifting of the blockade on Cuba have called for a march in Miami this Saturday to demand the release of the five young Cubans incarcerated in that country."

Council gets flak for funding Cuba trip  7/18/02 Daily Republic, SD: "However, Claggett said she has only received positive comments from her constituents. "I'm going," Claggett said. "I'll pay for it if I have to."

European Commissioner says Cuba not yet ready for Cotonu accord  7/18/02 Northern Light: "In his comments to EFE, Cuban Governence Minister Ricardo Cabrisas said Havana would apply to join the agreement when it felt the appropriate conditions were present within the EU. The issue, he said, was similar to the age-old question "which came first, the chicken or the egg" because the EU says everything depends on Cuba, while Cuba says it is all up to the European Union. The Cotonu Agreement was signed two years ago in the capital of the African nation of Benin for which it is named. It is a 20-year aid and trade accord which provides preferential access for certain ACP agricultural products and other goods to the 15-member European Union."

THE CUBAN-AMERICAN FAR RIGHT (IV): THE CATHOLIC RIGHT  7/18/02 Radio Progresso: "The Cuban Catholic Church was one of the most conservative churches in Latin America and its political leanings were historically marked by its alliance, first, with Spanish colonialism and, second, with the native oligarchy. That is why, although Catholicism appeared to be the dominant religion in the country, the Cuban people did not practice it as much as the rest of Latin Americans and the syncretic religions had deeper popular roots than Catholicism." Well, that and the African demographics and the numerous African traditions which were keept alive by descendants of the original kidnap victims.

U.S. Sanctions Bringing Tehran-Havana Ties Closer: Cuban Speaker  7/18/02 Tehran Times 

Fidel y Mugabe presiden conversaciones  7/17/02 Granma 

Opening Cuban Markets Good for Cubans and Americans  7/17/02 "Decades of agricultural trade sanctions have done nothing to topple the Castro regime, but they have hurt American farmers and the Cuban people," Paul stated. "Our farmers should not be denied access to markets because of a misguided and ineffective State department policy. Our current approach simply opens the door for farmers around the world to exploit the Cuban market. Rather than punishing our farmers with trade embargoes, Congress should be eliminating barriers and opening new markets like Cuba."

Web-Based Petition Calls for End to Cuba Embargo  7/16/02 CNS News: ", an Internet site that wants to change U.S. policy toward Cuba, is sending the petition to the White House this week. The website is jointly sponsored by the Center for International Policy (CIP), the Latin America Working Group (LAWG), and Global Exchange."

The scandalous release of Letelier’s killers  7/16/02 Granma: "• HOW José Dionisio "Bloodbath" Esquivel and Virgilio Paz Romero were able to personally express their gratitude to their master • As CIA head, George Bush Sr. never had to explain his role in this dirty story of murder and disinformation • A few weeks before September 11, President Bush released two dangerous terrorists, who are also CIA collaborators and CANF mercenaries"

Bush's Florida strategists land plum jobs in D.C.  7/15/02 Boston Globe: turning the US into a banana republic - "John Bolton, undersecretary of state for arms control, caused a stir in May by accusing the Cuban government of transferring bioweapons technology to rogue nations. Nineteen months ago, he caused a different stir - bursting into a Tallahassee library on behalf of the Bush-Cheney campaign to stop a recount of Miami-Dade County ballots. ''I'm with the Bush-Cheney team, and I'm here to stop the count,'' he was quoted as saying in news reports at the time."

Ralph Nader in Cuba  7/15/02 Counterpunch: "In his opinion, the blockade has not managed to destabilize the Cuban government, but has strengthened it, and he questioned the U.S. authorities' double standard on that point, comparing it with the attitude of his country's citizens who are increasingly calling for relations to be normalized. He likewise believes that the U.S. press should make more mention of Cuban society's achievements and positive aspects."

En visita oficial el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Ghana  7/15/02 Granma: "Por invitación del ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Cuba, Felipe Pérez Roque, llegará hoy en visita oficial el Excelentísimo señor Hackman Owusu Agyeman, ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Ghana. El Canciller ghanés permanecerá en nuestro país hasta el día 18 de julio."

Goss Amendment Seeks to Subvert Cuba Travel Language  7/15/02 LA Working Group: "Oppose the Goss Amendment: Please all express your opposition to an amendment from Rep. Goss, which would heavily condition the travel language, and neutralize any positive legislation. When calling your member urge them to accept the original version of the amendment, as it is offered by Representatives Flake, McGovern, and others."

LOS QUE DIERON EL TRIUNFO A BUSH FUERON RECOMPENSADOS CON CARGOS EN EL GOBIERNO  7/15/02 Radio Havana: "Casi todos los beneficiarios actuaron en el recuento en calidad de observadores de papeletas, operadores políticos, as¡ como redactores de expedientes legales. Muchos de los trabajan ahora en la Casa Blanca y que fueron entrevistados por el periódico aseguran que no obtuvieron nada a cambio por su colaboración en el recuento de sufragios, aunque reconocen que lo hicieron con el objetivo de que el equipo de Bush se fijara en ellos."

Jeb, Florida's high court and terrorism  7/15/02 Working for Change: "Cantero's "father served under Batista as an intelligence officer in the Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities or BRAC, notorious for torture and assassination."...According to Jane Franklin, "Cantero told the media in 1989 that Bosch had never engaged in indiscriminate violence. Evidently Cantero considered blowing up civilians some kind of discriminating violence. According to Cantero, Bosch was conducting 'a counterrevolutionary war.' 'What was considered back then to be a heroic fight against the terrorism of Fidel Castro,' he declared, 'has suddenly come to be seen as anti-American terrorism.'"

North Dakota governor to visit Cuba on trade mission  7/13/02 Minneapolis Star Tribune: "He will be the second sitting governor to visit Cuba in the 40 years since the United States imposed a trade embargo against the island nation. He will travel July 22 to 25 with representatives of the North Dakota Farm Bureau, the Northarvest Bean Growers Association and the North Dakota Wheat Commission."

Llegará a Cuba en visita oficial presidente de Zimbabwe  7/13/02 Prensa Latina: "Robert Mugabe, presidente de la República de Zimbabwe, arribará a esta capital el próximo lunes 15 en una visita oficial que se extenderá hasta el día 19, indica hoy la prensa local."

Can new justice tell patriotism from terror?  7/13/02 Sun Sentinel, Ft Lauderdale: "But where, I asked, did that leave his own father and brother Jeb and some of his closest political allies in Florida, all of whom in one way or another had supported, among other exile terrorists, Orlando Bosch, linked by the Justice Department to over 30 acts of sabotage and violence, including the downing of a Cubana airliner in 1976 with the loss of over 73 innocent lives? Should father, brother and a number of close political allies all be considered terrorists?"

CRIMINAL INDEX FILE of ORLANDO BOSCH by GRANMA  7/12/02 Granma: Bosch is the star client of Jeb's new Florida Supreme Court Justice Cantero, who is not only his attorney but an active political supporter. From the 1980 Granma article - "The list of international terrorist attacks against the objectives of Spain, England, Japan, Mexico, Poland, and other countries that traded with Cuba, reached 78 in 1968, being condemned and repudiated by the international community." There follows a detailed list of the 78 terrorist acts committed by Bosch.

NEW EVIDENCE OF ANTI-CUBAN / HISPANIC PREJUDICE AT MIAMI OFFICE OF INS  7/12/02 Judicial Watch: "The new evidence, which documents the hostile workplace environment within the Miami INS office, the culture of bigotry promoted and encouraged by INS and Department of Justice supervisors and managers, and the deliberate destruction of evidence bearing directly on the Elian Gonzalez saga, was uncovered as a result of a lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch on behalf of INS “whistleblower,” Special Agent Rick Ramirez."

On George Bush's pardon of anti-Cuban terrorist Orlando Bosch  7/12/02 World Socialist: from 10/99 - "According to the New York Time of August 17, 1989, Cuban right-wing congressperson Ros-Lehtinen met with former President Bush to negotiate Bosch's release. The meeting was arranged by her campaign manager, Jeb Bush, who had earlier met with Cuban hunger strikers also demanding the release. Bosch was pardoned on July 18, 1990 and the New York Times was the lonely voice denouncing Bush's pardon on an editorial published July 20, 1990."

Effort aims to deliver humanitarian aid to Cuba  7/11/02 Daytona Beach News Journal: AfroCubaWeb columnist makes the news - "So, despite an international trade embargo imposed on Cuba, local businessman Alberto Jones has coordinated a busload of medical supplies and humanitarian aid to be shipped to the Caribbean Island this week. "We don't care what you feel about (Cuban President Fidel) Castro. We are concerned about helping people," Jones said. "If a government has a problem with another government, they should deal with each other -- not harm innocent people." Jones, 64, a native of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has coordinated humanitarian shipments as part of an annual "Pastors for Peace" convoy for the past eight years. The shipment this year includes surgical gloves, syringes, needles, three wheelchairs and a full-sized diesel school bus, which was purchased with donated cash."

Bush praises newest justice  7/11/02 Miami Herald: the Herald minimizes the narcoterrorist link - "Only one blight marred Cantero's candidacy, when some took exception to his work for a militant Cuban exile extremist. Cantero was a junior associate in 1989 when his firm helped Orlando Bosch stay in the United States and out of prison after he was released from jail in Venezuela for his alleged role in blowing up a Cuban airliner with 73 passengers aboard." And from that point on he was not only Bosch's attorney, but his fundraiser and lobbyist, playing a major role in getting him out of jail through political means. As Aruca pointed out on Radio Progresso, "he didn't act as a lawyer who defends a client in court but actively participated in a battle of public pressure and politics that included hunger strikes and support from the communications media."

Cuba Caravan Rolls Through Montclair  7/11/02 Montclair Times 

En marcha XIII Caravana de la Amistad EE.UU-Cuba  7/10/02 AIN, Cuba: "La XIII Caravana de la Amistad Estados Unidos-Cuba recorre ciudades norteamericanas y canadienses recogiendo ayuda humanitaria para la Isla en franco desafío a las genocidas leyes del bloqueo a la nación antillana, trascendió hoy."

Gov. Jeb Bush names first Hispanic to Florida's Supreme Court; grandson of Cuban dictator  7/10/02 Boston Herald: ``As an American whose family escaped a totalitarian (Castro) regime, I have learned to appreciate and defend democratic values and the rule of law,'' Cantero wrote. ``I know the price a society pays when it lacks freedom to speak, freedom to worship, freedom to dissent.'' Cantero's candidacy attracted some controversy because he helped defend Orlando Bosch, an anti-Castro extremist who was labeled a terrorist by the U.S. government for his purported ties to bombing raids on Cuba. ``Everybody has a right to an attorney and I have no problems that he was on the team,'' Bush said." - Cantero was much more than narcoterrorist Bosch's attorney, he helped fund raise and lobby to get the author of the Cubana airliner shootdown out of jail. Bosch appeared at the dinner for W a few weeks back in Miami.

U.S. should let Cubans breathe  7/10/02 Granma: "FORMER U.S. presidential candidate Ralph Nader stated that he is opposed to the concentration of power within corporations that is impeding the development of democracy in his country, and criticized his government’s foreign policy on the island which, he said, doesn’t give Cubans a chance to breathe."

Bush to name new justice  7/10/02 St Petersburg Times: "His candidacy drew extraordinary attention because he helped defend Orlando Bosch, an unrepentant anti-Castro extremist who was labeled a terrorist by the U.S. government for his purported ties to bombing raids on Cuba. Cantero appeared on a Miami radio talk show in 1989 and called his client, Bosch, a "Cuban patriot."

Canadian snowbirds hot over rule that could limit U.S. vacations  7/10/02 Sun Sentinal, Ft Lauderdale: "Amid the debate, Cuba is seeking to cash in, stepping up tourism promotions in Canada and for the first time wooing longer-stay guests. "From the minute this INS thing hit the sheets, the government of Cuba has really been marketing," said Heather Nicolson-Morrison, executive director of the Toronto-based group, which represents hundreds of thousands of Canadians who flee their icy homeland in winter."

Nader visits Castro, calls on U.S. to lift Cuban embargo  7/9/02 AP 

US Accuses Castro Of Duplicity For Attending July 4 Event  7/9/02 CNS 

Cuba Plans To Reduce Petroleum Imports  7/9/02 CNS News 

Ralph Nader Visiting Cuba  7/8/02 CNS News 

Cuba refuerza costa ante rumores  7/5/02 BBC: rumors of another Mariel type exodus abound as the economy slumps.

Cuba: Dissident Group Documents Rise In Repression  7/5/02 Black World Today: "A report released by the Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation (CCDHRN) found that the number of political prisoners in Cuba rose from 210 in late 2001 to 230 as of Jun 30." And how many political prisoners exist in the US, including the many hundreds detained over 911 and the many suffering from racism and class based discrimination?

U.S. demonstrators call for release of The Five  7/2/02 Granma: "Jrapko noted that in the protests organized by A.N.S.W.E.R. last weekend in several U.S. cities, to condemn President George W. Bush’s attacks on basic civil liberties, demonstrators "lined up" to sign a letter demanding the prisoners’ immediate release."

LA GUERRA BIOLÓGICA DE EE.UU. CONTRA CUBA  7/1/02 AIN: "Ahora que tanto espacio dedican algunos medios de prensa para reproducir acusaciones de funcionarios del gobierno de Estados Unidos contra Cuba por supuesta producción de armas biológicas, es bueno reiterar que ese gobierno tan "democrático" es el que desde hace más de 40 años practica contra la Isla una guerra económica, el terrorismo y la agresión biológica."

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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