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Cuba in the News
Archive 1/1/03-1/15/03

The sun is setting at last on America's Cuba ban  1/15/03 IHT: "Jeff Flake, a conservative Arizona Republican who opposes the embargo, expects the travel ban to unravel in the next year. "We're getting dangerously close to veto-proof majorities," he said."

Repercute presencia de Fidel Castro en Ecuador  1/15/03 Juventud Rebelde: "La presencia en esta capital del presidente cubano, Fidel Castro, para la toma de posesión del nuevo mandatario ecuatoriano, Lucio Gutiérrez, sigue copando hoy espacios en los medios noticiosos."

Cuba, a place of cordial people despite their acute needs  1/15/03 Pittsburgh Post Gazette: "For the record, Americans may travel to Cuba legally as part of a licensed group doing approved work. People also go illegally through a third country, taking care not the have their passports stamped so as to avoid trouble at U.S. customs. As to what Cuba does with those dollars, it buys food -- in cash -- from the United States. So money spent on hotels and rum eventually finds its way back to U.S. agribusiness. What could be more patriotic?"

Presidente cubano recibe amplios saludos en Congreso ecuatoriano  1/15/03 Prensa Latina: "La tradicional austeridad del recinto parlamentario ecuatoriano se vio quebrada hoy por incesantes muestras de simpatía hacia el presidente cubano, Fidel Castro. Durante la ceremonia de toma de posesión de Lucio Gutiérrez como nuevo jefe de Estado, la sola mención del nombre del líder de la Revolución cubana provocaba el mayor nivel de aplausos y "vivas" escuchado durante la sesión."

Venezuelans savor solace in Miami  1/15/03 St Petersburg Times: "Like Miami, Venezuela was a refuge for Cuban exiles after Fidel Castro's 1959 revolution. These days the political ties are stronger. Opponents of Chavez accuse him of trying to create a Castro-style dictatorship. On Saturday Cuban exiles are organizing a rally in Miami's Little Havana neighborhood to express their solidarity with the anti-Chavez cause. Venezuela's political crisis is a daily topic on Spanish-language TV and radio news shows. Miami's Univision affiliate, WLTV-Ch. 23, devoted a 20-minute segment on its Saturday morning show, Miami Now, to a studio debate between Venezuelan exiles."

Sen. Cantwell to Attend U.S. - Cuba Business Conference  1/15/03 US AgNet: "U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) will lead a delegation of food and agribusiness executives from the State of Washington and will speak at the U.S.-Cuba Business Conference being held in Cancun and Havana February 17-19, 2003. The U.S.-Cuba Business Conference is the third major business event involving talks about trade with Cuba to take place in the last year… In addition to the U.S.-Cuba Trade Association, other sponsors of this conference include Arkansas Farm Bureau, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Port of Galveston, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Texas Farm Bureau, Patton Boggs, the GIC Group, Americans for Humanitarian Trade with Cuba, and World Development Federation."

Two Gambian Athletes Off to Cuba  1/14/03 Daily Observer: "Two Gambians, Toyor Njie and Abdoulie Jobe both established brains in shot put and junior high jump respectively will be attending a five year training course at the University of Havana, Cuba, commencing February 2003. Disclosing this to Observer Sports the assistant director of Sports, Sait Mbye, said the awards lead to a Masters degree in Physical Education and Sports offered by the Cuban Government to the Gambian Government."

Chávez announces government measures to deal with the opposition strike  1/14/03 Granma: "From the port of Guira, Vargas state, Chávez rejected the continued attacks on Cuba by the Venezuelan opposition and the huge private media. He likewise referred to their slanderous statements concerning Cuba-Venezuela bilateral cooperation, confirming: ”We sell oil to Cuba under the same conditions as we do to other Caribbean nations. We don’t give anything away, and it would be more accurate to say that Cuba is the one that is giving many things to us.” Chávez centered his analysis on the free medical services in Cuba offered by the island to thousands of sick Venezuelans, thanking the Cuban people and their government for their mutual aid, noted PL." [Prensa Latina]

Miami saves Otto Reich  1/14/03 Granma, Cuba: "Once the State Department’s Number One in Latin American affairs, Reich has been assigned by the president to a made-to-measure position as “Special Envoy for Western Hemispheric Initiatives,” with an office in the neighboring Executive Building next to the White House. And what might that position be? Well, according to White House Spokesperson Ari Fleischer, Reich is to coordinate relations between the United States and Mexico (wasn’t that Jorge Castañeda’s job?), the Andes Anti-Drug Initiative, “aspects of Cuba policy,” and “Homeland security issues in the Caribbean.” He now finds himself under the authority of National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice. Reich was under-secretary of state until November 22, but declined to solicit the Senate’s blessing due to his embarrassing role in the Iran-Contra Scandal and¼ his scandalous collaboration with coup plotters in Venezuela in April last year."

Marketing in Cuba's Economy... Want/Needs VS Ideology  1/14/03 Nassau Guardian, Bahamas 

Cuba: New Slowdown For Motor Of Economy  1/13/03 Black World Today: "The Cuban government continues staking its bets on tourism as the new engine of the economy, even though its goal of drawing an annual two million visitors was frustrated for the third year in a row in 2002. Arrivals were down five percent last year from 2001 levels, with a total number of 1.7 million foreign tourists. But a slight increase in the past few weeks has local authorities breathing easier."

Cuba sees record 2003 oil and gas output  1/13/03 Reuters: "Cubapetroleo (Cupet) President Fidel Rivero told the official business weekly Opciones that oil production was forecast at 4.154 million metric tons (29.1 million barrels) this year, and natural gas close to 800 million cubic meters, compared with 3.627 million of oil (25.39 million barrels) and 569 million cubic meters of natural gas in 2002… Rivero said the first test well would be drilled in Cuba's 112,000 square kilometer (43,250 square mile) Gulf of Mexico waters in late 2003. The well will be sunk by Spain-based integrated oil company Repsol YPF."

El espionaje cubano preocupa a Washington  1/12/03 Miami Herald: ''Son uno de los servicios de inteligencia más audaces que existen'', dijo Héctor M. Pesquera, jefe de la oficina de la FBI en Miami. ``Cometieron algunos errores y pudimos capitalizarlos, pero todavía son muy buenos. Están muy determinados y trabajan sus oportunidades. Saben que no podemos cubrir todas las cosas''. Afortunadamente. The spies are counterterrorism agents, much needed in the Banana Republic of Florida, where gangsters and narcoterrorist are in positions of power, where Batista's grandson sits on the Florida Supreme Court.

A passage to Cuba - The St. Augustine-Baracoa Friendship Association departed this weekend on a humanitarian trip  1/12/03 St Augustine Record: "A 100-foot schooner loaded with medical equipment is headed from St. Augustine to Cuba on a humanitarian mission. The Voyager left this weekend for a three-week trip that will take it through the Bahamas on its way to Baracoa, Cuba. The medical supplies are from the St. Augustine-Baracoa Friendship Association, but the humanitarian aid is only part of the group's objective. "The purpose of all this is to build bridges of friendship with the people of Cuba," said Soledad McIntire, secretary of the association."

Amnesty plea for Cuba detainees  1/11/03 BBC: "About 600 suspected Taleban and al-Qaeda fighters are being held at the base." Compare to the 223 political prisoners in Cuba.

Hinchey departs for Cuba  1/11/03 Daily Freeman, NY: "The trip was organized by Pastors for Peace, which is part of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization, according to Kevin O'Connell, the congressman's spokesman in Washington."

Cuba Promises to Crack Down on Drugs  1/10/03 AP: "It said that Castro himself had spoken of "sectors inside that neighboring country who are interested in tripping up and sabotaging any gesture or action aimed at reaching a bilateral accord" on fighting drug smuggling. In the meantime, Cuba has toughened its laws and sentencing guidelines "to ensure that the full weight of the law falls on the transgressors," the editorial added."

Semester at Sea travels to Cuba  1/10/03 Daily Bruin, LA: "The Semester at Sea program, run by the Institute for Shipboard Education and the University of Pittsburgh, introduces students, largely from the United States, to countries far different from their native lands."

Gross fascist lies against Cuba on part of coup organizers  1/9/03 Granma: in Venezuela - "The suspension of supplies in April last year was exclusively the responsibility of the coup sectors, part of which included a group of PDVSA managers. On April 5, 2002 four tankers were waiting to transport fuel to Cuba. Three of them were ready on April 9, but only one was able to leave on the morning of April 11. Two loaded tankers, already the property of our Cuba-Petróleo (CUPET) company according to the contract, were sold to third parties on the unilateral decision of the PDVSA authorities; the fourth was never loaded. These events occurred two days prior to the April fascist coup d’état… On December 2 last year, in the midst of fresh coup attempts, consignments contemplated in the Caracas agreement were once again interrupted, with consequences similar to those of the April-August period. In other words, the Santiago de Cuba refinery has been paralyzed and the country been forced to turn to intermediaries, and pay inflated prices, at a time when reduced PDVSA production has resulted in an increase in oil prices on the world market and a physical absence of hydrocarbon products in the Caribbean area. PDVSA’s failure to meet its obligations has occasioned Cuba economic damage in excess of $200 million USD, in a year complicated by adverse circumstances derived from the world economic crisis, the U.S. blockade, and the extremely costly effects of three hurricanes, which alone provoked losses in excess of $2.5 billion USD to our nation. Since the paralyzation and sabotage in the Venezuelan oil industry dating back to December 2, two oil consignments conservatively estimated at less than 5% of Venezuelan post-sabotage exports were dispatched to Cuba in the first 10 days of January 2003. Our country was among the last rather than the first to receive them. For more than one month not a single barrel of Venezuelan oil of the 1.5 million barrels we should have received in line with the agreement reached Cuba."

Foreign minister quitting in Mexico  1/9/03 Miami Herald: "Castañeda alienated the entire leftist political spectrum with his backing of U.S. initiatives to censure Cuban President Fidel Castro. The Cuban leader plotted and waged his 1959 revolution from Mexican soil -- a fact many in this country regard with pride. Particularly galling to the Mexican left was a perceived snub of Castro during a U.N. summit in Monterrey last spring, after which Cuba called Castañeda ''diabolical'' and ``Machiavellian.'' His resignation, which will be the first from Fox's Cabinet, has been long sought by his many political opponents. In fact, few in Mexican politics have more enemies."

In song or controversy, Belafonte's voice remains true  1/9/03 Miami Herald: "I made a lot of friends in Cuba in those days [the '50s]. When the revolution came, I maintained my relationships with those friends and I went to see them under the banner of their new regime. And I found things that fascinated me about the experiment that was going on there, and a lot of things that I didn't like. I continue to do that, because my friends are still there, we still have great regard and affection for one another. We continue to still greet each other civilly; we are the ones to try to keep the doors of civility open between the two nations. . . ."

CANF Applauds Bush Nomination Of Ambassador Noriega To Fill Top Western Hemisphere Post  1/9/03 US Newswire 

The Disappearance of Elian's Rights  1/8/03 America's Future: by Roger Noriega, then Helms staffer - "Roger Noriega handles Cuba policy for the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations."

Activists: 223 Cuban Political Prisoners  1/8/03 AP 

Recherche sur Roger Noriega  1/8/03 Cuba Solidarity Project: articles on Noriega, mostly in English.

The Miami Connection  1/8/03 Granma: published 2/18/02 - "ROGER NORIEGA, MEDIOCRE BUT "TRUSTWORTHY" - A man of trust was needed within the Organization of American States. And for such a post, how about the principal Latin American collaborator of semi-retired Jesse Helms, champion of the blockade against the island? It is a fact that Roger Noriega is a mediocre official and has had a disastrous reputation in diplomatic circles for some time now. On the other hand, he does possess verifiable ultra-right convictions in terms of Cuba (and Haiti)."

Reich getting new role as Bush's Americas envoy  1/8/03 Miami Herald: "Replacing Reich at the State Department's top job in charge of Latin American affairs will be Roger Noriega, another political appointee currently serving as ambassador to the Organization of American States, the sources said. It was unclear whether Noriega himself would have difficulty being confirmed. Noriega is a former Latin American affairs staffer for former Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., who retired last month."

Chavez Bombshell?  1/8/03 National Review: "General Marcos Ferreira, who resigned as director of Venezuela's border-control service, recently told Insight magazine that Cuba's General Intelligence Directorate (Spanish initials: DGI) has practically taken over Venezuela's ominously named Directorate for Intelligence, Security, and Prevention (DISIP), and that Interior Minister Ramon Rodriguez Chacin pressured him to cover up the identities of terrorists — many from the Middle East — passing through Venezuela and to deceive U.S. terrorism investigators. "I quit my job when I got tired of doing dirty work for Chavez with the Cubans looking over my shoulder," he said." Eso es un poco raro, me acuerdo de que estaba llamado la DISIP cuando el amigo ese de Reich y Mas, Orlando Bosch, estaba alla.

Roger Francisco Noriega - Biography  1/8/03 State Department: recently appointed to Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs, to replace Otto Reich. Bio nicely obscurs the fact that he was the protegee of Jesse Helms, son of a KKK Sheriff.

Once unified under strong anti-Castro leader, Cuban-American community now shows rift  1/8/03 Sun Sentinel, South Florida: "Some Cuban-Americans and Cuban exile watchers say another notable development since Mas Canosa's death has been the increased maturity of the Cuban-American community with regard to diverse views. That has allowed other voices, including those of moderates who favor change in the U.S. relationship with Cuba, to be heard, say Cuban-Americans who oppose the U.S. trade embargo against the island. Silvia Wilhelm was among the organizers of a conference earlier this year that brought together more than 200 people, most of them Cuban-American, who favor dialogue with Cuba and an end to the embargo. Such a gathering would have been unthinkable just five years ago, said Wilhelm, whose group Puentes Cubanos promotes person-to-person exchanges with Cuba."

Swapo, Cuba's Communist Party Sign Co-Operation Agreement  1/8/03 The Namibian: "The two leaders also signed a book of condolences for Gertrude Kandanga-Hilukilwa, the veteran Swapo Party member who was killed in a road accident on December 20. She was a member of the party's Central Committee, Swapo Party's Elders Council Central Committee and Women Council's Central Committee."

Disidente cubano visita Washington  1/7/03 BBC Mundo 

Hoping For Change, Cuban-Style  1/7/03 Black World Today: "Many in Cuba would like to find a truly ''Cuban'' model of social development, markedly different from the systems found in the rest of Latin America, but also unlike socialism, the model which this Caribbean island nation stuck to strictly until the mild economic reforms of the 1990s."

Investor eyes routes to Cuba for US Airways  1/7/03 Charlotte Observer 

Students eye Cuba for study abroad  1/7/03 CNN: "Although Europe remains by far the top destination for U.S. college students studying abroad, more and more are choosing to enhance their education at an exotic location closer to home: Cuba. Long off-limits to all but a few Americans, Cuba allowed 905 U.S. students to visit during the 2000-01 school year, a 64 percent increase over the year before. The number is expected to grow the next time figures are released as students increasingly turn to the only communist nation in the Western Hemisphere."

Record number of U.S. citizens travel to Cuba  1/7/03 Granma: "The figures are impressive: an increase of 35%-40% between December 2000, when numbers started rising, and December 2002. It can also be seen in the number of flights to the island during the vacation period: C&T Charters for example, scheduled 27 flights in December compared to the usual 16 monthly flights. "All of the flights were full," Cabañas told Herald reporter Larissa Ruiz Campo. "We are at 93% capacity for all the month of December in airplanes that have 206 seats"… Lisa Valenti from the U.S.-Cuba Sister Cities Association, responsible for twinning cities in the two nations, explained to Associated Press that the so-called "anti-terrorist" policies of the current administration are increasingly being used to obstruct attempts to forge links between the United States and Cuba."

The Five prevented more than 170 acts of terrorism against Cuba  1/7/03 Granma: "They have been convicted of charges relating to their monitoring, and have been sentenced to terms of 15 years to life for defending their nation from terrorist attacks! The United States insists that it has the right to stage a preemptive strike against a nation that has not attacked it (Iraq), and yet, it is wrong to defend one's homeland from further terrorist attack. That is illogical. So, for over 33 months now, five Cubans have languished in U.S. jails, separated like wheat from the chaff, all around the nation. They are more than the rallying cry, 'The Cuban Five': They are real human beings: Gerardo Hernandez, Fernando Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Rene Gonzalez. They committed no acts against the United States, nor monitored any American secrets. They entered the Miami exile community and observed the planning of acts of terrorism against the nation of their birth, and reported it. That is their 'crime.' Despite never participating in any terrorist acts, and indeed, preventing over 170 terrorist acts against the land of their birth, they have been consigned to U.S. Gulags. One wonders, is there really a War against Terrorism? For, if there is, how can it be furthered by the imprisonment of those who fought to stop it?"

Chávez envía el crudo aunque Castro no paga  1/7/03 Nuevo Herald, Miami 

France, Cuba sign co-operation deal  1/7/03 Screen Daily: "The deal was signed last month by David Kessler, head of France's Centre National de la Cinematographie (CNC) and Omar Gonzalez, chairman of Institut Cubain d'Art et d'Industrie Cinematographique (ICAIC). It follows five years of increasing co-operation by bodies including France's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Alliance Francaise and the Festival of French film in Havana. The two countries say that they will now start a series of preparatory negotiations which are intended to result in the signing of a full bilateral film co-production treaty. That would allow Cuban films to be counted as French for the purpose of attracting subsidies and public sector support. Paris-based Europa Cinemas, a Media Plus-backed exhibition support body similarly now counts Cuban films as eligible for EU support."

Cuba Saves Five Internationally Important Wetlands  1/6/03 ENS: "Cuba has set aside some of the most important wetlands in the Caribbean for protection from development and climate change. Calling them "extraordinarily valuable," the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention announced today that the Cuban government has designated five areas for the List of Wetlands of International Importance."

Trade set to resume from Tampa Bay to Cuba after 40 years  1/5/03 AP: "Trade between the Tampa Bay area and communist Cuba was slated to resume after 40 years with a shipment of animal feed Saturday night bound for the southern Cuban port of Cienfuegos."

Cuba recycles its sugar workers  1/5/03 Boston Globe: "Even when sugar was fetching 12 cents a pound a few years ago, Cuba was spending at least 25 percent more on production than it was getting in sales. Today, with the world overstocked with sugar, Cuba spends about 17 cents a pound making a product that sells for only 5 cents a pound." For a product that destroys human health...

White House Wary of Cuba's Little Spy Engine That Could  1/5/03 NYT: "Mr. Reich, officials said, was among several foreign policy officials who complained to the White House about government intelligence assessments on Cuba, in particular the work of the analyst, Fulton T. Armstrong, the national intelligence officer for Latin America. According to several officials, Mr. Armstrong has written skeptically about Cuba's importance as a military threat, its intention to develop offensive biological weapons and its continued inclusion on the State Department's annual list of countries that sponsor terrorism. Mr. Armstrong, a career Central Intelligence Agency analyst who now serves on the National Intelligence Council, an advisory body for the director of central intelligence, also worked on the National Security Council in the Clinton administration. But Mr. Armstrong's supporters respond that he has been targeted by ideologues who would distort the intelligence process to get the kind of analysis they want. These officials said that while Mr. Armstrong had sometimes ruffled feathers with his outspoken style, he was widely respected as an analyst and trusted by George J. Tenet, the director of central intelligence."

Revolutionary Concept - Local citizen diplomats venture to communist country to visit sister county  1/5/03 Santa Cruz Sentinel: "Some skeptics may scoff it’s a match made in some utopian heaven between the "People’s Republic of Santa Cruz" and its long-lost Marxist brothers and sisters of Cuba. But the Santa Cruz delegation is joined by liberal and conservative politicians, professionals and business owners, who say this grassroots trip is long overdue and will open the door for better relations, knowledge sharing — and the inking of contracts that could be worth millions of dollars to businesses in Santa Cruz County."

Revolutionary concept: Missile crisis fascination leads to partnership  1/5/03 Santa Cruz Sentinel: "We wanted everyone in the county to be involved," Abbey said. "We didn’t want it to be just another crazy Santa Cruz thing." Plus, the city of Santa Cruz "already has six sister cities," Farmer added. Cuba would be the county’s first. The group met with each of the five supervisors individually, telling them they wouldn’t be asked for money, staff help or a special committee. "All we needed was for them to support the idea with a resolution and a proclamation," Abbey said. They agreed, and Supervisor Jeff Almquist presented it to the five-member board in September. The resolution passed unanimously. On Jan. 16 in Chivirco, when the Cuban officials sign the "Acto Oficial de Hermanamiento," Almquist will represent the board, while the other delegates will represent the people of Santa Cruz County."

'From Cuba with love' stars under fire  1/5/03 Scotsman, UK: "Dennis Hays, executive vice-president of the Miami-based Cuban American National Foundation, said: "People turn into lovesick rock groupies when they get into Castro’s presence. These celebrities should open their eyes." Spielberg’s visit, following on from those of Hollywood actors including Danny Glover, Kevin Costner, Robert Redford and Leonardo DiCaprio, particularly angered the group, the largest Cuban organisation in exile."

Malos los augurios para el 2003 de los babalaos cubanos,  1/4/03 AFP 

Santeria leaders foretell war and mayhem in '03  1/4/03 AP 

Travel industry awaits post-Castro Cuba  1/4/03 AP 

Gonzalez: U.S. policy on Cuba must change  1/4/03 Capital Times, Madison, WI: "Gonzalez, the Cuban-American nightclub owner, former downtown alderman and leader of the Madison sister city association that conducts exchanges with his hometown of Camaguey, offered some thoughts in an interview about the past and future of U.S.-Cuban relations."

Santería cubana pronostica 2003  1/3/03 BBC 

Brazil Sees Coalition With Venezuala, Cuba  1/3/03 Guardian, UK: "The United States sent trade representative Robert Zoellick to the inauguration, seen by the Brazilians as something of a snub because Zoellick suggested last October that Brazil's only trading partner would be Antarctica if it did not join the hemispheric trade zone."

UN PERFUME DE AUTÉNTICAS RAÍCES  1/3/03 Jiribilla: "José Antonio Fulgueiras se nos aparece con un libro de crónicas africanas, pero nacidas en país extraño en su étnica y en su geografía: Gambia el perfume de las raíces (Editorial Pablo de la Torriente) y que cuenta detalles del trabajo de especialistas de la medicina cubana."

CAMPAIGN FOR "MIAMI FIVE" RETRIAL FINDS VOICE IN UK PARLIAMENT  1/2/03 Granma: the 5 are jailed in the US as counterterrorism officers working against the Miami narcoterrorists, a crime considered equivalent to stealing the secret of the A bomb.

Many Question Embargo as Cubans Suffer  1/2/03 LA Times: "What only two years ago was a trickle of U.S. visitors urging better ties has become a flood. The U.S. Treasury Department, which issues embargo exemptions, recorded 176,000 U.S. visits here in 2001, and analysts estimate 25,000 came without permission. Those numbers are expected to double when 2002 visits are tallied. In December alone, trade delegations visited from California, Kansas, Indiana, South Carolina and Minnesota, and were joined by college exchange program organizers and the "Semester at Sea" ship, a cruising university program. Hollywood denizens and jazz fans flew in for back-to-back film and music festivals. The traffic appears to be making inroads into the political consciousness of average Americans. Offended by curbs of their freedom to visit the island and disturbed by the political use made of shipwreck survivor Elian Gonzalez during the 2000 election, many tell pollsters they favor lifting the embargo."

Asistió Fidel a la asunción de Lula como nuevo presidente del gigante sudamericano  1/1/03 AIN, Cuba: "El presidente de los pobres, como bien le apodan sus coterráneos, es un tornero mecánico de profesión, y el primer político de izquierda que asume el mando constitucional de Brasil en las últimas cuatro décadas."

Castro Attending Brazilian Inauguration  1/1/03 AP: "I am happy to be in Brazil, and happy to say that Jan. 1 is no longer a Cuban monopoly," Castro told reporters. Jan. 1 is the anniversary of the Cuban revolution that brought Castro to power."

January 1, a special day for Latin America  1/1/03 Granma: "Arriving on Brazilian soil, Fidel, dressed in khaki fatigues, informed the Cuban press that his left leg felt absolutely fine and that this January 1 would be a historic moment for Brazil. He added that from now on, that date would not only be an important one for Cuba as it also marks Lula assuming power, thus converting it into a Latin American day."

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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