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Archive: 6/04

A TRAGIC DAY IN THE AMERICAN HISTORY  6/30/04 AfroCubaWeb: "In 1896, General Valeriano Weyler then head of the Spanish occupying forces in Cuba, foresaw the defeat of his forces, which led him to concentrate the entire peasantry into a few cities, in hopes of depriving the Cuban army of independence of its support base. Hunger and disease caused the death of 1/5 of the Cuban population, while most of the world watched in complicit silence. Now, as it was thence, the Cuban people are prepared to pay the ultimate price in defense of their dignity, independence and sovereignty. Another difference in today's world, is that millions around the world will speak out against this brutal aggression against 11 million innocent people and historians will have new names to add to their endless list of infamous individuals that have plagued this world."

On The Wrong Side Of History  6/30/04 AfroCubaWeb 

Will the new Cuba trade embargo backfire?  6/30/04 BBC 

Hundreds of Cubans protest against U.S. government at Miami airport  6/30/04 Granma 

Pastors for Peace Caravan en Route to Cuba  6/29/04 Cuba Now 

PROTEST MEASURES AGAINST US STUDENTS IN CUBA  6/29/04 Cuba Now: "US religious leader Rev. Lucius Walker has circulated an urgent alert on government measures against American youths studying medicine in Cuba and called on supporters of the scholarship program to protest what he described as “unfair and mean-spirited regulations.” The alert says that, among the new and even more stringent measures against Cuba, are “certain changes which, in our view, constitute a direct attack on the scholarship opportunity which Cuba has extended to 500 US students.” Rev. Walker also highlights the racist implications of the new regulations: “Almost 80 (soon to be 100) African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans and poor white students are faced with the loss of their medical careers… they could not afford to pursue their dreams of becoming doctors in the US. Now their own government is telling them that they cannot accept a full scholarship from Cuba.” "

Protests in Miami Over anti-cuban Measures  6/29/04 Cuba Now 

MEASURES AGAINST THE CUBAN FAMILY - Bush is isolating himself in Florida  6/29/04 Granma 

HOWARD ZINN: CREO QUE BUSH VA A PERDER LAS ELECCIONES  6/29/04 Jiribilla: "Ante uno de los auditorios más numerosos en la historia de los llamados Sábado del Libro, encuentro cultural que se lleva a cabo el fin de semana desde hace casi 30 años en La Habana Vieja, el escritor ratificó: "creo que Bush va a perder, creo que muchos estadounidenses van a comprender que Bush es un presidente terrible", acotó."

Las manos francas  6/29/04 Jiribilla: "El dramaturgo e historiador norteamericano Howard Zinn visitó en la mañana del viernes el barrio de Pogolotti. Después de un corto viaje realizado en mayo pasado, Zinn regresó a la Isla para participar en la puesta de su obra de teatro Marx en el Soho y en la presentación del libro editado por la editorial cubana Ciencias Sociales: La otra historia de los Estados Unidos."

New U.S. regulations rile Cuban-Americans - Rules, such as stricter limits on their visits to island, called inhumane  6/29/04 The Dallas Morning News: "The Miami-based Cuban American National Foundation, the largest anti-Castro lobbying group, did not endorse the limits on travel and remittances."

Gritos de "¡Queremos volar!" y "¡Cuba, Cuba!" en el aeropuerto de Miami  6/29/04 Univision: "Decenas de pasajeros que no hallaron asientos para volar el martes de Miami a Cuba, la víspera de la entrada en vigor de restricciones de viajes desde EEUU a la isla, expresaron su descontento con gritos de "¡queremos volar!" y "¡Cuba, Cuba!". En el aeropuerto imperaba un sentimiento contrario a las medidas adoptadas por el gobierno del presidente estadounidense, George W. Bush, que refuerzan el embargo contra la isla, limitando a partir del 30 de junio viajes y remesas a Cuba. "Yo vine de Irak" afirmaba Carlos Lazo, un cubano-estadounidense que dijo haber estado desplegado en ese país con el ejército estadounidense. "Y debido a la política del señor Bush, no puedo ir a ver a mi familia", en Cuba, añadió en declaraciones a la cadena hispana Telemundo. Lazo se declaró orgulloso de regresar a "luchar" a Irak, pero advirtió: "Este año no voy a votar por Bush"."

Election-Year Cuba Policy  6/27/04 NYT: "The toughened policy, which cynically victimizes families, will backfire over time. Polls show that about half the Cuban-American community in Florida resents the intrusive new sanctions. But this split within the Cuban-American community has not yet registered at the polls, because those advocating a tougher embargo are older, from the waves of exiles who arrived in the United States in the 1960's and 1970's, and are far more likely to vote. They are offended that supposed political exiles feel free to go back and forth to their old country. In many cases, they can afford to feel that way because they are less likely to have close relatives still in Cuba. When the more recently arrived Cuban-Americans become a political force in Florida, the odds of a more effective American policy toward Havana will increase substantially."

MoBay, Perth pursue partnership  6/26/04 Jamaica Observer: "Montego Bay is currently twinned with Atlanta in the United States, and talks are now ongoing to have the town twinned with the City of Varadero in Cuba as well as with Hangzhou city in Zhejiang. Since the Atlanta-Montego Bay twinning in 1972, several trade delegations from Atlanta have visited the city to deepen economic cooperation between the Sister Cities, and for the last few years they have collaborated in staging annual health fairs in Montego Bay."

Es un deber acompañar a nuestros hermanos de África  6/24/04 Cuba Ahora 

The Missing Cuban Musicians  6/24/04 Cuba Research & Analysis Group 

Extremists lose control of Miami streets for the first time!  6/24/04 Granma: "Throughout the caravan’s journey, I saw that between the people who sounded their horns and those who were on the street, the average number was four in favor of the caravan for every one against. And this was right across Miami to Hialeah, for about 30 miles,” he said. For Díaz, this movement will grow and, as the U.S. public becomes aware of it, it could become a campaign like the one for Elián in terms of U.S. public opinion.” The caravans’ journey ended in front of Ermita de Hialeah, a well-known pilrimage for Cuban-Americans. “On seeing the church completely full, one had the impression that this movement will keep growing,” commented Díaz."

Kerry’s wife supports Cubans protesting in Miami against new restrictions  6/24/04 Granma 

Travel and remittances to Cuba are now restricted  6/24/04 Progresso Weekly: "Another Florida Republican Congressman, Lincoln Díaz-Balart, said that “President George W. Bush is the best friend the cause of Cuban freedom has had in the White House. I thank President Bush for the implementation of these regulations that strengthen the embargo against Cuban tyranny.” " [Nice, coming from a man said to have received $100 million from a Colombian drug lord, a man whose family was responsible for the repression of West Indians in Oriente.]

Countdown to Cuba Transition - Bush and Castro Face Off  6/23/04 Counterpunch 

Ladies in white defy police on Father's Day  6/23/04 CubaNet: Santeros wear white too…

Honduras frena entrada de balseros  6/23/04 El Nuevo Herald 

U.S. to get tougher on items sent to Cuba  6/23/04 Miami Herald: ''I have 16 employees today but I won't have 16 next week,'' said Maria Terase Arau, vice president of ABC Charters, one of seven Miami companies that offer flights to Cuba. ``I don't think this government has looked at how [the new measures] are going to affect American corporations and the economy of South Florida.''

Race and patriotism in Afro-Cuba  6/23/04 SF Bay View: "Most of us met the anthropological research team called Project Orunmila in Regla, Cuba, 10 minutes from Havana. I spent the last day alone with this family-run document recovery, transcription and dissemination project that also operates a farm to provide financial support. I had earlier misunderstood the extremely important work of this group and unjustly accused them of insufficient rage at the historical and contemporary color prejudice still extant in Cuba, as though rage and alienation are the only appropriate responses. I clearly undervalued the depth and significance of their work and the African originated materials they are diffusing in Cuba and beyond. I quote from an annotation on one of their volumes, called “Awo Orunla Dice Ifa”: “This book is the widest and most complete compilation of the complex panorama of legends that once belonged to the Yoruba people of Nigeria and that are still standing in Cuba and in different areas of the Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, etc.), the USA and several Latin American countries (Venezuela, Mexico and Brazil). The work is organized according to the Oduns of Ifa. All writings are therefore placed in corresponding order. This leads the user to a better comprehension and understanding of the panoramic vision of the mythological world of Ifa. It relates an organized knowledge about the men’s event as individuals, the way of thinking of those men, and about the society in which they live.” Sponsorship is needed for Project Orunmila to continue publication. The project may be reached by email at or; by phone at 97-0677 (the home of Elsa, a neighbor) or by writing to Camilo Cienfuegos #109 e/c Oscar Lunar Y Nico Lopez, Regla 12 C.P. 11200, Ciuidad de la Habana Cuba."

Signature Campaign Against Bush's Anti-Cuba Measures Started in Miami  6/23/04 Tiempo21, Cuba 

Tratan de asesinar a Cuba  6/22/04 Rebelion 


Operadores aéreos vaticinan desordenado éxodo desde Cuba  6/21/04 CNN: "Los pasajeros que regresen después del 30 de junio podrían ser multados hasta con 55.000 dólares por violar las nuevas reglas del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos que norman la prohibición de viajar a Cuba. En lo que una fuente de la industria llamó un posible "Mariel Aéreo", en referencia a la dramática huida de 100.000 cubanos desde ese país en 1980, al menos 2.000 cubano-estadounidenses -cifra que podría llegar hasta 15.000- podrían atestar las pequeñas terminales aéreas de Cuba en un intento por regresar a tiempo."

Younger Cuban-Americans challenge hard-liners' approach  6/21/04 Orlando Sentinel: "Cerejido is among a growing number of Cuban-Americans who reject the hard-line perspective that has dominated Cuban policy in Miami and Washington for more than four decades. She and other younger Cuban-Americans are joining more-recent arrivals and former hard-liners who have undergone changes of heart in moderating the political dialogue in Miami. Forty-five years after Fidel Castro came to power, new Cubans are slowly replacing the aging old guard, infusing la lucha - the struggle for a free Cuba - with new voices that span the political spectrum. Many are intent on building bridges to the island, rather than erecting walls around it."

Decenas se manifiestan contra las nuevas regulaciones de viajes a Cuba  6/20/04 El Nuevo Herald 

Peace Caravan to Arrive in Cuba Despite US Measures  6/20/04 PL: "The Pastors for Peace Solidarity movement is organizing its fifteenth caravan for Cuba in spite of US measures against the Island, scheduled to be enforced on June 30, said Reverend Lucius Walker. Walker rejected the new Washington regulations and reaffirmed his solidarity with the Cuban people and government in the midst of a tightening of the aggressive policy by the government of George W. Bush."

Cuban cattle no longer a cash cow  6/19/04 Dallas Morning News 

Kerry's Cruel Realism  6/19/04 NYT: "Earlier this month, Andres Oppenheimer of The Miami Herald asked John Kerry what he thought of something called the Varela Project. Kerry said it was "counterproductive." It's necessary to try other approaches, he added. The Varela Project happens to be one of the most inspiring democracy movements in the world today… John Kerry's view? As he told Oppenheimer, the Varela Project "has gotten a lot of people in trouble . . . and it brought down the hammer in a way that I think wound up being counterproductive." Imagine if you are a Cuban political prisoner rotting in a jail, and you learn that the leader of the oldest democratic party in the world thinks you're being counterproductive. Kerry's comment is a harpoon directed at the morale of Cuba's dissidents."

Miami: A los que quieran expresar su descontento por las crueles medidas tomadas contra la familia cubana  6/18/04 AfroCubaWeb: "A los que quieran expresar su descontento por las crueles medidas tomadas contra la familia cubana, por la presente Administracion, pueden participar en los siguientes eventos que tendran lugar el sabado 19 de Junio."

Cuba busca cambiar medicamentos por alimentos argentinos  6/17/04 Aporrea 

Cuba exposes falsity of U.S. report on person trafficking  6/17/04 Granma: "The panelists informed that the White House is now including Cuba among those countries accused of trafficking in women and children linked to prostitution - a slander by Washington - in a election-year move to escalate its aggressive policy towards the island and influence public opinion as a pretext for possible armed aggression. The report, presented on Monday by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, charges Cuba with promoting person trafficking, being a sexual tourism destination and additionally claims that the state obliges teenagers and children to undertake forced labor."

Key Bush Latin America Aide, Otto Reich, Resigns  6/16/04 Reuters: "Reich said last month he planned to quit for "personal and financial reasons" and that he may join Bush's re-election campaign. Rice's statement did not say what Reich's plans were, but an aide said he planned to return to the private sector."

US Govt Attacks US Hip Hop Artist For Peforming In Cuba  6/15/04 AfroCubaWeb: "US Government Threatens US Artist for Performing at International Hip Hop Festival in Cuba Brock Satter, a.k.a. Bojah, bandleader of "spoken-soul-hop" fusion group Bojah and the Insurrection, received a letter from the US Department of Treasury requesting information on his recent trip to Cuba and threatening penalties against him for failure to comply. Satter was a featured artist at the 9th annual Hip Hop Festival in Havana. The Havana hip hop festival is a well established event which has featured US artists such as Common, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, and Dead Prez, as well as Cuban groups and others from around the world. Erykah Badu was also slated to perform at the 9th festival, but was prevented from travelling to the island by the blackout which occurred in New York and other parts of the US and Canada during the August 2003 festival."

Cuba Holds Symposium on Slave-Poet Manzano  6/15/04 Cuba Now: "The foremost slave-poet of Cuba, and probably of Latin America, was honored by Cuban intellectuals in the Havana symposium Another Suite for Juan Francisco Manzano (1797-1854) last week."

The Compassion of Cuba's Health Care  6/15/04 Final Call: " While major media reports the war of words between America and Cuba over President George Bush’s new economic sanctions, very little, if anything, is being said about President Fidel Castro’s offer of 500 yearly medical school scholarships to solve the health crisis in the Black community. “We are prepared to grant a number of scholarships to poor youth who cannot afford to pay the $200,000 it costs to get a medical degree in the United States,” said President Castro in 2001 when he announced the offer while speaking in New York."


News about Rastafari in Cuba  6/15/04 Rasta Ites: published 10/15/03 - "Many ones have been put in jail, the system is using the excuse of the herbs to keep ones and ones lock up without a trial, without a proper legal defence lawyer, and even more in many cases without physical evidences against them. So again and again the hand of babylon using any excuses to try to eliminate InI spirit of Community and Oness. The outcome in the spiritual aspect of it is that, we all know, through tribulations we can become a better and wiser person. We can learn and grow into higher levels of overstanding. Something positive will come out anyway from all this. With HIS Blessings."

Cuba promotes development cooperation with Africa  6/15/04 Viet Nam News: "A Cuban-Namibian joint venture is bringing the loose-fitting guayabera shirt, worn by men in Cuba and much of the rest of the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela, to the African markets. The binational textile factory is one of five joint ventures set up by Cuba in Africa, and the first company on that continent to produce guayaberas, a traditional garment that emerged in the Cuban countryside in the 18th century. ''It was amazing to discover that there was interest in this kind of garment in Africa. Cuba is providing the label and the know-how for producing the guayaberas,'' said the director of the governmental Investment Promotion Centre, Anaiza Rodríguez."

Blacks moving targets for cops  6/14/04 Final Call: "For the fourth time in four years, Black motorists are far more likely to be stopped by police than Whites or any other minority. In addition, regardless of whether there is a warrant involved, Black drivers are more subject to have their vehicles searched."

We should normalize relations with Cuba  6/14/04 Final Call: "In what almost sounds like something from a comedy skit, the Bush administration also proposes to offer funds for democracy-building aimed at reaching Afro-Cubans and addressing issues of race. This proposal comes from an administration that has not demonstrated anything other than a symbolic interest in addressing the continuing manifestations of racism in U.S. society."

Cuba and Venezuela Among 10 Countries Accused of Trafficking Humans  6/14/04 NewsMax: latest fantansies from the State Department, which might do better to locate all those prisonners hidden away in US concentration camps.

Recibió Esteban Lazo al Secretario General de la SWAPO  6/13/04 CubAhora: "En su último día de estancia en nuestro país el secretario general de la SWAPO, doctor E.N. Tjiriange, fue recibido por Esteban Lazo, miembro del Buró Político del Partido y vicepresidente del Consejo de Estado."

Los cubanos se revelan contra W.  6/13/04 Jiribilla: ""Este es un momento decisivo para Cuba", dijo Antonio Zamora, un abogado de Miami quien fue uno de los fundadores del poderoso grupo anti-castrista "The Cuban - American National Fundation" -Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana- y veterano de la fallida invasión a Bahía de Cochinos ocurrida en 1961, la cual fue financiada por U.S. Muchos otros Participantes, tal como ocurre con Zamora, dejaron de lado diferencias ideológicas para atender a la conferencia. Las medidas del Sr Bush, según ellos creen, van no contra Castro, sino más directamente contra la sobrevivencia de la nación cubana misma."

Bridging the gulf - Younger Cuban-Americans challenge hard-liners' approach, reach out to island.  6/13/04 Sun Sentinel, FL: "Yet today, Cerejido and Puig, 38, are part of the ¡Yo si voy! -- the I will go! -- generation. They have made personal journeys to the forbidden place that provided the background music to their lives. They've gone to Cuba on their own and with the organization Puentes Cubanos, or Cuban Bridges. Founded by Miamian Silvia Wilhelm, Puentes pairs young Cuban-American professionals here with counterparts there for a week of intense talks. No one leaves with dry eyes or without new friends."

Marginación y carnaval: la imagen del negro en la fotografía cubana  6/13/04 Tel Aviv University: [Hay que señalar que tomaron muchos retratos de negros en el siglo XIX, y que tenemos algunos en AfroCubaWeb.]

Churchgoers test Cuban travel ban 3 were fined after worshiping in Havana  6/13/04 Washington Post: "Lawyer Art Heitzer said that at the time his Methodist clients were fined, in 1999, U.S. rules not only gave Cuban Americans more freedom to visit Cuba -- people with family in Cuba could visit once a year for humanitarian reasons -- but also explicitly stated that Cuban Americans could not be fined for a first offense. His clients, on the other hand, were socked the first time out. It's taken four years to challenge the fines because, until recently, the United States had no office set up to hear cases."


EEUU decide no otorgarle la visa a un disidente  6/12/04 Nuevo Herald: "En una decisión paradójica, Estados Unidos negó la visa al disidente cubano Dimas Castellanos, quien debía participar este mes en un evento académico en Miami… El disidente atribuyó la negativa a su postura opuesta a la política norteamericana de embargo y medidas coercitivas contra la isla. ''Estados Unidos es el único país que tiene un diseño para cambiar el gobierno cubano y nosotros creemos que la transición deben decidirla sólo los cubanos'', agregó."

The Terror Hour - Miami TV Station Invites Terrorists to Talk Openly About Their Planned Attacks on Cuba and Venezuela  6/11/04 Counterpunch: "It is illegal in the US to defend terrorist actions on TV. The promotion of the assassination of another nation's leader is also illegal under the US Neutrality Act. Nonetheless, commented round table participants, these men were able to openly sit in a studio dressed for war and happily discuss the different armaments they were using to train paramilitaries to attack Cuba, and get away with it. There couldn't be better proof of the US government's complicity with such would-be terrorists."

Boaters charged over race to Cuba - Federal prosecutors charged two Key West residents with violating the trade embargo against Cuba by organizing  6/11/04 Miami Herald 

Jackson's Cuba claims shown untrue  6/11/04 Royal Gazette, Bermuda 

‘We should promote the interchanges of ideas’ FULL TEXT OF THE DOCUMENT RELEASED JUNE 5 BY DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE JOHN KERRY. Statement of Principles on U.S. Cuba Policy  6/10/04 Radio Progreso: "I have also consistently supported remittances because I believe they can become a powerful tool for all Cuban-Americans and all Americans to help Cubans on the island not just to survive, but also to start small businesses and thereby gain a measure of autonomy from the crushing repression of the Cuban state. We should lift the remittance cap and allow all Americans to send remittances to households and humanitarian institutions. The Bush announcement to curb travel and remittances, will not only hurt Cuban families, but will also prompt the Castro regime again to blame the United States for the Cuban people's suffering."

The new Cuba measures: Critics abound, but can they unite?  6/10/04 Radio Progreso 

Lawyer gets more than 3 years in federal pen for smuggling Cuban cigars  6/9/04 AP 

A CALL TO ACTION  6/9/04 Cuban American Alliance Education Fund: "Since the founding of CAAEF in 1995, our work has focused on maintaining family ties and offering medical assistance to Cubans through a Cuban NGO in charge of assisting people with various forms of disabilities across the island. The recommendations of President Bush Administration’s Commission on Cuba represent a grievous attack on our organization’s central principles, as well as an attack against all Americans with families in Cuba."

Cuban Films To Be Screened in Arcata  6/9/04 Eureka Reporter: "The Cuba Sister-Cities program will present the 1979 film “Portrait of Teresa,” directed by Pastor Vega, Saturday at 7 p.m. in the Peace and Justice Center, 1040 H St., Arcata. The film portrays a woman’s challenges in reconciling her life as a textile worker, housewife, mother and social and cultural activist."

Support Kerry on Travel and Humanitarian Aid to Cuba  6/9/04 iPetitions 


Mayor Highlights Madison Sister-City Ties with Cuba  6/9/04 PL: "The tenth anniversary of the sister cities of Madison, WI and the eastern Cuban city of Camaguey, was commemorated Monday with a message from Madison Mayor David J. Cieslowicz, who presided over a weeklong celebration in the US city. The mayor recognized that people-to-people contacts, such as those maintained for a decade between these cities, was the best way to promote friendship and international cooperation, and to that end, the Madison City Council had several times pronounced for normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States."

Del eje Lansky-Batista a la coalición Bush-Miami  6/8/04 CubAhora: "Enrique Cirules no se anda con medias tintas. A la espera de la pronta publicación de su obra más reciente, La vida secreta de Meyer Lansky en la esplendorosa Habana, advierte una siniestra continuidad entre los métodos y la mentalidad de la mafia que operó en La Habana entre 1934 y 1959 y la que hoy desde los Estados Unidos apuesta por convertir a Cuba nuevamente en una neocolonia norteamericana."

US AND CARIBBEAN SHARE DEEP HISTORICAL ROOTS - An interview with Nancy Morejon  6/8/04 CubaNow 

Cuba denounces U.S. government’s new and cowardly move  6/8/04 Granma: "In this context, we have seen how in recent days the ultra-right in the Bush administration are clearly taking steps directed at blocking the entry into our country of income derived from tourism and other services and reducing to zero the possibility of Cubans in the United States sending remittances to family members on the island, by using the most perverse, cunning and hypocritical method imaginable: simply preventing Cuba from depositing dollars obtained from sales in the hard-currency stores, tourism-related activities and other commercial services in foreign banks Thus, Cuba would be unable to utilize that income to purchase medicines or foodstuffs, or to import necessary supplies for those stores, where persons receiving remittances from families resident in the United States buy those products."

Report: Gore calls Penelas 'treacherous and dishonest'  6/8/04 Herald Tribune, FL: "Former Vice President Al Gore unleashed a thinly veiled attack against U.S. Senate candidate Alex Penelas, saying Miami-Dade County's mayor was "the single most treacherous and dishonest person I dealt with" during the 2000 presidential campaign, a newspaper reported Sunday."

Cuba has harsh words for Reagan  6/8/04 Miami Herald 

Cuban Americans split on Kerry  6/8/04 Miami Herald 

Kerry gana terreno entre los hispanos de Miami  6/8/04 Miami Herald: interesting breakdown of voter trends in Miami Dade.

Más de la mitad de los electores hispanos de la Florida apoya a Bush  6/8/04 Miami Herald: published May 18, to be contrasted to article "Kerry gana terreno entre los hispanos de Miami"

Miami-Dade Bush Kerry Poll Results  6/8/04 Miami Herald 

Bush's Hispanic support may be weakening  6/7/04 AP: "President Bush's policies toward Fidel Castro's regime and the war in Iraq are threatening to fray traditionally solid Republican ties to Cuban-American voters, the largest segment of Florida's fast-growing Hispanic community."

GOP's ties to Florida's Cuban-Americans threatening to fray  6/7/04 AP 

LA CANDIDATURA REPUBLICANA ESTÁ EN DESVENTAJA EN LA FLORIDA  6/7/04 Jiribilla: "Nos pueden multar hasta 250 mil dólares, pero nosotros tenemos un equipo de abogados preparados para esto. De hecho la base legal no existe, pero si pueden hostigarte mientras los tribunales deciden. En todo ese tiempo estás en el limbo y tu trabajo se ve afectado. Es decir, que pueden hostigarte de mil maneras, todas las que pueda tener un gobierno como este para reprimir a sus oponentes. Entrevista con Andrés A. Gómez López, coordinador de la Brigada Antonio Maceo, durante la III Conferencia "La Nación y la Emigración"."


Kerry Would Encourage Travel To Cuba  6/7/04 Local 10, Miami: "Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry is telling the Miami Herald that as president he would encourage "principled travel" to Cuba and lift the cap on gifts to its people… Kerry tells the newspaper those rules only punish the Cuban people and not Fidel Castro."

BUSH VS. KERRY ON CUBA  6/7/04 Miami Herald 

Bush, Kerry spark renewed Cuba debate  6/7/04 Miami Herald 

Solidarity with Cuba on the Rise  6/7/04 Radio Rebelde: "The 12th Brazilian Conference on Solidarity with Cuba will be held from Thursday through Sunday in Bahia where representatives from more than 44 Cuba solidarity organizations will openly express their support for the Caribbean nation."

Cuba travel restrictions to be enforced  6/7/04 UPI: "An unidentified staff member told the newspaper the federal government is going to keep more careful track of travelers. He said they are going to ask travel service providers for more information as well as the travelers. The travelers themselves could be prosecuted for making false statements. Some Cubans are happy with the changes. "No more business with Castro's communist terrorist system," said Emilio Izquierdo, a spokesman for a group of former political prisoners."

The Assassination Tapes  6/6/04 Atlantic: "Lyndon Johnson secretly recorded many of his telephone conversations as President. The tapes provide our only window into his thoughts after hearing what was then a rumor about CIA plots to assassinate Fidel Castro—information that shaped Johnson's views of both JFK's assassination and his own presidency. Herewith excerpts from his 1967 calls."

Five Cubans in Prison - Victims of Bush's Obsession  6/6/04 Counterpunch: "On May 20, 2002, the Secret Service allowed Sixto Reynaldo Aquit Manrique (. El Chino Aquit) to sit a few rows behind the President on the platform as he spoke in Miami. The President's security detail knew that, on November 2, 1994, the FBI anti-terrorism squad nailed Aquit after he and two colleagues had "pulled up to a Southwest Dade warehouse...armed with 10 gallons of gas, fuses, and a loaded semiautomatic handgun." The November 4, 1994 Miami Herald story cited police saying, "The men smashed a window and tried to get inside before officers moved in." A Florida court sentenced Aquit to five years in prison. Then, without explanation, the government accepted Aquit's guilty plea on a misdemeanor charge, which allowed him to skip prison and spend less than two years under house supervision. The government went soft on a man with a clear record of terrorism. You don't need Sherlock Holmes to find the reason. Aquit's terrorism was "patriotic zeal." He was a "good terrorist" who belonged to The Secret Armed Army, an anti-Castro group that advocates violence as the way to effect regime change in Cuba."

¿Teme Bush que perderá votos en vez de ganarlos? EU posterga implementación de nuevas medidas contra Cuba  6/6/04 Jiribilla 

CARLOS MUÑIZ: SUS ASESINOS ANDAN SUELTOS  6/6/04 Jiribilla: "Las recientes medidas tomadas por la administración Bush para dificultar la reconciliación familiar entre cubanos son el último capítulo de una vieja historia. Desde el comienzo de la Revolución cubana sucesivos gobiernos norteamericanos han tratado de obstruir la relación entre la nación y la emigración. Un ejemplo paradigmático de esa voluntad de entorpecimiento fue, sin duda, el asesinato de Carlos Muñiz Varela, ocurrido el 28 de abril de 1979. Sus asesinos aún siguen libres en el país que se precia de ser el líder mundial de la lucha contra el terrorismo."

Kerry's weapon against Cuba: global pressure  6/6/04 Miami Herald 

U.S. Doctors Offer Expertise in Cuba  6/5/04 AP 

John Kerry: Statement of Principles on U.S. Cuba Policy  6/5/04 John Kerry: "President Bush on the other hand is now considering implementing extra territorial aspects of the Helms-Burton law, aimed at punishing foreign countries and companies for investing in Cuba. This will further strain relations with Canada and our European allies when, frankly, we most need them. With American credibility abroad suffering from this White House's smug disregard for world opinion, extra-territorial steps will only make matters worse. Instead, I will work to craft a policy toward Cuba that our allies can join and support."

Florida Terrorists Implicated in Operation Condor  6/4/04 Antiterrorista 

Cuba wraps up sugar harvest for 2003-2004  6/4/04 AP: "Cuba's latest sugar harvest came in at about 2.75 million tons, larger than last year but still tiny and less than officials had projected, the communist government announced Friday."

New Rules Limit Visits To Cuba, Family Support  6/4/04 Local 10, FL: "Visits to Cuba by Cuban-Americans could be cut by up to 40 percent due to new travel restrictions, a Cuban foreign ministry official said Friday."

McCain: Cuba's pro-democracy movement 'alive and well'  6/3/04 AP: "Sen. John McCain said Thursday the struggle for freedom in Cuba remains strong despite brutal repression by the Castro regime… Other speakers joining McCain on Thursday included Roger Noriega, assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, and Adolfo Franco, the U.S. Agency for International Development's assistant administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean."

Trading Ideas with "the Enemy" - "WMD" in Cuba  6/3/04 Counterpunch 

Miami Herald a partner in attempt to destroy the Cuban family  6/3/04 Granma 

B.S. Detector - The Jamaica bushwhacking  6/3/04 Progreso Weekly: "To El Nuevo Herald’s sins of misreporting and underreporting we have added a third one: nonreporting. For an example, see last week's B.S. Detector (“The silent treatment,” May 27.) For another, read on. On May 21, The Jamaica Observer published a story, based on an Associated Press news report, that began: “The Bush administration has told John Issa's SuperClubs hotel chain that its top officers will be denied entry into the United States because of investments the company made on property confiscated from Americans in Cuba."

Express your discontent with anti Cuban family measures - Click here  6/3/04 Progreso Weekly 

Bush’s mafia bicycle got stuck  6/2/04 Granma 

Bush Administration Intensifies Threats toward Cuba  6/2/04 Institute for Policy Studies: scroll down for the audio link: "On May 20, the Bush Administration released the findings of the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba. The findings of the commission will go into effect in June and will essentially become US policy toward Cuba. CAFC wants to eliminate all general travel to visit Cuban relatives; eliminate high school student exchange programs; and limit the content of all parcels to Cuba to medicine, medical supplies, and receive-only radios and more. Cuba experts examine the impact of US policies toward Cuba on both the human rights of Cubans and the civil rights of Americans. The program brings together analysts and activists for a comprehensive review of what has led to the current situation, including the recent UN resolution regarding human rights in Cuba."

Cuba vows to fight new U.S. sanctions  6/2/04 NNPA: Special to the NNPA from the Final Call

I will continue fighting for my country  6/2/04 Radio Angulo: "With a frank language, open to the dialog and the understanding among the Cubans living in the Island and the émigrés, José Luis Romeo an emigrant youth, talked of his work together with hundreds of Cubans, within the "José Martí" Association, in Miami, Florida, during an encounter held in the headquarters of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples in Holguín and Radio Angulo´s Committee of Solidarity with the Five Heroes imprisoned in the United States."

NEW WEBSITE FOR CUBAN EMIGRES  6/1/04 CubaNow: "A new website called Nation and Emigration was presented this week during the third meeting of Cuban authorities with some 500 Cubans who emigrated to several countries, but mainly to the United States."

THE SECRET COLORS OF THE EMPIRE  6/1/04 CubaNow: "The American strategists of this imperial war knew that they had to use the priceless services of the Mambises if they were to carry out the final and short war they wanted -the only acceptable war for all who measure things according to economic investment, expenses, and profits. But they weren't convinced until they started to suffer the hardships of the campaign and to experiment an incredible Spanish resistance. A cultural clash that still hasn't been completely studied then took place: an unexpected exchange of images and ways of life, of vital experiences."

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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