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Archive: 10/04

Strangling Cuba's Economy - Sanctions as a War of Attrition  10/30/2004 Counterpunch 

UN Votes Overwhelmingly Against U.S. Embargo on Cuba  10/30/2004 Reuters: ""The U.S. government has unleashed a world wide genocidal economic war against Cuba," said Havana's foreign minister, Felipe Perez Roque, the only speaker warmly applauded."

Commentary: Afro-Cubans could influence an anti-Bush vote in Fla.  10/28/2004 Black America Web: "According to, scores of Cubans are working the phones from across the Florida Straits. They are urging their relatives in the battleground state of Florida to vote for Democratic challenger John Kerry for president. They are doing so not at the urging of their president, Fidel Castro, whose government has already called the U.S. elections a sham. What’s driving Cubans on the island to get into the elections fray isn’t propaganda, but pain – the pain of a Bush administration policy that, among other things, only allows their relatives in the United States to visit them once every three years… “My family in Miami never votes. They are not interested. I told them they had to get rid of Bush, and they all promised to go vote against him,” she told ABC. It’s also a safe bet that a chunk of those calls are coming from Afro-Cubans. They make up more than 60 percent of Cuba’s population. Unlike the white exiles whose entire families ultimately left Cuba in the 1960s after the revolution, the Afro-Cubans who have relatives in the United States are more likely to have kinfolk who arrived here more recently. Their families still span the Florida Straits."

Cuba nets short-term cash-flow taking dollar out of circulation, eyes US vote  10/27/2004 AFP: ""Cubans are going to have a lot of reservations about exchanging their money. A lot of people are saving up to leave, or to do something, and the 10 percent tax is going to keep some people from exchanging all their dollars," said de Aragon. "The black market will be back. Things are getting more and more complicated, more and more closed off." "

Cuba bans US dollar transactions  10/26/2004 BBC: "Cuba says it is to ban commercial transactions in dollars from 8 November in response to tighter US sanctions."

Cuba to ban use of U.S. dollar  10/26/2004 CBC: "Cubans and tourists wishing to exchange American dollars will have to pay a 10 per cent commission charge. The exchange charge will not apply to other currencies, including the Canadian dollar. In his message, Castro asked Cubans to tell relatives living abroad to send them money in other foreign currencies, such as the euro. The rule, which applies to Cubans, foreign residents and tourists, comes in response to tightened U.S. sanctions."

After the Fall By FIDEL CASTRO  10/26/2004 Counterpunch 

Castro bans use of dollars in Cuban stores, businesses  10/26/2004 Sun Sentinel: "The Central Bank statement said Cubans who receive cash remittances from abroad should urge their families to send Canadian dollars, British pounds, Euros or other currencies, which will not be charged a commission when changed into Cuban convertible pesos."

South Florida Political Myth  10/25/2004 AfroCubaWeb: "For older Cuban-Americans, it is very difficult not to draw a parallel with our past experience in Cuba, when what was known as "Political Sergeants" criss-crossed the countryside and cities buying votes, offering kick-backs, validating deceased voting cards, offering no-show jobs or badly needed access to healthcare facilities and educational institutions, in exchange for your voting rights. And today, 50 years after, nothing have changed in Miami, where modern Political Sergeants riding SUV's, still control the voting choices of those yearning for a Section 8 housing assistance plan, a good quality assisted living or nursing home vacancy, access to community centers meal programs, quality medical services, keeping their present job or even some of the benefits they already enjoy. Refusing to ride their free pick-up van and failing to vote the way you were told, can determine if you will retain or not, any or all of the life offerings described above."

Cubans Seek to Draw Attention to Embargo  10/23/2004 AP 

Only Anti-Castro Agitators Need Apply - State Department Flip-Flops on Cuban Visas  10/21/2004 Counterpunch: "To get their visas, the Havana Night artists were provoked by the German promoter and her advisors to disengage themselves from their own government, to show that they were "independent", a visa strategy developed by right-wing advocates as part of a plan to force a "regime change". Clearly, this is the result of unseemly, special treatment afforded to ex-State Department's Office of Cuban Affairs coordinator, Dennis Hays, the right-wing zealot who helped architect this scheme. Their State Department security clearances which normally take months were somehow whisked through in record time ... hmmm."

All Saints’ Church de Guantánamo, Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba, Diócesis Anglicana: Encuentro Conmemorativo por el Centenario a celebrarse del 25 al 27 de febrero del 2005 en la ciudad de Guantánamo, Cuba.  10/18/2004 All Saints’ Church, Guantanamo, Cuba 

Demandan en EEUU al célebre pianista cubano Chucho Valdés  10/17/2004 Nuevo Herald, Miami: "EEl célebre pianista cubano Chucho Valdés, mundialmente reconocido como una leyenda del jazz, tendrá que responder ante un tribunal estadounidense por acusaciones de planear un matrimonio fraudulento para obtener ganancias personales y burlar las restricciones del embargo comercial contra la isla."

U.S. refusal to collaborate with Cuba will incite drug trafficking  10/15/2004 Granma: "Washington has turned down six Cuban proposals to work together to combat drug trafficking."

Despite risks, employee theft in Cuba on rise  10/13/2004 Miami Herald 

Spain bashes EU-Cuba policy  10/13/2004 Reuters: "Spain's new envoy to Cuba has criticised the European Union's policy toward the island and said Madrid would work to thaw relations with President Fidel Castro's Communist government. But Ambassador Carlos Alonso Zaldivar indicated that Spain would not break with the EU's common position on Cuba, which is based on human rights concerns."

Cuba laments death of Haitian intellectual  10/12/2004 CNN 

Cuba Tightens Control Over Tourist Nightlife Spots  10/12/2004 Reuters 

Summary of actions by the DOT to harass and threaten US tourists and visitors to Cuba  10/11/2004 Wisconsin Coalition to Normalize Relations with Cuba 

U.S. Raps Cuba on Its Presence Abroad  10/9/2004 AP: "Elaborating Friday night on Powell's remarks, a State Department official said in an authorized comment that the United States continues to be concerned by Cuba's support for terrorist organizations in Colombia. It said the two largest leftist guerrilla organizations there, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia and the National Liberation Army, continue to maintain a presence and receive training in Cuba. Both are on the State Department's list of international terrorist organizations."

Cattle shipments to Cuba may soon resume  10/9/2004 Bradenton Herald 

El tercer comprador de arroz de EEUU  10/8/2004 AFP: "Cuba se convirtió este año en el tercer mercado del arroz norteamericano, y tiene potencialidades para ocupar el primer lugar, afirmó ayer en La Habana el presidente de la Asociación de Productores de ese grano, Dwitght Roberts."

Summit advocates lifting sanctions on Cuba  10/8/2004 AP 

HIALEAH MAYOR RIPS CUBA POLICY  10/8/2004 Sun Sentinel: "A year ago the Administration said that Cuba had the power to create biological weapons and now they change their story," Martínez said. The influential mayor, a leading Cuban-American Democrat, said he disagrees with Powell's view that Castro no longer poses a danger to the entire hemisphere. Powell said Monday that Castro is "a problem for the Cuban people" but does not represent the same problem for the rest of the hemisphere as he did 15 years ago."

Three hotels in Cuba close to tourism due to shortage of electricity  10/7/2004 CubaNet 

US tightens ban on Cuban cigars  10/7/2004 Jamaica Observer: "The question is often asked whether United States citizens or permanent resident aliens of the United States may legally purchase Cuban goods, including tobacco and alcohol products, in a third country for personal use outside the United States," the notice said. "The answer is no." Breaking the rules can lead to criminal penalties, including fines of up to $1 million for corporations and $250,000 for individuals and up to 10 years in prison, the department said."

Hypocritical rules on Cuba  10/7/2004 Knight Ridder: "A welcome Cuban import to Las Vegas: Cuban performers, live on stage with mambo, rumba, flamenco, colorful costumes and swinging Latin rhythms. An unwelcome Cuban import to Las Vegas: Cuban scholars, academic viewpoints on Latin film, literature, history, politics and economics."

Kerry blasts Powell over Castro remark  10/7/2004 Miami Herald: ''We don't see everything through the lens of Fidel Castro,'' Powell replied according to a transcript of his remarks posted on the department's website. ``Fidel Castro is a problem for the Cuban people. I don't view him as that much of a problem for the rest of the hemisphere. Certainly not the way he was when I was national security advisor -- 15 years ago . . .''

Bush And Kerry: Take A Look At Cuba  10/7/2004 Tampa Tribune 

Block on Cuban scholars sparks protest  10/6/2004 AP: "The State Department's decision to deny visas to 65 Cuban scholars seeking to attend a conference in Las Vegas drew protests Wednesday from Congress and academia."

Cuba swelters as blackouts, crisis persist  10/6/2004 Chicago Tribune 

Religious festivities pale in comparison to previous years  10/6/2004 CubaNet: "What can I tell you, my man, this year things are tough," said one babalawo or Yoruba priest. "What with the blackouts and the scarcity of money, there's not much you can do." This babalawo lives on Zaragoza Street, on a block where 14 babalawos are concentrated. In previous years, the celebrations poured out on the street. This year, all was quiet outside; celebrants remained indoors."

Heavy political and economic tension over Bush’s anti-Cuba measures  10/6/2004 Granma: "But the neglible number of applications approved and the thousands of pending ones are worrying the operators of travel companies and agencies. “It is unacceptable,” business owner Maria Teresa Aral, vice president of ABC Charters in Miami commented. “To me it is as if they are playing with people.” "

No lack of anger, frustration in Cuba - But voices won't be heard in government-run media  10/6/2004 MSNBC 

Demonstrations planned for Cuba trade meeting in Tampa  10/6/2004 Tampa Bay Business Journal 

TNK denies 'oil for food' trading in Iraq and Cuba  10/5/2004 Guardian, UK 

Cuba still deciding fate of Colombian drug lord it captured  10/5/2004 Miami Herald 

Standing with Cuba, V'zuela  10/5/2004 Trinidad & Tobago Express: "Prime Minister Patrick Manning, for instance, was in the good company of both former US president Jimmy Carter and the former US ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago Sally Cowal when he made his recent call before an audience at the International Centre for Strategic Studies to normalise relations with Cuba and Venezuela."

Florida's Hispanic Vote  10/5/2004 Village Voice: "The Cubans are put out with Bush. He allowed several fugitives who fled to U.S. shores to be returned to Cuba and Castro justice. Attacked by right wingers in the community, Bush tried to make up for the blunder by announcing broad travel restrictions by Cuban Americans to Cuba. This angered Cubans who go back and forth to visit relatives. The BBC reports, "[P]olls show that among older Cubans, who tend to be the most hard-line, Mr. Bush's support has slipped from 82 percent—the vote he got in the last election—to 70 percent." Among Cubans born in the U.S., Kerry leads Bush, 58 to 32 percent."

Cuba policies have some rethinking their support for president  10/4/2004 Sun Sentinel, FL 

The meaning of 'solidarity' with Cuba  10/3/2004 Jamaica Observer: "LAST week's disclosure out of Havana that more than 60 Cuban academics have been denied visas by the United States Government to attend this week's conference of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Las Vegas, must serve to remind our region why solidarity should be maintained with the Cuban people."

Cuban Americans' key role in election 2004 Community no longer Republican monolith in Miami  10/3/2004 SF Chronicle 

1.3 million benefit from Venezuela-Cuba literacy programme  10/2/2004 Jamaica Observer: "Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said yesterday that 1.3 million students have graduated from a Cuba-backed literacy programme that has become a banner of his "revolution for the poor.""

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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Last modified: February 09, 2005