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Archive: 7/04

Drought brings Cuba to its knees  7/31/2004 Independent: "Unnoticed by the world, the longest dry period for decades has brought much of Cuba to its knees. Could this be the crisis that finally destroys Fidel's revolution?"

Cuban: U.S. is wrong about 2 exiles  7/31/2004 Miami Herald: "A human rights advocate in Havana criticized U.S. immigration over the detention of two Cuban nationals in Miami for alleged human rights violations in the island."

Spanish firm discovers oil field off Cuba's coast  7/31/2004 VNA: "The Spanish petrochemicals company Repsol-YPF has discovered a large oil field off Cuba's coast, Repsol Chief Operating Officer Ramon Blanco said."

Authorities detain Puerto Ricans who visited Cuba  7/30/2004 AP: "At least 75 Puerto Ricans, who returned from a trip to Cuba, were detained for five hours on Friday in the U.S. Customs receiving area at Mayaguez because they had traveled to Cuba without permission from the U.S. Government. After their release, some of the detainees alleged they had been assaulted by authorities when they confiscated their belongings, which were later returned. "We were mistreated while in custody. Some of our companions were assaulted and pushed while their belongings were confiscated, said 22-year-old college student Coral Martinez."

Bush Charges Castro with Promoting Sex Tourism JFK Rolls Over in His Grave  7/30/2004 Counterpunch 

THE GREAT FLORIDA EX-CON GAME How the 'felon' voter-purge was itself felonious  7/30/2004 Greg Palast 

Red Tape Stalling Havana Nights Show  7/30/2004 KLAS-TV, Las Vegas 

Cuba and the Myth of the 'Independent Libraries'  7/30/2004 Zmag: "According to its strategy of destabilization of Cuban society, the United States, in addition to financing and directing "independent journalists", and "human rights members" has created "independent libraries"(1). The main role of those organizations consists of carrying out a job of disinformation in the heart of the country, and in creating favorable conditions for weakening the nation, which is already in an extremely hostile geopolitical context. Those different splinter groups are shown in the international press as the nucleus of the future "civil and democratic society." The information transnationals still do not deign to give attention to the facts, however easily accessible and verifiable, preferring to talk about internal dissidence."

Get-Tough Policy on Cuba May Backfire Against Bush  7/29/2004 NYT: "But the strategy has pumped life into a voter registration drive among newer Cuban immigrants, who generally favor greater contact with the island and their relatives there. Sergio Bendixen, a longtime pollster based in Miami, said the new measures were drawing supporters and opponents in equal numbers among Cuban-Americans. For a bloc that has been characterized by remarkable electoral cohesion for decades, the split is telling, Mr. Bendixen said. "They've been very controversial," he said of the new restrictions. "The Bush side feels it's going to energize their base. The Democrats feel it has created a very important opening to gain significant support." Jorge Mursuli of Mi Familia Vota, a voter registration drive among Hispanics in Florida, said his nonpartisan operation was signing up as many Democrats as Republicans."

Cubans in grip of record drought  7/29/2004 Sun Sentinel, FL 


Bush's search for clean Cuban hookers goes awry  7/28/2004 Register, UK 

Pedro Pan Lift  7/27/2004 History Buff 

Castro responde a Bush sobre acusaciones de turismo sexual  7/27/2004 Nuevo Herald 

UBS accused of "laundering" Cuban money  7/27/2004 Swiss Info: "Three members of the United States House of Representatives have accused Switzerland's largest bank, UBS, of laundering money for the Cuban government."

The Last American in Havana  7/26/2004 Final Call: "During the past decade, the UN General Assembly has repeatedly condemned the embargo. In that same time, the Soviet Union has collapsed, China has marched toward a free market economy, and the U.S. has normalized relations with Vietnam. The political sea change in those totalitarian countries was accelerated by American cooperation, rather than a get-tough approach. Even many Cubans who staunchly oppose Pres. Castro say that the best way to loosen his lock, and push Cuba toward democratic reform, is to relax restrictions. Even with the embargo, throngs of young people on the streets, clad in hip hop dress and sporting MTV hairstyles, are enthralled by American culture and consumerism. But for now, a thaw in Cuban-American relations remains a pipe dream. And the apprehension that I heard in the voices of many Cubans will remain."

José Martí and Racism: His Visit to Curaçao  7/25/2004 AfroCubaWeb: Eugène Godfried

José Martí y el Racismo: Su Visita a Curazao  7/25/2004 AfroCubaWeb: Eugène Godfried

Cuba's music: A dance of life  7/25/2004 Sun Sentinel, Florida: "Though it seems a century ago, it's only been six years since music fans in the United States first got the opportunity to see Cuban bands play their music live. For South Florida -- so close to Havana yet at times so far from tolerance -- the advent of Cuban touring acts offered an embarrassment of riches: salsa singer Isaac Delgado's regular, albeit semi-clandestine, shows; band leader and flutist Jose Luis Cortez; El Tosco and his mighty NG la Banda came twice in one year; the venerable rumba collective Los Muñequitos de Matanza played a sold-out Jackie Gleason Theater; Los Van Van faced the ire of screaming, bottle-throwing protestors before setting the Miami Arena alight with its torrid brand of salsa."

A Plea For Help - Caribbean American Children Foundation  7/24/2004 AfroCubaWeb: "But, the severe financial crisis that Cuba is enduring, have had a negative impact on the spartan living conditions of these students, who urgently needs all of our moral and material support and encouragement. In order for us to clearly understand the importance of this project, suffice to say that if those Haitian students that are presently enrolled would successfully graduate, that would mean a 25% increase in Haiti's present physician pool."



Cuba mystery money gets scrutiny  7/23/2004 Miami Herald: "Although U.S. investigators who examined the Iraqi hoard determined the banks had not sent U.S. cash directly to Baghdad, they discovered UBS had illegally transferred about $5 billion to Cuba, Libya, Iran and the former Yugoslavia. The Federal Reserve Board canceled its contract with UBS last year and in May fined it $100 million for the violations. Still unclear is why UBS employees violated the U.S. regulations, and then tried to conceal the Cuban deals by altering the bank's records. No one has so far been charged with any crimes."

U.S. grants 20,000 Cuban immigrant visas  7/22/2004 AP 

Castro's sex-trade point lost on Bush, student says  7/22/2004 Miami Herald: "Trumbull described himself as ''annoyed'' by the use the White House made of his undergraduate research project. ''It is really disheartening to see bits of my research contorted, taken out of context, and used to support conclusions that are contrary to the truth,'' Trumbull said."

‘We must say No to the politicians’ An interview with Antonio Castañeda, Babalawo and president of the Yoruba Society of Cuba  7/22/2004 Progresso Weekly 

Don’t count Alex out  7/22/2004 Progresso Weekly: "But the Bush-Kerry scenario is not what I’d like to discuss in today’s column. I mention Bush-Kerry because of Miami-Dade Mayor Alex Penelas’ quest to become the first Cuban U.S. senator: A pursuit that many in Florida are calling quixotic. I disagree. Let me explain why, and the reason I even bring up Kerry and Bush. This past weekend I spent it in the Orlando area. I was there training Latino members of the community who will be working on SVREP voter registration projects in this area. The group consisted of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Nicaraguans, Dominicans, Venezuelans and Cubans. And during the weekend the name Alex Penelas came up – several times."

U.S. to respond to Bahamas/Cuba relations  7/21/2004 Nassau Guardian 

Penelas' stand on Cuba travel less than clear  7/20/2004 Miami Herald 

Miami Caravan Protests Bush’s anti-Cuban Measures  7/19/2004 AIN, Cuba 

Travelers return after defying Cuban travel restrictions  7/19/2004 AP 

Car caravan in Miami protests Bush’s measures  7/19/2004 Granma: not a word in the Herald or el Nuevo Herald - "The caravan, which drove for two hours along a route from central Hialeah to Bicentennial Park in downtown Miami, comprised more than 250 vehicles adorned with Cuban and U.S. flags and posters protesting Bush’s measures. Along the way, other motorists and pedestrians on sidewalks and corners raised their arms to express their support. Few opposing gestures were seen."

For American author, music tells tale  7/19/2004 Miami Herald: "But for those who are unfamiliar with Cuba's daily grind, the book will deliver lyrical insight into the potential for music, especially hip-hop, to confront the inequalities and discrimination on the island. Robinson based his book on just nine short visits to the island. He was simultaneously on assignment for The Washington Post, originally covering a story on the post-Buena Vista Social Club brouhaha…"

Dancing with Fidel in a changing Cuba Journalist explores the country's culture through its vibrant musical history and future.  7/18/2004 Miami Herald 

President's sex-tourism allegation riles Cubans  7/18/2004 Miami Herald: "''I've never heard anything as pig-filthy as that,'' said Marta Rojas, a celebrated Cuban author. ''The nose of Pinocchio'' -- as some Cubans call Bush -- ``is so long it can't get any longer.'' ...To back up his claim, Bush cited the Protection Project, a human rights research institute at Johns Hopkins University. In a three-page report posted on its Internet site, the group said that while ''little information is available,'' Cuba is ''increasingly reported to be a major destination for sex tourists.'' That finding was based mostly on newspaper clippings, most from the 1990s, one going back to 1994."

Cuba: Country Report  7/18/2004 Protection Project 

Tampa protest shows divide on Bush's Cuba travel policy  7/18/2004 St Petersburg Times: "Carbonelo and about 150 other rain-soaked protesters lined Himes Avenue near Columbus Drive on Saturday morning to show opposition to the new travel restrictions, which allow visits to immediate family in Cuba only once every three years. Just across Himes, though, stood a group of more than 100 supporters of Bush's policy - evidence that for Cuban Americans, a vital voting bloc in Florida, this issue is as divisive as any in an already contentious election year. "This represents a split among Cuban Americans," said Maura Barrios, assistant director of the Latin American and Caribbean studies department at the University of South Florida. "A lot of them were saying they were Republicans who voted for Bush, and they're not voting for him anymore because of this particular issue." "

In Ybor City, Castor Blasts Cuba Rules  7/18/2004 Tampa Bay Tribune: "Betty Castor opened an 8,000-square-foot headquarters in Ybor City on Saturday, using the event to come out against President Bush's new policy adding restrictions on travel to Cuba. Last week, she began airing a TV ad, a biographical spot that served to introduce her to voters."

Exiles  7/18/2004 Washington Post: "Once they considered themselves black freedom fighters. The FBI considered them armed and dangerous. After more than a generation as fugitives in Castro's Cuba, they are living pieces of unfinished business."

Pulse of a Nation - Reviewed by Tom Miller  7/18/2004 Washington Post 

Bush's Cuba policy could cost him votes  7/17/2004 Miami Herald 

US makes embargo exception in cancer drug deal with Cuba  7/16/2004 AFP: "To take part in the deal, the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control issued the US company a license authorizing CancerVax and its Tarcanta subsidiaries to enter into transactions with CIMAB, S.A., a Cuban biotechnology company, and YM BioSciences, a Canadian firm."

Cuba study abroad trip canceled  7/15/2004 Daily Northwestern 

CARTAS A JUAN GUALBERTO GÓMEZ  7/15/2004 Jiribilla: incluyendo "Protesta de los cubanos de color de Key West"

EN EL FIEL DE LA PATRIA  7/15/2004 Jiribilla: "Nicolás Guillén, que compartió noches de tertulias habaneras con Juan Gualberto, destaca su don de conversador, su sentido del humor y pone de relieve "la máscula tarea de fraguar nuestra nacionalidad (…), su penetración política para fijar el verdadero papel que correspondía al negro cubano en la lucha contra España"."

GALERÍA de fotos -- Juan Gualberto Gómez  7/15/2004 Jiribilla 

JOYA DE NUESTRA HISTORIA  7/15/2004 Jiribilla: Juan Gualberto Gómez - "Votó contra la Enmienda Platt todo el tiempo, incluso, cuando se produce el chantaje por parte de Estados Unidos que amenazó la soberanía cubana, si no se aprobaba la Enmienda. Jamás se avino al chantaje, como sucedió con otros cubanos. Mantuvo su actitud patriótica, la defensa de sus ideales, de sus principios, que no eran más que los ideales y principios de José Martí."

JUAN GUALBERTO GÓMEZ Y LA RAZA DE COLOR  7/15/2004 Jiribilla: "Para la década del 40 del siglo XX había un gran nivel de frustración por el silencio que con respecto al tema negro existía. Una manera de enfrentar este silencio fue la aparición de biografías de los negros y mulatos más sobresalientes de Cuba. Por eso la editorial de Ciencias Sociales, como una manera de rendirles tributo ha decidido reeditar la biografía: Juan Gualberto Gómez: un gran inconforme."

JUAN GUALBERTO GÓMEZ, ANTIPLATISTA Y ANTIMPERIALISTA  7/15/2004 Jiribilla: "Cuando el 20 de mayo de 1902 se proclama la República de Cuba, en muchos pechos quedaba la huella más amarga, la de la Enmienda Platt. Junto al ex presidente de la República en Armas, Salvador Cisneros Betancourt y otros patriotas, Juan Gualberto Gómez encabezó la batalla de la dignidad, en nombre del pueblo de Cuba."

UN PATRIOTA ENTERO  7/15/2004 Jiribilla: "El 11 de junio de 1892 José Martí elogia en Patria la entrada de Juan Gualberto a la Sociedad Económica: “Él quiere a Cuba con aquel amor de vida y muerte (...). Él tiene el tesón del periodista, la energía del organizador y la visión distante del hombre de estado”."

Bush losing support among Cuban voters  7/15/2004 Radio Progresso 

The sense of movement makes the difference  7/15/2004 Radio Progresso: "When after almost 20 years of not communicating with its émigrés, the Cuban government in 1979 authorized their entry to Cuba, a good part of the population reacted with indignation to what it considered a surrender to its enemies. Fidel Castro had to defend this decision more than any other made by the revolutionary government. I remember hearing him say that only the conservatives from one side and the other were opposed to the policy."

Cuba restraining entertainers  7/14/2004 Dallas Morning News: "Cuban officials are threatening to block what would be the biggest Cuban music and dance extravaganza to journey to the United States in more than a half-century, leaders of the production said Wednesday. Members of Havana Night Club, a lively Tropicana-style show, have performed before more than 2 million people in 16 countries since 1999. But when the legendary illusionists Siegfried & Roy wanted them to make their U.S. debut in Las Vegas, Cuban officials said they couldn't go."

Keep the Cuba embargo? Yes By Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart  7/14/2004 KRT 

Victims of tugboat's sinking by Cuban vessels honored  7/14/2004 Miami Herald 

Cuba informs US of drug kingpin arrest  7/13/2004 AFP 

Music: a window on a new Cuba  7/13/2004 MSNBC: "There's a national newscast on Cuban television every night at eight, but it's slow and stilted, and everyone knows it's far from complete. The music of Cuba is the real news. Those who make the music are the real journalists, analysts, social commentators. To understand what's happening in Cuba, you have to meet the musicians and listen to their fabulous music."

Castro reins in Cuban tourism  7/13/2004 Reuters 

Otto Reich: A Career in Disservice  7/13/2004 Scoop, New Zealand 

Bush Says Castro Welcomes Sex Tourism  7/13/2004 South Idaho Press: "President Bush on Friday accused Fidel Castro of exploiting Cuba's children by encouraging a sex-tourism industry designed to draw cash to the impoverished nation, comments certain to resonate with Cuban-American voters in the swing state of Florida. "The regime in Havana, already one of the worst violators of human rights in the world, is adding to its crimes. The dictator welcomes sex tourism," Bush said at a conference on "human trafficking" _ forced labor, sex and military service… The president said an "influx of American and Canadian tourists contributed to a sharp increase in child prostitution in Cuba," a claim he attributed to a report from the Protection Project, a legal human-rights research institute based at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies."

Cuba, Caribbean community to start dialogues  7/13/2004 VNA: "Cuban newspapers on Tuesday reported that foreign ministers from the Caribbean community (CARICOM) and Cuba will meet in Havana on July 15 to discuss bilateral relations and ways to strengthen cooperation. Eight FMs and one temporary FM have confirmed their attendance at the meeting in addition to four government ministers. This is the first Cuba-CARICOM FM-level meeting, as part of an agreement reached in Havana in December 2002 at a Cuba-CARICOM summit designed to boost cohesion between Cuba and this Caribbean bloc."

U.S. aid group visits Cuba, defying law  7/11/2004 Miami Herald: "A group of about 120 volunteers arrived in Cuba in defiance of U.S. policy after sending a caravan of vehicles filled with goods from Mexico."

Cuba Confirms Arrest of Colombian Cocaine Kingpin in Havana  7/11/2004 VOA 

Poll: Bush support slips among Cubans  7/10/2004 Sun Sentinel: "The poll, done by the William C. Velásquez Institute and the MirRam Group, a New York-based survey research firm, found that 66 percent of Cuban-American registered and eligible voters in Florida support Bush. That's down from the estimated 82 percent who voted for Bush in 2000, said Antonio Gonzalez, president of the institute."

Drought in Cuba extends to hydroelectric output  7/9/2004 CubaNet 

Company fined for selling vaccines to Cuba  7/9/2004 Granma: this fits within the definition of genocide, see

U.S. medical students leave Cuba for fear of Bush measures  7/9/2004 Granma 

House Rejects Rule on Sending Goods to Cuba - 46 Republicans Rebuff Bush on Initiative  7/9/2004 Washington Post 

Bush Losing Support Among Cuban Voters  7/9/2004 WCVI 

U.S.-Cuba Friendshipment Caravan crosses the border  7/8/2004 Granma 

Norteamericanos siguen viajando a cuba bajo amenazas de bush  7/8/2004 Jiribilla 

Drought threatens cattle herd in Las Tunas  7/7/2004 CubaNet 

Mass eviction in Casablanca  7/7/2004 CubaNet: "Amid a massive display of force, authorities evicted a number of people in several families June 30, apparently in order to clear a slum known as Bachiplan on the road between Casablanca and the Bahía neighborhood in Regla municipality."

Ithaca to proclaim a "Cuban Friendship Week"  7/7/2004 News 10, NY: "A group in Ithaca wants the government to lift a ban on traveling to Cuba, saying Uncle Sam can't tell them where and when they can travel - and some politicians in Ithaca are following suit. Wednesday, Ithaca Mayor Carolyn Peterson will put her seal on a proclamation dubbing June 18th through 24th as "Cuban Friendship Week" in the city."

Pastors Leave Texas for Embargo-Busting Cuba Trip  7/7/2004 Reuters: "There was a lot of planned attention to us, but there was no effort to stop us, no effort to harass us," Walker said. The group was set to arrive in Havana on Friday, then return to the U.S. 10 days later. Government officials would not say whether the "caravanistas," as they call themselves, would be prosecuted upon return, but Walker said they had been told to expect something would be done. "They wouldn't stop us (today), but they'll get us when we come back," he said. "

Cuba's complex reality defies simple solutions  7/7/2004 The Heritage Foundation 

Venceremos Brigade Launches Cuba Travel Challenge July 4: Group Travels to Cuba "Unlicensed" to Oppose Bush Travel Restrictions  7/6/2004 Common Dreams 

Bush aims weapons of malnutrition at Cuba  7/6/2004 CSM 

Religious Leader Visits Cuban Prisoner in US  7/6/2004 Cuba Now: "South-African religious leader Michael Lapsley, president of the Association of Friendship with Cuba in South Africa, visited one of the five Cubans imprisoned in the United States, Gerardo Hernandez, in the Lompoc Federal Prison."

Letter from Washington: Tougher rules on Cuba could tip Florida's vote  7/6/2004 IHT: "Witnesses at the airport said Cuban-Americans became angry and shouted anti-Bush sentiments when they were told the charter flights had been suspended. "It is truly un-American what is happening with these restrictions. I was hurting deeply," said Silvia Wilhelm, a Democrat and Cuban-American activist. . "I'm going to vote this year, and I'm voting for Kerry. Sorry, Mr. President, but you are going to lose Florida for sure," vowed Maricela Alvarez-Savigne, 56, a U.S. citizen living in Tampa who found out last week she could not make a planned trip to Cuba to visit her son, elderly mother and grandchildren."

Medical Educators Oppose New White House Limits on Academic Travel to Cuba  7/6/2004 Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba: "Dr. Peter G. Bourne, Chair of the MEDICC Board, addressed comments to the Treasury Department today, attaching letters from 26 deans and directors of international study programs at U.S. health sciences schools, which gave MEDICC high marks."

Spanish Seek Oil Off Cuba, as Americans Watch Silently  7/6/2004 NYT 

Powell prescribes Cuba travel waiver for U.S. medical students  7/6/2004 USA Today: ""He did the right thing," said Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., who wrote the letter to the secretary of State. "This case was very compelling. Students should not be penalized by election-year politics." "

Dominica's leader says students jailed in Cuba to be released soon  7/6/2004 Virgin Island Daily News 

Medical students flee Cuba in fear of new U.S. rules  7/5/2004 Dallas Morning News 

Cuba's Communists launch crackdown  7/5/2004 Financial Times: "Cuba's ruling Communist party has launched a far-reaching assault on "corruption and illegalities" that could lead to the expulsion of moderate members. The campaign - yet to be reported by official government media - reflects the party's ideological retrenchment and underlines the extent to which the government has renounced its timid market-oriented reforms of the early 1990s. Over the past two or three months members of the party's political bureau have been visiting local party branches to tell militants that they have one last chance to clean up their acts. The new focus on corruption has been accompanied by measures to strip state businesses of their limited operational autonomy and to scrap executive perks such as expense accounts."


This is how you bring down Fidel Castro?  7/4/2004 Miami Herald: "The punitive new rules sit just fine with hardline Cuban-American politicians and most older exiles, who tend to vote Republican in large numbers. However, many middle-aged and younger Cuban Americans deeply resent being told when they can travel to Cuba, whom they can visit, how long they can stay and how much they can spend. These exiles vote, too, though the president had better hope that they don't."

MÚSICOS CUBANOS LLAMAN A COLEGAS DE EEUU A TENDER PUENTE DE AMISTAD  7/3/2004 Jiribilla: ""Hoy estamos convocando, desde Cuba, al segundo Puente Musical (Music Bridge) entre los artistas de ambos países. Esta es nuestra propuesta ante tanta calumnia e infamia. Llegue a todos, el saludo de los indetenibles músicos cubanos". En la presidencia de la conferencia de prensa se encontraban los músicos Ele Valdés y Carlos Alfonso (Síntesis), Pablo Menéndez, Amaury Pérez, Bellita y Giraldo Piloto, este último director del grupo Klímax y considerado uno de los mejores 'drummers' (baterista) del mundo. Amaury Pérez, hijo mayor de una famosa pareja de artistas fundadores de la televisión en los albores de los 50, fue enfático cuando dijo: "las medidas de Bush son de corte electoral y no se sostienen por sí mismas, son indefendibles porque atentan contra la familia y los derechos de los estadounidenses"."

Musicians criticize U.S.-Cuba travel ban  7/2/2004 AP: "The musicians, who produce jazz, Afro-Cuban music and a ballad style known as Cuban trova, tied their comments to Tuesday's release of "Bridge to Havana," a combination CD-DVD produced by dozens of U.S. and Cuban artists during a songwriting workshop and cultural exchange program in Havana in 1999."

Un puente por encima del odio de la Casa Blanca  7/1/2004 Granma: "A los músicos cubanos les asisten todas las razones humanas para pensar que es posible un fecundo diálogo cultural con sus colegas norteamericanos. Por eso ayer lanzaron la idea de concebir una nueva versión del Music Bridge, puente musical que hace cinco años reunió en La Habana a un centenar de artistas de los dos países, junto a compañeros de profesión británicos, y derivó en un intenso taller de creación, cuyo colofón tuvo lugar en el teatro Karl Marx."

Cuba sanctions hit home for families in Miami  7/1/2004 Miami Herald: "The new measures have left Cuban Miami tense and divided. The early exiles, those who left Cuba in the early 1960s, mostly favor the sanctions. Those who have arrived since 1990, with fresher ties to the island, seem largely opposed." [More like those who arrived since 1980, but that's the Herald…]

Cuba-U.S. Policies Pave Way for Military Intervention  7/1/2004 Reuters: "Alarcon warned Cubans that nationalized property would be privatized, small farmers evicted by former landowners and the social security, welfare and education systems dismantled."

Cuba sanctions come back to bite Bush  7/1/2004 The Age: "The new sanctions ban luggage over 20 kilograms. Visitors will be allowed to spend only $US50 ($A70) a day while in Cuba, down from $US300 a day, plus $US50 on transport. Half the exiles in Florida also send dollars to relatives in Cuba totalling about $US100 million a year. Remittance limits have been cut from $US1200 to $US900 a year. Clothing, fishing tackle, soap-making equipment, seeds and other favourite items are to be banned from mercy parcels. Food is still permitted, together with vitamins, medicines, batteries and radios to listen to US-funded stations broadcast out of Little Havana."

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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Last modified: September 26, 2004