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  Mala Lengua

Before Calabar Burns, 8/8/2008
Etubom Traditional Council of the Efik Nation
The Cuban Abakuá are Efik in origin

The press release below relates a history of the depredations of the Cross River State's private militias and how they are organized to keep the corrupt in power. The pictures on the left show machete wounds inflicted by the Cross River State backed militias.

Abakuá on AfroCubaWeb

Victims of the militias 
sponsored by Cross River State.

Militia victim with head and back machete wounds


Machete wounds to the feet.














Death Squad attacks Obong Palace, Cross River State, Nigeria 8/25/08 The Obong, traditional ruler of the Efik, escapes unhurt, many are wounded.  Efik Ékpč lodges are ancestral to the Cuban Abakuá.

Bassey Ekpo Bassey, the Obong or traditional ruler of the Efik.

Abakuá on AfroCubaWeb

Cuban Abakuá fueling a resurgence of traditional Ekpe culture in Cross River Delta, Nigeria - Statement by ‘Iberedem’ Fred Eno Essien, ‘Ukai’ of Ibibioland, and prominent Ekpe leader from Uruan, 1/08  Chief Ekpenyong Eyo Honesty Eyo II, reflects upon the impact that knowledge of Cubban Abakua is having upon Ekpe leaders of the Cross River region, 1/08  Chief Ekong Imona reflects upon the impact of the Cubans in Calabar, 2/08

Ekpo Ekeng, Youth leader of Cobham Town and member of Calabar Mgbe, is interviewed on the recent events in Calabar, 8/08



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